% \iffalse meta-comment
%%  File 'diagram.dtx'
%% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version
%% 1.2 of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in:
%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
%% version 1999/12/01 or later.
% \fi
% \def\fileversion{v1.23}
% \def\docdate{2025/03/12}
% \CheckSum{4227}
% \changes{v0.1}{15 Februar 2004}{First Version}
% \changes{v0.2}{23 Februar 2004}{Added the documentation for the
% {\itshape information collecting} macros which may be used
% inside a environment.}
% \changes{v0.3}{21 May 2004}{Added list of commands which should
% not be indexed.}
% \changes{v0.4}{11 May 2005}{Added most missing user documentation.}
% \changes{v0.5}{25 May 2007}{Fixed wrong piece count when using
% imitators}
% \changes{v0.6}{01 June 2007}{Changed errneous code to parse given
% piececount.}
% \changes{v1.5}{09 March 2008}{Added license meta-comment to
% publish package on ctan.}
% \changes{v1.5.1}{08 Jun 2010}{Fixed font problem when writing
% producing piececounter in small diagrams.}
% \changes{v1.5.2}{13 Jun 2010}{Added some percent signs at line
% ends in @start@diagram and enddiagam to avoid accidently added
% spaces.}
% \changes{v1.5.3}{04 Oct 2010}{Changed switch, which is used to
% decide, whether infomration about computer proof is displayed
% to use standard boolean syntax. Symbols about computer
% proof are now created by standard commands and may
% therefore be changed by users.}
% \changes{v1.5.4}{03 Jun 2011}{Defined 2 different versions of
% @writename command, to be able to change it in other
% stylefiles for the part over the diagram without influencing
% the one used for the solution. Added commands to set white,
% black and neutral Circles within text.}
% \changes{v1.5.5}{01 July 2011}{Changed amount of lowering
% figurine pieces.}
% \changes{v1.5.6}{09 August 2011}{Added new command
% 'solpar' to allow use
% of 'putsol' inside a window environment.}
% \changes{v1.6}{30 April 2012}{Added boolean showcity and code
% to suppress display of city, when showcity is false. Added
% commands for academic titles, which allow to suppress their
% display.}
% \changes{v1.6.1}{24 September 2012}{Added new command piecedefs specify names
% of fairy pieces for rotated pieces.}
% \changes{v1.6.2}{11 November 2012}{Added boolean for allwhite problems.}
% \changes{v1.6.3}{12 November 2012}{Added boolean for board with switched field colors.}
% \changes{v1.6.4}{12 November 2012}{Added convenience command for 'allwhite' and 'switchcolors' booleans.}
% \changes{v1.6.5}{21 June 2013}{As suggested by Torsten Lin{\ss} and Thomas Brand added support for Equihopper and turned Equihopper (X)}
% \changes{v1.6.6}{06 July 2013}{Introduced new command to switch to the default diagram size.}
% \changes{v1.6.7}{17 August 2013}{Fixed issue '19a' with allwhite on quadratic fields.}
% \changes{v1.7.0}{17 August 2013}{Implemented Issue '32c': the command diagnum now allows to specify a prefix to be used for the following diagrams.}
% \changes{v1.8.0}{27 November 2013}{Implemented issue '03f/f2a': Added code to display a legend around the board, controlled by the boolean 'legend'.}
% \changes{v1.8.1}{17 August 2014}{Implemented issue '03f/83c': changed tex boolean solafterdiagram to latex boolean.}
% \changes{v1.9}{10 Januar 2015}{Implemented issue '03f/932': Renamed boardfont to cpd@boardfont due to a naming collision with another chess package. Changed all font definitions to newcommand instead of def.}
% \changes{v1.10}{26 January 2015}{Fixed issue: 03f/658:om: diagram.sty:
% evaluation of options 11pt and 12pt does not work.}
% \changes{v1.11}{30 January 2015}{Fixed issue 03f/e20:om: diagram.sty:
% piecedefs should be written after twins and before remarks.}
% \changes{v1.11.1}{16 March 2015}{Fixed issue 03f/b31:om: diagram.sty: label and ref don't respect diagnum prefix or diagnumbering setting.}
% \changes{v1.12}{06 January 2016}{Implemented issue: 03f/fc0:om: diagram.dtx: change  def x to  newcommand.\\
% Changed name of internal commands ds@left, ds@right, ds@upsidedown due to a naming collising with options from eurosym.sty.}
% \changes{v1.13}{04 April 2019}{Implemented issue: 03f/99b:om: diagram.dtx: added new command fen to allow entering forsyth-edwards-notation}
% \changes{v1.14}{02 September 2019}{Fixed issue with stereo- and space-diagrams.}
% \changes{v1.15}{28 December 2019}{Fixed frame issue with stereo- and space-diagrams.\\
% Added hook commands for begin/end diagram.}
% \changes{v1.16}{09 February 2020}{Fixed date display issue in
% figurine environment.\\
% Added hook commands to figurine environment.\\
% Fixed documentation bug: separation character in themes command is
% comma not semicolon.\\
% command diagnumbering fixed: boolean is changed to true globally.}
% \changes{v1.17}{27 December 2020}{Added generation of cpdparse.sty
% containing generic command for parsing lists.}
% \changes{v1.18}{04 February 2021}{03f/0be:om: Typo: above@newlne\\
% 03f/035:om: solnamestype has no effect}
% \changes{v1.19}{04 March 2021}{Minor fix in cl@arsol\\
% Added (empty) command gerne.}
% \changes{v1.20}{13 June 2022}{Introduced two booleans to better
% control displaying diagram number globally and locally.\\
% Removed the old boolean 'di@no'.}
% \changes{v1.21}{14 June 2022}{Impletented issue: 03f/309:\\
% handle empty arguments in information collecting commands\\
% Fixed typo in @dia@fidealbum command.}
% \changes{v1.22}{13 June 2024}{Fix empty argument detection.\\
% Change ra and lra commands to allow for common prefix and suffix.\\
% Added generic command insidediagram to allow e.g. footnotes inside
% diagrams.\\
% Fixed numbering when creating empty diagram numbering via
% speciadiagram.}
% \changes{v1.23}{2025/03/12}{%
% Fixed pdflatex/Acrobat-Reader issue by using tikz in put@row.
% Removed dependency to pstricks.
% Switched to LaTeX counters from TeX counters.
% Fixed spacing issue when using fen notation.
% }
% \DoNotIndex{\@arabic,\def,\@idxitem,\@ifnextchar,\@ifstar,
% \@ne,\@ptsize,\ ,\advance,\AtEndOfPackage,\begin,\begingroup,
% \bfseries,\bgroup,\boolean,\box,\char,\chardef,\closeout,
% \count,\csname,\DeclareOption,\DocInput,\documentclass,
% \egroup,\else,\end,\endcsname,\endgroup,\endinput,\errmessage,
% \exhyphenpenalty,\expandafter,\fi,\font,\fonddimen,\gdef,\global,
% \hangafter,\hangindent,\hbox,\hfill,\hrule,\hsize,\hskip,\hss,\if,
% \ifcase,\ifdim,\iffalse,\ifmmode,\ifnum,\ifodd,\ifthenelse,
% \ifvmode,\ifx,\immediate,\index,\input,\itshape,\kern,\label,\let,
% \llap,\long,\loop,\lower,\mbox,\medskip,\multiply,\newboolean,\newbox,
% \newcount,\newcounter,\newdimen,\newif,\newindex,\newline,\newtoks,
% \newwrite,\noexpand,\noindent,\openout,\OptionNotUsed,\or,\p@,\par,
% \parindent,\parskip,\penalty,\printindex,\ProcessOptions,\ProvidesFile,
% \ProvidesPackage,\raise,\RecordChanges,\ref,\refstepcounter,\relax,
% \repeat,\RequirePackage,\rmfamily,\setboolean,\setbox,\setlength,
% \the,\textwidth,\unhbox,\usepackage,\vbox,\vfil,\vrule,\vskip,
% \vss,\vtop,\wd,\write,\xdef,\z@}
% \title{Creating diagrams for chess problems\\{\large Version~\fileversion}}
% \author{Thomas Brand\\Bornheim\and Stefan H\"oning\\Neuss}
% \date{\docdate}
% \maketitle
% \begin{abstract}
% It have been more than ten years now, since we last published a documented
% version of the {\ttfamily diagram.sty}, which is mainly intended to
% be used for typesetting chess problems. Since 1994 I (Stefan H\"oning) made a
% couple of enhancements to the sourcecode of the style, without publishing and
% putting this into the documentation. We also needed to upgrade to \LaTeXe.
% The major change is the documentation language, which is english now.
% The style itself tries to collect very detailed information
% about a chess problem by providing a lot of commands,
% which you may use to specify the necessary information. There
% are different reasons for this.  One idea was to enable people
% to read \LaTeX-diagrams into databases with information as
% detailed as possible. Otherwise it should be easy to change the
% layout of a diagram by applying a changed style - not by
% changing the source.
% \end{abstract}
% \newpage
% \tableofcontents
% \newpage
% \newcommand{\explained}[1]{{\itshape#1}}
% \newcommand{\magazine}[1]{{\bfseries\itshape #1}}
% \newcommand{\Schwalbe}{\magazine{Die Schwalbe}}
% \section{Creating diagrams}
% \subsection{An introductary example}
% Let us first take a look at a simple example which should only
% show what you have to type into your \LaTeX-code to get nice
% looking diagrams.
% \bigskip
% %
% \begin{diagram}
%  \label{BSP1}
%  \author{Brand, Thomas}
%  \source{Problemkiste} \year{1992}
%  \dedic{Elmar Bartel gew.}
%  \pieces[2+3]{wKd1, wBe2, sKh8, sBe4, sTa4}
%  \stip{h\#7}
%  \sol{1.Ta3 Kc2!, 2.Tf3 e\x f3, 3.e3 f4, 4.e2 f5, 5.e1T f6, 
%       6.Th1! (Te7?) f7, 7.Th7 f8D\#}
% \end{diagram}
% \hfill
% \begin{diagram}
%  \label{BSP2}
%  \setboolean{legend}{true}
%  \author{Brand, Thomas}
%  \source{Problemkiste} \year{1992}
%  \fen{8/1k6/8/1B6/K6p/7N/8/8}
%  \stip{h\#5}
%  \sol{1.Ka8 Sg1, 2.h3 Ka5, 3.h2 Kb6, 4.h\x g1L+ Kc7, 5.La7 Lc6\#}
% \end{diagram}
% \putsol
% \bigskip
% To use the package you have to make it available to \LaTeX\ using 
% \verb+\usepackage{diagram}+ inside the preamble of your document.
% Then you may use the {\ttfamily diagram} environment to create
% the diagrams. For the above example I had to type the
% following:
% \begin{verbatim}
% \begin{diagram}
%  \author{Brand, Thomas}
%  \source{Problemkiste} \year{1992}
%  \dedic{Elmar Bartel gew.}
%  \pieces[2+3]{wKd1, wBe2, sKh8, sBe4, sTa4}
%  \stip{h\#7}
%  \sol{1.Ta3 Kc2!, 2.Tf3 e\x f3, 3.e3 f4, 4.e2 f5, 5.e1T f6, 
%       6.Th1! (Te7?) f7, 7.Th7 f8D\#}
% \end{diagram}
% \hfill
% \begin{diagram}
%  \setboolean{legend}{true}
%  \author{Brand, Thomas}
%  \source{Problemkiste} \year{1992}
%  \pieces[3+2]{wKa4, wLb5, wSh3, sKb7, sBh4}
%  \stip{h\#5}
%  \sol{1.Ka8 Sg1, 2.h3 Ka5, 3.h2 Kb6, 4.h\x g1L+ Kc7, 5.La7 Lc6\#}
% \end{diagram}
% \putsol
% \end{verbatim}
% \DescribeEnv{diagram}
% Any information which belongs to a problem should be put
% between \verb+\begin{diagram}+ and \verb+\end{diagram}+. The
% above examples contains information for \explained{authors,
% source, year of publication, stipulation, solution} and (in
% diagram \ref{BSP1}) a \explained{dedication}.
% This information is shown around a chessboard except the
% solution, which is collected and put into the output using the
% \verb+\putsol+ command.
% \subsection{Elements of a diagram}
% This section describes the elements which may be used inside a 
% {\ttfamily diagram} environment. For most of these elements
% there is no sense using them between \verb+\begin{diagram}+ and
% \verb+\end{diagram}+. Some of them will not work outside of the
% environment (like |\author|). In case you use these switches
% anywhere outside you will specify the information for all
% problems in your surrounding environment (which may be the
% complete document).
% \subsubsection{Collecting the problem information}
% \MakeShortVerb{\|}
% The following information is typically given with a problem:
% \begin{itemize}
% \item \DescribeMacro{\author}
% With the |\author| tag you specify one author or a list of authors.
% If you specify more than one author, you must separate them
% with ``;~''. Normally an author is given as \explained{``sirname,
% givenname''}. You may change the way, how the name is
% interpreted by \LaTeX\ using |\normalnames| and
% |\reversednames|. This \verb+\author+ command does only
% overwrite the default behaviour when used inside a diagram
% environment.
% \item \DescribeMacro{\Dr} \DescribeMacro{\Prof}
% \DescribeMacro{\ProfDr}
% Within the Authors command you should use the commands |\Dr|,
% |\Prof| and |\ProfDr| to specify these academic titles. So one
% may switch off the display of these titles --- like it is
% generally done inside \Schwalbe.
% \item \DescribeMacro{\pieces}
% With |\pieces| you specify the position to be displayed on the
% board. For each kind of piece you may specify a list of fields.
% Different lists of fields are separated by ``,~''. So the general
% syntax for specifying the position of a specific piece
% is:\newline
% [color][piece]\{rotation of piece\}[list of squares];\newline
% e.\,g. {\ttfamily wTa1h1} should be clear, {\ttfamily nKa4} is
% a neutral king on a4\newline
% {\bfseries w s n} may be used to specify the color of the
% piece.\newline
% {\bfseries K D T L S B C E X} may be used to specify the piece. A {\bfseries
% C} is used for an imitator, {\bfseries E} for an equihopper and {\bfseries X}
% for a rotated equihopper. You may {\itshape not} use an optional rotation
% with {\bfseries C, E} and {\bfseries X}.\newline
% {\bfseries R U L} may be used to specify an optional rotation:
% right, upside-down, left. So you may use {\ttfamily sDUc7} for
% a grashopper on c7 --- displayed as an upsidedown
% queen.\newline The characters used to specify color, piece and
% rotation may be changed using the |\DefinePieces| command.
% You may also optionally specify the number of pieces in your
% diagram, which then will be used to control your input
% automatically.
% There is also support for an imitator, which is typically
% displayed as a black filled circle. So {\ttfamily sCf4} will
% produce the symbol of an imitator. This is shown in
% diagram~\ref{bigdia}.
% \item \DescribeMacro{\fen}
% As an alternative notation it is possible to enter the position in
% \textit{Forsyth-Edwards-Notation}. This is possible for 8\,$\times$\,8 boards
% only.
% As an example: The position in diagram~\ref{BSP2} was created via\newline
% |\fen{8/1k6/8/1B6/K6p/7N/8/8}|.
% As with the |\pieces| command, you may provide the number of white and
% black pieces as an optional parameter.
% \item \DescribeMacro{\stipulation} \DescribeMacro{\stip}
% is used to specify the stipulation of the problem, e.\,g.\ 
% |\stipulation{\#2}| may be used to specify a \explained{mate in
% two}. There is also an abbreviation |\stip| for this macro.
% \item \DescribeMacro{\city}
% may be used to specify the city and country, where the author
% or the authors live. I use this inside the original section of 
% \Schwalbe. You should separate multiple cities (for multiple
% authors) with ``;~''. There is also a boolean switch |showcity|,
% which contols, whether this information is displayed.
% \item \DescribeMacro{\specialdiagnum}
% May be used to suppress the default diagram numbering (which
% uses a counter) and instead directly providing a diagram
% ``number'' which may be an arbritary text. This may also be used to
% suppress displaying a diagram number by providing an empty argument
% \verb+{}+.
% \item \DescribeMacro{\sourcenr}
% May be used to specify the number which was used for the
% problem inside an originals section.
% \item \DescribeMacro{\source}
% May be used to specify the book or magazine where the problem
% was issued first.
% \item \DescribeMacro{\issue}
% May be used to specify e.\,g.\ the issue of a magazine where
% the problem was issued.
% \item \DescribeMacro{\pages}
% May be used to specify the page (or pages) where the problem
% was issued.
% \item \DescribeMacro{\day}
% \DescribeMacro{\month}\DescribeMacro{\months}
% \DescribeMacro{\year}
% May be used to specify the different parts of the date of
% publication of the problem. (E.\,g.\ for problems issued in the
% german magazine \Schwalbe\ you will typically only specify the
% |\month| and the |\year|. For problems issued in
% \magazine{feenschach} you may specify a period of months like 
% |\months{7-10}|.)
% \item \DescribeMacro{\tournament}\DescribeMacro{\award}
% May be used to specify an award and a tournament for the
% problem.
% \item \DescribeMacro{\dedication}\DescribeMacro{\dedic}
% May be used to specify a dedication which was given by the 
% author of the problem.
% \item \DescribeMacro{\condition}\DescribeMacro{\cond}
% May be used to specify the fairy conditions of a problem.
% Different conditions should be separated with ``;~''.
% \item \DescribeMacro{\twins}
% May be used to specify the different twins of a problem.
% Different twins should be separated with ``;~''.
% \item \DescribeMacro{\remark}\DescribeMacro{\rem}
% May be used to specify remarks to the problem. I typically use
% this to explain fairy pieces on the board. You may also use the 
% abbreviation |\rem|.
% \item \DescribeMacro{\piecedefs}
% May be used to explain rotated pieces. An example:\newline
% \verb+\piecedefs{{ws}{TL}{Turm-L\"aufer-J\"ager}; {wn}{SU}{Nachtreiter}}+
% will create\newline
% \hbox{\wTL\sTL = Turm-L\"aufer-J\"ager}\newline
% \hbox{\wSU\nSU = Nachtreiter}\newline
% under the diagram.
% \item \DescribeMacro{\solution}\DescribeMacro{\sol}
% |\solution| may be used to specify the solution of the problem.
% Normally this information is not used while displaying the
% board but it is only collected and may be put into your text
% using |\putsol|. There is also an abbreviation |\sol|.
% \item \DescribeMacro{\judgement}
% May be used to describe the judgement given for a problem,
% e.\,g. when you are working on an award or when you are
% selecting problems for a ``best of \dots{}'' book.
% \item \DescribeMacro{\comment}
% May be used to specify some comment on the problem (e.\,g. the
% authors original comment.)
% \item \DescribeMacro{\themes}
% May be used to specify themes displayed in the problem.
% Different themes should be separated with ``,~''. When creating a 
% theme index, the themes will automatically be used to create
% the register.
% \item \DescribeMacro{\genre}
% May be used to specify genre of the problem.
% Different genres should be separated with ``,~''.
% The values are intended to using \LaTeX\-import within the PDB.
% \end{itemize}
% When providing an empty argument to commands \verb+\award+,
% \verb+\after+, \verb+\dedic+, \verb+\correction+ and \verb+\version+
% only a warning is issued to the logfile. In previous
% versions of \verb+diagram.sty+ using empty arguments with the
% mentioned commands produced empty lines above the diagram.
% There are some commands which not only collect information but
% normally direct result in a change of the diagram. These are:
% \begin{itemize}
% \item \DescribeMacro{\verticalcylinder}
% does not display the outer vertical lines to symbolize a
% verticalcylindric board.
% \item \DescribeMacro{\horizontalcylinder}
% does not display the outer horizontal lines to symbolize a
% horizontalcylindric board.
% \item \DescribeMacro{\noframe}
% does completely suppress the outer frame e.\,g.\ to symbolize a
% torus board.
% \item \DescribeMacro{\noinnerframe}
% sometimes you need to suppress the inner frame instead of the
% outer frame which is achieved by using |\noinnerframe|. You may
% not use this together with |\noframe|.
% \item \DescribeMacro{\gridchess}
% displays lines to seperates fieldsections for gridchess.
% \end{itemize}
% \subsubsection{Modifying the layout of the diagram (and the
% solution)}
% There are a couple of switches which control the layout of
% the diagrams. These are typically used more generally, so you
% may specify these switches outside the {\ttfamily diagram}
% environment or use them in your own style, which depends on
% {\ttfamily cpd.sty}.
% There are some switches which control the layout of the
% information which is displayed above a diagram:
% \begin{itemize}
% \item \DescribeMacro{\diagleft}
% displayes the information left aligned
% \item \DescribeMacro{\diagcenter}
% displayes the information centered
% \item \DescribeMacro{\diagright}
% displayes the information right aligned
% \item \DescribeMacro{\widedias}
% is like |\diagcenter| but the information shown above the
% diagram may span the whole width of the page. So \LaTeX\ will
% not wrap long author names.
% \end{itemize}
% \DescribeMacro{\dianamestyle}
% \DescribeMacro{\solnamestyle}
% Using |\dianamestyle| (or |\solnamestyle|) you may specify how
% authornames are written above the boards (or before the
% solutions). You may use this only if you use |\reversednames|
% (which is the default). Otherwise it is not possible to
% distuingish between firstname and sirname. You must specify one
% of the following options as parameter to |\dianamestyle| (or
% |\solnamestyle|):
% \begin{description}
% \item[fullname]
% Writes the authorname as {\itshape firstname sirname}. This is
% the default.
% \item[sirname]
% Writes the {\itshape sirname} only.
% \item[short]
% Writes an abbreviation of the {\itshape firstname} and the
% {\itshape sirname}. The abbreviation is calculated as follows:
% \begin{itemize}
% \item The first letter of the {\itshape firstname} will be
% used.\newline
% |\author{Brand, Thomas}| will be displayed as {\bfseries T.
% Brand}
% \item When there is a combined {\itshape firstname} separated
% with a hyphen, each first letter will be used. (see
% below)\newline
% |\author{Reich, Hans-Peter}| will be displayed as {\bfseries
% H.-P. Reich}
% \item When specifying the author name, you may provide the
% abbreviation for the firstname using the form {\itshape
% sirname, firstname/abbreviation}.\newline
% |\author{Brand, Thomas/Th.}| will be displayed as {\bfseries
% Th.~Brand}
% \end{itemize}
% \item[noname]
% displayes nothing
% \end{description}
% \DescribeMacro{\diagnumbering}
% The same way you may specify |\pagenumbering| you may specify
% the format the diagrams are numbered using |\diagnumbering|
% and |\pagenumbering| you may specify {\ttfamily arabic, Roman, roman,
% Alph or alph}. The default used is {\ttfamily arabic}.
% This command also switches the display for diagram numbers on.
% \DescribeMacro{\setmonthstyle}
% You may also specify the way a month is displayed using
% |\setmonthstyle|.
% There are some boolean switches, which control whether a specific
% information is displayed. These are as follows:
% \begin{itemize}
% \item \DescribeMacro{piececounter}
% This is a \LaTeX\ boolean, which is used to specify whether the
% number of pieces is displayed below the board. So you may
% change its value using |\setboolean{piececounter}{true}| or
% |\setboolean{piececounter}{false}|.
% \item
% \DescribeMacro{showcomputer}
% \DescribeMacro{\nocomputer}\DescribeMacro{\showcomputer}
% There is a boolean value |computer|, which controls whether the
% infomration about a computer proof is displayed or not.  This
% value may be changed using |\setboolean{showcomputer}{true}| or
% |\setboolean{showcomputer}{false}| For backwards compatiblity
% we support the macros |\nocomputer| and |\showcomputer|.
% \item \DescribeMacro{showcity}
% This is a boolean switch, which controls whether the informated
% gathered using the |\city| command is displayed. The default of
% this value is |false|.
% \item \DescribeMacro{showacademictitle}
% This is a boolean switch, which controls whether academic
% titles |\Dr|, |\Prof| or |\ProfDr| --- typically used within
% the |\author| command --- are displayed. The default is |true|.
% \item \DescribeMacro{legend}
% This boolean controls whether a legend is displayed.  The default
% value of this value is |false|. When legends are displayed the
% distance between inner and outer frame is automatically adjusted.
% \end{itemize}
% \DescribeMacro{\notcomputerproofedsymbol}
% \DescribeMacro{\computerproofedsymbol}
% You may specify the text, which is used indicate, whether a
% problem is proofed by a computer. To specifiy the symbol for a
% problem, which is proofed, is created by
% |\computerproofedsymbol|.  To specifiy the symbol for a
% problem, which is not computer proofed, is created by
% |\notcomputerproofedsymbol|. You may redefine these commands by
% standard \LaTeX\ means (|\renewcommand|).

% \DescribeMacro{\selectelchfont}
% You may specify which font is used for the chesspieces. There
% are two possible fonts:
% \begin{description}
% \item[pk] for the font which was originally used in the german
% magazine \magazine{Problemkiste}
% \selectelchfont{pk}\hbox{\wK\wD\wT\wL\wS\wB\sK\sD\sT\sL\sS\sB}
% \item[fs] for the font which was first used (and was created
% for) the magazine \magazine{feenschach}
% \selectelchfont{fs}\hbox{\wK\wD\wT\wL\wS\wB\sK\sD\sT\sL\sS\sB}
% \end{description}
% \DescribeMacro{\diagramx}
% \DescribeMacro{\diagramxi}
% \DescribeMacro{\diagramxii}
% In analogy to the defaults for fontsizes of a document you may
% specify sizes of the fonts used in a diagram. The default will
% be set according to the fontsize specified as the
% |\documentclass| option.
% \subsubsection{Other commands}
% \begin{itemize}
% \item \DescribeMacro{\label}
% This overrides the normal |\label| definition such that the 
% diagram number is displayed when using |\ref| instead of the 
% page number.
% \item \DescribeMacro{\diagnum} 
% This macro expects a number as a parameter. The number will be used to
% (re-)initialize the diagram number counter. With this command the output of
% diagram numbers also is switched on. It must be used outside the {\ttfamily
% diagram} environment.  As an optional parameter you may specify something,
% which will be used as prefix before the automatically updated diagram numbers.
% E.\,g.\ the command \verb+\diagnum[T-]{4}+ will produce the following diagram numbers for the
% following diagrams: \textbf{T-4}, \textbf{T-5}, \textbf{T-6}, \dots{}
% \end{itemize}
% \subsection{Special boards}
% \subsubsection{Changing the boardsize}
% \DescribeEnv{diagram[]}
% Instead of using a boardsize of $8\times8$ some fairy problems
% need smaller or larger boards. This can be achieved by
% specifying the rows and columns as an optional parameter to the
% |\begin{diagram}| environment. You first have to specify the
% columns and then the rows as the following examples shows.
% \bigskip
% \begin{diagram}[17x11]
% \label{bigdia}
% \pieces{wKUi{11}, sKRj9, sCc5b4}
% \end{diagram}
% \hspace{2em}
% \begin{minipage}[t]{7cm}
% \vspace*{-5cm}
% is created by
% \bigskip
% \begin{verbatim}
% \begin{diagram}[17x11]
% \label{bigdia}
% \pieces{wKUi{11}, sKRj9, sCc5b4}
% \end{diagram}
% \end{verbatim}
% \end{minipage}
% As you can see in the example, pieces are set using the
% |\pieces| macro. When using boards with more than 8 lines you
% have to continue with charachters {\bfseries i, j, k, \dots}\@
% In a board with more than 9 rows you have to specify the rows
% in curly braces \{ \} as shown in the example.
% \subsubsection{Stereo- and Space-Chess-Diagrams}
% \DescribeEnv{stereodiagram}
% \DescribeEnv{spacediagram[]}
% Other boards which are used from time to time are stereochess
% or spacechess boards (although there are quite few people which
% really have such boards!). To create these boards you just have
% to use either the |stereodiagram| or |spacediagram| environment
% instead of the normal |diagram| environment. Here is an
% example:
% \begin{stereodiagram}
% \author{Jensch, Gerhard W.}
% \sourcenr{3104.}
% \source{feenschach}
% \year{1980}
% \award{Preis}
% \pieces{wKf3, wTf6d5A, wLe3, wSf4A, sKe5, sTc4D, sLc4C, sSc6, sBb6c4A}
% \stip{\#9}
% \end{stereodiagram}
% \hfill
% \begin{spacediagram}
% \author{Dawson, T. R.}
% \sourcenr{6595.}
% \source{Fairy Chess Review}
% \month{12}
% \year{1945}
% \pieces{wKc1A, wLe1A, sKa1A, sBa2Aa1Ba2Bd3Be4Bd2Ce2D}
% \stip{\#2}
% \end{spacediagram}
% These diagrams have been produced by the following code:
% \begin{verbatim}
% \begin{stereodiagram}
% \author{Jensch, Gerhard W.}
% \sourcenr{3104.}
% \source{feenschach}
% \year{1980}
% \award{Preis}
% \pieces{wKf3, wTf6d5A, wLe3, wSf4A, sKe5, sTc4D, sLc4C, sSc6, sBb6c4A}
% \stip{\#9}
% \end{stereodiagram}
% \hfill
% \begin{spacediagram}
% \author{Dawson, T. R.}
% \sourcenr{6595}.
% \source{Fairy Chess Review}
% \month{12}
% \year{1945}
% \pieces{wKc1A, wLe1A, sKa1A, sBa2Aa1Ba2Bd3Be4Bd2Ce2D}
% \stip{\#2}
% \end{spacediagram}
% \end{verbatim}
% The main change is within the notation of the pieces, but
% people knowing space- or stereo-chess problems see that the
% notation is just one would expect.
% \DescribeMacro{\spacelayout}
% Sometimes one would like show the different planes of a
% space diagram from left to right. This may be switched using
% the |\spacelayout| command, which takes one parameter:
% \begin{description}
% \item[vertical] for planes organized bottom up
% \item[horizontal] for planes organized left to right
% \end{description}
% \noindent\begin{spacediagram}[4x2x3]
% \spacelayout{horizontal}
% \end{spacediagram}
% \hfill%
% \hbox{\vbox{%
% \hsize6cm
% Is produced by
% \begin{verbatim}
% \begin{spacediagram}[4x2x3]
% \spacelayout{horizontal}
% \end{spacediagram}
% \end{verbatim}
% }}
% \subsubsection{Cylindric boards / suppressing frames}
% \noindent\hbox{}%
% \DescribeMacro{\horizontalcylinder}
% \DescribeMacro{\verticalcylinder}
% \DescribeMacro{\noframe}
% \DescribeMacro{\noinnerframe}
% To stylize a cylindric board one typically does not show parts
% of the frame. When using |\verticalcylinder|\, the horizontal
% lines of the outer frame will not be drawn.
% |\horizontalcylinder|\, suppresses the drawing of the vertical
% lines of the outer frame. Using |\noframe|\, completely supresses
% the outer frame. |\noinnerframe|\, suppresses the innerframe. 
% In case of stereo- or space-chess-diagrams |\verticalcylinder|,
% |\horizontalcylinder|\, and |\noframe|\, suppresses the inner
% frame.
% \subsection{Change the coloring of the fields}
% \DescribeMacro{\allwhite}
% The \verb+allwhite+ boolean can be used to have all white squares.  Therefore
% dotted lines are produced to separate the squares.  For convenience we
% provide a command \verb+allwhite+ which switches the value of the
% \verb+allwhite+ boolean to true.
% \bigskip
% \begin{diagram}
% \allwhite
% \pieces{wKe1, wDd1, wTa1h1, wLf1c1, wSb1g1, sKe8, sDd8, sTa8h8, sLf8c8, sSb8g8}
% \end{diagram}
% \hfill
% \begin{minipage}[b]{7cm}
% \vspace*{-3cm}
% This was produced by:
% \begin{verbatim}
% \begin{diagram}
% \allwhite
% \pieces{wKe1, wDd1, wTa1h1, wLf1c1, wSb1g1, %
%     sKe8, sDd8, sTa8h8, sLf8c8, sSb8g8}
% \end{diagram}
% \end{verbatim}
% \end{minipage}
% \DescribeMacro{\switchcolors}
% The boolean \verb+switchcolors+ may be used to switch the coloring of white
% and black fields.  For convenience we provide a command \verb+switchcolors+
% which switches the value of the \verb+switchcolors+ boolean to true.
% \bigskip
% \begin{diagram}
% \switchcolors
% \end{diagram}
% \subsubsection{figurine Notation}
% \DescribeEnv{figurine}
% Instead of using the |diagram|, |stereodiagram| or
% |spacediagram| environment one may use the |figurine|
% environment. This suppresses the diagram output and produces a
% figurine notation inside the current text.
% \subsubsection{Changes within the board}
% \DescribeMacro{\nofields}
% \DescribeMacro{\nosquares}
% You may remove single fields by using the |\nofields| or
% |\nosquares| command. Using this command does make sense for 
% empty black fields only. This command expects a list of squares
% separated by ``,~''. You may also use this command within a
% stereo- or space-diagram. In this case you must specify the
% fields the same way you do it inside the |\pieces| command.
% \DescribeMacro{\fieldframe}
% You may specify single fields, which should be surrounded by a
% frame. This is possible using the |\fieldframe| command. You
% must specify the list of fields which should have frames the
% same way you specify fields within the |\nofields| command.
% \DescribeMacro{\gridlines}
% A more general form of lines within diagrams is possible by
% using the |\gridlines| command. You may specify a list of
% horizontal or vertical lines within the diagram. Different
% lines should be separated by ``,~''. A single line must be
% specified as:
% [plane](v or h)(x-coordinate)(y-coordinate)(length in squares)
% You must specify a plane in case of stereo- or space-chess
% only. For a vertical line starting at the lower left corner of
% ``c2'' ending at the upper left corner of ``c8'' the command to
% use is: |\gridlines{v217}|\@. Concerning the coordinates and
% length specifications you should pay attention to put values
% greater 9 in curly braces \{ \}.
% \DescribeMacro{\fieldtext}
% Sometimes you need to show text on some squares. This is done
% using the |\fieldtext| command. The syntax for a single text
% is: \{Text\}(x-coordinate)(y-coordinate)
% Now an example how to use |\gridlines|, |\nofields| and
% |\fieldtext| to create some ``{\itshape Letter-Board}'' with text
% inside.
% \bigskip
% \begin{diagram}[9x7]
% \label{Buchstabenbrett}
% \noinnerframe
% \nofields{a2, b2, c2, a3, b3, c3, %
%  b5, c5, d5, b6, c6, d6, %
%  e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7, %
%  g1, h1, h2, h2, g3, h3, g5, h5, g6, h6, g7, h7}
% \gridlines{h004, h013, h033, h143, h163, h074, %
%  v001, v034, v142, v312, v404, v461, %
%  h501, h571, h632, h642, h801, h871, %
%  v507, v603, v643, v803, v843, v907}
% \fieldtext{{It ...}c5, {works}b2}
% \end{diagram}
% \hfill
% \begin{minipage}[b]{10cm}
% \begin{verbatim}
% \begin{diagram}[9x7]
% \noinnerframe
% \nofields{a2, b2, c2, a3, b3, c3, %
%  b5, c5, d5, b6, c6, d6, %
%  e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7, %
%  g1, h1, h2, h2, g3, h3, g5, h5, g6, h6, g7, h7}
% \gridlines{h004, h013, h033, h143, h163, h074, %
%  v001, v034, v142, v312, v404, v461, %
%  h501, h571, h632, h642, h801, h871, %
%  v507, v603, v643, v803, v843, v907}
% \fieldtext{{It ...}c5, {works}b2}
% \end{diagram}
% \end{verbatim}
% \end{minipage}
% \subsection{Misc}
% \subsubsection{Chess pieces within normal text}
% Sometimes you may need symbols of chess pieces within your
% normal text, e.\,g. to show the {\itshape
% Viele-V\"ater-Stellung} {\wK}c8, {\wB}b6, {\sK}a8, {\sB}a7.
% This is possible by |{\wK}c8, {\wB}b6, {\sK}a8, {\sB}a7|.
% Additionally you may use some of these symbols:
% \begin{description}
% \item[\swL]
% \DescribeMacro{\swL}
% a white bishop on a black square
% \item[\ssL]
% \DescribeMacro{\ssL}
% a black bishop on a black square
% \item[\wNr]
% \DescribeMacro{\wNr}
% a white nightrider
% \item[\nNr]
% \DescribeMacro{\nNr}
% a neutral nightrider
% \item[\sNr]
% \DescribeMacro{\sNr}
% a black nightrider
% \item[\wGh]
% \DescribeMacro{\wGh}
% a white grashopper
% \item[\nGh]
% \DescribeMacro{\nGh}
% a neutral grashopper
% \item[\sGh]
% \DescribeMacro{\sGh}
% a black grashopper
% \item[\Imi]
% \DescribeMacro{\Imi}
% an imitator, you may also use the {\bfseries Circle} notation:
% \item[\wC]
% \DescribeMacro{\wC}
% a white circle
% \item[\nC]
% \DescribeMacro{\nC}
% a neutral circle
% \item[\sC]
% \DescribeMacro{\sC}
% a black circle
% \item[\wE]
% \DescribeMacro{\wE}
% a white equihopper
% \item[\sE]
% \DescribeMacro{\sE}
% a black equihopper
% \item[\nE]
% \DescribeMacro{\nE}
% a neutral equihopper
% \item[\wX]
% \DescribeMacro{\wX}
% a white rotated equihopper
% \item[\sX]
% \DescribeMacro{\sX}
% a black rotated equihopper
% \item[\nX]
% \DescribeMacro{\nX}
% a neutral rotated equihopper
% \end{description}
% \subsubsection{Other often used symbols}
% The style also defines commands for other symbols, which are
% often used within the declaration of twins or when writing a
% solution:
% \begin{description}
% \item[\set]
% \DescribeMacro{\set}
% setplay
% \item[\ra]
% \DescribeMacro{\ra}
% a left to right arrow
% \item[\lra]
% \DescribeMacro{\lra}
% a double ended arrow
% \item[\OO]
% \DescribeMacro{\OO}
% king side castling
% \item[\OOO]
% \DescribeMacro{\OOO}
% queen side castling
% \item[\x]
% \DescribeMacro{\x}
% for ``takes''
% \item[\any]
% \DescribeMacro{\any}
% for an arbitrary move (you must not simply use a \verb+~+ within your
% text because \TeX\ handles this as a protected space)
% \end{description}
% \DescribeEnv{arrowskip}
% It is possible, to define a prefix and/or a suffix to use before and
% after arrows - typically a common separating space. Per default
% there is no such space. You may use the \verb+arrowskip+ environment
% have a common prefix and suffix before and after arrows:
% \begin{verbatim}
% \begin{arrowskip}{a\,}{\,b}
% ...
% \end{arrowskip}
% \end{verbatim}
% ... will prefix arrows produced with |\ra| or |\lra| with \verb+a\,+
% and suffix with \verb+\,b+.
% \subsubsection{Internationalization}
% \DescribeMacro{\DefinePieces}
% This part is relevant for people who do not like the german
% notation for pieces and therefore want to change this within
% their sources. Using the german notation, you specify the color
% of a piece as {\bfseries w}, {\bfseries s} or {\bfseries n},
% the type of a piece as {\bfseries K}, {\bfseries D}, {\bfseries T},
% {\bfseries L}, {\bfseries S}, {\bfseries B} and a possible
% rotation of a piece as {\bfseries L}, {\bfseries R} or
% {\bfseries U}. To use another notation you may use the
% |\DefinePieces| command which takes 3 parameters. 
% \begin{enumerate}
% \item the letters used to specify the colors of the pieces
% using the order white, black, neutral
% \item the letters used to specify the type of a piece using the
% order king, queen, rook, bishop, knight, pawn. You may not
% use the characters {\bfseries C, E} and {\bfseries X}, because these are
% used for Circle, Equihopper and rotated Equihopper.
% \item the letters used to specify an optional rotation using
% the order left-turned, right-turned, upside-down. You must use
% capital letters for this.
% \end{enumerate}
% When using a |\DefinePieces| command, the commands are changed
% to its next usage (or to the end of the document). The command
% not only changes the pieces you may use within the |\pieces|
% command but also defines commands to be used within normal
% text, as the following example shows:
% \noindent|\DefinePieces{wbn}{KQRBNP}{LRU}|\newline
% |\wDU\bKR\bwB|\newline
% \DefinePieces{wbn}{KQRBNP}{LRU}
% creates \wDU\bKR\bwB
% \subsubsection{When writing books}
% \DescribeMacro{\develop}
% To simplify your writings you may use the macro
% |\develop|. This will create the following additional information during
% developement:
% \begin{itemize}
% \item when you use |\label| in your diagrams the label will be
% shown at the left upper corner of the diagram.
% \item The given label will also be shown inside the solution
% and also in any register entry.
% \item when you have specified a |\judgement| this information
% will be put into the solution.
% \end{itemize}
% Most books on chessproblems contain registers for authors,
% sometimes also on themes and sources. As you already collect
% all these information very detailed within the |diagram|
% environment the generation of registers is very simple.
% \DescribeMacro{\makeaindex}
% \DescribeMacro{\authorindex}
% To create a registers of authors you need to put the
% |\makeaindex| command inside the preamble of your document.
% This instructs latex to write an intermediate file containing
% information about authors and the numbers of the
% diagrams.\footnote{Normally registers contain page numbers but
% with chess problems normally people refer to the diagram
% numbers.} After a first \LaTeX\ run on your document, you need
% to convert the intermediate file. This may be done with the
% |makeindex| program, which will typically called like
% \noindent|makeindex -o <filename>.and <filename>.adx|
% The resulting register may be put into your document using the
% |\authorindex| command.
% \DescribeMacro{\makesindex}
% \DescribeMacro{\sourceindex}
% \DescribeMacro{\maketindex}
% \DescribeMacro{\themeindex}
% Like an index for authors you may also create indices for
% sources and/or themes. For an source register you need to put
% |\makesindex| into your document preamble; for a theme register
% the command is |\maketindex|. The conversion commands for the
% intermediate files are
% \noindent|makeindex -o <filename>.snd <filename>.sdx|
% \newline for the source register and
% \noindent|makeindex -o <filename>.tnd <filename>.tdx|
% \newline for the theme register.
% The source register is inserted into the text using
% |\sourceindex| and the theme register using |\themeindex|.
% \subsubsection{Other useful stuff}
% \DescribeMacro{\solpar}
% In some environments --- like \verb+window+ --- the use of \verb+\par+ leads to unwanted
% effects. Therefore we use the command \verb+\solpar+ inside the
% definition of \verb+\@dia@solution+, which is used to display
% a single solution when using \verb+\putsol+. You may use
% \verb+\renewcommand{\solpar}+ to provide another definition of
% \verb+\solpar+ in such situations.
% \DescribeMacro{\insidediagram}
% The problem information collected by some commands may be used in
% different places (author names will be shown above the diagram and
% at the beginning of solutions when output using \verb+\putsol+).
% Therefore we need some special handling of e.g. footnotes, to avoid
% creating the footnotemarks multiple times. Such commands should be
% used within \verb+\insidediagram+ as shown by the following example:
% \begin{verbatim}
% \begin{diagram}
% \author{Else\insidediagram{\footnotemark}, Someone}
% \end{diagram}
% \end{verbatim}
% \StopEventually{\PrintIndex\PrintChanges}
% \section{The documentation driver}
% The following code will generate the documentation. Since it is
% the first piece of code in the file, the documentation can be
% obtained by simply processing the file with \LaTeXe.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \section{The implementation of the style}
% Specifies the preamble of our style file.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \begin{macro}{\DefaultDiagramSize}
% The \verb+\DefaultDiagramSize+ may be used in code to switch to the
% default diagram size. As this depends on the documents default font
% size we use the same option and execute \textit{10pt} as default.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}

%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Now we declare some constants to unify its usage within the
% style file.
%    \begin{macrocode}








% \newif\ifdi@no
% \newif\iffigcnt



%    \end{macrocode}
% We have counters for each color to count the pieces on the
% board.
%    \begin{macrocode}









%    \end{macrocode}
% We need a lot of token registers to register the information
% from within the |diagram| environment. These token registers
% are defined here. Initially each token register is defined to
% contain |\relax|, which serves as an {\itshape end-marker} when
% parsing lists.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% To remember, which information has been specified, we define
% \TeX-booleans for each command.
%    \begin{macrocode}
% \newif\if@show@computer\@show@computertrue
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
% These are used by the ``old'' board creating mechanism
%    \end{macrocode}
% The following counters are used when creating the diagram
% itself.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Some boolean \TeX-switches used whithin stereo- or spacechess
% diagrams.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% These boolean switches are used to control the output of
% registers.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \begin{macro}{\cpd@begindiagram@hook}
% \begin{macro}{\cpd@enddiagram@hook}
% We define hooks to be executed in |\begin{diagram}| and |\end{diagram}|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\diagram}
% \begin{macro}{\@diagram}
% Defines the code executed in |\begin{diagram}|. In case no
% optional size is given, a normal 8$\times$8 board is generated.
%    \begin{macrocode}
   \@ifnextchar [{\@diagram}{\@diagram[\@ight x\@ight]}%


%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
%    \begin{macrocode}
   \@ifnextchar [{\@spacediagram}{\@spacediagram[5x5x5]}%



      \refstepcounter{board@nr}% so \label and \ref work properly
   % Now \label@tk should be set, if wanted, so
   % we can generate the index entries
   % Now \@currentlabel will be set right, so we can use
   % the original label
   % Now we know, if we have frames so we can setup our dimensions
      % We do already skip with \v@space@dist
      % So we use the additional skip \space@frame@dist here
      % We do already skip with \v@space@dist
      % So we use the additional skip \space@frame@dist here
         % Now we can compute the width of the complete board
      \ifthenelse{\value{cpd@lines} > 8}{%
         % Make the board wider
         % Make a normal width
   % Now we should build the diagram itself
      % Put the stipulation into the \sq@box
      \setbox\sq@box=\hbox{\vbox to \board@width{\hsize\board@width%
      \put@sqs% This builds up the \sq@box
      % Check, if the given number of pieces is reached
            {\errmessage{Wrong number of white pieces}}%
            {\errmessage{Wrong number of black pieces}}%
             {\errmessage{Wrong number of neutral pieces}}%
      % diagram header
            \noindent\raggedright\llap{\labelfont\the\label@tk\ }%
      % diagram itself
         \hbox to \head@width{\hss\vbox{%
         % diagram trailer
         \hbox to \head@width{\hss\vtop{%
   }}% End of \dia@box

   \ \ (\arabic{cpd@whitePieces}+\arabic{cpd@blackPieces}%

   % First we build the box with the figure count
           \ \ \if@computer\computerproofedsymbol\else\notcomputerproofedsymbol\fi%
      \hbox to \z@{%
        \hbox to \board@width{\hfil\unhbox\@cnt@box}\hskip -\board@width%


      \refstepcounter{board@nr}% so \label and \ref work properly
   % Now \label@tk should be set, if wanted, so
   % we can generate the index entries
   % Now \@currentlabel will be set right, so we can use
   % the original label
   \global\elchfont\csname @#1elch\endcsname\defaultelchfont%
%    \end{macrocode}
% Here we define commands to change fonts used for text above
% and below the diagram. You may redefine to adjust the fonts to
% your needs.
% \begin{macro}{\authorfont}
% \begin{macro}{\cityfont}
% \begin{macro}{\sourcefont}
% \begin{macro}{\awardfont}
% \begin{macro}{\dedicfont}
% \begin{macro}{\stipfont}
% \begin{macro}{\remfont}
% \begin{macro}{\labelfont}
% \begin{macro}{\cpd@boardfont}
% \begin{macro}{\legendfont}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% We have three different default sizes for diagrams. 
% The following commands switch fontsizes used for the chessfonts
% to typeset the diagrams.
% \begin{macro}{\diagramx}
% \begin{macro}{\diagramxi}
% \begin{macro}{\diagramxii}
%    \begin{macrocode}


%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\defaultelchfont}
% |\defaultelchfont| is used to define the fontsize used to
% typeset the diagrams depending on the documentsize.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\def\dianamestyle#1{\def\@dianame{\csname @#1\endcsname}}
\def\solnamestyle#1{\def\@solname{\csname @#1\endcsname}}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Now we define a couple of abbreviations and special symbols
% often used when setting problem chess documents.
% \begin{macro}{\ra}
% \begin{macro}{\lra}
% \begin{macro}{\rla}
% \begin{macro}{arrowskip}
% Arrows and specification of space (or something different)
% before and after arrows.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\x}
% \begin{macro}{\set}
% \begin{macro}{\OO}
% \begin{macro}{\OOO}
% \begin{macro}{\any}
% \begin{macro}{\further}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\def\set{\kern -.05em\raise .1ex\hbox{*}}
\def\@O{0\raise.25ex\hbox{-}\kern -.1em\relax}
\def\further{\ifmmode\Rightarrow\else$\Rightarrow$\fi\ \ignorespaces}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\def\spacelayout#1{\csname space@#1\endcsname}
    % \global\di@nofalse
   % \global\di@notrue%
   \gdef\thediag{\@dianumber@prefix\csname @#1\endcsname\c@board@nr}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% \begin{macro}{\diagcenter}
% \begin{macro}{\diagleft}
% \begin{macro}{\diagright}
% The macros |\diagcenter|, |\diagleft| and |\diagright| simply
% define the macro |\he@dpos| to the corresponding paragraph
% alignment.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\setmonthstyle}
% The implementation of |\setmonthstyle| does |\diagnumbering|
% define a command which uses the given parameter as a part of
% the command name.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\def\setmonthstyle#1{\def\write@month{\csname @#1\endcsname}}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
%    \begin{macrocode}
       % We disable displaying the diagram number
%    \end{macrocode}
% \begin{macro}{\ds@label}
% \begin{macro}{\ds@author}
% The macros |\ds@label| and |\ds@author| are defined internally
% and are made public within |\begin{diagram}|. This is because
% the macros |\label| and |\author| are normal \LaTeX-macros and
% I want to avoid to redefine these globally.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\ds@academictitle}
% \begin{macro}{\Dr}
% \begin{macro}{\Prof}
% \begin{macro}{\ProfDr}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
%    \begin{macrocode}
       \message{^^JWARNING: empty '#2' argument.^^J}%
   % We should parse the given piececounts
      {}% Do nothing
% \def\@piecedef#1{\csname#1\x@piecedef\endcsname\l@@klist}
% \newcommand{\piecedef}[3][ws]{%
%     \def\x@piecedef{#2}%
%     \let\@action=\@piecedef%
%     \hbox{\l@@klist#1\e@list%
%     \ = #3}%
% }
   \relax% Currently not used within diagram.sty
%    \end{macrocode}
% \begin{macro}{\gridchess}
% \begin{macro}{\magic}
% \begin{macro}{\tourn}
% \begin{macro}{\dedic}
% \begin{macro}{\stip}
% \begin{macro}{\cond}
% \begin{macro}{\rem}
% \begin{macro}{\sol}
% Here we define some abbreviations and synonyms for other
% macros.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
% \end{macro}
%    \begin{macrocode}



   \expandafter\xdef\csname\ds@white F\endcsname{{\chessfont\ }}
   \expandafter\xdef\csname\ds@black F\endcsname{{\chessfont\char144}}
   \expandafter\xdef\csname\ds@white Nr\endcsname{%
   \expandafter\xdef\csname\ds@neutral Nr\endcsname{%
   \expandafter\xdef\csname\ds@black Nr\endcsname{%
   \expandafter\xdef\csname\ds@white Gh\endcsname{%
   \expandafter\xdef\csname\ds@neutral Gh\endcsname{%
   \expandafter\xdef\csname\ds@black Gh\endcsname{%
   \expandafter\xdef\csname\ds@white C\endcsname{%
   \expandafter\xdef\csname\ds@neutral C\endcsname{%
   \expandafter\xdef\csname\ds@black C\endcsname{%
\def\cpd@whiteField{{\chessfont\ }}

%    \end{macrocode}
% \begin{macro}{\dia@above}
% The content of the box above a diagram is controlled by the
% macro |\dia@above|. It just delegates the information to a
% couple of other macros, which then generate the displayed
% information above the diagram.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\dia@below}
% As before, the macro |\dia@below| creates the displayed
% information below the chessboard - forwarding to a couple of other
% macros.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\@dia@number}
% The |\@dia@number| macro simply creates the diagram number in a
% single paragraph.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
% \begin{macro}{\@dia@authors}
% This macro is used to create the list of authors specified
% within the |\author| macro inside the |diagram| environment.
% Depending on the \TeX-boolean |normal@names| we either simply
% display the registered author or parse the list of authors by
% using the generic |\@parseTokenList| macro.
%    \begin{macrocode}
         \let\@action=\@dia@writename% Parse the list of authors
%    \end{macrocode}
% \end{macro}
%    \begin{macrocode}
\def\@show@city#1;{\if@notfirst\ \slash\ \else\@notfirsttrue\fi#1}

\def\p@rsecity#1; {\@show@city#1;\l@@klist}





      \if@sourcenr\the\sourcenr@tk\ \fi
      \if@date\ \ \fi\@dia@date%
      \if@issue\ \ \the\issue@tk\fi%
      \if@pages ,\ \the\pages@tk\fi%


         \ \ \@dia@date%



\def\@show@album#1/#2;{#1 FIDE-Album #2}


\def\@twinskip{\ \ }


\def\x@write@twin#1; {%

\def\write@twins#1; {%
      \noindent\hbox to 4\sq@width{#1\hfil}%





   \ = #3}%

\def\write@piecedefs#1; {%



   \advance\help@a \@ne%

      \if@number\the\number@tk) \fi%
            {\@notfirstfalse% We are the first one
            \def\name@sep{, }%

\def\p@rseauthor@figurine#1,#2; {%
   \if@notfirst, \else\@notfirsttrue\fi#2 #1%

      \ \ %

      \ \ \ %

\def\@figurine@after{\if@after{\dedicfont\ \ \the\after@tk}\fi}

   \if@correction{\dedicfont\ \ \the\correction@tk}\fi%

   \if@version{\dedicfont\ \ \the\version@tk}\fi%

      \if@sourcenr\the\sourcenr@tk\ \fi%
      \if@date\ \ \fi\@dia@date%
      \if@issue , \the\issue@tk\fi%
      \if@pages , \the\pages@tk\fi%

   \if@tournament{\awardfont\ \ \the\tournament@tk}\fi%

   \if@award{\awardfont\ \ \the\award@tk}\fi%

   \if@dedication{\awardfont\ \ \the\dedic@tk}\fi%
\def\show@squares#1\e@list{\ch@fig{\the\help@a}#1, }

   \if@stipulation{\stipfont\ \ \the\stipulation@tk}\fi%

   \if@condition{\remfont\ \ \the\condition@tk}\fi%

   \if@twins{\remfont\ \ \the\twins@tk}\fi%

      \if@computer\ \computerproofedsymbol\fi%

   \if@remark{\stipfont\ \ \the\remark@tk}\fi%
         } %end of \solhead
\def\@dia@writename#1; {\above@newline{\authorfont\@dianame#1; }\l@@klist}
\def\@sol@writename#1; {\sep@names\@solname#1; \l@@klist}
\def\name@sep{,\ }
   \if@notfirst -\else\@notfirsttrue\fi%




\def\@fullname#1, #2; {\write@christian#2; #1}
\def\@sirname#1, #2; {#1}
\def\@short#1, #2; {\write@short#2;\ #1}
\def\@noname#1, #2; {}
\def\@normalname#1; {#1}
   \else\errmessage{invalid color!}%


       {\ds@king}{\advance\help@a 5}%
           \advance\help@a 145%
       {E}{\advance\help@a 216}%
       {X}{\advance\help@a 180}%
   }[\errmessage{invalid piece!}]%

%     \IfStrEqCase{\r@tate}{%
%         {\ds@rotation@upsidedown}{%
%             \advance\help@a 108%
%             \let\nextpr@c=\skipr@t%
%         }%
%         {\ds@rotation@left}{%
%             \advance\help@a 36%
%             \let\nextpr@c=\skipr@t%
%         }%
%         {\ds@rotation@right}{%
%             \advance\help@a 72%
%             \let\nextpr@c=\skipr@t%
%         }%
%     }[\let\nextpr@c\piece@job]%
   \if\r@tate \ds@rotation@upsidedown\advance\help@a 108\let\nextpr@c=\skipr@t\else%
   \if\r@tate \ds@rotation@left\advance\help@a 36\let\nextpr@c=\skipr@t\else%
   \if\r@tate \ds@rotation@right\advance\help@a 72\let\nextpr@c=\skipr@t\else%

    \xdef\csname cpd@square@\roman{cpd@current@square@index}\endcsname{#1}%
    {\csname cpd@square@\roman{cpd@current@square@index}\endcsname}%
          {\errmessage{Trying to set a piece to an occupied square.}}}%
\def\set@nofield, {%
        {}% This is an empty white square, nothing to do
          {\errmessage{Trying to set a piece to an occupied square}}}%
\def\set@frame, {%
         \errmessage{FEN: there is now row to end here.}%
   \fi% FEN space issue
\def\p@rsepieces#1, {\getc@lor#1\e@list\l@@klist}
\def\p@rsetext#1, {\get@text#1\e@list\l@@klist}
      \raise\value{cpd@row}\sq@width\hbox to \z@{%
         \vbox to \sq@width{\vss%
         \hbox to \sq@width{%
\def\p@rseauthor#1; {\sh@wauthor#1;\l@@klist}


   \if\plane@char A%
   \else\if\plane@char B%
   \else\if\plane@char C%
   \else\if\plane@char D%


   \raise#2\sq@width\hbox to \z@{%
      \vrule height#3\sq@width width\grid@width\hss%

   \raise#2\sq@width\hbox to \z@{%
      \vrule width#3\sq@width height .5\grid@width depth%
\def\@selGrid#1#2, {%
         \errmessage{Wrong GridSelector #1}%


      {\errmessage{'allwhite' and 'switchcolors' do not make sense used together.}}%

   \setcounter{cpd@row@display}{#1 + 1}%
         \llap{\raise .1\sq@width\hbox{\legendfont\arabic{cpd@row@display}\ \ }}%
            \ifthenelse{\value{cpd@row} = 3}{%
               \llap{\cpd@boardfont c6\ }%
            % \fi%
         % \fi%
      % \hbox to \z@{\vbox to \sq@width{}}%
          \useasboundingbox (0, 0) rectangle (\value{cpd@lines}, 1);%
          \whiledo{\value{cpd@line} < \value{cpd@lines}}{%
                  \draw (\value{cpd@line}+.5, .5)%
                  node {{\chessfont\char\value{cpd@current@square@value}}};%
\def\@parseTokenlist#1#2{\expandafter\l@@klist\the#1#2 \e@list}
    % We might want gridchess
    % Let us first set the fieldframes
    % Now we set text to all squares which are given using \fieldtext
    % Then we should add the gridlines
    % In an 'allwhite' diagram we display dotted lines
                    (0, 0) rectangle (\value{cpd@lines}, \value{cpd@rows});
                \draw[densely dotted]
                \draw[densely dotted]
                    (0, \value{field@border})
                    (\value{cpd@lines}, \value{field@border});
    % Now we should clear the board
    % Let us now parse the list of pieces
        \ifthenelse{\value{cpd@rows}=8}{}{\errmessage{FEN is only allowed for 8x8 boards.}}% FEN space issue
        \ifthenelse{\value{cpd@lines}=8}{}{\errmessage{FEN is only allowed for 8x8 boards.}}% FEN space issue
        \cpd@fen@parseTokenlist\fen@tk\e@list% FEN space issue
    % Now we clear all fields, which are given using \nofields
    % Now we can put the pieces to the board
           \setcounter{cpd@row}{\value{cpd@rows} - 1}%
           \whiledo{\value{cpd@row} > -1}{%
        % Put a legend if wanted
            \vbox to \z@{%
                \vbox to \z@{\vss}%
                        \hbox to \sq@width{\hfill%
         % Now we should clear the board
         \begingroup% We need this for inner loops!
         \hbox to \bd@width{%
               \rlap{{\cpd@boardfont\ A}}\or%
               \rlap{{\cpd@boardfont\ B}}\or%
               \rlap{{\cpd@boardfont\ C}}\or%
               \rlap{{\cpd@boardfont\ D}}%

         \@hGrid\tw@\tw@\f@ur\@hGrid\tw@ 6\f@ur%
            \begingroup% We use inner loops!
            \hbox to \bd@width{%
                \rlap{{\cpd@boardfont\ \char\value{cpd@current@plane@display}}}%

         % Now we should clear the board
         \begingroup% We use inner loops!
         \hbox to \bd@width{%
            \rlap{{\cpd@boardfont\ \char\value{cpd@current@plane@display}}}%

      \vrule width \inner@frame%

      \hrule height \inner@frame%
      \vrule width \inner@frame%

      \hrule height \inner@frame%

\def\@outer@vrule{\vrule width \outer@frame}

\def\@outer@hrule{\hrule height \outer@frame}


   {\errmessage{You should add documentstyle-option 'index'}}{}%


\def\@aidxitem#1, #2, #3{%
   \par\medskip#1, \write@christian#2; \dotfill #3%


\def\parse@aindex#1; {%

         \errmessage{Cannot create index entries with normalnames}%



\def\parse@tindex#1, {%





%% \figcnttrue


%    \end{macrocode}
% \section{The implementation of cpdparse.sty}
% The following contains the style file \emph{cpdparse.sty}, which
% implements generic parsing of lists.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \Finale