% psibycus.ltx-- P.A.  MacKay -- July 16, 1999
% Pierre A. MacKay, Dept. of Classics, University of Washington
% mackay@cs.washington.edu
% ------------------------
% An example of ibycus4 using LaTeX2e and calling on the type1
% font IbycusHTG-Regular in place of fibr84
% Text from D. L. Page, {\it Greek Melic Poets}, (Oxford, 1962), p. 148
%     accepting the emendations of Mehlhorn and Hermann.  



\leavevmode\llap{)=}Hri me`n ai(' te Kudw'niai\\
mhli'des a)rdo'menai r(oa=n\\
e)k pota'mwn i('na Parqe'nwn\\
kh=pos a)kh'ratos, ai(' t' oi)nanqi'des\\
au)co'menai skie'roisin u(f' e('rnesin\\
oi)nare'ois qale'qoisin; e)moi` d' e)'ros\\
ou)demi'an kata'koitos w('ran.\\
<a)ll' a(' >q' u(po` steropa=s fle'gwn\\
Qrhi+'kios Bore'as a)i's|-\\
\quad swn para` Ku'pridos a)zale'ais mani'aisin e)remno`s a)qambh`s\\
e)gkrate'ws pedo'qen \dagger fla'sen\dagger\\
h(mete'ras fre'nas.
