%% abntex2cite.sty, v-1.9.7 laurocesar
%% Copyright 2012-2018 by abnTeX2 group at https://www.abntex.net.br/ 
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
%% The Current Maintainer of this work is the abnTeX2 team, led
%% by Lauro César Araujo. Further information are available on 
%% https://www.abntex.net.br/
%% Creator and original mantainer: Gerald Weber <gweber@codigolivre.org.br>
%% Copyright 2001-2002 by the abnTeX group at http://abntex.codigolivre.org.br

% How this package is organized:
% ------------------------------
% - Implementing `search for substring'
% - \AfterTheBibliography{} hook
% - Options declaration (search for substring needed here)
%     alf, num (default)
%     alfantigo, experimental (default)
%     biblabel-on-margin
%     sem-bibtex (apply settings without count with code in .bbl)
%     no-abnt-option-file (in case one defines its own options file)
%     recuo (then makes bibitem indent 1.8em) (default: NO indentation)
%     recuo=<length> (sets custom indentation)
%     indent   is an alias for recuo (indent or indent=<length>)
%     versalete  author in alf mode as with smallcaps
%     other options are considered "\citeoption's" (mechanism includes a
%       list that stores non defined options, and in \AtBeginDocument,
%       \citeoption acts over this list)
% - allocing auxiliar variables
% - \citeoption
%     Similar to \nocite, but does not complain about obviously not defined
%     citations. Intented to access options of abnTeX's bibtex styles.
% - \bibliography
%     extra care to auto include abnt-options as bibliography database (if
%     needed)
% - \bibliographystyle
%     if none is given, the style correspondent to the package style in
%     use (alf or num) is given.
% - Style customization
%     \authorcapstyle, \authorstyle, \yearstyle, \optionaltextstyle
%     (detail: \authorcapstyle's default setting uses \smaller from relsize
%     package, but only if package is present.)
% - \bibitem
%     defines action of \bibitem by its subcommands. Comatibility with old
%     abnt-alf is present.
% - \hiddenbibitem
%     creates an empty bibliography entry buts creates all labels.
% - \abntrefinfo
%     From the creation of abntcite, options are present as a separated
%     command. This enables compatibility with any bibtex style.
% - \cite
%     This command depends on if the style is alf or num
%     If alf, then \cite produces (<explicit (capital)>, <year>)
%     If num, then \cite produces a superscript with [<implicit (lowercase)>]
% - \citeonline
%     This command depends on if the style is alf or num
%     If alf, \citeonline produces <implicit (lowercase)>, (<year>)
%     If num, \citeonline then produces <implicit (lowercase)>
% - \citeyear
%     Produces <year>
% - \citeauthor
%     Produces <explicit (capital) author>
% - \citeauthoronline
%     Produces <implicit (lowercase) author>
% - \apud[comments]{First}{Second}
%     Produces a double citation: (FIRST, YEAR apud SECOND, YEAR<, comments>)
% - \apudonline[comments]{First]{Second]
%     Produces a double citation: First (apud SECOND, YEAR<, comments>)
% - \Idem[comments]{Author}
%     Produces: Id., YEAR<, comments>
% - \Ibidem[comments]{Author}
%     Produces: Ibid.<, comments>
% - \opcit[comments]{Author}
%     Produces: AUTHOR, op. cit.<, comments>
% - \cfcite[comments]{Author}
%     Produces: Cf. AUTHOR, YEAR<, comments>
% - implementing `recuo' (bibindent style)
% - Macros for output sorted and compressed numerical citations
%     [9,2,3,1,4,11,7,10] becames [1--4,7,9--11]

%\CVSExtract$Id: abntcite.sty,v 1.26 2003/10/13 09:40:41 gweber Exp $
%\CVSPackage{abntcite}{\space Chamadas de referencias no texto (NBR10520)} %substitui \ProvidesPackage (replaces \ProvidesPackage)
\ProvidesPackage{abntex2cite}[2018/11/24 v-1.9.7 abnTeX2]
\RequirePackage{url} %*****

%%%%%%  Options Declaration  %%%%%%

%    Extracted from substr.sty (2000-06-15) 
% Copyright 2000 Harald Harders <h.harders@tu-bs.de>
% Look at www.ctan.org for original package
% Commands:
% \IfSubStringInString{substring}{string}{true part}{false part}
% This command searches <substring> in <string> and executes the 
% <true part> if it is and else the <else part>

% expands the first and second argument with
% \protected@edef and calls #3 with them:
\ifx \su@ExpandTwoArgs\undefined 
%% tests if #1 in #2. If yes execute #3, else #4
\ifx \IfSubStringInString\undefined 
\ifx \su@IfSubStringInString\undefined 


% alf, num: main options


% references on page foot

% cite text on demand (defaults depends on foot or not-foot)
%  (also recall that options are executed in order of definition at
%    \ProcessOptions) 

% compatibility with old abnt-alf.bst

% biblabel-on-margin

% biblabel-on-margin

% \bibliography includes abnt-options automatically unless next option is used

% recuo : compatibility with old norms
\ifx \bibindent\undefined

% indent : an alias to recuo

% 10520:2002 now defines only two numerical styles

% \authorcapstyle em versalete (smallcaps) como opcional

% 10520:2002 does not allow (XX) or [XX] for superscript cites

% Incorpora o arquivo nbr10520-2002.def do abntex1
% A norma NBR 10520:2002 removeu as opções [] e () para citações
% em superscrito

%  Allocing variables

% used for \@biblabel in num

% auxiliar counters used in `sort and group' mechanism

% Here I define a LaTeX list that will contain all options not defined
% before. 
% A LaTeX list is a command containing a comma separated list of
% itens. The list is processed by command \@for, as in \citeoption.
% This command adds a string to the list.

% suporting options in a keyval style
% recuo=<length> gives indentation of \bibitem
% other options: passed thought \citeoption (stored now in \citeoptionlist
%   and after (in \AtBeginDocument hook) \citeoption will act on it)

% To grab 6 letters. (recuo=)

% To grab 7 letters. (indent=)






\provideboolean{ABNTbackref} %By AWSS

\@ifpackageloaded{backref}{% %By AWSS
\setboolean{ABNTbackref}{true} %By AWSS
}{\setboolean{ABNTbackref}{false}} %By AWSS


% Check if not running pdf/xe/lua/htlatex, then load breakurl
%   From http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/53943
    \fi% texforht
  \fi% xetex
\fi% pdftex

% really foot?

% Now, after all options are processed, \citeoption process the list of
% options given as package options.

% \citeoption - equal to \nocite  (I copied source from \nocite)
%               but not complains about this option be obviously undefined
    % next line eliminates white space before citation name

% \bibliography{list of files .bib to be processed by bibTeX}
%   I had to redefine this command such that abnt-options.bib is
%   automatically used in case that some \citeoption was given as package
%   option. An entry
%      \bibliography{abnt-options,abnt-options,..}
%   produces an error in bibTeX. So I had to check if user already
%   includes abnt-options by (him/her)self.
%   implementation:
%     \citeoption was used?
%     If YES, (abnt-options must be given to bibtex!)
%       checks for abnt-options into parameter given to \bibliography
%       if present
%          user have included, so I don't add it once more
%       not present
%          I add necessary abnt-options
%     If NO
%       no changes to \bibliography

\def\bibliography#1{% ****
	  \ifx \SingleSpacing\undefined
	   % this system of checking is not good...

% The next piece of code looks if bibtexstyle is used or not, and if not,
% includes the respective style from the abntcite mode (alf or num)



% \AtEndDocument is the last chace for include bibliography style..

% relsize used in \authorcapstyle. If package not present, \smaller=\relax

%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Style %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%



%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Implementation  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% automatic care for commas inside references
\newcommand{\ABCIcitecommadefault}{,\penalty\@m\ }
\newcommand{\ABCIcitecolondefault}{; }%{;\penalty\@m\ }

% How \bibitem works?
%   definition of \bibitem
%   \def\bibitem{\@ifnextchar\@lbibitem\@bibitem}


% In the old mplementation on abnt-alf, the command \bibitem should be
%   \bibitem[{explicit}{implicit}{year}]{key}

  % if \bibitem has optional parameter, uses it (three pieces of data
  % stored into .aux file)


  % if no optional is used, uses a list counter (stores its value into .aux)

{ %if normal mode (non-compatible with old alf)

    % foot-num mode



  %    \ifthenelse{}{\item}{\item}




%we are repeating \bibcite command as defined in hyperref.sty
%so that we have it all together at one place.
% \@newl@bel{b}{#1}{\hyper@@link[cite]{}{cite.#1}{#2}}}%


\newcommand{\ABCIdemand}[1]{\expandafter\gdef\csname ABCIdemand@#1\endcsname{}}



%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  abnt-alf  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

% the next line was before \ifthenelse{\equal{\AbntCitetype}{alf}}


\ifx\AbntCitetype\AbntCitetypeALF % if alf


  %               \cite[optional]{list of keys}
  %  Implicit citation - author in capital letters and year; 
  %                       mechanism to deal with repeated names;
      \@for\@citekey:=#2\do%  \@citekey contains the key
         % here, a tricky \let\@citename\"b@\@citekey++IMPL"
             \csname b@\@citekey++IMPL\endcsname%
             \csname b@\@citekey++YEAR\endcsname%
              \ABCIcitecommadefault% echoing ", "
              \ABCIcitecolondefault% echoing "; "
         % writing on aux file
         % if undefined bibitem
           {% if undefined
               {\bfseries??}% echoing ?
              {Citation `\@citekey' on page \thepage \space undefined}%
           {% if already defined
               {\authorcapstyle\@citename}, %
           \ifthenelse{\boolean{ABNTbackref}}{\Hy@backout{#2}}{}% By AWSS: put backref
        }% end for
  %             \citeonline[optional]{list of keys}
  %  Inline (explicit) citation - author in "inline style" and year; 
  %                               mechanism to deal with repeated names;
    {{#1\ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{}}{}{, {\optionaltextstyle#2}}}\citeclose}
      \@for\@citekey:=#2\do%\@citekey contains the key
         % here, a tricky \let\@citename\"b@\@citekey++UP" :-)
             \csname b@\@citekey++EXPL\endcsname%
             \csname b@\@citekey++YEAR\endcsname%
             \ABCIcitecommadefault% echoing ", "
             \citeclose, % echoing "), "
         % writing in aux file
           {% if undefined
            {\bfseries??}% echoing ?
              {Citation `\@citekey' on page \thepage \space undefined}%
           {% if really defined
               {\authorstyle\@citename\@{}} \citeopen%
           \ifthenelse{\boolean{ABNTbackref}}{\Hy@backout{#2}}{}% By AWSS: put backref
        }% end for
  % "overcite" compatibility

% end alf
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  abnt-num  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

\else % if not alf,





         {\ABCIscriptfont\citeopen{#1\if@tempswa, #2\fi}\citeclose}}

     \def\ABCI@citeonline#1#2{{#1\if@tempswa, #2\fi}}



       \def\ABCIaftercitex{}% to put the footnotes
                   {Citation `\@citeb' on page \thepage \space undefined}%
                    \expandafter\xdef\csname b@\@citeb\endcsname{\thefootnote}%
                               \csname b@\@citeb\endcsname%
                 % test for positive number
                 \ifcat _\ifnum\z@<0\ABCIcitation _\else A\fi
                 \else% else \ifcat
                 \fi% end \ifcat





  \else % if num and NOT foot

     % this only works with proper settings in \ABCIthebibliformat
        {\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}{}{{\citenumstyle #1\hspace{\biblabelsep}}}}
            \def\biblabeltext{{\citenumstyle #1\hspace{\biblabelsep}}}%


         {\ABCIscriptfont\citeopen{#1\if@tempswa, #2\fi}\citeclose}}}{%
     \def\ABCI@cite#1#2{\citeopen{#1\if@tempswa, #2\fi}\citeclose}}

     \def\ABCI@citeonline#1#2{{#1\if@tempswa, #2\fi}}



%      \renewcommand{\@openbib@code}%
%      {\setlength{\leftmargin}{0pt}\addtolength{\itemindent}{\labelsep}}

                   {Citation `\@citeb' on page \thepage \space undefined}%
                               \csname b@\@citeb\endcsname%
                 % test for positive number
                 \ifcat _\ifnum\z@<0\ABCIcitation _\else A\fi
                 \else% else \ifcat
                 \fi% end \ifcat


\fi % end if alf


%                \citeyear{list of keys}
%  Citation by year 

%  \let\@safe@activesfalse\@empty%
  \@for\@citekey:=#1\do %\@citekey contains the key
%     \edef\@citekey{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citekey\@empty}%     
          \csname b@\@citekey++YEAR\endcsname%
     %compare previous name with current name and decide the punctuation marks
     %if first use do nothing
        , % echoing ", 
     % writing on aux file
     % if undefined bibitem
       {% if undefined
        {\bfseries??}% echoing ?
          {Citation `\@citekey' on page \thepage \space undefined}%
       {% if already defined
       \ifthenelse{\boolean{ABNTbackref}}{\Hy@backout{#1}}{}% By AWSS: put backref
    }% end for

%               \citeauthor{list of keys}
%  Implicit citation (capital letters)

%  \let\@safe@activesfalse\@empty%
  \@for\@citekey:=#1\do %\@citekey contains the key
%     \edef\@citekey{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citekey\@empty}%
     \expandafter\let\expandafter\@citename\csname b@\@citekey++IMPL\endcsname%
     % writing on aux file
     % if undefined bibitem
       {% if undefined
          {Citation `\@citekey' on page \thepage \space undefined}%
       {% if already defined
              ; % echoing "; "
       \ifthenelse{\boolean{ABNTbackref}}{\Hy@backout{#1}}{}% By AWSS: put backref
    }% end for

%             \citeauthoronline{list of keys}
%  Explicit citation (non capital letter)

%  \let\@safe@activesfalse\@empty%
  \@for\@citekey:=#1\do %\@citekey contains the key
%     \edef\@citekey{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citekey\@empty}%
     \expandafter\let\expandafter\@citename\csname b@\@citekey++EXPL\endcsname%
     % writing on aux file
     % if undefined bibitem
       {% if undefined
          {Citation `\@citekey' on page \thepage \space undefined}%
       {% if already defined
              ; % echoing "; "
       \ifthenelse{\boolean{ABNTbackref}}{\Hy@backout{#1}}{}% By AWSS: put backref
    }% end for

%             \citetext{list of keys}
%  Text of the reference

%  \let\@safe@activesfalse\@empty%
  \@for\@citekey:=#1\do %\@citekey contains the key
%     \edef\@citekey{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citekey\@empty}%
     \expandafter\let\expandafter\@citename\csname b@\@citekey++TEXT\endcsname%
     % writing on aux file
     % if undefined bibitem
       {% if undefined
          {Citation `\@citekey' on page \thepage \space undefined}%
       {% if already defined
              ; % echoing "; "
       \ifthenelse{\boolean{ABNTbackref}}{\Hy@backout{#1}}{}% By AWSS: put backref
    }% end for

% Setting up `recuo' (=indent in Portuguese)

% To ensure that the margin settings of this package works, \leftmargin
% (inside thebibliography) must be 0cm. \@openbib@code is a hook inside
% thebibliography.

% adding things after \begin{thebibliography}{}


% \AfterTheBibliography{} hook




  {\AfterTheBibliography{\setlength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 2cm}}}

  {% mode alf
  {% mode num

%  Macros for output sorted and compressed numerical citations  %

% Store to maximum of a given list to the counter "ABCImax"
      \ifnum \value{ABCIaux}>\value{ABCImax}%

% It takes a command containing a comma separeted list of
% positive numbers and redefines the original command with
% the list without its maximum element.

% It requires a command containing a comma separeted list of
% positive numbers. It redefines that command with the same
% list, but sorted.

% \ifconsecutive{num1}{num2}{block1}{block2}
% executes block1 if num1 = num2+1 and block2 otherwise.
  \advance\@tempcntb 1 %

% It sorts and outputs in grouped way the list \ABCIcitelist generated in
% \cite when in `num' mode.
     \@for \ABCIaux:=\ABCIcitelist\do%

\newcommand{\opcitname}{op.\ cit.}
\newcommand{\loccitname}{loc.\ cit.}
\newcommand{\etseqname}{et seq.}


\newcommand{\apud}[3][]{(\citeauthor{#2}, \citeyear{#2} \apudname\ %
\citeauthor{#3}, \citeyear{#3}%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{\empty}}{}{, #1})}

\newcommand{\apudonline}[3][]{\citeauthoronline{#2} (\citeyear{#2} \apudname\ %
\citeauthor{#3}, \citeyear{#3}%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{\empty}}{}{, #1})}

\newcommand{\Idem}[2][]{\Idemname, \citeyear{#2}%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{\empty}}{}{, #1}}

\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{\empty}}{}{, #1}}

\newcommand{\opcit}[2][]{\citeauthor{#2}, \opcitname%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{\empty}}{}{, #1}}

\newcommand{\passim}[2][]{\citeauthor{#2}, \citeyear{#2}%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{\empty}}{}{, #1}, \passimname}

\newcommand{\loccit}[2][]{\citeauthor{#2}, \citeyear{#2}%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{\empty}}{}{, #1}, \loccitname}

\newcommand{\cfcite}[2][]{\cfcitename\ \citeauthor{#2}, \citeyear{#2}%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{\empty}}{}{, #1}}

\newcommand{\etseq}[2][]{\citeauthor{#2}, \citeyear{#2}%
\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{\empty}}{}{, #1}, \etseqname}

