%% algpseudocodex.sty
%% Copyright 2017, 2020-2023 Christian Matt
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2008-05-04 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Christian Matt.
% This work consists of the files algpseudocodex.sty and algpseudocodex.tex.

% Pseudocodex algorithmic style
% Based on Szasz Janos' algpseudocode.sty

\ProvidesPackage{algpseudocodex}[2023-04-17 v1.1.2 pseudocode typesetting]

% Package options

\DeclareBoolOption[true]{noEnd}% don't print end if etc.
\DeclareBoolOption[true]{indLines}% show indent guide lines
\DeclareBoolOption[true]{spaceRequire}% adds vertical space before \Require if not in first line
\DeclareBoolOption[true]{italicComments}% italicise comments
\DeclareBoolOption[true]{rightComments}% right justify comments
\DeclareStringOption[gray]{commentColor}% color of comments
\DeclareStringOption[$\triangleright$~]{beginComment}% print at beginning of comment
\DeclareStringOption[]{endComment}% print at end of comment
\DeclareStringOption[$\triangleright$~]{beginLComment}% print at beginning of long comment
\DeclareStringOption[~$\triangleleft$]{endLComment}% print at end of long comment

% Styles
	algpxIndentLine/.style={draw=gray,very thin}%

% Declarations

% \tikzmark is only available on next compilation; the following command immediately after using it
\newcommand{\@tikzmarkNow}[2][]{\tikz[overlay,remember picture] \node[#1] (#2) {};}


\newlength{\algpx@codeBoxInnerSep}% distance between box and its content
\newlength{\algpx@codeBoxSep}% distance between nested boxes
\newlength{\algpx@codeBoxOuterSep}% additional space before and after box

% the following lengths related to indent lines are set when opening an algorithmic environment to reflect to current font size
\newlength{\algpx@indShiftX}% indent line shifted right by that amount from beginning of line
\newlength{\algpx@indStartShiftY}% start of indent line shifted up by that amount from beginning of line
\newlength{\algpx@indEndShiftY}% end of indent line shifted up by that amount from beginning of line (only if noEnd=false, otherwise no shift)
\newlength{\algpx@indXLineLength}% length of horizonal line drawn at end when noEnd=true
\newlength{\algpx@minIndDist}% minimum distance between start and end of indent line to draw line
\newlength{\algpx@tmpLen}% length to be used for various things
\newlength{\algpx@currentLineskiplimit}% used to restore lineskiplimit in varwidth
\newlength{\algpx@currentLineskip}% used to restore lineskip in varwidth
\newlength{\algpx@indStartX}% x coordinate of indent line
\newlength{\algpx@extraShiftX}% current line is shifted by this amount right
\newlength{\algpx@minTopPageHeight}% minimum for setting height of first line on page (used, e.g., to draw indent lines on page break)
\newlength{\algpx@minBotPageDepth}% minimum for setting depth of last line on page (used, e.g., to draw indent lines on page break)

\settoheight{\algpx@minTopPageHeight}{\footnotesize9}% account for line numbers, which use \footnotesize
\settodepth{\algpx@minBotPageDepth}{\footnotesize9}% account for line numbers, which use \footnotesize

\newbool{algpx@setNorth}% whether codeBoxNorth should be set
\newbool{algpx@hasCheckedPageBreak}% whether checkPageBreak has been executed in current environment
\newbool{algpx@indJustEnded}% true after end with noend

\newcounter{algpx@codeBoxCount}% number of already created code boxes. Used to fill algpx@startNewCodeBoxQueue
\newcounter{algpx@pageCount}% counter of "pages" (columns in multi column format); incremented when page break is detected
\newcounter{algpx@tmpCount}% temporary counter

\FSCreate{algpx@startNewCodeBoxQueue}{0}% queue of code boxes to be created on next \State, \If etc. Only stores index of box (0 is value of top if empty; should not be relevant)


% Macros for boxes around code
% Draw a box. First parameter is style, others are coordinates (north, west, east, south)
	\tikz[overlay,remember picture]{%
		\node[inner sep=\algpx@codeBoxInnerSep,#1,fit={(pic cs:#2) (pic cs:#3) (pic cs:#4) (pic cs:#5)}] {};%

% execute after \State, \If etc.

% execute before printing end if etc.
	% add space for indentation because of how ALG@nested is computed

% extended version of \algpx@startCodeCommand
% first argument 1 if executed in \algpx@startEndBlockCommand
% second argument is printed before content
% third argument is used to reserve space after contents (for end symbol of long comments)
	% check for page break only if indent line is open because page breaks are only used for this
	% create box from here to end of line, leaving space for #3
	\settowidth{\algpx@extraShiftX}{#2}% remember that line actually starts further right than last box
	\setlength{\algpx@currentLineskiplimit}{\lineskiplimit}% remember value of lineskiplimit
	\setlength{\algpx@currentLineskip}{\lineskip}% remember value of lineskip
	\begin{varwidth}[t]{\dimexpr \linewidth - \algpx@extraShiftX - \algpx@tmpLen - \algorithmicindent * \numexpr \value{ALG@nested} - 1 \relax \relax}%
	\setlength{\lineskiplimit}{\algpx@currentLineskiplimit}% restore lineskiplimit value
	\setlength{\lineskip}{\algpx@currentLineskip}% restore lineskip value

% executed before \State, \If etc., i.e., at end of previous line
% first argument 1 if after \EndIf etc. and noend
		\par\xdef\algpx@pdtemp{\the\prevdepth}% see https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/34982
		% todo: north should not be set again if highest element in current line is BoxedString
		\algpx@setCodeBoxNorth{\the\ht0}% set north here shifted by height of current line
	% remember position of ending line and possibly set north of page
	% not necessary if no indent lines are open or just ended (because EndIf with noEnd cannot break page)
	\ifboolexpr{test{\ifnumcomp{0}{<}{\FSSize{algpx@indentStack}}} and not bool{algpx@indJustEnded}}{%
		% todo: if highest or deepest element in current line is BoxedString, \ht0 or \dp0 should be adjusted for different sep values
	\ifboolexpr{bool{algpx@restorePrevdepth} and test{\ifstrequal{#1}{0}}}{%

% Checks whether current line starts on new page (or column) by comparing y position with previous line.
% If so, draws indent lines neither starting nor ending on this page.
% Optional argument is 1 if executed on end block with noEnd=false.
% Note: We do not rely on \iftikzmarkonpage because, e.g., in double-column format, lines can be on the same page,
% but we want to consider them to be on different pages.
	\ifbool{algpx@hasCheckedPageBreak}{% first line of code cannot be on new page
		% extract y positions of previous line
		\tikz[overlay,remember picture]{%
		% current pos is 0, so if last pos is less than that, we are on new page
			% set south of previous page to y pos last saved in \algpx@setLineEndPos
			\tikz[overlay,remember picture]{%
			% all currently open indent lines have started on earlier page.
			% Draw full line from top to bottom for all of those not ending on this page either
			\tikz[overlay,remember picture]{}% dummy to keep in sync
			\tikz[overlay,remember picture]{}% dummy to keep in sync (inside drawIndentLinesOnPageBreak)
	\@tikzmarkNow{algpx@currentStartYPos}% save y position of current line to compare next time

% Remember current position as south of page and set north of current page if page was just broken.
	% save y position of current line shifted down the depth of current line to later use for pageSouth coordinate in \algpx@checkPageBreak
	% shift down at least by \algpx@minBotPageDepth
	% right after pagebreak, set north of current page
		% shift to beginning of line and also shift up by height of current line, but last least \algpx@minTopPageHeight
		% also shift to left by \wd0 (width of last box, i.e., of line in varwidth) + \algpx@extraShiftX to get x position at beginning of line
		\tikz[overlay,remember picture]{%
				\coordinate (algpx@pageNorth) at (-\wd0 - \algpx@extraShiftX,\algpx@minTopPageHeight);%
				\coordinate (algpx@pageNorth) at (-\wd0 - \algpx@extraShiftX,\the\ht0);%
		\tikz[overlay,remember picture]{}% dummy to keep in sync

% set algpx@codeBoxNorthMax of current box and all ancestors; argument is amount to shift up from current baseline
		\FSPush{algpx@codeBoxStackTmp}{\FSTop{algpx@codeBoxStack}}% copy stack to tmp
			% get current position; shift according to nest-level to ensure nested boxes don't collide
			\@tikzmarkNow[yshift=\dimexpr #1 + \algpx@codeBoxSep * \value{algpx@nestedCBoxCount}\relax]{algpx@codeBoxNorthHere}%
			% extract y-coordinate of previously stored north
			\tikz[overlay,remember picture]{%
				% new y is greater than old one, so set it
				\@tikzmarkNow[yshift=\dimexpr #1 + \algpx@codeBoxSep * \value{algpx@nestedCBoxCount}\relax]{algpx@codeBoxNorthMax-\FSTop{algpx@codeBoxStack}}%
				\@tikzmarkNow{algpx@codeBoxNorthDummy}% set something to keep in sync
			\@tikzmarkNow[yshift=\dimexpr #1 + \algpx@codeBoxSep * \value{algpx@nestedCBoxCount}\relax]{algpx@codeBoxNorthMax-\FSTop{algpx@codeBoxStack}}%
	% restore stack from tmp

% set algpx@codeBoxSouthMax of current box and all ancestors; argument is amount to shift down from current baseline
		\FSPush{algpx@codeBoxStackTmp}{\FSTop{algpx@codeBoxStack}}% copy stack to tmp
			% get current position; shift according to nest-level to ensure nested boxes don't collide
			\@tikzmarkNow[yshift=\dimexpr -#1 -\algpx@codeBoxSep * \value{algpx@nestedCBoxCount}\relax]{algpx@codeBoxSouthHere}%
			% extract y-coordinate of previously stored south
			\tikz[overlay,remember picture]{%
				% new y is less than old one, so set it
				\@tikzmarkNow[yshift=\dimexpr -#1 -\algpx@codeBoxSep * \value{algpx@nestedCBoxCount}\relax]{algpx@codeBoxSouthMax-\FSTop{algpx@codeBoxStack}}%
				\@tikzmarkNow{algpx@codeBoxSouthDummy}% set something to keep in sync
			\@tikzmarkNow[yshift=\dimexpr -#1 -\algpx@codeBoxSep * \value{algpx@nestedCBoxCount}\relax]{algpx@codeBoxSouthMax-\FSTop{algpx@codeBoxStack}}%
	% restore stack from tmp

% set algpx@codeBoxWestMax of current box and all ancestors; argument is amount to shift left from current position
		\FSPush{algpx@codeBoxStackTmp}{\FSTop{algpx@codeBoxStack}}% copy stack to tmp
			% get current position; shift according to nest-level to ensure nested boxes don't collide
			\@tikzmarkNow[xshift=\dimexpr -#1 -\algpx@codeBoxSep * \value{algpx@nestedCBoxCount}\relax]{algpx@codeBoxWestHere}%
			% extract x-coordinate of previously stored west
			\tikz[overlay,remember picture]{%
				% new x is smaller than old one, so set it
				\@tikzmarkNow[xshift=\dimexpr -#1 -\algpx@codeBoxSep * \value{algpx@nestedCBoxCount}\relax]{algpx@codeBoxWestMax-\FSTop{algpx@codeBoxStack}}%
				\@tikzmarkNow{algpx@codeBoxWestDummy}% set something to keep in sync
			\@tikzmarkNow[xshift=\dimexpr -#1 -\algpx@codeBoxSep * \value{algpx@nestedCBoxCount}\relax]{algpx@codeBoxWestMax-\FSTop{algpx@codeBoxStack}}%
	% restore stack from tmp

% set algpx@codeBoxEastMax of current box and all ancestors
		\FSPush{algpx@codeBoxStackTmp}{\FSTop{algpx@codeBoxStack}}% copy stack to tmp
			% get current position; shift according to nest-level to ensure nested boxes don't collide
			\@tikzmarkNow[xshift=\dimexpr \algpx@codeBoxSep * \value{algpx@nestedCBoxCount}\relax]{algpx@codeBoxEastHere}%
			% extract x-coordinate of previously stored east
			\tikz[overlay,remember picture]{%
				% new x is greater than old one, so set it
				\@tikzmarkNow[xshift=\dimexpr \algpx@codeBoxSep * \value{algpx@nestedCBoxCount}\relax]{algpx@codeBoxEastMax-\FSTop{algpx@codeBoxStack}}%
				\@tikzmarkNow{algpx@codeBoxEastDummy}% set something to keep in sync
			\@tikzmarkNow[xshift=\dimexpr \algpx@codeBoxSep * \value{algpx@nestedCBoxCount}\relax]{algpx@codeBoxEastMax-\FSTop{algpx@codeBoxStack}}%
	% restore stack from tmp

% Set coordinates of box on top of algpx@codeBoxStack to maximal reported values.
% This ensures, e.g., that the right edge of the box is after the longest line inside.
	\tikz[overlay,remember picture]{%

% add some space above and below box; more if several boxes are nested
% first argument: number of boxes above
% second argument: height of content
% third argument: number of boxes below
% fourth argument: depth of content
		\rule{0pt}{\dimexpr #2 + \algpx@codeBoxInnerSep + \algpx@codeBoxOuterSep + (\algpx@codeBoxSep * (#1 - 1))\relax}%
		\rule[\dimexpr -#4 - \algpx@codeBoxInnerSep - \algpx@codeBoxOuterSep - (\algpx@codeBoxSep * (#3 - 1))\relax]{0pt}{\dimexpr #4 + \algpx@codeBoxInnerSep + \algpx@codeBoxOuterSep + (\algpx@codeBoxSep * (#3 - 1))\relax}% negative offset equal to height to draw line down from baseline

% Begin a new code box here.
% Must be followed by \State, \If, \For etc.
% (optional) argument is style of box
	\FSUnshift{algpx@startNewCodeBoxQueue}{\thealgpx@codeBoxCount}% add to queue; processed by \algpx@startCodeCommand
	%globally set tikz style (https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/47918)

% End one open code box. Fails if no box open (i.e., if algpx@codeBoxStack is empty).
		\PackageError{algpseudocodex}{BeginBox must be followed by State, If, For, etc. Use BoxedString instead}{}%
				\par\xdef\algpx@pdtemp{\the\prevdepth}% see https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/34982
				\algpx@setCodeBoxNorth{\the\ht0}% set north here shifted by height of current line
				\algpx@setCodeBoxSouth{0pt}% set south here, don't shift after end with noEnd
				% add space after boxes. Otherwise done by endCodeCommand, but this is not executed after End with noEnd
				\algpx@addBoxSpacing{\value{algpx@startedBoxesCount}}{0pt}{\numexpr \value{algpx@endedBoxesCount} + 1 \relax}{0pt}%
				\algpx@setCodeBoxSouth{\the\dp0}% set south here shifted by depth of current line
			%adjust stored prevdepth for ended boxes
				\edef\algpx@pdtemp{\dimexpr \algpx@pdtemp + \algpx@codeBoxSep \relax}%
				\edef\algpx@pdtemp{\dimexpr \algpx@pdtemp + \algpx@codeBoxInnerSep + \algpx@codeBoxOuterSep \relax}%
			\PackageError{algpseudocodex}{No box to end}{}%

% Draw box within a single line of code.
% (Optional) first argument is style of the box.
% Second argument is the string to print inside the box.
		\setcounter{algpx@nestedBoxedStringMaxCount}{0}% reset max count for new boxes
		% This works in equation but not in align / displaystyle etc. gets lost
	\addtocounter{algpx@nestedBoxedStringCount}{-1}% BoxedString ends here

% Macros for indentation  lines
% start indented block
		% Define counter for the page on which this indent line ends.
		% The use of totcount ensures the last value is preserved during compilations and thus can be used before setting it.
		% expansion is needed because name contains variable, see
		% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/517559/why-cant-the-name-of-a-totcounter-be-defined-with-a-variable
		% set start coordinate here and draw indent line
		% Note: Draw already here because endIndent could already be called on next page if end is at last line of page.
		\tikz[overlay,remember picture]{%
			\coordinate (startPos) at (\algpx@indShiftX,\algpx@indStartShiftY);

% end of indented block
% optional argument 1 means that only interrupted by else, 2 means ended with until
		% remember on which page indent line ends (remembered through compiliations because we use totcount)
		\tikz[overlay,remember picture]{%
			\ifboolexpr{bool{algpx@indJustEnded} and test{\ifstrequal{#1}{0}}}{%
				% if another line has just ended, use same coordinates as for previous end
				% to this end, remember index of previous end to use
				% if not just ended, use current position (0,0) as end
				\ifboolexpr{bool{algpx@noEnd} and test{\ifstrequal{#1}{0}}}{%
					% Draw additional line to right if noend and line is not interrupted and move down by current line depth.
					% Note: we are now at the end of the line, so the x position is too far right.
					% We solve this in \algpx@drawIndentLine by going at most \algpx@indShiftX to the right.
					% Adjusting here would require access to the start position and thus an additional compilation.
					\coordinate (algpx@indentEndCoord) at (\algpx@indShiftX+\algpx@indXLineLength,-\the\dp0);%
					% if using end or interrupted by else etc., use current position shifted by default values
					\coordinate (algpx@indentEndCoord) at (\algpx@indShiftX,\algpx@indEndShiftY);%
				% remember end position using \tikzmark so it can be accessed by \algpx@startIndent before
	% set indJustEnded even if indLines are not drawn; also used for EndBox
	\ifboolexpr{not bool{algpx@indJustEnded} and bool{algpx@noEnd} and test{\ifstrequal{#1}{0}}}{%
			\algpx@startIndent% start new line if only interrupted

% Draw indent line with index #1 and start coordinate (#2).
% To be called inside a TikZ picture.
		% if indentation does not end on the same page, draw line to end of page with x position of start
		\coordinate (algpx@indentEndCoord) at (#2 |- {pic cs:algpx@pageSouth-\thealgpx@pageCount});%
		% otherwise, indentation ends on same page
			% if no indentEndCoordIndex is stored, just use stored end position
			\coordinate (algpx@indentEndCoord) at (pic cs:algpx@indentEnd-#1);%
			% if indentEndCoordIndex is defined, another line has just ended and we use the same y coordinates as for previous end
			\coordinate (algpx@indentEndCoord) at (pic cs:algpx@indentEnd-\the\totvalue{algpx@indentEndCoordIndex-#1});%
	% Only draw if there is minimum distance between start and end
	\ifdimcomp{\algpx@indStartY - \algpx@indEndY}{>}{\algpx@minIndDist}{%
		% draw in straight lines from start position (#2) to end coordinate, but with x position at most start + \algpx@indXLineLength since end position is set at end of line in \algpx@endIndent
		\draw[algpxIndentLine] let \p1=(#2), \p2=(algpx@indentEndCoord) in (#2) |- ({min(\x2, \x1 + \algpx@indXLineLength)}, \y2);%

% For all open indent lines not ending on current page, draw from top to bottom of page
% Optional argument is 1 if executed on end block with noEnd=false.
	\tikz[overlay,remember picture]{%
		% iterate over all open indent lines
			\setcounter{algpx@tmpCount}{0}% tmp counter to count interations
			% if ending block here, the last indentation has already ended and line won't be drawn
			% start counting at -1 to get correct indentation of later ending lines.
			\FSPush{algpx@indentStackTmp}{\FSTop{algpx@indentStack}}% copy stack to tmp	
			% draw line to bottom of page
			% set beginning of line to north of page (with x set to beginning of line, see \algpx@checkPageBreak)
			% shifted by the number indentations
			\coordinate (startPos) at ($(pic cs:algpx@pageNorth-\thealgpx@pageCount) - (\dimexpr \algorithmicindent * \value{algpx@tmpCount} - \algpx@indShiftX \relax, 0ex)$);%
			% finally remove top element
		% restore stack from tmp

% Keywords
\algnewcommand\algorithmicforall{\textbf{for all}}

% Loops, conditional statements, and functions
	\algpx@startCodeCommand\algpx@startIndent\algorithmicwhile\ #1\ \algorithmicdo%
	\algpx@startEndBlockCommand\algpx@endIndent\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicwhile%
	\algpx@startCodeCommand\algpx@startIndent\algorithmicfor\ #1\ \algorithmicdo%
	\algpx@startEndBlockCommand\algpx@endIndent\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicfor%
	\algpx@startCodeCommand\algpx@startIndent\algorithmicforall\ #1\ \algorithmicdo%
	\algpx@startEndBlockCommand\algpx@endIndent\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicloop%
	\algpx@startEndBlockCommand\algpx@endIndent[2]\algorithmicuntil\ #1%
	\algpx@startCodeCommand\algpx@startIndent\algorithmicif\ #1\ \algorithmicthen%
	\algpx@startEndBlockCommand\algpx@endIndent\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicif%
	\algpx@startCodeCommand\algpx@endIndent[1]\algorithmicelse\ \algorithmicif\ #1\ \algorithmicthen%
	\algpx@startCodeCommand\algpx@startIndent\algorithmicprocedure\ \textproc{#1}\ifstrempty{#2}{}{(#2)}%
	\algpx@startEndBlockCommand\algpx@endIndent\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicprocedure%
	\algpx@startCodeCommand\algpx@startIndent\algorithmicfunction\ \textproc{#1}\ifstrempty{#2}{}{(#2)}%
	\algpx@startEndBlockCommand\algpx@endIndent\algorithmicend\ \algorithmicfunction%

	% end indent line before end command

% execute \algpx@endCodeCommand before \State, \If etc.

% for end commands that may not be printed, tell endCodeCommand whether we are using noEnd

% execute \algpx@startCodeCommand after \State (this is done for loops etc. inside the definitions above)

% Other declarations

% dirty hack: execute drawing in argument of item and rest of \algpx@startCodeCommand outside
% argument: text in item[.]
	\algpx@setCodeBoxWest[\dimexpr \labelsep + \algpx@tmpLen \relax]%
	\setlength{\algpx@currentLineskiplimit}{\lineskiplimit}% remember value of lineskiplimit
	\setlength{\algpx@currentLineskip}{\lineskip}% remember value of lineskip
	\begin{varwidth}[t]{\dimexpr \linewidth - \labelsep - \algpx@tmpLen + \leftmargin \relax}%
	\setlength{\lineskiplimit}{\algpx@currentLineskiplimit}% restore lineskiplimit value
	\setlength{\lineskip}{\algpx@currentLineskip}% restore lineskip value

	\ifboolexpr{bool{algpx@spaceRequire} and not bool{algpx@firstLine}}{%


\algnewcommand\Return{\algorithmicreturn{} }
\algnewcommand\Output{\algorithmicoutput{} }

%% internal methods to format comment
% format according to comment format

% get string for inline comment including begin and end markers

% redefine \Comment
		\settowidth{\algpx@tmpLen}{\algpx@commentString{#1}}% set temp variable to width of comment
		\tabto{\CurrentLineWidth}% this saves current position in \TabPrevPos and fixes spacing up to here
		\ifdimcomp{\algpx@tmpLen}{<}{\dimexpr \linewidth - \TabPrevPos \relax}{% check whether comment fits on line
			\tabto{\dimexpr \linewidth - \algpx@tmpLen \relax}% move position to right justify text
			\algpx@commentString{#1}% print comment
			\algpx@commentString{#1}% if it doesn't fit, just print normally, allowing line break
		\algpx@commentString{#1}% just print normally if not right justified

% Long comment starting on new line.
% Can span several lines and in contrast to \Comment, never right justified.
	\algpx@commentFormat{#1}% print actual comment
	\tabto{\CurrentLineWidth}% this saves current position in \TabPrevPos and fixes spacing up to here
	\setlength{\algpx@tmpLen}{\dimexpr \linewidth - \TabPrevPos \relax}% set to remaining space on line
	\makebox[0pt][l]{% start box here that takes no space (otherwise impacts spacing of text before)
		\rule{\algpx@tmpLen}{0pt}% draw invisible rule from beginning of line until end of comment text
		\algpx@commentFormat{\algpx@endLComment}% print end comment at the end
		\algpx@setCodeBoxEast% since this takes 0 space, we have to set east of code box here explicitly


% Execute at beginning and end of algorithmic environment
	% Set lengths here to use correct font sizes

	% Error checking
	\ifboolexpr{test{\ifnumcomp{0}{<}{\FSSize{algpx@codeBoxStack}}} or test {\ifnumcomp{0}{<}{\FSSize{algpx@startNewCodeBoxQueue}}}}{%
		\PackageError{algpseudocodex}{Some boxes have not ended}{}%