New Computer Modern Fonts (Package version 7.0.2, GustFLv1 or later) Antonis Tsolomitis Samos, Greece, 2019--2025 This is a release of a new assembly of ComputerModern fonts that extents the family with more shapes and more mathematical glyphs and other goodies. It also includes glyphs for non latin alphabets which are considered compatible in style to CM fonts. ======================================================================= Use with: \usepackage[default]{fontsetup} (loads the Book weight) or \usepackage{newcomputermodern} OR \usepackage[olddefault]{fontsetup} (loads the Regular weight) or \usepackage[regular]{newcomputermodern} (loads the Regular weight) OR \usepackage[sansdefault]{fontsetup} (loads the Regular Sans weight) or \usepackage[sansdefault]{newcomputermodern} (loads the Regular Sans weight) OR \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont{NewCM10-Book} \setsansfont{NewCMSans10-Book} \setmonofont{NewCMMono10-Book} and similarly for the Regular weight or the Sans family. ======================================================================= The fonts contain Latin and accented latin letters and combinations, Greek (monotonic and polytonic), Cyrillic, Hebrew, and Cherokee. As of version 3.90 they are distributed in 10pt size in *all* families and series and in 8pt size in Roman (Regular Italic Book BookItalic) and Sans (Regular, Oblique, Book, BookOblique). As of version 5.0 the Devanagari script is supported for Languages Hindi (default), Sanskrit, Marathi and Nepali in Regular/Book 08/10pt and Bold 10t. As of version 6.0.0 a Bold Math font has been added. As of version 7.0.0 a Sans Math font has been added. The Math fonts (Regular, Book, Bold and Sans) support fully all Unicode blocks of Mathematics providing the widest possible Mathematical coverage. The fonts have their own protrusion settings through the microtype package which are distributed with microtype. ====================================================================== How to build the package from source ------------------------------------ (a) convert the sfd files to otf using the script with contents the next three lines: #!/usr/bin/fontforge Open($1) Generate($1:r + ".otf") Assume the above script is called sfd2otf After making it executable cd in the sfd folder and execute for i in *.sfd; do sfd2otf $i; done (b) copy/move the otf files either in $HOME/texmf/tex/fonts/opentype/newcomputermodern/ or in your TeX installation or in the folder that contains newcm-doc.tex In any case, the command kpsewhich NewCM10-Regular.otf must return the newly installed font. (c) cd in the folder that contains newcm-doc.tex and run xelatex-unsafe newcm-doc.tex or (in newer installations) xelatex newcm-doc.tex (the xelatex-unsafe if for using gs properly) ==================================================== Latest additions/improvements: ------------------------------ Version 7.0.2 Fontspec files reworked to fully support slshape and scshape in all text faces. Additional fontspec files for Mono-Regular+Book to cover the missing Oblique Mono fonts. Some more kerning for upright partialdiff and some capital letters. Version 7.0.1 Math kerning introduced for Latin Italic Math Capitals and Capital Calligraphics with period and comma. Several metrics bug fixes. Version 7.0.0 Added NewCMSansMath-Regular Sans letters used for math variables are a new design (and not the original with a slant) so they really look as variables! NewCM mathbb/symbb symbols in Sans have been reworked to match the Sans design in both style and wight. Same goes for mathcal/symcal letters. Math Kerning has been introduced in ALL math fonts to compensate for bad spacing especially of the index of mathcal/symcal letters. Added ss06 and ss07 to be selected for auto middle beta and theta in Greek. The kerning of Greek Oblique block has been greatly improved; "theorem" statements now look much better. testmath-newcm.tex/pdf has been added to the documentation from the AMS bundle to showcase the new SansMath font. Version 6.0.0 Added Bold Math font NewCM mathbb symbols (in ss03) have been reworked and they now match the design of ComputerModern fonts (the AMSbb remain the default) AMSbb and NewCMbb are now provided in SmallCaps for special applications (see the documentation) in ss05 An additional operator similar to \sum and \int has been added to the Math fonts. Namely now it is possible to convolute many function in the usual shorthand notation mathematicians use. The new operator is called: \convolution Added Currency Symbols font in all text fonts (except Uncials) Fixed several typos in Lookup tables thanks to Eric Biedert Fixed CapHeight parameter in OS2 tables for some of the fonts thanks to Max Kortge Version 5.2.0 Added Cherokee in the Sans font too Added Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics to Sans Added Allergies symbols to Sans Regular and Book Added twoheadhookrightarrow and twoheadhookleftarrow to the Math fonts in Private USe Area, since they are needed and do not exist in Unicode. Fixed minor IPA tilde overlapping bugs Version 5.1 Added Aegean Numbers in the Sans font Added one.oldstyle.alt and one.taboldstyle.alt in cv06 Added missing ligatures in dlig for ch, ck, and il Added right kerning for the sequence uni026D slash Replaced fspdefault.sty and fspolddefault.sty with fspdefault.tex and fspolddefault.tex in newcomputermodern.sty Version 5.01 Brought back the AMS blackboard bold as the default and moved the newcm bb in ss03 Version 5.0 Support for Devanagari in Regular/Book 08/10pt and Bold 10t. Support of the Unicode Devanagari Block as variable letters and numbers in Math fonts with auto selection for the numbers in ss04. Addition in the Math fonts of a matching mathbb design keeping the AMS mathbb in ss03 if preferred. Two levels of scriptness in capitals. One as default with \mathcal and anotther in ss01. Lowercase script are also avalable with \mscrX where X is any of the latin lowercase letters. Their design match the ss01 capitals. (Notice that this was already supported in version 4.7 but it was forgotten to be included in the documentation.) Complete support in all fonts for the diacritics Unicode block U0300--U036F with stacking support. A lot of improvements in BoldSans design. Completion of the Greek+Coptic block in all fonts (it was complete only in Regular/Book 10pt). Version 4.7 Many improvements in Bold Sans 10. Version 4.6 Small fixes with some latin accented letters such as a grave, e grave etc. Version 4.5 Small fixes in text fonts for alternate a and g for IPA use in ss05 Changes for | and \| in math fonts to precicely match Knuth's cmex fonts Version 4.4 Bug fix: removed ch lig from default liga of NewCM10-BookItalic Version 4.3 Fixed non integer coordinates on slyphs 5,6,9 which caused problems with some printers. Added a couple of IPA combinations that were missing from v4.2 Version 4.2 Added the possibility to typeset IPA properly in all faces/families. Added the possibility to typeset prosodic marks in Greek. Some bug fixes. Version 4.1 Added kerning pairs for Greek (from the cbgreek fonts) that accidentally were missing from some of the fonts. The fonts must be metrically compatible with lm, cbgreek and cm-unicode for the cyrillic glyphs. Version 4.0 Greatly improved support for diacritics stacking. Full support for Coptic and Coptic Epact Numbers. New shapes: Medieval Latin and Uncial Greek in the new fonts NewCMUncial. More Math symbols with optical sizes such as +, -, *, \perp, etc. Support for Papyrology for Greek and Archaic Greek. Support for Chemistry upright Greek letters. New documentation file newcm-doc.pdf in the doc/ folder. Version 3.93 Provides access to Russian and Greek guillemotleft and guillemotright using the character variant tables cv3 and cv4 respectively. The Math fonts provide the character \varnothing, an alternative to \emptyset, through Character Variant cv01. The fontsetup package provides the option 'varnothing' to easily switch to the alternative character. It also corrects the width of the character uni2800 in the Braille block. Version 3.92 Fixes a naming problem of the .fontspec files. Version 3.91 Fixes a problem with internal names of fonts and families. The family names now are NewComputerModern08 NewComputerModern10 NewComputerModernSans08 NewComputerModernSans10 NewComputerModernMono10 NewComputerModernMath Fixes a bug with fb ligature. Version 3.90 introduces ---the 8pt fonts. ---It adds support for diacritics stacking in all Latin glyphs and Hebrew (nikud) in Roman (Regular, Italic, Book, and BookItalic). I thank Manuel Boni for the suggestion. Diacritics stacking will expand to all fonts of NewCM in the future but at the current state it provides also a working set of free fonts so that the unicode TeX engines can test their support of this feature. Stacking for Greek and papyrological work will be added soon, as we fix bugs towards version 4.00 ---Cyrillic BoldSans at 10pt has been "fixed" to a true bold instead of being a stroke expansion, completing similar work done in previous versions for other scripts. ---Source sfd files are now included in the distribution since there has been work on composite/accented glyphs to be constructed automatically in fontforge. This greately reduces the size of the sources and provides for easier maintenance. This work is not available in all of the fonts (not in sans yet) but it is already substantial to justify the release. Antonis Tsolomitis Professor University of the Aegean Department of Mathematics Samos, Greece History of changes follows: --------------------------------------------------- Version 3.02 fixes a CounterMasks problem that made Acrobat not opening correctly documents created with the Book weight. --------------------------------------------------- Version 3.00 provides full support of all Mathematics Unicode Slots presented in adding hundreds of new glyphs in both Math weights, Regular and Book: Mathematical Symbols Arrows (uni2190--uni21FF) Supplemental Arrows-A (uni27F0--uni27FF) Supplemental Arrows-B (uni2900--uni297F) Supplemental Arrows-C (u1F800--u1F8FF) Additional Arrows (uni2B00--uni2BFF) Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows (uni2B00--uni2BFF)) Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols (u1D400--u1D7FF) Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols (u1EE00--u1EEFF) Letterlike Symbols (uni2100--uni214F) Mathematical Operators (uni2200--uni22FF) Basic operators: Plus, Factorial (uni0000--uni007F) Division, Multiplication (uni0080--uni00FF) Supplemental Mathematical Operators (uni2A00--uni2AFF) Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A (uni27C0--uni27EF) Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B (uni2980--uni29FF) Floors and Ceilings (uni2308--uni230B) Invisible Operators (uni2061--uni2064) Geometric Shapes (uni25A0--25FF) Additional Shapes (uni2B00--uni2BFF) Box Drawing (uni2500--uni257F) Block Elements (uni2580--uni259F) Geometric Shapes Extended (u1F780--u1F7FF) If a slot of the above is not covered it should be considered a bug. In this case please report the missing glyph/slot. It will be added as soon as possible. The included file newcm-unimath-symbols.pdf is out of date, since the extra symbols can not be shown in this file as unicode-math package does not provide yet commands for all these new glyphs. The user can consult the Unicode charts at the above link and access the required glyph with \char"# where # is the Unicode number of the slot the glyph belongs to. For example, \char"2BDA will give the Hygeia symbol (uni2BDA) the Rod of Asclepius. --------------------------------------------------- Version 2.32 adds support for Braille patterns. Both 6dot (uni2801--uni283F) and 8dit (uni2840--uni28FF) patters are included. They have been added in two styles: for sighted persons (such as teachers) in the serifed upright fonts and for blind persons in the sans upright fonts. The Math fonts (both Regular and Book weights) now include upright integrals in the ss02 StylisticSet. Use with \setmathfont[StylisticSet=2]{NewCMMath-Book.otf} or \setmathfont[StylisticSet=2]{NewCMMath-Regular.otf} or use the upint option of the fontsetup package with \usepackage[upint,default]{fontsetup} for the Book weight, or \usepackage[upint,olddefault]{fontsetup} for the regular weight. This version fixes wrong liga tables for standard ligatures (fi, ff etc) for the Sans family, thanks to Manuel Boni. It also adds a newcomputermodern.sty file. --------------------------------------------------- Version 2.3 adds all kerning found in tipa package for the IPA symbols following a suggestion of Huanyu Liu. Moreover, the letters eth, eng, beta, theta and chi exists in IPA-style in the fonts and are accessible in the ss05 lookup table since they are in a different design from the Latin and Greek letters. You can access this lookup table using the \textipa and \textsansipa commands of the latest fontsetup package and the default and olddefault options or setup your own. --------------------------------------------------- Version 2.2 adds Ancient Greek Numerals (u10140-u1018E) to all fonts (except Mono & Math). The four numerals that already existed in this range (that is u10144-u10147) have been altered to the new design matching the style of cm but also provide some Ancient Greek flair. Commands for accessing these glyphs are provided by the fontsetup package. The Math font now provides two more symbols that correspond to the commands \nrightrightarrows (equivalently \not\rightrightarrows) \nleftleftarrows (equivalently \not\leftleftarrows) and supported by the defaul and olddefault options of the fontsetup package. These symbols are not in the Unicode Standard and so they are added in the Private Area of the fonts. A modified file (newcm-unicode-symbols.pdf) based on unicode-symbols.pdf by Will Robertson is also provided showing the math glyphs of the font in comparison with other fonts found on ctan. --------------------------------------------------- Version 2.1 fixes bugs thanks to Manuel Boni. It also introduces Old Italic (u10300--u1032F) in the Sans font. The Serif font now includes additional ligatures fb ffb ffh ffj ffk fft fh fj ft fk and the same with longs instead of f in the default liga table (in addition to the default fi fl ffi ffl ff). It also includes an alternative k (in the cv01 table) and sp ch ck ct st in the dlig table. Finally it also inludes "end" versions of the letters a, e, m, n and r in the cv02 table. --------------------------------------------------- Version 2.0 adds hundrends of new glyphs in the Math font matching at least STIX fonts in glyph coverage. The Serif fonts now support Hebrew and Cherokee. Finally, a long awaited feature, a Book weight for ComputerModern is added (math included). This is now the default option of the fontsetup package. It produces slightly heavier output suitable for book production with high resolution printing. --------------------------------------------------- Version 1.1 concerns mainly a very big number of glyphs added to the Math font. It is now comparable in glyph coverage with other free or commercial Math fonts on CTAN. Text fonts have been extended to include LATIN CAPITAL LETTER SHARP S (U+1E9E)---thanks to Karl Barry. Finally thanks go to Robert Alessi for providing the fontspec files included in this release. --------------------------------------- Version 1.003 Several fixes in all fonts especially in polytonic regions. Ypogegrammeni is the default for all characters including small caps. Prosgegrammeni is offered as alt shape in ss01 lookup including small caps. If you use the fontsetup package with the [default] option, capitals with prosgegrammeni are accessible using the \textprosgegrammeni{} or the {\prosgegrammeni } commands. Especially Greek Bold Sans have been considerably improved in a true bold and not an extended stroke of the regular. Math font has improved its Greek Bold Sans, and a Greek Sans is included in Private Area as this is not in Unicode standard. The fontsetup package should support access to Greek Regular Sans letters ushape and oblique if loaded with the [default] option. Sans Serif Regular font now provides access to 6 bce and 4 bce Greek capitals in ss0X lookups. The fontsetup package includes commands such as \textivbce{}, \ivbce, \textvibce{} and \vibce to access them if loaded with the [default] option. --------------------------------------- Version 1.002 for the Mono fonts have considerable improved iota and all polytonic accents of Greek. Thanks to Professor Claudio Beccari for providing information about the need for this improvement. ---------------------------------------