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\title{The \pkg{chngcntr} package\thanks{This manual corresponds to \pkg{chngcntr}~v1.0a, dated~2009/09/02.}}
\author{Author: Peter Wilson\and Maintainer: Will Robertson}




In \LaTeX, a new counter called, say `\meta{ctr}', is created by the command
\cmd{\newcounter}\marg{ctr}\oarg{within}. If the optional \meta{within} argument is given
the the counter `\meta{ctr}' is reset to zero each time the counter `\meta{within}'
changes. The command \cmd{\the\meta{ctr}} typesets the value of the counter \meta{ctr}.
This is automatically defined by \cmd{\newcounter} and is initialised
to typeset arabic numerals.	

It is sometimes desireable to change a counter that has been defined
by \cmd{\newcounter}\marg{ctr} to act as though it had been defined as 
\cmd{\newcounter}\marg{ctr}\oarg{within}. The package provides the command
\cmd{\counterwithin}\marg{ctr}\marg{within} that accomplishes this. By default,
it also redefines the \cmd{\the\meta{ctr}} command so that it typesets values
in the style \texttt{\cmd{\the\meta{within}}.\cmd{\arabic}\marg{ctr}}. The starred version of the
command suppresses the redefinition of \cmd{\the\meta{ctr}}
(e.\,g., \cmd{\counter\-within*}\verb+{ctr}{within}+).

Likewise, the command \cmd{\counterwithout}\marg{ctr}\marg{within} changes a
counter that has been created by \cmd{\newcounter}\marg{ctr}\oarg{within} to act
as though it had been created by \cmd{\newcounter}\marg{ctr}. By default it
also redefines the \cmd{\the\meta{ctr}} command so that it just typesets an arabic
numeral. The starred version of the command suppresses the redefinition
of \cmd{\the\meta{ctr}}.

Any number of \cmd{\counterwithin}\marg{ctr}\marg{\ldots} and \cmd{\counterwith\-out}\marg{ctr}\marg{\ldots}
commands can be issued for a given counter, \meta{ctr}, if you wish to toggle
between the two styles. The current value of \meta{ctr} is unaffected by
\cmd{\counterwithin} and \cmd{\counterwithout}. If you want to change the value
after one of these commands, use \cmd{\set\-counter}\marg{ctr}\marg{\ldots}, and to change
the typeseting style use \cmd{\renew\-command}\texttt{\{}\cmd{\the\meta{ctr}}\texttt{\}}\marg{\ldots}.

\section{Change History:}

\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{ -- }l@{}}
  v1.0a & New maintainer (Will Robertson)\\  
  v1.1a & The package commands are now defined in the format 
