% An illustration of comment.sty by Victor Eijkhout,
% version 3.4 and later.




This sentence
no verb.

Check for\begin{notthisone}
spaces (there should be none between `for' and `spaces'),
and around
of proper texts (one space between `around' and `inclusion',
and one between `inclusion' and `of').

Als check for
multiple paragraphs.

Such as
here. (`Such as' should be a new paragraph.)

% a test of the special comments
%\tracingmacros=2 \tracingcommands=2
This text is 
rather small
don't you think? (The `rather small' should be footnotesize.)

And now we disable
the special comment
(in between `disable' and `environment' is some excluded material).

% test of weird grouping
We switch to
\bf bold face
inside \rm a comment. (The phrase `bold face inside' should be bold.)

 {\comlines=0\relax \def\ProcessCutFile{}%
 {**Comment: \number\comlines\ line(s) removed**}
This is a line of text
another line of text
One line
Two line
Three line
last line of text.

      \def\ProcessCutFile{\input{\CommentCutFile}\relax}% Bug! this
                                % should not be necessary.
      \def\ThisComment##1{\WriteCommentLine{u: \underline{##1}\par}}

A block of two underlined lines in between this line
line 1
line 2   
and before this line.
