% file `eso-ex4.tex'; a framed text area example





  \section*{First page}
  \AddToShipoutPictureBG*{% on the background, only this page
  \AddToShipoutPictureFG*{% on the foreground, only this page

  This page and all the following have a frame around the
  text area. \par
  This page and all the following have a frame around the
  text area. \par
  This page and all the following have a frame around the
  text area. \par
  This page and all the following have a frame around the
  text area. \par
  This page and all the following have a frame around the
  text area. \par
  This page and all the following have a frame around the
  text area. \par
  This page and all the following have a frame around the
  text area. \par
  This page and all the following have a frame around the
  text area. \par

  X \hfill X\newpage

  \section*{Second page}


  Only this page has rotated text in the center of the text area.

  X \hfill X\newpage

  \section*{Last page}

  X \hfill X
