
% Harvard citation style control.

%  Setup Decimal column alignment (using dcolumn).


%  Control included chapters here


\title{A fascinating thesis}
\authornameonly{Fred Nerk}
\author{\Authornameonly \\ B.Sc.}
\copyrightfalse                    % Set true to get copyright page.
\thesistype{Doctor of Philosophy}  % Default value.
\figurespagetrue                   % Set false to avoid list of figures.
\tablespagefalse                   % Set true to get list of tables.


% \declaration       % Declaration page.
  This thesis tells you all you need to know about...
  I would like to thank...

% Begin thesis: use \include for each chapter as a separate file.

% chapter 1
\include{chapter1} % Introduction

% chapter 2

% chapter 3

% chapter 6
\include{chapter6} % Conclusions

% Appendices: use \appendix switch to change to appendices.

% First appendix
\include{appendix1}  % A long proof

% Second Appendix

% Bibliography: The clearpage is needed to get the page reference right.
