# The dccpaper bundle: LaTeX classes for submissions to IJDC and IDCC

The dccpaper bundle consists of three very similar classes.

ijdc-v14.cls corresponds to the template used by the
[International Journal of Digital Curation], beginning with volume 14.

ijdc-v9.cls corresponds to the template used by the
[International Journal of Digital Curation] for volumes 9 to 13 inclusive.

idcc.cls corresponds to the template used for the
[International Digital Curation Conference], beginning with IDCC15.

As the classes are so similar, their common features are abstracted out
into dccpaper-base.sty; please do not attempt to use this package
independently of the above classes.

The classes are able to produce both submissions and camera-ready papers.

[International Journal of Digital Curation]: http://www.ijdc.net/
[International Digital Curation Conference]: https://www.dcc.ac.uk/events/idcc

## Installation

### Managed way

The latest stable release of the dccpaper bundle has been packaged for
TeX Live and MiKTeX. If you are running TeX Live and have `tlmgr`
installed, you can install the bundle simply by running
`tlmgr install dccpaper`. If you are running MiKTeX, you can install the
bundle by running `mpm --install=dccpaper`. Both `tlmgr` and `mpm` have
GUI versions that you might find friendlier.

### Automated way

A makefile is provided which you can use with the Make utility:

  * Running `make source` generates the derived files
      - README.md
      - ijdc-v9.cls
      - idcc.cls
      - dccpaper-base.sty
      - dccpaper-apacite.bib
      - dccpaper-biblatex.bib
  * Running `make` generates the above files and also dccpaper.pdf.
  * Running `make inst` installs the files in the user's TeX tree.
  * Running `make install` installs the files in the local TeX tree.

### Manual way

 1. Run `tex dccpaper.dtx` to generate the source files.
 2. Compile dccpaper.dtx with (any version of) LaTeX and Biber to generate the
    documentation. Due to a dependency on the markdown package, you will need
    either to use LuaLaTeX or to enable shell escape.
 3. Move the files to your TeX tree as follows:
      - `source/latex/dccpaper`:
      - `tex/latex/dccpaper`:
      - `doc/latex/dccpaper`:

 4. You may then have to update your installation's file name database
    before TeX and friends can see the files.

## Licence

Copyright 2024 Digital Curation Centre, University of Edinburgh.

This work consists of the image files dccpaper-by.eps and
dccpaper-by.pdf, the documented LaTeX file dccpaper.dtx and a Makefile.

The text files contained in this work may be distributed and/or modified
under the conditions of the [LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)][lppl],
either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later

The image files distributed with this bundle derive from the file
[by.eps] distributed by Creative Commons. The image is a trademark of
Creative Commons and is subject to the [Creative Commons trademark policy][cctp].

This work is “maintained” (as per LPPL maintenance status) by [Alex Ball][me].

[lppl]: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt "LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)"
[by.eps]: http://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/buttons/88x31/eps/by.eps "CC BY licence badge"
[cctp]: http://creativecommons.org/policies "Creative Commons trademark policy"
[me]: http://alexball.me.uk/ "Alex Ball"