Author: Jean-Francois Burnol
Package: centeredline
Version: 1.2 (2022/10/10)
License: LPPL 1.3c
Copyright (C) 2019, 2022 Jean-Francois Burnol
After `\usepackage{centeredline}` one can use
to get the argument centered, without ending the current paragraph, and
without adding extra vertical spacing, in a better way than if using
1. `\verb` or other catcode changes inside the argument are allowed,
2. The centering (with respect to the surrounding text paragraph) will
be as expected if this all happens inside an item from a LaTeX list
3. One does not need to use `\newline` before and after (or at least
leave a space token after). Doing so does not hurt, though.
The macro itself may be used while in paragraph or in vertical mode.
Like `\centerline`, if used in vertical mode, it does not enter
paragraph mode.
The macro places its argument in a `\hbox` and assignments done inside
the argument see thus their scope limited to the line.
The macro is usable from inside a (paragraph mode) table cell.
It can be nested (for example the argument is a `tabular` or a `\parbox`
and inside it another `\centeredline` is used).
Material whose natural width exceeds the line width will get properly
centered too, the extra width going into the margins (or into the
neighboring cells, if used in a paragraph mode table cell).
Initial statement:
I have used this macro since 2013 and it has served me well.
I am making it public as is, without any re-thinking about whether it may
have some limitations which I somehow did not encounter in my personal usage.
Suggestions for improvements are welcome, and will be recorded although I do
not expect to update the package anytime soon.
- v1.0 (2019/04/27): First release.
- v1.1 (2019/05/03): Improve this README.
- v1.2 (2022/10/10):
* make the macro usable in table cells
(thanks to Antoine Missier for pointing out this limitation;
see his package `spacingtricks` for another centering macro)
* avoid an extra empty line if the macro is used following a `\\`
or a `\newline` (but why should it be? ;-) )
(thanks to Kroum Tzanev for a related discussion)
This Work may be distributed and/or modified under the
conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License 1.3c.
This version of this license is in
and the latest version of this license is in
and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
The Author of this Work is:
> Jean-Francois Burnol ``
This Work consists of the file `centeredline.sty` and
accompanying ``.