%% This file is an example of using edmaths.sty to style a PhD thesis that
%% complies with University of Edinburgh typesetting rules. While the
%% style is LPPL 1.3 licensed, this example is given under a 0BSD license
%% (https://choosealicense.com/licenses/0bsd), meaning it can be freely
%% used, copied, modified, and/or redistributed with or without attribution.
%% See README.md or https://github.com/Foggalong/edinburgh-math-latex for
%% instructions on using the style.


\title{Thesis Title}
\author{Author Name}


%\shorttitle{Short title} % You can optionally define a shorter version of your title for the headers if you use the fancyhdr option.




	{I declare that this thesis has been composed solely by myself and that it has not been
	submitted, in whole or in part, in any previous application for a degree. Except where
	stated otherwise by reference or acknowledgement, the work presented is entirely my
	% Required for PhD theses. This declaration should be tailored to your thesis. If your thesis includes previously-published work, it should be declared on this page. See https://www.ed.ac.uk/sites/default/files/atoms/files/thesis_signed_declaration.pdf.

	The abstract goes here.

	A lay summary is required for PhD theses. See \href{https://www.ed.ac.uk/sites/default/files/atoms/files/lay_summary_in_theses.pdf}{this page on the University website}.

\dedication{In memory of my sanity.}

	I'd like to thank my supervisor for putting up with me for four years.

% Uncomment to add 'Contents' entry to contents page 
% \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Contents}


\chapter{First Chapter}

This is an example of a report made using the \texttt{edmaths} stylesheet~\cite{koeppe2007}, which is designed to ensure compliance with the University of Edinburgh's typesetting requirements for reports and theses.

\section{First section}

\section{Second section}

\chapter{Second Chapter}


\chapter{First Appendix}

% Choose a reference style from https://verbosus.com/bibtex-style-examples.html
% Or use the `amsrefs' package, https://ams.org/tex/amsrefs.html
