%%% ====================================================================
%%%  @LaTeX-style-file{
%%%     author          = "Enrico Bertolazzi",
%%%     version         = "1.0",
%%%     date            = "13-JUN-2001",
%%%     filename        = "easytable.sty",
%%%     address         = "Laboratorio di Matematica Applicata
%%%                        e Meccanica Strutturale,
%%%                        Trento University,
%%%                        Via Mesiano, Trento, Italy",
%%%     FAX             = "+39 (461) 882599",
%%%     email           = "enrico.bertolazzi@ing.unitn.it (Internet)",
%%%     supported       = "yes. Please send comments via E-mail",
%%%     docstring       = "package for easy typing equations."
%%%   Put this file where your TeX looks for inputs.
%%%   Compile doctable.tex.
%%%   Copyright  1999 Enrico Bertolazzi
%%%   This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
%%%   of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
%%%   archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either
%%%   version 1 of the License, or any later version.
%%% }
%%% ====================================================================%%%
%%%       ___    ____  ___   _   _         ___    ____  ___   _   _     %%%
%%%      /   \  /     /   \  \  /         /   \  /     /   \  \  /      %%%
%%%     /____/ /__   /____/   \/         /____/ /__   /____/   \/       %%%
%%%    /   \  /     /  \      /         /   \  /     /  \      /        %%%
%%%   /____/ /____ /    \    /         /____/ /____ /    \    /         %%%
%%% ====================================================================%%%
%%% v 1.0 13-JUN-2001 changed \@roman with \romannumeral (thanks to Claudio Beccari) 
\typeout{Document Style `easytable' \fileversion\space<\filedate>.}
\ProvidesPackage{easytable}[\filedate \fileversion]









    \expandafter\@TAB@split#1,\z@,\z@, \end

    \expandafter\@TAB@split#1,\z@,\z@, \end

    \@easy@glet(@easy@mainbox)   {@easy@box\romannumeral\@easy@level}%
    \@easy@glet(@easy@col@align) {@easy@col@align\romannumeral\@easy@level}%
    \@easy@glet(@easy@col@rules) {@easy@col@rules\romannumeral\@easy@level}%
    \@easy@glet(@easy@row@align) {@easy@row@align\romannumeral\@easy@level}%
    \@easy@glet(@easy@row@rules) {@easy@row@rules\romannumeral\@easy@level}%
    \@easy@glet(@easy@minx)      {@easy@minx\romannumeral\@easy@level}%
    \@easy@glet(@easy@miny)      {@easy@miny\romannumeral\@easy@level}%
    \@easy@glet(@easy@maxx)      {@easy@maxx\romannumeral\@easy@level}%
    \@easy@glet(@easy@maxy)      {@easy@maxy\romannumeral\@easy@level}%
    \@easy@glet(@easy@spread)    {@tab@spread\romannumeral\@easy@level}%
    \@easy@glet(@easy@balance)   {@tab@balance\romannumeral\@easy@level}%
    \typeout{Easytable [row:\the\@easy@nrow,col:\the\@easy@ncol]}

