% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
%% exercisepoints.sty
%% A LaTeX package to count exercises and points.
%% Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Henning Kerstan.
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2005/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Henning Kerstan.
% This work consists of the files `exercisepoints.sty' and `exercisepoints.tex'.

% package identification
  2019/01/03 v1.2.3 %
  count exercises and points%

% switches for custom exercise layout


% this package does not have any other options
  \PackageWarning{exercisepoints}{Unknown option '\CurrentOption'}

% avoid nesting (i.e. putting exercises in exercises)

% counters to store number of exercises

% lengths to store points

% macros to get total points and total number of exercises (whole document)

% macros to get info about current exercise(-part)
% (to be used in AtBeginExercise or AtEndExercise hooks)

    \PackageError{exercisepoints}{'\string\currentexercisepoints' can only be used in exercise or subexercise environment}%
  \ifcsname exercisepoints@points@\currentexercisenumber\endcsname%
    \textbf{??}% TODO:issue package warning in such a way that it can be used also in section commands

    \PackageError{exercisepoints}{'\string\currentsubexercisepoints' can only be used in subexercise environment}%
  \ifcsname exercisepoints@points@\currentexercisenumber.\currentsubexercisenumber\endcsname%
    \textbf{??}% TODO:issue package warning in such a way that it can be used also in section commands



% hooks to modify the exercise typesetting


% the same for subexercises


% storage for the hooks 

% a very simple default exercise style
      {\textbf{Exercise~\currentexercisenumber}} % empty title
        \textbf{Exercise~\currentexercisenumber:} %
      }% non-empty title
      {\emph{Exercise~\currentexercisenumber.\currentsubexercisenumber}} % empty title
        \emph{Exercise~\currentexercisenumber.\currentsubexercisenumber:} %
      }% non-empty title

% points commands sets points (additive within an exercise environment)
    \addtolength{\exercisepoints@currentexercisepoints}{#1 pt}%
    \addtolength{\exercisepoints@totalpoints}{#1 pt}%
      \addtolength{\exercisepoints@currentsubexercisepoints}{#1 pt}%
    \PackageError{exercisepoints}{\string\points{...} can only be used within exercise or subexercise environment.}%

% itempoints units
\newcommand{\setitempointsunit}[2]{% singular, plural

% itempoints calls points and displays points flush right for use in
% enumerate environments
  % check if exactly 1 points
  \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{1}}{% not robust, so issuing 1.0 will not result in correct (singular) form!

% getpoints retrieves points for a specific exercise number (starting at 0)
  \ifthenelse{#1 < \numberofexercises}%

% aux storage function (key-value store using #1 as key and #2 as value)

% aux retrieval
  \ifcsname exercisepoints@#1\endcsname%
      Key 'exercisepoints@#1' not found in aux file. Maybe you need to recompile?%

% exercise environment; optional parameter is title of the respective exercise
    \PackageError{exercisepoints}{You cannot nest exercise environments}%
    \PackageError{exercisepoints}{Option `customlayout' requires you to define an exercise layout using at least `\string\AtBeginExercise{...}'}

% exercise environment; optional parameter is title of the respective exercise
    \PackageError{exercisepoints}{You cannot nest subexercise environments}%
    \PackageError{exercisepoints}{Option `customlayout' requires you to define a subexercise layout using at least `\string\AtBeginSubexercise{...}'}

  \setlength{\exercisepoints@bonuspoints}{#1 pt}%



% read values from aux file at begin
  \setlength{\exercisepoints@totalpoints}{0pt}% reset total points length
  % set numberofexercises to 0 if not found in aux
  \ifcsname exercisepoints@numberofexercises\endcsname%

% store values in aux file at end