\def\filename{EXPDLIST} \def\filedate{22.09.1999} \def\fileversion{V 2.4} \def\docdate {22.09.99} % \iffalse % !!! Bei Datumsaenderung: Auch "version", "date", "infdate" weiter % !!! unten aendern. % \fi %% \CheckSum{214} %% \CharacterTable %% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z %% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z %% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 %% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# %% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& %% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) %% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, %% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ %% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< %% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? %% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ %% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ %% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| %% Right brace \} Tilde \~} %% % \iffalse % !!! Bei Anschriftaenderung: Auch die Anschrift vor % !!! "\StopEventually{}" aendern % @stylefile{Ltall % shortpackagename = {expdlist}, % longpackagename = {expdlist}, % baseformats = {LaTeX2e $\langle$1997/12/01$\rangle$}, % version = {2.4}, % date = {22.09.1999}, % author = {R. Huelse, W. Kaspar, % kaspar@uni-muenster.de, % Westf"alische Wilhelms-Universit"at M"unster, % Zentrum f"ur Informationsverarbeitung, % R"ontgenstra"se 9-13, % 48149 M"unster, % 02\,51/83-3\,16\,73}, % abstract = {The expanded \texttt{description} environment % will not replace the \LaTeX-\texttt{description} % environment, but on request you will have some % additional features. It supports an easy % possibility of changing the left margin. % Also there is with \verb+\listpart+ a new % command available which is valid in all % \texttt{list} environments. It gives the % possibility to break a list for a comment % without touching any counters.}, % support = {yes}, % infauthor = {\author}, % infdate = {22.09.1999}, % comments = {}, % requirements = {}, % incompatibilities = {}} % \fi % % \title{\bfseries \texttt{EXPDLIST}\thanks{This file has version number % \fileversion, last revised \filedate. % The documentation has been produced with % Frank Mittelbach's \texttt{DOC.STY} (v1.7k). % There is also a german documentation named % \texttt{EXPDLISG.DRV}.} % -- an Expanded \texttt{description} Environment} % \author{Rainer H\"ulse and Wolfgang Kaspar\\[2mm] % University of M\"unster (Germany)\\ % Computing Center\\[2mm] % Internet: $\langle$\texttt{kaspar@uni-muenster.de}$\rangle$} % \date{\docdate} % % \maketitle % % \def\ttbackslash{\texttt{\symbol{92}}} ^^A typewriter \ % \def\ttlbrace{\texttt{\symbol{123}}} ^^A typewriter { % \def\ttrbrace{\texttt{\symbol{125}}} ^^A typewriter } % % \begin{abstract} % \noindent % The expanded \texttt{description} environment will not replace the % \LaTeX-\texttt{description} environment, but on request you will have some % additional features. It supports an easy possibility of changing the % left margin. Also there is with \verb+\listpart+ % a new command available which is valid in all \texttt{list} environments. % It gives the possibility to break a list for a comment without touching % any counters. % % The required \texttt{STY}-file is \texttt{EXPDLIST} and % will be enclosed in the \LaTeX-file as following: % \begin{quote} % \verb+\usepackage{expdlist}+ % \end{quote} % \end{abstract} % % \section{The Expanded \texttt{description} Environment} % The expanded \texttt{description} environment supports an easy % possibility of changing the left margin in a \texttt{desciption list}. % The text of the item begins at the left margin, either behind the label % or in the following line. % Another declaration eliminates the vertical space which is set by the % \LaTeX-\texttt{STY}s. % As well you can affect the appearance of the label. % The syntax of the expanded \texttt{description} environment is: % \begin{quote} % \verb+\begin{description}[+\textit{declarations}\texttt{]}\\ % $\vdots$\\ % \verb+\end{description}+ % \end{quote} % Without the optional \textit{declarations} this environment is equal to % the original \LaTeX-\texttt{description} environment. % % \newpage % \noindent % The following declarations fix the left margin of the item: % \begin{description}[\setlabelstyle{\ttfamily} \setleftmargin{3cm} \breaklabel % \compact] % \item[\ttbackslash setleftmargin\ttlbrace \textnormal{\textit{size}}\ttrbrace] % gives the amount of horizontal % \SpecialUsageIndex{\setleftmargin} % space to be reserved % for the left margin of the item, % and defaults to the value of the original % \LaTeX-\texttt{description} list if not entered. % \item[\ttbackslash setlabelphantom\ttlbrace \textnormal{\textit{text}}\ttrbrace] % calculates the left margin by the width of % \SpecialUsageIndex{\setlabelphantom} % \textit{text} and by the value of \verb+\labelsep+. % The setting of \verb+\setlabelstyle+ is taken % into account. % \listpart{If you set \texttt{\ttbackslash setlabelphantom} % as well as \texttt{\ttbackslash setleftmargin}, the % horizontal space with the width defined by % \texttt{\ttbackslash setlabelphantom} will be % reserved.} % \listpart{There are some other declarations affecting the layout of the % expanded \texttt{description} list:} % \item[\ttbackslash breaklabel] % causes the definition description to start on % \SpecialUsageIndex{\breaklabel} % the line following the label if the width of % the label exceeds the width of the left % margin. The default is to % begin the description % on the same line after the label. % \item[\ttbackslash compact] % indicates that items should not be % \SpecialUsageIndex{\compact} % separated from each other by vertical white % space. % \item[\ttbackslash setlabelstyle\ttlbrace \textnormal{\textit{typestyle}}\ttrbrace] % identifies the style to be % \SpecialUsageIndex{\setlabelstyle} % used for labels, e.\,g. \verb+\bfseries+, % \verb+\itshape+, \verb+\slshape+ or \verb+\sffamily+ % as well as \verb+\small+, \verb+\large+, etc. % The default is \verb+\bfseries+ and \verb+\normalsize+. % \end{description} % % \noindent % The following examples demonstrate some features of the expanded % \linebreak \texttt{description} environment.\\[4ex] % The first example shows it without optional parameters being equal % to the original \LaTeX\ environment. % The command used is:\\[-4ex] % \begin{center} % \verb+\begin{description}+ % \end{center} % \begin{quote} % \begin{description} % \item[First label] The first label is a normalsized label. % \item[Here is a very long label] This is the text corresponding to the % very long label. % \item[3rd] The 3rd label is a very short one. % \item This item has no label and was produced by % \verb+\item+ \textit{text}. % \end{description} % \end{quote} % % \vspace{4ex} % \noindent % In the second example optional parameters are set with the following % command:\\[-4ex] % \begin{center} % \verb+\begin{description}[\breaklabel\setleftmargin{80pt}+\\ % \verb+\setlabelstyle{\itshape}]+ % \end{center} % \begin{quote} % \begin{description}[\breaklabel\setleftmargin{80pt}\setlabelstyle{\itshape}] % \item[First label] The first label is a normalsized label. % \item[Here is a very long label] This is the text corresponding to the % very long label. % \item[3rd] The 3rd label is a very short one. % \item This item has no label and was produced % by \verb+\item+ \textit{text}. % \end{description} % \end{quote} % % \vspace{4ex} % \noindent % The last example shows the command with other optional parameters % and their effects:\\[-4ex] % \begin{center} % \verb+\begin{description}[\compact\setlabelphantom{First label}]+ % \end{center} % \begin{quote} % \begin{description}[\compact\setlabelphantom{First label}] % \item[First label] The first label is a normalsized label. % \item[Here is a very long label] This is the text corresponding to the % very long label. % \item[3rd] The 3rd label is a very short one. % \item This item has no label and was produced by % \verb+\item+ \textit{text}. % \end{description} % \end{quote} % % \section{The \texttt{\char92 listpart} command} % In the \texttt{EXPDLIST} style there are two new \LaTeX\ commands: % \begin{description}[\setlabelstyle{\ttfamily} \setleftmargin{3cm} \breaklabel % \compact] % \item[\ttbackslash listpart\ttlbrace \textnormal{\textit{text}}\ttrbrace] % identifies a comment or explanation that % \SpecialUsageIndex{\listpart} % applies to a part of a list. % It can be placed anywhere % within any \texttt{list} environment, % immediately preceeding % those items to which it applies. % The width of \textit{text} depends on the width % of the preceeding list. Therefore you are able % to continue with the next item without % closing and re-opening the list. The numbering % of the \texttt{enumerate} environment is preserved. % \item[\ttbackslash listpartsep] % is the vertical space between the item and % \SpecialUsageIndex{\listpartsep} % the comment produced by % \texttt{\ttbackslash listpart}. % It defaults to \texttt{1ex}. % \end{description} % The following example demonstrates that you can use \verb+\listpart+ % also in multi-clause \texttt{list} environments: % \begin{quote} % \begin{itemize} % \item You can use \verb+\listpart+ in multi-clause environments. % \listpart{This is a \texttt{listpart} which puts in some text to % interrupt the list.} % \item You can use \verb+\listpart+ in % \begin{enumerate} % \item{\texttt{itemize}-lists} % \item{\texttt{enumerate}-lists} % \listpart{This is a \texttt{listpart} which puts in some text to % interrupt the list.} % \item{\texttt{description}-lists:} % \begin{description}[\setleftmargin{60pt}] % \item[1st Label] Description A % \listpart{This is a \texttt{listpart} which puts in some text to % interrupt the list.} % \item[2nd Label] Description B % \end{description} % \end{enumerate} % \end{itemize} % \end{quote} % %\StopEventually{} % % \newpage % \changes{V 1.0}{02.03.90}{First published Version} % \changes{V 2.0}{17.05.90}{Documentation with the \texttt{DOC.STY}} % \section{The description of the \texttt{EXPDLIST.STY}-file} % \subsection{The beginning} % Here is a description of the macros used in the \texttt{EXPDLIST.STY}. % We started by defining the current version and date of this file and % documentation: %\iffalse %<*style> %\fi % \begin{macrocode} \typeout{Document Substyle `EXPDLIST'. Released \filedate \space (\fileversion)} \typeout{English Documentation \space \docdate} % \end{macrocode} % \subsection{The optional arguments} % \begin{macro}{\compact} % The first implemented macro is \verb+\compact+. Normally two items % are separated by a blank line. This blank line is defined in \LaTeX\ % by \verb+\itemsep+ \texttt{+} \verb+\parsep+. To remove this blank line % we defined % \begin{macrocode} \def\compact% {\setlength{\itemsep}{-\parsep}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \par % \begin{macro}{\setleftmargin} % \begin{macro}{\setlabelsize} % To define \verb+\setleftmargin+ we assigned the new width % to \verb+\leftmargin+: % \begin{macrocode} \def\setleftmargin% #1% {\setlength{\leftmargin}{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % The \texttt{\ttbackslash setleftmargin} command was named % \texttt{\ttbackslash setlabelsize} in older versions. To be compatible with % these versions the old command is also defined: % \begin{macrocode} \let\setlabelsize = \setleftmargin % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \changes{V 2.0}{17.05.90}{Change of \texttt{\ttbackslash setleftmargin}} % \par % \begin{macro}{\setlabelphantom} % The \verb+\setlabelphantom+ command reserves the width of the argument % as horizontal space for the label. We have to put a \verb+\hfil+ into % \verb+\@tempboxa+ to avoid an \texttt{underful hbox} message because the % box is wider than the argument by the value of \verb+\labelsep+. % The width is stored in \verb+\setleftmargin+. % \begin{macrocode} \def\setlabelphantom% #1% {\def\set@labelphantom% {\setbox\@tempboxa=\hbox spread \labelsep {\@labelstyle #1\hfil}% \setleftmargin{\wd\@tempboxa}% }% } \def\set@labelphantom{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \changes{V 1.2}{09.05.90}{Change of \texttt{\ttbackslash hfil}} % \par % \begin{macro}{\setlabelstyle} % The \verb+\setlabelstyle+ identifies the style to be used for labels. % In \verb+\@labelstyle+ the default \verb+\bfseries+ is stored. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@labelstyle% {\bfseries} \def\setlabelstyle% #1% {\def\@labelstyle{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \par % \begin{macro}{\breaklabel} % To let work \verb+\breaklabel+ correctly as described before we need % a rule with no dimension in the \verb+\item+ definition of \LaTeX. % This rule is defined here: % \begin{macrocode} \def\breaklabel% {\def\@breaklabel% {\rule{0mm}{0mm}% \\% }% }% \def\@breaklabel% {} % \end{macrocode} % \changes{V 1.1}{26.03.90}{Change of \texttt{\ttbackslash breaklabel}} % The changed \verb+\item+ definition follows a little later. % \end{macro} % \subsection{The main macro} % \begin{macro}{\description} % \begin{macro}{\enddescription} % Now we can begin with the new \verb+\description+ definition (which is % in \LaTeX\ the same as \verb+\begin{description}+). % First we had to rename \verb+\description+ to % \verb+\@orgdlist+. It will be executed if no optional argument is set: % \par % \begin{macrocode} \let\@orgdlist\description % \end{macrocode} % \changes{V 2.1}{13.08.92}{Change of \texttt{\ttbackslash @orgdlist}} % We must look % if there is an optional argument. If there is an optional % argument the macro \verb+\@expdlist+ (our new macro) will be % executed. Otherwise the original \LaTeX-macro will be executed which % we have renamed to \verb+\@orgdlist+: % \begin{macrocode} \def\description% {\@ifnextchar[% {\@expdlist}% {\@orgdlist}% } \let\enddescription\endlist % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} ^^A of \enddescription % \end{macro} ^^A of \description % \par % We had to rename \verb+\description+ to % \verb+\@orgdlist+. It will be executed if no optional argument is set: % \par % If you have set any optional argument, the \verb+\@expdlist+ % definition will be executed. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@expdlistlabel#1% {\@labelstyle #1% \hfil% } \def\@expdlist[#1]% {\list{}% {\def\@breaklabel{}% \def\set@labelphantom{}% \def\@labelstyle{\bfseries}% #1% \set@labelphantom% \setlength{\labelwidth}{\leftmargin}% \addtolength{\labelwidth}{-\labelsep}% \let\makelabel\@expdlistlabel% }% } % \end{macrocode} % \changes{V 1.1}{26.03.90}{Change of \texttt{\ttbackslash breaklabel}} % \changes{V 1.2}{09.05.90}{Change of \texttt{\ttbackslash hfil}} % \subsection{\texttt{\ttbackslash listpart} and % \texttt{\ttbackslash listpartsep}} % \begin{macro}{\listpartsep} % Another feature of the \texttt{EXPDLIST.STY} is \verb+\listpart+. To % adjust the vertical space between the item and the comment produced % by \verb+\listpart+ we had to define a new measure named % \verb+\listpartsep+. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength{\listpartsep} \listpartsep = 1ex % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\listpart} % Now we could define \verb+\listpart+ as a long definition, because % its value can go over more than one paragraph. It is an item without % label. So the text begins at the point where the label would begin. % The width of the text is \verb+\linewidth+ \texttt{+} \verb+\rightmargin+ % \texttt{+} \verb+\leftmargin+. This value is registered in % \verb+\@tempskipa+: % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\listpart% #1% {\vspace{\listpartsep}% \item[]\hspace*{-\leftmargin}% \@tempskipa=\linewidth% \addtolength{\@tempskipa}{\rightmargin}% \addtolength{\@tempskipa}{\leftmargin}% \parbox{\@tempskipa}{#1}% \vspace{\listpartsep}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \iffalse This is a METACOMMENT % ***************************************************************** % * * % * Original definition of \item. * % * This is an excerpt from LATEX.TEX. * % * The marked lines are changed. * % * * % ***************************************************************** % \fi % \subsection{The redefinition of \texttt{\ttbackslash \@item}} % \begin{macro}{\@item} % To let work \verb+\breaklabel+ correctly we had to redefine the % original \LaTeX\ de\-fi\-ni\-tion of \verb+\@item+ in a few lines % (see \texttt{RUM Change} marks). We had to % define \verb+\set@break+ globally, because it is set within a % \verb+\hbox+, but used outside. % Depending on the width of the label text \verb+\set@break+ is set to % \verb+\@breaklabel+ or to nothing. % At the end of the \verb+\@item+ macro \texttt{\ttbackslash set\@break} % is called after the label is set. % \changes{V 1.1}{26.03.90}{Change of \texttt{\ttbackslash breaklabel}} % \begin{macrocode} \def\@item[#1]{% \if@noparitem \@donoparitem \else \if@inlabel \indent \par \fi \ifhmode \unskip\unskip \par \fi \if@newlist \if@nobreak \@nbitem \else \addpenalty\@beginparpenalty \addvspace\@topsep \addvspace{-\parskip}% \fi \else \addpenalty\@itempenalty \addvspace\itemsep \fi \global\@inlabeltrue \fi \everypar{% \@minipagefalse \global\@newlistfalse \if@inlabel \global\@inlabelfalse {\setbox\z@\lastbox \ifvoid\z@ \kern-\itemindent \fi}% \box\@labels \penalty\z@ \fi \if@nobreak \@nobreakfalse \clubpenalty \@M \else \clubpenalty \@clubpenalty \everypar{}% \fi}% \if@noitemarg \@noitemargfalse \if@nmbrlist \refstepcounter\@listctr \fi \fi \sbox\@tempboxa{\makelabel{#1}}% \global\setbox\@labels\hbox{% \unhbox\@labels \hskip \itemindent \hskip -\labelwidth \hskip -\labelsep \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\labelwidth \box\@tempboxa \gdef\set@break{\@breaklabel} % RUM Change 2.3.90 \else \hbox to\labelwidth {\unhbox\@tempboxa}% \gdef\set@break{}% % RUM Change 2.3.90 \fi \hskip \labelsep}% \set@break % RUM Change 2.3.90 \ignorespaces} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \changes{V 2.1}{13.08.92}{\LaTeX\ Version~2.09 <25 March 1992>} % \changes{V 2.3}{26.05.99}{\LaTeXe\ <1997/12/01>} % % \newpage % \section{History of Changes} % \begin{description}[\compact\setlabelphantom{V 8.8 (88.88.8888)M}] % \item[V 1.0 (02.03.1990)] First published Version (H\"ulse and Kaspar) % \item[V 1.1 (26.03.1990)] We had to change \texttt{\ttbackslash break} to % \texttt{\ttbackslash breaklabel} and % \texttt{\ttbackslash @break} to % \texttt{\ttbackslash @breaklabel} % because \texttt{\ttbackslash break} % is a \TeX-primitive. This could cause % difficulties with linebreaking. (H\"ulse) % \item[V 1.2 (09.05.1990)] To be more flexible with the label, we changed % \texttt{\ttbackslash hfill} to % \texttt{\ttbackslash hfil} % in \texttt{\ttbackslash @expdlistlabel} (H\"ulse) % \item[V 2.0 (31.05.1990)] Documentation with the \texttt{DOC.STY} from Frank % Mittelbach, University of Mainz, % FRG.\newline % \texttt{\ttbackslash setlabelsize} % will be renamed to % \texttt{\ttbackslash setleftmargin} % (H\"ulse) % \item[V 2.1 (13.08.1992)] \texttt{\ttbackslash @orgdlist} is defined by % \texttt{\ttbackslash let}. Definition of % \texttt{\ttbackslash item[]} out of \LaTeX\ % Version~2.09 $\langle$25 March 1992$\rangle$ % (Perske) % \item[V 2.2 (23.09.1992)] Included Documentation Driver File and German % Documentation File into this \texttt{.doc}-File. % With Version 2.0 of \texttt{docstrip.tex} and the % Batchfile \texttt{install.rum} you can extract % them out of this \texttt{.doc}-File. (Perske) % \item[V 2.3 (26.05.1999)] The Definition of \texttt{\ttbackslash item[]} is % out of LaTeX2e $\langle$1997/12/01$\rangle$. % The distribution is now supplied under the % terms of the LPPL. The files were renamed % to \texttt{expdlist.dtx}, \texttt{expdlist.ins} % and \texttt{readme.txt} % (Kaspar) % \item[V 2.4 (22.09.1999)] Bugfix: percent added after % \texttt{\ttbackslash gdef\ttbackslash % set@break\ttlbrace\ttrbrace}. % Thanks to Peter Karp, who drew my attention to that bug. % \newline (Kaspar) % % \end{description} % % \PrintIndex % \Finale %\iffalse %</style> %\fi % %\iffalse %<+driver> %<+driver>% This is EXPDLIST.DRV 26.05.1999 Kr %<+driver>% %<+driver>\documentclass[a4paper]{article} %<+driver>\usepackage{expdlist,doc} %<+driver> %<+driver> %<+driver>\setcounter{IndexColumns}{3} %<+driver> %<+driver>\EnableCrossrefs %<+driver>\CodelineIndex %<+driver> %<+driver>\pagestyle{headings} %<+driver> %<+driver>\begin{document} %<+driver> \DocInput{expdlist.dtx} %<+driver>\end{document} %<+driver> %<+driver>\endinput %\fi %\iffalse %<+german>\documentclass[a4paper]{article} %<+german>\usepackage{german,expdlist,doc} %<+german>\def\ttbackslash{\texttt{\symbol{92}}} % typewriter \ %<+german>\def\ttlbrace{\texttt{\symbol{123}}} % typewriter { %<+german>\def\ttrbrace{\texttt{\symbol{125}}} % typewriter } %<+german>\def\thefootnote{\fnsymbol{footnote}} %<+german>\begin{document} %<+german>\pagestyle{headings} %<+german>\title{\bfseries \texttt{EXPDLIST}% %<+german> \thanks{Derzeit g"ultige Version \fileversion\ vom %<+german> \filedate. %<+german> Mit Hilfe von Frank Mittelbachs \texttt{DOC.STY} %<+german> (v1.7k) l"a"st sich aus dem \texttt{EXPDLIST.DTX} %<+german> eine englische Dokumentation erstellen. Diese %<+german> enth"alt zus"atzlich noch eine Beschreibung des %<+german> Source-Codes.} %<+german> -- eine Erweiterung der \texttt{description}-Umgebung} %<+german>\author{Rainer H\"ulse und Wolfgang Kaspar\\[2mm] %<+german>Westf"alische Wilhelms-Universit"at M"unster\\ %<+german>Zentrum f"ur Informationsverarbeitung\\[2mm] %<+german>Internet: $\langle$\texttt{kaspar@uni-muenster.de}$\rangle$} %<+german>\date{\docdate} %<+german>\maketitle %<+german>\noindent %<+german>\begin{abstract} %<+german>Die erweiterte \texttt{description}-Umgebung soll die %<+german>\LaTeX-\texttt{description}-Umgebung %<+german>nicht ersetzen, sondern bietet bei Bedarf %<+german>einige zus"atzliche Merkmale. Sie unterst"utzt eine einfache %<+german>M"oglichkeit, den linken Rand der Liste festzusetzen. Daneben steht mit %<+german>\verb+\listpart+ ein neuer, f"ur alle \texttt{list}-Umgebungen g"ultiger %<+german>Befehl zur Verf"ugung. Dieses Kommando erm"oglicht es, eine Liste f"ur %<+german>einen Kommentar zu unterbrechen, ohne irgendeinen Z"ahler dabei zu %<+german>ver"andern. %<+german> %<+german>Der ben"otigte \texttt{STY}-File hei"st \texttt{EXPDLIST} und wird so in den %<+german>\LaTeX-File eingebunden: %<+german>\begin{quote} %<+german>\verb+\usepackage{expdlist}+ %<+german>\end{quote} %<+german>\end{abstract} %<+german>\section{Die erweiterte \texttt{description}-Umgebung} %<+german>Die erweiterte \texttt{description}-Umgebung unterst"utzt eine einfache %<+german>M"oglichkeit, den linken Rand einer \texttt{description}-Liste zu %<+german>ver"andern. Der Text des Erl"auter"-ungstextes beginnt am linken Rand, %<+german>entweder hinter der Marke oder in der n"achsten Zeile. Eine andere %<+german>Deklaration eliminiert den Freiraum zwischen den Listenpunkten, der von %<+german>den \LaTeX-\texttt{STY}s gesetzt wird. Au"serdem kann noch das Aussehen der %<+german>Marke beeinflu"st werden. Die Syntax der erweiterten %<+german>\texttt{description}-Umgebung ist: %<+german>\begin{quote} %<+german>\verb+\begin{description}[+\textit{deklarationen}\texttt{]}\\ %<+german>$\vdots$\\ %<+german>\verb+\end{description}+ %<+german>\end{quote} %<+german>Ohne die optionalen \texttt{[}\textit{deklarationen}\texttt{]} %<+german>verh"alt sich diese %<+german>Umgebung wie die originale \LaTeX\ \texttt{description}-Umgebung. %<+german> %<+german>\newpage %<+german>\noindent %<+german>Die folgenden Deklarationen legen den linken Rand des %<+german>Erl"auterungstextes fest: %<+german>\begin{description}[\setlabelstyle{\ttfamily} \setleftmargin{3cm} \breaklabel %<+german> \compact] %<+german>\item[\ttbackslash setleftmargin\ttlbrace \textnormal{\textit{l"ange}}\ttrbrace] %<+german> gibt die L"ange des horizontalen Freiraums des %<+german> linken Randes an. %<+german> Die Voreinstellung entspricht dem Wert der %<+german> originalen \texttt{description}-Liste in \LaTeX. %<+german>\item[\ttbackslash setlabelphantom\ttlbrace \textnormal{\textit{text}}\ttrbrace] %<+german> berechnet den linken Rand aus der L"ange von %<+german> \textit{text} und aus dem Wert von %<+german> \verb+\labelsep+. Dabei wird die Setzung von %<+german> \verb+\setlabelstyle+ ber"ucksichtigt. %<+german>\listpart{Wenn man sowohl \texttt{\ttbackslash setlabelphantom} als auch %<+german> \texttt{\ttbackslash setleftmargin} setzt, wird ein Freiraum der %<+german> L"ange, die durch \texttt{\ttbackslash setlabelphantom} definiert %<+german> ist, freigehalten.} %<+german>\listpart{Es gibt noch einige andere Deklarationen, die das Layout der %<+german> erweiterten \texttt{description}-Liste beeinflussen:} %<+german>\item[\ttbackslash breaklabel] %<+german> l"a"st die Beschreibung in der n"achsten Zeile %<+german> beginnen, wenn die L"ange der Marke die Breite %<+german> des linken Randes "uberschreitet. In der %<+german> Voreinstellung beginnt der Erl"auterungstext %<+german> in gleichen Zeile, unmittelbar hinter der Marke. %<+german>\item[\ttbackslash compact] %<+german> zeigt an, da"s die Definitionen nicht durch %<+german> Leerzeilen voneinander getrennt werden. %<+german>\item[\ttbackslash setlabelstyle\ttlbrace \textnormal{\textit{schriftstil}}\ttrbrace] %<+german> ist der Stil, der f"ur die Marken benutzt wird, %<+german> z.~B. \verb+\bfseries+, \verb+\itshape+, \verb+\slshape+ oder %<+german> \verb+\sffamily+ sowie \verb+\small+, \verb+\large+ %<+german> usw. Voreingestellt ist \verb+\bfseries+ und %<+german> \verb+\normalsize+. %<+german>\end{description} %<+german> %<+german>\noindent %<+german>Die folgenden Beispiele zeigen einige Anwendungen der erweiterten %<+german>\linebreak \texttt{description}-Umgebung.\\[4ex] %<+german>Das erste Beispiel zeigt, da"s sie ohne optionalen Parametern der %<+german>originalen \LaTeX-Umgebung entspricht. Die abgesetzte Markierung %<+german>lautet:\\[-4ex] %<+german>\begin{center} %<+german>\verb+\begin{description}+ %<+german>\end{center} %<+german>\begin{quote} %<+german>\begin{description} %<+german>\item[Erste Marke] Die erste Marke ist durchschnittlich lang. %<+german>\item[Hier nun eine besonders lange Marke] Dies ist der Text, der zu der %<+german> besonders langen Marke geh"ort. %<+german>\item[3.] Die 3. Marke ist sehr kurz. %<+german>\item Dieser Eintrag hat keine Marke und wurde erzeugt mit %<+german> \verb+\item+ \textit{text}. %<+german>\end{description} %<+german>\end{quote} %<+german> %<+german>\vspace{4ex} %<+german>\noindent %<+german>Im zweiten Beispiel werden mit der folgenden Markierung optionale %<+german>Parameter gesetzt:\\[-4ex] %<+german>\begin{center} %<+german>\verb+\begin{description}[\breaklabel\setleftmargin{80pt}+\\ %<+german>\verb+\setlabelstyle{\itshape}]+ %<+german>\end{center} %<+german>\begin{quote} %<+german>\begin{description}[\breaklabel\setleftmargin{80pt}\setlabelstyle{\itshape}] %<+german>\item[Erste Marke] Die erste Marke ist durchschnittlich lang. %<+german>\item[Hier nun eine besonders lange Marke] Dies ist der Text, der zu der %<+german> besonders langen Marke geh"ort. %<+german>\item[3.] Die 3. Marke ist sehr kurz. %<+german>\item Dieser Eintrag hat keine Marke und wurde erzeugt mit %<+german> \verb+\item+ \textit{text}. %<+german>\end{description} %<+german>\end{quote} %<+german> %<+german>\vspace{4ex} %<+german>\noindent %<+german>Das letze Beispiel zeigt die Markierung mit weiteren optionalen %<+german>Parametern und ihre Wirkung:\\[-4ex] %<+german>\begin{center} %<+german>\verb+\begin{description}[\compact\setlabelphantom{Erste Marke}]+ %<+german>\end{center} %<+german>\begin{quote} %<+german>\begin{description}[\compact\setlabelphantom{Erste Marke}] %<+german>\item[Erste Marke] Die erste Marke ist durchschnittlich lang. %<+german>\item[Hier nun eine besonders lange Marke] Dies ist der Text, der zu der %<+german> besonders langen Marke geh"ort. %<+german>\item[3.] Die 3. Marke ist sehr kurz. %<+german>\item Dieser Eintrag hat keine Marke und wurde erzeugt mit %<+german> \verb+\item+ \textit{text}. %<+german>\end{description} %<+german>\end{quote} %<+german> %<+german>\section{Das \texttt{\ttbackslash listpart}-Kommando} %<+german>Der \texttt{EXPDLIST}-Style enth"alt noch zwei weitere neue \LaTeX-Kommandos: %<+german>\begin{description}[\setlabelstyle{\ttfamily} \setleftmargin{3cm} \breaklabel %<+german> \compact] %<+german>\item[\ttbackslash listpart\ttlbrace \textnormal{\textit{text}}\ttrbrace] %<+german> ist ein Kommentar oder eine Erkl"arung, die als %<+german> Teil einer Liste gilt. Er kann irgendwo in einer %<+german> beliebigen %<+german> \texttt{list}"=Umgebung stehen, direkt %<+german> hinter dem Listeneintrag, zu dem er geh"ort. Die %<+german> Zeilenbreite von \textit{text} richtet sich %<+german> dabei nach der Breite der "ubergeordneten Liste. %<+german> Man kann somit mit dem n"achsten Listenpunkt %<+german> fortfahren, ohne die Liste beenden und %<+german> an\-schlie"send wieder neu beginnen zu m"ussen. %<+german> Die Numerierung in der \texttt{enumerate}-Umgebung %<+german> bleibt dabei erhalten. %<+german>\item[\ttbackslash listpartsep] %<+german> ist der vertikale Abstand zwischen Listeneintrag %<+german> und dem mit \texttt{\ttbackslash listpart} erzeugten %<+german> Kommentar. Voreingestellt ist \linebreak \texttt{1ex}. %<+german>\end{description} %<+german>Das folgende Beispiel zeigt, da"s man \verb+\listpart+ auch in %<+german>geschachtelten \texttt{list}-Umgebungen benutzen kann: %<+german>\begin{quote} %<+german>\begin{itemize} %<+german>\item Man kann \verb+\listpart+ in einer geschachtelten Liste benutzen. %<+german>\listpart{Dies ist ein \texttt{listpart}. Mit dieser Markierung wird %<+german> Text eingeschoben, der die Liste unterbricht.} %<+german>\item Man kann \verb+\listpart+ benutzen in: %<+german>\begin{enumerate} %<+german>\item{\texttt{itemize}-Listen} %<+german>\item{\texttt{enumerate}-Listen} %<+german>\listpart{Dies ist ein \texttt{listpart}. Mit dieser Markierung wird %<+german> Text eingeschoben, der die Liste unterbricht.} %<+german>\item{\texttt{description}-Listen:} %<+german>\begin{description}[\setleftmargin{60pt}] %<+german>\item[1. Marke] Beschreibung A %<+german>\listpart{Dies ist ein \texttt{listpart}. Mit dieser Markierung wird %<+german> Text eingeschoben, der die Liste unterbricht.} %<+german>\item[2. Marke] Beschreibung B %<+german>\end{description} %<+german>\end{enumerate} %<+german>\end{itemize} %<+german>\end{quote} %<+german>\end{document} %\fi \endinput