% D. P. Story









    title={The \textsf{eq-fetchbbl} Package\tops{\\}{: }%
        Creating Quizzes to match Bible Passages with Verses},
    author={D. P. Story},
    subject=Documentation for the eq-fetchbbl package,
    version={1.0, 2021/03/15},
    Keywords={LaTeX,PDF,Quizzes,Matching,Bible passages},
    copyrightNotice={Copyright (C) \the\year, D. P. Story},

\def\dps{$\hbox{$\mathfrak D$\kern-.3em\hbox{$\mathfrak P$}%
   \kern-.6em \hbox{$\mathcal S$}}$}




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\renewcommand*\l@paragraph{\@dottedtocline{4}{5.0em}{1em}} %{7.0em}{4.1em}}



var titleOfManual="The eq-fetchbbl MANUAL";
var manualfilename="Manual_BG_Print_eq-fetchbbl.pdf";
var manualtemplate="Manual_BG_Green.pdf"; // Blue, Green, Brown
var _pathToBlank="C:/Users/Public/Documents/ManualBGs/"+manualtemplate;
var doc;
var buildIt=false;
if ( buildIt ) {
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var pos=_path.lastIndexOf("/");





The \pkg{eq-fetchbbl} package is an application to the \pkg{exerquiz} (eq)
and \pkg{fetchbibpes} (fetchbbl) packages. This package defines several
commands and two environments that are used to \emph{conveniently} build
quizzes that challenges the user to match Bible passages with their
corresponding verse references. Technically speaking, such quizzes may be
built without this package using the techniques illustrated in
\textsf{\href{http://www.acrotex.net/blog/?p=1446}{Exerquiz: Match-type
questions}} and in
\textsf{\href{http://www.acrotex.net/blog/?p=1449}{Exerquiz: Randomized
matching-type questions}}.\relax
{\url{http://www.acrotex.net/blog/?p=1449}} When working with Biblical
topics, however, it is easier to incorporate the fetching capabilities of
\pkg{fetchbibpes}. All the examples given here are reproduced, with
additional variations, in the sample file \texttt{doc-examples.tex}, found in
the \texttt{examples} folder of this distribution.

\BV(Mat 10:26 NKJV) Therefore do not fear them. For there is nothing covered that will not be
    revealed, and hidden that will not be known.\null
\BV(Mar 1:11 NKJV) Then a voice came from heaven, \textcolor{red}{``You are My beloved Son, in whom I am well
\BV(Luk 12:2 NKJV) For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that
    will not be known.\null
\BV(Act 10:15 NKJV) dummy entry\null

Match the quotations (\textsf{NKJV)} with the Bible references on the right.
Each problem is worth 2 points; passing is 100\%.

\begin{minipage}[t]{.75\linewidth} %{.75\linewidth-18pt}
  \item\PTs*{2}\qFP{Mat 10:26}
  \item\PTs*{2}\qFP{Mar 1:11}
  \item\PTs*{2}\qFP{Luk 12:2}
\begin{minipage}[t][0pt]{.25\linewidth-1em} %{.25\linewidth}
  \item\qFV{Act 10:15}
  \item\qFV{Luk 12:2}
  \item\qFV{Mar 1:11}
  \item\qFV{Eph 6:1}
  \item\qFV{Mat 10:26}
  \item\qFV{Joh 6:20}
Answers: \AnswerField[\Q{1}\textColor{blue}\rectW{\widthof{AA}}]{\currQuiz}

Throughout this document, the markup for the above quiz is used to illustrate
the commands and environments of this package.

\section{Declaring Bible verses and passages}

There are two ways of declaring Bible verses and passages:
\item Through a database of verses:
  Refer to the demo file \texttt{bible-quiz-uv.tex} for an example of this
\item Through direct specification of passages in the document using the
  \env{declareBVs} environment. Refer to the demo files \texttt{bible-quiz.tex} and

This documentation earlier declares,\footnote{This is an abbreviated listing, see
\texttt{bible-quiz.tex} for the complete listing.}\goodbreak
\BV(Mat 10:26 NKJV) Therefore do not fear them. For !dots\null
\BV(Mar 1:11 NKJV) Then a voice came from heaven, !dots\null
\BV(Luk 12:2 NKJV) For there is nothing covered !dots\null
These passages are used throughout this document.

\section{Basic commands and environments}

For Bible matching-type questions, Bible \emph{passages} are matched with their
corresponding \emph{verse references}. In the discussion below, it is assumed
that passages and verse references are within a \env{quiz} or \env{shortquiz}
environment; they are listed in the \env{questions} environment of the quiz.
Familiarity with the quizzes of {\AEB} is assumed.

\paragraph*{Passages.} The passages are entered in the \env{BblPsg} (Bible Passages) environment.
The passages themselves are typeset using the \cs{qFP} command
(quiz-Fetch-Passage) for a quiz and the \cs{sFP} command
(short-quiz-Fetch-Passage) for a short-quiz. The syntax is,
\def\1{\rlap{\hskip\linewidth\textsf{(eg, \cs{qFP\darg{Mat 10:26}}\textsf{)}}}}%
\def\2{\rlap{\hskip\linewidth\textsf{(eg, \cs{qFP\darg{Luk 12:2}}\textsf{)}}}}%
\eVerb The optional arguments (\meta{opts}) are passed to the underlying \cs{fetchversestxt}
command of the \pkg{fetchbibpes} package; read the source file of
\texttt{bible-quiz-uv.tex} for examples of the optional argument.

\paragraph*{Verse References.} The verse references are entered into the \env{BblVrs} (Bible Verses) environment.
The verses are typeset using the \cs{qFV} command (quiz-Fetch-Verse) for a
quiz and the \cs{sFV} command (short-quiz-Fetch-Verse) for a short-quiz. The
syntax is similar to the above.
\def\1{\rlap{\hskip\linewidth\textsf{(eg, \cs{qFV\darg{Mat 10:26}}\textsf{)}}}}%
\def\2{\rlap{\hskip\linewidth\textsf{(eg, \cs{qFV\darg{Luk 12:2}}\textsf{)}}}}%
\eVerb It is natural to include \emph{more verse references} than passages as distractions.

\paragraph*{Numbering the passages.} The Bible passages may be presented with or without problem numbers;
the default is to provide no problem numbers.
\endgroup\noindent The command \cs{useNumbersOn} turns on numbering (within the \env{Bblpsg} environment only),
while \cs{useNumbersOff} turns off numbering. The placement of these commands
is prior to the opening of the \env{BblPsg} environment. The default is

\paragraph*{Positioning the \cs{CorrAnsButton} and \cs{sqTallyBox} controls.} The \pkg{eq-fetchbbl} package
for positioning the \cs{CorrAnsButton} and \cs{sqTallyBox} controls.\footnote{Again, we assume familiarly with
the quiz and short-quiz of \pkg{exerquiz}.}
\def\1{\rlap{\hskip\linewidth\textsf{(positions \cs{CorrAnsButton})}}}%
\def\2{\rlap{\hskip\linewidth\textsf{(positions \cs{sqTallyBox})}}}%
\eVerb Here, \texttt{\#1} refers to \cs{hfill} that is inserted following the
Bible passage, and \texttt{\#2} refers to \cs{CorrAnsButton} (for quiz) and
\cs{sqTallyBox} (for short-quiz). The defaults are \verb~\adjCAB{#2}~ and

Let's go to the examples.
      \item \verb!\adjCAB[\space]{#2}! places a space just after the end of the passage followed
        by the control (either \cs{CorrAnsButton} or \cs{sqTallyBox}),
      \item \verb!\adjCAB[]{}! removes the control \cs{CorrAnsButton}
          (\cs{sqTallyBox}) from the quiz (short-quiz).
      \item \verb!\adjCAB{\makebox[0pt][l]{\enspace#2\enspace}}! pushes control
      into the right margin.
The placement of \cs{adjCAB} and \cs{adjTBX} is just above the question it is
to effect.

In the quiz below, the commands,
are specified above the \verb~\begin{BblPsg}~ line, as shown. (They can, of
course, appear above the \env{questions} environment as well.) The space
between the passages on the left and the verse references on the right is
increased to accommodate the \cs{CorrAnsButton}.


Match the quotations (\textsf{NKJV)} with the Bible references on the right.
Each problem is worth 2 points; passing is 100\%.

\setlength{\eflength}{\widthof{\enspace\CorrAnsButton{A}\enspace}} %\previewOn

  \item\PTs*{2}\qFP{Mat 10:26}
  \item\PTs*{2}\qFP{Mar 1:11}
  \item\PTs*{2}\qFP{Luk 12:2}
\item\PTs*{2} The quotation ``Treasures of wickedness profit nothing, But righteousness delivers from death''
is a verse from which of the following books?
    \Ans0 Psalms\eAns
    \Ans0 Isaiah\eAns
    \Ans1 Proverbs\eAns
    \Ans0 Jonah\eAns

%\begin{minipage}[t]{100pt-\widthof{\enspace}} %{.25\linewidth+\eflength} %{.25\linewidth}
  \item\qFV{Act 10:15}
  \item\qFV{Luk 12:2}
  \item\qFV{Mar 1:11}
  \item\qFV{Eph 6:1}
  \item\qFV{Mat 10:26}
  \item\qFV{Joh 6:20}
Answers: \AnswerField[\Q{1}\textColor{blue}\rectW{\widthof{AA}}]{\currQuiz}\vcgBdry[6pt]

There are two alternate positions for the \cs{CorrAnsButton} or \cs{sqTallyBox}
controls The insertion point for \cs{priorRBT} is just \emph{prior} to the underlying
\cs{RespBoxTxt} command, while the insertion point for \cs{priorPsg} is just \emph{prior}
to the passage.
\def\1{\rlap{\hskip\linewidth\textsf{(positions \cs{CorrAnsButton} or \cs{sqTallyBox})}}}%
\eVerb Here, \texttt{\#1} is \cs{CorrAnsButton} for the \env{quiz}
environment and is \cs{sqTallyBox} for the \env{shortquiz} environment. The
defaults are \verb!\priorRBT{}! and \verb~\priorPsg{}~, which means there is
no insertion prior to \cs{RespBoxTxt} or to the passage.  For example,
\adjCAB{}      %!textsf( So Ans does not appear at the end of the line)
\begin{BblPsg} %!textsf( make changes before BblPsg opens)

Match the quotations (\textsf{NKJV)} with the Bible references on the right.
Each problem is worth 2 points; passing is 100\%.

\setlength{\eflength}{\widthof{\enspace\CorrAnsButton{A}\enspace}} %\previewOn

  \item\PTs*{2}\qFP{Mat 10:26}
  \item\PTs*{2}\qFP{Mar 1:11}
  \item\PTs*{2}\qFP{Luk 12:2}

\begin{minipage}[t]{.25\linewidth} %{.25\linewidth}
  \item\qFV{Act 10:15}
  \item\qFV{Luk 12:2}
  \item\qFV{Mar 1:11}
  \item\qFV{Eph 6:1}
  \item\qFV{Mat 10:26}
  \item\qFV{Joh 6:20}
Answers: \AnswerField[\Q{1}\textColor{blue}\rectW{\widthof{AA}}]{\currQuiz}\vcgBdry[6pt]

When you take this quiz, you'll notice that the \cs{CorrAnsButton}
(\textsf{Ans}) button is aligned with the first line of the passage rather
than the last line of the passage.

The previous quiz used \cs{priorRBT}, the command \cs{priorPsg} is
illustrated in the \texttt{doc-example.tex} file.

\newtopic\noindent Using a numbering scheme (\cs{useNumbersOn}) allows a consistent
structure of incorporating other types of questions into the quiz, as shown above.

You can change the appearance properties of the underlying \cs{RespBoxTxt} command with the
\cs{everyRespBoxTxt} command; as was done in the previous quiz, in which
\verb|\everyRespBoxTxt{\textColor{blue}}| is expanded just below the \cs{adjCAB} command.

\paragraph*{A final note.} For matching, there are two ``blocks'' of items,
the passages and the verse references. The document author determines how to
present these two blocks. Originally, I used a \env{multicols} environment;
later, I switched over to enclosing the two blocks in separate
\env{minipage}s and placing them side-by-side. Both methods have problems if
your cross a page boundary.

\section{Other customizations}

The color of the verse references labels is, by default, blue.
(\textcolor{blue}{A}, \textcolor{blue}{B}, \dots.) Change this color with the
\pkg{exerquiz} command \cs{quesNumColor}; eg, \cs{quesNumColor\darg{red}}
changes the verse references labels to the color red. Any other
changes to the labeling of verse references requires a redefinition of
\env{BibVrs}. Refer to \texttt{doc-examples.tex} for an example of redefining

\def\1{\rlap{\hskip\linewidth\textsf{(both define \cs{RBTWidth})}}}%
%\def\2{\rlap{\hskip\linewidth\textsf{(eg, \cs{qFP\darg{Luk 12:2}}\textsf{)}}}}%
\eVerb Both commands define \cs{RBTWidth} to a width determined by their
arguments. For \cs{setRBTWidthTo}, \ameta{content} is any text; it is
measured to determine its width and the width becomes the expansion of
\cs{RBTWidth}. For \cs{setRBTWidth}, \ameta{length} and any length,
\cs{RBTWidth} then is defined to expand to \ameta{length}. The command
\cs{RBTWidth} is the width of the \cs{RespBoxTxt} control; its default value
is \verb~\setRBTWidthTo{AA}~.


Now, I simply must get back to my retirement. \dps
