% coursepaper.cls
%% This is a class (.cls) file for LaTeX2e.
%% Author:      Norman R. Gall
%%              Department of Philosophy
%%              The University of Calgary
%%              Calgary, Alberta
%%              ngall@ucalgary.ca
%% Feel free to copy, modify, and distribute.
%% I am interested in all changes you make.
%% Send changes to ngall@ucalgary.ca
%% This file is based on the default article.cls file 
%% General Notes:
%% I have taken quite a few liberties in the template to cohere with 
%% idiosyncratic preferences in reading student's papers. I think that
%% while other instructors might be more liberal, there will be few who 
%% are more conservative in their requirements. 
%% My purpose in writing this .cls is to provide students with a single 
%% straightforward template from which to generate clear, clean, and 
%% simple papers that are easy to read and identify by instructors.
%% I have assumed onecolumn and onepage. In my experience, no one likes to 
%% see columned or duplex papers.
% Version History
% ---------------
% v0.1  2002-02-16	Test of Class file                       
% v1.0  2002-02-21	Cleaned up comments and added \coursesection
% v2.0  2003-08-19	Major revision to make template generic
% - Command Notes ------------------------------
% new commands:	\studentnumber, \college, \coursename, \coursenumber, 
% 			    \coursesection, \instructor
% All of these commands go in the preamble and are pretty 
% straightforward. You use them just like the \author
% command. I have smart-assed defaults programmed, so you'd better 
% remember to insert your own values.
% I have included these as these are what I want to see on each and every 
% paper I receive. If there are other items that you might find helpful, 
% e-mail the suggestion.
% Page Styles
%	\pagestyle{headings} and pagestyle{plain} work as per article.cls 
%    except that 
%			a) when using titlepage, there is no page number printed on 
%               the title page and the title page is not counted.
%			b) when not using titlepage, there is no page number printed 
%               on the first page but it is counted.
%			c) when using titlepage and there is an abstract, there is no 
%               page number printed on the title page or the abstract page 
%               and neither the title page nor abstract page is counted.
%			d) when not using titlepage and there is an abstract, there 
%               is no page number printed on the first page but it is 
%               counted. The abstract is inserted immediately after the 
%               title matter.
%	\pagestyle{myheadings) works as above except it has the marks shifted 
%    to the right for clarity so that students can place their name on 
%    each page, if required
% Abstract
% Some disciplines regularly use the abstract in papers, so I have dealt 
% with it. If you use the titlepage option and included the abstract right 
% after the title material, the abstract will be placed on a second page 
% by itself after the titlepage. The main body will then begin on the next
% page, with page numbering beginning there.
% Draft and Final Modes
% The draft and final options actually do something other than show you 
% line overruns. The draft option single spaces everything and gives you 
% slightly smaller margins. The final option gives you wider margins (for
% comments---students never leave enough room for instructor marginalia), 
% and double spaces everything except the abstract, quotations, quotes, 
% verses, and footnotes. None of these things should be double-spaced in a 
% final paper, in my view. The bibliography (`References' has been 
% renamed) will be double spaced. You can use a \spacing{1} before your 
% \bibliography command to change that behaviour.
% There is also an \epigraph command at the end, if you are into that sort 
% of thing in your papers.
% - Identification -------------------------------------
\ProvidesClass{coursepaper}[2003/08/19 v2.0]
% Initial Code ---------------------------------------
% - Declaration of Options -----------------------------
% saving taken from dissertation.sty with modification

% - Execution of Options -------------------------------
% - Package Loading ------------------------------------

% - Main Code ------------------------------------------
%     some redefinitions I need later
%     some definitions and defaults that are convenient

\gdef\@author{I.M.A. Student}
\gdef\@title{The Socio-Economic Layering of Sub-Atomic Particle Cultures}
\gdef\@college{School of Hard Knocks}
\gdef\@coursename{Sociology of Physics}
\gdef\@instructor{Professor Y.R.U StillHere}
% Spacing and margins
% These margins are set for letter size paper for North American tastes.
% Other users will have to make the relevant adjustments here or in their 
% LaTeX source file
% \spacing - redefine \baselinestretch and recompute \baselineskip
{       % settings for draft
		\setlength {\topmargin}{0.0in}	 % top margin    1.0 inch
        \setlength {\textheight}{8.5in}	 % bottom margin 1.0 inch
        \setlength {\oddsidemargin}{0.0in}	 % left margin   1.0 inch
		\setlength {\evensidemargin}{0.0in}	 % right margin  1.0 inch
        \setlength {\textwidth}{6.5in}	 % right margin  1.0 inch
        \spacing{1}						 % single spacing for draft
{       % settings for final
		\setlength {\topmargin}{0.0in}	 % top margin    1.0 inch
        \setlength {\textheight}{8.5in}	 % bottom margin 1.0 inch
        \setlength {\oddsidemargin}{0.5in} % left margin    1.5 inch
		\setlength {\evensidemargin}{0.5in}	 % right margin  1.5 inch
        \setlength {\textwidth}{5.5in}	 % right margin  1.5 inch
        \spacing{2}						 % double spacing for final
        \renewenvironment{quote}			 % redef as single spaced
		\renewenvironment{quotation}		 % redef as single spaced
		\renewenvironment{verse}		     % redef as single spaced
\setlength {\footnotesep}{14pt}			  % baseline skip for fn's 1st line
\setlength {\headheight}{0.2in}			  % make room for header
\setlength {\headsep}{0.2in}				  % modest header separation
\setlength {\parskip}{0.2in}				  % set a paragraph skip
\setlength {\parindent}{0.2in}			  % I hate unindented first lines
\renewenvironment{bibliography}[1]		  % automatically enter toc line
	{\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Bibliography}\oldbibliography {#1}}
% Make footnotes single spaced
%			code shamelessly stolen from setspace.sty 
%				written by Geoffrey Tobin <G.Tobin@latrobe.edu.au>
    \def\baselinestretch {1}%
    \splitmaxdepth \dp\strutbox \floatingpenalty \@MM
      \csname p@footnote\endcsname\@thefnmark
% redefine the titlematter
    \long\def\@makefntext##1{\parindent 1em\noindent
      \global\@topnum\z@   % Prevents figures from going at top of page.
  \vskip 2em%
    {\sffamily \LARGE \@title \par}%
    \vskip 2em%
    {\sffamily \large\lineskip .75em\@author}\\%
    \sffamily \@studentnumber%
    \vskip 1em%
    \sffamily \@date
    \vskip 3em%
    \sffamily \@college\\%
    \sffamily \@coursenumber\hskip 6pt\@coursesection\hskip 6pt%
    \sffamily For: \@instructor%
  \end{flushleft}\hrule\vskip 1em\par
  \vskip 1.5em}
% make section titles less obnoxious
\renewcommand\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}%
                                   {-3.5ex \@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
                                   {2.3ex \@plus.2ex}%
                                     {-3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
                                     {1.5ex \@plus .2ex}%
                                     {-3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
                                     {1.5ex \@plus .2ex}%
                                    {3.25ex \@plus1ex \@minus.2ex}%
                                       {3.25ex \@plus1ex \@minus .2ex}%
% Set up headers
    \def\@evenhead{\thepage -- \slshape\leftmark\hfil}%
    \def\@oddhead{\hfil{\slshape\rightmark} -- \thepage}%
% Position the abstract depending on presence of titlepage
        \bfseries \abstractname
% change some names
\renewcommand\contentsname{Table of Contents}
%	\epigraph{text}{byline}
			\hrule\end{minipage}\vskip 12pt\end{flushright}}
%% End of file `coursepaper.cls'.