% exam.cls
% A LaTeX2e document class for preparing exams.

%% exam.cls
%% Copyright (c) 1994, 1997, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2011,
%% 2015, 2017, 2021, 2023 Philip S. Hirschhorn
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2003/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "author-maintained".
% This work consists of the files exam.cls and examdoc.tex.

% The user's guide for exam.cls is in the file examdoc.tex.

%%% Philip Hirschhorn
%%% Department of Mathematics
%%% Wellesley College
%%% Wellesley, MA 02481
%%% psh@math.mit.edu

% The newest version of this documentclass should always be available
% from my web page: http://www-math.mit.edu/~psh/

% If there's some feature that you'd like that this file doesn't
% provide, tell me about it.
% Thanks to:
% Piet van Oostrum, from whose excellent ``fancyheadings.sty'' we
% shamelessly stole most of the code for setting the headers and
% footers.
% Mate Wierdl <mw@wierdlmpc.msci.memphis.edu>, who contributed the
% code so that if the number of points is ``1'', then the default
% value of \pointname will print ``1 point'' instead of ``1 points''.
% Tom Brikowski <brikowi@utdallas.edu>, who contributed the code for
% making the number of points and number of questions available as
% macros (as well as the idea of putting the number of points in a 
% box, instead of in parentheses).  (I changed his code to make this
% all optional, so if there are errors there, it's my fault and not
% his.)
% Ottmar Beucher <beucher@fh-karlsruhe.de>, Dan Drake
% <drake@math.umn.edu>, and Justus Piater <Justus.Piater@ULg.ac.be> who
% contributed ideas and code for the \pointsofquestion and \gradetable
% commands for printing a Grading Table.  (I changed all the code to
% make this compatible with hyperref.sty, so if there are errors there,
% it's my fault and not theirs.)
% Justus Piater <Justus.Piater@ULg.ac.be>, who contributed the code for
% the solution environment.  (I changed his code to allow page breaks
% inside solutions so, once again, if it's buggy, it's my fault.) 
% Donald Arseneau <asnd@triumf.ca>, who created the excellent
% ``framed.sty'' and generously allowed me to include basically the
% whole thing in exam.cls, making the few changes needed for it to
% work well with question environments:
% framed.sty   v 0.8a   21-Jul-2003
% Copyright (C) 1992-2003 by Donald Arseneau
% These macros may be freely transmitted, reproduced, or modified
% provided that this notice is left intact.
%                    Changelog since version 2.4:

% Version 2.704, 2023/07/08

% No longer betatest.

% Version 2.703$\beta$, 2023/02/12

% We modify the definition of \colorfbox to eliminate the warning

% Package xcolor Warning: Incompatible color definition 

% when the user has loaded xcolor.sty instead of color.sty.  We fixed
% this by having \colorfbox check whether the user has loaded
% xcolor.sty or color.sty, and then using the appropriate command when
% saving the current color.

% Version 2.702$\beta$, 2022/07/04

% We modify the changes in version 2.701$\beta$ so that they only have
% effect if the user gives the command \solutionsreseteqcounter, so
% that the default behavior is identical to the behavior before
% version 2.701$\beta$.  This can be cancelled at any point by giving
% the command \nosolutionsreseteqcounter.  There is also a new
% documentclass option ``solutionsreseteqcounter'', which is
% equivalent to giving the command \solutionsreseteqcounter at the
% beginning of the file.
% Version 2.701$\beta$, 2022/07/02

% All solution environments (solution, solutionorbox, solutionorlines,
% solutionordottedlines, solutionorgrid, and solutionbox) now save the
% current value of the equation counter and then reset the equation
% counter to zero, so that equations numbers start from one within
% each solution, and then restore the saved value of the equation
% counter at the end of the environment.  This corrects the problemn
% that if an equation anvironment appeared inside of a solution, it
% would affect the equation numbers appearing later in the document,
% even if solutions weren't being printed.
% Note: This was modified in version 2.702$\beta$ so that it only
% takes effect if the user gives the command \solutionsreseteqcounter,
% and so the default behavior is identical tothe behavior before
% version 2.701$\beta$.

% Version 2.7, 2021/02/26

% No longer betatest.

% Version 2.607$\beta$, 2019/07/21

% We fixed a bug, apparently introduced in version 2.602, that affected
% vertical point tables (both regular and bonus, but not combined),
% shifting the total points in the table towards the right of the cell,
% rather than having the total points centered.  The fix was to delete
% an \hspace*{\fill} that had no business being there.

% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Version 2.606$\beta$, 2019/02/17

% We introduced a new command, \unstarredvspace, that changes the
% solution environment so that, when solutions are not being printed,
% any optional space called for is inserted with \vspace{amount},
% instead of \vspace*{amount}.  There is also a new command
% \nounstarredvpsace that reverts to the default.

% Version 2.605$\beta$, 2018/08/22

% We corrected the bug introduced in Version 2.604$\beta$ that caused a
% \ref to a \correctchoice in a choices environment to have the wrong
% value.  The correction was to change \stepcounter to \refstepcounter.

% Version 2.604$\beta$, 2018/05/14

% We changed the code for the \correctchoice command in the checkboxes
% environment to correct a bug that causes the item label for the second
% item to appear in the wrong place when the first item is a
% \correctchoice and there's no text in between the \begin{checkboxes}
% and the \correctchoice.  We made a similar change to the choices
% environment, which had the same problem.

% Version 2.603, 2017/12/15

% No longer betatest.

% Version 2.602$\beta$, 2017/12/15

% We changed the code for multicolumn grade and point tables to remove
% the incompatibility with colortbl.sty and other packages that load
% colortbl.sty (e.g., xcolor.sty with the "table" option).

% Version 2.601$\beta$, 2017/09/22

% We changed command and environment names in the code from framed.sty
% that's included (slightly modified) in exam.cls so that the user can
% say \usepackage{framed} without creating conflicts.  This also allows
% the user to use packages, such as minted.sty, that load framed.sty

% Version 2.6, 2017/09/19

% No longer betatest.

% Version 2.510$\beta$, 2016/10/11

% Bugfix: We changed \@setheadheight and \@setfootheight to fix a bug
% that was introduced by the bugfix in version 2.306beta, 2009/03/28:
% If the second page has a different \textheight (because of a change
% in either headheight or footheight between pages 1 and 2), then page
% 2 would use the \textheight of page 1.  Pages 3 and beyond would get
% the correct \textheight.  The original version of this set \@colroom
% and \vsize to the new \textheight, but that had a bug in that if a
% float appeared at the top of a page, there would be no notice taken
% of the space lost to the float, and so the text would overrun the
% bottom of the page.  The bugfix in version 2.306beta eliminated the
% changes to \@colht and \vsize.  In this bugfix, we adjust \@colroom,
% \@colht, and \vsize in the same way that we adjust \textheight.

% Version 2.509$\beta$, 2016/09/12

% Multicolumn grade and point tables, and a new syntax for multirow
% grade and point tables (which were introduced in version
% 2.508beta).

% Multicolumn tables are vertically oriented, while multirow tables
% are horizontally oriented, and so they do not take the optional
% argument choosing between horizontal and vertical.  They all take
% one required argument specifying the number of columns (for
% multicolumn) or the number of rows (for multirow).

% The tables can be:

%   grade tables or point tables,

%   plain, bonus, or combined,

%   indexed by questions or by pages,

%   complete or partial.

% As usual, if you omit the optional argument that chooses between
% questions and pages, you get questions.

% The new commands are:

% \def\multirowgradetable{numrows}[questions or pages]
% \def\multirowpointtable{numrows}[questions or pages]
% \def\multirowbonusgradetable{numrows}[questions or pages]
% \def\multirowbonuspointtable{numrows}[questions or pages]
% \def\multirowcombinedgradetable{numrows}[questions or pages]
% \def\multirowcombinedpointtable{numrows}[questions or pages]

% \def\multirowpartialgradetable{numrows}{rangename}[questions or pages]
% \def\multirowpartialpointtable{numrows}{rangename}[questions or pages]
% \def\multirowpartialbonusgradetable{numrows}{rangename}[questions or pages]
% \def\multirowpartialbonuspointtable{numrows}{rangename}[questions or pages]
% \def\multirowpartialcombinedgradetable{numrows}{rangename}[questions or pages]
% \def\multirowpartialcombinedpointtable{numrows}{rangename}[questions or pages]

% \def\multicolumngradetable{numcols}[questions or pages]
% \def\multicolumnpointtable{numcols}[questions or pages]
% \def\multicolumnbonusgradetable{numcols}[questions or pages]
% \def\multicolumnbonuspointtable{numcols}[questions or pages]
% \def\multicolumncombinedgradetable{numcols}[questions or pages]
% \def\multicolumncombinedpointtable{numcols}[questions or pages]

% \def\multicolumnpartialgradetable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages]
% \def\multicolumnpartialpointtable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages]
% \def\multicolumnpartialbonusgradetable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages]
% \def\multicolumnpartialbonuspointtable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages]
% \def\multicolumnpartialcombinedgradetable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages]
% \def\multicolumnpartialcombinedpointtable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages]

% The older grade and point table commands can still be used.  For
% example, the commands

%   \gradetable[h][questions]
%   \multirowgradetable{1}[questions]

% are equivalent.

% The distance between the rows of a multirow table and between the
% columns of a multicolumn table is \doublerulesep, the default value
% of which is 2.0pt.  You can change that using a \setlength command,
% as in

%   \setlength{\doublerulesep}{0.5in}

% Version 2.508$\beta$, 2016/08/06

% New commands: Multirow grade and point tables.

% These are all horizontally oriented tables, and so do not take the
% optional argument choosing between horizontal and vertical.  They all
% take one required argument specifying the number of columns, which is
% the number of columns used for the point values (including the total),
% but not counting the column of row headings.

% Note: The syntax was changed in version 2.509beta, so that you now
% specify the number of *rows* rather than the number of *columns*!  For
% example, the first command below should now be

% \multirowgradetable{numrows}[questions or pages]

% The tables can be:

%   grade tables or point tables,

%   plain, bonus, or combined,

%   indexed by questions or by pages,

%   complete or partial.

% The new commands are:

% \multirowgradetable{numcols}[questions or pages]
% \multirowpointtable{numcols}[questions or pages]
% \multirowbonusgradetable{numcols}[questions or pages]
% \multirowbonuspointtable{numcols}[questions or pages]
% \multirowcombinedgradetable{numcols}[questions or pages]
% \multirowcombinedpointtable{numcols}[questions or pages]

% \multirowpartialgradetable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages]
% \multirowpartialpointtable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages]
% \multirowpartialbonusgradetable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages]
% \multirowpartialbonuspointtable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages]
% \multirowpartialcombinedgradetable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages]
% \multirowpartialcombinedpointtable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages]

% Version 2.507$\beta$, 2016/07/14

% New commands:

%   \pointstwosided
%   \pointstwosidedreversed

% The first causes points to be in the right margin on odd numbered
% pages and in the left margin on even numbered pages.

% The second causes points to be in the left margin on odd numbered
% pages and in the right margin on even numbered pages.

% Also: Some minor edits (e.g., deleting the unused \thebonuspoints).

% Version 2.506$\beta$, 2016/05/12

% Fixed an obscure bug that arose only when \CorrectChoiceEmphasis
% used color and a \CorrectChoice (in a choices or checkboxes
% environment) followed a \choice whose text completely filled its
% last line, and which was not separated from the \CorrectChoice by a
% blank line, in which case an extra (blank) line was inserted by that
% \choice.  We fixed this by adding an improvised "\leavehmode"
% (styled after \leavevmode) to the \CorrectChoice command in both the
% choices and checkboxes environments, which caused the text of the
% previous \choice to be broken into lines *before* the \special
% inserted by the \color command was added.

% Version 2.505$\beta$, 2016/05/10

% We fixed a bug in the choices and checkboxes environments that arose
% only when \CorrectChoiceEmphasis used color.  If it did, and if the
% text of a correct choice exactly filled a line, and if there was no
% blank line in the latex file separating this correct choice from the
% following choice, there would be an extra blank line inserted after
% the correct choice.  We did this by inserting \color@begingroup and
% \color@endgroup as needed.  (We're pretty sure the actual fix was
% the \endgraf in the expansion of \color@endgroup.)

% Version 2.504$\beta$, 2016/05/09

% We fixed a bug in the solutionbox environment that caused enumerate,
% itemize, or description environments to have their text stick into
% the right margin.  We did this by resetting \@totalleftmargin and
% \linewidth in the box containing the solution.

% Version 2.503$\beta$, 2016/03/25

% New commands:

%      \colorfillwithlines
%      \colorfillwithdottedlines

% The first causes the lines drawn by the \fillwithlines command to be
% drawn in color.  The default color is set by the command 

%      \definecolor{FillWithLinesColor}{gray}{0.8}

% and the color can be changed by giving a new \definecolor command.
% You can return to black lines by giving the command

%      \nocolorfillwithlines

% \colorfillwithdottedlines causes the lines drawn by the
% \fillwithdottedlines command to be drawn in color.  The default
% color is set by the command 

%      \definecolor{FillWithDottedLinesColor}{gray}{0.8}

% and the color can be changed by giving a new \definecolor command.
% You can return to black dotted lines by giving the command

%      \nocolorfillwithdottedlines

% Version 2.502$\beta$, 2016/03/23

% The command

%   \colorsolutionboxes

% that was created in version 2.501beta now affects not only the boxes
% created by \solutionbox, but also by \makeemptybox, \solutionorbox,
% and all of the boxes printed by all of the various solution
% environments when solutions are being printed surrounded by a box.

% Version 2.501$\beta$, 2016/02/08

% Changed the \solutionbox environment so that it works correctly
% inside a tabular.

% Also: The \solutionbox frame can now be printed in color, as long as
% you load color.sty in the preamble.
%  Usage: Say
%   \usepackage{color}
% in the preamble, and then give the command
%   \colorsolutionboxes
% to have the frame around a solutionbox in color.  The default color
% was created by the command
%   \definecolor{SolutionBoxColor}{gray}{0.8}
% and you can change the color by giving a new \definecolor command
% (which must be done *after* the \colorsolutionboxes command).
% To cancel color solutionbox frames and return to black, give the
% command
%   \nocolorsolutionboxes

% Version 2.5 2015/05/07

% No longer betatest.

% Version 2.408$\beta$ 2013/11/17

% New commands:
%   \firstqinrange{whatever}
%   \lastqinrange{whatever}
%   \numqinrange{whatever}
% where ``whatever'' is the name of a grading range.
% \firstqinrange{whatever} prints the number of the first question in
% the range.
% \lastqinrange{whatever} prints the number of the last question in the
% range.
% \numqinrange{whatever} prints the number of questions in the range.
% We changed a couple of internal command name related to grading
% ranges.  If the user defines the range `myrange', then we now use

%   \range@myrange@firstp
%   \range@myrange@lastp
%   \range@myrange@firstq
%   \range@myrange@lastq
% where we used to use
%   \tbl@myrange@firstp
%   \tbl@myrange@lastp
%   \tbl@myrange@firstq
%   \tbl@myrange@lastq

% Version 2.407$\beta$ 2012/12/19

% New environment:
%   solutionbox
% The solutionbox environment is different from the other solution
% environments (solution, solutionorbox, solutionorlines,
% solutionordottedlines, and solutionorgrid), in that
%   (1) The box is always printed, whether answers are being printed
%   or not.
%   (2) The argument giving the size of the box is a required
%   argument, not an optional argument, and so it should be enclosed
%   in braces, not in brackets.  It can be either a length or
%   \stretch{number}.
%   (3) We make no use of the TheSolution environment; the solutionbox
%   environment is completely freestanding.
% If answers are not being printed then only the box is printed, with
% nothing in it.  If answers are being printed, then the solution is
% printed inside of the box.
% Note: It's the user's responsibility to be sure that the box is
% large enough to hold the solution!  If the solution takes up too
% much vertical space, then it will spill out of the bottom of the
% box, overwriting whatever follows the box.
% Version 2.406$\beta$, 2012/12/16
% New command:
%   \noquestionsonthispage
%   This command tells the \ifcontinuation and \ifincomplete commands
%   to assume that no part of any question is on this page.  This is
%   similar to the job done by the \nomorequestions command for the
%   pages that follow the end of all of the questions.
% If you give the command \noquestionsonthispage on a page, then
%   (1) \ifcontinuation on that page will expand to its second
%   argument,
%   (2) \ifincomplete on that page will expand to its second
%   argument, and
%   (3) an \ifincomplete on an earlier page will not assume that a
%   question from that earlier page continues onto this page.
% The way that this command affects the \ifincomplete command on
% earlier pages is as follows: If there is a page with no questions or
% parts or subparts or subsubparts, then the last page before that
% with a question (or part, etc.) would normally be deemed incomplete;
% if, however, the page with no questions (or parts, etc.) (along with
% all adjacent pages with no questions or parts etc.) has a
% \noquestionsonthispage command, then that last page with a question
% (or part, etc.) will not be deemed incomplete.
% Note that if you're tempted to use this command on a page that follows
% the end of all of the questions, then you should probably use the
% command \nomorequestions instead.
% Version 2.405$\beta$, 2012/10/21
% It is now possible to use a parts, subparts, or subsubparts
% environment inside one of the solution environments (solution,
% solutionorbox, solutionorlines, solutionordottedlines, or
% solutionorgrid) without getting problems from multiply defined
% labels or having its points (if any) counted as being actual points
% on the exam.
% Any \part, \subpart, or \subsubpart command inside one of the
% solution environments now writes a \PgInfo command in the .aux file
% of the form question2@object3, but no labels and no other \PgInfo
% commands.  In addition, if there are points assigned to any of these
% commands inside any of the solution environments, those points are
% not added to the points of the question or the points on the page,
% and do not affect any gradetables or pointtables.
% Version 2.404$\beta$, 2012/09/03
% New command:
%   \fillwithgrid{length}
% New environment:
%   solutionorgrid
% These are similar to the \fillwithlines command and the
% solutionorlines environment.
% By default, the created grids are in black.  However, if you give the
% commands
% \usepackage{color}
% \colorgrids
% then the grids will be in color, by default a light gray.  That
% default color was defined by the command
% \definecolor{GridColor}{gray}{0.8}
% You can change the color by redefining the color GridColor, and you
% can return to using black grids by giving the command
% \nocolorgrids
% The default grid size and grid line thickness were set by the
% commands
% \setlength{\gridsize}{5mm}
% \setlength{\gridlinewidth}{0.1pt}
% You can change either or both of those by giving new \setlength
% commands.  The period of the grid is \gridsize (both horizontally
% and vertically).  That is, the horizontal distance from the left
% edge of one vertical line to the left edge of the next vertical line
% is \gridsize, as is the vertical distance from the top edge of one
% horizontal line to the top edge of the next horizontal line.  Thus,
% each square has outer side length equal to \gridsize+\gridlinewidth.
% Version 2.403$\beta$, 2012/08/29:
% We changed the code for the command \fillin (which had been modified
% in version 2.402beta) so that if only one optional argument is used,
% a space following that optional argument will not be ignored.  We
% did this in such a way that the second optional argument will be
% recognized even when spaces appear in between the optional
% arguments.
% Version 2.402$\beta$, 2012/08/21:
% We modified the command \fillin that we had created in version
% 2.401beta.  \fillin now takes two optional arguments (and no required
% arguments).
% \fillin can take two optional arguments, as in
% \fillin[Answer][Length]
% The first optional argument is the answer to be printed above the line
% when \printanswers is in effect; the default value is empty.  That
% line is printed a distance of \answerclearance below the baseline.
% The second optional argument is the length of the line that we print;
% the default value is \fillinlinelength.  The value of
% \fillinlinelength is set with the command
%   \setlength\fillinlinelength{1in}
% and can be changed by giving a new \setlength command.
% When answers are being printed, the first optional argument is
% printed subject to the declarations in the argument of the last
% \CorrectChoiceEmphasis command.  It is centered on the line unless
% it is too long, in which case it extends to the right of the line.
% Version 2.401$\beta$, 2012/08/20:
% New command:
%   \fillin[CorrectAnswer]{width}
% This is for use in fill in the blank questions.  This command inserts
% a blank line of width ``width''.  If answers are being printed and if
% the optional argument ``CorrectAnswer'' appears, then the optional
% argument is printed subject to the declarations in the argument of the
% last \CorrectChoiceEmphasis command, and it is printed a distance of
% \answerclearance above the line.  It is centered on the line unless it
% is too long, in which case it extends to the right of the line.
% Note: We changed this command in version 2.401beta.


\ProvidesClass{exam}[\filedate\space Version \fileversion\space by
  Philip Hirschhorn]





% The following keeps track of whether the user has requested that we
% add up the points on the exam.  We make the default false so that
% users who put other than numbers into the points argument of a
% question (or part, or subpart) won't get error messages.
% We use \if@printtotalpoints as a flag to signal that we are counting
% points, so that we will know to print the total on the screen (and
% in the log file).  We use this separate flag so that the user can
% use both \addpoints and \noaddpoints to count some points and not
% others, but still have the total printed when we finish the file no
% matter what the state of \if@addpoints.


%                         *****************
%                         ** PAGE LAYOUT **
%                         *****************

% We set the parameters in terms of \paperwidth and \paperheight
% so that the options

% a4paper
% a5paper
% b5paper
% letterpaper
% legalpaper
% executivepaper
% landscape

% will all work:





%                          ****************
%                          ** EXTRAWIDTH **
%                          ****************


% \@rightmargin is needed for \pointsinrightmargin and
% \pointsdroppedatright, so that we can right justify the points:

% We put the argument of \extrawidth into a length so that it will
% work correctly even if it's negative:

  \advance \textwidth by \@extrawidth
  \divide\@extrawidth by 2
  \advance\oddsidemargin by -\@extrawidth
  \advance\evensidemargin by -\@extrawidth
  % Bug fix, 13 April 2004: 
  %\advance\@rightmargin by \@extrawidth
  \advance\@rightmargin by -\@extrawidth

%             Making room for large headers and footers

% The following are used to save the effect of any changes to 
% \topmargin and \textheight caused by \extraheadheight or
% \extrafootheight commands.  They hold the values currently in effect.
% We put them into lengths so that it will work correctly even if the
% argument is negative:


% The following are used to hold the requested values for extrahead and
% extrafoot, first page and all pages after the first, and then the
% similar things requested for the cover pages:















  \output=\expandafter{\the\output #1}%


%                 \@setheadheight and \@setfootheight:

  \begingroup % Avoid trouble from using \@temp and \@spaces
    % Reset the effect of the most recent change:
    \global\advance\topmargin by -\@extrahead
    \global\advance\textheight by \@extrahead
    % Bugfix, Version 2.510beta, 2016/10/11:
    \global\advance\@colroom by \@extrahead
    \global\advance\@colht by \@extrahead
    \global\advance\vsize by \@extrahead
    % Save the newly set value:
    \def\@spaces{ }
    % Set the new values:
    \global\advance\topmargin by \@extrahead
    \global\advance\textheight by -\@extrahead
    % Bugfix, Version 2.510beta, 2016/10/11:
    \global\advance\@colroom by -\@extrahead
    \global\advance\@colht by -\@extrahead
    \global\advance\vsize by -\@extrahead
    % Bugfix, Version 2.510beta, 2016/10/11:
    % We're fixing a bug that was introduced by the bugfix in version
    % 2.306beta, 2009/03/28: If the second page has a different
    % \textheight (because of a change in either headheight or
    % footheight between pages 1 and 2), then page 2 would use the
    % \textheight of page 1.  Pages 3 and beyond would get the correct
    % \textheight.
    % The original version of this set \@colroom and \vsize to the new
    % \textheight, but that had a bug in that if a float appeared at
    % the top of a page, there would be no notice taken of the space
    % lost to the float, and so the text would overrun the bottom of
    % the page.
    % In this bugfix, we adjust \@colroom, \@colht, and \vsize in the
    % same way that we adjust \textheight.
    % Make it take effect RIGHT NOW!:
    % (The following stuff isn't necessary if \@setheadheight is
    % executed only in the preamble or as we return from the output
    % routine, but we're leaving it in so that this will still work if
    % we use this at some random point in the middle of composing a
    % page).
    % Bugfix, Version 2.306beta, 2009/03/28:
    % We don't do this!!
    % If the user had a figure environment that floated to the
    % top of a page, then this would cause that page to run
    % over the footer and off the bottom of the page, because
    % this somehow caused a full page's worth of stuff to be
    % placed after the figure, as if the figure wasn't taking
    % up space on the page.
    % We *do* need to put \@colht at the correct new value, though,
    % apparently because \@colht is set near the end of the
    % output routine.
%     \global\@colht=\textheight
%     \global\@colroom=\textheight
%     \global\vsize=\textheight
%     \global\pagegoal=\textheight
}% @setheadheight

  \begingroup % Avoid trouble from using \@temp and \@spaces
    % Reset the effect of the most recent change:
    \global\advance\textheight by \@extrafoot
    % Bugfix, Version 2.510beta, 2016/10/11:
    \global\advance\@colroom by \@extrafoot
    \global\advance\@colht by \@extrafoot
    \global\advance\vsize by \@extrafoot
    % Save the newly set value:
    \def\@spaces{ }
    % Set the new values:
    \global\advance\textheight by -\@extrafoot
    % Bugfix, Version 2.510beta, 2016/10/11:
    \global\advance\@colroom by -\@extrafoot
    \global\advance\@colht by -\@extrafoot
    \global\advance\vsize by -\@extrafoot
    % Bugfix, Version 2.510beta, 2016/10/11:
    % We're fixing a bug that was introduced by the bugfix in version
    % 2.306beta, 2009/03/28: If the second page has a different
    % \textheight (because of a change in either headheight or
    % footheight between pages 1 and 2), then page 2 would use the
    % \textheight of page 1.  Pages 3 and beyond would get the correct
    % \textheight.
    % The original version of this set \@colroom and \vsize to the new
    % \textheight, but that had a bug in that if a float appeared at
    % the top of a page, there would be no notice taken of the space
    % lost to the float, and so the text would overrun the bottom of
    % the page.
    % In this bugfix, we adjust \@colroom, \@colht, and \vsize in the
    % same way that we adjust \textheight.
    % Make it take effect RIGHT NOW!:
    % (The following stuff isn't necessary if \@setfootheight is
    % executed only in the preamble or as we return from the output
    % routine, but we're leaving it in so that this will still work if
    % we use this at some random point in the middle of composing a
    % page). 
    % Bugfix, Version 2.306beta, 2009/03/28:
    % We don't do this!!
    % If the user had a figure environment that floated to the
    % top of a page, then this would cause that page to run
    % over the footer and off the bottom of the page, because
    % this somehow caused a full page's worth of stuff to be
    % placed after the figure, as if the figure wasn't taking
    % up space on the page.
    % We *do* need to put \@colht at the correct new value, though,
    % apparently because \@colht is set near the end of the
    % output routine.
%     \global\@colht=\textheight
%     \global\@colroom=\textheight
%     \global\vsize=\textheight
%     \global\pagegoal=\textheight
}% @setfootheight

%                      *************************
%                      ** HEADERS AND FOOTERS **
%                      *************************
% The pagestyles available are head, foot, headandfoot, and empty.
% \pagestyle{head} prints the head, and gives an empty foot.
% \pagestyle{foot} prints the foot, and gives an empty head.
% \pagestyle{headandfoot} prints both the head and the foot.
% \pagestyle{empty} gives an empty head and an empty foot.

%                            Pagestyles:




% \ps@empty is already defined by article.cls, so we'll
% say \def instead of \newcommand*:


% We'll set this to zero in case there is no coverpages environment:

    \ifnum \value{numquestions}>0\relax
        Coverpages cannot be used after questions have begun.\MessageBreak
        All question, part, subpart, and subsubpart environments
        must begin after the cover pages are complete.\MessageBreak
    % Bugfix, Version 2.307\beta, 2009/06/11:
    % We have to say \@coverpagesfalse before \adj@hdht@ftht
    % because we're still inside the group created by the
    % coverpages environment and we want to set the 
    % extraheadheight and extrafootheight to the values correct
    % for the first non-cover page:

    No questions are allowed in the cover pages.\MessageBreak
    All question, part, subpart, and subsubpart environments
    must begin after the cover pages are complete.\MessageBreak

  }% @oddhead

  }% @oddfoot



%       \@fullhead, \run@fullhead, \@fullfoot, and \run@fullfoot:

  \vbox to \headheight{%
    \hbox to \textwidth{%
    }% hbox
      % an invisible hrule, to keep positioning constant:
      \hrule width 0pt
  }% vbox

  \vbox to \headheight{%
    \hbox to \textwidth{%
    }% hbox
      % an invisible hrule, to keep positioning constant:
      \hrule width 0pt
  }% vbox

% We arrange it so that the very top of first line of text in the
% foot is at a fixed position on the page, whether or not there's
% a footrule:

  \vbox to 0pt{%
      % an invisible hrule, to keep positioning constant:
      \hrule width 0pt
    \vskip 3pt
    \hbox to \textwidth{%
    }% hbox
  }% vbox

  \vbox to 0pt{%
      % an invisible hrule, to keep positioning constant:
      \hrule width 0pt
    \vskip 3pt
    \hbox to \textwidth{%
    }% hbox
  }% vbox

%       \cov@fullhead, \covrun@fullhead, \cov@fullfoot, and
%       \covrun@fullfoot: 

  \vbox to \headheight{%
    \hbox to \textwidth{%
    }% hbox
      % an invisible hrule, to keep positioning constant:
      \hrule width 0pt
  }% vbox

  \vbox to \headheight{%
    \hbox to \textwidth{%
    }% hbox
      % an invisible hrule, to keep positioning constant:
      \hrule width 0pt
  }% vbox

% We arrange it so that the very top of first line of text in the
% foot is at a fixed position on the page, whether or not there's
% a footrule:

  \vbox to 0pt{%
      % an invisible hrule, to keep positioning constant:
      \hrule width 0pt
    \vskip 3pt
    \hbox to \textwidth{%
    }% hbox
  }% vbox

  \vbox to 0pt{%
      % an invisible hrule, to keep positioning constant:
      \hrule width 0pt
    \vskip 3pt
    \hbox to \textwidth{%
    }% hbox
  }% vbox

%            ********************************************
%            ********************************************
% \lhead[#1]{#2} sets the first page left head to #1, and the
%   running left head to #2
% \lhead{#1} sets both the first page left head and the running
%   left head to #1
% \chead, \rhead, \lfoot, \cfoot, and \rfoot work similarly.
% \@lhead is the left head for Page 1
% \run@lhead is the running left head
% (i.e., for all pages other than the first)
% \@chead is the center head for Page 1
% \run@chead is the running center head
% (i.e., for all pages other than the first)
% etc.
% Alternative commands are:
% \firstpageheader{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT}
% \runningheader{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT}
% or
% \header{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT}
% which is equivalent to the two commands
%          \firstpageheader{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT}
%          \runningheader{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT}
% Alternative commands are:
% \firstpagefooter{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT}
% \runningfoother{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT}
% or
% \footer{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT}
% which is equivalent to the two commands
%          \firstpagefooter{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT}
%          \runningfoother{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT}













%                    Initialize head and foot:


\cfoot[]{Page \thepage}

%                    Coverpage headers and footers
% \coverlhead[#1]{#2} sets the first cover page left head to #1, and the
%   running cover left head to #2
% \coverlhead{#1} sets both the first cover page left head and the running
%   cover left head to #1
% \coverchead, \coverrhead, \coverlfoot, \covercfoot, and \coverrfoot
% work similarly.
% \cov@lhead is the left head for Page 1
% \covrun@lhead is the running left head
% (i.e., for all pages other than the first)
% \cov@chead is the center head for Page 1
% \covrun@chead is the running center head
% (i.e., for all pages other than the first)
% etc.
% Alternative commands are:
% \coverfirstpageheader{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT}
% \coverrunningheader{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT}
% or
% \coverheader{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT}
% which is equivalent to the two commands
%          \coverfirstpageheader{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT}
%          \coverrunningheader{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT}
% Alternative commands are:
% \coverfirstpagefooter{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT}
% \coverrunningfoother{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT}
% or
% \coverfooter{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT}
% which is equivalent to the two commands
%          \coverfirstpagefooter{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT}
%          \coverrunningfoother{LEFT}{CENTER}{RIGHT}













%                 Initialize coverpage head and foot:



%                      Headrules and footrules:









%                             Initialize:


%                 Cover page headrules and footrules:









%                             Initialize:



%                \numpages, \iflastpage, and \oddeven
%     Also: \numpoints, \numquestions, \numparts, and \numsubparts
%                    Also also: \pointsofquestion
%     Also: \numcoverpages and \totalnumpages

% Make the number of pages available as the macro \numpages,
% the number of points as \numpoints,
% the number of questions as \numquestions,
% the number of parts as \numparts, and
% the number of subparts as \numsubparts

% This was previously done with \pageref commands.  When I stopped
% using \pageref for this (in order to make this compatible with
% hyperref.sty), this stuff was created:

% \gdef commands for exam@lastpage, exam@numpoints,
% exam@numbonuspoints, exam@numquestions, exam@numparts,
% exam@numsubparts and exam@numsubsubparts are written to the .aux
% file via \AtEndDocument.

% \gdef commands for pointsofq@i, pointsofq@ii, etc. and
% bonuspointsofq@i, bonuspointsofq@ii, etc.  are written to the .aux
% file as each question is completed (see the definition of the
% questions environment).

% \gdef commands for pointsonpage@i, pointsonpage@ii, etc. and
% bonuspointsonpage@i, bonuspointsonpage@ii, etc. are written to the
% .aux file as we encounter points defined for a later page, and for
% the last such page with AtEndDocument.

  {\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}%
}% numpages

% Change 2011/04/01: We added a ``0'' in front of the
% mbox when \exam@lastcoverpage isn't defined.  This is
% so that the construction \romannumeral\numcoverpages
% won't generate an error on the first run of latex.
  {0\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}%
}% numpages

  {\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}%
}% numpages

  {\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}%
}% numpoints
  {\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}%
}% numbonuspoints

  {\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}%
}% numquestions

  {\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}%
}% numparts

  {\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}%
}% numsubparts

  {\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}%
}% numsubsubparts

\def\pointsofquestion#1{\@ifundefined{pointsofq@\romannumeral #1}%
  {\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}%
  {\csname pointsofq@\romannumeral #1\endcsname}%
}% pointsofquestion
\def\bonuspointsofquestion#1{\@ifundefined{bonuspointsofq@\romannumeral #1}%
  {\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}%
  {\csname bonuspointsofq@\romannumeral #1\endcsname}%
}% bonuspointsofquestion

% For use in \combinedgradetable and \combinedpointtable, we're
% changing the defintions of \pointsonpage and \bonuspointsonpage
% so that when, e.g.,  pointsonpage@ii is undefined, we just produce
% 0.  This comes up because the final page of the exam may have either
% points with no bonus point or bonus points with no points, in which
% case the combined table will try to list both points and bonus points
% for that last page, and one of those will be undefined.
% \def\pointsonpage#1{\@ifundefined{pointsonpage@\romannumeral #1}%
%   {\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}%
%   {\csname pointsonpage@\romannumeral #1\endcsname}%
% }% pointsonpage
% \def\bonuspointsonpage#1{\@ifundefined{bonuspointsonpage@\romannumeral #1}%
%   {\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}%
%   {\csname bonuspointsonpage@\romannumeral #1\endcsname}%
% }% bonuspointsonpage
% spanish.ldf redefines \@roman, so we'll avoid using \roman:
\def\pointsonpage#1{\@ifundefined{pointsonpage@\romannumeral #1}%
  {\csname pointsonpage@\romannumeral #1\endcsname}%
}% pointsonpage
\def\bonuspointsonpage#1{\@ifundefined{bonuspointsonpage@\romannumeral #1}%
  {\csname bonuspointsonpage@\romannumeral #1\endcsname}%
}% bonuspointsonpage


  % The first argument is the name of a half counter.
  % The second argument expands to the name (without the escape
  % character, and not assumed to be defined) of the control sequence
  % holding the previous value.
    % OK; it's defined.  See if it's changed:
      \set@hlfcntr{tmp@hlfcntr}{\csname #2\endcsname}%
      \ifx \pt@check \othpt@check
        % Do nothing
}% CheckIfChanged@hlf

%%%   \if@filesw 
%%%     {\advance\c@page-1 \immediate\write\@mainaux
%%%       {\string\newlabel{@lastpage}{{}{\arabic{page}}}}%
%%%     }
%%%   \fi
%%%   \@realenddocument

    % We can now trash the value of num@coverpages:
    \advance\c@page+1 % In case some other package looks at \c@page
    % See if this has changed from the last run of LaTeX:
    % See if this has changed from the last run of LaTeX:
    \ifnum \thepageof@pagepoints > 0\relax
                          \csname c@pageof@pagepoints\endcsname
      % See if this has changed from the last run of LaTeX:
                          \csname c@pageof@pagepoints\endcsname}%
    \ifnum \thepageof@pagebonuspoints > 0\relax
                          \csname c@pageof@pagebonuspoints\endcsname
                          \csname c@pageof@pagebonuspoints\endcsname}%
    % See if this has changed from the last run of LaTeX:
      % OK; it's defined.  See if it's changed:
        \ifx \pt@check \othpt@check
          % Do nothing
    % See if this has changed from the last run of LaTeX:
      % OK; it's defined.  See if it's changed:
        \ifx \pt@check \othpt@check
          % Do nothing
  % Echo numbers of questions, parts, and subparts:
  \typeout{This exam contains \thenumquestions\space questions
    with \thenumparts\space parts, \thenumsubparts\space subparts,
    and \thenumsubsubparts\space subsubparts.}
  % If counting points, echo total points:
          \space and a half%
      \typeout{This exam has a total of \typ@expnd\space points.}
          \space and a half%
      \typeout{This exam has a total of \typ@expnd\space bonus points.}
    \ClassWarningNoLine{exam}{Point totals have changed.
               Rerun to get point totals right}%
}% AtEndDocument

% We define \iflastpage so that it can safely be used
% in headers and footers:
}% iflastpage

% The macro \oddeven takes two arguments.  If the page number is odd,
% then you get the first argument; otherwise, you get the second
% argument.
}% oddeven

%                 \ifcontinuation, \ContinuedQuestion,
%                \ifincomplete, and \IncompleteQuestion

% The commands \ifcontinuation, \ContinuedQuestion, \ifincomplete, and
% \IncompleteQuestion assume that there is only one questions
% environment in the entire document.  (Actually, \ContinuedQuestion
% should work even if there are multiple questions environments, but
% none of the other three will work in general.)

% \PgInfo@write, \PgInfo and \PgInfo@get are our replacements
% for \label, \newlabel, and \pageref.  (We're avoiding using
% \label, \newlabel, and \pageref so that we will be compatible
% with hyperref.sty, which redefines those commands.)

% We use \PgInfo, \PgInfo@write, and \PgInfo@get to know on which page
% each question, part, subpart, subsubpart, and choice appears.

% We use \PgInfo@write to write \PgInfo commands to the .aux file.  The
% \PgInfo command takes two arguments: A question (or part, or subpart,
% or subsubpart) label, and the number of the page on which it appears.

% The label for a question is of the form `question@2' (if it's question
% 2).

% The label for a part is of the form `part@2@1' (if it's part a of
% question 2).

% The label for a subpart is of the form `subpart@2@1@3' (if it's
% subpart iii of part a of question 2).

% The label for a subsubpart is of the form `subsubpart@2@1@3@4' (if
% it's subsubpart $\delta$ of subpart iii of part a of question 2).

% Each question, part, subpart, subsubpart, and choice also gets a
% \PgInfo@write command using a label of the form question2@object3 (if
% it's the third object of the second question).

% Inside one of the solution environments (solution, solutionorbox,
% etc.) each part, subpart, subsubpart, and choice get only the
% \PgInfo@write command using a label of the form question2@object3
% (if it's the third object of the second question).

% When read in from the .aux file, the \PgInfo command defines a
% control sequence of the form `Pg@label' that expands to the page
% number for the corresponding question.  For example,
% \PgInfo{subsubpart@2@1@3@4}{7} defines \csname
% Pg@subsubpart@2@1@3@4\endcsname to expand to 7.

% The \PgInfo@get{label} command returns the value of the macro Pg@label,
% but it *doesn't* check whether that macro is defined.  Thus, it's
% important to check that the macro Pg@label is defined before giving the
% command \PgInfo@get{label}.

% The token list to a \write command isn't expanded until
% it's shipped out.  Since the argument to PgInfo@write
% generally contains macros, we want to expand those macros
% now, rather than waiting until this is shipped out, at which
% point the macros may have different values.  Thus, we use
% \edef to force expansion of the argument, and we put
% a \noexpand in front of \thepage so that the \thepage
% will not be expanded now.  (This may not get shipped out
% until a later page, and so we want the \thepage to be expanded
% only when it's shipped out.)
% We use the \begingroup \endgroup pair so that our use
% of \reserved@a won't affect its use anywhere else.

%\PgInfo commands are written to the .aux file by the \PgInfo@write
%command; that's the only place that \PgInfo commands appear.
\def\PgInfo#1#2{\expandafter\gdef\csname Pg@#1\endcsname{#2}}

% Note: PgInfo@get assumes that the control sequence being
% constructed is already defined; you have to make sure of this
% *before* calling \Pginfo@get
\def\PgInfo@get#1{\csname Pg@#1\endcsname}

% \set@counter@to@pageof takes two arguments: The first is the name of a
% counter, and the second (expands to) the label of a question, part,
% subpart, subsubpart, or choice.  If that label exists, then we set the
% counter equal to the page on which the question (or part, etc.)
% appears.  If that label doesn't exist, we set the counter equal to -1.
% (No labels exist on the first run of LaTeX on the file, and if a new
% question (or part, etc.) was created by editing the file, then the
% label will not exist until the run of LaTeX after that.)
  {\setcounter{#1}{\csname Pg@#2\endcsname}}%


% \ifcontinuation#1#2 expands to #2 if either:
% (1) The command \noquestionsonthispage has been given on this page,
% or
% (2) The current page is before the page containing question number
% 1, or
% (3) A question begins on this page before any part, subpart,
% subsubpart, or choice begins, or
% (4) The current page is later than a page with the \nomorequestions
% command.
% Otherwise, it expands to #1.
% Thus, for example, if there are no questions, parts, subparts,
% subsubparts, or choices on this page, and no \noquestionsonthispage
% command, and we're not before question 1, and not after a
% \nomorequestions command, then \ifcontinuation will expand to #1.

  % If there's a \noquestionsonthispage command on this page, then
  % we assume that we're not continuing anything:
}% \ifcontinuation

  % We check whether we're on a page *before* the page on which the
  % first question appears.  If we don't yet know which page has
  % question number 1, then we must be doing an early run of LaTeX,
  % and we'll assume we're not a continuation.
  \expandafter\ifx\csname Pg@question@1\endcsname\relax
    % No page info yet; assume not a continuation
    % Note: The ``\relax'' at the end of the following \ifnum
    % serves an entirely different purpose from the one at the
    % end of the above \expandafter\ifx.  That one (above)
    % is one of the things being compared, whereas the
    % one we're about to use is just to clearly mark the
    % end of the second number being compared by the \ifnum
    % (since it's conceivable that the ``#2'' would begin
    % with a digit).
    \ifnum \thepage < \csname Pg@question@1\endcsname\relax
      % We're before the page with question 1:
      % The current page begins a new question if Contin@\thepage
      % has been defined as a macro that expands to \relax (Note
      % that this is different from if Contin@\thepage has never
      % been defined at all, in which case it will be let equal to
      % \relax (temporarily) by the \csname command.)
      \expandafter\ifx\csname Contin@\thepage\endcsname\ref@relax
        % See if we're after a \nomorequestions command:
        {\ifnum \thepage > \PgInfo@get{@endquestions}\relax
          % We're after a \nomorequestions:
           % We actually are incomplete:
}% chk@contin

}% nomorequestions

    \string\csname\space No@Questions@Pg@\thepage\string\endcsname
    {No questions here}}%
}% noquestionsonthispage

% \ContinuedQuestion is for use in headers and footers, where we can
% assume that \thepage is the number of the page on which we'll
% actually appear.

% \ContinuedQuestion expands to the number of the question that
% continues onto this page, or to -1 if this page begins with a new
% question.

% ACTUALLY: \ContinuedQuestion expands to a positive number if either
% (1) this page doesn't contain the beginning of any question, part,
% subpart, subsubpart, or choice, or (2) this page has a part, subpart,
% subsubpart, or choice that appears before any question.  That means
% that if the current page actually begins with space for a continuation
% of the previous question (but doesn't begin any part, subpart,
% subsubpart, or choice of that question) and then has a question, then
% we'll be asserting that this page begins with a new question, but the
% actual top of the page will begin with some blank space that's
% intended for the previous question.

% \ContinuedQuestion works by examining the value of the macro
% Contin@\thepage.  If this page starts with a question (i.e., if no
% question continues onto this page), then the macro Contin@\thepage
% will be defined, and will expand to `\relax' (and so an \ifx between
% \csname Contin@\thepage\endcsname and \ref@relax will be true).

% If Contin@\thepage is undefined, then when it is used in an \ifx
% command it will be temporarily set equal to \relax (which is
% *different* from being a macro that expands to \relax); in this case,
% there is no question, part, subpart, subsubpart, or choice that begins
% on this page, and so \ContinuedQuestion will be set equal to the last
% question that was begun on a page before this one.

% The last possibility is that this page begins with either a part,
% subpart, subsubpart, or choice.  In this case, Contin@\thepage is
% defined, and it expands to the number of the question that is
% continued onto this page.


  \expandafter\ifx\csname Contin@\thepage\endcsname\relax
    % We get here if there's no question, part, subpart,
    % subsubpart, or choice on this page, and so Contin@\thepage has
    % never been defined at all.  In that case, this page
    % continues whichever question was last begun on or 
    % before this page.
    \expandafter\ifx\csname Contin@\thepage\endcsname\ref@relax
      % We get here if this page begins with a new question,
      % which is why Contin@\thepage has been defined to be
      % a macro that expands to \relax.
      % ACTUALLY: We get here if this page has a question that
      % appears before any part, subpart, subsubpart, or choice.  That
      % means that if the current page actually begins with space
      % for a continuation of the previous question but doesn't begin
      % any part, subpart, subsubpart, or choice of that question, then
      % we'll be asserting that this page begins with a new question,
      % but the actual top of the page will begin with some space
      % that's intended for the previous question.
      % We get here if we didn't get anywhere above.  This happens
      % if Contin@\thepage has been defined to be a macro that expands
      % to something other than \relax, in which case it has been
      % defined to be a macro that expands to the number of the
      % question that continues onto this page.
      \csname Contin@\thepage\endcsname

% \find@latestques is for use in headers and footers, where we can
% assume that \thepage actually equals the page on which we'll appear.
% We find the last question that was started on or before the current
% page.


  % \find@latestques is for use in headers and footers.
  % \find@latestques will set the counter latest@ques
  % to the number of the last question
  % that was begun on the exam from page 1 through the current
  % page.  This may well be the value of the question counter,
  % but it may be less than that if the page following this one
  % begins a new question and that question beginning was
  % typeset before the present page was shipped out.
  % Note: This macro is called both by \ContinuedQuestion and by
  % \find@quesend, which is why it has to find the last question
  % begun on or before the current page, rather than just before
  % the current page.
  \ifnum 1 > \value{question}\relax
    % Oops; probably because we're before the first question
    % Just set latest@ques to -1:
    % If question latest@ques actually begins on this page (rather
    % than on the next page, but early enough on the next page
    % that the counter was advanced before we ran off into the
    % output routine to output the page and set the header and 
    % footer), then that's the correct question number.
    \expandafter\ifx\csname Pg@question@\arabic{question}\endcsname\relax
      % We don't know what page that question is on;
      % this must be an early run, before the aux file
      % is helpful.  Just set it equal to -1 and wait until the next
      % run to get it right.
      % We now know that \PgInfo@get can tell us the page number
      % of \arabic{question} and of all earlier questions.
      % Set latest@ques equal to the current question number, and
      % then call \decr@latest@ques to recursively decrement
      % latest@ques as needed to find a question that begins on
      % or before the current page:

  % If we get here, then we've already checked that the reference
  % Pg@question@\thelatest@ques is defined at least for a value of
  % \thelatest@ques greater than or equal to it's present value,
  % so we assume it's defined for all lesser values as well:
  \ifnum \thepage < \PgInfo@get{question@\thelatest@ques}\relax
    % Nope; latest@ques starts on a later page
    % Decrement latest@ques and see if that one's right:
    \ifnum \thelatest@ques < 1\relax
    % latest@ques starts on this page or earlier, so
    % that's the correct question number!  Exit:


  % We find the last question started on or before the current page
  % and then find the page containing the last part (or subpart, or
  % subsubpart, or choice) of that question, and set the counter
  % ques@end to that page number.
  % Set latest@ques equal to the correct question number:
  \ifnum \value{latest@ques} < 0\relax
    % This must be an early run of LaTeX, before we have
    % \PgInfo commands in the .aux file:
    % We now know that this question has at least one object (since
    % we know that latest@ques isn't negative).
    % We'll find its highest numbered object by setting last@object
    % equal to 2 and then calling \find@lastobject to recursively
    % test whether that object number exists and, if so, incrementing
    % last@object to test for a higher numbered one:
}% find@quesend

  % We check whether this question has an object numbered last@object
  % and recursively increment last@object to find the highest
  % numbered value for which the object exists:
  \@ifundefined{Pg@question\thelatest@ques @object\thelast@object}%
}% find@lastobject



  % If there's no incomplete question, the counter incmp@ques will be
  % set to -1:

  % If we're on the last page, then there's no incomplete question:
}% Find@Incmp@ques

  % If we get here, we're not on the last page.
  % \find@quesend calls \find@latestques to set the counter
  % latest@ques equal to the number of the last question begun on or
  % before the current page, and then it sets the counter ques@end to
  % the page containing the last ques@object of that question:
  \ifnum \theques@end > \thepage\relax
    % This question has a part (or sub...) starting on a later page
}% chk@incomp

  % If there are any pages after the current one and before the next
  % question (if there is a next question) that lack a
  % \noquestionsonthispage and that aren't following the page of a
  % \nomorequestions command, then question latest@ques is incomplete.
  % Otherwise, there is no incomplete question:
  % We use next@page as a scratch counter.  We start by setting it
  % to the last page we want to check for a \noquestionsonthispage
  % command:
  \expandafter\ifx\csname Pg@question@\thenext@ques \endcsname\relax
    % This isn't the last page but there is no next question:
%    \setcounter{next@page}{\exam@lastpage}%
  % See if that's after a \nomorequestions command:
    {\ifnum \PgInfo@get{@endquestions} < \value{next@page}\relax
  % OK, the counter next@page now contains the last page to check.
}% chk@incompi

  \ifnum \value{next@page} > \value{page}\relax
    % We need to check the page next@page:
      \let\next@incompii = \chk@incompii
    % There's no incomplete question:
}% chk@incompii

  % We need to pass the arguments to \chk@ifincomp; we save them in
  % macros so they won't be messed up by the call to \Find@Incmp@ques:
  % If there's a \noquestionsonthispage command on this page, then
  % we assume nothing from this page is incomplete:
}% ifincomplete

  % If there's no incomplete question, \Find@Incmp@ques sets the
  % counter incmp@ques to -1:
  \ifnum \theincmp@ques < 0\relax
    % Are we after a page with \nomorequestions?
      {\ifnum \thepage < \PgInfo@get{@endquestions}\relax
}% chk@ifincomp

% These are the commands for dealing with hlfcntr's, i.e., the things
% used to count points.
% A point value is a nonnegative integer with an optional half integer.
% A hlfcntr consists of a regular counter together with an \if: If the
% regular counter is called ``counter'', then the \if is called
% ``\ifcounter@half''; it's set true by ``\counter@halftrue'' and set
% false by ``\counter@halffalse''.
% The commands:
% \new@hlfcntr{countername}
% \set@hlfcntr{countername}{value}
% \copy@hlfcntr{tocounter}{fromcounter}
% \addto@hlfcntr{countername}{value}
% \add@hlfcntrtohlfcntr{getsaddedto}{whatsadded}
% \ifhlfcntr@pos{countername}
% \prtaux@hlfcntr{countername}
% \prt@hlfcntr{countername}
% ``value'' can be either a (nonnegative) integer, an integer followed by
% ``\half'', or just plain ``\half''.  (Actually, ``value'' can be empty
% (although the braces must be present), in which case it's interpreted
% as ``0''.)
% Examples of valid values:
%   0
%   0\half
%   1
%   1\half
%   2
%   2\half
% etc.

% Note on using ``\global'': LaTeX's \setcounter and \addtocounter
% commands are already \global (i.e., you don't have to say
% ``\global''), but \somethingtrue and \somethingfalse (used to set
% \ifsomething) aren't.  Thus, we need to say ``\global'' when setting
% these things.

% To create a hlfcntr:
  \expandafter\newif\csname if#1@half\endcsname
}% new@hlfcntr

% A scratch hlfcntr:

  $\raise0.6ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle 1$}\kern -.2em/\kern -.2em
     \raise-0.5ex\hbox{$\scriptstyle 2$}$%
}% slanted@half

    \global\csname #1@halffalse\endcsname
    % If there as a `\half' present, it will be executed
    % right after the assignment of the digit part of #2
    % to the counter #1.
      \global\csname #1@halftrue\endcsname
    % We insert a `0' in case there are no digits present:
    % We avoid using \setcounter, because calc.sty redefines
    % \setcounter in a way that conflicts with the \half trick
    % we're using:
    %    \setcounter{#1}{0#2}\relax
    \global\csname c@#1\endcsname 0#2\relax
}% set@hlfcntr

  % We set #1 to the value of #2
  \csname if#2@half\endcsname
    \global\csname #1@halftrue\endcsname
    \global\csname #1@halffalse\endcsname
}% copy@hlfcntr

  % We add the valueandhalf #2 to hlfcntr #1
    % We insert a `0' in case there are no digits present:
    % We avoid using \addtocounter, because calc.sty redefines
    % \addtocounter in a way that conflicts with the \half trick
    % we're using:
    %    \addtocounter{#1}{0#2}\relax
    \global\advance\csname c@#1\endcsname 0#2\relax
}% addto@hlfcntr

  % We add the hlfcntr #2 to the hlfcntr #1
  \csname if#2@half\endcsname
}% add@hlfcntrtohlfcntr

  % We add one half to hlfcntr #1:
  \csname if#1@half\endcsname
    \global\csname #1@halffalse\endcsname
    \global\csname #1@halftrue\endcsname
}% add@half

% Important reminder about \ifhlfcntr@pos: Do not use it inside
% another conditional!  The construction
%  \ifhlfcntr@pos{somecounter}
%    do some stuff...
%  \fi
% is perfectly fine as long as it's expanded, but: If it's inside
% another conditional, and the condition is not satisfied, then it's
% read through without expansion.  In that case, TeX sees the
% \ifhlfcntr@pos but does *not* recognize it as being part of a
% conditional, but when it sees the concluding \fi it does recognize
% that, and so TeX completes the outer conditional at that \fi, which
% causes an error.
  % The argument must be a hlfcntr (which, of course,
  % can never be negative); we'll be true if and only if
  % that halfcntr is positive:
  \csname if#1@half\endcsname
  \ifnum \value{ifpos@cntr} > 0\relax
}% ifhlfnctr@pos

% \prtaux@hlfcntr is used inside the argument of a \write command for
% writing to the .aux file:
  % We don't want a \relax after the 0 in the following
  % line, because it would sometimes appear in the aux file:
  \ifnum \value{#1} = 0 
    % We have to make the following a macro, because if we
    % don't do this part, the \fi will cause confusion, since
    % there's no \if visible until the \csname is expanded:
    % We have to make the following a macro, because if we
    % don't do this part, the \fi will cause confusion, since
    % there's no \if visible until the \csname is expanded:
}% prtaux@hlfcntr
  \csname if#1@half\endcsname
}% prtaux@hlforzero
  \csname if#1@half\endcsname
}% prtaux@halforblank

  % We don't want a \relax after the 0 in the following
  % line, because it would sometimes appear in the aux file:
  \ifnum \value{#1} = 0 
    % We have to make the following a macro, because if we
    % don't do this part, the \fi will cause confusion, since
    % there's no \if visible until the \csname is expanded:
    % We have to make the following a macro, because if we
    % don't do this part, the \fi will cause confusion, since
    % there's no \if visible until the \csname is expanded:
}% prt@hlfcntr
  \csname if#1@half\endcsname
}% prt@hlforzero
  \csname if#1@half\endcsname
}% prt@halforblank

% End of the commands for dealing with hlfcntr's

%                    ***************************
%                    ** QUESTION ENVIRONMENTS **
%                    ***************************

% We define the command \part only inside of a parts environment, so
% that we don't interfere with the meaning of the standard article
% documentclass command \part if that is used inside of a questions
% environment.  The commands \question, \subpart, and \subsubpart are
% defined everywhere inside of a questions environment.  If the user
% accidentally gives a \subpart command outside of a subparts
% environment, then an error will be created.

% We use the counter name `partno' for the parts environment so that
% we will not interfere with the counter `part' used by the article
% document class.


% @pagepoints accumulates the points on a single page:

% latest@points is a holding area for points until we know
% whether they'll land on the same page as the points
% currently counted in @pagepoints:

% Whenever we meet a new page on which points are defined, we'll
% redefine \page@withpoints to expand to that page.  At the end of the
% document, it will hold the last page that has points, and we'll write
% a \gdef\lastpage@withpoints command to the .aux file.
% We initialize \page@withpoints here:

% \pageinfo@commands is used by each question, part, subpart, and
% subsubpart to insert into everypar the \PgInfo@write command to put
% its page number into the .aux file, the \PgInfo@get command to read
% the page number into the counter Curr@Page, and to test and set
% \Contin@\theCurr@Page.  \temp@toks is used by part, subpart, and
% subsubpart to append all that to \pageinfo@commands, rather than
% deleting whatever may have been put into \pageinfo@commands by the
% current question and/or part and/or subpart.

% \pagepoint@commands holds the commands to manage the counting of the
% number of points defined on each page.

% \point@toks holds the commands to print the points at the proper
% location on the page (except that it's not used by the \qformat
% option).

% We'll use \greeknum to number subsubparts
\def\greeknum#1{\expandafter\lc@greek\csname c@#1\endcsname}
  \ifcase #1\or $\alpha$\or $\beta$\or $\gamma$\or $\delta$\or
  $\epsilon$\or $\zeta$\or $\eta$\or $\theta$\or $\iota$\or
  $\kappa$\or $\lambda$\or $\mu$\or $\nu$\or $\xi$\or o\or $\pi$\or
  $\rho$\or $\sigma$\or $\tau$\or $\upsilon$\or $\phi$\or $\chi$\or
  $\psi$\or $\omega$\else \@ctrerr
}% lc@greek

% The following macros are a variation on a trick from Victor
% Eijkhout's ``TeX by Topic'', page 142:
% Both \prepend@toklist and \append@toklist take two arguments,
% both of which should be token lists.
% \prepend@toklist prepends #2 to #1
% \append@toklist appends #2 to #1

}% prepend@toklist

}% append@toklist

% The command \qformat is provided for the user who wants to
% design a nonstandard question line.  If this command is used,
% then the usual line containing the question number and the beginning
% of the question will be replaced by the line specified by the
% \qformat command, and the question will begin on the following
% line.
% Within the argument of the \qformat command:
% \thequestion will be replaced by the question number, and
% \thepoints will be replaced by ``\@points \@pointname'' if the
% number of points has been specified for this question, and otherwise
% it inserts nothing at all.  (The conditional @placepoints is used to
% determine if there were points specified for this question.)
% The argument to the \qformat command *must* contain some
% stretch, i.e., at least one \hfil or \dotfill or ...
% The command \noqformat cancels the effect of \qformat and returns us
% to the default situation.
% The commands \bonusqformat and \nobonusformat are analogous.

}% qformat
}% bonusqformat

}% noqformat
}% nobonusqformat

% \thepoints is for use in either a \qformat command
% or a \pointformat command (or a \bonusqformat command).
% It needs to have the
% \if@placepoints so that if it's used in a \qformat command
% it won't print anything if there are no points:
      \@points \@bonuspointname
      \@points \@pointname
}% thepoints

% \themarginpoints is for use only in a \pointformat command,
% and so it doesn't need the \if@placepoints bit in \thepoints:
    \@points \@marginbonuspointname
    \@points \@marginpointname
}% themarginpoints

% We define the \subpart and \subsubpart commands when we enter a
% questions environment (rather than waiting until we enter a subparts
% of subsubparts environment) so that we can signal an error if a
% \subpart or \subsubpart command appears outside of the corresponding
% environment.  (We don't do this for the \part command so that the user
% can use the standard sectioning \part command outside of a parts
% environment.)

% The counter ques@object will count the items in each question, where
% an item is defined as either the question itself, or a part, or a
% subpart, or a subsubpart, or a choice.  This will be used by
% \find@quesend to find the last page occupied by the last question
% begun on or before the current page:

% \first@questionobject will be used by the \question command.
% That is, it will be used only once, but we want to keep its
% definition here, near the definitions of \addquestionobject and
% \questionobject@pluspagecheck.
  % \PgInfo@write expands it's argument, so we don't need edef:
%   \edef\q@object@label{%
%     question\arabic{question}@object\arabic{ques@object}}%
%   \PgInfo@write{\q@object@label}%
}% first@questionobject

% \addquestionobject will be used by each part, subpart, and
% subsubpart, and can also be used by the user to mark the end of a
% question that spills over onto the next page without any part,
% subpart, etc. starting on that page:
  % \PgInfo@write expands it's argument, so we don't need edef:
%   \edef\q@object@label{%
%     question\arabic{question}@object\arabic{ques@object}}%
%   \PgInfo@write{\q@object@label}%
}% addquestionobject

% \questionobject@pluspagecheck will be used by each choice, as well
% as by any \part, \subpart, or \subsubpart that's inside of a
% solution.  It uses the questionobject to check if we're the first
% one on the current page, since choices (and questions etc. inside of
% solution environments) don't have labels the way that questions,
% parts, subparts, and subsubparts do (those things use the label to
% check if they're the first thing on the page).
  % We don't want to do any of this if we're both inside a solution
  % environment and not printing answers (because we want to avoid
  % incrementing ques@object):
}% questionobject@pluspagecheck
  % We need the edef because we check the page of \q@object@label:
  \expandafter\ifx\csname Contin@\theCurr@Page\endcsname\relax
    % We're the first \question, \part, \subpart, \subsubpart,
    % or choice on this page:
}% doqobj@ppchk                               

% if@bonus will be true when we're doing a bonusquestion or bonuspart
% or etc., and it will also be used also to distinguish between
% \gradetable and \bonusgradetable (and between \pointtable and
% \bonuspointtable, etc.), and also to distinguish between
% \pointsinrange and \bonuspointsinrange:

% The following are for advanced users who want to customize the list
% parameters (\topsep, \partopsep, \itemsep, \parsep, etc.) for the
% lists that these environments create.  They are all defined to be
% empty, but the user can change them using \renewcommand.

  % \@queslevel is used for two purposes:
  % (1) We check that every \question, \part, \subpart, and 
  % \subsubpart command appears inside the appropriate environment,
  % and generate an error if one appears in the wrong place.
  % (2) If a \qformat is being used and if \@queslevel tells us
  % that we're currently processing a question, then we set
  % \global \point@toks={} to avoid setting the points for a 
  % question other than via the qformat command.
    \def\thequestiontitle{\csname p@question\endcsname
                          \csname thequestion\endcsname}%
    \def\thequestiontitle{\csname p@question\endcsname
                          \csname thequestion\endcsname}%
    % Write the sum of points of the previous question (if any)
    % to the .aux file.  (At this point, the question counter
    % has not yet been incremented, so \value{question} is the
    % number of the question that was just completed.)
      \ifnum \value{question} > 0\relax
        % First do regular points:
            \romannumeral \csname c@question\endcsname
        % See if this has changed from the last run of LaTeX:
                            \csname c@question\endcsname}%
        % Now do bonus points:
            \romannumeral \csname c@question\endcsname
        % See if this has changed from the last run of LaTeX:
                             \csname c@question\endcsname}%
    % If there was a question with points immediately preceding
    % this question (i.e., there were no parts in the previous
    % question), then @placepoints will still be true, and we need to
    % cancel it.  (We used to do this inside of the \thepoints macro,
    % but that allowed for an error if the user specified points for a
    % question but had a \qformat that didn't mention \thepoints.)  We
    % also set @placepoints to be false when entering a parts
    % environment. 
    \global \@placepointsfalse
    % point@toks will normally be empty at this point, but it might be
    % nonempty if there were points somewhere in the previous question
    % that never made it onto the page because we never entered
    % horizontal mode (perhaps because the user was weird and let the
    % text of a question (or part, etc.) consist entirely of an
    % enumerate environment, or description environment, or etc.).
    \global \point@toks={}%
    % Important: Don't leave any blank lines inside of
    % \pageinfo@commands!!  This token list will be dumped into
    % horizontal mode by \everypar, and so any blank lines will
    % cause paragraph breaks. 
      % In addition to the \PgInfo@write we use an actual \label
      % command.  We do this in order to make the question numbers in
      % the grade tables into \ref's, so that if the user says
      % \usepackage{hyperref}, those question numbers will be clickable.
      % A further purpose of these labels (which we actually do for all
      % questions, parts, subparts, and subsubparts) is that if a
      % question (or part, etc.) is, e.g., moved from one page to
      % another, LaTeX will notice this and warn the user that LaTeX
      % must be run one more time to be sure everything is correct.
      % We need to do this even though we've already included code to
      % check when point totals change because questions (and parts,
      % etc.) know what page they're on from reading the info written to
      % the .aux file on the previous run.  Thus, if a question (or
      % part, etc.) is moved to a different page, then the pointsonpage
      % totals won't notice until the *second* subsequent run of LaTeX,
      % and so there'll be no warning to the user on the *first* run.
      % Including these labels gives the user a warning on that first
      % run.
      % Further futzing required: Since this is being put into the
      % token list \pageinfo@commands, the contents of which won't
      % actually be  executed until we enter horizontal mode (which
      % may well be in the first part of a parts environment), we need
      % to make sure that \@currentlabel is the number of the
      % question:
      \begingroup % to confine the change to \@currentlabel
%        \def\@currentlabel{\csname p@question\endcsname
%                           \csname thequestion\endcsname}%
      \expandafter\ifx\csname Contin@\theCurr@Page\endcsname\relax
        % We're the first \question, \part, \subpart, \subsubpart,
        % or choice on this page:
               \csname Contin@\theCurr@Page\endcsname{\relax}%
      \global \pageinfo@commands={}%
    }% pageinfo@commands
      % Remove any skips at the end of the previous paragraph
      % that might cause a blank line, and then end that paragraph:
      \unskip\unskip \par
  }% process@question
      % We don't count this subpart, so no addtocounter{numsubparts}.
        \global \pageinfo@commands={}%
        % We omit the pagepoint@commands
      }% temp@toks
      % Important: Don't leave any blank lines inside of
      % \pageinfo@commands!!  This token list will be dumped into
      % horizontal mode by \everypar, and so any blank lines will
      % cause paragraph breaks. 
        % In addition to the \PgInfo@write we use an actual \label
        % command.  We do this in order to make the question numbers in
        % the grade tables into \ref's, so that if the user says
        % \usepackage{hyperref}, those question numbers will be clickable.
        % A further purpose of these labels (which we actually do for all
        % questions, parts, subparts, and subsubparts) is that if a
        % question (or part, etc.) is, e.g., moved from one page to
        % another, LaTeX will notice this and warn the user that LaTeX
        % must be run one more time to be sure everything is correct.
        % We need to do this even though we've already included code to
        % check when point totals change because questions (and parts,
        % etc.) know what page they're on from reading the info written to
        % the .aux file on the previous run.  Thus, if a question (or
        % part, etc.) is moved to a different page, then the pointsonpage
        % totals won't notice until the *second* subsequent run of LaTeX,
        % and so there'll be no warning to the user on the *first* run.
        % Including these labels gives the user a warning on that first
        % run.
        \expandafter\ifx\csname Contin@\theCurr@Page\endcsname\relax
          % We're the first \question, \part, \subpart, \subsubpart,
          % or choice on this page:
        \global \pageinfo@commands={}%
      }% temp@toks
    \append@toklist \pageinfo@commands \temp@toks
      % Remove any skips at the end of the previous paragraph
      % that might cause a blank line, and then end that paragraph:
      \unskip\unskip \par
  }% process@subpart
      % We don't count this subsubpart, so no addtocounter{numsubsubparts}.
        \global \pageinfo@commands={}%
        % We omit the pagepoint@commands
      }% temp@toks
      % Important: Don't leave any blank lines inside of
      % \pageinfo@commands!!  This token list will be dumped into
      % horizontal mode by \everypar, and so any blank lines will
      % cause paragraph breaks. 
        % In addition to the \PgInfo@write we use an actual \label
        % command.  We do this in order to make the question numbers in
        % the grade tables into \ref's, so that if the user says
        % \usepackage{hyperref}, those question numbers will be clickable.
        % A further purpose of these labels (which we actually do for all
        % questions, parts, subparts, and subsubparts) is that if a
        % question (or part, etc.) is, e.g., moved from one page to
        % another, LaTeX will notice this and warn the user that LaTeX
        % must be run one more time to be sure everything is correct.
        % We need to do this even though we've already included code to
        % check when point totals change because questions (and parts,
        % etc.) know what page they're on from reading the info written to
        % the .aux file on the previous run.  Thus, if a question (or
        % part, etc.) is moved to a different page, then the pointsonpage
        % totals won't notice until the *second* subsequent run of LaTeX,
        % and so there'll be no warning to the user on the *first* run.
        % Including these labels gives the user a warning on that first
        % run.
        \expandafter\ifx\csname Contin@\theCurr@Page\endcsname\relax
          % We're the first \question, \part, \subpart, \subsubpart,
          % or choice on this page:
        \global \pageinfo@commands={}%
      }% temp@toks
    \append@toklist \pageinfo@commands \temp@toks
      % Remove any skips at the end of the previous paragraph
      % that might cause a blank line, and then end that paragraph:
      \unskip\unskip \par
  }% process@subsubpart
    % We use the default definition of \makelabel
    % so as not to interfere with \qformat commands.
    % \def\makelabel##1{\hss\llap{##1}}%
  }% End of the first argument of \newenvironment{questions}
    % Write the number of points of the final question
    % to the .aux file:
      \ifnum \value{question} > 0\relax
        % First do the regular points:
                                \csname c@question\endcsname
        % See if this has changed from the last run of LaTeX:
                            \csname c@question\endcsname}%
        % Now do the bonus points:
                                \csname c@question\endcsname
        % See if this has changed from the last run of LaTeX:
                            \csname c@question\endcsname}%
  }% End of the second argument of \newenvironment{questions}
% \question@number is used as the label in the question list (instead
% of \questionlabel) so that if the user uses a \qformat command,
% we'll use the \@questionformat specified by the \qformat command:

% We want the \part command to be defined *only* inside of a parts
% environment, so that the user can use the standard sectioning \part
% command inside of a questions environment (as long as it's outside of
% a parts environment).

  % If the question numbers are being inserted via a \qformat,
  % and if a question is beginning with a parts environment, then
  % we need to enter horizonal mode to get the qformat printed
  % on the page, rather than saving up the question label (and
  % possible points) to be combined with the label of the first
  % part.  (\if@inlabel tells us if we are still waiting to enter
  % horizontal mode after seeing a \question command.)
      % The following is just in case the question had points,
      % in which case @placepoints will still be true.
      % (We used to do this inside of the \thepoints macro,
      % but that allowed for an error if the user specified points for
      % a question but had a \qformat that didn't mention \thepoints.)
      % We also set @placepoints to be false in the \question command,
      % in case one queation follows a previous one that had no parts.
      \global \@placepointsfalse
      % The following is just in case the question had points,
      % in which case @placepoints will still be true.
      % (We used to do this inside of the \thepoints macro,
      % but that allowed for an error if the user specified points for
      % a question but had a \qformat that didn't mention \thepoints.)
      % We also set @placepoints to be false in the \question command,
      % in case one queation follows a previous one that had no parts.
      \global \@placepointsfalse
      % We don't count this part, so no addtocounter{numparts}.
        \global \pageinfo@commands={}%
        % We omit the pagepoint@commands
      }% temp@toks
      % Important: Don't leave any blank lines inside of
      % \pageinfo@commands!!  This token list will be dumped into
      % horizontal mode by \everypar, and so any blank lines will
      % cause paragraph breaks. 
        % In addition to the \PgInfo@write we use an actual \label
        % command.  We do this in order to make the question numbers in
        % the grade tables into \ref's, so that if the user says
        % \usepackage{hyperref}, those question numbers will be clickable.
        % A further purpose of these labels (which we actually do for all
        % questions, parts, subparts, and subsubparts) is that if a
        % question (or part, etc.) is, e.g., moved from one page to
        % another, LaTeX will notice this and warn the user that LaTeX
        % must be run one more time to be sure everything is correct.
        % We need to do this even though we've already included code to
        % check when point totals change because questions (and parts,
        % etc.) know what page they're on from reading the info written to
        % the .aux file on the previous run.  Thus, if a question (or
        % part, etc.) is moved to a different page, then the pointsonpage
        % totals won't notice until the *second* subsequent run of LaTeX,
        % and so there'll be no warning to the user on the *first* run.
        % Including these labels gives the user a warning on that first
        % run.
        \expandafter\ifx\csname Contin@\theCurr@Page\endcsname\relax
        \global \pageinfo@commands={}%
      }% temp@toks
    \append@toklist \pageinfo@commands \temp@toks
      % Remove any skips at the end of the previous paragraph
      % that might cause a blank line, and then end that paragraph:
      \unskip\unskip \par
  }% process@part
  }% newenvironment{parts}



    % We're putting a question (or part, etc.)
    % with points onto this page: 
    \ifnum \theCurr@Page > \thepageof@pagepoints\relax
      % These points go on a later page than
      % the points currently counted in @pagepoints:
      \ifnum \thepageof@pagepoints = 0\relax
        % Do nothing...
           \romannumeral \csname c@pageof@pagepoints\endcsname
        % See if this has changed from the last run of LaTeX:
                            \csname c@pageof@pagepoints\endcsname}%
      % The following is a macro because \theCurr@Page and
      % \thepageof@pagepoints might differ by more than 1:
      % The following label is so that we can make the page
      % numbers in a grade table indexed by page into \pageref's
      % so that \usepackage{hyperref} and pdflatex will
      % make them clickable:
      % These points go on the same page as the points
      % currently counted in @pagepoints:
    % We're putting a question (or part, etc.)
    % with bonus points onto this page: 
    \ifnum \theCurr@Page > \thepageof@pagebonuspoints\relax
      % These bonus points go on a later page than
      % the points currently counted in @pagebonuspoints:
      \ifnum \thepageof@pagebonuspoints = 0\relax
        % Do nothing...
           \romannumeral \csname c@pageof@pagebonuspoints\endcsname
        % See if this has changed from the last run of LaTeX:
                            \csname c@pageof@pagebonuspoints\endcsname}%
      % The following is a macro because \theCurr@Page and
      % \thepageof@pagebonuspoints might differ by more than 1:
      % The following label is so that we can make the page
      % numbers in a bonus grade table indexed by page into \pageref's
      % so that \usepackage{hyperref} and pdflatex will
      % make them clickable:
      % These points go on the same page as the points
      % currently counted in @pagebonuspoints:
}% pagepoint@commands
  \ifnum \theCurr@Page > \thepageof@pagepoints\relax
         \romannumeral \csname c@pageof@pagepoints\endcsname{0}}%
    % See if this has changed from the last run of LaTeX:
                        \csname c@pageof@pagepoints\endcsname}
      % OK; it's defined.  See if it's changed:
        \set@hlfcntr{tmp@hlfcntr}{\csname pointsonpage@\romannumeral 
                  \csname c@pageof@pagepoints\endcsname\endcsname}%
        \ifx \pt@check \othpt@check
          % Do nothing
    \let\next@incr@pageof = \increment@pageof@pagepoints
    % \page@withpoints will be used to find the last
    % page that has points, which will be written to
    % the .aux file via \AtEndDocument:
    \let\next@incr@pageof = \relax
}% increment@pageof@pagepoints
  \ifnum \theCurr@Page > \thepageof@pagebonuspoints\relax
         \romannumeral \csname c@pageof@pagebonuspoints\endcsname{0}}%
    % See if this has changed from the last run of LaTeX:
                        \csname c@pageof@pagebonuspoints\endcsname}
      % OK; it's defined.  See if it's changed:
        \set@hlfcntr{tmp@hlfcntr}{\csname bonuspointsonpage@\romannumeral 
                  \csname c@pageof@pagebonuspoints\endcsname\endcsname}%
        \ifx \pt@check \othpt@check
          % Do nothing
    \let\next@incr@pageof = \increment@pageof@pagebonuspoints
    % \page@withbonuspoints will be used to find the last
    % page that has bonus points, which will be written to
    % the .aux file via \AtEndDocument:
    \let\next@incr@pageof = \relax
}% increment@pageof@pagebonuspoints

      % Everything's fine; do nothing.
        I found a #1 where I expected to find a
        Both #1 and \@queslevel \space can be used only inside the
        correct \MessageBreak \space \space
        environment and outside of any smaller environment


% We use \def for \@points instead of \edef because we don't want
% \half (if present) to be expanded yet, so that the command \points
% can figure out how to deal with it:
  \global \@placepointstrue
      % latest@bonuspoints is a holding area for bonus points to be
      % added to @pagepoints after we check whether they're
      % on the same page as the points currently counted
      % by @pagepoints:
      % latest@points is a holding area for points to be
      % added to @pagepoints after we check whether they're
      % on the same page as the points currently counted
      % by @pagepoints:

% Bug fix, 5 April 2004: \item@points@pageinfo
% Appending \point@toks and \pageinfo@commands to \everypar:
% Instead of appending the contents of \point@toks and
% \pageinfo@commands to \everypar using \append@toklist,
% we instead want to append only the two tokens
%   \the\point@toks
% and the two tokens
%   \the\pageinfo@commands
% to \everypar.  We need to do this because if a questions environment
% immediately follows a \section command, then @nobreak will be true,
% and so the \if@nobreak inside of \everypar will *not* execute the
% \everypar={} that we had been counting on to keep the points from
% being inserted a second time in the second paragraph of a question.
% Since we've put the command \global \point@toks={} inside of 
% \point@toks and the command \pageinfo@commands={} inside of
% \pageinfo@commands, when the contents of \point@toks and of
% \pageinfo@commands are executed (when we enter horizontal mode and
% \everypar is dumped in), the contents of \point@toks and
% \pageinfo@commands will be made empty, and so if
% the second paragraph also gets \the\point@toks and
% \the\pageinfo@commands, it won't matter.

  % Also: We need to do this here, *after* the \item command, rather
  % than inside the macro \@readpoints, because the \item command
  % puts the result of the \qformat command into an \hbox (with the
  % command ``\sbox\@tempboxa{\makelabel{#1}}%''), expanding the
  % argument of \qformat as it does so.  Thus, @placepoints will be
  % true when the argument of \qformat is expanded, and so if the
  % user put a \thepoints command inside that argument it will
  % correctly expand to the number of points.  (When @placepoints is
  % false, \thepoints expands to nothing at all).
  % We also want to define \padded@point@block when @placepoints is
  % true even if qformat and bonusqformat are true just in case the
  % user, for some deranged reason, says \droppoints immediately
  % following a \question.
    % Since we want the user to be able to say \thepoints in the
    % argument to a \pointformat command, we need \@placepointstrue
    % when \point@block is expanded so that \thepoints will actually
    % print something.  (After setting up \point@toks, we do
    % \@placepointsfalse, but \point@block isn't actually expanded
    % until we enter horizontal mode.)  Thus, we define
    % \padded@point@block, and use that instead of \point@block.  We
    % put  \begingroup and \endgroup around this to confine the
    % effect of \@placepointstrue and also to confine the effect of
    % any declarations like, e.g., \bfseries that the user might put
    % in the argument of a \pointformat command.
    % Note: We first tried using an \edef to expand \point@block right
    % here, while @placepoints is true, but that causes problems if
    % the user puts a \boldmath declaration in the argument of a
    % \pointformat command.  Apparently, expanding \boldmath (without 
    % executing anything) gives you bunches of undefined control
    % sequence errors.
    % \setup@point@toks puts commands into \point@toks to place
    % \padded@point@block at the correct spot.  It doesn't append
    % anything to \everypar (we do that in this macro, below). 
    % If @qformat is true, and if we're currently doing a question (or
    % if @bonusqformat is true and we're doing a bonusquestion)
    % (rather than a part, subpart, or subsubpart), then we don't want
    % to set the points (if any), since the points of a question will
    % appear only if the user chooses to cause that by putting a
    % \thepoints in the argument of the \qformat command.
      % Do nothing!
            % Do nothing
            % Do nothing
    \global \@placepointsfalse
  % We *don't* use \append@toklist; see the Bug fixnote above
  % (Bug fix, 5 April 2004).
  % We can append the tokens ``\the\point@toks'' whether or not we're
  % setting any points because if we're not setting them, \point@toks
  % will be empty.
  % Also: It's important to do this *after* the \item command above,
  % since the \item command discards the previous contents of
  % \everypar.
  % Version 2.218$\beta$, 2007/10/31 changes:
  % Instead of appending
  %   \the \pageinfo@commands \the \point@toks
  % to \everypar, we insert them into the box \@labels.  This corrects
  % the problem that arose when a question (or part, etc.) begins with
  % a list environment (including verbatim, flushleft, center,
  % flushright, and possibly others that are implemented as trivlist
  % environments).  The \item command in those environments throws
  % away the previous contents of \everypar, and so the tokens \the
  % \pageinfo@commands \the \point@toks didn't get inserted where we
  % expected.  List environments *do* preserve the contents of the box
  % \@labels, though.
    \the \pageinfo@commands
    \the \point@toks}%
  %   \edef\append@everypar{\noexpand\everypar={\the\everypar
  %                         \noexpand\the \noexpand\pageinfo@commands
  %                         \noexpand\the \noexpand\point@toks}}%
  %   \append@everypar

% Initialize \@points:
% (The only reason I think this is necessary is in case the user uses
% a \qformat command, puts \themarginpoints into the format (which is
% *not* the intended use of \themarginpoints), and then doesn't have
% any points for the first question.)

% We set the token list \point@toks equal to the sequence of commands
% needed to put \padded@point@block at the correct location, followed
% by the tokens ``\global \point@toks={}''.  The \question, \part,
% \subpart, or \subsubpart command then adds the two tokens
% ``\the\point@toks'' to \everypar.
% Note: It is not the *contents* of \point@toks that is added to
% \everypar; just the two tokens ``\the\point@toks''.  This difference
% is the bug fix of 2 April 2004, described above (the bug was that in
% earlier versions, we used to append the contents).
% The result of this is that whenever we finally enter horizontal mode
% (because we finally encountered the text of a question, part,
% subpart, or subsubpart) the contents of \point@toks will be dumped
% into horizontal mode and executed, and so the points will be placed
% and the token list \point@toks will be set to empty.  Thus, in the
% occasional circumstances in which \everypar is *not* set to empty
% after being added to the first paragraph (which occurs when a
% questions environment immediately follows a \section command), and
% so \everypar will still contain ``\the\point@toks'' when it
% encounters a possible second paragraph of the first question, the
% tokens ``\the\point@toks'' will insert an *empty* token list, which
% will do no harm.
    % Set \csname \q@label \endcsname equal to the thing
    % that expands to the page number of the current (question or
    % part or subpart or subsubpar; whatever it is), but do it
    % carefully because, if we don't yet have page info, then it won't
    % be defined:
              This can't happen in function \protect\setup@point@toks
              An unexplained error occurred in exam.cls;\MessageBreak
              please inform the package maintainer, and send along
              the LaTeX file that shows the error.\MessageBreak
    \expandafter\ifx \csname \q@label \endcsname\relax
      % No page info yet; put it into the right margin
      \ifodd \csname \q@label \endcsname\relax
  % That ends the \if@pointstwosided.
  % Now we actually setup \point@toks:
          \global \point@toks={}%
            \global \point@toks={}%
      % The points just go after the question number:
            \global \point@toks={}%
}% setup@point@toks

  \rlap{\hskip\rightmargin  % Defined by the list environment
        \hskip\@rightmargin % Defined by exam.cls
  }% rlap

  \rlap{\hskip\rightmargin  % Defined by the list environment
        \hskip\@rightmargin % Defined by exam.cls
  }% rlap
}% droptotalpoints
  \rlap{\hskip\rightmargin  % Defined by the list environment
        \hskip\@rightmargin % Defined by exam.cls
  }% rlap
}% droptotalbonuspoints

% The following is the default definition;
% it can be changed by a \totalformat command.
  Total for Question \thequestion: \totalpoints\@marginpointname
}% total@block
  Total for Question \thequestion: \totalbonuspoints\@marginbonuspointname
}% bonustotal@block

  \gdef\total@block{\begingroup #1\endgroup}%
}% totalformat
  \gdef\bonustotal@block{\begingroup #1\endgroup}%
}% bonustotalformat
% The following is for use in the argument to a \totalformat command:

% @placepoints is set true when we encounter a question (or part, etc.)
% that has points.  It is set to false (1) when we set \point@toks equal
% to the sequence of commands required to put the properly formatted
% points onto the page (this happens only if @qformat is false or if
% @qformat is true but we're not doing a question), or (2) by a
% \question command or entering a parts environment (since if we're
% doing a question and @qformat is true, we need to leave @placepoints
% true so that the \thepoints command can tell if it should expand to
% points or to nothing, and encountering a \question command or parts
% environment tells us that we no longer have to deal with a possible
% \thepoints, since we won't be expanding a qformat).

% \marginpointssep will be used if the user says
% \pointsinleftmargin.  It will be the distance from whatever encloses
% the points (parentheses, brackets, or a box) to the left margin:

% \rightpointsmargin will be used if the user says \pointsinrightmargin.
% It will be the distance from whatever encloses the point (parentheses,
% brackets, or a box) to the right edge of the paper:


% If we have \@pointstwosidedtrue and \@pointsinoutsidemarginfalse,
% then the points will be printed on the inside margin (left on odd
% numbered pages, right on even numbered pages).  If we have
% \@pointstwosidedfalse, then \if@pointsinoutsidemargin is ignored.

% If we have \@pointstwosidedtrue, then both \@pointsinleftmargin and
% \@pointsinrightmargin will be flipped back and forth, as needed, in
% \setup@point@toks.



% Will the points be displayed inside parentheses (the default), or
% will they be boxed or bracketed, or customized using pointformat:

  % We don't have to worry about the user putting things
  % like \bfseries, etc. into \point@block, because
  % \padded@point@block encloses \point@block in a group,
  % which confines the effects of anything here:

  % We don't have to worry about the user putting things
  % like \bfseries, etc. into \point@block, because
  % \padded@point@block encloses \point@block in a group,
  % which confines the effects of anything here:


% Initialize to leave a space, and then the word `points':
%%\pointname{ points}
% The following improvement was contributed by 
% Mate Wierdl <mw@wierdlmpc.msci.memphis.edu> 
% If the number of points is ``1'', then the default value of
% \pointname will print `` point'' instead of `` points'' (and this
% version of the command doesn't generate an error message if the
% points entry is something other than a number):
% Note the space before the \points in the following; it's
% intentional!)
\pointname{ \points}
\bonuspointname{ \bonuspoints}
%\newcommand\bonuspoint@sing{bonus point}
%\newcommand\bonuspoint@plur{bonus points}
\newcommand\bonuspoint@sing{point (bonus)}
\newcommand\bonuspoint@plur{points (bonus)}

% The command \points:
% We use \ifthenelse and \equal so that if the user types something
% other than a legit point value, there still won't be any error
% messages.  We rig it so that if the point value looks like it's
% intended to be One or one or ONE, or some strange way of attempting
% one half, then it will expand to the singular value.  Alas, this is
% only useful for English, but I'm hoping few or no users will try doing
% this anyway.

% 0 points, one half point, 1 point, 1 and a half points, etc.:
    \ifthenelse{\equal{\pt@string}{1} \or \equal{\pt@string}{\half}}
}% \points
    \ifthenelse{\equal{\pt@string}{1} \or \equal{\pt@string}{\half}}
}% \bonuspoints
%  \begingroup
%    \let\half=\relax
%    \edef\pt@string{\@points}%
%    \ifthenelse{\equal{\pt@string}{1} \or \equal{\pt@string}{\half} \or
%      \equal{\pt@string}{0\half} \or \equal{\pt@string}{0 \half}
%      \equal{\pt@string}{one} \or \equal{\pt@string}{One} \or
%      \equal{\pt@string}{ONE}}
%        {\point@sing}{\point@plur}%
%  \endgroup

% If we used the following line instead, then you'd get an error
% message if the point value contained something other than a valid
% integer:
%\pointname{ \ifthenelse{\@points = 1}{point}{points}}

% We used to define a command named \marks that works like \points,
% except that it expands to either ``mark'' or ``marks'', but that
% conflicts with some package or other.  Thus, we'll implement
% \marksnotpoints using the \pointpoints command instead:
  \bonuspointpoints{mark (bonus)}{marks (bonus)}%
}% \marksnotpoints

% \@marginpointname is used in place of \@pointname if any of
% \@pointsinmargin, \@pointsinrightmargin, and \@pointsdropped are
% true:
\marginbonuspointname{ (bonus)}

%         choices (for multiple choice) and checkboxes


% We will have \@correctchoicetrue when we're printing solutions
% and we're printing the correct choice of a choices or
% oneparchoices environment.
% We'll say \begingroup before saying \@correctchoicetrue
% and we'll say \endgroup at either the next \choice or \correctchoice
% or the end of the choices or oneparchoices environment.
% Thus, we'll never again need to say \@correctchoicefalse


% Note: \do@choice@pageinfo is used in both the choices and
% the checkboxes environments.
  % Version 2.217-beta changes:
  % Instead of appending stuff to \everypar, we insert
  % \the \pageinfo@commands and \the \point@toks 
  % into the box \@labels:
    \the \choice@toks}%
  %   \edef\append@everypar{\noexpand\everypar={\the\everypar
  %                         \noexpand\the \noexpand\choice@toks}}%
  %   \append@everypar
}% do@choice@pageinfo

% Added 22 April 2004: Increased the \leftmargin by 2.5em,
% so the choices will be visibly indented.
       \settowidth{\leftmargin}{W.\hskip\labelsep\hskip 2.5em}%
       } % choice
           % We can't say \choice here, because that would
           % insert an \endgroup:
           % 2016/05/10: We say \color@begingroup in addition to
           % \begingroup in case \CorrectChoiceEmphasis involves color
           % and the text exactly fills the line (which would
           % otherwise create a blank line after this choice):
           % 2016/05/11: We leave hmode if we're in it,
           % i.e., if there's no blank line preceding this
           % \CorrectChoice command.  (Without this, the
           % \special created by a \color{whatever} command that might
           % be inserted by \CorrectChoice@Emphasis would be appended 
           % to the previous \choice, which could cause an extra
           % (blank) line to be inserted before this \CorrectChoice.)
           % Since \par and \endgraf seem to cancel \@totalleftmargin
           % (for reasons I don't understand), we'll do the following:
           % Motivated by  the def of \leavevmode, 
           %      \def\leavevmode{\unhbox\voidb@x}
           % we will now leave hmode (if we're in hmode):
           % 2018/05/13: We move the \item command to before the
           % \begingroup and we also put
           % \CorrectChoice@Emphasis\choicelabel (along with grouping)
           % into the argument of the \item.  We did this to correct
           % the bug that appears when there is no text in between
           % the \begin{choices} and the first item and that first
           % item is a \correctchoice.  The fact that a group had been
           % begun before the first \item caused the label for the
           % second item to appear in the position of the label for
           % the item following that second item. 
           \ifhmode \unskip\unskip\unvbox\voidb@x \fi
           % 2018/08/22: We changed \stepcounter to \refstepcounter:
           \item[{\color@begingroup \CorrectChoice@Emphasis
                  \choicelabel \color@endgroup}]%
           \begingroup \color@begingroup \@correctchoicetrue
       } % CorrectChoice
  {\if@correctchoice \color@endgroup \endgroup \fi \endlist}

      \if@correctchoice \endgroup \fi
        \penalty -50\hskip 1em plus 1em\relax
      % No need to put the following into a token string; we just put
      % the choicelabel onto the page, so we're at the spot whose page
      % number we want to record:
    }% choice
      \if@correctchoice \endgroup \fi
        \begingroup \@correctchoicetrue 
        \penalty -50\hskip 1em plus 1em\relax
      % No need to put the following into a token string; we just put
      % the choicelabel onto the page, so we're at the spot whose page
      % number we want to record:
    }% CorrectChoice
    % If we're continuing the paragraph containing the question,
    % then leave a bit of space before the first choice:
  {\if@correctchoice \endgroup \fi}


       \settowidth{\leftmargin}{W.\hskip\labelsep\hskip 2.5em}%
           \color@endgroup \endgroup
       } % choice
           \color@endgroup \endgroup
           % We can't say \choice here, because that would
           % insert an \endgroup.
           % 2016/05/10: We say \color@begingroup in addition to
           % \begingroup in case \CorrectChoiceEmphasis involves color
           % and the text exactly fills the line (which would
           % otherwise create a blank line after this choice):
           % 2016/05/11: We leave hmode if we're in it,
           % i.e., if there's no blank line preceding this
           % \CorrectChoice command.  (Without this, the
           % \special created by a \color{whatever} command that might
           % be inserted by \CorrectChoice@Emphasis would be appended 
           % to the previous \choice, which could cause an extra
           % (blank) line to be inserted before this \CorrectChoice.)
           % Since \par and \endgraf seem to cancel \@totalleftmargin
           % (for reasons I don't understand), we'll do the following:
           % Motivated by  the def of \leavevmode, 
           %      \def\leavevmode{\unhbox\voidb@x}
           % we will now leave hmode (if we're in hmode):
           % 2018/05/13: We move the \item[\checked@char] to before
           % the \begingroup and we also put \CorrectChoice@Emphasis
           % (along with grouping) into the argument of the \item.  We
           % did this to correct the bug that appears when there is no
           % text in between the \begin{checkboxes} and the first item
           % and that first item is a \correctchoice.  The fact that a
           % group had been begun before the first \item caused the
           % label for the second item to appear in the position of
           % the label for the item following that second item.
           \ifhmode \unskip\unskip\unvbox\voidb@x \fi
           \begingroup \color@begingroup \@correctchoicetrue
       } % CorrectChoice
  {\if@correctchoice \color@endgroup \endgroup \fi \endlist}

    % Although we're not printing numbers for the choices, we use the
    % choice counter to keep track of whether a choice is the first
    % one (in which case we don't leave any additional space) or a
    % later one (in which case we do leave additional space):    
      \if@correctchoice \endgroup \fi
        \penalty -50\hskip 1em plus 1em\relax
      % No need to put the following into a token string; we just put
      % \checkbox@char onto the page, so we're at the spot whose page
      % number we want to record:
    }% choice
      \if@correctchoice \endgroup \fi
        \begingroup \@correctchoicetrue 
        \penalty -50\hskip 1em plus 1em\relax
      % No need to put the following into a token string; we just put
      % the choicelabel onto the page, so we're at the spot whose page
      % number we want to record:
    }% CorrectChoice
    % If we're continuing the paragraph containing the question,
    % then leave a bit of space before the first choice:
  {\if@correctchoice \endgroup \fi}

%             Answer Lines (for short answer questions)

% Note: \ques@ref is also used in \item@points@pageinfo, and all four
% of the following are used in \setup@point@toks


% Note: \answerclearance is also used by \fillin


  % One optional argument, the default value of which is empty.
          % Oops; no question level defined.
          % We must be outide of the questions environment.
          % Just leave out the label, I guess:
  \par \nobreak \vskip \answerskip
    \ans@l~\hbox to 0pt{\hbox to \answerlinelength{\hrulefill}\hss}%
    \raise \answerclearance\hbox to \answerlinelength{%
      % 2016/05/10: Added \color@begingroup and \color@endgroup:
      \CorrectChoice@Emphasis \hfil #1\hss
    \ans@l~\hbox to \answerlinelength{\hrulefill}%
}% answerline

%               \fillin, for fill-in-the-blank questions


% \fillin can take two optional arguments.
% The first optional argument is the answer to be printed above the line
% when \printanswers is in effect; the default value is empty.  That
% line is printed a distance of \answerclearance below the baseline.
% The second optional argument is the length of the line that we print;
% the default value is \fillinlinelength.  The value of
% \fillinlinelength is set with the command
%   \setlength\fillinlinelength{1in}
% and can be changed by giving a new \setlength command.
% When answers are being printed, the optional argument is printed
% subject to the declarations in the argument of the last
% \CorrectChoiceEmphasis command.  It is centered on the line unless it
% is too long, in which case it extends to the right of the line.
% \fillin eats (and ignores) space characters appearing before the
% first optional argument.  It also eats (and ignores) space
% characters appearing after the first optional argument and before
% the second optional argument.  However, if exactly one optional
% argument appears, and if there are one or more space characters
% following that one optional argument, then those spaces are replaced
% by a single space character, but not eaten.

}% fillin

  % We use \exam@ifnextchar, a variation on \@ifnextchar.
  % If \exam@ifnextchar encounters one or more space characters
  % followed by a [, then those spaces are ignored (just as they would
  % be by \@ifnextchar).  However, if one or more space characters are
  % followed by a non-space character other than [, then
  % \exam@ifnextchar inserts a space following the
  % {\@fillin@relay[\fillinlinelength]} that is the third argument to
  % \exam@ifnextchar.
}% fillin@relay

  % The first argument is in \fillin@ans, the second is #1.
    \rlap{\raise -\answerclearance \hbox to #1{\hrulefill}}%
      \setbox0 \hbox{\color@begingroup
             \CorrectChoice@Emphasis \fillin@ans \color@endgroup}%
      \ifdim\wd0 > #1\relax
        \hbox{\color@begingroup\CorrectChoice@Emphasis \fillin@ans
        \hbox to #1{\color@begingroup\CorrectChoice@Emphasis 
                    \hfil \fillin@ans \hfil\color@endgroup}%
    \raise -\answerclearance \hbox to #1{\hrulefill}%
}% @fillin@relay

% \exam@ifnextchar is used by \fillin.
% \exam@ifnextchar is a variation of \@ifnextchar that does not always
% ignore space tokens.  If \exam@ifnextchar encounters one or more
% space tokens, it makes note of that (with the command
% \@tempswatrue).  If the first non-space character encountered
% matches argument #1, then any spaces that had been encountered are
% ignored.  However, if one or more spaces are encountered and the
% first non-space character found does not match argument #1, then
% \exam@ifnextchar produces argument #3 followed by a space character.
% (This differs from the behavior of \new@ifnextchar in amsgen.sty,
% which does lookahead for any character, including a space.)  This
% code (as well as the idea for it) is due to Dan Luecking and Ulrich
% Diez.
  % The following says we haven't yet seen any spaces:
}% exam@ifnextchar

    % Signal that we've found a space:
    \let\reserved@c\exam@xifnch % this gobbles the space
}% exam@ifnch

% The following defines \exam@xifnch so that it will eat a space
% following it and then call \exam@ifnch:
{% keep redefinition of \: local
  \expandafter\gdef\: {\futurelet\@let@token\exam@ifnch}

%                            \fillwithlines

% \fillwithlines takes one argument, which is either a length or \fill
% or \stretch{number}, and it fills that much vertical space with
% horizontal lines that run the length of the current line.  That is,
% they extend from the current left margin (which depends on whether
% we're in a question, part, subpart, or subsubpart) to the right
% margin.
% The distance between the lines is \linefillheight, whose default value
% is set with the command
% \setlength\linefillheight{.25in}
% This value can be changed by giving a new \setlength command.
% The thickness of the lines is \linefillthickness, whose default value
% is set with the command
% \setlength\linefillthickness{.1pt}
% This value can be changed by giving a new \setlength command.
% As of version 2.503, 2016/03/25, the lines drawn by the
% \fillwithlines command will be drawn in color if the user has given
% the command
%      \colorfillwithlines.
% The actual drawing of the lines is now done by the command
% \do@fillwithlines, after the \fillwithlines command decides whether
% they will be in color.  The default color is set by the command
%      \definecolor{FillWithLinesColor}{gray}{0.8}
% and the color can be changed by giving a new \definecolor command.
% You can return to black lines by giving the command
%      \nocolorfillwithlines


      You must load the color package with the command\MessageBreak
      in order to use the command \protect\colorfillwithlines
      This command requires either the package color.sty\MessageBreak
      or xcolor.sty, and so you have to load one of those before \MessageBreak
      your \protect\begin{document} command.\MessageBreak
}% \colorfillwithlines

}% \fillwithlines

    \leaders\hrule height \linefillthickness \hfill\kern\z@}

% \do@fillwithlines is called only by \fillwithlines
  \hrule height \z@
  \setbox0=\hbox to \hsize{\hskip \@totalleftmargin
          \vrule height \linefillheight depth \z@ width \z@
  % We use \cleaders (rather than \leaders) so that a given
  % vertical space will always produce the same number of lines
  % no matter where on the page it happens to start:
  \cleaders \copy0 \vskip #1 \hbox{}%
}% \do@fillwithlines

%                         \fillwithdottedlines

% \fillwithdottedlines is similar to \fillwithlines, except that it
% fills the space with dotted lines (created by \dotfill) rather than
% with solid lines.

% \fillwithdottedlines takes one argument, which is either a length or
% \fill or \stretch{number}, and it fills that much vertical space
% with dotted lines that run the length of the current line.  That is,
% they extend from the current left margin (which depends on whether
% we're in a question, part, subpart, or subsubpart) to the right
% margin.
% The distance between the lines is \dottedlinefillheight, whose
% default value is set with the command
% \setlength\dottedlinefillheight{.25in}
% This value can be changed by giving a new \setlength command.

% As of version 2.503, 2016/03/25, the dotted lines drawn by the
% \fillwithdottedlines command will be drawn in color if the user has
% given the command
%      \colorfillwithdottedlines.
% The actual drawing of the lines is now done by the command
% \do@fillwithdottedlines, after the \fillwithdottedlines command
% decides whether they will be in color.  The default color is set by
% the command 
%      \definecolor{FillWithDottedLinesColor}{gray}{0.8}
% and the color can be changed by giving a new \definecolor command.
% You can return to black lines by giving the command
%      \nocolorfillwithdottedlines


      You must load the color package with the command\MessageBreak
      in order to use the command \protect\colorfillwithdottedlines
      This command requires either the package color.sty\MessageBreak
      or xcolor.sty, and so you have to load one of those before \MessageBreak
      your \protect\begin{document} command.\MessageBreak
}% \colorfillwithdottedlines

}% \fillwithdottedlines

% \do@fillwithdottedlines is called only by \fillwithdottedlines
  \hrule height \z@
  \setbox0=\hbox to \hsize{\hskip \@totalleftmargin
          \vrule height \dottedlinefillheight depth \z@ width \z@
  % We use \cleaders (rather than \leaders) so that a given
  % vertical space will always produce the same number of lines
  % no matter where on the page it happens to start:
  \cleaders \copy0 \vskip #1 \hbox{}%
}% \do@fillwithdottedlines

%                            \fillwithgrid

% \fillwithgrid is similar to \fillwithlines, except that it
% fills the space with a grid.

% \fillwithgrid takes one argument, which is either a length or \fill
% or \stretch{number}, and it fills that much vertical space with a
% grid that runs the length of the current line.  That is, it extends
% from the current left margin (which depends on whether we're in a
% question, part, subpart, or subsubpart) to the right margin.
% The default grid size and grid line thickness were set by the
% commands
% \setlength{\gridsize}{5mm}
% \setlength{\gridlinewidth}{0.1pt}
% You can change either or both of those by giving new \setlength
% commands.  The period of the grid is \gridsize (both horizontally
% and vertically).  That is, the horizontal distance from the left
% edge of one vertical line to the left edge of the next vertical line
% is \gridsize, as is the vertical distance from the top edge of one
% horizontal line to the top edge of the next horizontal line.  Thus,
% each square has outer side length equal to \gridsize+\gridlinewidth.

% By default, the created grids are in black.  However, if you give the
% commands
% \usepackage{color}
% \colorgrids
% then the grids will be in color, by default a light gray.  That
% default color was defined by the command
% \definecolor{GridColor}{gray}{0.8}
% You can change the color by redefining the color GridColor by giving
% a new \definecolor command.

      You must load the color package with the command\MessageBreak
      in order to use the command \protect\colorgrids
      This command requires either the package color.sty\MessageBreak
      or xcolor.sty, and so you have to load one of those before \MessageBreak
      your \protect\begin{document} command.\MessageBreak
}% \colorgrids


  \hrule height \z@

  % We first set box0 equal to an \hbox which, when printed, is a
  % square with width and height equal to \gridsize+\gridlinewidth,
  % but which has
  % width equal to \gridsize,
  % height equal to \gridsize, and
  % depth equal to 0pt.
  % When we put multiple copies of it together using \leaders or
  % \cleaders, the right edge will coincide with the left edge of the
  % next box and the bottom edge will coincide with the top edge of
  % the box below it.
    \rlap{\vrule height \gridsize depth \gridlinewidth width \gridlinewidth}%
    \rlap{\vrule height \gridsize depth -\@tempdimb width \@tempdima}%
    \vrule height 0pt depth \gridlinewidth width \@tempdima
    \llap{\vrule height \gridsize depth \gridlinewidth width \gridlinewidth}%
  % Now we set box1 equal to an \hbox containing a single line of
  % copies of box0.  We use \leaders (instead of \cleaders) so that
  % if we use it twice on a page, once with a question and once
  % with a part, the boxes will line up vertically.  We add a kern of
  % \gridlinewidth at the right because the rightmost vertical line
  % appears to the right of where the \leaders command thinks that it
  % appears.
  \setbox1=\hbox to \textwidth{%
    \hskip \@totalleftmargin \leaders\copy0\hfil \kern\gridlinewidth
  % Finally: We create the grid, using \cleaders: We use \cleaders
  % (rather than \leaders) so that a given vertical space will always
  % produce the same number of lines no matter where on the page it
  % happens to start.  We add a kern of \gridlinewidth because the
  % bottommost horizontal line appears below where the \cleaders
  % command thinks that it appears.
  \cleaders \copy1 \vskip #1 \kern \gridlinewidth \hbox{}%
}% fillwithgrid

%                            \makeemptybox

% \makeemptybox takes one argument, which is a length, and it creates
% an empty box of width the length of the current line and of height
% equal to the argument. That is, the box extends from the current
% left margin (which depends on whether we're in a question, part,
% subpart, or subsubpart) to the right margin.

% As of version 2.304, the argument of \makeemptybox can be either
% a length, or \fill, or \stretch{number}.

% \newcommand\makeemptybox[1]{
%   \par
%   \begingroup
%     \setlength{\fboxsep}{0pt}%
%     \framebox[\linewidth]{%
%       \vrule height 0pt depth #1 width 0pt
%     }%
%   \endgroup
% }


% As of version 2.502, 2016/03/23, the frame drawn by the
% \makeemptybox command will be drawn in color if the user has given
% the command \colorsolutionboxes.  The actual drawing of the box is
% now done by the command \do@emptybox, after the \makeemptybox
% command decides whether it will be in color.


% The command \do@emptybox is called only by \makeemptybox.
  \hbox to \hsize{\hskip\@totalleftmargin \leaders\hrule\hfill}%
    \setbox0=\hbox to \hsize{\hskip\@totalleftmargin
                           \vrule height\minboxheight \hfill \vrule}%
    % The vertical size desired may not be an exact multiple of
    % \minboxheight, and so \cleaders might leave a gap between the
    % vertical lines and the horizontal lines above and below it.
    % Thus, we put a single copy of \box0 immediately below the
    % horizontal line above and we'll also put a single copy of \box0
    % immediately above the horizontal line below.
    \vskip -\minboxheight
    \cleaders \copy0 \vskip #1
    \vskip -\minboxheight
  \hbox to \hsize{\hskip\@totalleftmargin \leaders\hrule\hfill}%

%                      \uplevel and \fullwidth
%           and the EnvUplevel and EnvFullwidth environments:

% \uplevel is used to print text at the indentation level of the 
% enclosing environment.  For example, to precede a question with
% directions about how that question should be answered, you would
% say \uplevel{Answer this question correctly.}
% \fullwidth is similar, but uses the full page of text on the page.

% The EnvUplevel environment is similar to the \uplevel command, but it
% has the advantage that you can include verbatim material (using, e.g.,
% the \verb command) in the environment.  (You can't include verbatim
% material in the argument of an \uplevel command.)

% The EnvFullwidth environment is similar to the \fullwidth command, but
% it has the advantage that you can include verbatim material (using,
% e.g., the \verb command) in the environment.  (You can't include
% verbatim material in the argument of an \fullwidth command.)

    % We entered internal vertical mode, and so we get \parshape=0.
    % We set \leftskip to provide the correct left margin for whatever
    % is in the argument of the \uplevel command:
    % We adjust \@totalleftmargin and linewidth in case there's a
    % solution environment inside of the argument to the \uplevel:
  }% vbox

    % We set \leftskip to provide the correct left margin for whatever
    % is inside of the environment:
    % We adjust \@totalleftmargin (and linewidth?) in case there's a
    % solution environment inside of the environment:

    % We entered internal vertical mode, and so we get \parshape=0.
    \leftskip=0pt \rightskip=0pt
  }% vbox

    % We entered internal vertical mode, and so we get \parshape=0.
    \leftskip=0pt \rightskip=0pt
    % We adjust \@totalleftmargin (and linewidth?) in case there's a
    % solution environment inside of the environment:

%                        ********************
%                        ** GRADING TABLES **
%                        ********************



% \settabletotalpoints allows the user to specify a total
% number of points to appear in a table that may be different
% from the sum of the points in the table:
}% \settabletotalpoints

% \settabletotalbonuspoints is similar to \settabletotalpoints:
}% \settabletotalbonuspoints

% All of the following that begin with `h' are for horizontal tables,
% and all of them that begin with `v' are for vertical tables:


% The following are the versions for bonusgradetable:


% The following are the versions for combinedgradetable:


% Initialize:


\bhpword{Bonus Points:}
\bvpword{Bonus Points}

\chbpword{Bonus Points:}
\cvbpword{Bonus Points}

% Before we created multirow and multicolumn tables, he only commands
% here accessible to the user were \gradetable, \bonusgradetable,
% \combinedgradetable, \pointtable, \bonuspointtable,
% \combinedpointtable, \partialgradetable,
% \partialbonusgradetable, \partialcombinedtable, \partialpointtable,
% \partialbonuspointtable, \partialcombinedpointtable,
% \begingradingrange, \endgradingrange, \pointsinrange,
% \bonuspointsinrange, \firstqinrange, \lastqinrange, and
% \numqinrange.  The new user commands are
% \def\multirowgradetable
% \def\multirowpointtable
% \def\multirowbonusgradetable
% \def\multirowbonuspointtable
% \def\multirowcombinedgradetable
% \def\multirowcombinedpointtable
% \def\multirowpartialgradetable
% \def\multirowpartialpointtable
% \def\multirowpartialbonusgradetable
% \def\multirowpartialbonuspointtable
% \def\multirowpartialcombinedgradetable
% \def\multirowpartialcombinedpointtable
% \def\multicolumngradetable
% \def\multicolumnpointtable
% \def\multicolumnbonusgradetable
% \def\multicolumnbonuspointtable
% \def\multicolumncombinedgradetable
% \def\multicolumncombinedpointtable
% \def\multicolumnpartialgradetable
% \def\multicolumnpartialpointtable
% \def\multicolumnpartialbonusgradetable
% \def\multicolumnpartialbonuspointtable
% \def\multicolumnpartialcombinedgradetable
% \def\multicolumnpartialcombinedpointtable

% The possibilities are

%   \gradetable[v][questions]
%   \gradetable[v][pages]
%   \gradetable[h][questions]
%   \gradetable[h][pages]

%   \bonusgradetable[v][questions]
%   \bonusgradetable[v][pages]
%   \bonusgradetable[h][questions]
%   \bonusgradetable[h][pages]

%   \combinedgradetable[v][questions]
%   \combinedgradetable[v][pages]
%   \combinedgradetable[h][questions]
%   \combinedgradetable[h][pages]

%   \pointtable[v][questions]
%   \pointtable[v][pages]
%   \pointtable[h][questions]
%   \pointtable[h][pages]

%   \bonuspointtable[v][questions]
%   \bonuspointtable[v][pages]
%   \bonuspointtable[h][questions]
%   \bonuspointtable[h][pages]

%   \combinedpointtable[v][questions]
%   \combinedpointtable[v][pages]
%   \combinedpointtable[h][questions]
%   \combinedpointtable[h][pages]

%   \partialgradetable{whatever}[v][questions]
%   \partialgradetable{whatever}[v][pages]
%   \partialgradetable{whatever}[h][questions]
%   \partialgradetable{whatever}[h][pages]

%   \partialbonusgradetable{whatever}[v][questions]
%   \partialbonusgradetable{whatever}[v][pages]
%   \partialbonusgradetable{whatever}[h][questions]
%   \partialbonusgradetable{whatever}[h][pages]

%   \partialcombinedgradetable{whatever}[v][questions]
%   \partialcombinedgradetable{whatever}[v][pages]
%   \partialcombinedgradetable{whatever}[h][questions]
%   \partialcombinedgradetable{whatever}[h][pages]

%   \partialpointtable{whatever}[v][questions]
%   \partialpointtable{whatever}[v][pages]
%   \partialpointtable{whatever}[h][questions]
%   \partialpointtable{whatever}[h][pages]

%   \partialbonuspointtable{whatever}[v][questions]
%   \partialbonuspointtable{whatever}[v][pages]
%   \partialbonuspointtable{whatever}[h][questions]
%   \partialbonuspointtable{whatever}[h][pages]

%   \partialcombinedpointtable{whatever}[v][questions]
%   \partialcombinedpointtable{whatever}[v][pages]
%   \partialcombinedpointtable{whatever}[h][questions]
%   \partialcombinedpointtable{whatever}[h][pages]

%   \begingradingrange{whatever}
%   \endgradingrange{whatever}
%   \pointsinrange{whatever}
%   \bonuspointsinrange{whatever}
%    \firstqinrange{whatever}
%    \lastqinrange{whatever}
%    \numqinrange{whatever}
% where ``whatever'' is a label chosen by the user.
% \def\multirowgradetable{numcols}[questions or pages]
% \def\multirowpointtable{numcols}[questions or pages]
% \def\multirowbonusgradetable{numcols}[questions or pages]
% \def\multirowbonuspointtable{numcols}[questions or pages]
% \def\multirowcombinedgradetable{numcols}[questions or pages]
% \def\multirowcombinedpointtable{numcols}[questions or pages]
% \def\multirowpartialgradetable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages]
% \def\multirowpartialpointtable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages]
% \def\multirowpartialbonusgradetable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages]
% \def\multirowpartialbonuspointtable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages]
% \def\multirowpartialcombinedgradetable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages]
% \def\multirowpartialcombinedpointtable{numcols}{rangename}[questions or pages]
% \def\multicolumngradetable{numrows}[questions or pages]
% \def\multicolumnpointtable{numrows}[questions or pages]
% \def\multicolumnbonusgradetable{numrows}[questions or pages]
% \def\multicolumnbonuspointtable{numrows}[questions or pages]
% \def\multicolumncombinedgradetable{numrows}[questions or pages]
% \def\multicolumncombinedpointtable{numrows}[questions or pages]

% \def\multicolumnpartialgradetable{numrows}{rangename}[questions or pages]
% \def\multicolumnpartialpointtable{numrows}{rangename}[questions or pages]
% \def\multicolumnpartialbonusgradetable{numrows}{rangename}[questions or pages]
% \def\multicolumnpartialbonuspointtable{numrows}{rangename}[questions or pages]
% \def\multicolumnpartialcombinedgradetable{numrows}{rangename}[questions or pages]
% \def\multicolumnpartialcombinedpointtable{numrows}{rangename}[questions or pages]

% If one or both optional arguments are omitted, the defaults are
% `[v]' and `[questions]'.

% \@scorestrue means we're doing \gradetable
% \@scoresfalse mans we're doing \pointtable

% \@partialtrue means we're doing \partialgradetable,
% \partialbonusgradetable, \partialcombinedgradetable,
% \partialpointtable, \partialbonuspointtable, or
% \partialcombinedpointtable:

% \@combinedtrue means we're doing \combinedgradetable,
% \combinedpointtable, \partialcombinedgradetable, or
% \partialcombinedpointtable:

% It's OK to use the counter num@cols as a scratch counter
% in \begingradingrange and \endgradingrange because
% it's only used in typesetting tables:
    \string\csname\space range@#1@firstq\string\endcsname
    \string\csname\space range@#1@firstp\string\endcsname
}% begingradingrange

    \string\csname\space range@#1@lastq\string\endcsname
    \string\csname\space range@#1@lastp\string\endcsname
}% endgradingrange

% Now that grading tables may be for only part of the exam,
% we need the counter tbl@points to add up the total points
% for the questions (or pages) that appear on the table:

% We'll use the counter tbl@bonuspoints to add up the total bonus
% points for the questions (or pages) that appear on the table:

% multirow tables, non-partial:







% multirow tables, partial:







%  multicolumn tables, non-partial:







% multicolumn tables, partial:







% partial single row (and column) tables:

  % We don't yet know if the table is vertical or horizontal, and so
  % we don't know if we need to set num@cols or num@rows.  We'll set
  % them both, and we'll later on just ignore the value of the one
  % that we didn't need to set here:
  % If the user doesn't include the optional argument
  % choosing between vertical and horizontal,
  % we give them vertical:
}% partialgradetable

  % We don't yet know if the table is vertical or horizontal, and so
  % we don't know if we need to set num@cols or num@rows.  We'll set
  % them both, and we'll later on just ignore the value of the one
  % that we didn't need to set here:
  % If the user doesn't include the optional argument
  % choosing between vertical and horizontal,
  % we give them vertical:
}% partialbonusgradetable

  % We don't yet know if the table is vertical or horizontal, and so
  % we don't know if we need to set num@cols or num@rows.  We'll set
  % them both, and we'll later on just ignore the value of the one
  % that we didn't need to set here:
  % If the user doesn't include the optional argument
  % choosing between vertical and horizontal,
  % we give them vertical:
}% partialcombinedgradetable

  % We don't yet know if the table is vertical or horizontal, and so
  % we don't know if we need to set num@cols or num@rows.  We'll set
  % them both, and we'll later on just ignore the value of the one
  % that we didn't need to set here:
  % If the user doesn't include the optional argument
  % choosing between vertical and horizontal,
  % we give them vertical:
}% partialpointtable

  % We don't yet know if the table is vertical or horizontal, and so
  % we don't know if we need to set num@cols or num@rows.  We'll set
  % them both, and we'll later on just ignore the value of the one
  % that we didn't need to set here:
  % If the user doesn't include the optional argument
  % choosing between vertical and horizontal,
  % we give them vertical:
}% partialbonuspointtable

  % We don't yet know if the table is vertical or horizontal, and so
  % we don't know if we need to set num@cols or num@rows.  We'll set
  % them both, and we'll later on just ignore the value of the one
  % that we didn't need to set here:
  % If the user doesn't include the optional argument
  % choosing between vertical and horizontal,
  % we give them vertical:
}% partialcombinedpointtable

% single row (and column) tables, non-partial:

  % We don't yet know if the table is vertical or horizontal, and so
  % we don't know if we need to set num@cols or num@rows.  We'll set
  % them both, and we'll later on just ignore the value of the one
  % that we didn't need to set here:
  % If the user doesn't include the optional argument
  % choosing between vertical and horizontal,
  % we give them vertical:
}% gradetable

  % We don't yet know if the table is vertical or horizontal, and so
  % we don't know if we need to set num@cols or num@rows.  We'll set
  % them both, and we'll later on just ignore the value of the one
  % that we didn't need to set here:
  % If the user doesn't include the optional argument
  % choosing between vertical and horizontal,
  % we give them vertical:
}% bonusgradetable

  % We don't yet know if the table is vertical or horizontal, and so
  % we don't know if we need to set num@cols or num@rows.  We'll set
  % them both, and we'll later on just ignore the value of the one
  % that we didn't need to set here:
  % If the user doesn't include the optional argument
  % choosing between vertical and horizontal,
  % we give them vertical:
}% bonusgradetable

  % We don't yet know if the table is vertical or horizontal, and so
  % we don't know if we need to set num@cols or num@rows.  We'll set
  % them both, and we'll later on just ignore the value of the one
  % that we didn't need to set here:
  % If the user doesn't include the optional argument
  % choosing between vertical and horizontal,
  % we give them vertical:
}% pointtable

  % We don't yet know if the table is vertical or horizontal, and so
  % we don't know if we need to set num@cols or num@rows.  We'll set
  % them both, and we'll later on just ignore the value of the one
  % that we didn't need to set here:
  % If the user doesn't include the optional argument
  % choosing between vertical and horizontal,
  % we give them vertical:
}% bonuspointtable

  % We don't yet know if the table is vertical or horizontal, and so
  % we don't know if we need to set num@cols or num@rows.  We'll set
  % them both, and we'll later on just ignore the value of the one
  % that we didn't need to set here:
  % If the user doesn't include the optional argument
  % choosing between vertical and horizontal,
  % we give them vertical:
}% bonuspointtable


% \i@gtable and \ii@gtable insert any missing optional arguments
% (the defaults being [v] and [questions]) and then make sure
% that the user said \addpoints and that this isn't the
% first run of LaTeX.
% \find@p@or@q@range then branches, depending on whether the user
% selected [questions] or [pages].

  % If the user doesn't include the second optional argument,
  % which chooses between questions and pages,
  % we give them questions:
  % We get here from \i@gtable.
  % We make sure the user said \addpoints, and then make sure
  % that this isn't the first run of LaTeX (by checking that
  % \exam@numpoints is defined).  If both of those are OK,
  % we go to \find@p@or@q@range to see whether we're doing a table
  % indexed by questions or by pages.
          You must run LaTeX again to produce the
        \fbox{Run \LaTeX{} again to produce the table}%
      You must give the command \protect\addpoints\MessageBreak
      \space\space in order to create a grade table.\MessageBreak
      If you don't give the command \protect\addpoints\MessageBreak
      \space\space then we're not keeping track of point values.
}% ii@gtable

  % We get here from \ii@gtable.
  % The first argument should be ``v'' or ``h'';
  % the second argument should be ``questions'' or ``pages''.
  % See whether we're doing a table indexed by
  % questions (in which case we go to \find@qrange) or by pages (in
  % which case we go to \find@prange):
    % We've begun a group that will contain the construction of the
    % table, to confine the effect of any \def's that we use.
          Grade and point tables can be indexed\MessageBreak
          \space\space by either `questions' or `pages',\MessageBreak
          \space\space but not by `#2'.\MessageBreak
          Grade tables and point tables can be indexed by questions or
          \space\space for others, you're on your own.\MessageBreak
        \fbox{\textbf{Error:} grade or point table: Invalid argument
              `#2' must be `questions' or `pages'.}%
}% find@p@or@q@range

% \range@undefined can be called from either \find@qrange or
% \find@prange
  \fbox{Warning: grading range `\tbl@range ' not defined;
                               run \LaTeX{} again.}%
    Grading range `\tbl@range' not defined.\MessageBreak
    \space\space Run LaTeX again to produce the table.\MessageBreak
}% range@undefined

% Grade and point tables indexed by question numbers:

% When we get to \find@qrange, we know we're doing a table indexed by
% question numbers and that this is not the first run of latex.  The
% argument is either ``v'' or ``h''.  If we're not doing a partial
% table, then \find@qrange sets \tbl@firstq and \first@pq@index to 1
% and \tbl@lastq and \last@pq@index to \numquestions.  Otherwise,
% \find@qrange makes sure the grading range is defined and that its
% last question isn't before its first question.  \find@qrange then
% calls \tbl@v@or@h, passing along the argument that is either ``v''
% or ``h''.

  % We get here from \find@p@or@q@range.
  % We're doing a table indexed by question numbers.
    \@ifundefined{range@\tbl@range @firstq}%
        \@ifundefined{range@\tbl@range @lastq}%
            \edef\tbl@firstq{\csname range@\tbl@range @firstq\endcsname}%
            \edef\tbl@lastq{\csname range@\tbl@range @lastq\endcsname}%
            % Check that firstq precedes or equals lastq:
            \ifnum \tbl@firstq > \tbl@lastq\relax
              \fbox{\textbf{Error:} Grading Range `\tbl@range':
                      Last question precedes first question.}%
                In grading range `\tbl@range',
                                the last question\MessageBreak
                \space\space comes before the first question.\MessageBreak
                  \string\begingradingrange \space must precede
                  \string\endgradingrange \space by at
                             least one question.\MessageBreak
    % \numquestions is always defined, even if this is the first
    % run of LaTeX and \exam@numquestions isn't defined.
    % If it's the first run of LaTeX, then its value isn't useful,
    % but it's never used until a later run (when its value is useful).
}% find@qrange

  % \first@pq@index=\tbl@firstq or \tbl@firstp and
  % \last@pq@index=\tbl@lastq or \tbl@lastp have already been set.
  % The argument should be either `v' or `h', and we branch
  % accordingly.
        Grade or point table: the argument `#1'\MessageBreak
        \space\space must be `v' or `h'.
        Grade tables and point tables can be either vertical or
        \space\space no diagonals allowed.\MessageBreak
      \fbox{\textbf{Error:} grade or point table: Invalid argument
            `#1' must be `v' or `h'.}%
}% tbl@v@or@h

% Grade and point tables indexed by page numbers:

% The only pages listed are those on which there are a nonzero number
% of points.  We check pages \tbl@firstp through \tbl@lastp
% Once we've checked that, e.g., \lastpage@withpoints and
% \pointsonpage@\romannumeral{\lastpage@withpoints} are defined, we
% can safely (we think) check \pointsonpage@\romannumeral{n} for all n
% between \tbl@firstp and \tbl@lastp without generating errors.
% Actually: Since we added the notion of half points and half counters
% (a long time ago), there won't be any errors even if
% \pointsonpage@\romannumeral{n} isn't defined, since it's tested by the
% lines:
%   \set@hlfcntr{tmp@hlfcntr}{\csname pointsonpage@\romannumeral
%                          \csname c@@iterator\endcsname\endcsname}%
%   \ifhlfcntr@pos{tmp@hlfcntr}%
% and if 
%   \csname pointsonpage@\romannumeral
%             \csname c@@iterator\endcsname\endcsname
% isn't defined, tmp@hlfcntr gets the value zero (because of the way
% that \set@hlfcntr is written).

% \find@prange makes sure the grading range is defined and that its
% last page isn't before its first page (if it's a partial table).  In
% any case, it then sets \tbl@firstp and \tbl@lastp, and calls
% \check@secondrun.

  % We get here from \find@p@or@q@range.
  % We're doing a table indexed by pages.
  % The argument is either ``v'' or ``h''.
  % We first determine the first and last page of the range, storing
  % those in \first@pq@index=\tbl@firstp and
  % \last@pq@index=\tbl@lastp. If not a partial table, we set
  % \first@pq@index=\tbl@firstp to 1 and \last@pq@index=\tbl@lastp to
  % the last page with the appropriate points (and so if it's a
  % combined table, it's the last page to have either bonus or
  % non-bonus points).
  % We then call \check@secondrun, passing it the argument that we
  % received (i.e., we say \check@secondrun{#1}) to make sure 
  % we've done at least two runs of latex (so that we'll have the
  % information we need about which pages have points on them).
    \@ifundefined{range@\tbl@range @firstp}%
        \@ifundefined{range@\tbl@range @lastp}%
            \edef\tbl@firstp{\csname range@\tbl@range @firstp\endcsname}%
            \edef\tbl@lastp{\csname range@\tbl@range @lastp\endcsname}%
            % Check that firstp precedes or equals lastp:
            \ifnum \tbl@firstp > \tbl@lastp\relax
              \fbox{\textbf{Error:} Grading Range `\tbl@range ':
                      Last page precedes first page.}%
                In grading range `\tbl@range', the last page\MessageBreak
                \space\space comes before the first page.\MessageBreak
                  \string\begingradingrange \space must precede
    % It's not a partial table:
    % We never get here on the first run of LaTeX, and
    % \lastpage@withbonuspoints is defined on the second and later runs.
      \ifnum \lastpage@withbonuspoints > \lastpage@withpoints\relax
}% find@prange

  % The function \ii@gtable already made sure that this isn't the
  % first run of latex.  To do a table indexed by pages, though, we
  % have to also make sure it's not the second run of latex.
  % We get here from \find@prange; the argument is either ``v'' or
  % ``h''.
  % Check that there's enough info from the .aux file to do a page
  % indexed grade table.  If so, call \tbl@v@or@h{#1}:
               \csname lastpage@withpoints\endcsname}%
               \csname lastpage@withbonuspoints\endcsname}%
           You must run LaTeX again to produce the table.\MessageBreak}%
           \fbox{Run \LaTeX{} again to produce the table}%
}% check@secondrun

% Indexed by pages:

% For a table indexed by pages, we need to know how many pages there
% are with points on them.  The argument to \count@pgswpts should be
% the name of a counter; we set that counter equal to the number of
% pages with the appropriate kind of points.

  % Set the counter #1 equal to the number of pages in the range with
  % the appropriate type of points.
  % We're called by \@computenumcols@h and \@computenumrows@v.
}% count@pgswpts

  % Called by \count@pgswpts
  % Count the number of pages in range with any kind of point (bonus
  % or non-bonus):
  \ifnum \the@iterator < \tbl@lastp\relax
}% docount@pgswcpts
  % We need to hide this inside of a macro because if \ifhlfcntr@pos
  % isn't expanded (because this stuff is being skipped in the outer
  % conditional), then TeX doesn't see the \ifnum hidden inside the
  % \ifhlfcntr@pos, but it does see the \fi, and so it get confused.
}% check@bnsptpage

  % Called by \count@pgswpts.
  % Count the number of pages in range with regular points.
  \ifnum \the@iterator < \tbl@lastp\relax
}% docount@pgswpts

  % Called by \count@pgswpts
  % Count the number of pages in range with bonus points.
  \ifnum \the@iterator < \tbl@lastp\relax
}% docount@pgswbpts

% Multirow horizontal tables, indexed by question numbers:

\newcounter{pq@index}% In tables indexed by page numbers, it holds a
% page number. In tables indexed by question numbers, it holds a
% question number.

\newcounter{pq@index@pts}% In horizontal tables, this holds either the
% current page number or the current question number as we put the
% point values for that page or question number into the table.  In
% vertical tables, this holds the index for the first column of the
% current row.

\newcounter{pq@index@bpts}% used to set bonus point values in
% horizontal tables.  Often used as scratch elsewhere.

\def\hidden@ampersand{&}% Needed because an ampersand can't appear in
% the replacement text of a conditional.

% \tbl@pgstrue means a table indexed by page numbers
% \tbl@pgsfalse means a table indexed by question numbers

\newcounter{cols@done}% Holds the number of columns done in the
% current row.

% Stuff to unify tables indexed by questions and tables indexed by
% pages:

% \first@pq@index and \last@pq@index will hold either \tbl@firstq and
% \tbl@lastq or \tbl@firstp and \tbl@lastp.

  % If we're doing a table indexed by question numbers, we increment
  % the counter #1.
  % If we're doing a table indexed by page numbers,
  % we increase the counter #1 by at least 1 to either the number of the
  % next page containing the appropriate kind of points, or to
  % something greater than \tbl@lastp.
}% increment@index

  % Used only for multicolumn tables.
  % If we're doing a table indexed by question numbers, we increase
  % the counter #1 by num@cols.
  % If we're doing a table indexed by page numbers,
  % we use \find@nextcolumnpage@v to increment the counter #1 to either
  % the (num@rows)'th page number after #1 that contains the
  % appropriate kind of points or to a value greater than \tbl@lastp.
}% nextcolumn@index@v

}% pointsof@index

}% bonuspointsof@index

      % Need to hide this inside of a macro:
}% refto@index

  % We're called only by \refto@index.
  % We can't have the \ifhlfcntr@pos...\fi inside of another
  % conditional, so we're hiding it in this macro.
    % In theory, there *must* be bonus points on this page, because
    % there aren't any plain points, but there are allegedly *some*
    % points.  We're being brave and assuming that's correct, and not
    % checking (which we'd have to hide inside a macro, because it
    % would use \ifhlfcntr@pos):
}% refto@comb@index

% Multirow tables:

% Check that the number of rows is OK, and compute the number of
% columns:

  % We get here from \tbl@v@or@h.
  % We make sure the number of rows is a positive integer.  If it
  % is, we go on to \@computenumcols@h
  \ifnum \value{num@rows} < 1\relax
      The number of rows in a table must be positive.\MessageBreak
      The number of rows must be a positive integer.\MessageBreak
    \fbox{\textbf{Error:} Multirow table with no rows!}%
}% check@num@rows@h

  % We get here from \check@num@rows@h.
  % Compute the number of columns.
  % First: set num@cols to one more than either (the number of pages
  % with the appropriate type of points) or (the number of questions),
  % to have slots for the total along with the questions:
  % Save the number of slots needed in pq@index (used for scratch), to
  % check for truncation:
  % Divide the number of slots needed by num@rows:
  \divide \csname c@num@cols\endcsname by
    \csname c@num@rows\endcsname
  % Division truncates: See if there was truncation.
  % Use @iterator as a scratch counter.
  \multiply \csname c@@iterator\endcsname by
    \csname c@num@rows\endcsname
  \ifnum \value{@iterator} < \value{pq@index}\relax
    % There was truncation; add a column to num@cols:
}% @computenumcols@h

% Construct the actual table:

  % We get here from \@computenumcols@h.
  % All multirow tables!
}% @multirowtable

  % Called only by \@multirowtable.
  % It's either bonus or regular, but not combined:
  \addtocounter{current@row}{1}% Set to the number of the current row
  % When we finish \do@pq@indexloop@h, either we've finished a
  % complete row of page numbers (or questions), or we've done all 
  % the page numbers (or questions) through \last@pq@index, or both:
  \ifnum \value{cols@done} < \value{num@cols}\relax
    % We've inserted all the page or question numbers, and there's
    % room remaining on the current line for \@htword (or \@bhtword):
    \ifnum \value{current@row} = \value{num@rows}\relax
      % This is the last row; put in the total:
      % This isn't the last row.  We insert (\value{num@cols} -
      % \value{cols@done}) ampersands.
  % Point values go here!
  % When we finish \do@ptloop@h or \do@bptloop@h, either
  % we've finished a complete row of point values, or we've done all
  % the question (or page) numbers through \last@pq@index, or both:  
  \ifnum \value{cols@done} < \value{num@cols}\relax
    % We've inserted all the point values, and there's room
    % remaining on the current line for Total Points:
    \ifnum \value{current@row} = \value{num@rows}\relax
      % This is the last row; put in the total:
      % This isn't the last row.  We insert (\value{num@cols} -
      % \value{cols@done}) ampersands.
  % We hold off on putting in the "\\ \hline" because we may want to
  % immediately follow it with either an "\end{tabular}" or another
  % "\hline".
  % Scores?
      \@bhsword \hidden@ampersand
      \@hsword \hidden@ampersand
  \ifnum \value{current@row} = \value{num@rows}\relax
    % This is the last line!  End the tabular:
    % Don't end the tabular:
  % Check if we should repeat:
  \ifnum \value{current@row} < \value{num@rows}\relax
}% do@lines@h

  % Called only by \@multirowtable.
  % Combined tables.
  \addtocounter{current@row}{1}% Set to the number of the current row
  % When we finish \do@pq@indexloop@h, either we've finished a
  % complete row of page (or question) numbers, or we've done all
  % the page (or question) numbers through \last@pq@index, or both: 
  \ifnum \value{cols@done} < \value{num@cols}\relax
    % We've inserted all the question (or page) numbers, and there's
    % room remaining on the current line for \@chtword:
    \ifnum \value{current@row} = \value{num@rows}\relax
      % This is the last row; put in the total:
      % This isn't the last row.  We insert (\value{num@cols} -
      % \value{cols@done}) ampersands.
  % Point values go here!
  % When we finish \do@ptloop@h, either we've finished a complete
  % row of point values, or we've done all the question (or page)
  % numbers through \last@pq@index, or both:   
  \ifnum \value{cols@done} < \value{num@cols}\relax
    % We've inserted all the point values, and there's room
    % remaining on the current line for Total Points:
    \ifnum \value{current@row} = \value{num@rows}\relax
      % This is the last row; put in the total:
      % This isn't the last row.  We insert (\value{num@cols} -
      % \value{cols@done}) ampersands.
  % Bonus point values go here!
  % When we finish \do@bptloop@h, either
  % we've finished a complete row of point values, or we've done all
  % the question (or page) numbers through \last@pq@index, or both:  
  \ifnum \value{cols@done} < \value{num@cols}\relax
    % We've inserted all the point values, and there's room
    % remaining on the current line for Total Points:
    \ifnum \value{current@row} = \value{num@rows}\relax
      % This is the last row; put in the total:
      % This isn't the last row.  We insert (\value{num@cols} -
      % \value{cols@done}) ampersands.
  % We hold off on putting in the "\\ \hline" because we may want to
  % immediately follow it with either an "\end{tabular}" or another
  % "\hline".
  % Scores?
    \@chsword \hidden@ampersand
  \ifnum \value{current@row} = \value{num@rows}\relax
    % This is the last line!  End the tabular:
    % Don't end the tabular:
  % Check if we should repeat:
  \ifnum \value{current@row} < \value{num@rows}\relax
}% do@comblines@h

  % Called by both \do@lines@h and \do@comblines@h.
  % We insert at most one row of pq@index:
  \ifnum \value{pq@index} > \last@pq@index\relax
    % Do nothing!
  \ifnum \value{pq@index} < \last@pq@index\relax
    \ifnum \value{cols@done} < \value{num@cols}\relax
}% do@pq@indexloop@h

  % Called by both \do@lines@h and \do@comblines@h.
  % We insert at most one row of non-bonus point values:
  \ifnum \value{pq@index@pts} > \last@pq@index\relax
    % Do nothing!
  \ifnum \value{pq@index@pts} < \last@pq@index\relax
    \ifnum \value{cols@done} < \value{num@cols}\relax
}% do@ptloop@h

  % Called by both \do@lines@h and \do@comblines@h.
  % We insert at most one row of bonus point values:
  \ifnum \value{pq@index@bpts} > \last@pq@index\relax
    % Do nothing!
  \ifnum \value{pq@index@bpts} < \last@pq@index\relax
    \ifnum \value{cols@done} < \value{num@cols}\relax
}% do@bptloop@h

  % Called by both \do@lines@h and \do@comblines@h.
  % We insert (\value{num@cols} - \value{cols@done}) ampersands,
  % and then either \@htword or \@bhtword or \@chtword:
}% do@htword@h

  % Called by both \do@lines@h and \do@comblines@h.
  % We insert (\value{num@cols} - \value{cols@done}) ampersands
  % and then the total points:
}% do@totalpts@h

  % Called by both \do@lines@h and \do@comblines@h.
  % We insert (\value{num@cols} - \value{cols@done}) ampersands,
  % and then the total bonus points:
}% do@totalbpts@h

  % Called by \do@lines@h, \do@comblines@h, \do@htword@h,
  % \do@totalpts@h, and \do@totalbpts@h.
  % We insert \value{@iterator} ampersands:
  \ifnum \value{@iterator} > 0\relax
}% do@emptycols@h

  % Called by both \do@lines@h and \do@comblines@h.
  % We assume that cols@done has been set to zero.
  % We insert num@cols \hbox to \@cellwidth,
  % separated by ampersands.
  \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}%
  \ifnum \value{cols@done} < \value{num@cols}\relax
}% do@sloop@h

% Multicolumn tables

% Here's an example of a multicolumn grade table indexed by questions.

% Every line of \cline's is followed by a
% \noalign{\vskip\arrayrulewidth} to cancel the
% \noalign{\vskip-\arrayrulewidth} that ends the definition of
% \cline.

% \begin{tabular}{*2{|c|c|c|c}}
%   \cline{1-3} \cline{5-7}
%   \noalign{\vskip\arrayrulewidth}
%   Question%
%   & Points%
%   & Score%
%   & \hspace*{-\arrayrulewidth}\hspace*{\doublerulesep}%
%   & Question%
%   & Points%
%   & Score%
%   \\
%   \cline{1-3} \cline{5-7}
%   \noalign{\vskip\arrayrulewidth}
%   1%
%   & 5%
%   & \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}%
%   & \hspace*{-\arrayrulewidth}\hspace*{\doublerulesep}%
%   & 4%
%   & 20%
%   & \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}%
%   \\
%   \cline{1-3} \cline{5-7}
%   \noalign{\vskip\arrayrulewidth}
%   2%
%   & 10%
%   & \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}%
%   & \hspace*{-\arrayrulewidth}\hspace*{\doublerulesep}%
%   & 5%
%   & 25%
%   & \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}%
%   \\
%   \cline{1-3} \cline{5-7}
%   \noalign{\vskip\arrayrulewidth}
%   3%
%   & 15%
%   & \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}%
%   & \hspace*{-\arrayrulewidth}\hspace*{\doublerulesep}%
%   & Total:%
%   & 75%
%   & \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}%
%   \\
%   \cline{1-3} \cline{5-7}
%   \noalign{\vskip\arrayrulewidth}
% \end{tabular}
% Check that the number of cols is OK, and compute the number of rows:

  % We get here from \tbl@v@or@h.
  % We make sure the number of cols is between 1 and 10 (since we
  % can't handle more than 10 cols in a multicolumn table).
  % If it is, we go on to \@computenumrows@v
  \ifnum \value{num@cols} < 1\relax
      The number of columns in a table must be positive.\MessageBreak
      The number of columns must be a positive integer.\MessageBreak
    \fbox{\textbf{Error:} Multicolumn table with no columns!}%
    \ifnum \value{num@cols} > 10\relax
        Multicolumn tables can have at most 10 columns.\MessageBreak
        Multicolumn tables can have at most 10 columns.\MessageBreak
      \fbox{\textbf{Error:} Multicolumn table with more than 10 columns!}%
}% check@num@cols@v

  % We get here from \check@num@cols@v.
  % Compute the number of rows.
  % First: set num@rows to one more than the number of either
  % (questions) or (pages with the appropriate type of points), to
  % have slots for the total along with the questions or page numbers:
  % Save the number of slots needed, using pq@index@bpts as a scratch
  % counter, to check for truncation on division:
  % Divide the number of slots needed by num@cols:
  \divide \csname c@num@rows\endcsname by
    \csname c@num@cols\endcsname
  % Division truncates: See if there was truncation.
  % Use the counter @iterator as a scratch counter:
  \multiply \csname c@@iterator\endcsname by
    \csname c@num@cols\endcsname
  \ifnum \value{@iterator} < \value{pq@index@bpts}\relax
    % There was truncation; add one to num@rows:
}% @computenumrows@v

% Construct the actual table:

  % We get here from \@computenumrows@v.
  % Set \cline@stuff@v equal to the line of \cline's:
      % combinedgradetable, possibly partial.
      % Note: We'll never use the final "c" in the format of the
      % tabular, but there's no harm in that. 
      % We need to make sure that the \cline@stuff@v commands come
      % *immediately* following the \\ or \begin{tabular} (with no
      % conditionals evaluated, even if those conditionals expand to
      % the empty string)! 
      % Put in the row of column headings, with \cline@stuff@v above and
      % below:
      % combinedpointtable, possibly partial.
      % Note: We'll never use the final "c" in the format of the
      % tabular, but there's no harm in that. 
      % We need to make sure that the \cline@stuff@v commands come
      % *immediately* following the \\ or \begin{tabular} (with no
      % conditionals evaluated, even if those conditionals expand to
      % the empty string)! 
      % Put in the row of column headings, with \cline@stuff@v above and
      % below:
    % pq@index@pts will hold the question number (or page number) in
    % the first column of the row. 
      % If we're indexed by pages, we need to make sure there are
      % points of the appropriate type on the first page listed:
    % It's not combined:
      % Note: We'll never use the final "c" in the format of the
      % tabular, but there's no harm in that. 
      % We need to make sure that the \cline@stuff@v commands come
      % *immediately* following the \\ or \begin{tabular} (with no
      % conditionals evaluated, even if those conditionals expand to
      % the empty string)! 
      % Put in the row of column headings, with \cline@stuff@v above and
      % below:
      % Note: We'll never use the final "c" in the format of the
      % tabular, but there's no harm in that. 
      % We need to make sure that the \cline@stuff@v commands come
      % *immediately* following the \\ or \begin{tabular} (with no
      % conditionals evaluated, even if those conditionals expand to
      % the empty string)! 
      % Put in the row of column headings, with \cline@stuff@v above and
      % below:
    % pq@index@pts will hold the question number (or page number) in
    % the first column of the row. 
      % If we're indexed by pages, we need to make sure there are
      % points of the appropriate type on the first page listed:
}% @multicolumntable

% \create@cline@stuff@v

% The function \create@cline@stuff@v defines \cline@stuff@v to be whatever's
% appropriate given the values of num@cols, \if@bonus, \if@combined, and
% \if@scores.

% We wimped out of generating \cline@stuff@v on the fly because we didn't
% see how to get the correct expansions/nonexpansions without using a
% primitive of e-TeX.

% \clines@ii@whatever is for tables in which a  logical column consists
% of two columns; it's used for pointtable and bonuspointtable.

\def\clines@ii@ii{\cline{1-2} \cline{4-5}}
\def\clines@ii@iii{\cline{1-2} \cline{4-5} \cline{7-8}}
\def\clines@ii@iv{\cline{1-2} \cline{4-5} \cline{7-8} \cline{10-11}}
\def\clines@ii@v{\cline{1-2} \cline{4-5} \cline{7-8} \cline{10-11}
\def\clines@ii@vi{\cline{1-2} \cline{4-5} \cline{7-8} \cline{10-11}
  \cline{13-14} \cline{16-17}}
\def\clines@ii@vii{\cline{1-2} \cline{4-5} \cline{7-8} \cline{10-11}
  \cline{13-14} \cline{16-17} \cline{19-20}}
\def\clines@ii@viii{\cline{1-2} \cline{4-5} \cline{7-8} \cline{10-11}
  \cline{13-14} \cline{16-17} \cline{19-20} \cline{22-23}}
\def\clines@ii@vix{\cline{1-2} \cline{4-5} \cline{7-8} \cline{10-11}
  \cline{13-14} \cline{16-17} \cline{19-20} \cline{22-23}
\def\clines@ii@x{\cline{1-2} \cline{4-5} \cline{7-8} \cline{10-11}
  \cline{13-14} \cline{16-17} \cline{19-20} \cline{22-23}
  \cline{25-26} \cline{28-29}}

% \clines@iii@whatever is for tables in which a  logical column consists
% of three columns; it's are used for gradetable, bonusgradetable, and
% combinedpointtable:

\def\clines@iii@ii{\cline{1-3} \cline{5-7}}
\def\clines@iii@iii{\cline{1-3} \cline{5-7} \cline{9-11}}
\def\clines@iii@iv{\cline{1-3} \cline{5-7} \cline{9-11} \cline{13-15}}
\def\clines@iii@v{\cline{1-3} \cline{5-7} \cline{9-11} \cline{13-15}
\def\clines@iii@vi{\cline{1-3} \cline{5-7} \cline{9-11} \cline{13-15}
  \cline{17-19} \cline{21-23}}
\def\clines@iii@vii{\cline{1-3} \cline{5-7} \cline{9-11} \cline{13-15}
  \cline{17-19} \cline{21-23} \cline{25-27}}
\def\clines@iii@viii{\cline{1-3} \cline{5-7} \cline{9-11} \cline{13-15}
  \cline{17-19} \cline{21-23} \cline{25-27} \cline{29-31}}
\def\clines@iii@ix{\cline{1-3} \cline{5-7} \cline{9-11} \cline{13-15}
  \cline{17-19} \cline{21-23} \cline{25-27} \cline{29-31}
\def\clines@iii@x{\cline{1-3} \cline{5-7} \cline{9-11} \cline{13-15}
  \cline{17-19} \cline{21-23} \cline{25-27} \cline{29-31}
  \cline{33-35} \cline{37-39}}

% \clines@iv@whatever is for tables in which a  logical column
% consists of four columns; it's used for combinedgradetable.

\def\clines@iv@ii{\cline{1-4} \cline{6-9}}
\def\clines@iv@iii{\cline{1-4} \cline{6-9} \cline{11-14}}
\def\clines@iv@iv{\cline{1-4} \cline{6-9} \cline{11-14} \cline{16-19}}
\def\clines@iv@v{\cline{1-4} \cline{6-9} \cline{11-14} \cline{16-19}
\def\clines@iv@vi{\cline{1-4} \cline{6-9} \cline{11-14} \cline{16-19}
  \cline{21-24} \cline{26-29}}
\def\clines@iv@vii{\cline{1-4} \cline{6-9} \cline{11-14} \cline{16-19}
  \cline{21-24} \cline{26-29} \cline{31-34}}
\def\clines@iv@viii{\cline{1-4} \cline{6-9} \cline{11-14} \cline{16-19}
  \cline{21-24} \cline{26-29} \cline{31-34} \cline{36-39}}
\def\clines@iv@ix{\cline{1-4} \cline{6-9} \cline{11-14} \cline{16-19}
  \cline{21-24} \cline{26-29} \cline{31-34} \cline{36-39}
\def\clines@iv@x{\cline{1-4} \cline{6-9} \cline{11-14} \cline{16-19}
  \cline{21-24} \cline{26-29} \cline{31-34} \cline{36-39}
  \cline{41-44} \cline{46-49}}

% The definition of \cline ends with \noalign{\vskip-\arrayrulewidth},
% and so we want to throw in a \noalign{\vskip\arrayrulewidth} to
% cancel that.

  % Called by \@multicolumntable.
        clines@iv@\romannumeral \c@num@cols\endcsname
        clines@iii@\romannumeral \c@num@cols\endcsname
        clines@iii@\romannumeral \c@num@cols\endcsname
        clines@ii@\romannumeral \c@num@cols\endcsname
}% create@cline@stuff@v

% The various \docolumn@heads@something@v

  % Called by \@multicolumntable.
  % multicolumngradetable or multicolumnbonusgradetable, possibly
  % partial.
  & \if@bonus
  & \if@bonus
  \ifnum \value{@iterator} < \value{num@cols}\relax
}% docolumn@heads@v

  % Called by \@multicolumntable.
  % multicolumnpointtable or multicolumnbonuspointtable, possibly
  % partial.
  \ifnum \value{@iterator} < \value{num@cols}\relax
}% docolumn@heads@noscores@v

  % Called by \@multicolumntable.
  % multicolumncombinedgradetable, possibly partial.
  & \@cvpword
  & \@cvbpword
  &  \@cvsword
  \ifnum \value{@iterator} < \value{num@cols}\relax
}% docolumn@heads@comb@v

  % Called by \@multicolumntable.
  % multicolumncombinedpointtable, possibly partial.
  & \@vpword
  & \@bvpword
  \ifnum \value{@iterator} < \value{num@cols}\relax
}% docolumn@heads@comb@noscores@v

% \do@lines@v is used by *all* multicolumn tables.
% It calls \do@oneline@v for all non-combined tables and
% \do@oneline@comb@v for all combined tables.

  % We get here from \@multicolumntable.
  % pq@index@pts holds the question number or page number in the first
  % column of the current row.
  \setcounter{cols@done}{0}% Number of columns done
  % We're doing both grade tables and point tables!!
  % We need the "\\ \cline@stuff@v" to *immediately* precede the
  % \end{tabular} (i.e., with no \ifnum separating them), to avoid
  % having crap after the \cline@stuff@v that
  % causes there to be an extra row at the end of the table.  We also
  % need there to be nothing between \\ and \cline@stuff@v.
  \ifnum \value{current@row} = \value{num@rows}\relax
}% do@lines@v

  % Called by \do@lines@v.
  % Used for all multicolumn non-combined tables.
  % pq@index holds the question or page number we're about to do.
  \ifnum \value{pq@index} > \last@pq@index\relax
    % See if we're in the last column; use pq@index@bpts as a scratch
    % counter: 
    \ifnum \value{pq@index@bpts} = \value{num@cols}\relax
      % We're in the last column; are we in the last row?
      \ifnum \value{current@row} = \value{num@rows}\relax
        % We're in the last column, last row!
        % Print the total:
            \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}%
        % Not last column last row; insert empty space:
          \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}%
            \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}%
          \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}%
      % Not last column; insert empty space:
      \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}%
          \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}%
        \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}%
    % We need to do question (or page) number pq@index:
        \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}%
  \addtocounter{cols@done}{1}% Number of columns done
  \ifnum \value{cols@done} < \value{num@cols}\relax
}% do@oneline@v

  % Called by \do@lines@v.
  % All combined multicolumn tables.
  % pq@index holds the question (or page) we're about to do.
  \ifnum \value{pq@index} > \last@pq@index\relax
    % See if we're in the last column; use pq@index@bpts as a scratch
    % counter: 
    \ifnum \value{pq@index@bpts} = \value{num@cols}\relax
      % We're in the last column; are we in the last row?
      \ifnum \value{current@row} = \value{num@rows}\relax
        % We're in the last column, last row!
        % Print the total:
            \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}%
        % Last column, but not last row; insert empty space:
          \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}%
          \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}%
            \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}%
          \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}%
      % Not last column; insert empty space:
        \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}%
        \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}%
          \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}%
        \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}%
    % We need to do question number pq@index:
        \hbox to \@cellwidth{\hfill}%
  \addtocounter{cols@done}{1}% Number of columns done
  \ifnum \value{cols@done} < \value{num@cols}\relax
}% do@oneline@comb@v

% \find@nextpagewithpoints and \find@nextcolumnpage@v:

  % Called by \dofind@nextcolumnpage@v, \increment@index, and
  % \@multicolumntable.
  % The argument #1 should be the name of a counter with a nonnegative
  % value.
  % We increase #1 by at least 1 to either the number of the
  % next page containing the appropriate kind of points, or to something
  % greater than \tbl@lastp. 
    % The sum is positive when at least one of them is positive.
    \ifnum \value{#1} > \tbl@lastp\relax
}% find@nextpagewithpoints

  % Called by \nextcolumn@index@v.
  % This is used for all multicolumn tables that are indexed by
  % pages.
  % We use \find@nextpagewithpoints to increment #1 to either
  % the (num@rows)'th page number after #1 that contains the
  % appropriate kind of points or to a value greater than \tbl@lastp.
  % We use pq@index@bpts as a scratch counter.
}% find@nextcolumnpage@v
  % Called only by \find@nextcolumnpage@v.
  \ifnum \value{pq@index@bpts} = \value{num@rows}\relax
    % The following test shouldn't be needed, in theory, because the
    % computation of num@cols should prevent trouble, but we're being
    % paranoid.
    \ifnum \value{#1} > \tbl@lastp\relax
      % Note: this is a \def, and not a \let, because we need to put
      % in the argument #1:
}% dofind@nextcolumnpage@v

% \pointsinrange and \bonuspointsinrange, and then
% \firstqinrange, \lastqinrange, and \numqinrange.

% We say either \@bonusfalse or \@bonustrue, and then we check it only
% in \do@countloop:
    {\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}%
}% pointsinrange

    {\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}%
}% bonuspointsinrange

  % Called by \read@range, \firstqinrange, \lastqinrange, and
  % \numqinrange.
  {\mbox{\normalfont\bfseries ??}}%
    Grading range `\tbl@range' not defined.\MessageBreak
    \space\space Run LaTeX again.\MessageBreak
}% bad@range

  % Called by \pointsinrange and \bonuspointsinrange.
  \@ifundefined{range@\tbl@range @firstq}%
    \@ifundefined{range@\tbl@range @lastq}%
      \edef\tbl@firstq{\csname range@\tbl@range @firstq\endcsname}%
      \edef\tbl@lastq{\csname range@\tbl@range @lastq\endcsname}%
      % Check that firstq precedes or equals lastq:
      \ifnum \tbl@firstq > \tbl@lastq\relax
        \fbox{\textbf{Error:} Grading Range `\tbl@range ':
          Last question precedes first question.}%
          In grading range `\tbl@range ',
          the last question\MessageBreak
          \space\space comes before the first question.\MessageBreak
          \string\begingradingrange \space must precede
          \string\endgradingrange \space by at
          least one question.\MessageBreak
}% read@range

  % Used for both \pointsinrange and \bonuspointsinrange:
}% count@pointsinrange
  % We check \if@bonus here when needed:
    \@ifundefined{bonuspointsofq@\romannumeral \c@@iterator}%
         {\csname bonuspointsofq@\romannumeral \c@@iterator\endcsname}}%
    \@ifundefined{pointsofq@\romannumeral \c@@iterator}%
         {\csname pointsofq@\romannumeral \c@@iterator\endcsname}}%
  \ifnum \value{@iterator} < \tbl@lastq\relax
}% do@countloop

% \firstqinrange, \lastqinrange, and \numqinrange.

  \@ifundefined{range@\tbl@range @firstq}%
  {\csname range@#1@firstq\endcsname}%
}% firstqinrange

  \@ifundefined{range@\tbl@range @lastq}%
  {\csname range@#1@lastq\endcsname}%
}% lastqinrange

      \setcounter{@iterator}{\csname range@#1@lastq\endcsname}%
      \addtocounter{@iterator}{-\csname range@#1@firstq\endcsname}%
}% numqinrange

%                     ***************************
%                     ** SOLUTION ENVIRONMENTS **
%                     ***************************

% If the documentclass options include ``answers'', then the command
% \printanswerstrue is given at the beginning of the run.

% If the documentclass options include ``noanswers'', then the command
% \printanswersfalse is given at the beginning of the run.


% If the documentclass options include ``cancelspace'', then the
% command \cancelspacetrue is given at the beginning of the run.

% If the documentclass options include ``nocancelspace'', then the
% command \cancelspacefalse is given at the beginning of the run.


% The command \unstarredvspace alters the solution environment so
% that, when solutions are not being printed, any optional space will
% be inserted with a \vspace{} command, instead of a \vspace*{}
% command.


% If the documentclass options include ``solutionsreseteqcounter'',
% then the command \solutionsreseteqcounter is given at the beginning
% of the run.

% If the documentclass options include ``nosolutionsreseteqcounter'',
% then the command \nosolutionsreseteqcounter is given at the beginning
% of the run.

% \if@insolution will be true while we're inside of any of the
% solution environments.  This is used to supress \PgInfo@write and
% \label commands generated if there's a parts (or subparts, or
% subsubparts) environment inside of a solution.  (It won't suppress
% the labels for the question objects, since a question object is
% never a label that's been used before.)


% When we enter any of the solution (etc.) environments we save the
% value of the equation counter, set the equation counter to zero, and
% then restore the value of the equation counter at the end of the
% environment.
% If printanswers is true, we print the solution using a TheSolution
% environment.  If printanswers is false and cancelspace is false, we
% insert blank vertical space equal to the optional argument (the
% default value of which is 0pt).
    \@insolutiontrue % cancelled by the end of the environment
    \@addpointsfalse % cancelled by the end of the environment
        % Do nothing
        \penalty 0

% If printanswers is true, we print the solution using a TheSolution
% environment.  If printanswers is false and cancelspace is false,
% we insert an empty box of width the current line width and of
% height equal to the optional argument, which can be a length, or
% \fill, or \stretch{number}.  If the optional argument is omitted,
% then the box is entirely omitted when printanswers is false.
    \@insolutiontrue % cancelled by the end of the environment
    \@addpointsfalse % cancelled by the end of the environment
        % Do nothing
        % Note: It's important that the following test be
        % ``\ifdim 0pt > #1'' rather than ``\ifdim #1 < 0pt''
        % That's because if the user says
        % ``\begin{solutionorbox}{\stretch{1}}''
        % (or \stretch{anythingelse}), then this will expand to
        % ``\ifdim 0pt > \z@ plus 1fill\relax''.
        % The \ifdim will be ``\ifdim 0pt > \z@'', and we'll have
        % ``plus 1fill\relax'' left over.  This is OK because if the
        % \ifdim is false, that leftover stuff will be ignored,
        % and it will only be true if the user omitted the optional
        % argument, in which case there's no \stretch and thus no
        % left over part.
        % If we said ``\ifdim #1 < 0pt'', then we'd get an error
        % when the user used \stretch, since the leftover stuff
        % would appear when TeX was looking for <, =, or >.
        \ifdim 0pt > #1
          % do nothing
% If printanswers is true, we print the solution using a TheSolution
% environment.  If printanswers is false and cancelspace is false,
% we insert lined vertical space equal to the optional argument (the
% default value of which is 0pt).
    \@insolutiontrue % cancelled by the end of the environment
    \@addpointsfalse % cancelled by the end of the environment
        % Do nothing
        \penalty 0
% If printanswers is true, we print the solution using a TheSolution
% environment.  If printanswers is false and cancelspace is false,
% we insert dotted lined vertical space equal to the optional
% argument (the default value of which is 0pt).
    \@insolutiontrue % cancelled by the end of the environment
    \@addpointsfalse % cancelled by the end of the environment
        % Do nothing
        \penalty 0

% If printanswers is true, we print the solution using a TheSolution
% environment.  If printanswers is false and cancelspace is false,
% we insert a grid occupying vertically the optional argument (the
% default value of which is 0pt).
    \@insolutiontrue % cancelled by the end of the environment
    \@addpointsfalse % cancelled by the end of the environment
        % Do nothing
        \penalty 0

% The environment TheSolution is called from the solution,
% solutionorbox, solutionorlines, solutionordottedlines, and
% solutionorgrid environments when printanswers is true.  It uses
% Donald Arseneau's framed.sty macros (included at the end of this
% file) to allow the solution to be broken across pages and have each
% piece enclosed in an fbox (or a colorbox, if the user has given the
% command \shadedsolutions), (or no box at all, if the user has given
% the command \unframedsolutions).

% Of course, the user can change TheSolution with a \renewenvironment
% command.
    % If we don't set \leftskip and \rightskip to 0pt, then if we
    % appear inside of an \uplevel command we'd have indentation
    % inside of the solution box:
    % If the user said \unframedsolutions, then both
    % \if@framedsolutions and \if@shadedsolutions are false:
      % We'll use the default \exam@FrameCommand
        % It's \unframedsolutions:

% If the user said \unframedsolutions, then both
% \if@framedsolutions and \if@shadedsolutions are false.

      You must load the color package with the command\MessageBreak
      in order to use the command \protect\shadedsolutions
      This command requires either the package color.sty\MessageBreak
      or xcolor.sty, and so you have to load one of those before \MessageBreak
      your \protect\begin{document} command.\MessageBreak

% The solutionbox environment is different from the other solution
% environments (solution, solutionorbox, solutionorlines,
% solutionordottedlines, and solutionorgrid), in that
%   (1) The box is always printed, whether answers are being printed
%   or not.
%   (2) The argument giving the size of the box is a required
%   argument, not an optional argument, and so it should be enclosed
%   in braces, not in brackets.  It can be either a length or
%   \stretch{number}.
%   (3) We make no use of the TheSolution environment; the solutionbox
%   environment is completely freestanding.
% If answers are not being printed then only the box is printed, with
% nothing in it.  If answers are being printed, then the solution is
% printed inside of the box.
% Note: It's the user's responsibility to be sure that the box is
% large enough to hold the solution!  If the solution takes up too
% much vertical space, then it will spill out of the bottom of the
% box, overwriting whatever follows the box.

% 2016/02/08: The solutionbox frame can now be printed in color, as
% long as you load color.sty in the preamble.
%  Usage: Say
% \usepackage{color}
% in the preamble, and then give the command
%   \colorsolutionboxes
% to have the frame around a solutionbox in color.  The default color
% was created by the command
%     \definecolor{SolutionBoxColor}{gray}{0.8}
% and you can change the color by giving a new \definecolor command
% (which must be done *after* the \colorsolutionboxes command).
% To cancel color solutionbox frames and return to black, give the
% command
%   \nocolorsolutionboxes

      You must load the color package with the command\MessageBreak
      in order to use the command \protect\colorsolutionboxes
      This command requires either the package color.sty\MessageBreak
      or xcolor.sty, and so you have to load one of those before \MessageBreak
      your \protect\begin{document} command.\MessageBreak

  \@insolutiontrue % cancelled by the end of the environment
  \@addpointsfalse % cancelled by the end of the environment
  \def\solutionbox@size{#1}% saved for end of environment
% Change, 2016/02/08: So that the solutionbox environment will work
% correctly inside of a tabular environment, we use \hsize instead of
% \textwidth:
%  \@tempdima=\textwidth
  \advance\@tempdima -\@totalleftmargin
  \advance\@tempdima -6\fboxsep
  \advance\@tempdima -2\fboxrule
  % Confine the \Solution@Emphasis, as well as anything the user puts
  % into the solution (e.g., \color{red}, or whatever); don't say
  % \endgroup until after using \box\exam@box:
    % We save the solution in a box of the proper width.  We'll either
    % print it (if we're printing solutions) or throw it away by just
    % not using it before the environment ends:
      \vskip 2\fboxsep
% Change, 2016/05/09: We change \@totalleftmargin and \linewidth in
% case there are enumerate, itemize, or description environments
% inside the solution:
    % OK, the solution is now inside \box\exam@box.
    % Set the height and depth to 0pt, so that if we use it we won't
    % be advancing our position on the page:
      % We enclose the \vtop in an \hbox to avoid having the
      % indentation of the enclosing list environment (implemented via
      % \parshape) shift us to the right when we enter horizontal
      % mode.  If we don't use this \hbox, then we'd have to comment
      % out the \hskip \@totalleftmargin:
      % 2016/02/08: Changed \textwidth to \hsize:
      \hbox to \hsize{%
  \endgroup % Finish confining the \Solution@Emphasis
% Starting in version 2.502, 2016/03/23,the decision of whether to
% color the box is made in the \makeemptybox command:
  }% End of the second argument of \newenvironment{solutionbox}

% Added in version 2.502: 2016/03/23, \colorfbox
% Modified in version 2.703, 2023/02/12

% The \colorfbox command is used in our modification of framed.sty
% that allows us to print the frame around the solution in color when
% the user has given the command \colorsolutionboxes.  It takes two
% arguments, the first being the color for the frame, and the second
% being the stuff to be framed.

% When you define a color mycolor using either color.sty or
% xcolor.sty, a macro \csname\string\color@ mycolor\endcsname is
% defined (i.e., the macro name is \\color@mycolor).

% If we had assumed that xcolor.sty was used (instead of just
% color.sty), then the line that saves the current color in
% saved@color could have been just

%   \colorlet{saved@color}{.}

% but we wanted to make this work even if color.sty was being used, when
% the command needed to save the color is

% \expandafter\let\csname\string\color@saved@color\endcsname\current@color

% To make this useable whether either color.sty or xcolor.sty was
% being used, the original version of this command saved the current
% color using the command that works for color.sty, which also seemed
% to work for xcolor.sty. Alas, it turned out that if the user was
% using xcolor sty, then \colorsolutionboxes worked OK except that
% xcolor.sty put the warning

% Package xcolor Warning: Incompatible color definition

% into the log file.  It turned out that the reason for the warning is
% that, although both color.sty and xcolor.sty create the same macro
% name, xcolor.sty puts more information into that macro than
% color.sty does, and so when xcolor.sty sees a color definition in
% the form used by color.sty, it generates that warning.

% To eliminate that warning, in version 2.703 we changed the
% \colorfbox command to check whether xcolor.sty is loaded (in which
% case we use the \colorlet command) or color.sty is loaded (in which
% case we use the longer command that works for color.sty).
% \newcommand{\colorfbox}[2]{%
%   % Save the current color in saved@color:
%   \expandafter\let\csname\string\color@saved@color\endcsname\current@color
%   % Create the box in color #1, with the text in saved@color
%   % (the braces are to confine the color change commands):
%   {\color{#1}\fbox{\color{saved@color}#2}}%
% }% colorfbox
  % Save the current color in saved@color:
    % color.sty was used
    % xcolor.sty was used
  % Create the box in color #1, with the text in saved@color
  % (the braces are to confine the color change commands):
}% newcommand


% The following stuff is lifted from:
% framed.sty   v 0.8a   21-Jul-2003
% Copyright (C) 1992-2003 by Donald Arseneau
% These macros may be freely transmitted, reproduced, or modified
% provided that this notice is left intact.
% The modifications I made are marked with ``psh'' in a comment:
% Further modifications, 2017-09-21
% I changed the names of many commands by prepending ``exam@'', so
% that the user can use the framed.sty package with exam.cls and not
% have conflicts.  (I also renamed the framed, shaded, and leftbar
% environments to examframed, examshaded, and examleftbar.)  I didn't
% mark these name changes.
% Create framed or shaded regions that can break across pages using 
% \begin{examframed} ... \end{examframed}    -- ordinary frame box
% (box at margin)
% \begin{examshaded} ... \end{examshaded}    -- shaded background
% (into margin)
%    ... examleftbar ...                 -- line on left side
% \begin{MakeFramed}{settings} ... \end{MakeFramed}
%                        -- generic frame (for new environments)
% The "examframed" environment puts the text into "\fbox" with the
% settings "\fboxrule=\exam@FrameRule" and "\fboxsep=\exam@FrameSep".
% You can change these lengths (using "\setlength") and you
% can even change the definition of "\exam@FrameCommand" to use
% much fancier boxes.
% In fact, the "shaded" environment just redefines "\exam@FrameCommand"
% to use "\colorbox{shadecolor}" (and you have to define the
% color "shadecolor": \newcolor{shadecolor}...).
% A page break is allowed, and even encouraged, before the framed
% environment.  If you want to attach some text (a box title) to the
% frame, then the text should be inserted by \exam@FrameCommand
% The contents of the framed regions are restricted: 
% Floats, footnotes, marginpars and head-line entries will be lost.
% (Some of these may be handled in a later version.)
% This package will not work with the page breaking of multicol.sty,
% or other systems that perform column-balancing.
% The MakeFramed environment does the work.  Its "settings" argument
% should contain any adjustments to the text width (applied to \hsize,
% and using the "\exam@width" of the frame itself) as well as a `restore' 
% command -- \@parboxrestore or \exam@FrameRestore or something similar.
% Expert commands:
% \exam@MakeFramed, \endexam@MakeFramed: the "MakeFramed" environment
% \exam@FrameCommand: command to draw the frame around its argument
% \exam@FrameRestore: restore some text settings, but fewer than
% \@parboxrestore 
% \exam@FrameRule: length register; \fboxrule for default "framed".
% \exam@FrameSep: length register; \fboxsep for default "framed".
% \exam@frameHeightAdjust: macro; height of frame above baseline at
% top of page
% This is still a `pre-production' version because I can think of many
% features/improvements that should be made.  Nevertheless, starting 
% with version 0.5 it should be bug-free.

%psh: Commented out \ProvidesPackage:
%\ProvidesPackage{framed}[2003/07/21 v 0.8a: 
%   framed or shaded text with page breaks]

%psh: Created \saved@totalleftmargin and \@sollistdepth:

\newenvironment{examframed}% using default \exam@FrameCommand
  {\exam@MakeFramed {\advance\hsize-\exam@width \exam@FrameRestore}}%

  \exam@MakeFramed {\exam@FrameRestore}}%

  \def\exam@FrameCommand{\vrule width 3pt \hspace{10pt}}%
  \exam@MakeFramed {\advance\hsize-\exam@width \exam@FrameRestore}}%

\chardef\exam@FrameRestore=\catcode`\| % for debug
\catcode`\|=\catcode`\% % (debug: insert space after backslash)

 % measure added width and height; call result \exam@width and \exam@height
 \setbox\z@\vbox{\vskip-1in \hbox{\hskip-1in 
   \exam@FrameCommand{\hbox{\vrule \@height .7in \@depth.3in \@width 1in}}}%
 % insert pre-penalties and skips
    \penalty9999 % updates \page parameters
    \ifdim\pagefilstretch=\z@ \ifdim\pagefillstretch=\z@
       \ifx\@tempa\exam@zero@glue \penalty-30
       \else \vskip-\skip@ \penalty-30 \vskip\skip@
    % Give a stretchy breakpoint that will always be taken in preference
    % to the \penalty 9999 used to update page parameters.  The cube root
    % of 10000/100 indicates a multiplier of 0.21545, but the maximum 
    % calculated badness is really 8192, not 10000, so the multiplier
    % is 0.2301. 
    \advance\skip@ \z@ plus-.5\baselineskip
    \advance\skip@ \z@ plus-.231\exam@height
    \advance\skip@ \z@ plus-.231\skip@
    \advance\skip@ \z@ plus-.231\topsep
    \vskip-\skip@ \penalty 1800 \vskip\skip@
 % clear out pending page break
 \penalty\@M \vskip 2\baselineskip \vskip\exam@height
 \penalty9999 \vskip -2\baselineskip \vskip-\exam@height
 \penalty9999 % updates \pagetotal
|\message{After clearout, \pagetotal=\the\pagetotal, \pagegoal=\the\pagegoal. }%
%psh: Added commands:
  \parshape 0
%psh: end of added commands
   #1% Modifications to \hsize (can use \exam@width and \exam@height)
   \textwidth\hsize \columnwidth\hsize
%psh: added one line:

     \kern\z@ \penalty-100 % put depth into height
 \begingroup \exam@put@frame \endgroup
%psh: Added one line:

% \exam@put@frame takes the contents of \@tempboxa and puts all, or a
% piece, of it on the page with a frame (\exam@FrameCommand).  It
% recurses until all of \@tempboxa has been used up. (\@tempboxa must
% have zero depth.)

 \ifdim\pagegoal=\maxdimen \pagegoal\vsize \fi
|   \message{=============== Entering putframe ====================^^J
|     \pagegoal=\the\pagegoal,  \pagetotal=\the\pagetotal. }%
 \ifinner \else
    \dimen@\pagegoal \advance\dimen@-\pagetotal % natural space left on page
|   \message{Page has only \the\dimen@\space room left; eject. }%
    \eject \exam@fb@adjheight \exam@put@frame
  \else % there's appreciable room left on the page
|    \message{\string\pagetotal=\the\pagetotal,
|        \string\pagegoal=\the\pagegoal, 
|        \string\pagestretch=\the\pagestretch,
|        \string\pageshrink=\the\pageshrink,
|        \string\exam@fb@frh=\exam@fb@frh. \space}
|    \message{Box of size \the\ht\@tempboxa\space + \exam@fb@frh}%
     \begingroup % temporarily set \dimen@ to be...
     \advance\dimen@.8\pageshrink  % maximum space available on page
     \advance\dimen@-\exam@fb@frh\relax % space available for frame's contents
     % restore \dimen@ to real room left on page
     \ifdim\dimen@>\ht\@tempboxa % whole box does fit
|       \message{fits in \the\dimen@. }%
     \else % box must be split
|       \message{must be split to fit in \the\dimen@. }%
        \setbox\@tempboxa\vbox{% simulate frame and flexiblity of the page:
           \vskip \exam@fb@frh \@plus\pagestretch \@minus.8\pageshrink
        \boxmaxdepth\z@ \splittopskip\z@
        \setbox\tw@\vsplit\@tempboxa to\dimen@
        \setbox\tw@\vbox{\unvbox\tw@}% natural-sized
|       \message{Box of size \the\ht\@tempboxa\space split to \the\dimen@. 
|          Natural height of split box is \the\ht\tw@. }%
        % If the split-to size > (\vsize-\topskip), then set box to full size
|         \message{Frame is big -- Use up the full column. }%
          \advance\dimen@ii -\topskip
          \advance\dimen@ii \exam@frameHeightAdjust\relax
        \else  % suspect this is wrong:
          % If the split-to size > feasible room_on_page, rebox it smaller.
|           \message{Box too tall; rebox it to \the\dimen@. }%
          \else % use natural size
        % Re-box contents to desired size \dimen@ii
        \advance\dimen@ii -\exam@fb@frh
        \setbox\tw@\vbox to\dimen@ii \bgroup
        % remove simulated frame and page flexibility:
        \vskip -\exam@fb@frh \@plus-\pagestretch \@minus-.8\pageshrink
        \unvbox\tw@ \unpenalty\unpenalty
        \ifdim\lastkern=-137sp % whole box went to next page
|          \message{box split at beginning! }%
           \egroup \exam@fb@resto@set \eject % (\vskip for frame size
                                             % was discarded)  
        \else %
           \egroup \exam@fb@resto@set
           \ifvoid\@tempboxa % it all fit after all
|             \message{box split at end! }%
           \else % it really did split
|             \message{box split as expected. Its reboxed height is \the\ht\tw@. }%
%psh: Changed the command that inserts the box:
%     Instead of \centerline, we shift right by \saved@totalleftmargin:
%              \centerline{\exam@FrameCommand{\box\tw@}}%  ??? \centerline bad idea
       \hbox{\hskip \saved@totalleftmargin\exam@FrameCommand{\box\tw@}}%
|               \message{Zero width means likely blank. Don't frame it (guess)}%
              \hrule \@height\z@
%psh: Changed the command that inserts the box:
%     Instead of \centerline, we shift right by \saved@totalleftmargin:
%    \centerline{\exam@FrameCommand{\box\@tempboxa}}%
    \nointerlineskip \null %{\showoutput \showlists}
    \penalty-30 \vskip\topsep

  \vbox to\exam@frameHeightAdjust{}% get proper baseline skip from above.
  \penalty\@M \nointerlineskip
  \penalty\@M} % useful for tops of pages



% Provide configuration commands:
%psh: Version 2.502, 2016/03/23, changed \exam@FrameCommand so that the
%     frame is printed in color if the user has said
%     \colorsolutionboxes:
%\fboxsep=\exam@FrameSep \fbox}
\def\exam@FrameCommand{\fboxrule=\exam@FrameRule \fboxsep=\exam@FrameSep
}% \exam@FrameCommand

\@ifundefined{FrameRule}{\newdimen\exam@FrameRule \exam@FrameRule=\fboxrule}{}
\@ifundefined{FrameSep} {\newdimen\exam@FrameSep  \exam@FrameSep =3\fboxsep}{}

% Height of frame above first baseline when frame starts a page:

% \exam@FrameRestore has parts of \@parboxrestore.  See how it is used in the 
% "settings" argument of \MakeFrame.  Previous behavior can be restored by 
% using \@parboxrestore there, or redefining:
% \makeatletter \renewcommand\exam@FrameRestore{\@parboxrestore} \makeatother
%  \let\par\@@par  ??
%  \parindent\z@ \parskip\z@skip    Definitely omit!
%  \everypar{}%  ??
%  \@totalleftmargin\z@
%  \leftskip\z@skip \rightskip\z@skip \@rightskip\z@skip
%  \parfillskip\@flushglue \lineskip\normallineskip
%  \baselineskip\normalbaselineskip
%  \let\\\@normalcr

%  Compatibility with previous versions (temporary!):
% psh: we'll remove this 2017-09-21
%\let\fram@d=\MakeFramed  \let\endfram@d=\endMakeFramed


% This ends the stuff that's lifted from:
% % framed.sty   v 0.8a   21-Jul-2003
% % Copyright (C) 1992-2003 by Donald Arseneau

