The eq-save Package
Author: D. P. Story
Dated: 2021-04-27

In the past, Adobe Reader did not save form data; consequently, work done by 
the student is lost when the AeB document is closed. In the more recent 
versions, beginning perhaps with version~11, AR can save form data. The 
eq-save package was written at a user's request to save all the quiz data so 
that the student does not lose his/her results after saving and closing the 

Use this package if you are writing tutorial or worksheets using the exerquiz 
package, the package enables the student to continue reading and work through 
the document over several sessions.

Interactive document, such as those produced by AeB (including exerquiz) 
require Adobe Reader. Any such AeB document must be viewed in AR, outside a 

What's New (2021-04-27) Bug fixes; extension of logic in \string\texttt{restoreQuizData()}}

What's New (2021-02-17) Minor modification of restoreQuizData() to accomodate
  the eq-pin2corr package.

What's New (2019-08-07) Minor reorganization of internal and public commands.

What's New (2018-04-07) Bug fix, occassionally the data was not being 
  recorded correctly. 

Package works for dvips/Distiller, pdflatex, lualatex, and xelatex.

Now, I must get back to my retirement.

dpstory at uakron dot edu