



\title{The \textsf{\jobname} package}
\author{Lars Madsen\thanks{Email:
    \protect\url{daleif@imf.au.dk}}\thanks{Version 0.5}}


In Stochastic Geometry and Digital Image Analysis (both fields in
statistics) some problems can be solved in terms of so-called
\emph{configurations}. Which is basically a square matrix with
$\circ$ and $\bullet$ in them (and interpreted in a specific fashion,
that I do not know about).
  \itshape The configurations are mainly used to estimate geometric
  features, such as the mean normal measure, the area density, and the
  length density, of digitized random sets in the plane. Other
  applications include the restoration of noisy realisations of random
  sets. \hfill --- pseudo-anonymous researcher
Now, a certain type of problem might need more than 50 $5\times5$
matrices of $\circ$'s and $\bullet$'s, which is not very handy to
write in the traditional way.
\circ & \bullet & \circ & \circ & \bullet \\

Of course one method of easing this (for $5\times5$ matrices) is to
create a macro with five arguments, which would then create the
matrix. (Something like \cs{macro}\marg*{o..oo}\marg*{ooo.o}%
\marg*{....o}\allowbreak\marg*{.....}\marg*{o.o.o}.) But that does not
scale very well, we need a macro that given a special string (and
perhaps a matrix size configuration) can simply build a
configuration matrix.

The \jobname-package tries to solve this problem.


Simply load the package in the traditional way:
This will also load the \texttt{amsmath} package. Digiconfigs provides the
\cs{dconfig} macro, which has the following syntax:
  \cs{dconfig}\oarg{matrix-size}\marg{configuration string}
\noindent Explanation:
\item[\Arg{matrix-size}] This optional argument is used to specify the
  expected size of the matrix, the syntax to be used is of course
  \texttt{\Arg{rows}x\Arg{cols}}, where, if
  \texttt{\Arg{rows}=\Arg{cols}} is equivalent to simply typing
  \texttt{\Arg{rows}}. Default is \texttt{4} (i.e. a $4\times4$
  matrix), which is configurable.
\item[\Arg{configuration string}] This is suppose to be a string of
  single characters each of which will represent an entry in the
  matrix. The macro will react to four different characters, which by
  default is
  \item[o] represents a $\circ$,
  \item[.] represents a $\bullet$,
  \item[c] represents a $\cdot$ (sometimes used to indicate a blank), and
  \item[b] which represents a \emph{blank} entry.
  All four characters are configurable, as is the symbols used for
  \emph{circle}, \emph{bullet}, and \emph{cdot}.

  All other characters (except \texttt{\#}, \texttt{\%}  and
  \texttt{X}) will be ignored. \texttt{X} is internally added to the
  string, and is used to detect the end of the string if it falls
\cs{dconfig} will then calculate the number of entries it has to
look for, and simply eat up character by character (using tail
recursion) until it has found the number it needs. Any remaining
characters will be ignored. If the string it too short for the
expected number of entries, a warning will be issued, and the matrix
will simply come short at this point.

Here are a few examples
  \def\mystring{..o.. bb.o.. dsfsf co..}
  \dconfig[2]{\mystring} \dconfig[1x5]{\mystring}
  \dconfig{\mystring} \dconfig[3x4]{\mystring}
Matrix three here falls short of entries.


The package offers various configurations. All of these can be changed
throughout the document.
\cs{setCircleChar}\marg{char}\hfill (\texttt{o})
\cs{setBulletChar}\marg{char}\hfill (\texttt{.})
\cs{setCdotChar}\marg{char}\hfill (\texttt{c})
\cs{setBlankChar}\marg{char}\hfill (\texttt{b})
Is used to alter the four main characters the macro is looking
for. Argument should be a single char (to keep things simple).

\cs{setCircleSymbol}\marg{symbol}\hfill (\verb+\circ+)
\cs{setBulletSymbol}\marg{symbol}\hfill (\verb+\bullet+)
\cs{setCdotSymbol}\marg{symbol}\hfill (\verb+\cdot+)
Is used to alter the output symbols used in the matrix. The
\emph{blank} symbol cannot be changed.
\cs{setMatrixStart}\marg{matrix start code}\hfill (\verb+\begin{bmatrix}+)
\cs{setMatrixEnd}\marg{matrix end code}\hfill (\verb+\end{bmatrix}+)
Fairly obvious. So if you want to save some space use\nopagebreak
\cs{setDefaultMatrixSize}\marg{matrix size} \hfill (\texttt{4})
Alters the expected number of entries. Use a positive integer or the


\dconfig{c-+c +-+- -+-- b-+b -+--}

\chapter{A tip}

Here is a small tip. If you find \cs{dconfig} to be a bit long, then
try something like


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