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% babel=hyphen,bibencoding=auto,sorting=nyt,cmslos,autocite=inline]{biblatex}
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\section*{Appendix: \texttt{authordate-trad} References}

\twocolumn%[\Large \texttt{The trad Database File}]
%% Database entries used to produce
%% citations in this file, taken
%% from dates-test.bib, and designed
%% to show some of the changes
%% need to use the authordate-trad
%% style, with its sentence-style
%% capitalization of titles. I have
%% removed the annotations to save
%% room -- you can click on
%% the entry type to return to the
%% reference list entry, where you'll
%% also find the annotations. 
  journaltitle = {New York Times Book Review},
  author =	 {Barcott, Bruce},
  date = 	 {2000-04-16},
  entrysubtype = {magazine},
  title =	 {review of \mkbibemph{The last marlin: The story of a family at sea}, by {Fred Waitzkin}},
  pages =	 7
  author =	 {Donne, John},
  editor =	 {Stringer, Gary~A.},
  title =	 {The \mkbibquote{Anniversaries} and the \mkbibquote{Epicedes and obsequies}},
  namea =	 {Stringer, Gary~A. and Pebworth, Ted-Larry},
  publisher =	 {Indiana Univ.\ Press},
  maintitle =	 {The Variorum Edition of the Poetry of {John Donne}},
  year =	 1995,
  volume =	 6,
  location =	 {Bloomington}
  author = 	 {Shapey, Ralph},
  title = 	 {Partita for violin and thirteen players},
  titleaddon = 	 {score},
  entrysubtype = {music},
  date = 	 1966,
  note = 	 {Special Collections},
  organization = {Joseph Regenstein Library},
  institution =  {University of Chicago}
  author = 	 {Viv},
  entrysubtype = {magazine},
  title = 	 {comment on Amlen, Hoot},
  nameaddon = 	 {(Jerusalem, Isr.)},
  crossref = 	 {amlen:hoot},
  eventdate = 	 {2015-01-27}
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