author = {Zubarev, D. N.},
title = {Nonequilibrium Statistical Thermodynamics},
publisher = {Consultants Bureau},
year = {1974},
address = {New-York},
numpages =     {489},

	title = {Possibility of a common origin to ferroelectricity and superconductivity in oxides},
	author = {Bussmann-Holder, A. and Simon, A. and B\"uttner, H.},
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	volume = {39},
	issue = {1},
	pages = {207--214},
	numpages = {0},
	year = {1989},
	month = {Jan},
	publisher = {American Physical Society},
	doi = {10.1103/PhysRevB.39.207},
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	author={Melnyk, R. S. and Patsahan, O. V.},
	title="Vapor-liquid critical-point properties of a symmetric binary fluid mixture",
	journal="Theor. Math. Phys.",
	abstract="We propose a microscopic approach for investigating the behavior of a symmetric binary fluid mixture in the vicinity of the vapor-liquid critical point. The problem can be reduced to calculating the partition function of a 3D Ising model in an external field. For a square-well symmetric binary mixture, we express the parameters of the critical point as functions of the microscopic parameter r measuring the relative strength of interactions between the particles of dissimilar and similar species. The calculations are performed at intermediate ($\lambda$=1.5) and moderately long ($\lambda$=2) intermolecular potential ranges. The obtained results agree well with the results of computer simulations.",
   note = {[Teor. Mat. Fiz., 2000, \textbf{124}, No.~2, 339--352 (in Russian), \bibdoi{10.4213/tmf643}]},

author = {Mryglod, I. M. and Tokarchuk, M. V.},
title = {Hydrodynamic theory of a magnetic liquid},
journal = {Condens. Matter Phys.},
year = {1994},
volume = {3},
pages = {116-133},
doi = {10.5488/CMP.3.116},

author = {Stasyuk, I. V. and Velychko, O. V.},
title = {Two-state {B}ose-{H}ubbard model in the hard-core boson limit},
journal = {Condens. Matter Phys.},
year = {2011},
volume = {14},
number = {1},
pages = {13004},
eid = {13004},
numpages = {14},
doi = {10.5488/CMP.14.13004},

	author = {Stasyuk, I. V. and Mysakovych, T. S.},
	OPTtitle = {Raman scattering in systems with locally anharmonic elements of structure},
	year = {2004},
	type = {Preprint of the Institute for Condensed Matter Physics},
	number = {ICMP--04--12U},
	address = {Lviv},
	OPTinstitution = {Inst. Condens. Matter Phys.},
	note = {(in Ukrainian)},

	author="Mryglod, O.
	and Kenna, R.
	and Holovatch, {\relax Yu}rij
	and Berche, B.",
	title="Absolute and specific measures of research group excellence",
	abstract="A desirable goal of scientific management is to introduce, if it exists, a simple and reliable way to measure the scientific excellence of publicly funded research institutions and universities to serve as a basis for their ranking and financing. While citation-based indicators and metrics are easily accessible, they are far from being universally accepted as way to automate or inform evaluation processes or to replace evaluations based on peer review. Here we consider absolute measurements of research excellence at an amalgamated, institutional level and specific measures of research excellence as performance per head. Using biology research institutions in the UK as a test case, we examine the correlations between peer review-based and citation-based measures of research excellence on these two scales. We find that citation-based indicators are very highly correlated with peer-evaluated measures of group strength, but are poorly correlated with group quality. Thus, and almost paradoxically, our analysis indicates that citation counts could possibly form a basis for deciding on, how to fund research institutions, but they should not be used as a basis for ranking them in terms of quality.",
	note="(in press)",

title = {Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables},
series = {National Bureau of Standards Applied Mathematics Series},
editor = {Abramovitz, M. and Stegun, I. A.},
volume = {55},
publisher = {U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.},
year = {1964},

author = {Olver, F. W. J.},
title = {Bessel functions of integer order},
booktitle = {Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables},
series = {National Bureau of Standards Applied Mathematics Series},
editor = {Abramovitz, M. and I. A. Stegun},
volume = {55},
publisher = {U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.},
year = {1964},
pages = {355-434},

	author = {Yukhnovkii, I. R. and Idzyk, I. M. and Kolomiets, V. O.},
	title = {Critical point of the liquid-gas system},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the Conference ``Modern Problems of Statistical Physics'' (Lviv, 1987)},
	pages = {97-102},
	year = {1987},
	volume = {2},
	address = {Kiev},
	publisher = {Naukova Dumka},
	month = {3--5 February},
	note = {(in Russian)},

    author = {Shvaika, A. M. and Vorobyov, O. and Freericks, J. K. and Devereaux, T. P.},
    OPTtitle = {Electronic {R}aman scattering in correlated materials: exact treatment of nonresonant, mixed, and resonant scattering with dynamical mean field theory},
    journal = {Preprint \arxiv{cond-mat/0408400}},
    OPTeprint = {cond-mat/0408400},
    OPTarchive = {arXiv},
    year = {2004},

	OPTkey = {key},
	OPTauthor = {author},
	title = {{EOSDIS} {W}orldview. {C}ity {L}ights},
	OPThowpublished = {howpublished},
	OPTmonth = {month},
	OPTyear = {year},
	OPTnote = {note},
	OPTannote = {annote},

	author = {Han, Y. and Kida, T. and Ikeda, M. and Hagiwara, M. and Stre\v{c}ka, J. and Honda, Z.},
	note = {(unpublished)},

	author = "Wikipedia",
	title = "Ellipsoidal coordinates --- {W}ikipedia{,} The Free Encyclopedia",
	year = "2016",
	url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ellipsoidal_coordinates&oldid=722351999",
	note = "[Online; accessed 10-Jan-2017]"

	author = {De Padova, Paola and Quaresima, Claudio and Ottaviani, Carlo and Sheverdyaeva, Polina M. and Moras, Paolo and Carbone, Carlo and Topwal, Dinesh and Olivieri, Bruno and Kara, Abdelkader and Oughaddou, Hamid and Aufray, Bernard and Le Lay, Guy},
	title = {Evidence of graphene-like electronic signature in silicene nanoribbons},
	journal = {Appl. Phys. Lett.},
	volume = {96},
	number = {26},
	pages = {261905},
	year = {2010},
	doi = {10.1063/1.3459143},
	OPTURL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3459143},
	OPTeprint = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3459143},