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See also \cite{solymosi2010question,halbeisen2019geometric,Kohnert2006IntegralPS}.


Lorenz Halbeisen and Norbert Hungerbühler. ‘A geometric
representation of integral solutions of $x^2+ xy+ y^2= m^2$’. In:
\emph{Quaestiones Mathematicae} (2019), pp. 1–15 (cit. on
p. \hyperlink {page.1} {1}).
Axel Kohnert and Sascha Kurz. ‘Integral point sets over {$\mathbb
{Z}^m_n$}’. In: \emph{Discrete Applied Mathematics} 157 (2006),
pp. 2105–2117 (cit. on p. \hyperlink {page.1} {1}).
Donald E. Knuth. \emph{Computers \& Typesetting}. Vol. E:
\emph{{Computer Modern} Typefaces}. Reading, Mass.:
Addison-Wesley, 1986 (cit. on p. \hyperlink {page.1} {1}).{}
Jozsef Solymosi and Frank De Zeeuw. ‘On a question\relax ~of Erdős
and Ulam’. In: \emph{Discrete \& Computational Geometry} 43.2
(2010), pp. 393–401. arXiv: \href {http://arxiv.org/abs/0806.3095_}
{\nolinkurl {0806.3095_}}. \textsc{url}: \url
{https://example.com/@%D1%80%D1%83%D1%81_} (cit. on
p. \hyperlink {page.1} {1}).
Emma Sigfridsson and Ulf Ryde. ‘Comparison of methods for deriving
atomic charges from the electrostatic potential and moments’. In:
\emph{Journal of Computational Chemistry} 19.4 (1998), pp. 377–395.
\textsc{doi}: \href
(cit. on p. \hyperlink {page.1} {1}).

