% File: cprotectinside.sty % Copyright 2022 user202729 % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the % LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of this license or % (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in % the file: % % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. % % The Current Maintainer of this work is user202729. \ProvidesExplPackage{cprotectinside}{2022/06/25}{0.0.0}{Use cprotect arbitrarily deeply nested} % '__' ↔ '_cpi_' \msg_new:nnn {cprotectinside} {delimiter-not-match} {Delimiters~does~not~match!} \int_new:N \_cpi_used \edef \cprotectinsideAppend { \c_backslash_str empty } % 12 is other catcode \cs_generate_variant:Nn \tl_replace_all:Nnn {Nnx} % #1: single character for the delimiter e.g. '+' % #2: the body \NewDocumentCommand\cprotectinside{v +v}{ %\seq_set_split_keep_spaces:Nnn \_cpi_entries {#1} {#2} % cannot do this in old version \tl_set:Nn \_cpi_entries {#2} \tl_replace_all:Nnx \_cpi_entries {~} { \char_generate:nn {`\ } {12} } % replace space <space> with other <space> \seq_set_split:NnV \_cpi_entries {#1} \_cpi_entries % so that they're not lost here. Support older versions without \seq_set_split_keep_spaces \int_if_even:nT {\seq_count:N \_cpi_entries} { \msg_error:nn {cprotectinside} {delimiter-not-match} } \tl_build_gbegin:N \_cpi_result \seq_map_indexed_inline:Nn \_cpi_entries { % ##1 is index, ##2 is item \int_if_even:nTF {##1} { % index 2, 4, 6...: content to be cprotect-ed \int_incr:N \_cpi_used \exp_args:NV \_cpi_aux:nn \cprotectinsideAppend {##2} \tl_build_gput_right:Nx \_cpi_result { \c_backslash_str cpiContentA \romannumeral \_cpi_used / } } { % index 1, 3, 5...: normal text \tl_build_gput_right:Nn \_cpi_result {##2} } } %\tl_build_gput_right:Nn \_cpi_result {##2} \tl_build_gend:N \_cpi_result \begingroup \newlinechar=13~ % have to setup like this because +v collect newline as char 13 \exp_args:NNNV \expandafter \endgroup \scantokens \_cpi_result } \def \_cpi_aux:nn #1 #2 { \protected \cs_set_protected:cpn {cpiContentA \romannumeral \_cpi_used} / {\cprotectinsideReexec{#2 #1}} } \def \cprotectinsideReexec #1 { \begingroup \newlinechar=13~ \expandafter % expand the \scantokens once when newlinechar=13 \endgroup \scantokens {#1} % then execute the code with original newlinechar value } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \_cpi_aux:n {V} \cs_generate_variant:Nn \tl_gset_rescan:Nnn {NnV}