%%% ====================================================================
%%% @LaTeX-style-file{
%%%    author    = "Enrico Bertolazzi",
%%%    version   = "1.1",
%%%    date      = "31-MAY-2001",
%%%    filename  = "easy.sty",
%%%    address   = "Dipartimento di Ingeneria Meccanica e Strutturale,
%%%                 Trento University,
%%%                 Via Mesiano 77, Trento, Italy",
%%%    FAX       = "+39 (461) 882599",
%%%    email     = "enrico.bertolazzi@ing.unitn.it (Internet)",
%%%    supported = "yes. Please send comments via E-mail",
%%% ====================================================================
%%%   Put this file where your TeX looks for inputs.
%%%   no documentation
%%%   Copyright 1999 Enrico Bertolazzi
%%%   This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
%%%   of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
%%%   archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either
%%%   version 1 of the License, or any later version.
%%% }
%%% ====================================================================%%%
%%%       ___    ____  ___   _   _         ___    ____  ___   _   _     %%%
%%%      /   \  /     /   \  \  /         /   \  /     /   \  \  /      %%%
%%%     /____/ /__   /____/   \/         /____/ /__   /____/   \/       %%%
%%%    /   \  /     /  \      /         /   \  /     /  \      /        %%%
%%%   /____/ /____ /    \    /         /____/ /____ /    \    /         %%%
%%% ====================================================================%%%
%%% v1.0 30-AUG-1999 
%%% v1.1 31-MAY-2001 changed \@roman with \romannumeral (thanks to Claudio Beccari) 
%%%                  added \easydashlen \easydashsep

\typeout{Document Style `easy'  \fileversion\space<\filedate>.}

\def\@easy@disable@space{\catcode`\ =9\endlinechar=-1}
\def\@easy@enable@space{\catcode`\ =10\endlinechar=`\^^M}



% define boxes for internal computation.
   \expandafter\global\expandafter\newbox\csname @easy@box\romannumeral\@tempcnta\endcsname
   \expandafter\global\expandafter\newdimen\csname @easy@minx\romannumeral\@tempcnta\endcsname
   \expandafter\global\expandafter\newdimen\csname @easy@miny\romannumeral\@tempcnta\endcsname
   \expandafter\global\expandafter\newdimen\csname @easy@maxx\romannumeral\@tempcnta\endcsname
   \expandafter\global\expandafter\newdimen\csname @easy@maxy\romannumeral\@tempcnta\endcsname
   \advance\@tempcnta by\m@ne
% define dimens for internal computation.
   \expandafter\global\expandafter\newdimen\csname @easy@hsize\romannumeral\@tempcnta\endcsname%
   \expandafter\global\expandafter\newdimen\csname @easy@vsize\romannumeral\@tempcnta\endcsname%
   \advance\@tempcnta by\m@ne




% \@easy@rotate{\macro}
% rotate the contens of a macro, for example:
% \def\macro{abc}
% \@easy@rotate{\macro}
% now macro contains {bca} 

% \@easy@firstchar{string}
% get the first character of a string.
% If the string is empty return `-'



% \@easy@list@align{string}
% Parse a string with alignement definitions and separate
% rules definition.
% \@easy@list@align muist contains the possible alignments.
% the rules coding is fixed as:  
% @ => no rule
% . => dotted rule
% ; => dot-dash rule
% : => dased rule
% | => solid rule
% 0123456789 => solid rule 0 => thin 9 => thick
% The output are
% \@easy@align: which will contain alignement string
% \@easy@rules: which will contain rule definition string
% for example
% \def\@easy@list@align{rcl}
% \@easy@list@align{|r;cl}
% results in
% \@easy@align => rcl
% \@easy@rules => |;@@
\def\@easy@parseb{%parse column separator

\def\@easy@parsed{% parse column alignment
       \def\next##1{}% eat end

{unrecognized command \meaning\@tempb \space on line \the\inputlineno}}

\newdimen\@easy@dash@len \@easy@dash@len=5pt\relax
\newdimen\@easy@dash@sep \@easy@dash@sep=2pt\relax


% \@easy@h@dash{height}{width}{sep}
%    +----+     |
% #1 |    |     |
%    +----+     |
%      #2   #3
% \@easy@v@dash{width}{height}{sep}
%      #1
%    +----+
% #2 |    |
%    +----+
% #3
%    -----
% \@easy@h@dashes{totalwidth}{height}{sep1}{width}{sep2}
%        |-------- totalwidth --------- | 
%        +---+        +----------+      |
% height |   |        |          |      |
%        +---+        +----------+      |
%       height  sep1     width     sep2
   \loop\advance\@tempcnta by\@ne%
      \@tempdimb=\wd\@tempboxa\relax\advance\@tempdimb by\wd0\relax
   \advance\@tempdima by -\wd\@tempboxa\relax%
   \loop\advance\@tempcnta by\@ne%
      \@tempdimb=\ht\@tempboxa\relax\advance\@tempdimb by\ht0\relax%
   \advance\@tempdima by -\ht\@tempboxa\relax%










% \@easy@hbox[halign,valign,width,heigth,sep,content]
   \hbox{\vbox to#4{\expandafter\ifx#2t\else\vss\fi%
   \kern#5\hbox to#3{%
% evaluate dimensions of box of boxes, it return
% \@easy@vsize max heigth + \@easy@spread
% \@easy@hsize max width  + \@easy@spread
        \advance\@tempcnta by \m@ne}%

\@whilenum\@tempcnta>\z@\do{#1\advance\@tempcnta by\m@ne}}

\@whilenum\@tempcnta>\z@\do{#1\advance\@tempcnta by\m@ne}}




    \expandafter\ifx\@easy@balance c\@easy@balance@cols{\@easy@minx}\else%
    \expandafter\ifx\@easy@balance r\@easy@balance@rows{\@easy@miny}\else%
    \expandafter\ifx\@easy@balance b\@easy@balance@cols{\@easy@minx}\@easy@balance@rows{\@easy@miny}\else%
    \expandafter\ifx\@easy@balance e\@easy@balance@equalize{\@easy@minx}%
    \else% no balancing
            \advance\@tempdimc by -\@tempdima\relax
        \@easy@loop@cols{\advance\@tempdimc by -\@nameuse{@easy@hsize\romannumeral\@tempcnta}\relax}
        \divide\@tempdimc by\@easy@ncol\relax
           \@easy@loop@cols{\global\advance\@nameuse{@easy@hsize\romannumeral\@tempcnta} by \@tempdimc\relax}
            \advance\@tempdimc by -\@tempdima\relax
        \@easy@loop@rows{\advance\@tempdimc by -\@nameuse{@easy@vsize\romannumeral\@tempcnta}\relax}
        \divide\@tempdimc by\@easy@nrow\relax
           \@easy@loop@rows{\global\advance\@nameuse{@easy@vsize\romannumeral\@tempcnta} by \@tempdimc\relax}

  		\@easy@rotate\@easy@row@rules% elim `
  		\@easy@rotate\@easy@row@align% elim `

 		\@easy@rotate\@easy@col@rules% elim `
 		\@easy@rotate\@easy@col@align% elim `

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Vertical lines %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Horizontal lines %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PATH COMMANDS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


\def\@easy@dopath{%adjust size boxex



    \ifx r\@tempa
    \else\ifx l\@tempa
    \else\ifx u\@tempa
    \else\ifx d\@tempa




