% % $Header: tags.doc,v 1.1 85/12/19 21:23:29 sven Exp $ %------------------------------------------------------------------ % % $Source: /usr.MC68020/piraten/sven/lib/tex/RCS/tags.doc,v $ % $Revision: 1.1 $ % $Date: 85/12/19 21:23:29 $ % $State: Exp $ % $Author: sven $ % $Locker: $ % %------------------------------------------------------------------ % $Log: tags.doc,v $ % Revision 1.1 85/12/19 21:23:29 sven % Initial revision % %------------------------------------------------------------------ % % TAGS ENVIRONMENT % Put a hanging tag at each paragraf. The argument to the \tags command % is a box with the desired labelwidth. Tags must be supplied via the % \item optional argument. Tags wider than the labelwidth will protrud % into the text like the description labels do. \def\tagslabel#1{{#1\hfil}} \def\tags#1{\list{}{\settowidth{\labelwidth}{#1} \leftmargin\labelwidth \advance\leftmargin \labelsep \let\makelabel\tagslabel}} \let\endtags\endlist