# The LaTeX package `contract`

Copyright © 2007–2024 Markus Kohm

Release: 2024-02-07 v0.91

License: LPPL 1.3c

KOMA presents the KOMA-Script spin-off `contract`. Package `contract` provides
environments for legal contracts, sections, paragraphs and similar. It is the
official successor to the former KOMA-Script package `scrjura`.


This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c of the license.
The latest version of this license is in
and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
version 2005/12/01 or later.

The Current Maintainer and author of this work is Markus Kohm.

This work consists of the files listed in MANIFEST.md.


# Abstract

For several years
[KOMA-Script](https://www.sourceforge.net/project/koma-script) provides
package `scrjura`. The package was developed at the request of and in
co-operation with a German lawyer. In 2024, the package was separated from
KOMA-Script and has since been called `contract`. The new name was chosen to
avoid confusion with KOMA-Script packages. Secondly, it better reflects the
purpose of the package.

# Installation for Users

If you are a user, I would usually say, that you should wait until the
package has been added to your preferred TeX distribution. Then you can use
the package manager of your TeX distribution to install the package. But in
case of `contract` it currently seems, that it could not be uploaded to CTAN
and therefore will never be part of any TeX distribution. So if you would like
to use the package, you would need to

 - [Download the current
 You can either use the file named “**Source code** (zip)” or the file “**Source
 code** (tar.gz)”. Windows users are recommended to use the zip. By
 downloading the file you will get something like `latex-contract-0.91.zip`
 resp. `latex-contract-0.91.tar.gz`.

 - Unpack the downloaded file  
 The downloaded file is an archive, that contains several files. Despite the
 Windows File Explorer and also Mac-OS, KDE's Dolphin, Gnome's Nautilus and
 many other file managers are able to open such archive files, you should
 instead right-click on it to extract it. I recommend to keep the directory
 structure while extracting. This gives a new directory
 `latex-contract-<version>`, e.g., `latex-contract-0.91`.

 - Open a shell/terminal in the new directory `latex-contract-<version>`.

 - Use `l3build` to install the package and the documentation:

        l3build install --full

If you don't get an error message, the installation was successful and you
should be able to use LaTeX package `contract`. To test, that LaTeX is able to
find the file, try:

    kpsewhich contract.sty
This should show you the whole path of the LaTeX package file.

**Note:** The installation above is currently tested only with TeX
Live. MiKTeX users may also need to run the `MiKTeX Console` to update the
filename database. See the MiKTeX manual for more information.
**Note:** The installation described above, does not work for a snapshot
archive or a git clone of the `main` branch. It only works for the `release`
branch resp. [a release
download](https://github.com/komascript/latex-contract/releases). For
installation of a snapshot or git clone of the `main` branch see “[Unpacking
and Installation for Developers](#unpacking-and-installation-for-developers)”
below. For some reasons it also does not work for release v0.9. If you need to
use release v0.9 see “[Unpacking and Installation for

# Unpacking for Distributors

Distributors should [download the current
release](https://github.com/komascript/latex-contract/releases). See
for information about the files, that build the distribution.

If distributors also want to distribute `contract.sty`, they can
unpack it using:

    tex contract.dtx
For a temporary local installation see “[Installation for
Users](#installation-for-users)” above.

# Unpacking and Installation for Developers

Developers who want the current developer version of the code to be installed
for testing, should clone [the `latex-contract`
repository](https://github.com/komascript/latex-contract), e.g.,

	git clone https://github.com/komascript/latex-contract.git

You can than unpack and install `contract` using:

	l3build install
from within the main directory of the cloned respository.

**Important Note:** The user manual of `contract` uses some packages, which
are still under development and therefore currently may not be available on
CTAN. So you usually cannot use `l3build doc` to generate the documentation or
`l3build install --full` to install `contract` with the documentation. Instead
you either have to read `contract.dtx` or use the `contract.pdf` available at
the newest [`contract`
release](https://github.com/komascript/latex-contract/releases) or [the
branch](https://github.com/komascript/latex-contract/tree/release). You can
copy such PDFs to the `doc/latex/contract/` folder of any TEXMF tree.

# How to get the Manual

After installation of `contract` and the user manual you can use:

    texdoc contract
Without installation you can get `contract.pdf` as part of the corresponding
release](https://github.com/komascript/latex-contract/releases) or [the

# How to Contribute

To become a contributor, e.g., do heavy testing. If you find an issue, please
[report it](#how-to-report-issues). You can also become a developer and, e.g.,
make new test files to the packageP. See the
[`l3build`](https://ctan.org/pkg/l3build) manual for more information about
tests. If you've created a new test and think that it would be useful, please
either do a pull request or [add a new issue](#how-to-report-issues) and
include your test file.

If you would like to have the package on CTAN and also in TeX distributions,
you can become the CTAN release agent of `latex-contract`. To do this,
however, you must first convince the CTAN team that `contract` is a suitable,
not too generic name for a new LaTeX package. Unfortunately, I was not able to
do this. Queries to me about this and about possible renaming of the package
are undesirable and risk further stalling the development of this LaTeX
package and all my other LaTeX packages.

# How to Report Issues

If you think you have found a bug (or another kind of issue) using
`contract` you should use [the issue
tracker](https://github.com/komascript/latex-contract/issues). Please
first search for similar issues already reported and maybe also already fixed
and closed. Maybe the replies to such a similar report would help you too.

If your issue is new, you should report it also using [the issue
tracker](https://github.com/komascript/latex-contract/issues). Please be kind,
not only when writing the report but also when reading replies and commenting
or answering. And please always add a minimal working example and usually the
relevant parts of the `log`-file to your report. Please use the [markdown for
to add such files into the text of your report. The correct language
identifier for LaTeX code would be `latex`. For `log`-files you won't need any
language identifier. Usually you should not use attachments for code or
`log`-files unless you've been asked to do so. And please note, reports should
always be self-containing. External links often break and so the report become

# How to Say Thank You for my Work

Hey, I'm doing this as a hobby. So no need to say thank you. But I'm a vain
fop, so I'm certainly up for a quick thank you by email. On komascript.de you
can find an [explanation of my wishes](https://komascript.de/wunschliste) if
you want to give more. If you don't understand German, just click to links at
that page.

# Milestones

The development has just begun. Currently [the first

 - [x] creating a new repository
 - [x] copying `scrjura.dtx` from KOMA-Script as `contract.dtx` to the new
 - [x] creating a new build environment:
   - [x] `README.md`
   - [x] `LICENSE.md`
   - [x] `MANIFEST.md`
   - [x] `build.lua`
   - [x] test files
 - [x] renaming several internals of `contract`
 - [x] adding user documentation based on the `scrjura` chapters of the English
       KOMA-Script manual
 - [x] improving user documentation

has been reached.

Further milestones could be:

 - [ ] replacing `scrjura` by a `contract` wrapper in KOMA-Script for
       compatibility only
 - [ ] reimplementing several internals of `contract`:
   - [ ] replacing KOMA-Script options by LaTeX key-value options
   - [ ] replacing \newkomafont, \setkomafont by something not KOMA-Script
         related or alterntively internally uses `scrkbase` by `scrextend`,
   - [ ] using `expl3`, 
   - [ ] using the new paragraph hooks of LaTeX,
   - [ ] using the extended referencing mechanism of LaTeX.

# From `scrjura` to `contract`

If you have been using the `scrjura` package and are now switching to the
`contract` package, you should read chapter “From `scrjura` to `contract`” in
the `contract` user manual. The most important and incompatible change IMHO
is, that the argument of `\Clause` and `\SubClause` isn't mandaroty any longer
but optional. So the syntax has changed to `\Clause[<options>]`
resp. `\SubClause[<options>]`.

**Note:** For a transitional period, KOMA-Script will continue to contain a
package `scrjura`, which is a wrapper to `contract` and attempts to increase
compatibility. With this package, the argument of `\Clause` and `\SubClause`
will remain mandatory for the time being. However, this package is expected to
disappear from KOMA-Script after a reasonable period of smooth transition.