\ProvidesFile{dhua.tex}[2011/09/19 make dhua.pdf about dhua.sty] \title{\textsf{dhua.sty}\\---\\German Abbreviations Using Thin Space\thanks{This document describes version \textcolor{blue}{\UseVersionOf{\jobname.sty}} of \textsf{\jobname.sty} as of \UseDateOf{\jobname.sty}.}} % \listfiles { \RequirePackage{makedoc} \ProcessLineMessage{} \MakeJobDoc{16} {\SectionLevelTwoParseInput} } \documentclass[fleqn]{article} %% TODO paper dimensions!? \input{makedoc.cfg} %% shared formatting settings \providecommand*\pkg{\pkgnamefmt} %% TODO should be in makedoc.cfg %% 2011/09/09: \AddQuotes %% niceverb \hypersetup{% pdftitle=dhua.sty for German abbreviations using thin space, pdfsubject=documenting dhua.sty } \MDkeywords{German typography; web typography, language support, macro programming} \usepackage{dhua} % \makeatletter \newenvironment*{german} {\par \it\frenchspacing\DontAddQuotes \let\qtd\deqtd} % {\par\@endpefalse} %% strange: in vain {\par} % \makeatother % \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %% TODO just for ...!? % \newcommand*{\deqtd}[1]{\guillemotleft#1\guillemotright} \let\EnToday\today \usepackage{german} \mdqoff \let\today\EnToday \renewcommand*{\contentsname}{Contents} \renewcommand*{\abstractname}{Abstract/Zusammenfassung} \newcommand*{\deqtd}[1]{\glqq#1\grqq} \newcommand*{\HTML}{\acro{HTML}} \sloppy \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{MDabstract}\DontAddQuotes 'dhua.sty' provides commands for German phrase abbreviations such as \qtd{\dh}\ that are recommended to use a \Wikienref{thin space}---set-up commands `\newdhua' and `\newtwopartdhua' %%% --- %% rm. 2011/09/16 as well as commands for single cases (e.g., `\zB' for \qtd{\zB}, to save you from typing `z.\,B.'). % %% 2011/09/15: % Moreover, there are package options for (i)~web typography % and (ii)~automatical inclusion of `\xspace'. Package options are intended to support generating \acro{PDF} and \HTML\ from the same source, maybe automatically using `\xspace'. \begin{german} %% reworded 2011/09/16 Das Paket 'dhua' bietet Befehle f\"ur sog.\ mehrgliedrige Abk\"urzungen, f\"ur die \wikideref{Schmales Lehrzeichen}{schmale Leerzeichen} (\wikideref{Festabstand}{Festabst\"ande}) empfohlen werden. In die englische Paketdokumentation sind deutsche Hinweise (kursiv) eingestreut. \end{german} \end{MDabstract} \tableofcontents % \newpage \section{Installing, Calling, Usage} The file 'dhua.sty' is provided ready, installation only requires putting it somewhere where \TeX\ finds it (which may need updating the filename data base).\urlfoot{ukfaqref}{inst-wlcf} %% corr. 2011/02/08 %% extended 2011/01/14: Below the `\documentclass' line(s) and above `\begin{document}', you load 'dhua.sty' (as usually) by \[`\usepackage{dhua}'\] or by \[`\usepackage[<option(s)>]{dhua}'\] with the option(s) <option(s)> described in Section~\ref{sec:opt} (`[web]', `[xspace]'). A few macros for single abbreviations are described in Section~\ref{sec:single}, the macros `\newdhua' and `\newtwopartdhua' for defining such abbreviation macros are described in Section~\ref{sec:setup}. \begin{german} Unten werden (i)~Paketoptionen `[web]' und `[xspace]', (ii)~die Makros `\newdhua' und `\newtwopartdhua' f\"ur die Definition einzelner Ab\-k\"ur\-zungs\-makros sowie (iii)~einzelne vordefinierte Abk\"urzungsmakros beschrieben. \end{german} \section{Package File Header (Legalize)} \input{dhua.doc} \section{Colophon} %% was `Coda' 2011/09/16 %% rm. \enlargethispage{3\baselineskip} 2011/09/19 The English part of the documentation exemplifies a new (2011/09/09) function of 'niceverb.sty' v0.44: automatically enclose inline \TeX\ code in single quotation marks after `\AddQuotes'. I needed especially much time for this because group nesting spans several documentation pages. % On my Atari~ST, there must be another 'dhua.sty'. % I~guess it was quite worthless. % I think it is only about one year ago that I~became aware % of the Duden recommendation about thin unbreakable spaces. % I consider this older package 'dhua'~v0.\dots % The present version number \qtd{v1.1} is an analogue % to my usual starting version number \qtd{v0.1}. I spent much time with a special environment `{german}' for the present purpose: the indent of the following paragraph was missing---until I added an empty documentation line. (Same with standard `{sloppypar}' environment, I don't understand it, tried `\@endpefalse' in vain.) %% modified 2011/09/16: I don't like \ctanpkgref{babel}~\dots %% 2011/09/16: The German parts use 'niceverb''s `\DontAddQuotes' because of a different frequency of \TeX\ code. Even in the English parts I considered the single quotation marks bad and avoided them using \LaTeX's `\verb'. And my terms \qtd{phrase abbreviation} and \qtd{abbreviation macro} may be bad, please help me~\dots \end{document} VERSION HISTORY 2011/09/14 for v0.1 renaming from `dhusw' 2011/09/15 for v0.1a options in abstract 2011/09/16 more keywords, different \Provides..., Coda/Colophon extended 2011/09/19 for v0.11 Colophon on next page