% exam.cls % % A LaTeX2e document class for preparing exams. %% exam.cls %% Copyright (c) 1994, 1997, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2011, %% 2015, 2017, 2021, 2023 Philip S. Hirschhorn % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2003/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "author-maintained". % % This work consists of the files exam.cls and examdoc.tex. % The user's guide for exam.cls is in the file examdoc.tex. %%% Philip Hirschhorn %%% Department of Mathematics %%% Wellesley College %%% Wellesley, MA 02481 %%% psh@math.mit.edu % The newest version of this documentclass should always be available % from my web page: http://www-math.mit.edu/~psh/ \def\fileversion{2.704} \def\filedate{2023/07/09} %--------------------------------------------------------------------- %--------------------------------------------------------------------- % % If there's some feature that you'd like that this file doesn't % provide, tell me about it. % % % % % % Thanks to: % % Piet van Oostrum, from whose excellent ``fancyheadings.sty'' we % shamelessly stole most of the code for setting the headers and % footers. % % Mate Wierdl <mw@wierdlmpc.msci.memphis.edu>, who contributed the % code so that if the number of points is ``1'', then the default % value of \pointname will print ``1 point'' instead of ``1 points''. % % Tom Brikowski <brikowi@utdallas.edu>, who contributed the code for % making the number of points and number of questions available as % macros (as well as the idea of putting the number of points in a % box, instead of in parentheses). (I changed his code to make this % all optional, so if there are errors there, it's my fault and not % his.) % % Ottmar Beucher <beucher@fh-karlsruhe.de>, Dan Drake % <drake@math.umn.edu>, and Justus Piater <Justus.Piater@ULg.ac.be> who % contributed ideas and code for the \pointsofquestion and \gradetable % commands for printing a Grading Table. (I changed all the code to % make this compatible with hyperref.sty, so if there are errors there, % it's my fault and not theirs.) % % Justus Piater <Justus.Piater@ULg.ac.be>, who contributed the code for % the solution environment. (I changed his code to allow page breaks % inside solutions so, once again, if it's buggy, it's my fault.) % % Donald Arseneau <asnd@triumf.ca>, who created the excellent % ``framed.sty'' and generously allowed me to include basically the % whole thing in exam.cls, making the few changes needed for it to % work well with question environments: % framed.sty v 0.8a 21-Jul-2003 % Copyright (C) 1992-2003 by Donald Arseneau % These macros may be freely transmitted, reproduced, or modified % provided that this notice is left intact. % %-------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Changelog since version 2.4: %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Version 2.704, 2023/07/08 % No longer betatest. %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Version 2.703$\beta$, 2023/02/12 % We modify the definition of \colorfbox to eliminate the warning % Package xcolor Warning: Incompatible color definition % when the user has loaded xcolor.sty instead of color.sty. We fixed % this by having \colorfbox check whether the user has loaded % xcolor.sty or color.sty, and then using the appropriate command when % saving the current color. %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Version 2.702$\beta$, 2022/07/04 % We modify the changes in version 2.701$\beta$ so that they only have % effect if the user gives the command \solutionsreseteqcounter, so % that the default behavior is identical to the behavior before % version 2.701$\beta$. This can be cancelled at any point by giving % the command \nosolutionsreseteqcounter. There is also a new % documentclass option ``solutionsreseteqcounter'', which is % equivalent to giving the command \solutionsreseteqcounter at the % beginning of the file. % %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Version 2.701$\beta$, 2022/07/02 % All solution environments (solution, solutionorbox, solutionorlines, % solutionordottedlines, solutionorgrid, and solutionbox) now save the % current value of the equation counter and then reset the equation % counter to zero, so that equations numbers start from one within % each solution, and then restore the saved value of the equation % counter at the end of the environment. This corrects the problemn % that if an equation anvironment appeared inside of a solution, it % would affect the equation numbers appearing later in the document, % even if solutions weren't being printed. % % Note: This was modified in version 2.702$\beta$ so that it only % takes effect if the user gives the command \solutionsreseteqcounter, % and so the default behavior is identical tothe behavior before % version 2.701$\beta$. %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Version 2.7, 2021/02/26 % No longer betatest. %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Version 2.607$\beta$, 2019/07/21 % We fixed a bug, apparently introduced in version 2.602, that affected % vertical point tables (both regular and bonus, but not combined), % shifting the total points in the table towards the right of the cell, % rather than having the total points centered. The fix was to delete % an \hspace*{\fill} that had no business being there. % -------------------------------------------------------------------- % Version 2.606$\beta$, 2019/02/17 % We introduced a new command, \unstarredvspace, that changes the % solution environment so that, when solutions are not being printed, % any optional space called for is inserted with \vspace{amount}, % instead of \vspace*{amount}. There is also a new command % \nounstarredvpsace that reverts to the default. %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Version 2.605$\beta$, 2018/08/22 % We corrected the bug introduced in Version 2.604$\beta$ that caused a % \ref to a \correctchoice in a choices environment to have the wrong % value. The correction was to change \stepcounter to \refstepcounter. %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Version 2.604$\beta$, 2018/05/14 % We changed the code for the \correctchoice command in the checkboxes % environment to correct a bug that causes the item label for the second % item to appear in the wrong place when the first item is a % \correctchoice and there's no text in between the \begin{checkboxes} % and the \correctchoice. We made a similar change to the choices % environment, which had the same problem. %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Version 2.603, 2017/12/15 % No longer betatest. %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Version 2.602$\beta$, 2017/12/15 % We changed the code for multicolumn grade and point tables to remove % the incompatibility with colortbl.sty and other packages that load % colortbl.sty (e.g., xcolor.sty with the "table" option). %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Version 2.601$\beta$, 2017/09/22 % We changed command and environment names in the code from framed.sty % that's included (slightly modified) in exam.cls so that the user can % say \usepackage{framed} without creating conflicts. This also allows % the user to use packages, such as minted.sty, that load framed.sty %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Version 2.6, 2017/09/19 % No longer betatest. %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Version 2.510$\beta$, 2016/10/11 % Bugfix: We changed \@setheadheight and \@setfootheight to fix a bug % that was introduced by the bugfix in version 2.306beta, 2009/03/28: % If the second page has a different \textheight (because of a change % in either headheight or footheight between pages 1 and 2), then page % 2 would use the \textheight of page 1. Pages 3 and beyond would get % the correct \textheight. The original version of this set \@colroom % and \vsize to the new \textheight, but that had a bug in that if a % float appeared at the top of a page, there would be no notice taken % of the space lost to the float, and so the text would overrun the % bottom of the page. The bugfix in version 2.306beta eliminated the % changes to \@colht and \vsize. In this bugfix, we adjust \@colroom, % \@colht, and \vsize in the same way that we adjust \textheight. %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Version 2.509$\beta$, 2016/09/12 % Multicolumn grade and point tables, and a new syntax for multirow % grade and point tables (which were introduced in version % 2.508beta). % Multicolumn tables are vertically oriented, while multirow tables % are horizontally oriented, and so they do not take the optional % argument choosing between horizontal and vertical. They all take % one required argument specifying the number of columns (for % multicolumn) or the number of rows (for multirow). % The tables can be: % grade tables or point tables, % plain, bonus, or combined, % indexed by questions or by pages, % complete or partial. % As usual, if you omit the optional argument that chooses between % questions and pages, you get questions. % The new commands are: % \def\multirowgradetable{numrows}[questions or pages] % \def\multirowpointtable{numrows}[questions or pages] % \def\multirowbonusgradetable{numrows}[questions or pages] % \def\multirowbonuspointtable{numrows}[questions or pages] % \def\multirowcombinedgradetable{numrows}[questions or pages] % \def\multirowcombinedpointtable{numrows}[questions or pages] % \def\multirowpartialgradetable{numrows}{rangename}[questions or pages] % \def\multirowpartialpointtable{numrows}{rangename}[questions or pages] % \def\multirowpartialbonusgradetable{numrows}{rangename}[questions or pages] % \def\multirowpartialbonuspointtable{numrows}{rangename}[questions or pages] % \def\multirowpartialcombinedgradetable{numrows}{rangename}[questions or pages] % \def\multirowpartialcombinedpointtable{numrows}{rangename}[questions or pages] % \def\multicolumngradetable{numcols}[questions or pages] % \def\multicolumnpointtable{numcols}[questions or pages] % \def\multicolumnbonusgradetable{numcols}[questions or pages] % \def\multicolumnbonuspointtable{numcols}[questions or pages] % \def\multicolumncombinedgradetable{numcols}[questions or pages] % \def\multicolumncombinedpointtable{numcols}[questions or pages] % \def\multicolumnpartialgradetable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages] % \def\multicolumnpartialpointtable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages] % \def\multicolumnpartialbonusgradetable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages] % \def\multicolumnpartialbonuspointtable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages] % \def\multicolumnpartialcombinedgradetable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages] % \def\multicolumnpartialcombinedpointtable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages] % The older grade and point table commands can still be used. For % example, the commands % \gradetable[h][questions] % \multirowgradetable{1}[questions] % are equivalent. % The distance between the rows of a multirow table and between the % columns of a multicolumn table is \doublerulesep, the default value % of which is 2.0pt. You can change that using a \setlength command, % as in % \setlength{\doublerulesep}{0.5in} %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Version 2.508$\beta$, 2016/08/06 % New commands: Multirow grade and point tables. % These are all horizontally oriented tables, and so do not take the % optional argument choosing between horizontal and vertical. They all % take one required argument specifying the number of columns, which is % the number of columns used for the point values (including the total), % but not counting the column of row headings. % Note: The syntax was changed in version 2.509beta, so that you now % specify the number of *rows* rather than the number of *columns*! For % example, the first command below should now be % \multirowgradetable{numrows}[questions or pages] % The tables can be: % grade tables or point tables, % plain, bonus, or combined, % indexed by questions or by pages, % complete or partial. % The new commands are: % \multirowgradetable{numcols}[questions or pages] % \multirowpointtable{numcols}[questions or pages] % \multirowbonusgradetable{numcols}[questions or pages] % \multirowbonuspointtable{numcols}[questions or pages] % \multirowcombinedgradetable{numcols}[questions or pages] % \multirowcombinedpointtable{numcols}[questions or pages] % \multirowpartialgradetable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages] % \multirowpartialpointtable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages] % \multirowpartialbonusgradetable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages] % \multirowpartialbonuspointtable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages] % \multirowpartialcombinedgradetable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages] % \multirowpartialcombinedpointtable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages] %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Version 2.507$\beta$, 2016/07/14 % New commands: % \pointstwosided % \pointstwosidedreversed % The first causes points to be in the right margin on odd numbered % pages and in the left margin on even numbered pages. % The second causes points to be in the left margin on odd numbered % pages and in the right margin on even numbered pages. % Also: Some minor edits (e.g., deleting the unused \thebonuspoints). %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Version 2.506$\beta$, 2016/05/12 % Fixed an obscure bug that arose only when \CorrectChoiceEmphasis % used color and a \CorrectChoice (in a choices or checkboxes % environment) followed a \choice whose text completely filled its % last line, and which was not separated from the \CorrectChoice by a % blank line, in which case an extra (blank) line was inserted by that % \choice. We fixed this by adding an improvised "\leavehmode" % (styled after \leavevmode) to the \CorrectChoice command in both the % choices and checkboxes environments, which caused the text of the % previous \choice to be broken into lines *before* the \special % inserted by the \color command was added. %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Version 2.505$\beta$, 2016/05/10 % We fixed a bug in the choices and checkboxes environments that arose % only when \CorrectChoiceEmphasis used color. If it did, and if the % text of a correct choice exactly filled a line, and if there was no % blank line in the latex file separating this correct choice from the % following choice, there would be an extra blank line inserted after % the correct choice. We did this by inserting \color@begingroup and % \color@endgroup as needed. (We're pretty sure the actual fix was % the \endgraf in the expansion of \color@endgroup.) %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Version 2.504$\beta$, 2016/05/09 % We fixed a bug in the solutionbox environment that caused enumerate, % itemize, or description environments to have their text stick into % the right margin. We did this by resetting \@totalleftmargin and % \linewidth in the box containing the solution. %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Version 2.503$\beta$, 2016/03/25 % New commands: % \colorfillwithlines % \colorfillwithdottedlines % The first causes the lines drawn by the \fillwithlines command to be % drawn in color. The default color is set by the command % \definecolor{FillWithLinesColor}{gray}{0.8} % and the color can be changed by giving a new \definecolor command. % You can return to black lines by giving the command % \nocolorfillwithlines % \colorfillwithdottedlines causes the lines drawn by the % \fillwithdottedlines command to be drawn in color. The default % color is set by the command % \definecolor{FillWithDottedLinesColor}{gray}{0.8} % and the color can be changed by giving a new \definecolor command. % You can return to black dotted lines by giving the command % \nocolorfillwithdottedlines %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Version 2.502$\beta$, 2016/03/23 % The command % \colorsolutionboxes % that was created in version 2.501beta now affects not only the boxes % created by \solutionbox, but also by \makeemptybox, \solutionorbox, % and all of the boxes printed by all of the various solution % environments when solutions are being printed surrounded by a box. %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Version 2.501$\beta$, 2016/02/08 % Changed the \solutionbox environment so that it works correctly % inside a tabular. % Also: The \solutionbox frame can now be printed in color, as long as % you load color.sty in the preamble. % % Usage: Say % % \usepackage{color} % % in the preamble, and then give the command % % \colorsolutionboxes % % to have the frame around a solutionbox in color. The default color % was created by the command % % \definecolor{SolutionBoxColor}{gray}{0.8} % % and you can change the color by giving a new \definecolor command % (which must be done *after* the \colorsolutionboxes command). % % To cancel color solutionbox frames and return to black, give the % command % % \nocolorsolutionboxes %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Version 2.5 2015/05/07 % No longer betatest. %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Version 2.408$\beta$ 2013/11/17 % New commands: % % \firstqinrange{whatever} % \lastqinrange{whatever} % \numqinrange{whatever} % % where ``whatever'' is the name of a grading range. % % \firstqinrange{whatever} prints the number of the first question in % the range. % % \lastqinrange{whatever} prints the number of the last question in the % range. % % \numqinrange{whatever} prints the number of questions in the range. % % We changed a couple of internal command name related to grading % ranges. If the user defines the range `myrange', then we now use % \range@myrange@firstp % \range@myrange@lastp % \range@myrange@firstq % \range@myrange@lastq % % where we used to use % % \tbl@myrange@firstp % \tbl@myrange@lastp % \tbl@myrange@firstq % \tbl@myrange@lastq %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Version 2.407$\beta$ 2012/12/19 % New environment: % % solutionbox % % The solutionbox environment is different from the other solution % environments (solution, solutionorbox, solutionorlines, % solutionordottedlines, and solutionorgrid), in that % % (1) The box is always printed, whether answers are being printed % or not. % % (2) The argument giving the size of the box is a required % argument, not an optional argument, and so it should be enclosed % in braces, not in brackets. It can be either a length or % \stretch{number}. % % (3) We make no use of the TheSolution environment; the solutionbox % environment is completely freestanding. % % If answers are not being printed then only the box is printed, with % nothing in it. If answers are being printed, then the solution is % printed inside of the box. % % Note: It's the user's responsibility to be sure that the box is % large enough to hold the solution! If the solution takes up too % much vertical space, then it will spill out of the bottom of the % box, overwriting whatever follows the box. % %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Version 2.406$\beta$, 2012/12/16 % % New command: % % \noquestionsonthispage % % This command tells the \ifcontinuation and \ifincomplete commands % to assume that no part of any question is on this page. This is % similar to the job done by the \nomorequestions command for the % pages that follow the end of all of the questions. % % % If you give the command \noquestionsonthispage on a page, then % % (1) \ifcontinuation on that page will expand to its second % argument, % (2) \ifincomplete on that page will expand to its second % argument, and % (3) an \ifincomplete on an earlier page will not assume that a % question from that earlier page continues onto this page. % % The way that this command affects the \ifincomplete command on % earlier pages is as follows: If there is a page with no questions or % parts or subparts or subsubparts, then the last page before that % with a question (or part, etc.) would normally be deemed incomplete; % if, however, the page with no questions (or parts, etc.) (along with % all adjacent pages with no questions or parts etc.) has a % \noquestionsonthispage command, then that last page with a question % (or part, etc.) will not be deemed incomplete. % % Note that if you're tempted to use this command on a page that follows % the end of all of the questions, then you should probably use the % command \nomorequestions instead. % %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Version 2.405$\beta$, 2012/10/21 % % It is now possible to use a parts, subparts, or subsubparts % environment inside one of the solution environments (solution, % solutionorbox, solutionorlines, solutionordottedlines, or % solutionorgrid) without getting problems from multiply defined % labels or having its points (if any) counted as being actual points % on the exam. % % Any \part, \subpart, or \subsubpart command inside one of the % solution environments now writes a \PgInfo command in the .aux file % of the form question2@object3, but no labels and no other \PgInfo % commands. In addition, if there are points assigned to any of these % commands inside any of the solution environments, those points are % not added to the points of the question or the points on the page, % and do not affect any gradetables or pointtables. % %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Version 2.404$\beta$, 2012/09/03 % % New command: % % \fillwithgrid{length} % % New environment: % % solutionorgrid % % These are similar to the \fillwithlines command and the % solutionorlines environment. % % By default, the created grids are in black. However, if you give the % commands % % \usepackage{color} % \colorgrids % % then the grids will be in color, by default a light gray. That % default color was defined by the command % % \definecolor{GridColor}{gray}{0.8} % % You can change the color by redefining the color GridColor, and you % can return to using black grids by giving the command % % \nocolorgrids % % The default grid size and grid line thickness were set by the % commands % % \setlength{\gridsize}{5mm} % \setlength{\gridlinewidth}{0.1pt} % % You can change either or both of those by giving new \setlength % commands. The period of the grid is \gridsize (both horizontally % and vertically). That is, the horizontal distance from the left % edge of one vertical line to the left edge of the next vertical line % is \gridsize, as is the vertical distance from the top edge of one % horizontal line to the top edge of the next horizontal line. Thus, % each square has outer side length equal to \gridsize+\gridlinewidth. % %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Version 2.403$\beta$, 2012/08/29: % % We changed the code for the command \fillin (which had been modified % in version 2.402beta) so that if only one optional argument is used, % a space following that optional argument will not be ignored. We % did this in such a way that the second optional argument will be % recognized even when spaces appear in between the optional % arguments. % %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Version 2.402$\beta$, 2012/08/21: % % We modified the command \fillin that we had created in version % 2.401beta. \fillin now takes two optional arguments (and no required % arguments). % % \fillin can take two optional arguments, as in % % \fillin[Answer][Length] % % The first optional argument is the answer to be printed above the line % when \printanswers is in effect; the default value is empty. That % line is printed a distance of \answerclearance below the baseline. % % The second optional argument is the length of the line that we print; % the default value is \fillinlinelength. The value of % \fillinlinelength is set with the command % % \setlength\fillinlinelength{1in} % % and can be changed by giving a new \setlength command. % % When answers are being printed, the first optional argument is % printed subject to the declarations in the argument of the last % \CorrectChoiceEmphasis command. It is centered on the line unless % it is too long, in which case it extends to the right of the line. % %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Version 2.401$\beta$, 2012/08/20: % % % New command: % % \fillin[CorrectAnswer]{width} % % This is for use in fill in the blank questions. This command inserts % a blank line of width ``width''. If answers are being printed and if % the optional argument ``CorrectAnswer'' appears, then the optional % argument is printed subject to the declarations in the argument of the % last \CorrectChoiceEmphasis command, and it is printed a distance of % \answerclearance above the line. It is centered on the line unless it % is too long, in which case it extends to the right of the line. % % Note: We changed this command in version 2.401beta. % %-------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------- \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesClass{exam}[\filedate\space Version \fileversion\space by Philip Hirschhorn] \RequirePackage{ifthen} \newif\ifprintanswers \printanswersfalse \DeclareOption{answers}{\printanswerstrue} \DeclareOption{noanswers}{\printanswersfalse} \newif\ifcancelspace \cancelspacefalse \DeclareOption{cancelspace}{\cancelspacetrue} \DeclareOption{nocancelspace}{\cancelspacefalse} \newif\ifsolutionsreseteqcounter \solutionsreseteqcounterfalse \DeclareOption{solutionsreseteqcounter}{\solutionsreseteqcountertrue} \DeclareOption{nosolutionsreseteqcounter}{\solutionsreseteqcounterfalse} % The following keeps track of whether the user has requested that we % add up the points on the exam. We make the default false so that % users who put other than numbers into the points argument of a % question (or part, or subpart) won't get error messages. % We use \if@printtotalpoints as a flag to signal that we are counting % points, so that we will know to print the total on the screen (and % in the log file). We use this separate flag so that the user can % use both \addpoints and \noaddpoints to count some points and not % others, but still have the total printed when we finish the file no % matter what the state of \if@addpoints. \newif\if@addpoints \newif\if@printtotalpoints \def\addpoints{\global\@addpointstrue\global\@printtotalpointstrue} \def\noaddpoints{\global\@addpointsfalse} \@addpointsfalse \@printtotalpointsfalse \DeclareOption{addpoints}{\addpoints} \DeclareOption*{% \PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{article}% } \ProcessOptions\relax \LoadClass{article} % ***************** % ** PAGE LAYOUT ** % ***************** % We set the parameters in terms of \paperwidth and \paperheight % so that the options % a4paper % a5paper % b5paper % letterpaper % legalpaper % executivepaper % landscape % will all work: \setlength{\textwidth}{\paperwidth} \addtolength{\textwidth}{-2in} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0pt} \setlength{\evensidemargin}{0pt} \setlength{\headheight}{15pt} \setlength{\headsep}{15pt} \setlength{\topmargin}{0in} \addtolength{\topmargin}{-\headheight} \addtolength{\topmargin}{-\headsep} \setlength{\footskip}{29pt} \setlength{\textheight}{\paperheight} \addtolength{\textheight}{-2.2in} \setlength{\marginparwidth}{.5in} \setlength{\marginparsep}{5pt} %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % **************** % ** EXTRAWIDTH ** % **************** \newlength\@extrawidth % \@rightmargin is needed for \pointsinrightmargin and % \pointsdroppedatright, so that we can right justify the points: \newlength\@rightmargin \setlength{\@rightmargin}{1in} % We put the argument of \extrawidth into a length so that it will % work correctly even if it's negative: \def\extrawidth#1{% \@extrawidth=#1 \advance \textwidth by \@extrawidth \divide\@extrawidth by 2 \advance\oddsidemargin by -\@extrawidth \advance\evensidemargin by -\@extrawidth % Bug fix, 13 April 2004: %\advance\@rightmargin by \@extrawidth \advance\@rightmargin by -\@extrawidth } %-------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Making room for large headers and footers % The following are used to save the effect of any changes to % \topmargin and \textheight caused by \extraheadheight or % \extrafootheight commands. They hold the values currently in effect. % We put them into lengths so that it will work correctly even if the % argument is negative: \newlength\@extrahead \newlength\@extrafoot \setlength{\@extrahead}{0in} \setlength{\@extrafoot}{0in} % The following are used to hold the requested values for extrahead and % extrafoot, first page and all pages after the first, and then the % similar things requested for the cover pages: \newlength\run@exhd \newlength\fp@exhd \newlength\run@exft \newlength\fp@exft \newlength\covrun@exhd \newlength\covfp@exhd \newlength\covrun@exft \newlength\covfp@exft \setlength{\run@exhd}{0in} \setlength{\fp@exhd}{0in} \setlength{\run@exft}{0in} \setlength{\fp@exft}{0in} \setlength{\covrun@exhd}{0in} \setlength{\covfp@exhd}{0in} \setlength{\covrun@exft}{0in} \setlength{\covfp@exft}{0in} \newcommand*\adj@hdht@ftht{% \if@coverpages \ifnum\value{page}=1\relax \@setheadheight{\covfp@exhd}% \@setfootheight{\covfp@exft}% \else \@setheadheight{\covrun@exhd}% \@setfootheight{\covrun@exft}% \fi \else \ifnum\value{page}=1\relax \@setheadheight{\fp@exhd}% \@setfootheight{\fp@exft}% \else \@setheadheight{\run@exhd}% \@setfootheight{\run@exft}% \fi \fi } \newcommand*\extraheadheight{% \@ifnextchar[{\@xtrahd}{\@ytrahd}% } \def\@xtrahd[#1]#2{% \setlength{\fp@exhd}{#1}% \setlength{\run@exhd}{#2}% \adj@hdht@ftht } \def\@ytrahd#1{% \setlength{\fp@exhd}{#1}% \setlength{\run@exhd}{#1}% \adj@hdht@ftht } \newcommand*\extrafootheight{% \@ifnextchar[{\@xtraft}{\@ytraft}% } \def\@xtraft[#1]#2{% \setlength{\fp@exft}{#1}% \setlength{\run@exft}{#2}% \adj@hdht@ftht } \def\@ytraft#1{% \setlength{\fp@exft}{#1}% \setlength{\run@exft}{#1}% \adj@hdht@ftht } \newcommand*\coverextraheadheight{% \@ifnextchar[{\cov@xtrahd}{\cov@ytrahd}% } \def\cov@xtrahd[#1]#2{% \setlength{\covfp@exhd}{#1}% \setlength{\covrun@exhd}{#2}% \adj@hdht@ftht } \def\cov@ytrahd#1{% \setlength{\covfp@exhd}{#1}% \setlength{\covrun@exhd}{#1}% \adj@hdht@ftht } \newcommand*\coverextrafootheight{% \@ifnextchar[{\cov@xtraft}{\cov@ytraft}% } \def\cov@xtraft[#1]#2{% \setlength{\covfp@exft}{#1}% \setlength{\covrun@exft}{#2}% \adj@hdht@ftht } \def\cov@ytraft#1{% \setlength{\covfp@exft}{#1}% \setlength{\covrun@exft}{#1}% \adj@hdht@ftht } \def\@appendoutput#1{% \output=\expandafter{\the\output #1}% } \@appendoutput{\adj@hdht@ftht} %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % \@setheadheight and \@setfootheight: \def\@setheadheight#1{% \begingroup % Avoid trouble from using \@temp and \@spaces % Reset the effect of the most recent change: \global\advance\topmargin by -\@extrahead \global\advance\textheight by \@extrahead % Bugfix, Version 2.510beta, 2016/10/11: \global\advance\@colroom by \@extrahead \global\advance\@colht by \@extrahead \global\advance\vsize by \@extrahead % % Save the newly set value: \def\@temp{#1} \def\@spaces{ } \ifx\@temp\@empty \global\@extrahead=0in \else \ifx\@temp\@spaces \global\@extrahead=0in \else \global\@extrahead=#1 \fi \fi % Set the new values: \global\advance\topmargin by \@extrahead \global\advance\textheight by -\@extrahead % Bugfix, Version 2.510beta, 2016/10/11: \global\advance\@colroom by -\@extrahead \global\advance\@colht by -\@extrahead \global\advance\vsize by -\@extrahead % % Bugfix, Version 2.510beta, 2016/10/11: % We're fixing a bug that was introduced by the bugfix in version % 2.306beta, 2009/03/28: If the second page has a different % \textheight (because of a change in either headheight or % footheight between pages 1 and 2), then page 2 would use the % \textheight of page 1. Pages 3 and beyond would get the correct % \textheight. % The original version of this set \@colroom and \vsize to the new % \textheight, but that had a bug in that if a float appeared at % the top of a page, there would be no notice taken of the space % lost to the float, and so the text would overrun the bottom of % the page. % In this bugfix, we adjust \@colroom, \@colht, and \vsize in the % same way that we adjust \textheight. % % Make it take effect RIGHT NOW!: % (The following stuff isn't necessary if \@setheadheight is % executed only in the preamble or as we return from the output % routine, but we're leaving it in so that this will still work if % we use this at some random point in the middle of composing a % page). % Bugfix, Version 2.306beta, 2009/03/28: % We don't do this!! % If the user had a figure environment that floated to the % top of a page, then this would cause that page to run % over the footer and off the bottom of the page, because % this somehow caused a full page's worth of stuff to be % placed after the figure, as if the figure wasn't taking % up space on the page. % We *do* need to put \@colht at the correct new value, though, % apparently because \@colht is set near the end of the % output routine. % \global\@colht=\textheight % % \global\@colroom=\textheight % \global\vsize=\textheight % \global\pagegoal=\textheight \endgroup }% @setheadheight \def\@setfootheight#1{% \begingroup % Avoid trouble from using \@temp and \@spaces % Reset the effect of the most recent change: \global\advance\textheight by \@extrafoot % Bugfix, Version 2.510beta, 2016/10/11: \global\advance\@colroom by \@extrafoot \global\advance\@colht by \@extrafoot \global\advance\vsize by \@extrafoot % % Save the newly set value: \def\@temp{#1} \def\@spaces{ } \ifx\@temp\@empty \global\@extrafoot=0in \else \ifx\@temp\@spaces \global\@extrafoot=0in \else \global\@extrafoot=#1 \fi \fi % Set the new values: \global\advance\textheight by -\@extrafoot % Bugfix, Version 2.510beta, 2016/10/11: \global\advance\@colroom by -\@extrafoot \global\advance\@colht by -\@extrafoot \global\advance\vsize by -\@extrafoot % % Bugfix, Version 2.510beta, 2016/10/11: % We're fixing a bug that was introduced by the bugfix in version % 2.306beta, 2009/03/28: If the second page has a different % \textheight (because of a change in either headheight or % footheight between pages 1 and 2), then page 2 would use the % \textheight of page 1. Pages 3 and beyond would get the correct % \textheight. % The original version of this set \@colroom and \vsize to the new % \textheight, but that had a bug in that if a float appeared at % the top of a page, there would be no notice taken of the space % lost to the float, and so the text would overrun the bottom of % the page. % In this bugfix, we adjust \@colroom, \@colht, and \vsize in the % same way that we adjust \textheight. % % Make it take effect RIGHT NOW!: % (The following stuff isn't necessary if \@setfootheight is % executed only in the preamble or as we return from the output % routine, but we're leaving it in so that this will still work if % we use this at some random point in the middle of composing a % page). % Bugfix, Version 2.306beta, 2009/03/28: % We don't do this!! % If the user had a figure environment that floated to the % top of a page, then this would cause that page to run % over the footer and off the bottom of the page, because % this somehow caused a full page's worth of stuff to be % placed after the figure, as if the figure wasn't taking % up space on the page. % We *do* need to put \@colht at the correct new value, though, % apparently because \@colht is set near the end of the % output routine. % \global\@colht=\textheight % % \global\@colroom=\textheight % \global\vsize=\textheight % \global\pagegoal=\textheight \endgroup }% @setfootheight %--------------------------------------------------------------------- % % ************************* % ** HEADERS AND FOOTERS ** % ************************* % % The pagestyles available are head, foot, headandfoot, and empty. % \pagestyle{head} prints the head, and gives an empty foot. % \pagestyle{foot} prints the foot, and gives an empty head. % \pagestyle{headandfoot} prints both the head and the foot. % \pagestyle{empty} gives an empty head and an empty foot. % % Pagestyles: \newcommand*\ps@head{% \@dohead \@nofoot } \newcommand*\ps@headandfoot{% \@dohead \@dofoot } \newcommand*\ps@foot{% \@nohead \@dofoot } % \ps@empty is already defined by article.cls, so we'll % say \def instead of \newcommand*: \def\ps@empty{% \@nohead \@nofoot } \newif\if@coverpages \@coverpagesfalse \newcounter{num@coverpages} % We'll set this to zero in case there is no coverpages environment: \setcounter{num@coverpages}{0} \newenvironment{coverpages}{% \ifnum \value{numquestions}>0\relax \ClassError{exam}{% Coverpages cannot be used after questions have begun.\MessageBreak }{% All question, part, subpart, and subsubpart environments \MessageBreak must begin after the cover pages are complete.\MessageBreak }% \fi \@coverpagestrue \pagenumbering{roman}% \adj@hdht@ftht }{% \clearpage \setcounter{num@coverpages}{\value{page}}% \addtocounter{num@coverpages}{-1}% \pagenumbering{arabic}% % Bugfix, Version 2.307\beta, 2009/06/11: % We have to say \@coverpagesfalse before \adj@hdht@ftht % because we're still inside the group created by the % coverpages environment and we want to set the % extraheadheight and extrafootheight to the values correct % for the first non-cover page: \@coverpagesfalse \adj@hdht@ftht } \newcommand*\cover@question@error{% \ClassError{exam}{% No questions are allowed in the cover pages.\MessageBreak }{% All question, part, subpart, and subsubpart environments \MessageBreak must begin after the cover pages are complete.\MessageBreak }% } \newcommand*\@dohead{% \def\@oddhead{% \if@coverpages \ifnum\value{page}=1\relax \cov@fullhead \else \covrun@fullhead \fi \else \ifnum\value{page}=1\relax \@fullhead \else \run@fullhead \fi \fi }% @oddhead \let\@evenhead=\@oddhead } \newcommand*\@dofoot{% \def\@oddfoot{% \if@coverpages \ifnum\value{page}=1\relax \cov@fullfoot \else \covrun@fullfoot \fi \else \ifnum\value{page}=1\relax \@fullfoot \else \run@fullfoot \fi \fi }% @oddfoot \let\@evenfoot=\@oddfoot } \newcommand*\@nohead{% \def\@oddhead{}% \let\@evenhead=\@oddhead } \newcommand*\@nofoot{% \def\@oddfoot{}% \let\@evenfoot=\@oddfoot } %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % \@fullhead, \run@fullhead, \@fullfoot, and \run@fullfoot: \newcommand*\@fullhead{% \vbox to \headheight{% \vss \hbox to \textwidth{% \normalfont\rlap{\parbox[b]{\textwidth}{\raggedright\@lhead\strut}}% \hss\parbox[b]{\textwidth}{\centering\@chead\strut}\hss \llap{\parbox[b]{\textwidth}{\raggedleft\@rhead\strut}}% }% hbox \if@headrule \hrule \else % an invisible hrule, to keep positioning constant: \hrule width 0pt \fi }% vbox } \newcommand*\run@fullhead{% \vbox to \headheight{% \vss \hbox to \textwidth{% \normalfont\rlap{\parbox[b]{\textwidth}{\raggedright\run@lhead\strut}}% \hss\parbox[b]{\textwidth}{\centering\run@chead\strut}\hss \llap{\parbox[b]{\textwidth}{\raggedleft\run@rhead\strut}}% }% hbox \ifrun@headrule \hrule \else % an invisible hrule, to keep positioning constant: \hrule width 0pt \fi }% vbox } % We arrange it so that the very top of first line of text in the % foot is at a fixed position on the page, whether or not there's % a footrule: \newcommand*\@fullfoot{% \vbox to 0pt{% \if@footrule \hrule \else % an invisible hrule, to keep positioning constant: \hrule width 0pt \fi \vskip 3pt \hbox to \textwidth{% \normalfont\rlap{\parbox[t]{\textwidth}{\raggedright\@lfoot}}% \hss\parbox[t]{\textwidth}{\centering\@cfoot}\hss \llap{\parbox[t]{\textwidth}{\raggedleft\@rfoot}}% }% hbox \vss }% vbox } \newcommand*\run@fullfoot{% \vbox to 0pt{% \ifrun@footrule \hrule \else % an invisible hrule, to keep positioning constant: \hrule width 0pt \fi \vskip 3pt \hbox to \textwidth{% \normalfont\rlap{\parbox[t]{\textwidth}{\raggedright\run@lfoot}}% \hss\parbox[t]{\textwidth}{\centering\run@cfoot}\hss \llap{\parbox[t]{\textwidth}{\raggedleft\run@rfoot}}% }% hbox \vss }% vbox } %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % \cov@fullhead, \covrun@fullhead, \cov@fullfoot, and % \covrun@fullfoot: \newcommand*\cov@fullhead{% \vbox to \headheight{% \vss \hbox to \textwidth{% \normalfont\rlap{\parbox[b]{\textwidth}{\raggedright\cov@lhead\strut}}% \hss\parbox[b]{\textwidth}{\centering\cov@chead\strut}\hss \llap{\parbox[b]{\textwidth}{\raggedleft\cov@rhead\strut}}% }% hbox \ifcov@headrule \hrule \else % an invisible hrule, to keep positioning constant: \hrule width 0pt \fi }% vbox } \newcommand*\covrun@fullhead{% \vbox to \headheight{% \vss \hbox to \textwidth{% \normalfont\rlap{\parbox[b]{\textwidth}{\raggedright\covrun@lhead\strut}}% \hss\parbox[b]{\textwidth}{\centering\covrun@chead\strut}\hss \llap{\parbox[b]{\textwidth}{\raggedleft\covrun@rhead\strut}}% }% hbox \ifcovrun@headrule \hrule \else % an invisible hrule, to keep positioning constant: \hrule width 0pt \fi }% vbox } % We arrange it so that the very top of first line of text in the % foot is at a fixed position on the page, whether or not there's % a footrule: \newcommand*\cov@fullfoot{% \vbox to 0pt{% \ifcov@footrule \hrule \else % an invisible hrule, to keep positioning constant: \hrule width 0pt \fi \vskip 3pt \hbox to \textwidth{% \normalfont\rlap{\parbox[t]{\textwidth}{\raggedright\cov@lfoot}}% \hss\parbox[t]{\textwidth}{\centering\cov@cfoot}\hss \llap{\parbox[t]{\textwidth}{\raggedleft\cov@rfoot}}% }% hbox \vss }% vbox } \newcommand*\covrun@fullfoot{% \vbox to 0pt{% \ifcovrun@footrule \hrule \else % an invisible hrule, to keep positioning constant: \hrule width 0pt \fi \vskip 3pt \hbox to \textwidth{% \normalfont\rlap{\parbox[t]{\textwidth}{\raggedright\covrun@lfoot}}% \hss\parbox[t]{\textwidth}{\centering\covrun@cfoot}\hss \llap{\parbox[t]{\textwidth}{\raggedleft\covrun@rfoot}}% }% hbox \vss }% vbox } %-------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % % ******************************************** % ** COMMANDS TO DEFINE HEADERS AND FOOTERS ** % ******************************************** % % \lhead[#1]{#2} sets the first page left head to #1, and the % running left head to #2 % % \lhead{#1} sets both the first page left head and the running % left head to #1 % % \chead, \rhead, \lfoot, \cfoot, and \rfoot work similarly. % % % \@lhead is the left head for Page 1 % \run@lhead is the running left head % (i.e., for all pages other than the first) % % \@chead is the center head for Page 1 % \run@chead is the running center head % (i.e., for all pages other than the first) % % etc. % % Alternative commands are: % \firstpageheader{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} % \runningheader{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} % or % \header{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} % which is equivalent to the two commands % \firstpageheader{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} % \runningheader{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} % % Alternative commands are: % \firstpagefooter{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} % \runningfoother{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} % or % \footer{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} % which is equivalent to the two commands % \firstpagefooter{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} % \runningfoother{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} \def\firstpageheader#1#2#3{% \def\@lhead{#1}% \def\@chead{#2}% \def\@rhead{#3}% } \def\runningheader#1#2#3{% \def\run@lhead{#1}% \def\run@chead{#2}% \def\run@rhead{#3}% } \def\header#1#2#3{% \firstpageheader{#1}{#2}{#3}% \runningheader{#1}{#2}{#3}% } \def\firstpagefooter#1#2#3{% \def\@lfoot{#1}% \def\@cfoot{#2}% \def\@rfoot{#3}% } \def\runningfooter#1#2#3{% \def\run@lfoot{#1}% \def\run@cfoot{#2}% \def\run@rfoot{#3}% } \def\footer#1#2#3{% \firstpagefooter{#1}{#2}{#3}% \runningfooter{#1}{#2}{#3}% } \def\lhead{\@ifnextchar[{\@xlhead}{\@ylhead}} \def\@xlhead[#1]#2{\def\@lhead{#1}\def\run@lhead{#2}} \def\@ylhead#1{\def\run@lhead{#1}\def\@lhead{#1}} \def\chead{\@ifnextchar[{\@xchead}{\@ychead}} \def\@xchead[#1]#2{\def\@chead{#1}\def\run@chead{#2}} \def\@ychead#1{\def\run@chead{#1}\def\@chead{#1}} \def\rhead{\@ifnextchar[{\@xrhead}{\@yrhead}} \def\@xrhead[#1]#2{\def\@rhead{#1}\def\run@rhead{#2}} \def\@yrhead#1{\def\run@rhead{#1}\def\@rhead{#1}} \def\lfoot{\@ifnextchar[{\@xlfoot}{\@ylfoot}} \def\@xlfoot[#1]#2{\def\@lfoot{#1}\def\run@lfoot{#2}} \def\@ylfoot#1{\def\run@lfoot{#1}\def\@lfoot{#1}} \def\cfoot{\@ifnextchar[{\@xcfoot}{\@ycfoot}} \def\@xcfoot[#1]#2{\def\@cfoot{#1}\def\run@cfoot{#2}} \def\@ycfoot#1{\def\run@cfoot{#1}\def\@cfoot{#1}} \def\rfoot{\@ifnextchar[{\@xrfoot}{\@yrfoot}} \def\@xrfoot[#1]#2{\def\@rfoot{#1}\def\run@rfoot{#2}} \def\@yrfoot#1{\def\run@rfoot{#1}\def\@rfoot{#1}} % Initialize head and foot: \pagestyle{headandfoot} \lhead{} \chead{} \rhead{} \lfoot{} \cfoot[]{Page \thepage} \rfoot{} %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Coverpage headers and footers % % \coverlhead[#1]{#2} sets the first cover page left head to #1, and the % running cover left head to #2 % % \coverlhead{#1} sets both the first cover page left head and the running % cover left head to #1 % % \coverchead, \coverrhead, \coverlfoot, \covercfoot, and \coverrfoot % work similarly. % % % \cov@lhead is the left head for Page 1 % \covrun@lhead is the running left head % (i.e., for all pages other than the first) % % \cov@chead is the center head for Page 1 % \covrun@chead is the running center head % (i.e., for all pages other than the first) % % etc. % % Alternative commands are: % \coverfirstpageheader{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} % \coverrunningheader{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} % or % \coverheader{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} % which is equivalent to the two commands % \coverfirstpageheader{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} % \coverrunningheader{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} % % Alternative commands are: % \coverfirstpagefooter{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} % \coverrunningfoother{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} % or % \coverfooter{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} % which is equivalent to the two commands % \coverfirstpagefooter{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} % \coverrunningfoother{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT} \def\coverfirstpageheader#1#2#3{% \def\cov@lhead{#1}% \def\cov@chead{#2}% \def\cov@rhead{#3}% } \def\coverrunningheader#1#2#3{% \def\covrun@lhead{#1}% \def\covrun@chead{#2}% \def\covrun@rhead{#3}% } \def\coverheader#1#2#3{% \coverfirstpageheader{#1}{#2}{#3}% \coverrunningheader{#1}{#2}{#3}% } \def\coverfirstpagefooter#1#2#3{% \def\cov@lfoot{#1}% \def\cov@cfoot{#2}% \def\cov@rfoot{#3}% } \def\coverrunningfooter#1#2#3{% \def\covrun@lfoot{#1}% \def\covrun@cfoot{#2}% \def\covrun@rfoot{#3}% } \def\coverfooter#1#2#3{% \coverfirstpagefooter{#1}{#2}{#3}% \coverrunningfooter{#1}{#2}{#3}% } \def\coverlhead{\@ifnextchar[{\cov@xlhead}{\cov@ylhead}} \def\cov@xlhead[#1]#2{\def\cov@lhead{#1}\def\covrun@lhead{#2}} \def\cov@ylhead#1{\def\covrun@lhead{#1}\def\cov@lhead{#1}} \def\coverchead{\@ifnextchar[{\cov@xchead}{\cov@ychead}} \def\cov@xchead[#1]#2{\def\cov@chead{#1}\def\covrun@chead{#2}} \def\cov@ychead#1{\def\covrun@chead{#1}\def\cov@chead{#1}} \def\coverrhead{\@ifnextchar[{\cov@xrhead}{\cov@yrhead}} \def\cov@xrhead[#1]#2{\def\cov@rhead{#1}\def\covrun@rhead{#2}} \def\cov@yrhead#1{\def\covrun@rhead{#1}\def\cov@rhead{#1}} \def\coverlfoot{\@ifnextchar[{\cov@xlfoot}{\cov@ylfoot}} \def\cov@xlfoot[#1]#2{\def\cov@lfoot{#1}\def\covrun@lfoot{#2}} \def\cov@ylfoot#1{\def\covrun@lfoot{#1}\def\cov@lfoot{#1}} \def\covercfoot{\@ifnextchar[{\cov@xcfoot}{\cov@ycfoot}} \def\cov@xcfoot[#1]#2{\def\cov@cfoot{#1}\def\covrun@cfoot{#2}} \def\cov@ycfoot#1{\def\covrun@cfoot{#1}\def\cov@cfoot{#1}} \def\coverrfoot{\@ifnextchar[{\cov@xrfoot}{\cov@yrfoot}} \def\cov@xrfoot[#1]#2{\def\cov@rfoot{#1}\def\covrun@rfoot{#2}} \def\cov@yrfoot#1{\def\covrun@rfoot{#1}\def\cov@rfoot{#1}} % Initialize coverpage head and foot: \coverlhead{} \coverchead{} \coverrhead{} \coverlfoot{} \covercfoot{} \coverrfoot{} %-------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Headrules and footrules: \newif\if@headrule \newif\ifrun@headrule \def\firstpageheadrule{\@headruletrue} \def\nofirstpageheadrule{\@headrulefalse} \def\runningheadrule{\run@headruletrue} \def\norunningheadrule{\run@headrulefalse} \def\headrule{\@headruletrue\run@headruletrue} \def\noheadrule{\@headrulefalse\run@headrulefalse} \newif\if@footrule \newif\ifrun@footrule \def\firstpagefootrule{\@footruletrue} \def\nofirstpagefootrule{\@footrulefalse} \def\runningfootrule{\run@footruletrue} \def\norunningfootrule{\run@footrulefalse} \def\footrule{\@footruletrue\run@footruletrue} \def\nofootrule{\@footrulefalse\run@footrulefalse} % Initialize: \noheadrule \nofootrule % Cover page headrules and footrules: \newif\ifcov@headrule \newif\ifcovrun@headrule \def\coverfirstpageheadrule{\cov@headruletrue} \def\nocoverfirstpageheadrule{\cov@headrulefalse} \def\coverrunningheadrule{\covrun@headruletrue} \def\nocoverrunningheadrule{\covrun@headrulefalse} \def\coverheadrule{\cov@headruletrue\covrun@headruletrue} \def\nocoverheadrule{\cov@headrulefalse\covrun@headrulefalse} \newif\ifcov@footrule \newif\ifcovrun@footrule \def\coverfirstpagefootrule{\cov@footruletrue} \def\nocoverfirstpagefootrule{\cov@footrulefalse} \def\coverrunningfootrule{\covrun@footruletrue} \def\nocoverrunningfootrule{\covrun@footrulefalse} \def\coverfootrule{\cov@footruletrue\covrun@footruletrue} \def\nocoverfootrule{\cov@footrulefalse\covrun@footrulefalse} % Initialize: \nocoverheadrule \nocoverfootrule %-------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % \numpages, \iflastpage, and \oddeven % Also: \numpoints, \numquestions, \numparts, and \numsubparts % Also also: \pointsofquestion % Also: \numcoverpages and \totalnumpages % Make the number of pages available as the macro \numpages, % the number of points as \numpoints, % the number of questions as \numquestions, % the number of parts as \numparts, and % the number of subparts as \numsubparts % This was previously done with \pageref commands. When I stopped % using \pageref for this (in order to make this compatible with % hyperref.sty), this stuff was created: % \gdef commands for exam@lastpage, exam@numpoints, % exam@numbonuspoints, exam@numquestions, exam@numparts, % exam@numsubparts and exam@numsubsubparts are written to the .aux % file via \AtEndDocument. % \gdef commands for pointsofq@i, pointsofq@ii, etc. and % bonuspointsofq@i, bonuspointsofq@ii, etc. are written to the .aux % file as each question is completed (see the definition of the % questions environment). % \gdef commands for pointsonpage@i, pointsonpage@ii, etc. and % bonuspointsonpage@i, bonuspointsonpage@ii, etc. are written to the % .aux file as we encounter points defined for a later page, and for % the last such page with AtEndDocument. \def\numpages{\@ifundefined{exam@lastpage}% {\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}% \exam@lastpage }% numpages % Change 2011/04/01: We added a ``0'' in front of the % mbox when \exam@lastcoverpage isn't defined. This is % so that the construction \romannumeral\numcoverpages % won't generate an error on the first run of latex. \def\numcoverpages{\@ifundefined{exam@lastcoverpage}% {0\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}% \exam@lastcoverpage }% numpages \def\totalnumpages{\@ifundefined{exam@totalpages}% {\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}% \exam@totalpages }% numpages \def\numpoints{\@ifundefined{exam@numpoints}% {\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}% \exam@numpoints }% numpoints \def\numbonuspoints{\@ifundefined{exam@numbonuspoints}% {\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}% \exam@numbonuspoints }% numbonuspoints \def\numquestions{\@ifundefined{exam@numquestions}% {\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}% \exam@numquestions }% numquestions \def\numparts{\@ifundefined{exam@numparts}% {\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}% \exam@numparts }% numparts \def\numsubparts{\@ifundefined{exam@numsubparts}% {\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}% \exam@numsubparts }% numsubparts \def\numsubsubparts{\@ifundefined{exam@numsubsubparts}% {\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}% \exam@numsubsubparts }% numsubsubparts \def\pointsofquestion#1{\@ifundefined{pointsofq@\romannumeral #1}% {\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}% {\csname pointsofq@\romannumeral #1\endcsname}% }% pointsofquestion \def\bonuspointsofquestion#1{\@ifundefined{bonuspointsofq@\romannumeral #1}% {\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}% {\csname bonuspointsofq@\romannumeral #1\endcsname}% }% bonuspointsofquestion % For use in \combinedgradetable and \combinedpointtable, we're % changing the defintions of \pointsonpage and \bonuspointsonpage % so that when, e.g., pointsonpage@ii is undefined, we just produce % 0. This comes up because the final page of the exam may have either % points with no bonus point or bonus points with no points, in which % case the combined table will try to list both points and bonus points % for that last page, and one of those will be undefined. % % \def\pointsonpage#1{\@ifundefined{pointsonpage@\romannumeral #1}% % {\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}% % {\csname pointsonpage@\romannumeral #1\endcsname}% % }% pointsonpage % \def\bonuspointsonpage#1{\@ifundefined{bonuspointsonpage@\romannumeral #1}% % {\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}% % {\csname bonuspointsonpage@\romannumeral #1\endcsname}% % }% bonuspointsonpage % % spanish.ldf redefines \@roman, so we'll avoid using \roman: \def\pointsonpage#1{\@ifundefined{pointsonpage@\romannumeral #1}% {0}% {\csname pointsonpage@\romannumeral #1\endcsname}% }% pointsonpage \def\bonuspointsonpage#1{\@ifundefined{bonuspointsonpage@\romannumeral #1}% {0}% {\csname bonuspointsonpage@\romannumeral #1\endcsname}% }% bonuspointsonpage \newif\if@pointschanged \@pointschangedfalse \newcommand*{\CheckIfChanged@hlf}[2]{% % The first argument is the name of a half counter. % The second argument expands to the name (without the escape % character, and not assumed to be defined) of the control sequence % holding the previous value. \@ifundefined{#2}% {\global\@pointschangedtrue}% {% % OK; it's defined. See if it's changed: \begingroup \set@hlfcntr{tmp@hlfcntr}{\csname #2\endcsname}% \edef\othpt@check{\prtaux@hlfcntr{tmp@hlfcntr}}% \edef\pt@check{\prtaux@hlfcntr{#1}}% \ifx \pt@check \othpt@check % Do nothing \else \global\@pointschangedtrue \fi \endgroup }% }% CheckIfChanged@hlf %%%\let\@realenddocument=\enddocument %%%\def\enddocument{\clearpage %%% \if@filesw %%% {\advance\c@page-1 \immediate\write\@mainaux %%% {\string\newlabel{@lastpage}{{}{\arabic{page}}}}% %%% } %%% \fi %%% \@realenddocument %%%} \AtEndDocument{% \clearpage \if@filesw \advance\c@page-1 \immediate\write\@mainaux {\string\gdef\string\exam@lastpage{\arabic{page}}}% \immediate\write\@mainaux {\string\gdef\string\exam@lastcoverpage{\arabic{num@coverpages}}}% % We can now trash the value of num@coverpages: \addtocounter{num@coverpages}{\value{page}}% \immediate\write\@mainaux {\string\gdef\string\exam@totalpages{\arabic{num@coverpages}}}% \advance\c@page+1 % In case some other package looks at \c@page % \immediate\write\@mainaux {\string\gdef\string\exam@numpoints{% \prtaux@hlfcntr{numpoints}}}% % See if this has changed from the last run of LaTeX: \CheckIfChanged@hlf{numpoints}{exam@numpoints}% \immediate\write\@mainaux {\string\gdef\string\exam@numbonuspoints{% \prtaux@hlfcntr{numbonuspoints}}}% % See if this has changed from the last run of LaTeX: \CheckIfChanged@hlf{numbonuspoints}{exam@numbonuspoints}% \immediate\write\@mainaux {\string\gdef\string\exam@numquestions{\thenumquestions}}% \immediate\write\@mainaux {\string\gdef\string\exam@numparts{\thenumparts}}% \immediate\write\@mainaux {\string\gdef\string\exam@numsubparts{\thenumsubparts}}% \immediate\write\@mainaux {\string\gdef\string\exam@numsubsubparts{\thenumsubsubparts}}% \ifnum \thepageof@pagepoints > 0\relax \immediate\write\@mainaux {\string\gdef\string\pointsonpage@\romannumeral \csname c@pageof@pagepoints\endcsname {\prtaux@hlfcntr{@pagepoints}}}% % See if this has changed from the last run of LaTeX: \CheckIfChanged@hlf{@pagepoints}{pointsonpage@\romannumeral \csname c@pageof@pagepoints\endcsname}% \fi \ifnum \thepageof@pagebonuspoints > 0\relax \immediate\write\@mainaux {\string\gdef\string\bonuspointsonpage@\romannumeral \csname c@pageof@pagebonuspoints\endcsname {\prtaux@hlfcntr{@pagebonuspoints}}}% \CheckIfChanged@hlf{@pagebonuspoints}{bonuspointsonpage@\romannumeral \csname c@pageof@pagebonuspoints\endcsname}% \fi \immediate\write\@mainaux {\string\gdef\string\lastpage@withpoints{\page@withpoints}}% % See if this has changed from the last run of LaTeX: \@ifundefined{lastpage@withpoints}% {\global\@pointschangedtrue}% {% % OK; it's defined. See if it's changed: \begingroup \edef\othpt@check{\page@withpoints}% \edef\pt@check{\lastpage@withpoints}% \ifx \pt@check \othpt@check % Do nothing \else \global\@pointschangedtrue \fi \endgroup }% \immediate\write\@mainaux {\string\gdef\string\lastpage@withbonuspoints{\page@withbonuspoints}}% % See if this has changed from the last run of LaTeX: \@ifundefined{lastpage@withbonuspoints}% {\global\@pointschangedtrue}% {% % OK; it's defined. See if it's changed: \begingroup \edef\othpt@check{\page@withbonuspoints}% \edef\pt@check{\lastpage@withbonuspoints}% \ifx \pt@check \othpt@check % Do nothing \else \global\@pointschangedtrue \fi \endgroup }% \fi % Echo numbers of questions, parts, and subparts: \typeout{This exam contains \thenumquestions\space questions with \thenumparts\space parts, \thenumsubparts\space subparts, and \thenumsubsubparts\space subsubparts.} % If counting points, echo total points: \if@printtotalpoints \begingroup \def\typ@expnd{% \thenumpoints \ifnumpoints@half \space and a half% \fi } \typeout{This exam has a total of \typ@expnd\space points.} \def\typ@expnd{% \thenumbonuspoints \ifnumbonuspoints@half \space and a half% \fi } \typeout{This exam has a total of \typ@expnd\space bonus points.} \endgroup \fi \if@pointschanged \ClassWarningNoLine{exam}{Point totals have changed. Rerun to get point totals right}% \fi }% AtEndDocument % We define \iflastpage so that it can safely be used % in headers and footers: \def\iflastpage#1#2{% \@ifundefined{exam@lastpage}{\def\@@lastpage{-1}}% {\edef\@@lastpage{\exam@lastpage}}% \ifnum\value{page}=\@@lastpage\relax #1% \else #2% \fi }% iflastpage % The macro \oddeven takes two arguments. If the page number is odd, % then you get the first argument; otherwise, you get the second % argument. \def\oddeven#1#2{% \ifodd\value{page}% #1% \else #2% \fi }% oddeven %-------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % \ifcontinuation, \ContinuedQuestion, % \ifincomplete, and \IncompleteQuestion % The commands \ifcontinuation, \ContinuedQuestion, \ifincomplete, and % \IncompleteQuestion assume that there is only one questions % environment in the entire document. (Actually, \ContinuedQuestion % should work even if there are multiple questions environments, but % none of the other three will work in general.) % \PgInfo@write, \PgInfo and \PgInfo@get are our replacements % for \label, \newlabel, and \pageref. (We're avoiding using % \label, \newlabel, and \pageref so that we will be compatible % with hyperref.sty, which redefines those commands.) % We use \PgInfo, \PgInfo@write, and \PgInfo@get to know on which page % each question, part, subpart, subsubpart, and choice appears. % We use \PgInfo@write to write \PgInfo commands to the .aux file. The % \PgInfo command takes two arguments: A question (or part, or subpart, % or subsubpart) label, and the number of the page on which it appears. % The label for a question is of the form `question@2' (if it's question % 2). % The label for a part is of the form `part@2@1' (if it's part a of % question 2). % The label for a subpart is of the form `subpart@2@1@3' (if it's % subpart iii of part a of question 2). % The label for a subsubpart is of the form `subsubpart@2@1@3@4' (if % it's subsubpart $\delta$ of subpart iii of part a of question 2). % Each question, part, subpart, subsubpart, and choice also gets a % \PgInfo@write command using a label of the form question2@object3 (if % it's the third object of the second question). % Inside one of the solution environments (solution, solutionorbox, % etc.) each part, subpart, subsubpart, and choice get only the % \PgInfo@write command using a label of the form question2@object3 % (if it's the third object of the second question). % When read in from the .aux file, the \PgInfo command defines a % control sequence of the form `Pg@label' that expands to the page % number for the corresponding question. For example, % \PgInfo{subsubpart@2@1@3@4}{7} defines \csname % Pg@subsubpart@2@1@3@4\endcsname to expand to 7. % The \PgInfo@get{label} command returns the value of the macro Pg@label, % but it *doesn't* check whether that macro is defined. Thus, it's % important to check that the macro Pg@label is defined before giving the % command \PgInfo@get{label}. % The token list to a \write command isn't expanded until % it's shipped out. Since the argument to PgInfo@write % generally contains macros, we want to expand those macros % now, rather than waiting until this is shipped out, at which % point the macros may have different values. Thus, we use % \edef to force expansion of the argument, and we put % a \noexpand in front of \thepage so that the \thepage % will not be expanded now. (This may not get shipped out % until a later page, and so we want the \thepage to be expanded % only when it's shipped out.) % We use the \begingroup \endgroup pair so that our use % of \reserved@a won't affect its use anywhere else. \def\PgInfo@write#1{% \begingroup \edef\reserved@a{\write\@mainaux {\string\PgInfo{#1}{\noexpand\thepage}}}% \reserved@a \endgroup } %\PgInfo commands are written to the .aux file by the \PgInfo@write %command; that's the only place that \PgInfo commands appear. \def\PgInfo#1#2{\expandafter\gdef\csname Pg@#1\endcsname{#2}} % Note: PgInfo@get assumes that the control sequence being % constructed is already defined; you have to make sure of this % *before* calling \Pginfo@get \def\PgInfo@get#1{\csname Pg@#1\endcsname} % \set@counter@to@pageof takes two arguments: The first is the name of a % counter, and the second (expands to) the label of a question, part, % subpart, subsubpart, or choice. If that label exists, then we set the % counter equal to the page on which the question (or part, etc.) % appears. If that label doesn't exist, we set the counter equal to -1. % (No labels exist on the first run of LaTeX on the file, and if a new % question (or part, etc.) was created by editing the file, then the % label will not exist until the run of LaTeX after that.) \def\set@counter@to@pageof#1#2{% \@ifundefined{Pg@#2}% {\setcounter{#1}{-1}}% {\setcounter{#1}{\csname Pg@#2\endcsname}}% } %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % \ifcontinuation#1#2 expands to #2 if either: % (1) The command \noquestionsonthispage has been given on this page, % or % (2) The current page is before the page containing question number % 1, or % (3) A question begins on this page before any part, subpart, % subsubpart, or choice begins, or % (4) The current page is later than a page with the \nomorequestions % command. % Otherwise, it expands to #1. % % Thus, for example, if there are no questions, parts, subparts, % subsubparts, or choices on this page, and no \noquestionsonthispage % command, and we're not before question 1, and not after a % \nomorequestions command, then \ifcontinuation will expand to #1. \def\ifcontinuation#1#2{% % If there's a \noquestionsonthispage command on this page, then % we assume that we're not continuing anything: \@ifundefined{No@Questions@Pg@\thepage}% {\chk@contin{#1}{#2}}% {#2}% }% \ifcontinuation \def\chk@contin#1#2{% % We check whether we're on a page *before* the page on which the % first question appears. If we don't yet know which page has % question number 1, then we must be doing an early run of LaTeX, % and we'll assume we're not a continuation. \expandafter\ifx\csname Pg@question@1\endcsname\relax % No page info yet; assume not a continuation #2% \else % Note: The ``\relax'' at the end of the following \ifnum % serves an entirely different purpose from the one at the % end of the above \expandafter\ifx. That one (above) % is one of the things being compared, whereas the % one we're about to use is just to clearly mark the % end of the second number being compared by the \ifnum % (since it's conceivable that the ``#2'' would begin % with a digit). \ifnum \thepage < \csname Pg@question@1\endcsname\relax % We're before the page with question 1: #2% \else % The current page begins a new question if Contin@\thepage % has been defined as a macro that expands to \relax (Note % that this is different from if Contin@\thepage has never % been defined at all, in which case it will be let equal to % \relax (temporarily) by the \csname command.) \expandafter\ifx\csname Contin@\thepage\endcsname\ref@relax #2% \else % See if we're after a \nomorequestions command: \@ifundefined{Pg@@endquestions}% {#1}% {\ifnum \thepage > \PgInfo@get{@endquestions}\relax % We're after a \nomorequestions: #2% \else % We actually are incomplete: #1% \fi }% \fi \fi \fi }% chk@contin \def\nomorequestions{% \PgInfo@write{@endquestions}% }% nomorequestions \def\noquestionsonthispage{% \write\@mainaux{\string\expandafter\string\gdef \string\csname\space No@Questions@Pg@\thepage\string\endcsname {No questions here}}% }% noquestionsonthispage %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % \ContinuedQuestion is for use in headers and footers, where we can % assume that \thepage is the number of the page on which we'll % actually appear. % \ContinuedQuestion expands to the number of the question that % continues onto this page, or to -1 if this page begins with a new % question. % ACTUALLY: \ContinuedQuestion expands to a positive number if either % (1) this page doesn't contain the beginning of any question, part, % subpart, subsubpart, or choice, or (2) this page has a part, subpart, % subsubpart, or choice that appears before any question. That means % that if the current page actually begins with space for a continuation % of the previous question (but doesn't begin any part, subpart, % subsubpart, or choice of that question) and then has a question, then % we'll be asserting that this page begins with a new question, but the % actual top of the page will begin with some blank space that's % intended for the previous question. % \ContinuedQuestion works by examining the value of the macro % Contin@\thepage. If this page starts with a question (i.e., if no % question continues onto this page), then the macro Contin@\thepage % will be defined, and will expand to `\relax' (and so an \ifx between % \csname Contin@\thepage\endcsname and \ref@relax will be true). % If Contin@\thepage is undefined, then when it is used in an \ifx % command it will be temporarily set equal to \relax (which is % *different* from being a macro that expands to \relax); in this case, % there is no question, part, subpart, subsubpart, or choice that begins % on this page, and so \ContinuedQuestion will be set equal to the last % question that was begun on a page before this one. % The last possibility is that this page begins with either a part, % subpart, subsubpart, or choice. In this case, Contin@\thepage is % defined, and it expands to the number of the question that is % continued onto this page. \def\ref@relax{\relax} \def\ContinuedQuestion{% \expandafter\ifx\csname Contin@\thepage\endcsname\relax % We get here if there's no question, part, subpart, % subsubpart, or choice on this page, and so Contin@\thepage has % never been defined at all. In that case, this page % continues whichever question was last begun on or % before this page. \find@latestques \thelatest@ques \else \expandafter\ifx\csname Contin@\thepage\endcsname\ref@relax % We get here if this page begins with a new question, % which is why Contin@\thepage has been defined to be % a macro that expands to \relax. % ACTUALLY: We get here if this page has a question that % appears before any part, subpart, subsubpart, or choice. That % means that if the current page actually begins with space % for a continuation of the previous question but doesn't begin % any part, subpart, subsubpart, or choice of that question, then % we'll be asserting that this page begins with a new question, % but the actual top of the page will begin with some space % that's intended for the previous question. -1\relax \else % We get here if we didn't get anywhere above. This happens % if Contin@\thepage has been defined to be a macro that expands % to something other than \relax, in which case it has been % defined to be a macro that expands to the number of the % question that continues onto this page. \csname Contin@\thepage\endcsname \fi \fi } %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % \find@latestques is for use in headers and footers, where we can % assume that \thepage actually equals the page on which we'll appear. % We find the last question that was started on or before the current % page. \newcounter{latest@ques} \newcommand\find@latestques{% % \find@latestques is for use in headers and footers. % \find@latestques will set the counter latest@ques % to the number of the last question % that was begun on the exam from page 1 through the current % page. This may well be the value of the question counter, % but it may be less than that if the page following this one % begins a new question and that question beginning was % typeset before the present page was shipped out. % Note: This macro is called both by \ContinuedQuestion and by % \find@quesend, which is why it has to find the last question % begun on or before the current page, rather than just before % the current page. \ifnum 1 > \value{question}\relax % Oops; probably because we're before the first question % Just set latest@ques to -1: \setcounter{latest@ques}{-1}% \else % If question latest@ques actually begins on this page (rather % than on the next page, but early enough on the next page % that the counter was advanced before we ran off into the % output routine to output the page and set the header and % footer), then that's the correct question number. \expandafter\ifx\csname Pg@question@\arabic{question}\endcsname\relax % We don't know what page that question is on; % this must be an early run, before the aux file % is helpful. Just set it equal to -1 and wait until the next % run to get it right. \setcounter{latest@ques}{-1}% \else % We now know that \PgInfo@get can tell us the page number % of \arabic{question} and of all earlier questions. % Set latest@ques equal to the current question number, and % then call \decr@latest@ques to recursively decrement % latest@ques as needed to find a question that begins on % or before the current page: \setcounter{latest@ques}{\value{question}}% \decr@latest@ques \fi \fi } \def\decr@latest@ques{% % If we get here, then we've already checked that the reference % Pg@question@\thelatest@ques is defined at least for a value of % \thelatest@ques greater than or equal to it's present value, % so we assume it's defined for all lesser values as well: \ifnum \thepage < \PgInfo@get{question@\thelatest@ques}\relax % Nope; latest@ques starts on a later page % Decrement latest@ques and see if that one's right: \addtocounter{latest@ques}{-1}% \ifnum \thelatest@ques < 1\relax \setcounter{latest@ques}{-1}% \let\next@dlq=\relax \else \let\next@dlq=\decr@latest@ques \fi \else % latest@ques starts on this page or earlier, so % that's the correct question number! Exit: \let\next@dlq=\relax \fi \next@dlq } %-------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------- \newcounter{ques@end} \newcounter{last@object} \def\find@quesend{% % We find the last question started on or before the current page % and then find the page containing the last part (or subpart, or % subsubpart, or choice) of that question, and set the counter % ques@end to that page number. % Set latest@ques equal to the correct question number: \find@latestques \ifnum \value{latest@ques} < 0\relax % This must be an early run of LaTeX, before we have % \PgInfo commands in the .aux file: \setcounter{ques@end}{-1}% \else % We now know that this question has at least one object (since % we know that latest@ques isn't negative). % We'll find its highest numbered object by setting last@object % equal to 2 and then calling \find@lastobject to recursively % test whether that object number exists and, if so, incrementing % last@object to test for a higher numbered one: \setcounter{last@object}{2}% \find@lastobject \setcounter{ques@end}{\PgInfo@get{question\thelatest@ques @object\thelast@object}}% \fi }% find@quesend \def\find@lastobject{% % We check whether this question has an object numbered last@object % and recursively increment last@object to find the highest % numbered value for which the object exists: \@ifundefined{Pg@question\thelatest@ques @object\thelast@object}% {\addtocounter{last@object}{-1}% \let\nextfind@lastobject=\relax }% {\addtocounter{last@object}{1}% \let\nextfind@lastobject=\find@lastobject }% \nextfind@lastobject }% find@lastobject %-------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------- \newcounter{incmp@ques} \def\IncompleteQuestion{% \Find@Incmp@ques % If there's no incomplete question, the counter incmp@ques will be % set to -1: \theincmp@ques } \def\Find@Incmp@ques{% % If we're on the last page, then there's no incomplete question: \iflastpage{\setcounter{incmp@ques}{-1}}{\chk@incomp}% }% Find@Incmp@ques \newcounter{next@ques} \newcounter{next@page} \def\chk@incomp{% % If we get here, we're not on the last page. % \find@quesend calls \find@latestques to set the counter % latest@ques equal to the number of the last question begun on or % before the current page, and then it sets the counter ques@end to % the page containing the last ques@object of that question: \find@quesend \ifnum \theques@end > \thepage\relax % This question has a part (or sub...) starting on a later page \setcounter{incmp@ques}{\value{latest@ques}}% \else \chk@incompi \fi }% chk@incomp \def\chk@incompi{% % If there are any pages after the current one and before the next % question (if there is a next question) that lack a % \noquestionsonthispage and that aren't following the page of a % \nomorequestions command, then question latest@ques is incomplete. % Otherwise, there is no incomplete question: \setcounter{next@ques}{\thelatest@ques}% \addtocounter{next@ques}{1}% % We use next@page as a scratch counter. We start by setting it % to the last page we want to check for a \noquestionsonthispage % command: \expandafter\ifx\csname Pg@question@\thenext@ques \endcsname\relax % This isn't the last page but there is no next question: % \@ifundefined{exam@lastpage}% {\setcounter{next@page}{-1}}% {\setcounter{next@page}{\exam@lastpage}}% % % \setcounter{next@page}{\exam@lastpage}% \else \setcounter{next@page}{\PgInfo@get{question@\thenext@ques}}% \addtocounter{next@page}{-1}% \fi % See if that's after a \nomorequestions command: \@ifundefined{Pg@@endquestions}% {}% {\ifnum \PgInfo@get{@endquestions} < \value{next@page}\relax \setcounter{next@page}{\PgInfo@get{@endquestions}}% \fi }% % OK, the counter next@page now contains the last page to check. \chk@incompii }% chk@incompi \def\chk@incompii{% \ifnum \value{next@page} > \value{page}\relax % We need to check the page next@page: \@ifundefined{No@Questions@Pg@\arabic{next@page}}% {\setcounter{incmp@ques}{\value{latest@ques}}% \let\next@incompii=\relax }% {\addtocounter{next@page}{-1}% \let\next@incompii = \chk@incompii }% \else % There's no incomplete question: \setcounter{incmp@ques}{-1}% \let\next@incompii=\relax \fi \next@incompii }% chk@incompii \def\ifincomplete#1#2{% % We need to pass the arguments to \chk@ifincomp; we save them in % macros so they won't be messed up by the call to \Find@Incmp@ques: \def\incomp@first{#1}% \def\incomp@second{#2}% % If there's a \noquestionsonthispage command on this page, then % we assume nothing from this page is incomplete: \@ifundefined{No@Questions@Pg@\thepage}% {\chk@ifincomp}% {\incomp@second}% }% ifincomplete \def\chk@ifincomp{% \Find@Incmp@ques % If there's no incomplete question, \Find@Incmp@ques sets the % counter incmp@ques to -1: \ifnum \theincmp@ques < 0\relax \incomp@second \else % Are we after a page with \nomorequestions? \@ifundefined{Pg@@endquestions}% {\incomp@first}% {\ifnum \thepage < \PgInfo@get{@endquestions}\relax \incomp@first \else \incomp@second \fi }% \fi }% chk@ifincomp %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % These are the commands for dealing with hlfcntr's, i.e., the things % used to count points. % % A point value is a nonnegative integer with an optional half integer. % A hlfcntr consists of a regular counter together with an \if: If the % regular counter is called ``counter'', then the \if is called % ``\ifcounter@half''; it's set true by ``\counter@halftrue'' and set % false by ``\counter@halffalse''. % % The commands: % % \new@hlfcntr{countername} % \set@hlfcntr{countername}{value} % \copy@hlfcntr{tocounter}{fromcounter} % \addto@hlfcntr{countername}{value} % \add@hlfcntrtohlfcntr{getsaddedto}{whatsadded} % \ifhlfcntr@pos{countername} % \prtaux@hlfcntr{countername} % \prt@hlfcntr{countername} % % ``value'' can be either a (nonnegative) integer, an integer followed by % ``\half'', or just plain ``\half''. (Actually, ``value'' can be empty % (although the braces must be present), in which case it's interpreted % as ``0''.) % % Examples of valid values: % 0 % 0\half % 1 % 1\half % 2 % 2\half % etc. % Note on using ``\global'': LaTeX's \setcounter and \addtocounter % commands are already \global (i.e., you don't have to say % ``\global''), but \somethingtrue and \somethingfalse (used to set % \ifsomething) aren't. Thus, we need to say ``\global'' when setting % these things. % To create a hlfcntr: \newcommand*\new@hlfcntr[1]{% \newcounter{#1}% \expandafter\newif\csname if#1@half\endcsname }% new@hlfcntr % A scratch hlfcntr: \new@hlfcntr{tmp@hlfcntr} \newcommand*\horiz@half{$\frac{1}{2}$} \newcommand*\slanted@half{% $\raise0.6ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle 1$}\kern -.2em/\kern -.2em \raise-0.5ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle 2$}$% }% slanted@half \newcommand*\useslantedhalf{\global\let\half\slanted@half} \newcommand*\usehorizontalhalf{\global\let\half\horiz@half} \newcommand*\half{\slanted@half} \newcommand*\set@hlfcntr[2]{% \begingroup \global\csname #1@halffalse\endcsname % If there as a `\half' present, it will be executed % right after the assignment of the digit part of #2 % to the counter #1. \def\half{% \global\csname #1@halftrue\endcsname }% % We insert a `0' in case there are no digits present: % We avoid using \setcounter, because calc.sty redefines % \setcounter in a way that conflicts with the \half trick % we're using: % \setcounter{#1}{0#2}\relax \global\csname c@#1\endcsname 0#2\relax \endgroup }% set@hlfcntr \newcommand*\copy@hlfcntr[2]{% % We set #1 to the value of #2 \setcounter{#1}{\value{#2}}% \csname if#2@half\endcsname \global\csname #1@halftrue\endcsname \else \global\csname #1@halffalse\endcsname \fi }% copy@hlfcntr \newcommand*\addto@hlfcntr[2]{% % We add the valueandhalf #2 to hlfcntr #1 \begingroup \def\half{\add@half{#1}}% % We insert a `0' in case there are no digits present: % We avoid using \addtocounter, because calc.sty redefines % \addtocounter in a way that conflicts with the \half trick % we're using: % \addtocounter{#1}{0#2}\relax \global\advance\csname c@#1\endcsname 0#2\relax \endgroup }% addto@hlfcntr \newcommand*\add@hlfcntrtohlfcntr[2]{% % We add the hlfcntr #2 to the hlfcntr #1 \addtocounter{#1}{\value{#2}}% \csname if#2@half\endcsname \add@half{#1}% \fi }% add@hlfcntrtohlfcntr \newcommand*\add@half[1]{% % We add one half to hlfcntr #1: \csname if#1@half\endcsname \addtocounter{#1}{1}% \global\csname #1@halffalse\endcsname \else \global\csname #1@halftrue\endcsname \fi }% add@half % Important reminder about \ifhlfcntr@pos: Do not use it inside % another conditional! The construction % \ifhlfcntr@pos{somecounter} % do some stuff... % \fi % is perfectly fine as long as it's expanded, but: If it's inside % another conditional, and the condition is not satisfied, then it's % read through without expansion. In that case, TeX sees the % \ifhlfcntr@pos but does *not* recognize it as being part of a % conditional, but when it sees the concluding \fi it does recognize % that, and so TeX completes the outer conditional at that \fi, which % causes an error. \newcounter{ifpos@cntr} \def\ifhlfcntr@pos#1{% % The argument must be a hlfcntr (which, of course, % can never be negative); we'll be true if and only if % that halfcntr is positive: \setcounter{ifpos@cntr}{\value{#1}}% \csname if#1@half\endcsname \addtocounter{ifpos@cntr}{1}% \fi \ifnum \value{ifpos@cntr} > 0\relax }% ifhlfnctr@pos % \prtaux@hlfcntr is used inside the argument of a \write command for % writing to the .aux file: \newcommand*\prtaux@hlfcntr[1]{% % We don't want a \relax after the 0 in the following % line, because it would sometimes appear in the aux file: \ifnum \value{#1} = 0 % We have to make the following a macro, because if we % don't do this part, the \fi will cause confusion, since % there's no \if visible until the \csname is expanded: \prtaux@halforzero{#1}% \else \arabic{#1}% % We have to make the following a macro, because if we % don't do this part, the \fi will cause confusion, since % there's no \if visible until the \csname is expanded: \prtaux@halforblank{#1}% \fi }% prtaux@hlfcntr \newcommand*\prtaux@halforzero[1]{% \csname if#1@half\endcsname \string\half \else 0% \fi }% prtaux@hlforzero \newcommand*\prtaux@halforblank[1]{% \csname if#1@half\endcsname \string\half \fi }% prtaux@halforblank \newcommand*\prt@hlfcntr[1]{% % We don't want a \relax after the 0 in the following % line, because it would sometimes appear in the aux file: \ifnum \value{#1} = 0 % We have to make the following a macro, because if we % don't do this part, the \fi will cause confusion, since % there's no \if visible until the \csname is expanded: \prt@halforzero{#1}% \else \arabic{#1}% % We have to make the following a macro, because if we % don't do this part, the \fi will cause confusion, since % there's no \if visible until the \csname is expanded: \prt@halforblank{#1}% \fi }% prt@hlfcntr \newcommand*\prt@halforzero[1]{% \csname if#1@half\endcsname \half \else 0% \fi }% prt@hlforzero \newcommand*\prt@halforblank[1]{% \csname if#1@half\endcsname \half \fi }% prt@halforblank % End of the commands for dealing with hlfcntr's %-------------------------------------------------------------------- %--------------------------------------------------------------------- % % *************************** % ** QUESTION ENVIRONMENTS ** % *************************** % % % % We define the command \part only inside of a parts environment, so % that we don't interfere with the meaning of the standard article % documentclass command \part if that is used inside of a questions % environment. The commands \question, \subpart, and \subsubpart are % defined everywhere inside of a questions environment. If the user % accidentally gives a \subpart command outside of a subparts % environment, then an error will be created. % We use the counter name `partno' for the parts environment so that % we will not interfere with the counter `part' used by the article % document class. \newcounter{question} \newcounter{partno} \newcounter{subpart} \newcounter{subsubpart} \newcounter{choice} \new@hlfcntr{numpoints} \set@hlfcntr{numpoints}{0} \new@hlfcntr{numbonuspoints} \set@hlfcntr{numbonuspoints}{0} \new@hlfcntr{pointsof@thisquestion} \set@hlfcntr{pointsof@thisquestion}{0} \new@hlfcntr{bonuspointsof@thisquestion} \set@hlfcntr{bonuspointsof@thisquestion}{0} \newcounter{numquestions} \newcounter{numparts} \newcounter{numsubparts} \newcounter{numsubsubparts} \newcounter{Curr@Page} % @pagepoints accumulates the points on a single page: \new@hlfcntr{@pagepoints} \set@hlfcntr{@pagepoints}{0} \new@hlfcntr{@pagebonuspoints} \set@hlfcntr{@pagebonuspoints}{0} \newcounter{pageof@pagepoints} \setcounter{pageof@pagepoints}{0} \newcounter{pageof@pagebonuspoints} \setcounter{pageof@pagebonuspoints}{0} % latest@points is a holding area for points until we know % whether they'll land on the same page as the points % currently counted in @pagepoints: \new@hlfcntr{latest@points} \set@hlfcntr{latest@points}{0} \new@hlfcntr{latest@bonuspoints} \set@hlfcntr{latest@bonuspoints}{0} % Whenever we meet a new page on which points are defined, we'll % redefine \page@withpoints to expand to that page. At the end of the % document, it will hold the last page that has points, and we'll write % a \gdef\lastpage@withpoints command to the .aux file. % We initialize \page@withpoints here: \def\page@withpoints{0}% \def\page@withbonuspoints{0}% % \pageinfo@commands is used by each question, part, subpart, and % subsubpart to insert into everypar the \PgInfo@write command to put % its page number into the .aux file, the \PgInfo@get command to read % the page number into the counter Curr@Page, and to test and set % \Contin@\theCurr@Page. \temp@toks is used by part, subpart, and % subsubpart to append all that to \pageinfo@commands, rather than % deleting whatever may have been put into \pageinfo@commands by the % current question and/or part and/or subpart. \newtoks\pageinfo@commands \newtoks\temp@toks % \pagepoint@commands holds the commands to manage the counting of the % number of points defined on each page. \newtoks\pagepoint@commands % \point@toks holds the commands to print the points at the proper % location on the page (except that it's not used by the \qformat % option). \newtoks\point@toks % We'll use \greeknum to number subsubparts \def\greeknum#1{\expandafter\lc@greek\csname c@#1\endcsname} \def\lc@greek#1{% \ifcase #1\or $\alpha$\or $\beta$\or $\gamma$\or $\delta$\or $\epsilon$\or $\zeta$\or $\eta$\or $\theta$\or $\iota$\or $\kappa$\or $\lambda$\or $\mu$\or $\nu$\or $\xi$\or o\or $\pi$\or $\rho$\or $\sigma$\or $\tau$\or $\upsilon$\or $\phi$\or $\chi$\or $\psi$\or $\omega$\else \@ctrerr \fi }% lc@greek % The following macros are a variation on a trick from Victor % Eijkhout's ``TeX by Topic'', page 142: % Both \prepend@toklist and \append@toklist take two arguments, % both of which should be token lists. % \prepend@toklist prepends #2 to #1 % \append@toklist appends #2 to #1 \def\prepend@toklist#1#2{% \edef\do@it{\noexpand#1={\the#2\the#1}}% \do@it }% prepend@toklist \def\append@toklist#1#2{% \edef\do@it{\noexpand#1={\the#1\the#2}}% \do@it }% append@toklist % The command \qformat is provided for the user who wants to % design a nonstandard question line. If this command is used, % then the usual line containing the question number and the beginning % of the question will be replaced by the line specified by the % \qformat command, and the question will begin on the following % line. % Within the argument of the \qformat command: % \thequestion will be replaced by the question number, and % \thepoints will be replaced by ``\@points \@pointname'' if the % number of points has been specified for this question, and otherwise % it inserts nothing at all. (The conditional @placepoints is used to % determine if there were points specified for this question.) % The argument to the \qformat command *must* contain some % stretch, i.e., at least one \hfil or \dotfill or ... % % The command \noqformat cancels the effect of \qformat and returns us % to the default situation. % % The commands \bonusqformat and \nobonusformat are analogous. \newif\if@qformat \@qformatfalse \newif\if@bonusqformat \@bonusqformatfalse \def\qformat#1{% \global\@qformattrue \gdef\@questionformat{#1}% }% qformat \def\bonusqformat#1{% \global\@bonusqformattrue \gdef\@bonusquestionformat{#1}% }% bonusqformat \newcommand\noqformat{% \global\@qformatfalse }% noqformat \newcommand\nobonusqformat{% \global\@bonusqformatfalse }% nobonusqformat % \thepoints is for use in either a \qformat command % or a \pointformat command (or a \bonusqformat command). % It needs to have the % \if@placepoints so that if it's used in a \qformat command % it won't print anything if there are no points: \newcommand\thepoints{% \if@placepoints \if@bonus \@points \@bonuspointname \else \@points \@pointname \fi \fi }% thepoints % \themarginpoints is for use only in a \pointformat command, % and so it doesn't need the \if@placepoints bit in \thepoints: \newcommand\themarginpoints{% \if@bonus \@points \@marginbonuspointname \else \@points \@marginpointname \fi }% themarginpoints % We define the \subpart and \subsubpart commands when we enter a % questions environment (rather than waiting until we enter a subparts % of subsubparts environment) so that we can signal an error if a % \subpart or \subsubpart command appears outside of the corresponding % environment. (We don't do this for the \part command so that the user % can use the standard sectioning \part command outside of a parts % environment.) % The counter ques@object will count the items in each question, where % an item is defined as either the question itself, or a part, or a % subpart, or a subsubpart, or a choice. This will be used by % \find@quesend to find the last page occupied by the last question % begun on or before the current page: \newcounter{ques@object} % \first@questionobject will be used by the \question command. % That is, it will be used only once, but we want to keep its % definition here, near the definitions of \addquestionobject and % \questionobject@pluspagecheck. \newcommand{\first@questionobject}{% \setcounter{ques@object}{1}% % \PgInfo@write expands it's argument, so we don't need edef: % \edef\q@object@label{% % question\arabic{question}@object\arabic{ques@object}}% % \PgInfo@write{\q@object@label}% \PgInfo@write{question\arabic{question}@object\arabic{ques@object}}% }% first@questionobject % \addquestionobject will be used by each part, subpart, and % subsubpart, and can also be used by the user to mark the end of a % question that spills over onto the next page without any part, % subpart, etc. starting on that page: \newcommand{\addquestionobject}{% \addtocounter{ques@object}{1}% % \PgInfo@write expands it's argument, so we don't need edef: % \edef\q@object@label{% % question\arabic{question}@object\arabic{ques@object}}% % \PgInfo@write{\q@object@label}% \PgInfo@write{question\arabic{question}@object\arabic{ques@object}}% }% addquestionobject % \questionobject@pluspagecheck will be used by each choice, as well % as by any \part, \subpart, or \subsubpart that's inside of a % solution. It uses the questionobject to check if we're the first % one on the current page, since choices (and questions etc. inside of % solution environments) don't have labels the way that questions, % parts, subparts, and subsubparts do (those things use the label to % check if they're the first thing on the page). \newcommand{\questionobject@pluspagecheck}{% % We don't want to do any of this if we're both inside a solution % environment and not printing answers (because we want to avoid % incrementing ques@object): \if@insolution \ifprintanswers \doqobj@ppchk \fi \else \doqobj@ppchk \fi }% questionobject@pluspagecheck \newcommand{\doqobj@ppchk}{% \addtocounter{ques@object}{1}% % We need the edef because we check the page of \q@object@label: \edef\q@object@label{% question\arabic{question}@object\arabic{ques@object}}% \PgInfo@write{\q@object@label}% \set@counter@to@pageof{Curr@Page}{\q@object@label}% \expandafter\ifx\csname Contin@\theCurr@Page\endcsname\relax % We're the first \question, \part, \subpart, \subsubpart, % or choice on this page: \global\expandafter\edef\csname Contin@\theCurr@Page\endcsname{\arabic{question}}% \fi }% doqobj@ppchk % if@bonus will be true when we're doing a bonusquestion or bonuspart % or etc., and it will also be used also to distinguish between % \gradetable and \bonusgradetable (and between \pointtable and % \bonuspointtable, etc.), and also to distinguish between % \pointsinrange and \bonuspointsinrange: \newif\if@bonus \@bonusfalse % The following are for advanced users who want to customize the list % parameters (\topsep, \partopsep, \itemsep, \parsep, etc.) for the % lists that these environments create. They are all defined to be % empty, but the user can change them using \renewcommand. \newcommand\questionshook{} \newcommand\partshook{} \newcommand\subpartshook{} \newcommand\subsubpartshook{} \newcommand\choiceshook{} \newcommand\checkboxeshook{} \newenvironment{questions}{% % \@queslevel is used for two purposes: % (1) We check that every \question, \part, \subpart, and % \subsubpart command appears inside the appropriate environment, % and generate an error if one appears in the wrong place. % (2) If a \qformat is being used and if \@queslevel tells us % that we're currently processing a question, then we set % \global \point@toks={} to avoid setting the points for a % question other than via the qformat command. \def\@queslevel{question}% \def\titledquestion##1{% \@bonusfalse \def\thequestiontitle{##1}% \process@question }% \def\bonustitledquestion##1{% \@bonustrue \def\thequestiontitle{##1}% \process@question }% \def\question{% \@bonusfalse \def\thequestiontitle{\csname p@question\endcsname \csname thequestion\endcsname}% \process@question }% \def\bonusquestion{% \@bonustrue \def\thequestiontitle{\csname p@question\endcsname \csname thequestion\endcsname}% \process@question }% \def\process@question{% \if@coverpages \cover@question@error \fi \@checkqueslevel{question}% \addtocounter{numquestions}{1}% % Write the sum of points of the previous question (if any) % to the .aux file. (At this point, the question counter % has not yet been incremented, so \value{question} is the % number of the question that was just completed.) \if@filesw \ifnum \value{question} > 0\relax % First do regular points: \immediate\write\@mainaux {\string\gdef\string\pointsofq@ \romannumeral \csname c@question\endcsname {\prtaux@hlfcntr{pointsof@thisquestion}}}% % See if this has changed from the last run of LaTeX: \CheckIfChanged@hlf{pointsof@thisquestion}{pointsofq@\romannumeral \csname c@question\endcsname}% % Now do bonus points: \immediate\write\@mainaux {\string\gdef\string\bonuspointsofq@ \romannumeral \csname c@question\endcsname {\prtaux@hlfcntr{bonuspointsof@thisquestion}}}% % See if this has changed from the last run of LaTeX: \CheckIfChanged@hlf{bonuspointsof@thisquestion}% {bonuspointsofq@\romannumeral \csname c@question\endcsname}% \fi \fi \set@hlfcntr{pointsof@thisquestion}{0}% \set@hlfcntr{bonuspointsof@thisquestion}{0}% % If there was a question with points immediately preceding % this question (i.e., there were no parts in the previous % question), then @placepoints will still be true, and we need to % cancel it. (We used to do this inside of the \thepoints macro, % but that allowed for an error if the user specified points for a % question but had a \qformat that didn't mention \thepoints.) We % also set @placepoints to be false when entering a parts % environment. \global \@placepointsfalse % point@toks will normally be empty at this point, but it might be % nonempty if there were points somewhere in the previous question % that never made it onto the page because we never entered % horizontal mode (perhaps because the user was weird and let the % text of a question (or part, etc.) consist entirely of an % enumerate environment, or description environment, or etc.). \global \point@toks={}% % Important: Don't leave any blank lines inside of % \pageinfo@commands!! This token list will be dumped into % horizontal mode by \everypar, and so any blank lines will % cause paragraph breaks. \pageinfo@commands={% \edef\@queslabel{question@\arabic{question}}% \PgInfo@write{\@queslabel}% \first@questionobject % In addition to the \PgInfo@write we use an actual \label % command. We do this in order to make the question numbers in % the grade tables into \ref's, so that if the user says % \usepackage{hyperref}, those question numbers will be clickable. % % A further purpose of these labels (which we actually do for all % questions, parts, subparts, and subsubparts) is that if a % question (or part, etc.) is, e.g., moved from one page to % another, LaTeX will notice this and warn the user that LaTeX % must be run one more time to be sure everything is correct. % % We need to do this even though we've already included code to % check when point totals change because questions (and parts, % etc.) know what page they're on from reading the info written to % the .aux file on the previous run. Thus, if a question (or % part, etc.) is moved to a different page, then the pointsonpage % totals won't notice until the *second* subsequent run of LaTeX, % and so there'll be no warning to the user on the *first* run. % Including these labels gives the user a warning on that first % run. % % Further futzing required: Since this is being put into the % token list \pageinfo@commands, the contents of which won't % actually be executed until we enter horizontal mode (which % may well be in the first part of a parts environment), we need % to make sure that \@currentlabel is the number of the % question: \begingroup % to confine the change to \@currentlabel % \def\@currentlabel{\csname p@question\endcsname % \csname thequestion\endcsname}% \def\@currentlabel{\thequestiontitle}% \label{\@queslabel}% \endgroup \set@counter@to@pageof{Curr@Page}{\@queslabel}% \expandafter\ifx\csname Contin@\theCurr@Page\endcsname\relax % We're the first \question, \part, \subpart, \subsubpart, % or choice on this page: \global\expandafter\edef \csname Contin@\theCurr@Page\endcsname{\relax}% \fi \the\pagepoint@commands \global \pageinfo@commands={}% }% pageinfo@commands \ifhmode % Remove any skips at the end of the previous paragraph % that might cause a blank line, and then end that paragraph: \unskip\unskip \par \fi \@doitem }% process@question \def\subpart{% \@bonusfalse \process@subpart }% \def\bonussubpart{% \@bonustrue \process@subpart }% \def\process@subpart{% \if@coverpages \cover@question@error \fi \@checkqueslevel{subpart}% \if@insolution % We don't count this subpart, so no addtocounter{numsubparts}. \temp@toks={% \questionobject@pluspagecheck \global \pageinfo@commands={}% % We omit the pagepoint@commands }% temp@toks \else \addtocounter{numsubparts}{1}% % Important: Don't leave any blank lines inside of % \pageinfo@commands!! This token list will be dumped into % horizontal mode by \everypar, and so any blank lines will % cause paragraph breaks. \temp@toks={% \edef\@subpartlabel{subpart@\arabic{question}% @\arabic{partno}@\arabic{subpart}}% \PgInfo@write{\@subpartlabel}% \addquestionobject % In addition to the \PgInfo@write we use an actual \label % command. We do this in order to make the question numbers in % the grade tables into \ref's, so that if the user says % \usepackage{hyperref}, those question numbers will be clickable. % % A further purpose of these labels (which we actually do for all % questions, parts, subparts, and subsubparts) is that if a % question (or part, etc.) is, e.g., moved from one page to % another, LaTeX will notice this and warn the user that LaTeX % must be run one more time to be sure everything is correct. % % We need to do this even though we've already included code to % check when point totals change because questions (and parts, % etc.) know what page they're on from reading the info written to % the .aux file on the previous run. Thus, if a question (or % part, etc.) is moved to a different page, then the pointsonpage % totals won't notice until the *second* subsequent run of LaTeX, % and so there'll be no warning to the user on the *first* run. % Including these labels gives the user a warning on that first % run. \label{\@subpartlabel}% \set@counter@to@pageof{Curr@Page}{\@subpartlabel}% \expandafter\ifx\csname Contin@\theCurr@Page\endcsname\relax % We're the first \question, \part, \subpart, \subsubpart, % or choice on this page: \global\expandafter\edef\csname Contin@\theCurr@Page\endcsname{\arabic{question}}% \fi \the\pagepoint@commands \global \pageinfo@commands={}% }% temp@toks \fi \append@toklist \pageinfo@commands \temp@toks \ifhmode % Remove any skips at the end of the previous paragraph % that might cause a blank line, and then end that paragraph: \unskip\unskip \par \fi \@doitem }% process@subpart \def\subsubpart{% \@bonusfalse \process@subsubpart }% \def\bonussubsubpart{% \@bonustrue \process@subsubpart }% \def\process@subsubpart{% \if@coverpages \cover@question@error \fi \@checkqueslevel{subsubpart}% \if@insolution % We don't count this subsubpart, so no addtocounter{numsubsubparts}. \temp@toks={% \questionobject@pluspagecheck \global \pageinfo@commands={}% % We omit the pagepoint@commands }% temp@toks \else \addtocounter{numsubsubparts}{1}% % Important: Don't leave any blank lines inside of % \pageinfo@commands!! This token list will be dumped into % horizontal mode by \everypar, and so any blank lines will % cause paragraph breaks. \temp@toks={% \edef\@subsubpartlabel{subsubpart@\arabic{question}% @\arabic{partno}@\arabic{subpart}@\arabic{subsubpart}}% \PgInfo@write{\@subsubpartlabel}% \addquestionobject % In addition to the \PgInfo@write we use an actual \label % command. We do this in order to make the question numbers in % the grade tables into \ref's, so that if the user says % \usepackage{hyperref}, those question numbers will be clickable. % % A further purpose of these labels (which we actually do for all % questions, parts, subparts, and subsubparts) is that if a % question (or part, etc.) is, e.g., moved from one page to % another, LaTeX will notice this and warn the user that LaTeX % must be run one more time to be sure everything is correct. % % We need to do this even though we've already included code to % check when point totals change because questions (and parts, % etc.) know what page they're on from reading the info written to % the .aux file on the previous run. Thus, if a question (or % part, etc.) is moved to a different page, then the pointsonpage % totals won't notice until the *second* subsequent run of LaTeX, % and so there'll be no warning to the user on the *first* run. % Including these labels gives the user a warning on that first % run. \label{\@subsubpartlabel}% \set@counter@to@pageof{Curr@Page}{\@subsubpartlabel}% \expandafter\ifx\csname Contin@\theCurr@Page\endcsname\relax % We're the first \question, \part, \subpart, \subsubpart, % or choice on this page: \global\expandafter\edef\csname Contin@\theCurr@Page\endcsname{\arabic{question}}% \fi \the\pagepoint@commands \global \pageinfo@commands={}% }% temp@toks \fi \append@toklist \pageinfo@commands \temp@toks \ifhmode % Remove any skips at the end of the previous paragraph % that might cause a blank line, and then end that paragraph: \unskip\unskip \par \fi \@doitem }% process@subsubpart \list{\question@number}% {\usecounter{question}% % We use the default definition of \makelabel % so as not to interfere with \qformat commands. % \def\makelabel##1{\hss\llap{##1}}% \settowidth{\leftmargin}{10.\hskip\labelsep}% \labelwidth\leftmargin\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep \partopsep=0pt \questionshook }% }% End of the first argument of \newenvironment{questions} {% \endlist % Write the number of points of the final question % to the .aux file: \if@filesw \ifnum \value{question} > 0\relax % First do the regular points: \immediate\write\@mainaux {\string\gdef\string\pointsofq@\romannumeral \csname c@question\endcsname {\prtaux@hlfcntr{pointsof@thisquestion}}}% % See if this has changed from the last run of LaTeX: \CheckIfChanged@hlf{pointsof@thisquestion}% {pointsofq@\romannumeral \csname c@question\endcsname}% % Now do the bonus points: \immediate\write\@mainaux {\string\gdef\string\bonuspointsofq@\romannumeral \csname c@question\endcsname {\prtaux@hlfcntr{bonuspointsof@thisquestion}}}% % See if this has changed from the last run of LaTeX: \CheckIfChanged@hlf{bonuspointsof@thisquestion}% {bonuspointsofq@\romannumeral \csname c@question\endcsname}% \fi \fi }% End of the second argument of \newenvironment{questions} % \question@number is used as the label in the question list (instead % of \questionlabel) so that if the user uses a \qformat command, % we'll use the \@questionformat specified by the \qformat command: \def\question@number{% \if@bonus \if@bonusqformat \makebox[\hsize][s]{\@bonusquestionformat}\hskip-\labelsep \else \questionlabel \fi \else \if@qformat \makebox[\hsize][s]{\@questionformat}\hskip-\labelsep \else \questionlabel \fi \fi } \newcommand\questionlabel{\thequestion.} % We want the \part command to be defined *only* inside of a parts % environment, so that the user can use the standard sectioning \part % command inside of a questions environment (as long as it's outside of % a parts environment). \newenvironment{parts}{% \def\@queslevel{part}% % If the question numbers are being inserted via a \qformat, % and if a question is beginning with a parts environment, then % we need to enter horizonal mode to get the qformat printed % on the page, rather than saving up the question label (and % possible points) to be combined with the label of the first % part. (\if@inlabel tells us if we are still waiting to enter % horizontal mode after seeing a \question command.) \if@bonus \if@bonusqformat \if@inlabel \leavevmode \@inlabelfalse \fi % The following is just in case the question had points, % in which case @placepoints will still be true. % (We used to do this inside of the \thepoints macro, % but that allowed for an error if the user specified points for % a question but had a \qformat that didn't mention \thepoints.) % We also set @placepoints to be false in the \question command, % in case one queation follows a previous one that had no parts. \global \@placepointsfalse \fi \else \if@qformat \if@inlabel \leavevmode \@inlabelfalse \fi % The following is just in case the question had points, % in which case @placepoints will still be true. % (We used to do this inside of the \thepoints macro, % but that allowed for an error if the user specified points for % a question but had a \qformat that didn't mention \thepoints.) % We also set @placepoints to be false in the \question command, % in case one queation follows a previous one that had no parts. \global \@placepointsfalse \fi \fi \def\part{% \@bonusfalse \process@part }% \def\bonuspart{% \@bonustrue \process@part }% \def\process@part{% \if@coverpages \cover@question@error \fi \@checkqueslevel{part}% \if@insolution % We don't count this part, so no addtocounter{numparts}. \temp@toks={% \questionobject@pluspagecheck \global \pageinfo@commands={}% % We omit the pagepoint@commands }% temp@toks \else \addtocounter{numparts}{1}% % Important: Don't leave any blank lines inside of % \pageinfo@commands!! This token list will be dumped into % horizontal mode by \everypar, and so any blank lines will % cause paragraph breaks. \temp@toks={% \edef\@partlabel{part@\arabic{question}@\arabic{partno}}% \PgInfo@write{\@partlabel}% \addquestionobject % In addition to the \PgInfo@write we use an actual \label % command. We do this in order to make the question numbers in % the grade tables into \ref's, so that if the user says % \usepackage{hyperref}, those question numbers will be clickable. % % A further purpose of these labels (which we actually do for all % questions, parts, subparts, and subsubparts) is that if a % question (or part, etc.) is, e.g., moved from one page to % another, LaTeX will notice this and warn the user that LaTeX % must be run one more time to be sure everything is correct. % % We need to do this even though we've already included code to % check when point totals change because questions (and parts, % etc.) know what page they're on from reading the info written to % the .aux file on the previous run. Thus, if a question (or % part, etc.) is moved to a different page, then the pointsonpage % totals won't notice until the *second* subsequent run of LaTeX, % and so there'll be no warning to the user on the *first* run. % Including these labels gives the user a warning on that first % run. \label{\@partlabel}% \set@counter@to@pageof{Curr@Page}{\@partlabel}% \expandafter\ifx\csname Contin@\theCurr@Page\endcsname\relax \global\expandafter\edef\csname Contin@\theCurr@Page\endcsname{\arabic{question}}% \fi \the\pagepoint@commands \global \pageinfo@commands={}% }% temp@toks \fi \append@toklist \pageinfo@commands \temp@toks \ifhmode % Remove any skips at the end of the previous paragraph % that might cause a blank line, and then end that paragraph: \unskip\unskip \par \fi \@doitem }% process@part \list{\partlabel}% {% \usecounter{partno}\def\makelabel##1{\hss\llap{##1}}% \settowidth{\leftmargin}{(m)\hskip\labelsep}% \labelwidth\leftmargin\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep \topsep=0pt \partopsep=0pt \partshook }% }% newenvironment{parts} {\endlist} \newcommand\partlabel{(\thepartno)} \def\thepartno{\alph{partno}} \newenvironment{subparts}{% \def\@queslevel{subpart}% \list{\subpartlabel}% {% \usecounter{subpart}\def\makelabel##1{\hss\llap{##1}}% \settowidth{\leftmargin}{vii.\hskip\labelsep}% \labelwidth\leftmargin\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep \topsep=0pt \partopsep=0pt \subpartshook }% }% {\endlist} \newcommand\subpartlabel{\thesubpart.} \def\thesubpart{\roman{subpart}} \newenvironment{subsubparts}{% \def\@queslevel{subsubpart}% \list{\subsubpartlabel}% {% \usecounter{subsubpart}\def\makelabel##1{\hss\llap{##1}}% \settowidth{\leftmargin}{($\psi$)\hskip\labelsep}% \labelwidth\leftmargin\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep \topsep=0pt \partopsep=0pt \subsubpartshook }% }% {\endlist} \newcommand\subsubpartlabel{\thesubsubpart)} \def\thesubsubpart{\greeknum{subsubpart}} \pagepoint@commands={% \ifhlfcntr@pos{latest@points}% % We're putting a question (or part, etc.) % with points onto this page: \ifnum \theCurr@Page > \thepageof@pagepoints\relax % These points go on a later page than % the points currently counted in @pagepoints: \ifnum \thepageof@pagepoints = 0\relax % Do nothing... \else \immediate\write\@mainaux {\string\gdef\string\pointsonpage@ \romannumeral \csname c@pageof@pagepoints\endcsname {\prtaux@hlfcntr{@pagepoints}}}% % See if this has changed from the last run of LaTeX: \CheckIfChanged@hlf{@pagepoints}{pointsonpage@\romannumeral \csname c@pageof@pagepoints\endcsname}% \fi % The following is a macro because \theCurr@Page and % \thepageof@pagepoints might differ by more than 1: \increment@pageof@pagepoints % The following label is so that we can make the page % numbers in a grade table indexed by page into \pageref's % so that \usepackage{hyperref} and pdflatex will % make them clickable: \label{firstpoints@onpage@\arabic{Curr@Page}}% \else % These points go on the same page as the points % currently counted in @pagepoints: \add@hlfcntrtohlfcntr{@pagepoints}{latest@points}% \set@hlfcntr{latest@points}{0}% \fi \fi \ifhlfcntr@pos{latest@bonuspoints}% % We're putting a question (or part, etc.) % with bonus points onto this page: \ifnum \theCurr@Page > \thepageof@pagebonuspoints\relax % These bonus points go on a later page than % the points currently counted in @pagebonuspoints: \ifnum \thepageof@pagebonuspoints = 0\relax % Do nothing... \else \immediate\write\@mainaux {\string\gdef\string\bonuspointsonpage@ \romannumeral \csname c@pageof@pagebonuspoints\endcsname {\prtaux@hlfcntr{@pagebonuspoints}}}% % See if this has changed from the last run of LaTeX: \CheckIfChanged@hlf{@pagebonuspoints}% {bonuspointsonpage@\romannumeral \csname c@pageof@pagebonuspoints\endcsname}% \fi % The following is a macro because \theCurr@Page and % \thepageof@pagebonuspoints might differ by more than 1: \increment@pageof@pagebonuspoints % The following label is so that we can make the page % numbers in a bonus grade table indexed by page into \pageref's % so that \usepackage{hyperref} and pdflatex will % make them clickable: \label{firstbonuspoints@onpage@\arabic{Curr@Page}}% \else % These points go on the same page as the points % currently counted in @pagebonuspoints: \add@hlfcntrtohlfcntr{@pagebonuspoints}{latest@bonuspoints}% \set@hlfcntr{latest@bonuspoints}{0}% \fi \fi }% pagepoint@commands \def\increment@pageof@pagepoints{% \addtocounter{pageof@pagepoints}{1}% \ifnum \theCurr@Page > \thepageof@pagepoints\relax \immediate\write\@mainaux {\string\gdef\string\pointsonpage@ \romannumeral \csname c@pageof@pagepoints\endcsname{0}}% % See if this has changed from the last run of LaTeX: \@ifundefined{pointsonpage@\romannumeral \csname c@pageof@pagepoints\endcsname} {\global\@pointschangedtrue}% {% % OK; it's defined. See if it's changed: \begingroup \set@hlfcntr{tmp@hlfcntr}{\csname pointsonpage@\romannumeral \csname c@pageof@pagepoints\endcsname\endcsname}% \edef\othpt@check{\prtaux@hlfcntr{tmp@hlfcntr}}% \def\pt@check{0}% \ifx \pt@check \othpt@check % Do nothing \else \global\@pointschangedtrue \fi \endgroup }% \let\next@incr@pageof = \increment@pageof@pagepoints \else \copy@hlfcntr{@pagepoints}{latest@points}% \set@hlfcntr{latest@points}{0}% % \page@withpoints will be used to find the last % page that has points, which will be written to % the .aux file via \AtEndDocument: \global\edef\page@withpoints{\thepageof@pagepoints}% \let\next@incr@pageof = \relax \fi \next@incr@pageof }% increment@pageof@pagepoints \def\increment@pageof@pagebonuspoints{% \addtocounter{pageof@pagebonuspoints}{1}% \ifnum \theCurr@Page > \thepageof@pagebonuspoints\relax \immediate\write\@mainaux {\string\gdef\string\bonuspointsonpage@ \romannumeral \csname c@pageof@pagebonuspoints\endcsname{0}}% % See if this has changed from the last run of LaTeX: \@ifundefined{bonuspointsonpage@\romannumeral \csname c@pageof@pagebonuspoints\endcsname} {\global\@pointschangedtrue}% {% % OK; it's defined. See if it's changed: \begingroup \set@hlfcntr{tmp@hlfcntr}{\csname bonuspointsonpage@\romannumeral \csname c@pageof@pagebonuspoints\endcsname\endcsname}% \edef\othpt@check{\prtaux@hlfcntr{tmp@hlfcntr}}% \def\pt@check{0}% \ifx \pt@check \othpt@check % Do nothing \else \global\@pointschangedtrue \fi \endgroup }% \let\next@incr@pageof = \increment@pageof@pagebonuspoints \else \copy@hlfcntr{@pagebonuspoints}{latest@bonuspoints}% \set@hlfcntr{latest@bonuspoints}{0}% % \page@withbonuspoints will be used to find the last % page that has bonus points, which will be written to % the .aux file via \AtEndDocument: \global\edef\page@withbonuspoints{\thepageof@pagebonuspoints}% \let\next@incr@pageof = \relax \fi \next@incr@pageof }% increment@pageof@pagebonuspoints \def\@checkqueslevel#1{% \begingroup \def\exam@temp{#1}% \ifx\exam@temp\@queslevel % Everything's fine; do nothing. \else \ClassError{exam}{% I found a #1 where I expected to find a \@queslevel\MessageBreak }{% Both #1 and \@queslevel \space can be used only inside the correct \MessageBreak \space \space environment and outside of any smaller environment \MessageBreak }% \fi \endgroup } \def\@doitem{\@ifnextchar[{\@readpoints}% {\item@points@pageinfo}% } \def\@readpoints[#1]{% % We use \def for \@points instead of \edef because we don't want % \half (if present) to be expanded yet, so that the command \points % can figure out how to deal with it: \def\@points{#1}% \global \@placepointstrue \if@addpoints \if@bonus \addto@hlfcntr{numbonuspoints}{\@points}% \addto@hlfcntr{bonuspointsof@thisquestion}{\@points}% % latest@bonuspoints is a holding area for bonus points to be % added to @pagepoints after we check whether they're % on the same page as the points currently counted % by @pagepoints: \addto@hlfcntr{latest@bonuspoints}{\@points}% \else \addto@hlfcntr{numpoints}{\@points}% \addto@hlfcntr{pointsof@thisquestion}{\@points}% % latest@points is a holding area for points to be % added to @pagepoints after we check whether they're % on the same page as the points currently counted % by @pagepoints: \addto@hlfcntr{latest@points}{\@points}% \fi \fi \item@points@pageinfo } % Bug fix, 5 April 2004: \item@points@pageinfo % Appending \point@toks and \pageinfo@commands to \everypar: % Instead of appending the contents of \point@toks and % \pageinfo@commands to \everypar using \append@toklist, % we instead want to append only the two tokens % \the\point@toks % and the two tokens % \the\pageinfo@commands % to \everypar. We need to do this because if a questions environment % immediately follows a \section command, then @nobreak will be true, % and so the \if@nobreak inside of \everypar will *not* execute the % \everypar={} that we had been counting on to keep the points from % being inserted a second time in the second paragraph of a question. % Since we've put the command \global \point@toks={} inside of % \point@toks and the command \pageinfo@commands={} inside of % \pageinfo@commands, when the contents of \point@toks and of % \pageinfo@commands are executed (when we enter horizontal mode and % \everypar is dumped in), the contents of \point@toks and % \pageinfo@commands will be made empty, and so if % the second paragraph also gets \the\point@toks and % \the\pageinfo@commands, it won't matter. \def\item@points@pageinfo{% \item % Also: We need to do this here, *after* the \item command, rather % than inside the macro \@readpoints, because the \item command % puts the result of the \qformat command into an \hbox (with the % command ``\sbox\@tempboxa{\makelabel{#1}}%''), expanding the % argument of \qformat as it does so. Thus, @placepoints will be % true when the argument of \qformat is expanded, and so if the % user put a \thepoints command inside that argument it will % correctly expand to the number of points. (When @placepoints is % false, \thepoints expands to nothing at all). % % We also want to define \padded@point@block when @placepoints is % true even if qformat and bonusqformat are true just in case the % user, for some deranged reason, says \droppoints immediately % following a \question. % \if@placepoints % Since we want the user to be able to say \thepoints in the % argument to a \pointformat command, we need \@placepointstrue % when \point@block is expanded so that \thepoints will actually % print something. (After setting up \point@toks, we do % \@placepointsfalse, but \point@block isn't actually expanded % until we enter horizontal mode.) Thus, we define % \padded@point@block, and use that instead of \point@block. We % put \begingroup and \endgroup around this to confine the % effect of \@placepointstrue and also to confine the effect of % any declarations like, e.g., \bfseries that the user might put % in the argument of a \pointformat command. % % Note: We first tried using an \edef to expand \point@block right % here, while @placepoints is true, but that causes problems if % the user puts a \boldmath declaration in the argument of a % \pointformat command. Apparently, expanding \boldmath (without % executing anything) gives you bunches of undefined control % sequence errors. \if@bonus \def\padded@point@block{% \begingroup \@placepointstrue \bonuspoint@block \endgroup }% \else \def\padded@point@block{% \begingroup \@placepointstrue \point@block \endgroup }% \fi % \setup@point@toks puts commands into \point@toks to place % \padded@point@block at the correct spot. It doesn't append % anything to \everypar (we do that in this macro, below). % % If @qformat is true, and if we're currently doing a question (or % if @bonusqformat is true and we're doing a bonusquestion) % (rather than a part, subpart, or subsubpart), then we don't want % to set the points (if any), since the points of a question will % appear only if the user chooses to cause that by putting a % \thepoints in the argument of the \qformat command. \if@pointsdropped % Do nothing! \else \if@bonus \if@bonusqformat \ifx\ques@ref\@queslevel % Do nothing \else \setup@point@toks \fi \else \setup@point@toks \fi \else \if@qformat \ifx\ques@ref\@queslevel % Do nothing \else \setup@point@toks \fi \else \setup@point@toks \fi \fi \fi \global \@placepointsfalse \fi % We *don't* use \append@toklist; see the Bug fixnote above % (Bug fix, 5 April 2004). % We can append the tokens ``\the\point@toks'' whether or not we're % setting any points because if we're not setting them, \point@toks % will be empty. % Also: It's important to do this *after* the \item command above, % since the \item command discards the previous contents of % \everypar. % Version 2.218$\beta$, 2007/10/31 changes: % Instead of appending % \the \pageinfo@commands \the \point@toks % to \everypar, we insert them into the box \@labels. This corrects % the problem that arose when a question (or part, etc.) begins with % a list environment (including verbatim, flushleft, center, % flushright, and possibly others that are implemented as trivlist % environments). The \item command in those environments throws % away the previous contents of \everypar, and so the tokens \the % \pageinfo@commands \the \point@toks didn't get inserted where we % expected. List environments *do* preserve the contents of the box % \@labels, though. \global\setbox\@labels\hbox{\unhbox\@labels \the \pageinfo@commands \the \point@toks}% % \edef\append@everypar{\noexpand\everypar={\the\everypar % \noexpand\the \noexpand\pageinfo@commands % \noexpand\the \noexpand\point@toks}}% % \append@everypar } % Initialize \@points: % (The only reason I think this is necessary is in case the user uses % a \qformat command, puts \themarginpoints into the format (which is % *not* the intended use of \themarginpoints), and then doesn't have % any points for the first question.) \def\@points{0} \def\setup@point@toks{% % We set the token list \point@toks equal to the sequence of commands % needed to put \padded@point@block at the correct location, followed % by the tokens ``\global \point@toks={}''. The \question, \part, % \subpart, or \subsubpart command then adds the two tokens % ``\the\point@toks'' to \everypar. % % Note: It is not the *contents* of \point@toks that is added to % \everypar; just the two tokens ``\the\point@toks''. This difference % is the bug fix of 2 April 2004, described above (the bug was that in % earlier versions, we used to append the contents). % % The result of this is that whenever we finally enter horizontal mode % (because we finally encountered the text of a question, part, % subpart, or subsubpart) the contents of \point@toks will be dumped % into horizontal mode and executed, and so the points will be placed % and the token list \point@toks will be set to empty. Thus, in the % occasional circumstances in which \everypar is *not* set to empty % after being added to the first paragraph (which occurs when a % questions environment immediately follows a \section command), and % so \everypar will still contain ``\the\point@toks'' when it % encounters a possible second paragraph of the first question, the % tokens ``\the\point@toks'' will insert an *empty* token list, which % will do no harm. % \if@pointstwosided % Set \csname \q@label \endcsname equal to the thing % that expands to the page number of the current (question or % part or subpart or subsubpar; whatever it is), but do it % carefully because, if we don't yet have page info, then it won't % be defined: \ifx\@queslevel\ques@ref \def\q@label{Pg@question@\arabic{question}} \else \ifx\@queslevel\part@ref \def\q@label{Pg@part@\arabic{question}@\arabic{partno}} \else \ifx\@queslevel\subpart@ref \def\q@label{Pg@subpart@\arabic{question}% @\arabic{partno}@\arabic{subpart}} \else \ifx\@queslevel\subsubpart@ref \def\q@label{Pg@subsubpart@\arabic{question}% @\arabic{partno}@\arabic{subpart}@\arabic{subsubpart}} \else \ClassError{exam}{% This can't happen in function \protect\setup@point@toks \MessageBreak }{% An unexplained error occurred in exam.cls;\MessageBreak please inform the package maintainer, and send along \MessageBreak the LaTeX file that shows the error.\MessageBreak }% \fi \fi \fi \fi % \expandafter\ifx \csname \q@label \endcsname\relax % No page info yet; put it into the right margin \@pointsinrightmargintrue \@pointsinleftmarginfalse \else \ifodd \csname \q@label \endcsname\relax \if@pointsinoutsidemargin \@pointsinrightmargintrue \@pointsinleftmarginfalse \else \@pointsinrightmarginfalse \@pointsinleftmargintrue \fi \else \if@pointsinoutsidemargin \@pointsinrightmarginfalse \@pointsinleftmargintrue \else \@pointsinrightmargintrue \@pointsinleftmarginfalse \fi \fi \fi \fi % That ends the \if@pointstwosided. % Now we actually setup \point@toks: \if@pointsinleftmargin \point@toks={% \llap{\padded@point@block \hskip\@totalleftmargin \hskip\marginpointssep }% \global \point@toks={}% }% \else \if@pointsinrightmargin \point@toks={% \rlap{\hskip-\@totalleftmargin \hskip\textwidth \hskip\@rightmargin \hskip-\rightpointsmargin \llap{\padded@point@block}% }% \global \point@toks={}% }% \else % The points just go after the question number: \point@toks={% \padded@point@block \enspace \global \point@toks={}% }% \fi \fi }% setup@point@toks \def\droppoints{% \leavevmode\unskip\nobreak\hfill \rlap{\hskip\rightmargin % Defined by the list environment \hskip\@rightmargin % Defined by exam.cls \hskip-\rightpointsmargin \llap{\padded@point@block}% }% rlap \par } \def\droptotalpoints{% \leavevmode\unskip\nobreak\hfill \rlap{\hskip\rightmargin % Defined by the list environment \hskip\@rightmargin % Defined by exam.cls \hskip-\rightpointsmargin \llap{\total@block}% }% rlap \par }% droptotalpoints \def\droptotalbonuspoints{% \leavevmode\unskip\nobreak\hfill \rlap{\hskip\rightmargin % Defined by the list environment \hskip\@rightmargin % Defined by exam.cls \hskip-\rightpointsmargin \llap{\bonustotal@block}% }% rlap \par }% droptotalbonuspoints % The following is the default definition; % it can be changed by a \totalformat command. \def\total@block{% Total for Question \thequestion: \totalpoints\@marginpointname }% total@block \def\bonustotal@block{% Total for Question \thequestion: \totalbonuspoints\@marginbonuspointname }% bonustotal@block \def\totalformat#1{% \gdef\total@block{\begingroup #1\endgroup}% }% totalformat \def\bonustotalformat#1{% \gdef\bonustotal@block{\begingroup #1\endgroup}% }% bonustotalformat % The following is for use in the argument to a \totalformat command: \def\totalpoints{\pointsofquestion{\arabic{question}}} \def\totalbonuspoints{\bonuspointsofquestion{\arabic{question}}} % @placepoints is set true when we encounter a question (or part, etc.) % that has points. It is set to false (1) when we set \point@toks equal % to the sequence of commands required to put the properly formatted % points onto the page (this happens only if @qformat is false or if % @qformat is true but we're not doing a question), or (2) by a % \question command or entering a parts environment (since if we're % doing a question and @qformat is true, we need to leave @placepoints % true so that the \thepoints command can tell if it should expand to % points or to nothing, and encountering a \question command or parts % environment tells us that we no longer have to deal with a possible % \thepoints, since we won't be expanding a qformat). \newif\if@placepoints \@placepointsfalse % \marginpointssep will be used if the user says % \pointsinleftmargin. It will be the distance from whatever encloses % the points (parentheses, brackets, or a box) to the left margin: \newlength\marginpointssep \setlength{\marginpointssep}{5pt} % \rightpointsmargin will be used if the user says \pointsinrightmargin. % It will be the distance from whatever encloses the point (parentheses, % brackets, or a box) to the right edge of the paper: \newlength\rightpointsmargin \setlength{\rightpointsmargin}{1cm} \newif\if@pointsdropped \newif\if@pointsinleftmargin \newif\if@pointsinrightmargin \newif\if@pointstwosided \newif\if@pointsinoutsidemargin % If we have \@pointstwosidedtrue and \@pointsinoutsidemarginfalse, % then the points will be printed on the inside margin (left on odd % numbered pages, right on even numbered pages). If we have % \@pointstwosidedfalse, then \if@pointsinoutsidemargin is ignored. % If we have \@pointstwosidedtrue, then both \@pointsinleftmargin and % \@pointsinrightmargin will be flipped back and forth, as needed, in % \setup@point@toks. \def\pointsinleftmargin{\global\@pointsinleftmargintrue \global\@pointsinrightmarginfalse \global\@pointsdroppedfalse \global\@pointstwosidedfalse \gdef\pt@name{\@marginpointname}% \gdef\bnspt@name{\@marginbonuspointname}} \def\pointsinrightmargin{\global\@pointsinrightmargintrue \global\@pointsinleftmarginfalse \global\@pointsdroppedfalse \global\@pointstwosidedfalse \gdef\pt@name{\@marginpointname}% \gdef\bnspt@name{\@marginbonuspointname}} \def\nopointsinmargin{\global\@pointsinleftmarginfalse \global\@pointsinrightmarginfalse \global\@pointsdroppedfalse \global\@pointstwosidedfalse \gdef\pt@name{\@pointname}% \gdef\bnspt@name{\@bonuspointname}} \def\pointsdroppedatright{\global\@pointsdroppedtrue \global\@pointsinleftmarginfalse \global\@pointsinrightmarginfalse \global\@pointstwosidedfalse \gdef\pt@name{\@marginpointname}% \gdef\bnspt@name{\@marginbonuspointname}} \def\pointstwosided{\global\@pointstwosidedtrue \global\@pointsinoutsidemargintrue \global\@pointsdroppedfalse \gdef\pt@name{\@marginpointname}% \gdef\bnspt@name{\@marginbonuspointname}} \def\pointstwosidedreversed{\global\@pointstwosidedtrue \global\@pointsinoutsidemarginfalse \global\@pointsdroppedfalse \gdef\pt@name{\@marginpointname}% \gdef\bnspt@name{\@marginbonuspointname}} \let\pointsinmargin=\pointsinleftmargin \let\nopointsinrightmargin=\nopointsinmargin \let\nopointsinleftmargin=\nopointsinmargin \nopointsinmargin % Will the points be displayed inside parentheses (the default), or % will they be boxed or bracketed, or customized using pointformat: \def\boxedpoints{% \gdef\point@block{\fbox{\@points\pt@name}}% \gdef\bonuspoint@block{\fbox{\@points\bnspt@name}}% } \def\noboxedpoints{% \gdef\point@block{(\@points\pt@name)}% \gdef\bonuspoint@block{(\@points\bnspt@name)}% } \def\bracketedpoints{% \gdef\point@block{[\@points\pt@name]}% \gdef\bonuspoint@block{[\@points\bnspt@name]}% } \let\nobracketedpoints=\noboxedpoints \def\pointformat#1{% % We don't have to worry about the user putting things % like \bfseries, etc. into \point@block, because % \padded@point@block encloses \point@block in a group, % which confines the effects of anything here: \gdef\point@block{#1}% } \def\bonuspointformat#1{% % We don't have to worry about the user putting things % like \bfseries, etc. into \point@block, because % \padded@point@block encloses \point@block in a group, % which confines the effects of anything here: \gdef\bonuspoint@block{#1}% } %Initialize: \noboxedpoints \def\pointname#1{\gdef\@pointname{#1}} \def\bonuspointname#1{\gdef\@bonuspointname{#1}} % Initialize to leave a space, and then the word `points': %%\pointname{ points} % The following improvement was contributed by % Mate Wierdl <mw@wierdlmpc.msci.memphis.edu> % If the number of points is ``1'', then the default value of % \pointname will print `` point'' instead of `` points'' (and this % version of the command doesn't generate an error message if the % points entry is something other than a number): % Note the space before the \points in the following; it's % intentional!) \pointname{ \points} \bonuspointname{ \bonuspoints} \newcommand\point@sing{point} \newcommand\point@plur{points} \newcommand\pointpoints[2]{% \renewcommand\point@sing{#1}% \renewcommand\point@plur{#2}% } %\newcommand\bonuspoint@sing{bonus point} %\newcommand\bonuspoint@plur{bonus points} \newcommand\bonuspoint@sing{point (bonus)} \newcommand\bonuspoint@plur{points (bonus)} \newcommand\bonuspointpoints[2]{% \renewcommand\bonuspoint@sing{#1}% \renewcommand\bonuspoint@plur{#2}% } % The command \points: % We use \ifthenelse and \equal so that if the user types something % other than a legit point value, there still won't be any error % messages. We rig it so that if the point value looks like it's % intended to be One or one or ONE, or some strange way of attempting % one half, then it will expand to the singular value. Alas, this is % only useful for English, but I'm hoping few or no users will try doing % this anyway. % 0 points, one half point, 1 point, 1 and a half points, etc.: \newcommand\points{% \begingroup \let\half=\relax \edef\pt@string{\@points}% \ifthenelse{\equal{\pt@string}{1} \or \equal{\pt@string}{\half}} {\point@sing}{\point@plur}% \endgroup }% \points \newcommand\bonuspoints{% \begingroup \let\half=\relax \edef\pt@string{\@points}% \ifthenelse{\equal{\pt@string}{1} \or \equal{\pt@string}{\half}} {\bonuspoint@sing}{\bonuspoint@plur}% \endgroup }% \bonuspoints %\newcommand\points{% % \begingroup % \let\half=\relax % \edef\pt@string{\@points}% % \ifthenelse{\equal{\pt@string}{1} \or \equal{\pt@string}{\half} \or % \equal{\pt@string}{0\half} \or \equal{\pt@string}{0 \half} % \equal{\pt@string}{one} \or \equal{\pt@string}{One} \or % \equal{\pt@string}{ONE}} % {\point@sing}{\point@plur}% % \endgroup %} %\newcommand\points{\ifthenelse{\equal{\@points}{1}}{\point@sing}{\point@plur}} % If we used the following line instead, then you'd get an error % message if the point value contained something other than a valid % integer: %\pointname{ \ifthenelse{\@points = 1}{point}{points}} % We used to define a command named \marks that works like \points, % except that it expands to either ``mark'' or ``marks'', but that % conflicts with some package or other. Thus, we'll implement % \marksnotpoints using the \pointpoints command instead: \newcommand\marksnotpoints{% \pointpoints{mark}{marks}% \bonuspointpoints{mark (bonus)}{marks (bonus)}% }% \marksnotpoints % \@marginpointname is used in place of \@pointname if any of % \@pointsinmargin, \@pointsinrightmargin, and \@pointsdropped are % true: \def\marginpointname#1{\gdef\@marginpointname{#1}} \marginpointname{} \def\marginbonuspointname#1{\gdef\@marginbonuspointname{#1}} \marginbonuspointname{ (bonus)} %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % choices (for multiple choice) and checkboxes \renewcommand\thechoice{\Alph{choice}} \newcommand\choicelabel{\thechoice.} % We will have \@correctchoicetrue when we're printing solutions % and we're printing the correct choice of a choices or % oneparchoices environment. % We'll say \begingroup before saying \@correctchoicetrue % and we'll say \endgroup at either the next \choice or \correctchoice % or the end of the choices or oneparchoices environment. % Thus, we'll never again need to say \@correctchoicefalse \newif\if@correctchoice \@correctchoicefalse \newcommand\CorrectChoiceEmphasis[1]{% \def\CorrectChoice@Emphasis{#1}% } \CorrectChoiceEmphasis{\bfseries} \let\correctchoiceemphasis\CorrectChoiceEmphasis % Note: \do@choice@pageinfo is used in both the choices and % the checkboxes environments. \newtoks\choice@toks \def\do@choice@pageinfo{% \choice@toks={% \questionobject@pluspagecheck \choice@toks={}% }% % Version 2.217-beta changes: % Instead of appending stuff to \everypar, we insert % \the \pageinfo@commands and \the \point@toks % into the box \@labels: \global\setbox\@labels\hbox{\unhbox\@labels \the \choice@toks}% % \edef\append@everypar{\noexpand\everypar={\the\everypar % \noexpand\the \noexpand\choice@toks}}% % \append@everypar }% do@choice@pageinfo % Added 22 April 2004: Increased the \leftmargin by 2.5em, % so the choices will be visibly indented. \newenvironment{choices}% {\list{\choicelabel}% {\usecounter{choice}\def\makelabel##1{\hss\llap{##1}}% \settowidth{\leftmargin}{W.\hskip\labelsep\hskip 2.5em}% \def\choice{% \if@correctchoice \color@endgroup \endgroup \fi \item \do@choice@pageinfo } % choice \def\CorrectChoice{% \if@correctchoice \color@endgroup \endgroup \fi \ifprintanswers % We can't say \choice here, because that would % insert an \endgroup: % 2016/05/10: We say \color@begingroup in addition to % \begingroup in case \CorrectChoiceEmphasis involves color % and the text exactly fills the line (which would % otherwise create a blank line after this choice): % 2016/05/11: We leave hmode if we're in it, % i.e., if there's no blank line preceding this % \CorrectChoice command. (Without this, the % \special created by a \color{whatever} command that might % be inserted by \CorrectChoice@Emphasis would be appended % to the previous \choice, which could cause an extra % (blank) line to be inserted before this \CorrectChoice.) % Since \par and \endgraf seem to cancel \@totalleftmargin % (for reasons I don't understand), we'll do the following: % Motivated by the def of \leavevmode, % \def\leavevmode{\unhbox\voidb@x} % we will now leave hmode (if we're in hmode): % 2018/05/13: We move the \item command to before the % \begingroup and we also put % \CorrectChoice@Emphasis\choicelabel (along with grouping) % into the argument of the \item. We did this to correct % the bug that appears when there is no text in between % the \begin{choices} and the first item and that first % item is a \correctchoice. The fact that a group had been % begun before the first \item caused the label for the % second item to appear in the position of the label for % the item following that second item. \ifhmode \unskip\unskip\unvbox\voidb@x \fi % 2018/08/22: We changed \stepcounter to \refstepcounter: \refstepcounter{choice}% \item[{\color@begingroup \CorrectChoice@Emphasis \choicelabel \color@endgroup}]% \begingroup \color@begingroup \@correctchoicetrue \CorrectChoice@Emphasis \else \item \fi \do@choice@pageinfo } % CorrectChoice \let\correctchoice\CorrectChoice \labelwidth\leftmargin\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep \topsep=0pt \partopsep=0pt \choiceshook }% }% {\if@correctchoice \color@endgroup \endgroup \fi \endlist} \newenvironment{oneparchoices}% {% \setcounter{choice}{0}% \def\choice{% \if@correctchoice \endgroup \fi \refstepcounter{choice}% \ifnum\value{choice}>1\relax \penalty -50\hskip 1em plus 1em\relax \fi \choicelabel % No need to put the following into a token string; we just put % the choicelabel onto the page, so we're at the spot whose page % number we want to record: \questionobject@pluspagecheck \nobreak\enskip }% choice \def\CorrectChoice{% \if@correctchoice \endgroup \fi \refstepcounter{choice}% \ifprintanswers \begingroup \@correctchoicetrue \CorrectChoice@Emphasis \fi \ifnum\value{choice}>1\relax \penalty -50\hskip 1em plus 1em\relax \fi \choicelabel % No need to put the following into a token string; we just put % the choicelabel onto the page, so we're at the spot whose page % number we want to record: \questionobject@pluspagecheck \nobreak\enskip }% CorrectChoice \let\correctchoice\CorrectChoice \let\par\@empty % If we're continuing the paragraph containing the question, % then leave a bit of space before the first choice: \ifvmode\else\enskip\fi \ignorespaces }% {\if@correctchoice \endgroup \fi} \newcommand{\checkboxchar}[1]{\def\checkbox@char{#1}} \newcommand{\checkedchar}[1]{\def\checked@char{#1}} \checkboxchar{$\bigcirc$} \checkedchar{$\surd$} \newenvironment{checkboxes}% {\list{\checkbox@char}% {% \settowidth{\leftmargin}{W.\hskip\labelsep\hskip 2.5em}% \def\choice{% \if@correctchoice \color@endgroup \endgroup \fi \item \do@choice@pageinfo } % choice \def\CorrectChoice{% \if@correctchoice \color@endgroup \endgroup \fi \ifprintanswers % We can't say \choice here, because that would % insert an \endgroup. % 2016/05/10: We say \color@begingroup in addition to % \begingroup in case \CorrectChoiceEmphasis involves color % and the text exactly fills the line (which would % otherwise create a blank line after this choice): % 2016/05/11: We leave hmode if we're in it, % i.e., if there's no blank line preceding this % \CorrectChoice command. (Without this, the % \special created by a \color{whatever} command that might % be inserted by \CorrectChoice@Emphasis would be appended % to the previous \choice, which could cause an extra % (blank) line to be inserted before this \CorrectChoice.) % Since \par and \endgraf seem to cancel \@totalleftmargin % (for reasons I don't understand), we'll do the following: % Motivated by the def of \leavevmode, % \def\leavevmode{\unhbox\voidb@x} % we will now leave hmode (if we're in hmode): % 2018/05/13: We move the \item[\checked@char] to before % the \begingroup and we also put \CorrectChoice@Emphasis % (along with grouping) into the argument of the \item. We % did this to correct the bug that appears when there is no % text in between the \begin{checkboxes} and the first item % and that first item is a \correctchoice. The fact that a % group had been begun before the first \item caused the % label for the second item to appear in the position of % the label for the item following that second item. \ifhmode \unskip\unskip\unvbox\voidb@x \fi \item[{\color@begingroup\CorrectChoice@Emphasis\checked@char \color@endgroup}]% \begingroup \color@begingroup \@correctchoicetrue \CorrectChoice@Emphasis \else \item \fi \do@choice@pageinfo } % CorrectChoice \let\correctchoice\CorrectChoice \labelwidth\leftmargin\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep \topsep=0pt \partopsep=0pt \checkboxeshook }% }% {\if@correctchoice \color@endgroup \endgroup \fi \endlist} \newenvironment{oneparcheckboxes}% {% % Although we're not printing numbers for the choices, we use the % choice counter to keep track of whether a choice is the first % one (in which case we don't leave any additional space) or a % later one (in which case we do leave additional space): \setcounter{choice}{0}% \def\choice{% \if@correctchoice \endgroup \fi \stepcounter{choice}% \ifnum\value{choice}>1\relax \penalty -50\hskip 1em plus 1em\relax \fi \checkbox@char % No need to put the following into a token string; we just put % \checkbox@char onto the page, so we're at the spot whose page % number we want to record: \questionobject@pluspagecheck \nobreak\enskip }% choice \def\CorrectChoice{% \if@correctchoice \endgroup \fi \stepcounter{choice}% \ifprintanswers \begingroup \@correctchoicetrue \CorrectChoice@Emphasis \fi \ifnum\value{choice}>1\relax \penalty -50\hskip 1em plus 1em\relax \fi \ifprintanswers \checked@char \else \checkbox@char \fi % No need to put the following into a token string; we just put % the choicelabel onto the page, so we're at the spot whose page % number we want to record: \questionobject@pluspagecheck \nobreak\enskip }% CorrectChoice \let\correctchoice\CorrectChoice \let\par\@empty % If we're continuing the paragraph containing the question, % then leave a bit of space before the first choice: \ifvmode\else\enskip\fi \ignorespaces }% {\if@correctchoice \endgroup \fi} %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Answer Lines (for short answer questions) % Note: \ques@ref is also used in \item@points@pageinfo, and all four % of the following are used in \setup@point@toks \def\ques@ref{question} \def\part@ref{part} \def\subpart@ref{subpart} \def\subsubpart@ref{subsubpart} % Note: \answerclearance is also used by \fillin \newlength\answerlinelength \newlength\answerskip \newlength\answerclearance \setlength\answerlinelength{1in} \setlength\answerskip{2ex} \setlength\answerclearance{0.2ex} \newcommand\answerline[1][{}]{% % One optional argument, the default value of which is empty. \ifx\@queslevel\ques@ref \let\ans@l=\questionlabel \else \ifx\@queslevel\part@ref \let\ans@l=\partlabel \else \ifx\@queslevel\subpart@ref \let\ans@l=\subpartlabel \else \ifx\@queslevel\subsubpart@ref \let\ans@l=\subsubpartlabel \else % Oops; no question level defined. % We must be outide of the questions environment. % Just leave out the label, I guess: \def\ans@l{}% \fi \fi \fi \fi \par \nobreak \vskip \answerskip \hfill \ifprintanswers \ans@l~\hbox to 0pt{\hbox to \answerlinelength{\hrulefill}\hss}% \raise \answerclearance\hbox to \answerlinelength{% % 2016/05/10: Added \color@begingroup and \color@endgroup: \color@begingroup \CorrectChoice@Emphasis \hfil #1\hss \color@endgroup}% \else \ans@l~\hbox to \answerlinelength{\hrulefill}% \fi \par }% answerline %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % \fillin, for fill-in-the-blank questions \newlength\fillinlinelength \setlength\fillinlinelength{1in} % \fillin can take two optional arguments. % % The first optional argument is the answer to be printed above the line % when \printanswers is in effect; the default value is empty. That % line is printed a distance of \answerclearance below the baseline. % % The second optional argument is the length of the line that we print; % the default value is \fillinlinelength. The value of % \fillinlinelength is set with the command % % \setlength\fillinlinelength{1in} % % and can be changed by giving a new \setlength command. % % When answers are being printed, the optional argument is printed % subject to the declarations in the argument of the last % \CorrectChoiceEmphasis command. It is centered on the line unless it % is too long, in which case it extends to the right of the line. % % \fillin eats (and ignores) space characters appearing before the % first optional argument. It also eats (and ignores) space % characters appearing after the first optional argument and before % the second optional argument. However, if exactly one optional % argument appears, and if there are one or more space characters % following that one optional argument, then those spaces are replaced % by a single space character, but not eaten. \newcommand\fillin[1][{}]{% \def\fillin@ans{#1}% \fillin@relay }% fillin \newcommand\fillin@relay{% % We use \exam@ifnextchar, a variation on \@ifnextchar. % If \exam@ifnextchar encounters one or more space characters % followed by a [, then those spaces are ignored (just as they would % be by \@ifnextchar). However, if one or more space characters are % followed by a non-space character other than [, then % \exam@ifnextchar inserts a space following the % {\@fillin@relay[\fillinlinelength]} that is the third argument to % \exam@ifnextchar. \exam@ifnextchar[{\@fillin@relay} {\@fillin@relay[\fillinlinelength]}% }% fillin@relay \def\@fillin@relay[#1]{% % The first argument is in \fillin@ans, the second is #1. \leavevmode \ifprintanswers \rlap{\raise -\answerclearance \hbox to #1{\hrulefill}}% \begingroup \setbox0 \hbox{\color@begingroup \CorrectChoice@Emphasis \fillin@ans \color@endgroup}% \ifdim\wd0 > #1\relax \hbox{\color@begingroup\CorrectChoice@Emphasis \fillin@ans \color@endgroup}% \else \hbox to #1{\color@begingroup\CorrectChoice@Emphasis \hfil \fillin@ans \hfil\color@endgroup}% \fi \endgroup \else \raise -\answerclearance \hbox to #1{\hrulefill}% \fi }% @fillin@relay % \exam@ifnextchar is used by \fillin. % \exam@ifnextchar is a variation of \@ifnextchar that does not always % ignore space tokens. If \exam@ifnextchar encounters one or more % space tokens, it makes note of that (with the command % \@tempswatrue). If the first non-space character encountered % matches argument #1, then any spaces that had been encountered are % ignored. However, if one or more spaces are encountered and the % first non-space character found does not match argument #1, then % \exam@ifnextchar produces argument #3 followed by a space character. % (This differs from the behavior of \new@ifnextchar in amsgen.sty, % which does lookahead for any character, including a space.) This % code (as well as the idea for it) is due to Dan Luecking and Ulrich % Diez. \long\def\exam@ifnextchar#1#2#3{% \let\reserved@d=#1% \def\reserved@a{#2}% \def\reserved@b{#3}% % The following says we haven't yet seen any spaces: \@tempswafalse \futurelet\@let@token\exam@ifnch }% exam@ifnextchar \def\exam@ifnch{% \ifx\@let@token\@sptoken % Signal that we've found a space: \@tempswatrue \let\reserved@c\exam@xifnch % this gobbles the space \else \ifx\@let@token\reserved@d \let\reserved@c\reserved@a \else \if@tempswa \def\reserved@c{\expandafter\reserved@b\space}% \else \let\reserved@c\reserved@b \fi \fi \fi \reserved@c }% exam@ifnch % The following defines \exam@xifnch so that it will eat a space % following it and then call \exam@ifnch: {% keep redefinition of \: local \def\:{\exam@xifnch} \expandafter\gdef\: {\futurelet\@let@token\exam@ifnch} } %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % \fillwithlines % \fillwithlines takes one argument, which is either a length or \fill % or \stretch{number}, and it fills that much vertical space with % horizontal lines that run the length of the current line. That is, % they extend from the current left margin (which depends on whether % we're in a question, part, subpart, or subsubpart) to the right % margin. % % The distance between the lines is \linefillheight, whose default value % is set with the command % % \setlength\linefillheight{.25in} % % This value can be changed by giving a new \setlength command. % % The thickness of the lines is \linefillthickness, whose default value % is set with the command % % \setlength\linefillthickness{.1pt} % % This value can be changed by giving a new \setlength command. % % As of version 2.503, 2016/03/25, the lines drawn by the % \fillwithlines command will be drawn in color if the user has given % the command % % \colorfillwithlines. % % The actual drawing of the lines is now done by the command % \do@fillwithlines, after the \fillwithlines command decides whether % they will be in color. The default color is set by the command % % \definecolor{FillWithLinesColor}{gray}{0.8} % % and the color can be changed by giving a new \definecolor command. % You can return to black lines by giving the command % % \nocolorfillwithlines \newlength\linefillheight \newlength\linefillthickness \setlength\linefillheight{.25in} \setlength\linefillthickness{0.1pt} \newif\if@colorfillwithlines \@colorfillwithlinesfalse \def\colorfillwithlines{% \@ifundefined{definecolor} {% \ClassError{exam}{% You must load the color package with the command\MessageBreak \space\space\protect\usepackage{color}\MessageBreak in order to use the command \protect\colorfillwithlines \MessageBreak }{% This command requires either the package color.sty\MessageBreak or xcolor.sty, and so you have to load one of those before \MessageBreak your \protect\begin{document} command.\MessageBreak }% }% {% \definecolor{FillWithLinesColor}{gray}{0.8} \@colorfillwithlinestrue }% }% \colorfillwithlines \def\nocolorfillwithlines{\@colorfillwithlinesfalse} \newcommand\fillwithlines[1]{% \if@colorfillwithlines \color@begingroup \color{FillWithLinesColor}% \do@fillwithlines{#1}% \color@endgroup \else \do@fillwithlines{#1}% \fi }% \fillwithlines \newcommand\linefill{\leavevmode \leaders\hrule height \linefillthickness \hfill\kern\z@} % \do@fillwithlines is called only by \fillwithlines \def\do@fillwithlines#1{% \begingroup \ifhmode \par \fi \hrule height \z@ \nobreak \setbox0=\hbox to \hsize{\hskip \@totalleftmargin \vrule height \linefillheight depth \z@ width \z@ \linefill}% % We use \cleaders (rather than \leaders) so that a given % vertical space will always produce the same number of lines % no matter where on the page it happens to start: \cleaders \copy0 \vskip #1 \hbox{}% \endgroup }% \do@fillwithlines %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % \fillwithdottedlines % \fillwithdottedlines is similar to \fillwithlines, except that it % fills the space with dotted lines (created by \dotfill) rather than % with solid lines. % \fillwithdottedlines takes one argument, which is either a length or % \fill or \stretch{number}, and it fills that much vertical space % with dotted lines that run the length of the current line. That is, % they extend from the current left margin (which depends on whether % we're in a question, part, subpart, or subsubpart) to the right % margin. % % The distance between the lines is \dottedlinefillheight, whose % default value is set with the command % % \setlength\dottedlinefillheight{.25in} % % This value can be changed by giving a new \setlength command. % As of version 2.503, 2016/03/25, the dotted lines drawn by the % \fillwithdottedlines command will be drawn in color if the user has % given the command % % \colorfillwithdottedlines. % % The actual drawing of the lines is now done by the command % \do@fillwithdottedlines, after the \fillwithdottedlines command % decides whether they will be in color. The default color is set by % the command % % \definecolor{FillWithDottedLinesColor}{gray}{0.8} % % and the color can be changed by giving a new \definecolor command. % You can return to black lines by giving the command % % \nocolorfillwithdottedlines \newlength\dottedlinefillheight \setlength\dottedlinefillheight{.25in} \newif\if@colorfillwithdottedlines \@colorfillwithdottedlinesfalse \def\colorfillwithdottedlines{% \@ifundefined{definecolor} {% \ClassError{exam}{% You must load the color package with the command\MessageBreak \space\space\protect\usepackage{color}\MessageBreak in order to use the command \protect\colorfillwithdottedlines \MessageBreak }{% This command requires either the package color.sty\MessageBreak or xcolor.sty, and so you have to load one of those before \MessageBreak your \protect\begin{document} command.\MessageBreak }% }% {% \definecolor{FillWithDottedLinesColor}{gray}{0.8} \@colorfillwithdottedlinestrue }% }% \colorfillwithdottedlines \def\nocolorfillwithdottedlines{\@colorfillwithdottedlinesfalse} \newcommand\fillwithdottedlines[1]{% \if@colorfillwithdottedlines \color@begingroup \color{FillWithDottedLinesColor}% \do@fillwithdottedlines{#1}% \color@endgroup \else \do@fillwithdottedlines{#1}% \fi }% \fillwithdottedlines % \do@fillwithdottedlines is called only by \fillwithdottedlines \def\do@fillwithdottedlines#1{% \begingroup \ifhmode \par \fi \hrule height \z@ \nobreak \setbox0=\hbox to \hsize{\hskip \@totalleftmargin \vrule height \dottedlinefillheight depth \z@ width \z@ \dotfill}% % We use \cleaders (rather than \leaders) so that a given % vertical space will always produce the same number of lines % no matter where on the page it happens to start: \cleaders \copy0 \vskip #1 \hbox{}% \endgroup }% \do@fillwithdottedlines %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % \fillwithgrid % \fillwithgrid is similar to \fillwithlines, except that it % fills the space with a grid. % \fillwithgrid takes one argument, which is either a length or \fill % or \stretch{number}, and it fills that much vertical space with a % grid that runs the length of the current line. That is, it extends % from the current left margin (which depends on whether we're in a % question, part, subpart, or subsubpart) to the right margin. % % The default grid size and grid line thickness were set by the % commands % % \setlength{\gridsize}{5mm} % \setlength{\gridlinewidth}{0.1pt} % % You can change either or both of those by giving new \setlength % commands. The period of the grid is \gridsize (both horizontally % and vertically). That is, the horizontal distance from the left % edge of one vertical line to the left edge of the next vertical line % is \gridsize, as is the vertical distance from the top edge of one % horizontal line to the top edge of the next horizontal line. Thus, % each square has outer side length equal to \gridsize+\gridlinewidth. % By default, the created grids are in black. However, if you give the % commands % % \usepackage{color} % \colorgrids % % then the grids will be in color, by default a light gray. That % default color was defined by the command % % \definecolor{GridColor}{gray}{0.8} % % You can change the color by redefining the color GridColor by giving % a new \definecolor command. \newif\if@colorgrids \newcommand\colorgrids{% \@ifundefined{definecolor} {% \ClassError{exam}{% You must load the color package with the command\MessageBreak \space\space\protect\usepackage{color}\MessageBreak in order to use the command \protect\colorgrids }{% This command requires either the package color.sty\MessageBreak or xcolor.sty, and so you have to load one of those before \MessageBreak your \protect\begin{document} command.\MessageBreak }% }% {% \definecolor{GridColor}{gray}{0.8} \@colorgridstrue }% }% \colorgrids \newcommand\nocolorgrids{\@colorgridsfalse} \nocolorgrids \newlength\gridsize \newlength\gridlinewidth \setlength{\gridsize}{5mm} \setlength{\gridlinewidth}{0.1pt} \def\fillwithgrid#1{% \begingroup \ifhmode \par \fi \hrule height \z@ \nobreak % We first set box0 equal to an \hbox which, when printed, is a % square with width and height equal to \gridsize+\gridlinewidth, % but which has % width equal to \gridsize, % height equal to \gridsize, and % depth equal to 0pt. % When we put multiple copies of it together using \leaders or % \cleaders, the right edge will coincide with the left edge of the % next box and the bottom edge will coincide with the top edge of % the box below it. \setlength{\@tempdima}{\gridsize} \addtolength{\@tempdima}{\gridlinewidth} \setlength{\@tempdimb}{\gridsize} \addtolength{\@tempdimb}{-\gridlinewidth} \setbox0=\hbox{% \rlap{\vrule height \gridsize depth \gridlinewidth width \gridlinewidth}% \rlap{\vrule height \gridsize depth -\@tempdimb width \@tempdima}% \vrule height 0pt depth \gridlinewidth width \@tempdima \llap{\vrule height \gridsize depth \gridlinewidth width \gridlinewidth}% }% \wd0=\gridsize \dp0=0pt % Now we set box1 equal to an \hbox containing a single line of % copies of box0. We use \leaders (instead of \cleaders) so that % if we use it twice on a page, once with a question and once % with a part, the boxes will line up vertically. We add a kern of % \gridlinewidth at the right because the rightmost vertical line % appears to the right of where the \leaders command thinks that it % appears. \setbox1=\hbox to \textwidth{% \color@begingroup \if@colorgrids \color{GridColor}% \fi \hskip \@totalleftmargin \leaders\copy0\hfil \kern\gridlinewidth \color@endgroup }% % Finally: We create the grid, using \cleaders: We use \cleaders % (rather than \leaders) so that a given vertical space will always % produce the same number of lines no matter where on the page it % happens to start. We add a kern of \gridlinewidth because the % bottommost horizontal line appears below where the \cleaders % command thinks that it appears. \cleaders \copy1 \vskip #1 \kern \gridlinewidth \hbox{}% \endgroup }% fillwithgrid %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % \makeemptybox % \makeemptybox takes one argument, which is a length, and it creates % an empty box of width the length of the current line and of height % equal to the argument. That is, the box extends from the current % left margin (which depends on whether we're in a question, part, % subpart, or subsubpart) to the right margin. % As of version 2.304, the argument of \makeemptybox can be either % a length, or \fill, or \stretch{number}. % \newcommand\makeemptybox[1]{ % \par % \begingroup % \setlength{\fboxsep}{0pt}% % \framebox[\linewidth]{% % \vrule height 0pt depth #1 width 0pt % }% % \endgroup % } \newlength\minboxheight \setlength\minboxheight{.1in} % As of version 2.502, 2016/03/23, the frame drawn by the % \makeemptybox command will be drawn in color if the user has given % the command \colorsolutionboxes. The actual drawing of the box is % now done by the command \do@emptybox, after the \makeemptybox % command decides whether it will be in color. \newcommand\makeemptybox[1]{% \if@colorsolutionboxes \color@begingroup \color{SolutionBoxColor}% \do@emptybox{#1}% \color@endgroup \else \do@emptybox{#1}% \fi } % The command \do@emptybox is called only by \makeemptybox. \newcommand\do@emptybox[1]{% \par \hbox to \hsize{\hskip\@totalleftmargin \leaders\hrule\hfill}% \nointerlineskip \begingroup \setbox0=\hbox to \hsize{\hskip\@totalleftmargin \vrule height\minboxheight \hfill \vrule}% % The vertical size desired may not be an exact multiple of % \minboxheight, and so \cleaders might leave a gap between the % vertical lines and the horizontal lines above and below it. % Thus, we put a single copy of \box0 immediately below the % horizontal line above and we'll also put a single copy of \box0 % immediately above the horizontal line below. \copy0 \nobreak \vskip -\minboxheight \cleaders \copy0 \vskip #1 \vskip -\minboxheight \nointerlineskip \copy0 \endgroup \nointerlineskip \hbox to \hsize{\hskip\@totalleftmargin \leaders\hrule\hfill}% } %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % \uplevel and \fullwidth % and the EnvUplevel and EnvFullwidth environments: % \uplevel is used to print text at the indentation level of the % enclosing environment. For example, to precede a question with % directions about how that question should be answered, you would % say \uplevel{Answer this question correctly.} % % \fullwidth is similar, but uses the full page of text on the page. % The EnvUplevel environment is similar to the \uplevel command, but it % has the advantage that you can include verbatim material (using, e.g., % the \verb command) in the environment. (You can't include verbatim % material in the argument of an \uplevel command.) % The EnvFullwidth environment is similar to the \fullwidth command, but % it has the advantage that you can include verbatim material (using, % e.g., the \verb command) in the environment. (You can't include % verbatim material in the argument of an \fullwidth command.) \long\def\uplevel#1{% \par\bigskip \vbox{% % We entered internal vertical mode, and so we get \parshape=0. % We set \leftskip to provide the correct left margin for whatever % is in the argument of the \uplevel command: \leftskip=\@totalleftmargin \advance\leftskip-\leftmargin % We adjust \@totalleftmargin and linewidth in case there's a % solution environment inside of the argument to the \uplevel: \advance\@totalleftmargin-\leftmargin \advance\linewidth\leftmargin #1% }% vbox \nobreak } \newenvironment{EnvUplevel} {\par\bigskip\vbox\bgroup % We set \leftskip to provide the correct left margin for whatever % is inside of the environment: \leftskip=\@totalleftmargin \advance\leftskip-\leftmargin % We adjust \@totalleftmargin (and linewidth?) in case there's a % solution environment inside of the environment: \advance\@totalleftmargin-\leftmargin \advance\linewidth\leftmargin } {\egroup\nobreak} \long\def\fullwidth#1{% \par\bigskip \vbox{% % We entered internal vertical mode, and so we get \parshape=0. \leftskip=0pt \rightskip=0pt \advance\linewidth\@totalleftmargin \@totalleftmargin=0pt #1% }% vbox \nobreak } \newenvironment{EnvFullwidth} {\par\bigskip\vbox\bgroup % We entered internal vertical mode, and so we get \parshape=0. \leftskip=0pt \rightskip=0pt % We adjust \@totalleftmargin (and linewidth?) in case there's a % solution environment inside of the environment: \advance\linewidth\@totalleftmargin \@totalleftmargin=0pt } {\egroup\nobreak} %-------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % % ******************** % ** GRADING TABLES ** % ******************** \newcounter{@iterator} \newlength\@cellwidth \def\cellwidth#1{\@cellwidth=#1} \def\gradetablestretch#1{\def\@gtblstretch{#1}} % \settabletotalpoints allows the user to specify a total % number of points to appear in a table that may be different % from the sum of the points in the table: \newcommand\prt@tablepoints{\prt@hlfcntr{tbl@points}} \newcommand\settabletotalpoints[1]{% \def\prt@tablepoints{#1}% }% \settabletotalpoints % \settabletotalbonuspoints is similar to \settabletotalpoints: \newcommand\prt@tablebonuspoints{\prt@hlfcntr{tbl@bonuspoints}} \newcommand\settabletotalbonuspoints[1]{% \def\prt@tablebonuspoints{#1}% }% \settabletotalbonuspoints % All of the following that begin with `h' are for horizontal tables, % and all of them that begin with `v' are for vertical tables: \def\hqword#1{\def\@hqword{#1}} \def\hpword#1{\def\@hpword{#1}} \def\hsword#1{\def\@hsword{#1}} \def\htword#1{\def\@htword{#1}} \def\hpgword#1{\def\@hpgword{#1}} \def\vqword#1{\def\@vqword{#1}} \def\vpword#1{\def\@vpword{#1}} \def\vsword#1{\def\@vsword{#1}} \def\vtword#1{\def\@vtword{#1}} \def\vpgword#1{\def\@vpgword{#1}} % The following are the versions for bonusgradetable: \def\bhqword#1{\def\@bhqword{#1}} \def\bhpword#1{\def\@bhpword{#1}} \def\bhsword#1{\def\@bhsword{#1}} \def\bhtword#1{\def\@bhtword{#1}} \def\bhpgword#1{\def\@bhpgword{#1}} \def\bvqword#1{\def\@bvqword{#1}} \def\bvpword#1{\def\@bvpword{#1}} \def\bvsword#1{\def\@bvsword{#1}} \def\bvtword#1{\def\@bvtword{#1}} \def\bvpgword#1{\def\@bvpgword{#1}} % The following are the versions for combinedgradetable: \def\chqword#1{\def\@chqword{#1}} \def\chpword#1{\def\@chpword{#1}} \def\chbpword#1{\def\@chbpword{#1}} \def\chsword#1{\def\@chsword{#1}} \def\chtword#1{\def\@chtword{#1}} \def\chpgword#1{\def\@chpgword{#1}} \def\cvqword#1{\def\@cvqword{#1}} \def\cvpword#1{\def\@cvpword{#1}} \def\cvbpword#1{\def\@cvbpword{#1}} \def\cvsword#1{\def\@cvsword{#1}} \def\cvtword#1{\def\@cvtword{#1}} \def\cvpgword#1{\def\@cvpgword{#1}} % Initialize: \cellwidth{2em} \gradetablestretch{1.5} \hqword{Question:} \hpgword{Page:} \hpword{Points:} \hsword{Score:} \htword{Total} \vpword{Points} \vsword{Score} \vtword{Total:} \vqword{Question} \vpgword{Page} \bhqword{Question:} \bhpgword{Page:} \bhpword{Bonus Points:} \bhsword{Score:} \bhtword{Total} \bvqword{Question} \bvpgword{Page} \bvpword{Bonus Points} \bvsword{Score} \bvtword{Total:} \chqword{Question:} \chpgword{Page:} \chpword{Points:} \chbpword{Bonus Points:} \chsword{Score:} \chtword{Total} \cvqword{Question} \cvpgword{Page} \cvpword{Points} \cvbpword{Bonus Points} \cvsword{Score} \cvtword{Total:} % Before we created multirow and multicolumn tables, he only commands % here accessible to the user were \gradetable, \bonusgradetable, % \combinedgradetable, \pointtable, \bonuspointtable, % \combinedpointtable, \partialgradetable, % \partialbonusgradetable, \partialcombinedtable, \partialpointtable, % \partialbonuspointtable, \partialcombinedpointtable, % \begingradingrange, \endgradingrange, \pointsinrange, % \bonuspointsinrange, \firstqinrange, \lastqinrange, and % \numqinrange. The new user commands are % % \def\multirowgradetable % \def\multirowpointtable % \def\multirowbonusgradetable % \def\multirowbonuspointtable % \def\multirowcombinedgradetable % \def\multirowcombinedpointtable % % \def\multirowpartialgradetable % \def\multirowpartialpointtable % \def\multirowpartialbonusgradetable % \def\multirowpartialbonuspointtable % \def\multirowpartialcombinedgradetable % \def\multirowpartialcombinedpointtable % % \def\multicolumngradetable % \def\multicolumnpointtable % \def\multicolumnbonusgradetable % \def\multicolumnbonuspointtable % \def\multicolumncombinedgradetable % \def\multicolumncombinedpointtable % % \def\multicolumnpartialgradetable % \def\multicolumnpartialpointtable % \def\multicolumnpartialbonusgradetable % \def\multicolumnpartialbonuspointtable % \def\multicolumnpartialcombinedgradetable % \def\multicolumnpartialcombinedpointtable % The possibilities are % \gradetable[v][questions] % \gradetable[v][pages] % \gradetable[h][questions] % \gradetable[h][pages] % \bonusgradetable[v][questions] % \bonusgradetable[v][pages] % \bonusgradetable[h][questions] % \bonusgradetable[h][pages] % \combinedgradetable[v][questions] % \combinedgradetable[v][pages] % \combinedgradetable[h][questions] % \combinedgradetable[h][pages] % \pointtable[v][questions] % \pointtable[v][pages] % \pointtable[h][questions] % \pointtable[h][pages] % \bonuspointtable[v][questions] % \bonuspointtable[v][pages] % \bonuspointtable[h][questions] % \bonuspointtable[h][pages] % \combinedpointtable[v][questions] % \combinedpointtable[v][pages] % \combinedpointtable[h][questions] % \combinedpointtable[h][pages] % \partialgradetable{whatever}[v][questions] % \partialgradetable{whatever}[v][pages] % \partialgradetable{whatever}[h][questions] % \partialgradetable{whatever}[h][pages] % \partialbonusgradetable{whatever}[v][questions] % \partialbonusgradetable{whatever}[v][pages] % \partialbonusgradetable{whatever}[h][questions] % \partialbonusgradetable{whatever}[h][pages] % \partialcombinedgradetable{whatever}[v][questions] % \partialcombinedgradetable{whatever}[v][pages] % \partialcombinedgradetable{whatever}[h][questions] % \partialcombinedgradetable{whatever}[h][pages] % \partialpointtable{whatever}[v][questions] % \partialpointtable{whatever}[v][pages] % \partialpointtable{whatever}[h][questions] % \partialpointtable{whatever}[h][pages] % \partialbonuspointtable{whatever}[v][questions] % \partialbonuspointtable{whatever}[v][pages] % \partialbonuspointtable{whatever}[h][questions] % \partialbonuspointtable{whatever}[h][pages] % \partialcombinedpointtable{whatever}[v][questions] % \partialcombinedpointtable{whatever}[v][pages] % \partialcombinedpointtable{whatever}[h][questions] % \partialcombinedpointtable{whatever}[h][pages] % \begingradingrange{whatever} % \endgradingrange{whatever} % % \pointsinrange{whatever} % \bonuspointsinrange{whatever} % % \firstqinrange{whatever} % \lastqinrange{whatever} % \numqinrange{whatever} % % where ``whatever'' is a label chosen by the user. % % \def\multirowgradetable{numcols}[questions or pages] % \def\multirowpointtable{numcols}[questions or pages] % \def\multirowbonusgradetable{numcols}[questions or pages] % \def\multirowbonuspointtable{numcols}[questions or pages] % \def\multirowcombinedgradetable{numcols}[questions or pages] % \def\multirowcombinedpointtable{numcols}[questions or pages] % % \def\multirowpartialgradetable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages] % \def\multirowpartialpointtable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages] % \def\multirowpartialbonusgradetable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages] % \def\multirowpartialbonuspointtable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages] % \def\multirowpartialcombinedgradetable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages] % \def\multirowpartialcombinedpointtable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages] % % \def\multicolumngradetable{numrows}[questions or pages] % \def\multicolumnpointtable{numrows}[questions or pages] % \def\multicolumnbonusgradetable{numrows}[questions or pages] % \def\multicolumnbonuspointtable{numrows}[questions or pages] % \def\multicolumncombinedgradetable{numrows}[questions or pages] % \def\multicolumncombinedpointtable{numrows}[questions or pages] % \def\multicolumnpartialgradetable{numrows}{rangename}[questions or pages] % \def\multicolumnpartialpointtable{numrows}{rangename}[questions or pages] % \def\multicolumnpartialbonusgradetable{numrows}{rangename}[questions or pages] % \def\multicolumnpartialbonuspointtable{numrows}{rangename}[questions or pages] % \def\multicolumnpartialcombinedgradetable{numrows}{rangename}[questions or pages] % \def\multicolumnpartialcombinedpointtable{numrows}{rangename}[questions or pages] % If one or both optional arguments are omitted, the defaults are % `[v]' and `[questions]'. % \@scorestrue means we're doing \gradetable % \@scoresfalse mans we're doing \pointtable \newif\if@scores % \@partialtrue means we're doing \partialgradetable, % \partialbonusgradetable, \partialcombinedgradetable, % \partialpointtable, \partialbonuspointtable, or % \partialcombinedpointtable: \newif\if@partial % \@combinedtrue means we're doing \combinedgradetable, % \combinedpointtable, \partialcombinedgradetable, or % \partialcombinedpointtable: \newif\if@combined % It's OK to use the counter num@cols as a scratch counter % in \begingradingrange and \endgradingrange because % it's only used in typesetting tables: \def\begingradingrange#1{% \setcounter{num@cols}{\value{question}}% \addtocounter{num@cols}{1}% \immediate\write\@mainaux {\string\expandafter\string\gdef \string\csname\space range@#1@firstq\string\endcsname {\arabic{num@cols}}}% \write\@mainaux {\string\expandafter\string\gdef \string\csname\space range@#1@firstp\string\endcsname {\thepage}}% }% begingradingrange \def\endgradingrange#1{% \setcounter{num@cols}{\value{question}}% \immediate\write\@mainaux {\string\expandafter\string\gdef \string\csname\space range@#1@lastq\string\endcsname {\arabic{num@cols}}}% \write\@mainaux {\string\expandafter\string\gdef \string\csname\space range@#1@lastp\string\endcsname {\thepage}}% }% endgradingrange % Now that grading tables may be for only part of the exam, % we need the counter tbl@points to add up the total points % for the questions (or pages) that appear on the table: \new@hlfcntr{tbl@points} % We'll use the counter tbl@bonuspoints to add up the total bonus % points for the questions (or pages) that appear on the table: \new@hlfcntr{tbl@bonuspoints} %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % multirow tables, non-partial: \def\multirowgradetable#1{% \@scorestrue \@bonusfalse \@partialfalse \@combinedfalse \setcounter{num@rows}{#1}% \i@gtable[h]% } \def\multirowpointtable#1{% \@scoresfalse \@bonusfalse \@partialfalse \@combinedfalse \setcounter{num@rows}{#1}% \i@gtable[h]% } \def\multirowbonusgradetable#1{% \@scorestrue \@bonustrue \@partialfalse \@combinedfalse \setcounter{num@rows}{#1}% \i@gtable[h]% } \def\multirowbonuspointtable#1{% \@scoresfalse \@bonustrue \@partialfalse \@combinedfalse \setcounter{num@rows}{#1}% \i@gtable[h]% } \def\multirowcombinedgradetable#1{% \@scorestrue \@bonusfalse \@partialfalse \@combinedtrue \setcounter{num@rows}{#1}% \i@gtable[h]% } \def\multirowcombinedpointtable#1{% \@scoresfalse \@bonusfalse \@partialfalse \@combinedtrue \setcounter{num@rows}{#1}% \i@gtable[h]% } %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % multirow tables, partial: \def\multirowpartialgradetable#1#2{% \@scorestrue \@bonusfalse \@partialtrue \@combinedfalse \def\tbl@range{#2}% \setcounter{num@rows}{#1}% \i@gtable[h]% } \def\multirowpartialpointtable#1#2{% \@scoresfalse \@bonusfalse \@partialtrue \@combinedfalse \def\tbl@range{#2}% \setcounter{num@rows}{#1}% \i@gtable[h]% } \def\multirowpartialbonusgradetable#1#2{% \@scorestrue \@bonustrue \@partialtrue \@combinedfalse \def\tbl@range{#2}% \setcounter{num@rows}{#1}% \i@gtable[h]% } \def\multirowpartialbonuspointtable#1#2{% \@scoresfalse \@bonustrue \@partialtrue \@combinedfalse \def\tbl@range{#2}% \setcounter{num@rows}{#1}% \i@gtable[h]% } \def\multirowpartialcombinedgradetable#1#2{% \@scorestrue \@bonusfalse \@partialtrue \@combinedtrue \def\tbl@range{#2}% \setcounter{num@rows}{#1}% \i@gtable[h]% } \def\multirowpartialcombinedpointtable#1#2{% \@scoresfalse \@bonusfalse \@partialtrue \@combinedtrue \def\tbl@range{#2}% \setcounter{num@rows}{#1}% \i@gtable[h]% } %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % multicolumn tables, non-partial: \def\multicolumngradetable#1{% \@scorestrue \@bonusfalse \@partialfalse \@combinedfalse \setcounter{num@cols}{#1}% \i@gtable[v]% } \def\multicolumnpointtable#1{% \@scoresfalse \@bonusfalse \@partialfalse \@combinedfalse \setcounter{num@cols}{#1}% \i@gtable[v]% } \def\multicolumnbonusgradetable#1{% \@scorestrue \@bonustrue \@partialfalse \@combinedfalse \setcounter{num@cols}{#1}% \i@gtable[v]% } \def\multicolumnbonuspointtable#1{% \@scoresfalse \@bonustrue \@partialfalse \@combinedfalse \setcounter{num@cols}{#1}% \i@gtable[v]% } \def\multicolumncombinedgradetable#1{% \@scorestrue \@bonusfalse \@partialfalse \@combinedtrue \setcounter{num@cols}{#1}% \i@gtable[v]% } \def\multicolumncombinedpointtable#1{% \@scoresfalse \@bonusfalse \@partialfalse \@combinedtrue \setcounter{num@cols}{#1}% \i@gtable[v]% } %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % multicolumn tables, partial: \def\multicolumnpartialgradetable#1#2{% \@scorestrue \@bonusfalse \@partialtrue \@combinedfalse \def\tbl@range{#2}% \setcounter{num@cols}{#1}% \i@gtable[v]% } \def\multicolumnpartialpointtable#1#2{% \@scoresfalse \@bonusfalse \@partialtrue \@combinedfalse \def\tbl@range{#2}% \setcounter{num@cols}{#1}% \i@gtable[v]% } \def\multicolumnpartialbonusgradetable#1#2{% \@scorestrue \@bonustrue \@partialtrue \@combinedfalse \def\tbl@range{#2}% \setcounter{num@cols}{#1}% \i@gtable[v]% } \def\multicolumnpartialbonuspointtable#1#2{% \@scoresfalse \@bonustrue \@partialtrue \@combinedfalse \def\tbl@range{#2}% \setcounter{num@cols}{#1}% \i@gtable[v]% } \def\multicolumnpartialcombinedgradetable#1#2{% \@scorestrue \@bonusfalse \@partialtrue \@combinedtrue \def\tbl@range{#2}% \setcounter{num@cols}{#1}% \i@gtable[v]% } \def\multicolumnpartialcombinedpointtable#1#2{% \@scoresfalse \@bonusfalse \@partialtrue \@combinedtrue \def\tbl@range{#2}% \setcounter{num@cols}{#1}% \i@gtable[v]% } %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % partial single row (and column) tables: \def\partialgradetable#1{% \@scorestrue \@bonusfalse \@partialtrue \@combinedfalse \def\tbl@range{#1}% % We don't yet know if the table is vertical or horizontal, and so % we don't know if we need to set num@cols or num@rows. We'll set % them both, and we'll later on just ignore the value of the one % that we didn't need to set here: \setcounter{num@cols}{1}% \setcounter{num@rows}{1}% % If the user doesn't include the optional argument % choosing between vertical and horizontal, % we give them vertical: \@ifnextchar[{\i@gtable}{\i@gtable[v]}% }% partialgradetable \def\partialbonusgradetable#1{% \@scorestrue \@bonustrue \@partialtrue \@combinedfalse \def\tbl@range{#1}% % We don't yet know if the table is vertical or horizontal, and so % we don't know if we need to set num@cols or num@rows. We'll set % them both, and we'll later on just ignore the value of the one % that we didn't need to set here: \setcounter{num@cols}{1}% \setcounter{num@rows}{1}% % If the user doesn't include the optional argument % choosing between vertical and horizontal, % we give them vertical: \@ifnextchar[{\i@gtable}{\i@gtable[v]}% }% partialbonusgradetable \def\partialcombinedgradetable#1{% \@scorestrue \@bonusfalse \@partialtrue \@combinedtrue \def\tbl@range{#1}% % We don't yet know if the table is vertical or horizontal, and so % we don't know if we need to set num@cols or num@rows. We'll set % them both, and we'll later on just ignore the value of the one % that we didn't need to set here: \setcounter{num@cols}{1}% \setcounter{num@rows}{1}% % If the user doesn't include the optional argument % choosing between vertical and horizontal, % we give them vertical: \@ifnextchar[{\i@gtable}{\i@gtable[v]}% }% partialcombinedgradetable \def\partialpointtable#1{% \@scoresfalse \@bonusfalse \@partialtrue \@combinedfalse \def\tbl@range{#1}% % We don't yet know if the table is vertical or horizontal, and so % we don't know if we need to set num@cols or num@rows. We'll set % them both, and we'll later on just ignore the value of the one % that we didn't need to set here: \setcounter{num@cols}{1}% \setcounter{num@rows}{1}% % If the user doesn't include the optional argument % choosing between vertical and horizontal, % we give them vertical: \@ifnextchar[{\i@gtable}{\i@gtable[v]}% }% partialpointtable \def\partialbonuspointtable#1{% \@scoresfalse \@bonustrue \@partialtrue \@combinedfalse \def\tbl@range{#1}% % We don't yet know if the table is vertical or horizontal, and so % we don't know if we need to set num@cols or num@rows. We'll set % them both, and we'll later on just ignore the value of the one % that we didn't need to set here: \setcounter{num@cols}{1}% \setcounter{num@rows}{1}% % If the user doesn't include the optional argument % choosing between vertical and horizontal, % we give them vertical: \@ifnextchar[{\i@gtable}{\i@gtable[v]}% }% partialbonuspointtable \def\partialcombinedpointtable#1{% \@scoresfalse \@bonusfalse \@partialtrue \@combinedtrue \def\tbl@range{#1}% % We don't yet know if the table is vertical or horizontal, and so % we don't know if we need to set num@cols or num@rows. We'll set % them both, and we'll later on just ignore the value of the one % that we didn't need to set here: \setcounter{num@cols}{1}% \setcounter{num@rows}{1}% % If the user doesn't include the optional argument % choosing between vertical and horizontal, % we give them vertical: \@ifnextchar[{\i@gtable}{\i@gtable[v]}% }% partialcombinedpointtable %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % single row (and column) tables, non-partial: \def\gradetable{% \@scorestrue \@bonusfalse \@partialfalse \@combinedfalse % We don't yet know if the table is vertical or horizontal, and so % we don't know if we need to set num@cols or num@rows. We'll set % them both, and we'll later on just ignore the value of the one % that we didn't need to set here: \setcounter{num@cols}{1}% \setcounter{num@rows}{1}% % If the user doesn't include the optional argument % choosing between vertical and horizontal, % we give them vertical: \@ifnextchar[{\i@gtable}{\i@gtable[v]}% }% gradetable \def\bonusgradetable{% \@scorestrue \@bonustrue \@partialfalse \@combinedfalse % We don't yet know if the table is vertical or horizontal, and so % we don't know if we need to set num@cols or num@rows. We'll set % them both, and we'll later on just ignore the value of the one % that we didn't need to set here: \setcounter{num@cols}{1}% \setcounter{num@rows}{1}% % If the user doesn't include the optional argument % choosing between vertical and horizontal, % we give them vertical: \@ifnextchar[{\i@gtable}{\i@gtable[v]}% }% bonusgradetable \def\combinedgradetable{% \@scorestrue \@bonusfalse \@partialfalse \@combinedtrue % We don't yet know if the table is vertical or horizontal, and so % we don't know if we need to set num@cols or num@rows. We'll set % them both, and we'll later on just ignore the value of the one % that we didn't need to set here: \setcounter{num@cols}{1}% \setcounter{num@rows}{1}% % If the user doesn't include the optional argument % choosing between vertical and horizontal, % we give them vertical: \@ifnextchar[{\i@gtable}{\i@gtable[v]}% }% bonusgradetable \def\pointtable{% \@scoresfalse \@bonusfalse \@partialfalse \@combinedfalse % We don't yet know if the table is vertical or horizontal, and so % we don't know if we need to set num@cols or num@rows. We'll set % them both, and we'll later on just ignore the value of the one % that we didn't need to set here: \setcounter{num@cols}{1}% \setcounter{num@rows}{1}% % If the user doesn't include the optional argument % choosing between vertical and horizontal, % we give them vertical: \@ifnextchar[{\i@gtable}{\i@gtable[v]}% }% pointtable \def\bonuspointtable{% \@scoresfalse \@bonustrue \@partialfalse \@combinedfalse % We don't yet know if the table is vertical or horizontal, and so % we don't know if we need to set num@cols or num@rows. We'll set % them both, and we'll later on just ignore the value of the one % that we didn't need to set here: \setcounter{num@cols}{1}% \setcounter{num@rows}{1}% % If the user doesn't include the optional argument % choosing between vertical and horizontal, % we give them vertical: \@ifnextchar[{\i@gtable}{\i@gtable[v]}% }% bonuspointtable \def\combinedpointtable{% \@scoresfalse \@bonusfalse \@partialfalse \@combinedtrue % We don't yet know if the table is vertical or horizontal, and so % we don't know if we need to set num@cols or num@rows. We'll set % them both, and we'll later on just ignore the value of the one % that we didn't need to set here: \setcounter{num@cols}{1}% \setcounter{num@rows}{1}% % If the user doesn't include the optional argument % choosing between vertical and horizontal, % we give them vertical: \@ifnextchar[{\i@gtable}{\i@gtable[v]}% }% bonuspointtable %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % \i@gtable and \ii@gtable insert any missing optional arguments % (the defaults being [v] and [questions]) and then make sure % that the user said \addpoints and that this isn't the % first run of LaTeX. % \find@p@or@q@range then branches, depending on whether the user % selected [questions] or [pages]. \def\i@gtable[#1]{% % If the user doesn't include the second optional argument, % which chooses between questions and pages, % we give them questions: \@ifnextchar[{\ii@gtable{#1}}{\ii@gtable{#1}[questions]}% } \def\ii@gtable#1[#2]{% % We get here from \i@gtable. % We make sure the user said \addpoints, and then make sure % that this isn't the first run of LaTeX (by checking that % \exam@numpoints is defined). If both of those are OK, % we go to \find@p@or@q@range to see whether we're doing a table % indexed by questions or by pages. \if@addpoints \@ifundefined{exam@numpoints}% {\ClassWarning{exam}% {% You must run LaTeX again to produce the table.\MessageBreak }% \fbox{Run \LaTeX{} again to produce the table}% }% {\find@p@or@q@range{#1}{#2}}% \else \ClassError{exam}{% You must give the command \protect\addpoints\MessageBreak \space\space in order to create a grade table.\MessageBreak }{% If you don't give the command \protect\addpoints\MessageBreak \space\space then we're not keeping track of point values. \MessageBreak }% \fi }% ii@gtable \def\@questionsref{questions} \def\@pagesref{pages} \def\find@p@or@q@range#1#2{% % We get here from \ii@gtable. % The first argument should be ``v'' or ``h''; % the second argument should be ``questions'' or ``pages''. % See whether we're doing a table indexed by % questions (in which case we go to \find@qrange) or by pages (in % which case we go to \find@prange): \begingroup % We've begun a group that will contain the construction of the % table, to confine the effect of any \def's that we use. \def\exam@temp{#2}% \ifx\exam@temp\@questionsref \tbl@pgsfalse \find@qrange{#1}% \else \ifx\exam@temp\@pagesref \tbl@pgstrue \find@prange{#1}% \else \ClassError{exam}{% Grade and point tables can be indexed\MessageBreak \space\space by either `questions' or `pages',\MessageBreak \space\space but not by `#2'.\MessageBreak }{% Grade tables and point tables can be indexed by questions or pages;\MessageBreak \space\space for others, you're on your own.\MessageBreak }% \fbox{\textbf{Error:} grade or point table: Invalid argument `#2' must be `questions' or `pages'.}% \fi \fi \endgroup }% find@p@or@q@range % \range@undefined can be called from either \find@qrange or % \find@prange \def\range@undefined{% \fbox{Warning: grading range `\tbl@range ' not defined; run \LaTeX{} again.}% \ClassWarning{exam}{% Grading range `\tbl@range' not defined.\MessageBreak \space\space Run LaTeX again to produce the table.\MessageBreak }% }% range@undefined %-------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Grade and point tables indexed by question numbers: % When we get to \find@qrange, we know we're doing a table indexed by % question numbers and that this is not the first run of latex. The % argument is either ``v'' or ``h''. If we're not doing a partial % table, then \find@qrange sets \tbl@firstq and \first@pq@index to 1 % and \tbl@lastq and \last@pq@index to \numquestions. Otherwise, % \find@qrange makes sure the grading range is defined and that its % last question isn't before its first question. \find@qrange then % calls \tbl@v@or@h, passing along the argument that is either ``v'' % or ``h''. \def\find@qrange#1{% % We get here from \find@p@or@q@range. % We're doing a table indexed by question numbers. \if@partial \@ifundefined{range@\tbl@range @firstq}% {% \range@undefined }% {% \@ifundefined{range@\tbl@range @lastq}% {% \range@undefined }% {% \edef\tbl@firstq{\csname range@\tbl@range @firstq\endcsname}% \edef\tbl@lastq{\csname range@\tbl@range @lastq\endcsname}% \let\first@pq@index=\tbl@firstq \let\last@pq@index=\tbl@lastq % Check that firstq precedes or equals lastq: \ifnum \tbl@firstq > \tbl@lastq\relax \fbox{\textbf{Error:} Grading Range `\tbl@range': Last question precedes first question.}% \ClassError{exam}{% In grading range `\tbl@range', the last question\MessageBreak \space\space comes before the first question.\MessageBreak }{% \string\begingradingrange \space must precede \string\endgradingrange \space by at least one question.\MessageBreak }% \else \tbl@v@or@h{#1}% \fi }% }% \else \def\tbl@firstq{1}% \let\first@pq@index=\tbl@firstq % \numquestions is always defined, even if this is the first % run of LaTeX and \exam@numquestions isn't defined. % If it's the first run of LaTeX, then its value isn't useful, % but it's never used until a later run (when its value is useful). \def\tbl@lastq{\numquestions}% \let\last@pq@index=\tbl@lastq \tbl@v@or@h{#1}% \fi }% find@qrange \def\@vref{v} \def\@href{h} \def\tbl@v@or@h#1{% % \first@pq@index=\tbl@firstq or \tbl@firstp and % \last@pq@index=\tbl@lastq or \tbl@lastp have already been set. % The argument should be either `v' or `h', and we branch % accordingly. \def\exam@temp{#1}% \ifx\exam@temp\@vref \check@num@cols@v \else \ifx\exam@temp\@href \check@num@rows@h \else \ClassError{exam}{% Grade or point table: the argument `#1'\MessageBreak \space\space must be `v' or `h'. \MessageBreak }{% Grade tables and point tables can be either vertical or horizontal;\MessageBreak \space\space no diagonals allowed.\MessageBreak }% \fbox{\textbf{Error:} grade or point table: Invalid argument `#1' must be `v' or `h'.}% \fi \fi }% tbl@v@or@h %-------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Grade and point tables indexed by page numbers: % The only pages listed are those on which there are a nonzero number % of points. We check pages \tbl@firstp through \tbl@lastp % Once we've checked that, e.g., \lastpage@withpoints and % \pointsonpage@\romannumeral{\lastpage@withpoints} are defined, we % can safely (we think) check \pointsonpage@\romannumeral{n} for all n % between \tbl@firstp and \tbl@lastp without generating errors. % % Actually: Since we added the notion of half points and half counters % (a long time ago), there won't be any errors even if % \pointsonpage@\romannumeral{n} isn't defined, since it's tested by the % lines: % \set@hlfcntr{tmp@hlfcntr}{\csname pointsonpage@\romannumeral % \csname c@@iterator\endcsname\endcsname}% % \ifhlfcntr@pos{tmp@hlfcntr}% % and if % \csname pointsonpage@\romannumeral % \csname c@@iterator\endcsname\endcsname % isn't defined, tmp@hlfcntr gets the value zero (because of the way % that \set@hlfcntr is written). % \find@prange makes sure the grading range is defined and that its % last page isn't before its first page (if it's a partial table). In % any case, it then sets \tbl@firstp and \tbl@lastp, and calls % \check@secondrun. \def\find@prange#1{% % We get here from \find@p@or@q@range. % We're doing a table indexed by pages. % The argument is either ``v'' or ``h''. % We first determine the first and last page of the range, storing % those in \first@pq@index=\tbl@firstp and % \last@pq@index=\tbl@lastp. If not a partial table, we set % \first@pq@index=\tbl@firstp to 1 and \last@pq@index=\tbl@lastp to % the last page with the appropriate points (and so if it's a % combined table, it's the last page to have either bonus or % non-bonus points). % We then call \check@secondrun, passing it the argument that we % received (i.e., we say \check@secondrun{#1}) to make sure % we've done at least two runs of latex (so that we'll have the % information we need about which pages have points on them). \if@partial \@ifundefined{range@\tbl@range @firstp}% {% \range@undefined }% {% \@ifundefined{range@\tbl@range @lastp}% {% \range@undefined }% {% \edef\tbl@firstp{\csname range@\tbl@range @firstp\endcsname}% \edef\tbl@lastp{\csname range@\tbl@range @lastp\endcsname}% \let\first@pq@index=\tbl@firstp \let\last@pq@index=\tbl@lastp % Check that firstp precedes or equals lastp: \ifnum \tbl@firstp > \tbl@lastp\relax \fbox{\textbf{Error:} Grading Range `\tbl@range ': Last page precedes first page.}% \ClassError{exam}{% In grading range `\tbl@range', the last page\MessageBreak \space\space comes before the first page.\MessageBreak }{% \string\begingradingrange \space must precede \string\endgradingrange.\MessageBreak }% \else \check@secondrun{#1}% \fi }% }% \else % It's not a partial table: \def\tbl@firstp{1}% \let\first@pq@index=\tbl@firstp % We never get here on the first run of LaTeX, and % \lastpage@withbonuspoints is defined on the second and later runs. \def\tbl@lastp{\lastpage@withpoints}% \let\last@pq@index=\tbl@lastp \if@bonus \def\tbl@lastp{\lastpage@withbonuspoints}% \let\last@pq@index=\tbl@lastp \fi \if@combined \ifnum \lastpage@withbonuspoints > \lastpage@withpoints\relax \def\tbl@lastp{\lastpage@withbonuspoints}% \let\last@pq@index=\tbl@lastp \fi \fi \check@secondrun{#1}% \fi }% find@prange \def\check@secondrun#1{% % The function \ii@gtable already made sure that this isn't the % first run of latex. To do a table indexed by pages, though, we % have to also make sure it's not the second run of latex. % We get here from \find@prange; the argument is either ``v'' or % ``h''. % Check that there's enough info from the .aux file to do a page % indexed grade table. If so, call \tbl@v@or@h{#1}: \@ifundefined{pointsonpage@\romannumeral \csname lastpage@withpoints\endcsname}% {\@ifundefined{bonuspointsonpage@\romannumeral \csname lastpage@withbonuspoints\endcsname}% {\ClassWarning{exam}{% You must run LaTeX again to produce the table.\MessageBreak}% \fbox{Run \LaTeX{} again to produce the table}% }% {\tbl@v@or@h{#1}% }% }% {\tbl@v@or@h{#1}% }% }% check@secondrun %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Indexed by pages: % For a table indexed by pages, we need to know how many pages there % are with points on them. The argument to \count@pgswpts should be % the name of a counter; we set that counter equal to the number of % pages with the appropriate kind of points. \def\count@pgswpts#1{% % Set the counter #1 equal to the number of pages in the range with % the appropriate type of points. % We're called by \@computenumcols@h and \@computenumrows@v. \setcounter{#1}{0}% \setcounter{@iterator}{\tbl@firstp}% \addtocounter{@iterator}{-1}% \if@bonus \docount@pgswbpts{#1}% \else \if@combined \docount@pgswcpts{#1}% \else \docount@pgswpts{#1}% \fi \fi }% count@pgswpts \def\docount@pgswcpts#1{% % Called by \count@pgswpts % Count the number of pages in range with any kind of point (bonus % or non-bonus): \addtocounter{@iterator}{1}% \set@hlfcntr{tmp@hlfcntr}{\pointsonpage{\the@iterator}}% \ifhlfcntr@pos{tmp@hlfcntr}% \addtocounter{#1}{1}% \else \check@bnsptpage{#1}% \fi \ifnum \the@iterator < \tbl@lastp\relax \def\nextdocount@pgswcpts{\docount@pgswcpts{#1}}% \else \let\nextdocount@pgswcpts=\relax \fi \nextdocount@pgswcpts }% docount@pgswcpts \def\check@bnsptpage#1{% % We need to hide this inside of a macro because if \ifhlfcntr@pos % isn't expanded (because this stuff is being skipped in the outer % conditional), then TeX doesn't see the \ifnum hidden inside the % \ifhlfcntr@pos, but it does see the \fi, and so it get confused. \set@hlfcntr{tmp@hlfcntr}{\bonuspointsonpage{\the@iterator}}% \ifhlfcntr@pos{tmp@hlfcntr}% \addtocounter{#1}{1}% \fi }% check@bnsptpage \def\docount@pgswpts#1{% % Called by \count@pgswpts. % Count the number of pages in range with regular points. \addtocounter{@iterator}{1}% \set@hlfcntr{tmp@hlfcntr}{\pointsonpage{\the@iterator}}% \ifhlfcntr@pos{tmp@hlfcntr}% \addtocounter{#1}{1}% \fi \ifnum \the@iterator < \tbl@lastp\relax \def\nextdocount@pgswpts{\docount@pgswpts{#1}}% \else \let\nextdocount@pgswpts=\relax \fi \nextdocount@pgswpts }% docount@pgswpts \def\docount@pgswbpts#1{% % Called by \count@pgswpts % Count the number of pages in range with bonus points. \addtocounter{@iterator}{1}% \set@hlfcntr{tmp@hlfcntr}{\bonuspointsonpage{\the@iterator}}% \ifhlfcntr@pos{tmp@hlfcntr}% \addtocounter{#1}{1}% \fi \ifnum \the@iterator < \tbl@lastp\relax \def\nextdocount@pgswbpts{\docount@pgswbpts{#1}}% \else \let\nextdocount@pgswbpts=\relax \fi \nextdocount@pgswbpts }% docount@pgswbpts %-------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Multirow horizontal tables, indexed by question numbers: \newcounter{pq@index}% In tables indexed by page numbers, it holds a % page number. In tables indexed by question numbers, it holds a % question number. \newcounter{pq@index@pts}% In horizontal tables, this holds either the % current page number or the current question number as we put the % point values for that page or question number into the table. In % vertical tables, this holds the index for the first column of the % current row. \newcounter{pq@index@bpts}% used to set bonus point values in % horizontal tables. Often used as scratch elsewhere. \def\hidden@ampersand{&}% Needed because an ampersand can't appear in % the replacement text of a conditional. \newif\iftbl@pgs % \tbl@pgstrue means a table indexed by page numbers % \tbl@pgsfalse means a table indexed by question numbers \newcounter{num@cols} \newcounter{num@rows} \newcounter{current@row} \newcounter{cols@done}% Holds the number of columns done in the % current row. %-------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Stuff to unify tables indexed by questions and tables indexed by % pages: % \first@pq@index and \last@pq@index will hold either \tbl@firstq and % \tbl@lastq or \tbl@firstp and \tbl@lastp. \def\increment@index#1{% % If we're doing a table indexed by question numbers, we increment % the counter #1. % If we're doing a table indexed by page numbers, % we increase the counter #1 by at least 1 to either the number of the % next page containing the appropriate kind of points, or to % something greater than \tbl@lastp. \iftbl@pgs \find@nextpagewithpoints{#1}% \else \addtocounter{#1}{1}% \fi }% increment@index \def\nextcolumn@index@v#1{% % Used only for multicolumn tables. % If we're doing a table indexed by question numbers, we increase % the counter #1 by num@cols. % If we're doing a table indexed by page numbers, % we use \find@nextcolumnpage@v to increment the counter #1 to either % the (num@rows)'th page number after #1 that contains the % appropriate kind of points or to a value greater than \tbl@lastp. \iftbl@pgs \find@nextcolumnpage@v{#1}% \else \addtocounter{#1}{\value{num@rows}}% \fi }% nextcolumn@index@v \def\pointsof@index#1{% \iftbl@pgs \pointsonpage{\arabic{#1}}% \else \pointsofquestion{\arabic{#1}}% \fi }% pointsof@index \def\bonuspointsof@index#1{% \iftbl@pgs \bonuspointsonpage{\arabic{#1}}% \else \bonuspointsofquestion{\arabic{#1}}% \fi }% bonuspointsof@index \def\refto@index#1{% \iftbl@pgs \if@combined % Need to hide this inside of a macro: \refto@comb@index{#1}% \else \if@bonus \pageref{firstbonuspoints@onpage@\arabic{#1}}% \else \pageref{firstpoints@onpage@\arabic{#1}}% \fi \fi \else \ref{question@\arabic{#1}}% \fi }% refto@index \def\refto@comb@index#1{% % We're called only by \refto@index. % We can't have the \ifhlfcntr@pos...\fi inside of another % conditional, so we're hiding it in this macro. \set@hlfcntr{tmp@hlfcntr}{\pointsonpage{\arabic{#1}}}% \ifhlfcntr@pos{tmp@hlfcntr}% \pageref{firstpoints@onpage@\arabic{#1}}% \else % In theory, there *must* be bonus points on this page, because % there aren't any plain points, but there are allegedly *some* % points. We're being brave and assuming that's correct, and not % checking (which we'd have to hide inside a macro, because it % would use \ifhlfcntr@pos): \pageref{firstbonuspoints@onpage@\arabic{#1}}% \fi }% refto@comb@index %-------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Multirow tables: %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Check that the number of rows is OK, and compute the number of % columns: \def\check@num@rows@h{% % We get here from \tbl@v@or@h. % We make sure the number of rows is a positive integer. If it % is, we go on to \@computenumcols@h \ifnum \value{num@rows} < 1\relax \ClassError{exam}{% The number of rows in a table must be positive.\MessageBreak }{% The number of rows must be a positive integer.\MessageBreak }% \fbox{\textbf{Error:} Multirow table with no rows!}% \else \@computenumcols@h \fi }% check@num@rows@h \def\@computenumcols@h{% % We get here from \check@num@rows@h. % Compute the number of columns. % First: set num@cols to one more than either (the number of pages % with the appropriate type of points) or (the number of questions), % to have slots for the total along with the questions: \iftbl@pgs \count@pgswpts{num@cols}% \addtocounter{num@cols}{1}% \else \setcounter{num@cols}{\tbl@lastq}% \addtocounter{num@cols}{-\tbl@firstq}% \addtocounter{num@cols}{2}% \fi % Save the number of slots needed in pq@index (used for scratch), to % check for truncation: \setcounter{pq@index}{\value{num@cols}}% % Divide the number of slots needed by num@rows: \divide \csname c@num@cols\endcsname by \csname c@num@rows\endcsname % Division truncates: See if there was truncation. % Use @iterator as a scratch counter. \setcounter{@iterator}{\value{num@cols}}% \multiply \csname c@@iterator\endcsname by \csname c@num@rows\endcsname \ifnum \value{@iterator} < \value{pq@index}\relax % There was truncation; add a column to num@cols: \addtocounter{num@cols}{1}% \fi \@multirowtable }% @computenumcols@h %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Construct the actual table: \def\@multirowtable{% % We get here from \@computenumcols@h. % All multirow tables! \renewcommand\arraystretch{\@gtblstretch}% \set@hlfcntr{tbl@points}{0}% \set@hlfcntr{tbl@bonuspoints}{0}% \setcounter{pq@index}{\first@pq@index}% \addtocounter{pq@index}{-1}% \setcounter{pq@index@pts}{\value{pq@index}}% \setcounter{pq@index@bpts}{\value{pq@index}}% \setcounter{current@row}{0}% \begin{tabular}{|l|*{\value{num@cols}}{c|}} \hline \if@combined \do@comblines@h \else \do@lines@h \fi }% @multirowtable \def\do@lines@h{% % Called only by \@multirowtable. % It's either bonus or regular, but not combined: \addtocounter{current@row}{1}% Set to the number of the current row \iftbl@pgs \if@bonus \@bhpgword \else \@hpgword \fi \else \if@bonus \@bhqword \else \@hqword \fi \fi \setcounter{cols@done}{0}% \do@pq@indexloop@h % When we finish \do@pq@indexloop@h, either we've finished a % complete row of page numbers (or questions), or we've done all % the page numbers (or questions) through \last@pq@index, or both: \ifnum \value{cols@done} < \value{num@cols}\relax % We've inserted all the page or question numbers, and there's % room remaining on the current line for \@htword (or \@bhtword): \ifnum \value{current@row} = \value{num@rows}\relax % This is the last row; put in the total: \do@htword@h \else % This isn't the last row. We insert (\value{num@cols} - % \value{cols@done}) ampersands. \setcounter{@iterator}{\value{num@cols}}% \addtocounter{@iterator}{-\value{cols@done}}% \do@emptycols@h \fi \fi \\ \hline % Point values go here! \setcounter{cols@done}{0}% \if@bonus \@bhpword \do@bptloop@h \else \@hpword \do@ptloop@h \fi % When we finish \do@ptloop@h or \do@bptloop@h, either % we've finished a complete row of point values, or we've done all % the question (or page) numbers through \last@pq@index, or both: \ifnum \value{cols@done} < \value{num@cols}\relax % We've inserted all the point values, and there's room % remaining on the current line for Total Points: \ifnum \value{current@row} = \value{num@rows}\relax % This is the last row; put in the total: \if@bonus \do@totalbpts@h \else \do@totalpts@h \fi \else % This isn't the last row. We insert (\value{num@cols} - % \value{cols@done}) ampersands. \setcounter{@iterator}{\value{num@cols}}% \addtocounter{@iterator}{-\value{cols@done}}% \do@emptycols@h \fi \fi % We hold off on putting in the "\\ \hline" because we may want to % immediately follow it with either an "\end{tabular}" or another % "\hline". % Scores? \if@scores \\ \hline \if@bonus \@bhsword \hidden@ampersand \else \@hsword \hidden@ampersand \fi \setcounter{cols@done}{0}% \do@sloop@h \fi \ifnum \value{current@row} = \value{num@rows}\relax % This is the last line! End the tabular: \\ \hline \end{tabular}% \else % Don't end the tabular: \\ \hline\hline \fi % Check if we should repeat: \ifnum \value{current@row} < \value{num@rows}\relax \let\nextdo@lines@h=\do@lines@h \else \let\nextdo@lines@h=\relax \fi \nextdo@lines@h }% do@lines@h \def\do@comblines@h{% % Called only by \@multirowtable. % Combined tables. \addtocounter{current@row}{1}% Set to the number of the current row \iftbl@pgs \@chpgword \else \@chqword \fi \setcounter{cols@done}{0}% \do@pq@indexloop@h % When we finish \do@pq@indexloop@h, either we've finished a % complete row of page (or question) numbers, or we've done all % the page (or question) numbers through \last@pq@index, or both: \ifnum \value{cols@done} < \value{num@cols}\relax % We've inserted all the question (or page) numbers, and there's % room remaining on the current line for \@chtword: \ifnum \value{current@row} = \value{num@rows}\relax % This is the last row; put in the total: \do@htword@h \else % This isn't the last row. We insert (\value{num@cols} - % \value{cols@done}) ampersands. \setcounter{@iterator}{\value{num@cols}}% \addtocounter{@iterator}{-\value{cols@done}}% \do@emptycols@h \fi \fi \\ \hline % Point values go here! \@chpword \setcounter{cols@done}{0}% \do@ptloop@h % When we finish \do@ptloop@h, either we've finished a complete % row of point values, or we've done all the question (or page) % numbers through \last@pq@index, or both: \ifnum \value{cols@done} < \value{num@cols}\relax % We've inserted all the point values, and there's room % remaining on the current line for Total Points: \ifnum \value{current@row} = \value{num@rows}\relax % This is the last row; put in the total: \do@totalpts@h \else % This isn't the last row. We insert (\value{num@cols} - % \value{cols@done}) ampersands. \setcounter{@iterator}{\value{num@cols}}% \addtocounter{@iterator}{-\value{cols@done}}% \do@emptycols@h \fi \fi \\ \hline % Bonus point values go here! \@chbpword \setcounter{cols@done}{0}% \do@bptloop@h % When we finish \do@bptloop@h, either % we've finished a complete row of point values, or we've done all % the question (or page) numbers through \last@pq@index, or both: \ifnum \value{cols@done} < \value{num@cols}\relax % We've inserted all the point values, and there's room % remaining on the current line for Total Points: \ifnum \value{current@row} = \value{num@rows}\relax % This is the last row; put in the total: \do@totalbpts@h \else % This isn't the last row. We insert (\value{num@cols} - % \value{cols@done}) ampersands. \setcounter{@iterator}{\value{num@cols}}% \addtocounter{@iterator}{-\value{cols@done}}% \do@emptycols@h \fi \fi % We hold off on putting in the "\\ \hline" because we may want to % immediately follow it with either an "\end{tabular}" or another % "\hline". % Scores? \if@scores \\ \hline \@chsword \hidden@ampersand \setcounter{cols@done}{0}% \do@sloop@h \fi \ifnum \value{current@row} = \value{num@rows}\relax % This is the last line! End the tabular: \\ \hline \end{tabular}% \else % Don't end the tabular: \\ \hline\hline \fi % Check if we should repeat: \ifnum \value{current@row} < \value{num@rows}\relax \let\nextdo@comblines@h=\do@comblines@h \else \let\nextdo@comblines@h=\relax \fi \nextdo@comblines@h }% do@comblines@h \def\do@pq@indexloop@h{% % Called by both \do@lines@h and \do@comblines@h. % We insert at most one row of pq@index: \increment@index{pq@index}% \ifnum \value{pq@index} > \last@pq@index\relax % Do nothing! \else \hidden@ampersand \refto@index{pq@index}% \addtocounter{cols@done}{1}% \fi \ifnum \value{pq@index} < \last@pq@index\relax \ifnum \value{cols@done} < \value{num@cols}\relax \let\nextdo@pq@indexloop@h=\do@pq@indexloop@h \else \let\nextdo@pq@indexloop@h=\relax \fi \else \let\nextdo@pq@indexloop@h=\relax \fi \nextdo@pq@indexloop@h }% do@pq@indexloop@h \def\do@ptloop@h{% % Called by both \do@lines@h and \do@comblines@h. % We insert at most one row of non-bonus point values: \increment@index{pq@index@pts}% \ifnum \value{pq@index@pts} > \last@pq@index\relax % Do nothing! \else \hidden@ampersand \addtocounter{cols@done}{1}% \pointsof@index{pq@index@pts}% \addto@hlfcntr{tbl@points}{\pointsof@index{pq@index@pts}}% \fi \ifnum \value{pq@index@pts} < \last@pq@index\relax \ifnum \value{cols@done} < \value{num@cols}\relax \let\nextdo@ptloop@h=\do@ptloop@h \else \let\nextdo@ptloop@h=\relax \fi \else \let\nextdo@ptloop@h=\relax \fi \nextdo@ptloop@h }% do@ptloop@h \def\do@bptloop@h{% % Called by both \do@lines@h and \do@comblines@h. % We insert at most one row of bonus point values: \increment@index{pq@index@bpts}% \ifnum \value{pq@index@bpts} > \last@pq@index\relax % Do nothing! \else \hidden@ampersand \addtocounter{cols@done}{1}% \bonuspointsof@index{pq@index@bpts}% \addto@hlfcntr{tbl@bonuspoints}{\bonuspointsof@index{pq@index@bpts}}% \fi \ifnum \value{pq@index@bpts} < \last@pq@index\relax \ifnum \value{cols@done} < \value{num@cols}\relax \let\nextdo@bptloop@h=\do@bptloop@h \else \let\nextdo@bptloop@h=\relax \fi \else \let\nextdo@bptloop@h=\relax \fi \nextdo@bptloop@h }% do@bptloop@h \def\do@htword@h{% % Called by both \do@lines@h and \do@comblines@h. % We insert (\value{num@cols} - \value{cols@done}) ampersands, % and then either \@htword or \@bhtword or \@chtword: \setcounter{@iterator}{\value{num@cols}}% \addtocounter{@iterator}{-\value{cols@done}}% \do@emptycols@h \if@combined \@chtword \else \if@bonus \@bhtword \else \@htword \fi \fi }% do@htword@h \def\do@totalpts@h{% % Called by both \do@lines@h and \do@comblines@h. % We insert (\value{num@cols} - \value{cols@done}) ampersands % and then the total points: \setcounter{@iterator}{\value{num@cols}}% \addtocounter{@iterator}{-\value{cols@done}}% \do@emptycols@h \prt@tablepoints }% do@totalpts@h \def\do@totalbpts@h{% % Called by both \do@lines@h and \do@comblines@h. % We insert (\value{num@cols} - \value{cols@done}) ampersands, % and then the total bonus points: \setcounter{@iterator}{\value{num@cols}}% \addtocounter{@iterator}{-\value{cols@done}}% \do@emptycols@h \prt@tablebonuspoints }% do@totalbpts@h \def\do@emptycols@h{% % Called by \do@lines@h, \do@comblines@h, \do@htword@h, % \do@totalpts@h, and \do@totalbpts@h. % We insert \value{@iterator} ampersands: \ifnum \value{@iterator} > 0\relax \hidden@ampersand \addtocounter{@iterator}{-1}% \let\nextdo@emptycols@h=\do@emptycols@h \else \let\nextdo@emptycols@h=\relax \fi \nextdo@emptycols@h }% do@emptycols@h \def\do@sloop@h{% % Called by both \do@lines@h and \do@comblines@h. % We assume that cols@done has been set to zero. % We insert num@cols \hbox to \@cellwidth, % separated by ampersands. \addtocounter{cols@done}{1}% \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}% \ifnum \value{cols@done} < \value{num@cols}\relax \hidden@ampersand \let\nextdo@sloop@h=\do@sloop@h \else \let\nextdo@sloop@h=\relax \fi \nextdo@sloop@h }% do@sloop@h %-------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Multicolumn tables %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Here's an example of a multicolumn grade table indexed by questions. % Every line of \cline's is followed by a % \noalign{\vskip\arrayrulewidth} to cancel the % \noalign{\vskip-\arrayrulewidth} that ends the definition of % \cline. % \begin{tabular}{*2{|c|c|c|c}} % \cline{1-3} \cline{5-7} % \noalign{\vskip\arrayrulewidth} % Question% % & Points% % & Score% % & \hspace*{-\arrayrulewidth}\hspace*{\doublerulesep}% % & Question% % & Points% % & Score% % \\ % \cline{1-3} \cline{5-7} % \noalign{\vskip\arrayrulewidth} % 1% % & 5% % & \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}% % & \hspace*{-\arrayrulewidth}\hspace*{\doublerulesep}% % & 4% % & 20% % & \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}% % \\ % \cline{1-3} \cline{5-7} % \noalign{\vskip\arrayrulewidth} % 2% % & 10% % & \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}% % & \hspace*{-\arrayrulewidth}\hspace*{\doublerulesep}% % & 5% % & 25% % & \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}% % \\ % \cline{1-3} \cline{5-7} % \noalign{\vskip\arrayrulewidth} % 3% % & 15% % & \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}% % & \hspace*{-\arrayrulewidth}\hspace*{\doublerulesep}% % & Total:% % & 75% % & \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}% % \\ % \cline{1-3} \cline{5-7} % \noalign{\vskip\arrayrulewidth} % \end{tabular} %-------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Check that the number of cols is OK, and compute the number of rows: \def\check@num@cols@v{% % We get here from \tbl@v@or@h. % We make sure the number of cols is between 1 and 10 (since we % can't handle more than 10 cols in a multicolumn table). % If it is, we go on to \@computenumrows@v \ifnum \value{num@cols} < 1\relax \ClassError{exam}{% The number of columns in a table must be positive.\MessageBreak }{% The number of columns must be a positive integer.\MessageBreak }% \fbox{\textbf{Error:} Multicolumn table with no columns!}% \else \ifnum \value{num@cols} > 10\relax \ClassError{exam}{% Multicolumn tables can have at most 10 columns.\MessageBreak }{% Multicolumn tables can have at most 10 columns.\MessageBreak }% \fbox{\textbf{Error:} Multicolumn table with more than 10 columns!}% \else \@computenumrows@v \fi \fi }% check@num@cols@v \def\@computenumrows@v{% % We get here from \check@num@cols@v. % Compute the number of rows. % First: set num@rows to one more than the number of either % (questions) or (pages with the appropriate type of points), to % have slots for the total along with the questions or page numbers: \iftbl@pgs \count@pgswpts{num@rows}% \addtocounter{num@rows}{1}% \else \setcounter{num@rows}{\last@pq@index}% \addtocounter{num@rows}{-\first@pq@index}% \addtocounter{num@rows}{2}% \fi % Save the number of slots needed, using pq@index@bpts as a scratch % counter, to check for truncation on division: \setcounter{pq@index@bpts}{\value{num@rows}}% % Divide the number of slots needed by num@cols: \divide \csname c@num@rows\endcsname by \csname c@num@cols\endcsname % Division truncates: See if there was truncation. % Use the counter @iterator as a scratch counter: \setcounter{@iterator}{\value{num@rows}}% \multiply \csname c@@iterator\endcsname by \csname c@num@cols\endcsname \ifnum \value{@iterator} < \value{pq@index@bpts}\relax % There was truncation; add one to num@rows: \addtocounter{num@rows}{1}% \fi \@multicolumntable }% @computenumrows@v %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Construct the actual table: \def\@multicolumntable{% % We get here from \@computenumrows@v. % Set \cline@stuff@v equal to the line of \cline's: \create@cline@stuff@v \renewcommand\arraystretch{\@gtblstretch}% \set@hlfcntr{tbl@points}{0}% \set@hlfcntr{tbl@bonuspoints}{0}% \if@combined \if@scores % combinedgradetable, possibly partial. % Note: We'll never use the final "c" in the format of the % tabular, but there's no harm in that. \begin{tabular}{*{\value{num@cols}}{|c|c|c|c|c}} % We need to make sure that the \cline@stuff@v commands come % *immediately* following the \\ or \begin{tabular} (with no % conditionals evaluated, even if those conditionals expand to % the empty string)! % Put in the row of column headings, with \cline@stuff@v above and % below: \cline@stuff@v \setcounter{@iterator}{0}% \docolumn@heads@comb@v \\ \cline@stuff@v \else % combinedpointtable, possibly partial. % Note: We'll never use the final "c" in the format of the % tabular, but there's no harm in that. \begin{tabular}{*{\value{num@cols}}{|c|c|c|c}} % We need to make sure that the \cline@stuff@v commands come % *immediately* following the \\ or \begin{tabular} (with no % conditionals evaluated, even if those conditionals expand to % the empty string)! % Put in the row of column headings, with \cline@stuff@v above and % below: \cline@stuff@v \setcounter{@iterator}{0}% \docolumn@heads@comb@noscores@v \\ \cline@stuff@v \fi % pq@index@pts will hold the question number (or page number) in % the first column of the row. \setcounter{pq@index@pts}{\first@pq@index}% \iftbl@pgs % If we're indexed by pages, we need to make sure there are % points of the appropriate type on the first page listed: \addtocounter{pq@index@pts}{-1}% \find@nextpagewithpoints{pq@index@pts}% \fi \setcounter{current@row}{0}% \do@lines@v \else % It's not combined: \if@scores % Note: We'll never use the final "c" in the format of the % tabular, but there's no harm in that. \begin{tabular}{*{\value{num@cols}}{|c|c|c|c}} % We need to make sure that the \cline@stuff@v commands come % *immediately* following the \\ or \begin{tabular} (with no % conditionals evaluated, even if those conditionals expand to % the empty string)! % Put in the row of column headings, with \cline@stuff@v above and % below: \cline@stuff@v \setcounter{@iterator}{0}% \docolumn@heads@v \\ \cline@stuff@v \else % Note: We'll never use the final "c" in the format of the % tabular, but there's no harm in that. \begin{tabular}{*{\value{num@cols}}{|c|c|c}} % We need to make sure that the \cline@stuff@v commands come % *immediately* following the \\ or \begin{tabular} (with no % conditionals evaluated, even if those conditionals expand to % the empty string)! % Put in the row of column headings, with \cline@stuff@v above and % below: \cline@stuff@v \setcounter{@iterator}{0}% \docolumn@heads@noscores@v \\ \cline@stuff@v \fi % pq@index@pts will hold the question number (or page number) in % the first column of the row. \setcounter{pq@index@pts}{\first@pq@index}% \iftbl@pgs % If we're indexed by pages, we need to make sure there are % points of the appropriate type on the first page listed: \addtocounter{pq@index@pts}{-1}% \find@nextpagewithpoints{pq@index@pts}% \fi \setcounter{current@row}{0}% \do@lines@v \fi }% @multicolumntable %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % \create@cline@stuff@v % The function \create@cline@stuff@v defines \cline@stuff@v to be whatever's % appropriate given the values of num@cols, \if@bonus, \if@combined, and % \if@scores. % We wimped out of generating \cline@stuff@v on the fly because we didn't % see how to get the correct expansions/nonexpansions without using a % primitive of e-TeX. % \clines@ii@whatever is for tables in which a logical column consists % of two columns; it's used for pointtable and bonuspointtable. \def\clines@ii@i{\cline{1-2}} \def\clines@ii@ii{\cline{1-2} \cline{4-5}} \def\clines@ii@iii{\cline{1-2} \cline{4-5} \cline{7-8}} \def\clines@ii@iv{\cline{1-2} \cline{4-5} \cline{7-8} \cline{10-11}} \def\clines@ii@v{\cline{1-2} \cline{4-5} \cline{7-8} \cline{10-11} \cline{13-14}} \def\clines@ii@vi{\cline{1-2} \cline{4-5} \cline{7-8} \cline{10-11} \cline{13-14} \cline{16-17}} \def\clines@ii@vii{\cline{1-2} \cline{4-5} \cline{7-8} \cline{10-11} \cline{13-14} \cline{16-17} \cline{19-20}} \def\clines@ii@viii{\cline{1-2} \cline{4-5} \cline{7-8} \cline{10-11} \cline{13-14} \cline{16-17} \cline{19-20} \cline{22-23}} \def\clines@ii@vix{\cline{1-2} \cline{4-5} \cline{7-8} \cline{10-11} \cline{13-14} \cline{16-17} \cline{19-20} \cline{22-23} \cline{25-26}} \def\clines@ii@x{\cline{1-2} \cline{4-5} \cline{7-8} \cline{10-11} \cline{13-14} \cline{16-17} \cline{19-20} \cline{22-23} \cline{25-26} \cline{28-29}} % \clines@iii@whatever is for tables in which a logical column consists % of three columns; it's are used for gradetable, bonusgradetable, and % combinedpointtable: \def\clines@iii@i{\cline{1-3}} \def\clines@iii@ii{\cline{1-3} \cline{5-7}} \def\clines@iii@iii{\cline{1-3} \cline{5-7} \cline{9-11}} \def\clines@iii@iv{\cline{1-3} \cline{5-7} \cline{9-11} \cline{13-15}} \def\clines@iii@v{\cline{1-3} \cline{5-7} \cline{9-11} \cline{13-15} \cline{17-19}} \def\clines@iii@vi{\cline{1-3} \cline{5-7} \cline{9-11} \cline{13-15} \cline{17-19} \cline{21-23}} \def\clines@iii@vii{\cline{1-3} \cline{5-7} \cline{9-11} \cline{13-15} \cline{17-19} \cline{21-23} \cline{25-27}} \def\clines@iii@viii{\cline{1-3} \cline{5-7} \cline{9-11} \cline{13-15} \cline{17-19} \cline{21-23} \cline{25-27} \cline{29-31}} \def\clines@iii@ix{\cline{1-3} \cline{5-7} \cline{9-11} \cline{13-15} \cline{17-19} \cline{21-23} \cline{25-27} \cline{29-31} \cline{33-35}} \def\clines@iii@x{\cline{1-3} \cline{5-7} \cline{9-11} \cline{13-15} \cline{17-19} \cline{21-23} \cline{25-27} \cline{29-31} \cline{33-35} \cline{37-39}} % \clines@iv@whatever is for tables in which a logical column % consists of four columns; it's used for combinedgradetable. \def\clines@iv@i{\cline{1-4}} \def\clines@iv@ii{\cline{1-4} \cline{6-9}} \def\clines@iv@iii{\cline{1-4} \cline{6-9} \cline{11-14}} \def\clines@iv@iv{\cline{1-4} \cline{6-9} \cline{11-14} \cline{16-19}} \def\clines@iv@v{\cline{1-4} \cline{6-9} \cline{11-14} \cline{16-19} \cline{21-24}} \def\clines@iv@vi{\cline{1-4} \cline{6-9} \cline{11-14} \cline{16-19} \cline{21-24} \cline{26-29}} \def\clines@iv@vii{\cline{1-4} \cline{6-9} \cline{11-14} \cline{16-19} \cline{21-24} \cline{26-29} \cline{31-34}} \def\clines@iv@viii{\cline{1-4} \cline{6-9} \cline{11-14} \cline{16-19} \cline{21-24} \cline{26-29} \cline{31-34} \cline{36-39}} \def\clines@iv@ix{\cline{1-4} \cline{6-9} \cline{11-14} \cline{16-19} \cline{21-24} \cline{26-29} \cline{31-34} \cline{36-39} \cline{41-44}} \def\clines@iv@x{\cline{1-4} \cline{6-9} \cline{11-14} \cline{16-19} \cline{21-24} \cline{26-29} \cline{31-34} \cline{36-39} \cline{41-44} \cline{46-49}} % The definition of \cline ends with \noalign{\vskip-\arrayrulewidth}, % and so we want to throw in a \noalign{\vskip\arrayrulewidth} to % cancel that. \def\cline@correction{\noalign{\vskip\arrayrulewidth}} \def\create@cline@stuff@v{% % Called by \@multicolumntable. \if@combined \if@scores \edef\cline@stuff@v{\expandafter\noexpand\csname clines@iv@\romannumeral \c@num@cols\endcsname \noexpand\cline@correction}% \else \edef\cline@stuff@v{\expandafter\noexpand\csname clines@iii@\romannumeral \c@num@cols\endcsname \noexpand\cline@correction}% \fi \else \if@scores \edef\cline@stuff@v{\expandafter\noexpand\csname clines@iii@\romannumeral \c@num@cols\endcsname \noexpand\cline@correction}% \else \edef\cline@stuff@v{\expandafter\noexpand\csname clines@ii@\romannumeral \c@num@cols\endcsname \noexpand\cline@correction}% \fi \fi }% create@cline@stuff@v %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % The various \docolumn@heads@something@v \def\docolumn@heads@v{% % Called by \@multicolumntable. % multicolumngradetable or multicolumnbonusgradetable, possibly % partial. \iftbl@pgs \if@bonus \@bvpgword \else \@vpgword \fi \else \if@bonus \@bvqword \else \@vqword \fi \fi & \if@bonus \@bvpword \else \@vpword \fi & \if@bonus \@bvsword \else \@vsword \fi \addtocounter{@iterator}{1}% \ifnum \value{@iterator} < \value{num@cols}\relax \hidden@ampersand \hspace*{-\arrayrulewidth}\hspace*{\doublerulesep}% \hidden@ampersand \let\nextdocolumn@heads@v=\docolumn@heads@v \else \let\nextdocolumn@heads@v=\relax \fi \nextdocolumn@heads@v }% docolumn@heads@v \def\docolumn@heads@noscores@v{% % Called by \@multicolumntable. % multicolumnpointtable or multicolumnbonuspointtable, possibly % partial. \iftbl@pgs \if@bonus \@bvpgword \else \@vpgword \fi \else \if@bonus \@bvqword \else \@vqword \fi \fi & \if@bonus \@bvpword \else \@vpword \fi \addtocounter{@iterator}{1}% \ifnum \value{@iterator} < \value{num@cols}\relax \hidden@ampersand \hspace*{-\arrayrulewidth}\hspace*{\doublerulesep}% \hidden@ampersand \let\nextdocolumn@heads@noscores@v=\docolumn@heads@noscores@v \else \let\nextdocolumn@heads@noscores@v=\relax \fi \nextdocolumn@heads@noscores@v }% docolumn@heads@noscores@v \def\docolumn@heads@comb@v{% % Called by \@multicolumntable. % multicolumncombinedgradetable, possibly partial. \iftbl@pgs \@cvpgword \else \@cvqword \fi & \@cvpword & \@cvbpword & \@cvsword \addtocounter{@iterator}{1}% \ifnum \value{@iterator} < \value{num@cols}\relax \hidden@ampersand \hspace*{-\arrayrulewidth}\hspace*{\doublerulesep}% \hidden@ampersand \let\nextdocolumn@heads@comb@v=\docolumn@heads@comb@v \else \let\nextdocolumn@heads@comb@v=\relax \fi \nextdocolumn@heads@comb@v }% docolumn@heads@comb@v \def\docolumn@heads@comb@noscores@v{% % Called by \@multicolumntable. % multicolumncombinedpointtable, possibly partial. \iftbl@pgs \@cvpgword \else \@cvqword \fi & \@vpword & \@bvpword \addtocounter{@iterator}{1}% \ifnum \value{@iterator} < \value{num@cols}\relax \hidden@ampersand \hspace*{-\arrayrulewidth}\hspace*{\doublerulesep}% \hidden@ampersand \let\nextdocolumn@heads@comb@noscores@v=\docolumn@heads@comb@noscores@v \else \let\nextdocolumn@heads@comb@noscores@v=\relax \fi \nextdocolumn@heads@comb@noscores@v }% docolumn@heads@comb@noscores@v %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % \do@lines@v is used by *all* multicolumn tables. % It calls \do@oneline@v for all non-combined tables and % \do@oneline@comb@v for all combined tables. \def\do@lines@v{% % We get here from \@multicolumntable. % ALL MULTICOLUMN TABLES!!!! % pq@index@pts holds the question number or page number in the first % column of the current row. \addtocounter{current@row}{1}% \setcounter{pq@index}{\value{pq@index@pts}}% \setcounter{cols@done}{0}% Number of columns done % We're doing both grade tables and point tables!! \if@combined \do@oneline@comb@v \else \do@oneline@v \fi \increment@index{pq@index@pts}% % We need the "\\ \cline@stuff@v" to *immediately* precede the % \end{tabular} (i.e., with no \ifnum separating them), to avoid % having crap after the \cline@stuff@v that % causes there to be an extra row at the end of the table. We also % need there to be nothing between \\ and \cline@stuff@v. \ifnum \value{current@row} = \value{num@rows}\relax \\ \cline@stuff@v \end{tabular}% \let\nextdo@lines@v=\relax \else \\ \cline@stuff@v \let\nextdo@lines@v=\do@lines@v \fi \nextdo@lines@v }% do@lines@v \def\do@oneline@v{% % Called by \do@lines@v. % Used for all multicolumn non-combined tables. % pq@index holds the question or page number we're about to do. \ifnum \value{pq@index} > \last@pq@index\relax % See if we're in the last column; use pq@index@bpts as a scratch % counter: \setcounter{pq@index@bpts}{\value{cols@done}}% \addtocounter{pq@index@bpts}{1}% \ifnum \value{pq@index@bpts} = \value{num@cols}\relax % We're in the last column; are we in the last row? \ifnum \value{current@row} = \value{num@rows}\relax % We're in the last column, last row! % Print the total: \if@bonus \@bvtword \else \@vtword \fi \hidden@ampersand \if@scores \if@bonus \prt@tablebonuspoints \else \prt@tablepoints \fi \hidden@ampersand \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}% \else \if@bonus \prt@tablebonuspoints \else \prt@tablepoints \fi \fi \else % Not last column last row; insert empty space: \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}% \if@scores \hidden@ampersand \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}% \fi \hidden@ampersand \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}% \fi \else % Not last column; insert empty space: \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}% \if@scores \hidden@ampersand \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}% \fi \hidden@ampersand \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}% \fi \else % We need to do question (or page) number pq@index: \refto@index{pq@index}% \hidden@ampersand \if@scores \if@bonus \bonuspointsof@index{pq@index}% \addto@hlfcntr{tbl@bonuspoints}{\bonuspointsof@index{pq@index}}% \else \pointsof@index{pq@index}% \addto@hlfcntr{tbl@points}{\pointsof@index{pq@index}}% \fi \hidden@ampersand \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}% \else \if@bonus \bonuspointsof@index{pq@index}% \addto@hlfcntr{tbl@bonuspoints}{\bonuspointsof@index{pq@index}}% \else \pointsof@index{pq@index}% \addto@hlfcntr{tbl@points}{\pointsof@index{pq@index}}% \fi \fi \fi \addtocounter{cols@done}{1}% Number of columns done \ifnum \value{cols@done} < \value{num@cols}\relax \hidden@ampersand \hspace*{-\arrayrulewidth}\hspace*{\doublerulesep}% \nextcolumn@index@v{pq@index}% \hidden@ampersand \let\nextdo@oneline@v=\do@oneline@v \else \let\nextdo@oneline@v=\relax \fi \nextdo@oneline@v }% do@oneline@v \def\do@oneline@comb@v{% % Called by \do@lines@v. % All combined multicolumn tables. % pq@index holds the question (or page) we're about to do. \ifnum \value{pq@index} > \last@pq@index\relax % See if we're in the last column; use pq@index@bpts as a scratch % counter: \setcounter{pq@index@bpts}{\value{cols@done}}% \addtocounter{pq@index@bpts}{1}% \ifnum \value{pq@index@bpts} = \value{num@cols}\relax % We're in the last column; are we in the last row? \ifnum \value{current@row} = \value{num@rows}\relax % We're in the last column, last row! % Print the total: \@cvtword \hidden@ampersand \prt@tablepoints \hidden@ampersand \if@scores \prt@tablebonuspoints \hidden@ampersand \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}% \else \prt@tablebonuspoints \fi \else % Last column, but not last row; insert empty space: \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}% \hidden@ampersand \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}% \if@scores \hidden@ampersand \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}% \fi \hidden@ampersand \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}% \fi \else % Not last column; insert empty space: \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}% \hidden@ampersand \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}% \if@scores \hidden@ampersand \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}% \fi \hidden@ampersand \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}% \fi \else % We need to do question number pq@index: \refto@index{pq@index}% \hidden@ampersand \pointsof@index{pq@index}% \addto@hlfcntr{tbl@points}{\pointsof@index{pq@index}}% \hidden@ampersand \if@scores \bonuspointsof@index{pq@index}% \addto@hlfcntr{tbl@bonuspoints}{\bonuspointsof@index{pq@index}}% \hidden@ampersand \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}% \else \bonuspointsof@index{pq@index}% \addto@hlfcntr{tbl@bonuspoints}{\bonuspointsof@index{pq@index}}% \fi \fi \addtocounter{cols@done}{1}% Number of columns done \ifnum \value{cols@done} < \value{num@cols}\relax \hidden@ampersand \hspace*{-\arrayrulewidth}\hspace*{\doublerulesep}% \nextcolumn@index@v{pq@index}% \hidden@ampersand \let\nextdo@oneline@comb@v=\do@oneline@comb@v \else \let\nextdo@oneline@comb@v=\relax \fi \nextdo@oneline@comb@v }% do@oneline@comb@v %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % \find@nextpagewithpoints and \find@nextcolumnpage@v: \def\find@nextpagewithpoints#1{% % Called by \dofind@nextcolumnpage@v, \increment@index, and % \@multicolumntable. % The argument #1 should be the name of a counter with a nonnegative % value. % We increase #1 by at least 1 to either the number of the % next page containing the appropriate kind of points, or to something % greater than \tbl@lastp. \addtocounter{#1}{1}% \if@combined \set@hlfcntr{tmp@hlfcntr}{\pointsonpage{\value{#1}}}% \addto@hlfcntr{tmp@hlfcntr}{\bonuspointsonpage{\value{#1}}}% % The sum is positive when at least one of them is positive. \else \if@bonus \set@hlfcntr{tmp@hlfcntr}{\bonuspointsonpage{\value{#1}}}% \else \set@hlfcntr{tmp@hlfcntr}{\pointsonpage{\value{#1}}}% \fi \fi \ifhlfcntr@pos{tmp@hlfcntr}% \let\nextfind@nextpagewithpoints=\relax \else \ifnum \value{#1} > \tbl@lastp\relax \let\nextfind@nextpagewithpoints=\relax \else \def\nextfind@nextpagewithpoints{\find@nextpagewithpoints{#1}}% \fi \fi \nextfind@nextpagewithpoints }% find@nextpagewithpoints \def\find@nextcolumnpage@v#1{% % Called by \nextcolumn@index@v. % This is used for all multicolumn tables that are indexed by % pages. % We use \find@nextpagewithpoints to increment #1 to either % the (num@rows)'th page number after #1 that contains the % appropriate kind of points or to a value greater than \tbl@lastp. % We use pq@index@bpts as a scratch counter. \setcounter{pq@index@bpts}{0}% \dofind@nextcolumnpage@v{#1}% }% find@nextcolumnpage@v \def\dofind@nextcolumnpage@v#1{% % Called only by \find@nextcolumnpage@v. \addtocounter{pq@index@bpts}{1}% \find@nextpagewithpoints{#1}% \ifnum \value{pq@index@bpts} = \value{num@rows}\relax \let\nextdofind@nextcolumnpage@v=\relax \else % The following test shouldn't be needed, in theory, because the % computation of num@cols should prevent trouble, but we're being % paranoid. \ifnum \value{#1} > \tbl@lastp\relax \let\nextdofind@nextcolumnpage@v=\relax \else % Note: this is a \def, and not a \let, because we need to put % in the argument #1: \def\nextdofind@nextcolumnpage@v{\dofind@nextcolumnpage@v{#1}}% \fi \fi \nextdofind@nextcolumnpage@v }% dofind@nextcolumnpage@v %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % \pointsinrange and \bonuspointsinrange, and then % \firstqinrange, \lastqinrange, and \numqinrange. % We say either \@bonusfalse or \@bonustrue, and then we check it only % in \do@countloop: \def\pointsinrange#1{% \@bonusfalse \def\tbl@range{#1}% \@ifundefined{exam@numpoints}% {\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}% {\read@range}% }% pointsinrange \def\bonuspointsinrange#1{% \@bonustrue \def\tbl@range{#1}% \@ifundefined{exam@numpoints}% {\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}% {\read@range}% }% bonuspointsinrange \def\bad@range{% % Called by \read@range, \firstqinrange, \lastqinrange, and % \numqinrange. {\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}% \ClassWarning{exam}{% Grading range `\tbl@range' not defined.\MessageBreak \space\space Run LaTeX again.\MessageBreak }% }% bad@range \def\read@range{% % Called by \pointsinrange and \bonuspointsinrange. \@ifundefined{range@\tbl@range @firstq}% {% \bad@range }% {% \@ifundefined{range@\tbl@range @lastq}% {% \bad@range }% {% \edef\tbl@firstq{\csname range@\tbl@range @firstq\endcsname}% \edef\tbl@lastq{\csname range@\tbl@range @lastq\endcsname}% % Check that firstq precedes or equals lastq: \ifnum \tbl@firstq > \tbl@lastq\relax \fbox{\textbf{Error:} Grading Range `\tbl@range ': Last question precedes first question.}% \ClassError{exam}{% In grading range `\tbl@range ', the last question\MessageBreak \space\space comes before the first question.\MessageBreak }{% \string\begingradingrange \space must precede \string\endgradingrange \space by at least one question.\MessageBreak }% \else \count@pointsinrange \fi }% }% }% read@range \def\count@pointsinrange{% % Used for both \pointsinrange and \bonuspointsinrange: \set@hlfcntr{tbl@points}{0}% \setcounter{@iterator}{\tbl@firstq}% \addtocounter{@iterator}{-1}\do@countloop \prt@hlfcntr{tbl@points}% }% count@pointsinrange \def\do@countloop{% % We check \if@bonus here when needed: \addtocounter{@iterator}{1}% \if@bonus \@ifundefined{bonuspointsofq@\romannumeral \c@@iterator}% {}% {\addto@hlfcntr{tbl@points} {\csname bonuspointsofq@\romannumeral \c@@iterator\endcsname}}% \else \@ifundefined{pointsofq@\romannumeral \c@@iterator}% {}% {\addto@hlfcntr{tbl@points} {\csname pointsofq@\romannumeral \c@@iterator\endcsname}}% \fi \ifnum \value{@iterator} < \tbl@lastq\relax \let\next@countloop=\do@countloop \else \let\next@countloop=\relax \fi \next@countloop }% do@countloop %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % \firstqinrange, \lastqinrange, and \numqinrange. \newcommand{\firstqinrange}[1]{% \def\tbl@range{#1}% \@ifundefined{range@\tbl@range @firstq}% {\bad@range}% {\csname range@#1@firstq\endcsname}% }% firstqinrange \newcommand{\lastqinrange}[1]{% \def\tbl@range{#1}% \@ifundefined{range@\tbl@range @lastq}% {\bad@range}% {\csname range@#1@lastq\endcsname}% }% lastqinrange \newcommand{\numqinrange}[1]{% \def\tbl@range{#1}% \@ifundefined{range@#1@firstq}% {% \bad@range }% {% \@ifundefined{range@#1@lastq}% {% \bad@range }% {% \setcounter{@iterator}{\csname range@#1@lastq\endcsname}% \addtocounter{@iterator}{-\csname range@#1@firstq\endcsname}% \stepcounter{@iterator}% \arabic{@iterator}% }% }% }% numqinrange %-------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % % *************************** % ** SOLUTION ENVIRONMENTS ** % *************************** % If the documentclass options include ``answers'', then the command % \printanswerstrue is given at the beginning of the run. % If the documentclass options include ``noanswers'', then the command % \printanswersfalse is given at the beginning of the run. \def\printanswers{\printanswerstrue} \def\noprintanswers{\printanswersfalse} % If the documentclass options include ``cancelspace'', then the % command \cancelspacetrue is given at the beginning of the run. % If the documentclass options include ``nocancelspace'', then the % command \cancelspacefalse is given at the beginning of the run. \def\cancelspace{\cancelspacetrue} \def\nocancelspace{\cancelspacefalse} % The command \unstarredvspace alters the solution environment so % that, when solutions are not being printed, any optional space will % be inserted with a \vspace{} command, instead of a \vspace*{} % command. \newif\if@unstarredvspace \def\unstarredvspace{\@unstarredvspacetrue} \def\nounstarredvspace{\@unstarredvspacefalse} \nounstarredvspace % If the documentclass options include ``solutionsreseteqcounter'', % then the command \solutionsreseteqcounter is given at the beginning % of the run. % If the documentclass options include ``nosolutionsreseteqcounter'', % then the command \nosolutionsreseteqcounter is given at the beginning % of the run. \def\solutionsreseteqcounter{\solutionsreseteqcountertrue} \def\nosolutionsreseteqcounter{\solutionsreseteqcounterfalse} % \if@insolution will be true while we're inside of any of the % solution environments. This is used to supress \PgInfo@write and % \label commands generated if there's a parts (or subparts, or % subsubparts) environment inside of a solution. (It won't suppress % the labels for the question objects, since a question object is % never a label that's been used before.) \newif\if@insolution \@insolutionfalse \newcommand\SolutionEmphasis[1]{% \def\Solution@Emphasis{#1}% } \SolutionEmphasis{} % When we enter any of the solution (etc.) environments we save the % value of the equation counter, set the equation counter to zero, and % then restore the value of the equation counter at the end of the % environment. \newcounter{exam@saved@eqnum} % If printanswers is true, we print the solution using a TheSolution % environment. If printanswers is false and cancelspace is false, we % insert blank vertical space equal to the optional argument (the % default value of which is 0pt). \newenvironment{solution}[1][0pt]% {% \@insolutiontrue % cancelled by the end of the environment \@addpointsfalse % cancelled by the end of the environment \ifsolutionsreseteqcounter \setcounter{exam@saved@eqnum}{\value{equation}}% \setcounter{equation}{0}% \fi \ifprintanswers \begingroup \Solution@Emphasis \begin{TheSolution}% \else \ifcancelspace % Do nothing \else \par \penalty 0 \if@unstarredvspace \vspace{#1}% \else \vspace*{#1}% \fi \fi \setbox\z@\vbox\bgroup \fi }{% \ifprintanswers \end{TheSolution}% \endgroup \else \egroup \fi \ifsolutionsreseteqcounter \setcounter{equation}{\value{exam@saved@eqnum}}% \fi }% % If printanswers is true, we print the solution using a TheSolution % environment. If printanswers is false and cancelspace is false, % we insert an empty box of width the current line width and of % height equal to the optional argument, which can be a length, or % \fill, or \stretch{number}. If the optional argument is omitted, % then the box is entirely omitted when printanswers is false. \newenvironment{solutionorbox}[1][-1pt]% {% \@insolutiontrue % cancelled by the end of the environment \@addpointsfalse % cancelled by the end of the environment \ifsolutionsreseteqcounter \setcounter{exam@saved@eqnum}{\value{equation}}% \setcounter{equation}{0}% \fi \ifprintanswers \begingroup \Solution@Emphasis \begin{TheSolution}% \else \ifcancelspace % Do nothing \else \par % Note: It's important that the following test be % ``\ifdim 0pt > #1'' rather than ``\ifdim #1 < 0pt'' % That's because if the user says % ``\begin{solutionorbox}{\stretch{1}}'' % (or \stretch{anythingelse}), then this will expand to % ``\ifdim 0pt > \z@ plus 1fill\relax''. % The \ifdim will be ``\ifdim 0pt > \z@'', and we'll have % ``plus 1fill\relax'' left over. This is OK because if the % \ifdim is false, that leftover stuff will be ignored, % and it will only be true if the user omitted the optional % argument, in which case there's no \stretch and thus no % left over part. % If we said ``\ifdim #1 < 0pt'', then we'd get an error % when the user used \stretch, since the leftover stuff % would appear when TeX was looking for <, =, or >. \ifdim 0pt > #1 % do nothing \else \makeemptybox{#1}% \fi \fi \setbox\z@\vbox\bgroup \fi }{% \ifprintanswers \end{TheSolution}% \endgroup \else \egroup \fi \ifsolutionsreseteqcounter \setcounter{equation}{\value{exam@saved@eqnum}}% \fi }% % If printanswers is true, we print the solution using a TheSolution % environment. If printanswers is false and cancelspace is false, % we insert lined vertical space equal to the optional argument (the % default value of which is 0pt). \newenvironment{solutionorlines}[1][0pt]% {% \@insolutiontrue % cancelled by the end of the environment \@addpointsfalse % cancelled by the end of the environment \ifsolutionsreseteqcounter \setcounter{exam@saved@eqnum}{\value{equation}}% \setcounter{equation}{0}% \fi \ifprintanswers \begingroup \Solution@Emphasis \begin{TheSolution}% \else \ifcancelspace % Do nothing \else \par \penalty 0 \fillwithlines{#1}% \fi \setbox\z@\vbox\bgroup \fi }{% \ifprintanswers \end{TheSolution}% \endgroup \else \egroup \fi \ifsolutionsreseteqcounter \setcounter{equation}{\value{exam@saved@eqnum}}% \fi }% % If printanswers is true, we print the solution using a TheSolution % environment. If printanswers is false and cancelspace is false, % we insert dotted lined vertical space equal to the optional % argument (the default value of which is 0pt). \newenvironment{solutionordottedlines}[1][0pt]% {% \@insolutiontrue % cancelled by the end of the environment \@addpointsfalse % cancelled by the end of the environment \ifsolutionsreseteqcounter \setcounter{exam@saved@eqnum}{\value{equation}}% \setcounter{equation}{0}% \fi \ifprintanswers \begingroup \Solution@Emphasis \begin{TheSolution}% \else \ifcancelspace % Do nothing \else \par \penalty 0 \fillwithdottedlines{#1}% \fi \setbox\z@\vbox\bgroup \fi }{% \ifprintanswers \end{TheSolution}% \endgroup \else \egroup \fi \ifsolutionsreseteqcounter \setcounter{equation}{\value{exam@saved@eqnum}}% \fi }% % If printanswers is true, we print the solution using a TheSolution % environment. If printanswers is false and cancelspace is false, % we insert a grid occupying vertically the optional argument (the % default value of which is 0pt). \newenvironment{solutionorgrid}[1][0pt]% {% \@insolutiontrue % cancelled by the end of the environment \@addpointsfalse % cancelled by the end of the environment \ifsolutionsreseteqcounter \setcounter{exam@saved@eqnum}{\value{equation}}% \setcounter{equation}{0}% \fi \ifprintanswers \begingroup \Solution@Emphasis \begin{TheSolution}% \else \ifcancelspace % Do nothing \else \par \penalty 0 \fillwithgrid{#1}% \fi \setbox\z@\vbox\bgroup \fi }{% \ifprintanswers \end{TheSolution}% \endgroup \else \egroup \fi \ifsolutionsreseteqcounter \setcounter{equation}{\value{exam@saved@eqnum}}% \fi }% % The environment TheSolution is called from the solution, % solutionorbox, solutionorlines, solutionordottedlines, and % solutionorgrid environments when printanswers is true. It uses % Donald Arseneau's framed.sty macros (included at the end of this % file) to allow the solution to be broken across pages and have each % piece enclosed in an fbox (or a colorbox, if the user has given the % command \shadedsolutions), (or no box at all, if the user has given % the command \unframedsolutions). % Of course, the user can change TheSolution with a \renewenvironment % command. \newcommand{\solutiontitle}{\noindent\textbf{Solution:}\enspace} \newenvironment{TheSolution}% {% \vspace{\parskip}% % If we don't set \leftskip and \rightskip to 0pt, then if we % appear inside of an \uplevel command we'd have indentation % inside of the solution box: \leftskip=0pt \rightskip=0pt % If the user said \unframedsolutions, then both % \if@framedsolutions and \if@shadedsolutions are false: \if@framedsolutions % We'll use the default \exam@FrameCommand \else \if@shadedsolutions \def\exam@FrameCommand{\colorbox{SolutionColor}}% \else % It's \unframedsolutions: \def\exam@FrameCommand{}% \fi \fi \exam@MakeFramed{\advance\hsize-\exam@width}% \solutiontitle \ignorespaces }% {% \unskip \endexam@MakeFramed }% \newif\if@framedsolutions \@framedsolutionstrue \newif\if@shadedsolutions \@shadedsolutionsfalse % If the user said \unframedsolutions, then both % \if@framedsolutions and \if@shadedsolutions are false. \def\framedsolutions{\@framedsolutionstrue\@shadedsolutionsfalse} \def\shadedsolutions{% \@ifundefined{definecolor} {% \ClassError{exam}{% You must load the color package with the command\MessageBreak \space\space\protect\usepackage{color}\MessageBreak in order to use the command \protect\shadedsolutions \MessageBreak }{% This command requires either the package color.sty\MessageBreak or xcolor.sty, and so you have to load one of those before \MessageBreak your \protect\begin{document} command.\MessageBreak }% }% {% \definecolor{SolutionColor}{gray}{0.8} \@shadedsolutionstrue \@framedsolutionsfalse }% } \def\unframedsolutions{\@framedsolutionsfalse\@shadedsolutionsfalse} % The solutionbox environment is different from the other solution % environments (solution, solutionorbox, solutionorlines, % solutionordottedlines, and solutionorgrid), in that % % (1) The box is always printed, whether answers are being printed % or not. % % (2) The argument giving the size of the box is a required % argument, not an optional argument, and so it should be enclosed % in braces, not in brackets. It can be either a length or % \stretch{number}. % % (3) We make no use of the TheSolution environment; the solutionbox % environment is completely freestanding. % % If answers are not being printed then only the box is printed, with % nothing in it. If answers are being printed, then the solution is % printed inside of the box. % % Note: It's the user's responsibility to be sure that the box is % large enough to hold the solution! If the solution takes up too % much vertical space, then it will spill out of the bottom of the % box, overwriting whatever follows the box. % 2016/02/08: The solutionbox frame can now be printed in color, as % long as you load color.sty in the preamble. % % Usage: Say % % \usepackage{color} % % in the preamble, and then give the command % % \colorsolutionboxes % % to have the frame around a solutionbox in color. The default color % was created by the command % % \definecolor{SolutionBoxColor}{gray}{0.8} % % and you can change the color by giving a new \definecolor command % (which must be done *after* the \colorsolutionboxes command). % % To cancel color solutionbox frames and return to black, give the % command % % \nocolorsolutionboxes \newif\if@colorsolutionboxes \@colorsolutionboxesfalse \def\colorsolutionboxes{% \@ifundefined{definecolor} {% \ClassError{exam}{% You must load the color package with the command\MessageBreak \space\space\protect\usepackage{color}\MessageBreak in order to use the command \protect\colorsolutionboxes \MessageBreak }{% This command requires either the package color.sty\MessageBreak or xcolor.sty, and so you have to load one of those before \MessageBreak your \protect\begin{document} command.\MessageBreak }% }% {% \definecolor{SolutionBoxColor}{gray}{0.8} \@colorsolutionboxestrue }% } \def\nocolorsolutionboxes{\@colorsolutionboxesfalse} \newbox\exam@box \newenvironment{solutionbox}[1]{% \@insolutiontrue % cancelled by the end of the environment \@addpointsfalse % cancelled by the end of the environment \ifsolutionsreseteqcounter \setcounter{exam@saved@eqnum}{\value{equation}}% \setcounter{equation}{0}% \fi \def\solutionbox@size{#1}% saved for end of environment % Change, 2016/02/08: So that the solutionbox environment will work % correctly inside of a tabular environment, we use \hsize instead of % \textwidth: % \@tempdima=\textwidth \@tempdima=\hsize \advance\@tempdima -\@totalleftmargin \advance\@tempdima -6\fboxsep \advance\@tempdima -2\fboxrule % Confine the \Solution@Emphasis, as well as anything the user puts % into the solution (e.g., \color{red}, or whatever); don't say % \endgroup until after using \box\exam@box: \begingroup \Solution@Emphasis % We save the solution in a box of the proper width. We'll either % print it (if we're printing solutions) or throw it away by just % not using it before the environment ends: \setbox\exam@box=\vtop\bgroup \hsize=\@tempdima \leftskip=0pt \rightskip=0pt \vskip 2\fboxsep % Change, 2016/05/09: We change \@totalleftmargin and \linewidth in % case there are enumerate, itemize, or description environments % inside the solution: \@totalleftmargin=0pt \linewidth=\hsize \solutiontitle \ignorespaces }% {% \unskip \egroup % OK, the solution is now inside \box\exam@box. % Set the height and depth to 0pt, so that if we use it we won't % be advancing our position on the page: \ht\exam@box=0pt \dp\exam@box=0pt \par \vspace{\parskip} \ifprintanswers % We enclose the \vtop in an \hbox to avoid having the % indentation of the enclosing list environment (implemented via % \parshape) shift us to the right when we enter horizontal % mode. If we don't use this \hbox, then we'd have to comment % out the \hskip \@totalleftmargin: % 2016/02/08: Changed \textwidth to \hsize: \hbox to \hsize{% \noindent \hskip\@totalleftmargin \hskip3\fboxsep\hskip\fboxrule \box\exam@box\hfill }% \par\nointerlineskip \fi \endgroup % Finish confining the \Solution@Emphasis % Starting in version 2.502, 2016/03/23,the decision of whether to % color the box is made in the \makeemptybox command: \makeemptybox{\solutionbox@size} \ifsolutionsreseteqcounter \setcounter{equation}{\value{exam@saved@eqnum}}% \fi }% End of the second argument of \newenvironment{solutionbox} %-------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Added in version 2.502: 2016/03/23, \colorfbox % Modified in version 2.703, 2023/02/12 % The \colorfbox command is used in our modification of framed.sty % that allows us to print the frame around the solution in color when % the user has given the command \colorsolutionboxes. It takes two % arguments, the first being the color for the frame, and the second % being the stuff to be framed. % When you define a color mycolor using either color.sty or % xcolor.sty, a macro \csname\string\color@ mycolor\endcsname is % defined (i.e., the macro name is \\color@mycolor). % If we had assumed that xcolor.sty was used (instead of just % color.sty), then the line that saves the current color in % saved@color could have been just % \colorlet{saved@color}{.} % but we wanted to make this work even if color.sty was being used, when % the command needed to save the color is % \expandafter\let\csname\string\color@saved@color\endcsname\current@color % To make this useable whether either color.sty or xcolor.sty was % being used, the original version of this command saved the current % color using the command that works for color.sty, which also seemed % to work for xcolor.sty. Alas, it turned out that if the user was % using xcolor sty, then \colorsolutionboxes worked OK except that % xcolor.sty put the warning % Package xcolor Warning: Incompatible color definition % into the log file. It turned out that the reason for the warning is % that, although both color.sty and xcolor.sty create the same macro % name, xcolor.sty puts more information into that macro than % color.sty does, and so when xcolor.sty sees a color definition in % the form used by color.sty, it generates that warning. % To eliminate that warning, in version 2.703 we changed the % \colorfbox command to check whether xcolor.sty is loaded (in which % case we use the \colorlet command) or color.sty is loaded (in which % case we use the longer command that works for color.sty). % \newcommand{\colorfbox}[2]{% % % Save the current color in saved@color: % \expandafter\let\csname\string\color@saved@color\endcsname\current@color % % Create the box in color #1, with the text in saved@color % % (the braces are to confine the color change commands): % {\color{#1}\fbox{\color{saved@color}#2}}% % }% colorfbox \newcommand{\colorfbox}[2]{% % Save the current color in saved@color: \@ifundefined{colorlet}{% % color.sty was used \expandafter\let\csname\string\color@saved@color\endcsname\current@color }% {% % xcolor.sty was used \colorlet{saved@color}{.}% }% % Create the box in color #1, with the text in saved@color % (the braces are to confine the color change commands): {\color{#1}\fbox{\color{saved@color}#2}}% }% newcommand %-------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------- % The following stuff is lifted from: % % framed.sty v 0.8a 21-Jul-2003 % Copyright (C) 1992-2003 by Donald Arseneau % These macros may be freely transmitted, reproduced, or modified % provided that this notice is left intact. % % The modifications I made are marked with ``psh'' in a comment: % % Further modifications, 2017-09-21 % I changed the names of many commands by prepending ``exam@'', so % that the user can use the framed.sty package with exam.cls and not % have conflicts. (I also renamed the framed, shaded, and leftbar % environments to examframed, examshaded, and examleftbar.) I didn't % mark these name changes. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Create framed or shaded regions that can break across pages using % \begin{examframed} ... \end{examframed} -- ordinary frame box % (box at margin) % \begin{examshaded} ... \end{examshaded} -- shaded background % (into margin) % ... examleftbar ... -- line on left side % \begin{MakeFramed}{settings} ... \end{MakeFramed} % -- generic frame (for new environments) % % The "examframed" environment puts the text into "\fbox" with the % settings "\fboxrule=\exam@FrameRule" and "\fboxsep=\exam@FrameSep". % You can change these lengths (using "\setlength") and you % can even change the definition of "\exam@FrameCommand" to use % much fancier boxes. % % In fact, the "shaded" environment just redefines "\exam@FrameCommand" % to use "\colorbox{shadecolor}" (and you have to define the % color "shadecolor": \newcolor{shadecolor}...). % % A page break is allowed, and even encouraged, before the framed % environment. If you want to attach some text (a box title) to the % frame, then the text should be inserted by \exam@FrameCommand % % The contents of the framed regions are restricted: % Floats, footnotes, marginpars and head-line entries will be lost. % (Some of these may be handled in a later version.) % This package will not work with the page breaking of multicol.sty, % or other systems that perform column-balancing. % % The MakeFramed environment does the work. Its "settings" argument % should contain any adjustments to the text width (applied to \hsize, % and using the "\exam@width" of the frame itself) as well as a `restore' % command -- \@parboxrestore or \exam@FrameRestore or something similar. % % Expert commands: % \exam@MakeFramed, \endexam@MakeFramed: the "MakeFramed" environment % \exam@FrameCommand: command to draw the frame around its argument % \exam@FrameRestore: restore some text settings, but fewer than % \@parboxrestore % \exam@FrameRule: length register; \fboxrule for default "framed". % \exam@FrameSep: length register; \fboxsep for default "framed". % \exam@frameHeightAdjust: macro; height of frame above baseline at % top of page % % This is still a `pre-production' version because I can think of many % features/improvements that should be made. Nevertheless, starting % with version 0.5 it should be bug-free. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %psh: Commented out \ProvidesPackage: %\ProvidesPackage{framed}[2003/07/21 v 0.8a: % framed or shaded text with page breaks] %psh: Created \saved@totalleftmargin and \@sollistdepth: \newdimen\saved@totalleftmargin \newcount\@sollistdepth \newenvironment{examframed}% using default \exam@FrameCommand {\exam@MakeFramed {\advance\hsize-\exam@width \exam@FrameRestore}}% {\endexam@MakeFramed} \newenvironment{examshaded}{% \def\exam@FrameCommand{\colorbox{shadecolor}}% \exam@MakeFramed {\exam@FrameRestore}}% {\endexam@MakeFramed} \newenvironment{examleftbar}{% \def\exam@FrameCommand{\vrule width 3pt \hspace{10pt}}% \exam@MakeFramed {\advance\hsize-\exam@width \exam@FrameRestore}}% {\endexam@MakeFramed} \chardef\exam@FrameRestore=\catcode`\| % for debug \catcode`\|=\catcode`\% % (debug: insert space after backslash) \def\exam@MakeFramed#1{\par % measure added width and height; call result \exam@width and \exam@height \setbox\z@\vbox{\vskip-1in \hbox{\hskip-1in \exam@FrameCommand{\hbox{\vrule \@height .7in \@depth.3in \@width 1in}}}% \vskip\z@skip}% \def\exam@width{\wd\z@}\def\exam@height{\ht\z@}% \edef\exam@fb@frw{\the\exam@width}\edef\exam@fb@frh{\the\exam@height}% % insert pre-penalties and skips \begingroup \skip@\lastskip \if@nobreak\else \penalty9999 % updates \page parameters \ifdim\pagefilstretch=\z@ \ifdim\pagefillstretch=\z@ \edef\@tempa{\the\skip@}% \ifx\@tempa\exam@zero@glue \penalty-30 \else \vskip-\skip@ \penalty-30 \vskip\skip@ \fi\fi\fi \penalty\z@ % Give a stretchy breakpoint that will always be taken in preference % to the \penalty 9999 used to update page parameters. The cube root % of 10000/100 indicates a multiplier of 0.21545, but the maximum % calculated badness is really 8192, not 10000, so the multiplier % is 0.2301. \advance\skip@ \z@ plus-.5\baselineskip \advance\skip@ \z@ plus-.231\exam@height \advance\skip@ \z@ plus-.231\skip@ \advance\skip@ \z@ plus-.231\topsep \vskip-\skip@ \penalty 1800 \vskip\skip@ \fi \addvspace{\topsep}% \endgroup % clear out pending page break \penalty\@M \vskip 2\baselineskip \vskip\exam@height \penalty9999 \vskip -2\baselineskip \vskip-\exam@height \penalty9999 % updates \pagetotal |\message{After clearout, \pagetotal=\the\pagetotal, \pagegoal=\the\pagegoal. }% \exam@fb@adjheight %psh: Added commands: \advance\hsize-\@totalleftmargin \saved@totalleftmargin=\@totalleftmargin \@totalleftmargin=0pt \parshape 0 \let\@listdepth=\@sollistdepth \@sollistdepth=0 \leftmargin=0pt %psh: end of added commands \setbox\@tempboxa\vbox\bgroup #1% Modifications to \hsize (can use \exam@width and \exam@height) \textwidth\hsize \columnwidth\hsize %psh: added one line: \linewidth=\hsize } \def\endexam@MakeFramed{\par \kern\z@ \penalty-100 % put depth into height \egroup \begingroup \exam@put@frame \endgroup %psh: Added one line: \@totalleftmargin=\saved@totalleftmargin } % \exam@put@frame takes the contents of \@tempboxa and puts all, or a % piece, of it on the page with a frame (\exam@FrameCommand). It % recurses until all of \@tempboxa has been used up. (\@tempboxa must % have zero depth.) \def\exam@put@frame{\relax \ifdim\pagegoal=\maxdimen \pagegoal\vsize \fi | \message{=============== Entering putframe ====================^^J | \pagegoal=\the\pagegoal, \pagetotal=\the\pagetotal. }% \ifinner \else \dimen@\pagegoal \advance\dimen@-\pagetotal % natural space left on page \ifdim\dimen@<2\baselineskip | \message{Page has only \the\dimen@\space room left; eject. }% \eject \exam@fb@adjheight \exam@put@frame \else % there's appreciable room left on the page | \message{\string\pagetotal=\the\pagetotal, | \string\pagegoal=\the\pagegoal, | \string\pagestretch=\the\pagestretch, | \string\pageshrink=\the\pageshrink, | \string\exam@fb@frh=\exam@fb@frh. \space} | \message{Box of size \the\ht\@tempboxa\space + \exam@fb@frh}% \begingroup % temporarily set \dimen@ to be... \advance\dimen@.8\pageshrink % maximum space available on page \advance\dimen@-\exam@fb@frh\relax % space available for frame's contents \expandafter\endgroup % restore \dimen@ to real room left on page \ifdim\dimen@>\ht\@tempboxa % whole box does fit | \message{fits in \the\dimen@. }% \else % box must be split | \message{must be split to fit in \the\dimen@. }% \setbox\@tempboxa\vbox{% simulate frame and flexiblity of the page: \vskip \exam@fb@frh \@plus\pagestretch \@minus.8\pageshrink \kern137sp\kern-137sp\penalty-30 \unvbox\@tempboxa}% \edef\exam@fb@resto@set{\boxmaxdepth\the\boxmaxdepth \splittopskip\the\splittopskip}% \boxmaxdepth\z@ \splittopskip\z@ \setbox\tw@\vsplit\@tempboxa to\dimen@ \setbox\tw@\vbox{\unvbox\tw@}% natural-sized | \message{Box of size \the\ht\@tempboxa\space split to \the\dimen@. | Natural height of split box is \the\ht\tw@. }% % If the split-to size > (\vsize-\topskip), then set box to full size \begingroup \advance\dimen@\topskip \expandafter\endgroup \ifdim\dimen@>\pagegoal | \message{Frame is big -- Use up the full column. }% \dimen@ii\pagegoal \advance\dimen@ii -\topskip \advance\dimen@ii \exam@frameHeightAdjust\relax \else % suspect this is wrong: % If the split-to size > feasible room_on_page, rebox it smaller. \advance\dimen@.8\pageshrink \ifdim\ht\tw@>\dimen@ | \message{Box too tall; rebox it to \the\dimen@. }% \dimen@ii\dimen@ \else % use natural size \dimen@ii\ht\tw@ \fi \fi % Re-box contents to desired size \dimen@ii \advance\dimen@ii -\exam@fb@frh \setbox\tw@\vbox to\dimen@ii \bgroup % remove simulated frame and page flexibility: \vskip -\exam@fb@frh \@plus-\pagestretch \@minus-.8\pageshrink \unvbox\tw@ \unpenalty\unpenalty \ifdim\lastkern=-137sp % whole box went to next page | \message{box split at beginning! }% \egroup \exam@fb@resto@set \eject % (\vskip for frame size % was discarded) \exam@fb@adjheight \else % \egroup \exam@fb@resto@set \ifvoid\@tempboxa % it all fit after all | \message{box split at end! }% \setbox\@tempboxa\box\tw@ \else % it really did split | \message{box split as expected. Its reboxed height is \the\ht\tw@. }% \ifdim\wd\tw@>\z@ %psh: Changed the command that inserts the box: % Instead of \centerline, we shift right by \saved@totalleftmargin: % \centerline{\exam@FrameCommand{\box\tw@}}% ??? \centerline bad idea \hbox{\hskip \saved@totalleftmargin\exam@FrameCommand{\box\tw@}}% \else | \message{Zero width means likely blank. Don't frame it (guess)}% \box\tw@ \fi \hrule \@height\z@ \eject \exam@fb@adjheight \exam@put@frame \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \ifvoid\@tempboxa\else %psh: Changed the command that inserts the box: % Instead of \centerline, we shift right by \saved@totalleftmargin: % \centerline{\exam@FrameCommand{\box\@tempboxa}}% \hbox{\hskip\saved@totalleftmargin\exam@FrameCommand{\box\@tempboxa}}% \nointerlineskip \null %{\showoutput \showlists} \penalty-30 \vskip\topsep \fi} \def\exam@fb@adjheight{% \vbox to\exam@frameHeightAdjust{}% get proper baseline skip from above. \penalty\@M \nointerlineskip \vskip-\exam@frameHeightAdjust \penalty\@M} % useful for tops of pages \edef\exam@zero@glue{\the\z@skip} \catcode`\|=\exam@FrameRestore % Provide configuration commands: %psh: Version 2.502, 2016/03/23, changed \exam@FrameCommand so that the % frame is printed in color if the user has said % \colorsolutionboxes: %\providecommand\exam@FrameCommand{\fboxrule=\exam@FrameRule %\fboxsep=\exam@FrameSep \fbox} \def\exam@FrameCommand{\fboxrule=\exam@FrameRule \fboxsep=\exam@FrameSep \if@colorsolutionboxes \def\box@it{\colorfbox{SolutionBoxColor}}% \else \def\box@it{\fbox}% \fi \box@it }% \exam@FrameCommand \@ifundefined{FrameRule}{\newdimen\exam@FrameRule \exam@FrameRule=\fboxrule}{} \@ifundefined{FrameSep} {\newdimen\exam@FrameSep \exam@FrameSep =3\fboxsep}{} % Height of frame above first baseline when frame starts a page: \providecommand\exam@frameHeightAdjust{6pt} % \exam@FrameRestore has parts of \@parboxrestore. See how it is used in the % "settings" argument of \MakeFrame. Previous behavior can be restored by % using \@parboxrestore there, or redefining: % \makeatletter \renewcommand\exam@FrameRestore{\@parboxrestore} \makeatother \def\exam@FrameRestore{% \let\if@nobreak\iffalse \let\if@noskipsec\iffalse % \let\par\@@par ?? \let\-\@dischyph \let\'\@acci\let\`\@accii\let\=\@acciii % \parindent\z@ \parskip\z@skip Definitely omit! % \everypar{}% ?? \linewidth\hsize % \@totalleftmargin\z@ % \leftskip\z@skip \rightskip\z@skip \@rightskip\z@skip % \parfillskip\@flushglue \lineskip\normallineskip % \baselineskip\normalbaselineskip \sloppy % \let\\\@normalcr } % Compatibility with previous versions (temporary!): % psh: we'll remove this 2017-09-21 %\let\fram@d=\MakeFramed \let\endfram@d=\endMakeFramed %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % This ends the stuff that's lifted from: % % framed.sty v 0.8a 21-Jul-2003 % % Copyright (C) 1992-2003 by Donald Arseneau %-------------------------------------------------------------------- %-------------------------------------------------------------------- \endinput %--------------------------------------------------------------------- %--------------------------------------------------------------------- %--------------------------------------------------------------------- %--------------------------------------------------------------------- %---------------------------------------------------------------------