% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \iffalse meta-comment % % DocStrip file for combinedgraphics package % % Copyright 2009,2011,2012 Christian Schneider <software(at)chschneider(dot)eu> % % cgr@addto@macro: identical to l@addto@macro from koma-script % bundle v2.9t % Copyright 1994-2004 Markus Kohm and Frank Neukam % % Thanks to Markus Kohm for permitting to use his code in this package. % Please do not bother Markus with questions or bugs concering this package! % % This file is part of combinedgraphics. % % combinedgraphics is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as % published by the Free Software Foundation, not any later version. % % combinedgraphics is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with combinedgraphics. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. % % WARNING: THIS IS ALPHA SOFTWARE AND MAY CONTAIN SERIOUS BUGS! % % \fi % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \iffalse %<package>\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1999/12/01] %<package>\ProvidesPackage{combinedgraphics} %<package> [2012/07/13 v0.2.2 inclusion of combined EPS/LaTeX graphics] %<*driver> \documentclass[a4paper]{ltxdoc} \usepackage{combinedgraphics} \EnableCrossrefs \CodelineIndex \RecordChanges % % modified description environment \newcommand{\listmark}{$\bullet$} \newcommand{\listlengths}{% \setlength{\parsep}{0pt}% \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}% \setlength{\leftmargin}{10.5em}% \setlength{\rightmargin}{0pt}% \setlength{\labelsep}{1em}% \setlength{\labelwidth}{9.5em}} \newenvironment{mydescription}{% \begin{list}{\listmark}{\listlengths}% }{% \end{list}% } % \begin{document} \DocInput{combinedgraphics.dtx} \end{document} %</driver> % \fi % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \changes{v0.0.1-alpha}{2009/10/04}{initial .dtx version} % \changes{v0.0.2-alpha}{2009/11/01}{initial release} % \changes{v0.1.0-alpha}{2011/06/12}{added options for changing the inclusion % order of \LaTeX{} and vector graphics parts} % \changes{v0.1.1-alpha}{2011/06/15}{fix in Makefiles of package} % \changes{v0.2.0}{2012/01/04}{added options for scaling vector graphics % part to a certain width or height, respectively, plus removed ``alpha'' % from version} % \changes{v0.2.1}{2012/01/07}{simplified a macro} % \changes{v0.2.2}{2012/07/12}{added comments to test file} % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \CheckSum{704} % % \CharacterTable % {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z % Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z % Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 % Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# % Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& % Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) % Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, % Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ % Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< % Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? % Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ % Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ % Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| % Right brace \} Tilde \~} % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \GetFileInfo{combinedgraphics.sty} % % \DoNotIndex{\#,\$,\%,\&,\@,\\,\{,\},\^,\_,\~,\ } % \DoNotIndex{\@ne} % \DoNotIndex{\advance,\begingroup,\catcode,\closein} % \DoNotIndex{\closeout,\day,\def,\edef,\else,\empty,\endgroup} % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \title{The \textsf{combinedgraphics} package\thanks{This document corresponds % to \textsf{combinedgraphics}~\fileversion, dated~\filedate. Copyright % 2009,2011,2012 Christian Schneider \texttt{<software(at)chschneider(dot)eu>}.}} % \author{Christian Schneider\\ \texttt{<software(at)chschneider(dot)eu>}} % % \maketitle % % \tableofcontents % \clearpage % % \begin{abstract} % This package provides a macro (|\includecombinedgraphics|) for the % inclusion of combined EPS/\LaTeX{} and PDF/\LaTeX{} graphics (an export % format of Gnuplot, Xfig, and maybe other programs). Instead of including % the graphics with a simple |\input|, the |\includecombinedgraphics| macro % has some benefits: % % \begin{itemize} % \item changing the font and color of the text of the \LaTeX{} parts % \item rescaling the graphics without affecting the font of the \LaTeX{} % parts % \item automatic inclusion of the vector graphics parts, as far as \LaTeX{} % parts do not do it (e.\,g., for files exported from Gnuplot before % version 4.2 or Xfig) % \item changing the inclusion order of \LaTeX{} and vector graphics % parts (e.\,g., Gnuplot 4.4 exports files in a way that the vector % graphics part overlays the \LaTeX{} part, which means that text may be % hidden under shaded areas) % \item rescaling and rotating of complete graphics (similar to % |\includegraphics| from \textsf{graphicx} package) % \item scaling the vector graphics part (without affecting the font) to % a defined width or height of the graphics, which might, e.g., be of % importance for graphics that are intended for publication in a journal % requesting a certain size of graphics % \end{itemize} % % A test PDF file with extensively commented examples is shipped with this % package and a BASH script (\texttt{texpic2epspdf.sh}) to convert combined % EPS/\LaTeX{} and PDF/\LaTeX{} graphics to EPS or PDF files with text part % included. % \end{abstract} % % \section{The Combined EPS/\LaTeX{} format} % % Graphics in combined EPS/\LaTeX{} or PDF/\LaTeX{} format consist of two files: % \begin{enumerate} % \item an EPS or PDF file containing the vector graphics part % \item an \LaTeX{} file containing the text part % \end{enumerate} % % This format has the advantage that it is possible to generate a high-quality % vector graphics with text containing all symbols, macros and other stuff % provided by \LaTeX{}. The text is formatted by \LaTeX{} itsself when including % the graphics (\emph{not} during creation of the graphics!) and thus it is % possible to use everything provided by \LaTeX{} up to the font of the % document for text inside the graphics. % % Typically, the \LaTeX{} part of the graphics is included by |\input|. % The vector graphics part is either included automatically by the \LaTeX{} % part with an |\includegraphics| command (or something similar) and overlayed % by the text or the user will have to combine both parts manually like this % (e.\,g., for gnuplot before version 4.2 or Xfig) for a pair of files % |foobar.tex|/|foobar.eps|: % % \begin{verbatim} % \begin{picture}(0,0)% % \includegraphics{foobar}% % \end{picture}% % \input{foobar} % \end{verbatim} % % Although the format has some nice advantages compared to other formats, the % user has to know whether to include the vector graphics part for (some of) % his graphics or not, font changes sometimes require some knowledge of the % internal commands of the \LaTeX{} part (depending on the tool that generated % the graphics), and the user is not intended to change the scaling of just % the vector graphics part without affecting the text format. Furthermore, % rotating, scaling and resizing the whole graphics requires extra-macros, % e.\,g. |\rotatebox|, |\scalebox|, or |\resizebox| from the % \textsf{graphics}/\textsf{graphicx} package. % % The intention of this package is to provide a macro for easier handling of % combined EPS/\LaTeX{} or PDF/\LaTeX{} graphics, just as easy as % |\includegraphics|, and removing the limitations mentioned above. % % \section{Usage} % % \subsection{The macro} % % \DescribeMacro{\includecombinedgraphics} % The macro |\includecombinedgraphics|\oarg{option list}\marg{graphics file} % is used to include a combined EPS/\LaTeX{} or PDF/\LaTeX{} file, where % \meta{graphics file} is the name of the \LaTeX{} part of the graphics % (\emph{without} |.tex| extension) and \meta{option list} is an optional list % of \meta{key}|=|\meta{value} pairs (see below). % % \subsection{Basic macro options} % \label{sec:basic} % % The following options are processed first. If an option is specified % several times, the last appearance will overwrite the previous ones. % % \begin{mydescription} % \item[\texttt{textfont}=\meta{value}] one or more commands for reformatting % the text in \LaTeX{} part (e.\,g., |textfont=\Large\bfseries| for large % bold-face font or |textfont={}| for default font of graphics overwriting % package option) % \item[\texttt{textcolor}=\meta{value}] one or more commands for recoloring % the text in \LaTeX{} part (e.\,g., |textcolor=\color{red}| for red text % or |textcolor={}| for default text color of graphics overwriting % package option) % \item[\texttt{vecscale}=\meta{value}] scaling factor for rescaling the % graphics without affecting the font of the \LaTeX{} part % (Note that this will overwrite |vecwidth| or |vecheight|, if they are % specified before.) % \item[\texttt{vecwidth}=\meta{value}] analogous to |vecscale|, but % the scaling factor will be calculated such that the new width of the % total graphics will be \meta{value}; the aspect ratio will be preserved % (Note that this will overwrite |vecscale| or |vecheight|, if they are % specified before.) % \item[\texttt{vecheight}=\meta{value}] analogous to |vecscale|, but % the scaling factor will be calculated such that the new (total) height of % the total graphics will be \meta{value}; the aspect ratio will be % preserved % (Note that this will overwrite |vecscale| or |vecwidth|, if they are % specified before.) % \item[\texttt{vecinclude}=\meta{value}] generate code to include the vector % graphics part; \meta{value}s are: |auto| to automatically determine if % code is required (default), |true|/|false| to always/never generate % that code, or |overwrite| to disable any inclusion of a vector graphics % part in the \LaTeX{} part and generate new code % \item[\texttt{vecfirst}=\meta{value}] inclusion order of vector % graphics part; valid \meta{value}s are: |true| (default) or |false| to % include the vector graphics part before or after the \LaTeX{} part, % respectively % \item[\texttt{vecfile}=\meta{value}] filename of vector graphics part, if % different from filename of \LaTeX{} part (except for extension); implies % |vecinclude=overwrite| % \end{mydescription} % % Note: If the vector graphics part is already included by the \LaTeX{} part, % |vecinclude| and |vecscale| will require the vector graphics part to be % included by an |\includegraphics| command for proper functioning. Other % graphics inclusion macros will not be detected. Furthermore, % |vecscale| also requires that the \LaTeX{} part puts its text inside a % |picture| environment whose scaling is set with % |\setlength{\unitlength}|\marg{some length}. These two prerequisites are % fulfilled by graphics exported from Gnuplot and Xfig. % % \subsection{Extended macro options} % % The following options are processed \emph{after} the basic options \emph{in % the order} of their appearances and affect the \emph{whole} graphics % (\LaTeX{} and vector graphics part). They may be specified several times. % % \subsubsection*{Rotating} % % Rotating is basically performed with the means of |\rotatebox| from the % \textsf{graphics}/\textsf{graphicx} package. % % \begin{mydescription} % \item[\texttt{angle}=\meta{value}] angle of rotation % \end{mydescription} % % The following options can be used to fine adjust the effect of a rotation and % apply to only the next |angle| value specified in the options list. % % \begin{mydescription} % \item[\texttt{origin}=\meta{value}] up to two of |lrctbB| (|B| stands for % the baseline) % \item[\texttt{x}=\meta{value}] the |x| coordinate of the center of rotation % \item[\texttt{y}=\meta{value}] the |y| coordinate of the center of rotation % \item[\texttt{units}=\meta{value}] units of rotation angle (e.\,g., |-360| % denotes clockwise rotation) % \end{mydescription} % % \subsubsection*{Rescaling} % % Rescaling is performed with the means of |\scalebox| from the % \textsf{graphics} package. % % \begin{mydescription} % \item[\texttt{scale}=\meta{value}] scaling factor % \item[\texttt{hscale}=\meta{value}] horizontal scaling factor % \item[\texttt{vscale}=\meta{value}] vertical scaling factor % \end{mydescription} % % Note: A scaling via |hscale| and |vscale| will only be performed, if a pair % of both values is specified. % % \subsubsection*{Resizing} % % Resizing is performed with the means of |\resizebox| from the % \textsf{graphics} package. % % \begin{mydescription} % \item[\texttt{height}=\meta{value}] height of graphics % \item[\texttt{totalheight}=\meta{value}] height + depth of graphics % \item[\texttt{width}=\meta{value}] width of graphics % \item[\texttt{keepaspectratio}] if only one of the values % for |height|/|totalheight| or |width| is specified, the other one will % be calculated to keep the aspect ratio % \end{mydescription} % % Note: Resizing will only be performed, if a pair of |height|/|totalheight| % and |width| is specified or one of them is specified followed by % |keepaspectratio|. % % \subsection{Package options} % % The following options can be passed to the package as defaults for the % macro options. If an option is specified several times, the last appearance % will overwrite the previous ones. % % \begin{mydescription} % \item[\texttt{textfontcmd}=\meta{value}] name of a command (\emph{without} % leading backslash) for reformatting text in \LaTeX{} part % \item[\texttt{textcolorcmd}=\meta{value}] name of a command (\emph{without} % leading backslash) for recoloring text in \LaTeX{} part % \item[\texttt{vecscale}=\meta{value}] see section~\ref{sec:basic} % \item[\texttt{vecwidth}=\meta{value}] see section~\ref{sec:basic}; in % contrast to the macro options, you must not use a length as \meta{value} % here (workaround: use |\the\somelength|) % \item[\texttt{vecheight}=\meta{value}] see section~\ref{sec:basic}; in % contrast to the macro options, you must not use a length as \meta{value} % here (workaround: use |\the\somelength|) % \item[\texttt{vecinclude}=\meta{value}] see section~\ref{sec:basic} % \item[\texttt{vecfirst}=\meta{value}] see section~\ref{sec:basic} % \end{mydescription} % % \section{Bugs, problems, and suggestions} % % Please report bugs and problems or send suggestions for this package to % Christian Schneider. Check for updates before reporting bugs at the website % mentioned above. % % \StopEventually{\PrintChanges\PrintIndex} % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \section{Implementation} % % Load required packages for graphics, color and \meta{key}|=|\meta{value} % pairs: % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{keyval} \RequirePackage{graphicx} \RequirePackage{color} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Package options} % % This |if| is required to remember the inclusion order. The macro specifies % the package option from |vecscale|, |vecwidth|, |vecheight| used last. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifcgr@vecfirst \def\cgr@vecscale@type{0} % \end{macrocode} % % Definitions of package options as \meta{key}|=|\meta{value} pairs. The % \meta{value}s are saved in the specified macros that are undefined by default. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\cgr@defopts{\define@key{cgr}} \newcommand*\cgr@setopts{\setkeys{cgr}} \cgr@defopts{textfontcmd}{\gdef\cgr@textfont@default{\@nameuse{#1}}} \cgr@defopts{textcolorcmd}{\gdef\cgr@textcolor@default{\@nameuse{#1}}} \cgr@defopts{vecscale}{\gdef\cgr@vecscale@default{#1}% \gdef\cgr@vecscale@type{0}} \cgr@defopts{vecwidth}{\gdef\cgr@vecwidth@default{#1}% \gdef\cgr@vecscale@type{1}} \cgr@defopts{vecheight}{\gdef\cgr@vecheight@default{#1}% \gdef\cgr@vecscale@type{2}} \cgr@defopts{vecinclude}{\gdef\cgr@vecinclude@default{#1}} \cgr@defopts{vecfirst}{\gdef\cgr@vecfirst@default{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % % Next the package options are processed. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption*{% \expandafter\cgr@setopts\expandafter{\CurrentOption}% } \ProcessOptions\relax % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Basic macro options} % % Now the \meta{key}|=|\meta{value} pairs for the optional argument of % |\includecombinedgraphics| are defined. The following two macro are just % shortcuts for this purpose. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\cgr@defopts@combgrphcs{\define@key{cgr@combgrphcs}} \newcommand*\cgr@setopts@combgrphcs{\setkeys{cgr@combgrphcs}} % \end{macrocode} % % The basic macro options set some macros that are executed while tinkering the % graphics from its two parts. % % |textfont| and |textcolor| set |\cgr@textfont| and |\cgr@textcolor| macro, % respectively, that will be applied to the text in the \LaTeX{} part of % graphics \emph{and} disable further formatting of fonts and colors inside the % \LaTeX{} part by overwriting some macros afterwards (if not empty). % \begin{macrocode} \cgr@defopts@combgrphcs{textfont}{% \def\@tempa{#1}% \ifx\@tempa\@empty% \def\cgr@textfont{}% \else% \def\cgr@textfont{% #1% \def\SetFigFont{\cgr@gobblefive}% %% Xfig <= 3.2.4 \def\SetFigFontNFSS{\cgr@gobblefive}% %% Xfig >= 3.2.5-alpha }% \fi% } \cgr@defopts@combgrphcs{textcolor}{% \def\@tempa{#1}% \ifx\@tempa\@empty% \def\cgr@textcolor{}% \else% \def\cgr@textcolor{% #1% \def\color{\cgr@gobble@optone}% }% \fi% } % \end{macrocode} % % |vecscale| sets the macro |\cgr@vecscale| to the scaling factor. Furthermore, % it overwrites |\setlength| and |\includegraphics| in order to apply the % scaling factor to the |picture| environment inside the \LaTeX{} part (via % |\setlength{\unitlength}...|) and to the |\includegraphics| command for % inclusion of the vector graphics part, respectively. % \begin{macrocode} \cgr@defopts@combgrphcs{vecscale}{% \def\cgr@vecscale{#1}% \def\setlength{\cgr@setlength}% \def\includegraphics{\cgr@includegraphics}% } % \end{macrocode} % % |vecwidth| and |vecheight|, respectively, calculate the scaling factor for % |vecscale| such that the width or (total) height of the vector graphics part % equals the specified \meta{dimen}. |\vecscale| is set to |-1| to indicate % that the factor shall be calculated. % \begin{macrocode} \cgr@defopts@combgrphcs{vecwidth}{% \cgr@vecscale@wd{\cgr@texfile}{\cgr@vecfile}{#1}% \def\setlength{\cgr@setlength}% \def\includegraphics{\cgr@includegraphics}% } \cgr@defopts@combgrphcs{vecheight}{% \cgr@vecscale@ht{\cgr@texfile}{\cgr@vecfile}{#1}% \def\setlength{\cgr@setlength}% \def\includegraphics{\cgr@includegraphics}% } % \end{macrocode} % % |vecinclude| switches between the different \meta{value}s by setting % |\cgr@vecinclude| to one of the for macros % |\cgr@requires@graphics|\meta{value}. % \begin{macrocode} \cgr@defopts@combgrphcs{vecinclude}{% \def\cgr@vecinclude{\@nameuse{cgr@requires@graphics#1}}% } % \end{macrocode} % % |vecfirst| switches between the \meta{value}s |true| and |false| by setting % |\cgr@vecfirsttrue| or |\cgr@vecfirstfalse|, respectively. % \begin{macrocode} \cgr@defopts@combgrphcs{vecfirst}{% \@nameuse{cgr@vecfirst#1}% } % \end{macrocode} % % |vecfile| resets |\cgr@vecfile| that defaults to the mandatory argument of % |\includecombinedgraphics| to something else \emph{and} sets |vecinclude| to % |overwrite|. % \begin{macrocode} \cgr@defopts@combgrphcs{vecfile}{% \def\cgr@vecfile{#1}% \cgr@setopts@combgrphcs{vecinclude=overwrite}% } % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Extended macro options} % % |\includecombinedgraphics| first tinkers the graphics applying the basic macro % options and saves the result in |\cgr@curr@pic|. The extended macro options % will redefine |\cgr@curr@pic| in the order of their occurance and put a % |\rotatebox|, |\scalebox| or |\resizebox| around it, if all information is % already available to do so: |\cgr@curr@pic| % $\rightarrow$ |\...box{\cgr@curr@pic}|. Otherwise the \meta{value} will be % saved in a macro for later processing (e.\,g., if |hscale| is set without % |vscale| being set before). % % \begin{macrocode} \cgr@defopts@combgrphcs{angle}{% \ifx\cgr@curr@scaleopts\@empty% \cgr@raddto@macro[groupfirst]{\cgr@curr@pic}{\rotatebox{#1}}% \else% \cgr@raddto@macro[groupfirst]{\cgr@curr@pic}{]}% \cgr@raddto@macro[expand]{\cgr@curr@pic}{\cgr@curr@scaleopts}% \cgr@raddto@macro{\cgr@curr@pic}{\rotatebox[}% \def\cgr@curr@scaleopts{}% \fi% } \cgr@defopts@combgrphcs{origin}{\cgr@addto@macro{\cgr@curr@scaleopts}{% origin=#1,}% } \cgr@defopts@combgrphcs{x}{\cgr@addto@macro{\cgr@curr@scaleopts}{x=#1,}} \cgr@defopts@combgrphcs{y}{\cgr@addto@macro{\cgr@curr@scaleopts}{y=#1,}} \cgr@defopts@combgrphcs{units}{\cgr@addto@macro{\cgr@curr@scaleopts}{units=#1,}} \cgr@defopts@combgrphcs{scale}{% \cgr@raddto@macro[groupfirst]{\cgr@curr@pic}{\scalebox{#1}}% } \cgr@defopts@combgrphcs{hscale}{% \def\cgr@curr@hscale{#1}% \ifx\cgr@curr@vscale\@empty% \else% \cgr@raddto@macro[groupfirst]{\cgr@curr@pic}{]}% \cgr@raddto@macro[expand]{\cgr@curr@pic}{\cgr@curr@vscale}% \cgr@raddto@macro{\cgr@curr@pic}{[}% \cgr@raddto@macro[expand,groupsecond]{\cgr@curr@pic}{\cgr@curr@hscale}% \cgr@raddto@macro{\cgr@curr@pic}{\scalebox}% \def\cgr@curr@hscale{}% \def\cgr@curr@vscale{}% \fi% } \cgr@defopts@combgrphcs{vscale}{% \def\cgr@curr@vscale{#1}% \ifx\cgr@curr@hscale\@empty% \else% \cgr@raddto@macro[groupfirst]{\cgr@curr@pic}{]}% \cgr@raddto@macro[expand]{\cgr@curr@pic}{\cgr@curr@vscale}% \cgr@raddto@macro{\cgr@curr@pic}{[}% \cgr@raddto@macro[expand,groupsecond]{\cgr@curr@pic}{\cgr@curr@hscale}% \cgr@raddto@macro{\cgr@curr@pic}{\scalebox}% \def\cgr@curr@hscale{}% \def\cgr@curr@vscale{}% \fi% } \cgr@defopts@combgrphcs{height}{% \def\cgr@curr@height{#1}% \ifx\cgr@curr@width\@empty% \else% \cgr@raddto@macro[groupfirst,groupsecond,expand]{\cgr@curr@pic}{% \cgr@curr@height% }% \cgr@raddto@macro[groupsecond,expand]{\cgr@curr@pic}{\cgr@curr@width}% \cgr@raddto@macro{\cgr@curr@pic}{\resizebox}% \def\cgr@curr@height{}% \def\cgr@curr@width{}% \fi% } \cgr@defopts@combgrphcs{totalheight}{% \def\cgr@curr@totalheight{#1}% \ifx\cgr@curr@width\@empty% \else% \cgr@raddto@macro[groupfirst,groupsecond,expand]{\cgr@curr@pic}{% \cgr@curr@totalheight% }% \cgr@raddto@macro[groupsecond,expand]{\cgr@curr@pic}{\cgr@curr@width}% \cgr@raddto@macro{\cgr@curr@pic}{\resizebox*}% \def\cgr@curr@totalheight{}% \def\cgr@curr@width{}% \fi% } \cgr@defopts@combgrphcs{width}{% \def\cgr@curr@width{#1}% \ifx\cgr@curr@height\@empty% \ifx\cgr@curr@totalheight\@empty% \else% \cgr@raddto@macro[groupfirst,groupsecond,expand]{\cgr@curr@pic}{% \cgr@curr@totalheight% }% \cgr@raddto@macro[groupsecond,expand]{\cgr@curr@pic}{\cgr@curr@width}% \cgr@raddto@macro{\cgr@curr@pic}{\resizebox*}% \def\cgr@curr@totalheight{}% \def\cgr@curr@width{}% \fi% \else% \cgr@raddto@macro[groupfirst,groupsecond,expand]{\cgr@curr@pic}{% \cgr@curr@height% }% \cgr@raddto@macro[groupsecond,expand]{\cgr@curr@pic}{\cgr@curr@width}% \cgr@raddto@macro{\cgr@curr@pic}{\resizebox}% \def\cgr@curr@height{}% \def\cgr@curr@totalheight{}% \def\cgr@curr@width{}% \fi% } \cgr@defopts@combgrphcs{keepaspectratio}[]{% \ifx\cgr@curr@height\@empty% \ifx\cgr@curr@totalheight\@empty% \ifx\cgr@curr@width\@empty% \else% \cgr@setopts@combgrphcs{height=!}% \fi% \else% \cgr@setopts@combgrphcs{width=!}% \fi% \else% \cgr@setopts@combgrphcs{width=!}% \def\cgr@curr@totalheight{}% \fi% } % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{The macro} % % First of all, |\cgr@curr@pic| and the |\cgr@requires@graphics...| macros are % initialized. % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\cgr@curr@pic{} \newif\ifcgr@requires@graphics\cgr@requires@graphicstrue \def\cgr@requires@graphicsauto{} \def\cgr@requires@graphicsoverwrite{% \cgr@requires@graphicstrue% \def\includegraphics{\cgr@gobble@optone}% } % \end{macrocode} % % Now the macros and |if| for the basic macro options and for temporarily saving % \meta{value}s of the extended macro options are initialized. % \begin{macrocode} \def\cgr@textfont{} \def\cgr@textcolor{} \def\cgr@vecscale{1} \def\cgr@vecinclude{\cgr@requires@graphicsauto} \cgr@vecfirsttrue \def\cgr@texfile{} \def\cgr@vecfile{} \def\cgr@curr@hscale{} \def\cgr@curr@vscale{} \def\cgr@curr@scaleopts{} \def\cgr@curr@height{} \def\cgr@curr@width{} \def\cgr@curr@totalheight{} % \end{macrocode} % % At this point the macro itself is defined. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\includecombinedgraphics}[2][]{% \begingroup% % \end{macrocode} % % To get to know, whether the vector graphics are already included in the % \LaTeX{} parts or not, a check for an appearance of |\includegraphics| in the % \LaTeX{} part is performed: the \LaTeX{} parts are expanded inside a box with % |\includegraphics| being redefined to set an appropriate conditional (and eat % the arguments of |\includegraphics|). % \begin{macrocode} \global\cgr@requires@graphicstrue% \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{% \def\includegraphics{% \global\cgr@requires@graphicsfalse\cgr@gobble@optone% }% \input{#2}% }% % \end{macrocode} % % Now the the macros resulting from the basic macro options, the vector % graphics part and the \LaTeX{} part are added to the (empty) |\cgr@curr@pic| % macro. We have to distinguish between two cases: % (1) If the vector graphics part is included before the \LaTeX{} part % (|vecfirst=true|), the vector graphics file will simply be loaded by % |\includegraphics| inside a picture environment followed by the \LaTeX{} part % included by |\input|. (2) If the vector graphics part is included after the % \LaTeX{} part (|vecfirst=false|), the |\includegraphics| macro will be put % inside the |picture| environment of the \LaTeX{} part at the offset position % passed to the |picture| environment. Therefore, we will have to wrap the % |\picture| macro to gain access to the offsets passed to the |picture| % environment in the \LaTeX{} part and wrap the |\endpicture| macro to add % |\includegraphics| into this |picture| environment. % \begin{macrocode} \cgr@addto@macro{\cgr@curr@pic}{% %% from basic macro options \cgr@vecinclude\cgr@textfont\cgr@textcolor% %% inclusion of vector graphics part \ifcgr@requires@graphics% \ifcgr@vecfirst% \begin{picture}(0,0)% \cgr@includegraphics@orig[scale=\cgr@vecscale]{\cgr@vecfile}% \end{picture}% \else% \def\picture{\cgr@picture}% \def\endpicture{% \put(\cgr@picture@xoffs,\cgr@picture@yoffs)% {\cgr@includegraphics@orig[scale=\cgr@vecscale]{\cgr@vecfile}}% \cgr@endpicture@orig% }% \fi% \fi% %% inclusion of \LaTeX{} part \input{#2}% }% % \end{macrocode} % % Afterwards, a macro containing the name of the \LaTeX{} and vector graphics % part, respectively, is initialized. % \begin{macrocode} \def\cgr@vecfile{#2}% \def\cgr@texfile{#2}% % \end{macrocode} % % If set, the package options will be processed. (Suggestions for easier % handling of package options are welcome.) % \begin{macrocode} \if0\cgr@vecscale@type% \@ifundefined{cgr@vecscale@default}{}{% \cgr@setopts@combgrphcs{vecscale=\cgr@vecscale@default}% }% \fi% \if1\cgr@vecscale@type% \@ifundefined{cgr@vecwidth@default}{}{% \cgr@setopts@combgrphcs{vecwidth=\cgr@vecwidth@default}% }% \fi% \if2\cgr@vecscale@type% \@ifundefined{cgr@vecheight@default}{}{% \cgr@setopts@combgrphcs{vecheight=\cgr@vecheight@default}% }% \fi% \@ifundefined{cgr@textfont@default}{}{% \cgr@setopts@combgrphcs{textfont=\cgr@textfont@default}% }% \@ifundefined{cgr@textcolor@default}{}{% \cgr@setopts@combgrphcs{textcolor=\cgr@textcolor@default}% }% \@ifundefined{cgr@vecinclude@default}{}{% \cgr@setopts@combgrphcs{vecinclude=\cgr@vecinclude@default}% }% \@ifundefined{cgr@vecfirst@default}{}{% \cgr@setopts@combgrphcs{vecfirst=\cgr@vecfirst@default}% }% % \end{macrocode} % % Now, the options passed the the macro are processed. % \begin{macrocode} \cgr@setopts@combgrphcs{#1}% % \end{macrocode} % % Finally, the macro |\cgr@curr@pic| is complete and can be output. % \begin{macrocode} \cgr@curr@pic% \endgroup% } % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Helper macros} % % This macro eats five arguments (analogous to |\@gobble| or |\@gobbletwo| from % the \LaTeX{} kernel). % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\cgr@gobblefive#1#2#3#4#5{} % \end{macrocode} % % This macro eats all stars (if any), all arguments in square brackets (if any) % and one mandatory argument. % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\cgr@gobble@optone{\@ifstar{\cgr@gobble@optone}{\cgr@gobble@optone@}} \long\def\cgr@gobble@optone@{\@ifnextchar [{\cgr@gobble@optone@@}{\@gobble}} \long\def\cgr@gobble@optone@@[#1]{\cgr@gobble@optone@} % \end{macrocode} % % In order to rescale the |picture| environment inside the \LaTeX{} part, the % |\setlength{\unitlength}{|\meta{some dimen}|}| must be changed to scale % \meta{some dimen} by |\cgr@vecscale| at its first appearance in the \LaTeX{} % part. This is the |\setlength| substitute to do so. % \begin{macrocode} \let\cgr@setlength@orig=\setlength \def\cgr@setlength#1#2{% \ifx#1\unitlength% \@tempdima=#2% \cgr@setlength@orig{#1}{\cgr@vecscale\@tempdima}% \def\setlength{\cgr@setlength@orig}% \else% \cgr@setlength@orig{#1}{#2}% \fi% } % \end{macrocode} % % Additionally, a |scale=\cgr@vecscale| option must be passed to the % |\includegraphics| macro inside the \LaTeX{} part. This is the substitute of % |\includegraphics| for this purpose. % \begin{macrocode} \let\cgr@includegraphics@orig=\includegraphics \def\cgr@includegraphics{% \@ifstar{% \cgr@includegraphics@s@% }{% \cgr@includegraphics@% }% } \def\cgr@includegraphics@{% \@ifnextchar [{% \cgr@includegraphics@@% }{% \cgr@includegraphics@orig[scale=\cgr@vecscale]% }% } \def\cgr@includegraphics@@[#1]{% \@ifnextchar [{% \cgr@includegraphics@@@[#1]% }{% \cgr@includegraphics@orig[#1,scale=\cgr@vecscale]% }% } \def\cgr@includegraphics@@@[#1][#2]{% \cgr@includegraphics@orig[#1][#2,scale=\cgr@vecscale]% } \def\cgr@includegraphics@s@{% \@ifnextchar [{% \cgr@includegraphics@s@@% }{% \cgr@includegraphics@orig*[scale=\cgr@vecscale]% }% } \def\cgr@includegraphics@s@@[#1]{% \@ifnextchar [{% \cgr@includegraphics@s@@@[#1]% }{% \cgr@includegraphics@orig*[#1,scale=\cgr@vecscale]% }% } \def\cgr@includegraphics@s@@@[#1][#2]{% \cgr@includegraphics@orig*[#1][#2,scale=\cgr@vecscale]% } % \end{macrocode} % % To play the trick of including the vector graphics part after the \LaTeX{} % part (|vecfirst=false|), we need to know the offset passed to the picture % environment in the \LaTeX{} part. Therefore, the |\picture| macro is % redefined. % \begin{macrocode} \let\cgr@picture@orig=\picture \let\cgr@endpicture@orig=\endpicture \long\def\cgr@picture(#1,#2){% \@ifnextchar({% \cgr@picture@(#1,#2)% }{% \cgr@picture@(#1,#2)(0,0)% }% } \def\cgr@picture@(#1,#2)(#3,#4){% \def\cgr@picture@xoffs{#3}% \def\cgr@picture@yoffs{#4}% \cgr@picture@orig(#1,#2)(#3,#4)% } % \end{macrocode} % % This macro is identical to |\l@addto@macro| from \textsf{koma-script bundle}. % It adds the stuff passed to its second argument to the end of the macro from % its first argument. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\cgr@addto@macro}[2]{% \begingroup\toks@\expandafter{#1#2}% \edef\@tempa{\endgroup\def\noexpand#1{\the\toks@}}% \@tempa% } % \end{macrocode} % % The next macro is similar, but adds the stuff passed to its second argument % to the \emph{beginning} of the macro from its first argument. An optional % argument allows for fine tuning: A comma-separated list containing |expand| % (expands the stuff from the second argument before adding it), |groupfirst|, % and/or |groupsecond| (puts the stuff from the first/second argument in % braces before adding) may be passed. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\cgr@defopts@raddto{\define@key{cgr@raddto}} \newcommand*\cgr@setopts@raddto{\setkeys{cgr@raddto}} \newif\ifcgr@raddto@expand\cgr@raddto@expandfalse \newif\ifcgr@raddto@groupfirst\cgr@raddto@groupfirstfalse \newif\ifcgr@raddto@groupsecond\cgr@raddto@groupsecondfalse \cgr@defopts@raddto{expand}[true]{\@nameuse{cgr@raddto@expand#1}} \cgr@defopts@raddto{groupfirst}[true]{\@nameuse{cgr@raddto@groupfirst#1}} \cgr@defopts@raddto{groupsecond}[true]{\@nameuse{cgr@raddto@groupsecond#1}} \newtoks\cgr@token@a \newtoks\cgr@token@b \newcommand{\cgr@raddto@macro}[3][]{% \begingroup% \cgr@setopts@raddto{#1}% \cgr@token@a\expandafter{#2}% \ifcgr@raddto@expand% \cgr@token@b\expandafter{#3}% \else% \cgr@token@b{#3}% \fi% \ifcgr@raddto@groupfirst% \ifcgr@raddto@groupsecond% \edef\@tempa{\endgroup% \def\noexpand#2{{\the\cgr@token@b}{\the\cgr@token@a}}% }% \else% \edef\@tempa{\endgroup% \def\noexpand#2{\the\cgr@token@b{\the\cgr@token@a}}% }% \fi% \else% \ifcgr@raddto@groupsecond% \edef\@tempa{\endgroup% \def\noexpand#2{{\the\cgr@token@b}\the\cgr@token@a}% }% \else% \edef\@tempa{\endgroup% \def\noexpand#2{\the\cgr@token@b\the\cgr@token@a}% }% \fi% \fi% \@tempa% } % \end{macrocode} % % The way of calculating the scaling factor for |vecwidth| and |vecheight| is % a simplified and adapted version of |\ratio| from the |calc.sty| package. % First, the width or (total) height of the original graphics part is measured. % In order to do this, the graphics are put into a box. % Afterwards, the places before the decimal point are calculated by \TeX{}'s % built-in integer division. Finally, the decimal places are calculated with % an algorithm as division has been taught at school. % \begin{macrocode} \newcount\cgr@tempdigit \newcommand*\cgr@vecscale@wd[3]{% \cgr@vecscale@graphicsbox{#1}{#2}% \cgr@vecscale@calc{\wd\@tempboxa}{#3}% } \newcommand*\cgr@vecscale@ht[3]{% \cgr@vecscale@graphicsbox{#1}{#2}% \@tempdimc=\ht\@tempboxa% \advance\@tempdimc by\dp\@tempboxa% \cgr@vecscale@calc{\@tempdimc}{#3}% } \newcommand*\cgr@vecscale@graphicsbox[2]{% \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{% \begingroup% \def\setlength{\cgr@setlength@orig}% \def\includegraphics{\cgr@gobble@optone}% \input{#1}% \endgroup% }% } \newcommand*\cgr@vecscale@calc[2]{% \@tempdimb=#1% \@tempcntb=\@tempdimb% \@tempdima=#2% \@tempcnta=\@tempdima% \cgr@tempdigit=\@tempcnta% \divide\cgr@tempdigit by\@tempcntb% \edef\cgr@vecscale{\the\cgr@tempdigit.}% \cgr@next@digit\cgr@next@digit\cgr@next@digit% \cgr@next@digit\cgr@next@digit\cgr@next@digit% } \newcommand*\cgr@next@digit{% \multiply\cgr@tempdigit by\@tempcntb% \advance\@tempcnta by-\cgr@tempdigit% \multiply\@tempcnta by10% \cgr@tempdigit=\@tempcnta% \divide\cgr@tempdigit by\@tempcntb% \edef\cgr@vecscale{\cgr@vecscale\the\cgr@tempdigit}% } % \end{macrocode} % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % \Finale % \endinput