% \iffalse meta-comment % Copyright (C) 2015--2023 by Edgar Olthof % % This file may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either % version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later % version. The latest version of this license is in % % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of % LaTeX version 1999/12/01 or later. % % \fi % \iffalse %<package>\ProvidesPackage{fcolumn} %<package> [2023/07/25 v1.4.2 Automatic Currency Package (EHTO)] %<package>\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} %<package>\RequirePackage{array}[v2.4k] %<*driver> \documentclass{ltxdoc} \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage{dcolumn} \usepackage{fcolumn} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage[tableposition=top,aboveskip=0pt]{caption} \DeclareCaptionStyle{normal}{labelfont={rm,bf,small},textfont={rm,small}, indention=0pt,labelsep=colon,justification=raggedright} \captionsetup[table]{style=normal} \captionsetup{singlelinecheck=false} \usepackage{paralist} \usepackage{url} \usepackage{eurosym} \usepackage{color} \usepackage[hang,symbol*]{footmisc} \usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} \EnableCrossrefs \CodelineIndex \begin{document} \DocInput{fcolumn.dtx} \end{document} %</driver> %\fi %\RecordChanges %\CheckSum{1224} %\CharacterTable % {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z % Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z % Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 % Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# % Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& % Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) % Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, % Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ % Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< % Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? % Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ % Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ % Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| % Right brace \} Tilde \~} % %\changes{v0.1}{2015/02/06}{First working version.} %\changes{v1.0}{2015/03/07}{Three-argument version is working properly.} %\changes{v1.1}{2015/09/14}{Automatic checking of column balance performed when number of % F-columns is even (behaviour can be overridden). Empty entries are now recognised and % correctly treated as such, except for the one ended by the double backslash. Not serious; % workaround possible. Furthermore optimisation of code: minimised the number of private % counts and resetting of column counter done in a nicer way.} %\changes{v1.1.1}{2015/09/27}{Installation procedure changed from .ins-in-.dtx to separate % .ins and .dtx after discussion with Karl Berry, as well as some minor code improvements.} %\changes{v1.1.2}{2015/09/29}{Some inconsistencies between explanatory text and actual % code removed.} %\changes{v1.2}{2019/03/06}{Input parsing changed after comment from Frank % Mittelbach. He (Frank) also gave various suggestions for improving robustness % or user friendliness of this package. This version is only backwards compatible % when zero decimal digits were and are specified as modifier.} %\changes{v1.3}{2021/01/03}{Christian Hoff requested the possibility to provide extra formatting % information to a column, e.g., colouring. That was implemented by having an extra parameter % to the generic F-column. The current solution is not very robust, as font and/or size change % in math environment are very tricky, but providing colour information works, see the example % in the main text. This version is now compatible with package longtable and backwards % compatible to fcolumn v1.2: it only adds functionality.} %\changes{v1.4}{2021/11/21}{More robust version on the extra formatting information: alternative % formatting after the comma (if any), instead of additional information. Corrected a few typos.} %\changes{v1.4.1}{2022/02/01}{Definition needed for longtable only if that package is loaded. % General update, streamlining code. Excess digits silently ignored when all zero.} %\changes{v1.4.2}{2023/07/25}{Better documentation. Removed redundant endgroup/begingroup % pairs and other small improvements. Unbalanced columns are reported by stating their % difference. Implementation of option ``red''. No changes in user experience.} %\GetFileInfo{fcolumn.sty} %\DoNotIndex{\@@endpbox,\@@startpbox,\@acol,\@arstrut,\@arstrutbox,\@classiv,\@classz,\@depth} %\DoNotIndex{\@endpbox,\@firstampfalse,\@firstamptrue,\@gobble,\@halignto,\@height,\@mkpream} %\DoNotIndex{\@ne,\@nextchar,\@preamble,\@sharp,\@startpbox,\@tabacol,\@tabarray,\@tabclassiv} %\DoNotIndex{\@tabclassz,\@tempdima,\@tempswafalse,\@tempswatrue,\@\temptokena,\@tfor,\@whilesw} %\DoNotIndex{\@width,\advance,\arraystretch,\baselineskip,\bgroup,\break,\count,\count@,\cr} %\DoNotIndex{\def,\divide,\do,\dp,\edef,\else,\egroup,\fi,\global,\hfil,\hline,\ht,\hsize} %\DoNotIndex{\if,\if@firstamp,\if@tempswa,\ifcase,\ifdim,\ifnum,\ifodd,\ifx,\kill,\lineskip} %\DoNotIndex{\LT@@hl,\LT@@tabarray,\LT@bchunk,\LT@caption,\LT@endpbox,\LT@hline,\LT@kill} %\DoNotIndex{\LT@LL@FM@cr,\LT@make@row,\LT@mcol,\LT@no@pgbk,\LT@nofcols,\LT@rows,\LT@setprevdepth} %\DoNotIndex{\LT@startpbox,\LT@tabularcr,\LTleft,\LTright,\let,\loop,\m@ne,\m@th,\message} %\DoNotIndex{\multiply,\newpage,\nopagebreak,\or,\pagebreak,\par,\prepnext@tok,\protect} %\DoNotIndex{\refstepcounter,\relax,\repeat,\rlap,\setbox,\space,\stepcounter,\string} %\DoNotIndex{\strutbox,\tabcolsep,\tabskip,\tabularnewline,\the,\the@toks,\thr@@,\tw@} %\DoNotIndex{\unhbox,\vbox,\vcenter,\vrule,\vskip,\vtop,\wd,\xdef,\z@,\z@skip} %\title{The \textsf{fcolumn} package\thanks{This file has version number~\fileversion, %last revised~\filedate.}} %\author{Edgar Olthof\\ %\texttt{edgar <dot> olthof <at> inter <dot> nl <dot> net}} %\date{Printed \today} %\maketitle %\begin{abstract} %\noindent In financial reports, text and currency amounts are regularly put in %one table, e.g., a year balance or a profit-and-loss overview. This %package provides the settings for automatically typesetting and checking %such columns, including the sum line (preceded by a rule of the correct %width), using the specifier |f|. %\end{abstract} % %\section{Introduction}\label{intro} %The package |fcolumn| provides the macros for an extra tabular specifier %that makes creating financial tables easy. The column specifier~|f| %itself is rather simple; it is the predefined version of a generic %column~|F|. The generic version expects four arguments: 1)~grouping %character of the integer part on output, 2)~decimal mark used on output, %3)~compact additional information on input/output characteristics, and %4)~anything, but primarily used for providing formatting information, see below. % %The f-column in the current version of the package is defined for the %continental European standard: |\newcolumntype{f}{F.,{3,2}{}}|. This %means that a number like 12345,67 will be typeset as $12{.}345{,}67$. %People in the Anglo-Saxon world would rather code %|\newcolumntype{f}{F,.{3,2}{}}| for the same input, yielding %$12{,}345{.}67$ as output for the number given above. The default %value for |#3| is |3,2|, indicating that grouping of the integer %part is by three digits, that a comma is used in the \TeX-source to %indicate the decimal mark, and that the decimal part consists of %two digits. However, if in your country or company grouping is done %with a thinspace every four digits, that the decimal mark in the %source should be the character |p|, and there are three digits after %the decimal mark---that happens to be a |\cdot|---, then simply specify %|\newcolumntype{f}{F{\,}{\cdot}{4p3}{}}| in that case. The input could %be 123456p78 then, yielding $12{\,}3456{\cdot}780$ as output. % %By default two digits are used for the decimal part, so if you really %want no decimal digits (in that case of course also skipping the decimal %mark) you have to explicitly specify~|x,0|. If you want no grouping %character, specify~|0,x|. % %As the fourth parameter you can insert anything just before the typesetting %of an amount in a column takes place. Its purpose is to add additional %formatting information, e.g., |\color{blue}| to have the contents of a column %coloured blue, but it can be misused, so use with care. And it can't do all! % %\floatsep=5pt plus 2pt minus 3pt %\textfloatsep=5pt plus 2pt minus 3pt %\renewcommand{\bottomfraction}{0.9} %\renewcommand{\textfraction}{0.1} %\begin{table}[htb] %\caption{Example Table.} \label{tab:ex1} %\begin{tabular}{@{}lflf@{}} %\multicolumn4{@{}c@{}}{\bfseries Balance sheet}\\ %\toprule %properties & \leeg{31 dec 2014} & debts & \leeg{31 dec 2014}\\ %\midrule %house & 200000 & equity capital & 50000 \\ %bank account & -603,23 & mortgage & 150000 \\ %savings & 28000 \\ %cash & 145,85 & profit & 27542,62 \\ %\sumline %\bottomrule %\end{tabular} %\end{table} %This package requires and loads the |array| package~\cite{array}. To %show where and how the |F|-column is used, let's look at some typical %financial information as shown in Table~\ref{tab:ex1} %and how this is entered in \LaTeX\ (Table~\ref{tab:ex2}). %\begin{table}[htb] %\caption{Verbatim version of Example Table~\ref{tab:ex1}.} %\label{tab:ex2} \topsep0pt %\begin{verbatim} %\begin{table}[htb] %\caption{Example Table.} \label{tab:ex1} %\begin{tabular}{@{}lflf@{}} %\multicolumn4{@{}c@{}}{\bfseries Balance sheet}\\ %\toprule %properties & \leeg{31 dec 2014} & debts & \leeg{31 dec 2014}\\ %\midrule %house & 200000 & equity capital & 50000 \\ %bank account & -603,23 & mortgage & 150000 \\ %savings & 28000 \\ %cash & 145,85 & profit & 27542,62 \\ %\sumline %\bottomrule %\end{tabular} %\end{table} %\end{verbatim} %\end{table} %All the work was done by the column specifier~|f| (for ``finance''). %In this case it constructs the |\sumline|, typesets the numbers, %calculates the totals, determines the widths of the sumrules, and checks %whether the two columns are in balance; if not, the user is warned via a %|\PackageWarning|. Of course for nice settings the |booktabs| %package~\cite{booktabs} was used, but that is not the point here. % %This package is heavily inspired by the |dcolumn| package by %David Carlisle~\cite{dcolumn}; some constructions are more or less %copied from that package. From version~1.3 onwards it incorporates the idea %of Christian Hoff of providing additional (formatting) information per column. %A rather contrived example is given in Table~\ref{tab:ex3}, combining colour and fonts. %\newcolumntype{q}[1]{F.,{3,2}{#1}} %\begin{table}[htb] %\caption{Example Table with column formatting.} \label{tab:ex3} %\begin{tabular}{@{}lq{\color{blue}\mathsf,\mathbf}lq{\color{magenta}}@{}} %\multicolumn4{@{}c@{}}{\bfseries Balance sheet}\\ %\toprule %properties & \leeg{31 dec 2014} & debts & \leeg{31 dec 2014}\\ %\midrule %house & 200000 & equity capital & 50000 \\ %bank account & -603,23 & mortgage & 150000 \\ %savings & 28000 \\ %cash & 145,85 & profit & 27542,62 \\ %\sumline %\bottomrule %\end{tabular} %\end{table} %How this is entered in \LaTeX\ is shown in Table~\ref{tab:ex4}. The font changing commands %like |\mathsf| and |\mathbf| act on an argument, hence require braces, %but these are already provided internally for this purpose. For that reason this %type of commands must be given last, without braces (and if you don't specify a font %changing command, these extra internal braces are just redundant). The fourth argument to the %\begin{table}[htb] %\caption{Almost verbatim version of Example Table~\ref{tab:ex3}.} %\label{tab:ex4} \topsep0pt %\begin{verbatim} %\newcolumntype{q}[1]{F.,{3,2}{#1}} %\begin{table}[htb] %\caption{Example Table with column formatting.} \label{tab:ex3} %\begin{tabular}{@{}lq{\color{blue}\mathsf,\mathbf}lq{\color{magenta}}@{}} %\multicolumn4{@{}c@{}}{\bfseries Balance sheet}\\ %... %... (Same financial contents as in Table 1.) %... %\end{tabular} %\end{table} %\end{verbatim} %\end{table} %new columntype may consist of two parts, separated by a comma. In that case, the part to %the left of the comma is applied to the data entered by the user and the right part, if %non-empty, is the replacement formatting for the result. The example in Table~\ref{tab:ex3} %shows this: the bold font is only used in the |\sumline| and there is no colour specification, %so that's back to the default (black). If you want formatting for the whole column, like magenta %in the case of the last column of Table~\ref{tab:ex3}, leave out the comma. %Font size changes, e.g., ``|\huge|'' in ``|\huge\mathbf|'' %as parameter to column type |q| are ignored by \LaTeX, since the formatting %information is used in math environment, which has its own way of handling this. %This isn't bad, as size changes in one column, without overall changes to the %table look terrible. If you want something huge, make a |\huge| table. % %\begin{longtable}[l]{@{}lflf@{}} %\caption{\label{tab:ex5}Table showing compatibility of fcolumn and % longtable.}\\ %\multicolumn4{@{}c@{}}{\bfseries Balance sheet}\\ %\toprule %properties & \leeg{31 dec 2014} & debts & \leeg{31 dec 2014}\\ %\midrule %\endfirsthead %\caption[]{\textit{(continued from previous page)\/}}\\ %\toprule %properties & \leeg{31 dec 2014} & debts & \leeg{31 dec 2014}\\ %\midrule %\endhead %\bottomrule %\multicolumn4{@{}r@{}}{\small\textit{(Table continues on next page)\/}}\\ %\endfoot %\bottomrule %\endlastfoot %house & 200000 & equity capital & 50000 \\ %bank account & -603,23 & mortgage & 150000 \\ %savings 1 & 7000 \\ %savings 2 & 7000 \\ %savings 3 & 7000 \\ %savings 4 & 7000 \\ %cash & 145,85 & profit & 27542,62 \\ %\sumline %\end{longtable} %As is demonstrated in the preceding page break, the package |fcolumn| now also works %with |longtable|~\cite{longtable}, provided |longtable| is loaded %before~|fcolumn|; it checks %for that. The raw formatting of the multipage table %is shown in Table~\ref{tab:ex6}. %\begin{table}[htb] %\caption{Almost verbatim version of Example Table~\ref{tab:ex5}.} %\label{tab:ex6} \topsep0pt %\begin{verbatim} %\begin{longtable}[l]{@{}lflf@{}} %\caption{\label{tab:ex5}Table showing compatibility of fcolumn and % longtable.}\\ %\multicolumn4{@{}c@{}}{\bfseries Balance sheet}\\ %\toprule %properties & \leeg{31 dec 2014} & debts & \leeg{31 dec 2014}\\ %\midrule %\endfirsthead %\caption[]{\textit{(continued from previous page)\/}}\\ %\toprule %properties & \leeg{31 dec 2014} & debts & \leeg{31 dec 2014}\\ %\midrule %\endhead %\bottomrule %\multicolumn4{@{}r@{}}{\small\textit{(Table continues on next page)\/}}\\ %\endfoot %\bottomrule %\endlastfoot %house & 200000 & equity capital & 50000 \\ %... %... (Somewhat altered financial contents compared to %... Table 1 to demonstrate the page break.) %... %\sumline %\end{longtable} %\end{verbatim} %\end{table} %For more information on how to handle |\endhead| and its ilk, see the %documentation of |longtable|~\cite{longtable}. Not shown here are the new |fcolumn| %formatting possibilities (like new fonts and/or colours), but it has been %checked they do work in combination with |longtable|. |fcolumn| also works happily %together with |supertabular|~\cite{supertabular}, so you can choose which package you %want if you need this. There is no race condition with |supertabular|: you can load %it before or after |fcolumn|. % %Unlike in the package |dcolumn|~\cite{dcolumn}, the alignment on the decimal mark in %|fcolumn| is achieved by right aligning numbers that all have the same number of %digits to the right of this mark, in combination with the fact that all decimal glyphs %have the same width\footnote{No common font is known in which this is not the case, but %exceptions may exist.}. This width is font specific, so changing fonts within a table %may ruin the alignment, see e.g., the first |F|-column in Table~\ref{tab:ex3}. %\section{Commands} %The user only needs to know six commands or constructions. These six are given here. %\begin{macro}{F} %In the tabular the column specifier |F| can be given with arguments, or %the predefined version~|f|, where the four arguments of |F| are |{.}|, %|{,}|, |{3,2}|, and |{}|. If you want |g| to be your own definition like the %curious one given in Section~\ref{intro}, then specify %|\newcolumntype{g}{F{\,}{\cdot}{4p3}{}}| prior to using |g| in a tabular. % %Entries in an |F|-column are, from that moment on, treated as numbers unless %explicitly escaped by |\leeg|, see below. The numbers are typeset %according to the template the user gives with his/her |F|-column. %The ``middle'' character of |#3| is an important switch: it does more %than just setting the input decimal mark. By default the input grouping %character is the dot, except when the dot is specified as input decimal %mark; in that case the comma is acting as input grouping character. With %this convention continental Europe and the Anglo-Saxon part of the world %are served. This is hard coded, but using input grouping markers is optional anyway. %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\sumline} %The numbers in an |F|-column are typeset as a financial amount, but the real %benefit comes with the |\sumline|. It does three things: %\begin{compactenum}[1)] %\item It calculates and shows the total of the column so far and the maximum %width encountered so far, including the width of the total; %\item It generates a rule with width calculated in the first item; %\item It checks the columns that are supposed to balance whether or not they %actually do. If so, nothing happens. Otherwise a |\PackageWarning| is given %that column~$i$ and~$j$ do not balance, where $i$ and $j$ are the relevant %columns. This is only done if the total number of |F|-columns is even, %e.g., if there are six |F|-columns, then~1 is checked against~4, 2 against~5, %and 3 against~6. If the number of |F|-columns is odd then anything could be %possible in that table and nothing is assumed about structure within the %table. This behaviour can be overridden, see below. %\end{compactenum} %By default the vertical separation between the rule and the total is %2\thinspace pt, but this can be changed by the optional argument to %|\sumline|. Give, e.g., |\sumline[10pt]|, in case you want this spacing %to be 10\thinspace pt. And you may even give two options, like in %|\sumline[10pt][5pt]|, in which the second option is the extra space below %the summary row. In fact that second option is parsed to |\\|, that is %implicit in |\sumline|. %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\resetsumline} %Suppose you want to typeset one tabular with the profit-and-loss of many %projects individually. In case the layout of those tabulars is similar it %were nice if all columns were aligned. This can be done by making it one %big tabular with a fresh start for each project. The macro |\resetsumline| %is used for that: it resets all totals and all column widths, see for example %Table~\ref{tab:ex7}. %\begin{table}[htb] %\caption{Example: multiple projects.} \label{tab:ex7} %\begin{tabular}{@{}lfflff@{}} %\multicolumn6{@{}c@{}}{\bfseries Project~1}\\ %\toprule %expense & \leeg{actual} & \leeg{budget} & %income & \leeg{actual} & \leeg{budget} \\ %\midrule %food & 450,20 & 500 & tickets & 1200 & 1000 \\ %drinks & 547,5 & 400 \\ %music & 180 & 100 \\ %profit & 22,3 \\ %\sumline[2pt][10pt] %\resetsumline %\multicolumn6{@{}c@{}}{\bfseries Project~2}\\ %\toprule %expense & \leeg{actual} & \leeg{budget} & %income & \leeg{actual} & \leeg{budget} \\ %\midrule %food & 250 & 300 & tickets & 400 & 450 \\ %drinks & 100 & 80 \\ %music & 80 & 70 & loss & 30 \\ %\sumline %\bottomrule %\end{tabular} %\end{table} %Note that the rules in the first and third |F|-columns of Project~1 cover %$1{.}200{,}00$ whereas in Project~2 those rules are narrower since they %only cover $430{,}00$; still the columns are aligned (similar story for %|F|-columns two and four). The verbatim way of setting up Table~\ref{tab:ex7} %is given in Table~\ref{tab:ex8}. %\begin{table}[htb] %\caption{Verbatim version of Table~\ref{tab:ex7}.} %\label{tab:ex8} \topsep0pt %\begin{verbatim} %\begin{table}[htb] %\caption{Example: multiple projects.} \label{tab:ex7} %\begin{tabular}{@{}lfflff@{}} %\multicolumn6{@{}c@{}}{\bfseries Project~1}\\ %expense & \leeg{actual} & \leeg{budget} & %income & \leeg{actual} & \leeg{budget} \\ %\midrule %food & 450,20 & 500 & tickets & 1200 & 1000 \\ %drinks & 547,5 & 400 \\ %music & 180 & 100 \\ %profit & 22,3 \\ %\sumline[2pt][10pt] %\resetsumline %\multicolumn6{@{}c@{}}{\bfseries Project~2}\\ %\toprule %expense & \leeg{actual} & \leeg{budget} & %income & \leeg{actual} & \leeg{budget} \\ %\midrule %food & 250 & 300 & tickets & 400 & 450 \\ %drinks & 100 & 80 \\ %music & 80 & 70 & loss & 30 \\ %\sumline %\bottomrule %\end{tabular} %\end{table} %\end{verbatim} %\end{table} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\leeg} %If an |F|-column should be empty then simply leave it empty. If however %it should not be empty but the entry should be treated as text---even %if it is a number---, this can be done with |\leeg|. It expects an %argument and this argument is typeset in the column. The common case is %where |p.m.| (\textit{pro memoria}) is entered. In contrast to v1.1.2 %of this package, now even an empty |F|-column followed by |\\| is allowed. %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\checkfcolumns} %The automatic column balance check can also be done manually. If %|F|-columns~1 and~4 should balance and you want them to be checked, %then simply say |\checkfcolumns14|. With more than nine |F|-columns %you may be forced to say something like |\checkfcolumns{10}{12}|. If %|\checkfcolumns| is used, the automatic check is disabled. Multiple %|\checkfcolumns|s are supported; if |F|-columns~1, 2, and~3 should %balance, you specify |\checkfcolumns12| and |\checkfcolumns23|. %There is no explicit command to disable all checking, but %|\checkfcolumns11| obviously does the trick at the expense of %some trivial calculations. %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\ifstrict@ccounting} %\begin{macro}{\ifminusr@d} %In the rare occasion that a negative number occurs in a financial table, %the sign of that number can be an explicit minus sign, i.e.,~`$-$' or the %number is coloured red, or it is typeset between parentheses, and there %may be even other ways. By default (for aesthetic reasons) |fcolumn| %typesets it with a minus~sign, but strict accounting prescribes that the %number should be put between parentheses. The latter can be accomplished %by setting |\strict@ccountingtrue|, but since this contains a non-letter, %it is also possible to invoke |fcolumn| with the option |strict|, i.e., %|\usepackage[strict]{fcolumn}|, which sets this flag. If you want the %negative numbers to be coloured red, use the option |red|, i.e., %|\usepackage[red]{fcolumn}|, but note that |strict| and |red| %are mutually exclusive: if both are used, |red| is reset because %|strict| is strict. %\end{macro} %\end{macro} %\StopEventually{\PrintChanges\PrintIndex} %\section{The macros} %Here follows the actual code. %\subsection{Options} %\begin{macro}{option red} %\begin{macro}{option strict} %There are two options. If |red| is set, negative numbers are displayed in red. %If |strict| is set, strict accounting rules are used in display and this overrules %a possibly set |red|. Depending on the two booleans associated with these options %the |color| package~\cite{color} will be loaded or not. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifminusr@d \minusr@dfalse \newif\ifstrict@ccounting \strict@ccountingfalse \DeclareOption{red}{\minusr@dtrue} \DeclareOption{strict}{\strict@ccountingtrue} \ProcessOptions \ifminusr@d \ifstrict@ccounting \minusr@dfalse \PackageWarningNoLine{fcolumn}{Option `red' is reset due to use of `strict'}\else\usepackage{color}\fi\fi % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\end{macro} %\subsection{Definitions} %\begin{macro}{column F} %\begin{macro}{column f} %The column specifier |F| is the generic one, and |f| is the default %(continental European) one for easy use. Note that the definition of the %column type |f| does not use private macros (no~|@|), so overriding its %definition is easy for a user. % \begin{macrocode} \newcolumntype{F}[4]{>{\b@fi{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}r<{\e@fi}} \newcolumntype{f}{F.,{3,2}{}} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\FCsc@l} %\begin{macro}{\FCtc@l} %Two \meta{count}s are defined, that both start at zero: the \meta{count} %|\FCsc@l|, that keeps track at which |F|-column the tabular is working on %and the \meta{count} |\FCtc@l|, that records the number of |F|-columns %that were encountered so far. Later in the package the code can be %found for generating a new \meta{count} and a new \meta{dimen} if the %number of requested |F|-columns is larger than currently available. %This is of course the case when an |F|-column is used for the first time. % \begin{macrocode} \newcount\FCsc@l \FCsc@l=0 \newcount\FCtc@l \FCtc@l=0 % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\geldm@cro} %The macro |\geldm@cro| takes a number and by default interprets this as %an amount expressed in cents (dollar cents, euro cents, centen, Pfennige, %centimes, kopecks, groszy) and typesets it as the amount in entire %currency units (dollars, euros, guldens, Marke, francs, rubles, z\l oty) %with comma as decimal mark and the dot as grouping character %(thousand separator if the first part of |#1| is~3). %As explained, this can be changed. It uses three private booleans: %|\ifwiths@p|, |\ifstrict@ccounting|, and |\ifminusr@d|. The latter two %are used to typeset negative numbers in a special way. By default it %doesn't do this: a minus sign is used. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifwiths@p % \end{macrocode} %Actually |\geldm@cro| is only a wrapper around |\g@ldm@cro|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\geldm@cro#1#2{\withs@pfalse \afterassignment\g@ldm@cro\count@#1\relax{#2}} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\g@ldm@cro} %After setting the environment for formatting, this macro starts by looking %at the sign of |#2|: if it is negative, it prints %the correct indicator (a parenthesis or a minus sign), assigns the absolute value %of~|#2| to |\count2| and goes on. Note that |\geldm@cro| and therefore |\g@ldm@cro| %are always used within |$|s, so it is really a minus sign that is printed, not a hyphen. %All calculations are done with |\count0|, |\count1|, etc.\ i.e., without |F|-column-specific %\meta{count}s because it is all done locally. Leaving the tabular environment will %restore their values. This is also true for the effect of |\FCform@t|, so that %formatting information is local to this column. The reason for inserting the |{| %between |\FCform@t| and |\ifnum| (and the accompanying |}| just before finishing %this definition) is to facilitate the possible use of |\mathbf| or any other font %changing command as the last item in |\FCform@t|. % %When |\FCform@t| includes a colour change, this is overruled for negative numbers %when option |red| is set. For that reason it is unwise to use a red colour for the %whole column in combination with the option |red|: sign information is obscured then. % \begin{macrocode} \def\g@ldm@cro#1\relax#2{\ifstrict@ccounting\def\bm@nus{(} \def\em@nus{)}\else\def\em@nus{}\ifminusr@d\def\bm@nus{\color{red}} \else\def\bm@nus{-}\fi\fi\FCform@t{\ifnum#2<0 \bm@nus\count2=-#2 \else\count2=#2 \fi % \end{macrocode} %Calculate the entire currency units: this is the result of $x/a$ as integer %division, with $a=10^n$ and $n$ the part of |#1| after the separator (if any). %Here the first character of |#1| is discarded, so the separator in |#1| is not strict: %you could also specify |3.2| instead of |3,2| (or even |3p2|). % \begin{macrocode} \count4=\ifx\relax#1\relax 2 \else\@gobble#1\relax\fi \count3=0 \loop\ifnum\count3<\count4 \divide\count2 by 10 \advance\count3 by \@ne \repeat % \end{macrocode} %Note that |\count3| now equals |\count4|: this going up-and-down will be used more often, %it saves several assignments. The value in |\count2| is then output by |\g@ldens| using %the separation given (and stored in |\count@|). % \begin{macrocode} \g@ldens{\the\count@}% % \end{macrocode} %If there is a decimal part\dots % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\count3>0 {\decim@lmark} % \end{macrocode} %Next the decimal part is dealt with. Now $x\bmod a$ is calculated in the %usual way: $x-(x/a)*a$ with integer division. The minus sign necessary %for this calculation is introduced in the next line by changing the %comparison from |<| to |>|. % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum#2>0 \count2=-#2\else\count2=#2 \fi \loop\ifnum\count3>0 \divide\count2 by 10 \advance\count3 by \m@ne \repeat % \end{macrocode} %The value of |\count3| is now~0, so counting up again. % \begin{macrocode} \loop\ifnum\count3<\count4 \multiply\count2 by 10 \advance\count3 by \@ne \repeat \ifnum#2>0 \advance\count2 by #2 \else \advance\count2 by -#2 \fi \zerop@d{\number\count3}{\number\count2}% \fi % \end{macrocode} %If the negative number is indicated by putting it between parentheses, %then the closing parenthesis should stick out of the column, otherwise %the alignment of this entry in the column is wrong. This is done by an %|\rlap| and therefore does not influence the column width. For the last %column this means that this parenthesis may even stick out of the table. %I don't like this, therefore I chose to put |\strict@ccountingfalse|. %Change if you like, by setting the option |strict|. % %If overflow was detected, an exclamation mark is output to the right of %the value that caused this. This of course ruins the appearance of the %table, but in this case that serves a clear goal: there's something wrong %and you should know. % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\FCs@gn\m@ne\ifnum#2<0 \rlap{\em@nus~!} \else\rlap{\phantom{\em@nus}~!}\fi \else\ifnum#2<0 \rlap{\em@nus}\fi\fi}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\g@ldens} %Here the whole currency units are dealt with. The macro |\g@ldens| is %used recursively, therefore the double braces; this allows to use %|\count0| locally. This also implies that tail recursion is not %possible here, but that is not very important, as the largest number %(which is $2^{31}-1$) will only cause a threefold recursion using the %default |3,2| (ninefold when using~|1,0|, but who does that?). The %largest amount this package can deal with is therefore 2.147.483.647 %(using |3,0|). For most people this is probably more than enough if %the currency is euros or dollars. And otherwise clearly state that you %use a currency unit of~k\EUR{} (or even M\EUR{} for the very rich). % %There is no obvious interpretation of |#1| being zero or negative, %therefore this is used as an indicator that no grouping character should be used. % \begin{macrocode} \def\g@ldens#1{{\count3=\count2 \count0=#1 % \end{macrocode} %First divide by $10^n$, where $n$ is |#1|. % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\count0<1 \count0=3 \fi \loop \ifnum\count0>0 \divide\count2 by 10 \advance\count0 by \m@ne \repeat % \end{macrocode} %Here is the recursive part, % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\count2>0 \g@ldens{#1}\fi % \end{macrocode} %and then reconstruct the rest of the number. % \begin{macrocode} \count0=#1 \ifnum\count0<1 \count0=3 \fi \loop \ifnum\count0>0 \multiply\count2 by 10 \advance\count0 by \m@ne \repeat \count2=-\count2 \advance\count2 by \count3 \du@zendprint{#1}}} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\du@zendprint} %The macro |\du@zendprint| takes care for correctly printing the separator %and possible trailing zeros. The former, however, is only done if |#1| %is larger than zero. % \begin{macrocode} \def\du@zendprint#1{\ifwiths@p\ifnum#1>0 {\sep@rator}\fi \zerop@d{#1}{\number\count2}% \else\zerop@d1{\number\count2}\fi\global\withs@ptrue} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\zerop@d} %The macro |\zerop@d| uses at least |#1| digits for printing the %number |#2|, padding with zeros when necessary. Note: |#1| being %zero or negative is a flag that it should be interpreted as 3. %A bit ugly, but it works, since the related code knows about this. % %It is done within an extra pair of braces, so that |\count0| %and |\count1| can be used without disturbing their values in other macros. % \begin{macrocode} \def\zerop@d#1#2{{\count0=1 \count1=#2 % \end{macrocode} %First determine the number of digits of |#2| (expressed in the decimal %system). This number is in |\count0| and is at least~1. % \begin{macrocode} \loop \divide \count1 by 10 \ifnum\count1>0 \advance\count0 by \@ne \repeat % \end{macrocode} %If |#1| is positive, the number of zeros to be padded is %$\max(0,|#1-\count0|)$ (the second argument can be negative), so a %simple loop suffices. If it is zero or negative, this is a signal %that it should be interpreted as 3 (and no separator will be output). % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum#1>0 \loop \ifnum\count0<#1\relax 0\advance\count0 by \@ne \repeat \else \advance\count0 by -3 \loop \ifnum\count0<0 0\advance\count0 by \@ne \repeat \fi\number#2}} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\zetg@ld} %This macro takes care for several things: it increases the subtotal for a %given |F|-column, it checks whether or not that subtotal has overflown, it %records the largest width of the entries in that column and it typesets %|#1| via |\geldm@cro|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\zetg@ld#1#2{\count0=#2\relax \let\FCs@gn=\@ne % \end{macrocode} %First it checks whether there is a risk of overflow in this step. If %$A$ and $B$ are two \TeX-registers and $B$ is to be added to $A$, %overflow cannot occur if 1)~one is (or both are) zero or 2)~if $A$ and~$B$ %have different signs; otherwise be careful. Note that \TeX\ does not %check for overflow when performing an |\advance| (done in section~1238 %of Ref.~\cite{CandTB}), in contrast to |\multiply|, see section~105. % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\count0<0 \ifnum\csname FCtot@\romannumeral\FCsc@l\endcsname<0 \let\FCs@gn=\m@ne \fi \fi \ifnum\count0>0 \ifnum\csname FCtot@\romannumeral\FCsc@l\endcsname>0 \let\FCs@gn=\m@ne \fi \fi \global\advance\csname FCtot@\romannumeral\FCsc@l\endcsname by \count0 \ifx\FCs@gn\m@ne % \end{macrocode} %They have the same sign, hence risk of overflow. Record the sign %of |\count0| (and of the original total of this column; we just established %they were the same) in |\FCs@gn|. Table~\ref{tab:ex9} %\begin{table}[htb] %\def\PackageError#1#2#3{\PackageWarning{#1}{#2: #3}} %\caption{Examples on overflow.} %\label{tab:ex9} %\begin{tabular}{@{}lfff@{}} %\multicolumn4{@{}c@{}}{\bfseries Projects}\\ %\toprule %income & \leeg{31 dec 2014} & \leeg{31 dec 2015} & \leeg{31 dec 2016} \\ %\midrule %item~1 & 20000000 & 20000000 & 20000000 \\ %item~2 & 10000000 & 2000000 & -1500000 \\ %item~3 & 5000000 & -1500000 & 2000000 \\ %\checkfcolumns23 %\sumline %\bottomrule %\end{tabular} %\end{table} %shows what can go wrong if the numbers are too large: in the left %|F|-column the sumline is incorrect and the number that caused %the overflow is indicated by an exclamation mark. In the middle %|F|-column, overflow occurs twice and because this is once positive, %once negative here, cancellation of errors occurs and the sumline %is correct in the end. Nevertheless, it is advised to swap the two %items that caused the overflow, as shown in the right |F|-column. % %Check that the sign of the updated column total is still correct. %If so, |\FCs@gn| is reset (to |\@ne|) at the end of this chunk. % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\count0>0 \let\FCs@gn\@ne \fi \count0=\csname FCtot@\romannumeral\FCsc@l\endcsname \ifnum\FCs@gn<0 \count0=-\count0 \fi \ifnum\count0<0 \let\FCs@gn=\m@ne \PackageError{fcolumn}{Register overflow}{Overflow occurred in fcolumn \number\FCsc@l\space near or at line \the\inputlineno. You can\MessageBreak press <enter> now and I'll proceed, but check your table.\MessageBreak The offending entry is indicated with an exclamation mark\MessageBreak in the output.}% \else\let\FCs@gn=\@ne \fi \fi % \end{macrocode} %The value of |\FCs@gn| is used in |\geldm@cro| below. % \begin{macrocode} \setbox0=\hbox{$\geldm@cro{#1}{#2}$}% \ifdim\wd0>\csname FCwd@\romannumeral\FCsc@l\endcsname \global\csname FCwd@\romannumeral\FCsc@l\endcsname=\wd0 \fi\unhbox0} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} % %The \meta{count}s |\FC@l| and |\FC@r| capture the parts to the left and to the %right of the decimal mark, respectively. % \begin{macrocode} \newcount\FC@l \newcount\FC@r % \end{macrocode} %Some auxiliary definitions for capturing compacted information. % \begin{macrocode} \def\setucc@de#1#2\relax{\uccode`\~=`#1 } \def\assignform@t#1,#2,#3\assignform@t{\def\FCform@t{#1}% \def\FCform@tt{#2}\ifx\FCform@tt\@empty \def\FCform@tt{#1}\fi} % \end{macrocode} %\begin{macro}{\m@thcodeswitch} %As will be shown below, once the first digit, or sign, or decimal mark, or %grouping character is scanned, the decimal digits should loose their activeness. %That is done here for the digits in a rather blunt way, by putting their %|\mathcode|s to zero if |#1| equals~0, since the actual |\mathcode| is not %important---as long as it is not |"8000|---because the digits are not used for %typesetting. (And even if they were; it's inside |\box0|, whose contents will be %discarded.) When the |$| in |\e@fi| is encountered, the digits get back their %original |\mathcode|s so that the actual typesetting in |\zetg@ld| is correct again. %With a non-zero |#1| the activeness is switched on. % \begin{macrocode} \def\m@thcodeswitch#1{\count0=10 \loop\ifnum\count0>0 \advance\count0 by \m@ne\mathcode\expandafter`\the\count0= \ifnum#1=0 0 \else "8000 \fi\repeat} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\def\<#1>{\leavevmode\hbox{$\langle$#1\/$\rangle$}} %\begin{macro}{\b@fi} %The macro |\b@fi| provides the beginning of the financial column. It %will be inserted in the column to capture the number entered by the user. %The separator and decimal mark are within a math environment, so you %can indeed specify |\,| instead of |\thinspace|, but there are extra %braces around them in the code where they are used, so it doesn't %affect the spacing between the digits (trick copied from |dcolumn|, %Ref.~\cite{dcolumn}). % \begin{macrocode} \def\b@fi#1#2#3#4{\sep@xt#1\sep@xt\def\decim@lmark{#2}\def\sp@l{#3}% \assignform@t#4,,\assignform@t\global\advance\FCsc@l by \@ne \global\FC@l=0 \global\FC@r=1 % \end{macrocode} %The value specified by the user is then captured by |\FC@l| and %this is done in a special way: |\FC@l| is assigned globally within %|\box0|. Why? To use it as scribbling paper to examine what the %user entered, without dumping it into the horizontal list. % %There are four parts to an |F|-column entry, all parts optional, %making 16 combinations. The sequence is %(in the Backus--Naur notation of Ref.~\cite{CandTA}): %\<sign> \<integer constant> \<decimal mark> %\<integer constant>. Here \<sign> is a plus or minus character with %category code~12, \<integer constant> is a sequence of zero %or more (decimal) \<digit>s, and \<decimal mark> is the middel %part of |#3|, i.e., the comma in |3,2| or the period in |3.2|. If %the \<decimal mark> is absent with no space characters between the %two \<integer constant> terms, these merge, making four redundant %entries. One of the combinations is \<empty>, a sequence of characters %outside the ones that are made active, e.g., plain text or nothing at all: %this is the only combination that doesn't put anything in an |F|-column---and %was the most difficult part to handle. % %The minus sign must be captured separately, because in an entry like %|-0,07| the 7~cents are negative, but this cannot be seen from the %part to the left of the decimal mark, since $-0$ is~$0$ in \TeX\ (in %fact in most computer languages, but not in~MIX~\cite{TAOCP1}), so %|\ifnum-0<0| yields |false|. |\FCs@gn| is a general purpose flag. Its %first use is to capture the sign. % \begin{macrocode} \let\FCs@gn=\@ne\relax \setbox0\hbox\bgroup$ % \end{macrocode} %Do the scan inside a box and inside math mode. Start with defining all %characters that may appear as the first one in an |F|-column as active; %digits first. This needs a complicated |\edef| with accompanying |\noexpand| %because the starting digit for |\FC@l| must be packed inside each definition. % \begin{macrocode} \count@=10 \loop\ifnum\count@>0 \advance\count@ by \m@ne \uccode`\~=\expandafter`\the\count@ \uppercase{\edef~}{\noexpand \m@thcodeswitch0 \global\FC@l=\the\count@}\repeat % \end{macrocode} %For the input decimal mark something extra is needed: if it is the %first character in an |F|-column (like in |,07|), it should also %restore the |\mathcode|s of the digits. Checking whether or not it %is the first is easy, since in that case the |\mathcode|s of the %decimal digits are still |"8000|. The assignment to |\FC@r| starts %with~1 (with no space following), so that appended digits get captured %correctly, even if they start with~0; postprocessing of |\FC@r| is done %in |\e@fi|. The input decimal mark switches itself off as active %character, so at most one input decimal mark is allowed (N.B.: %this makes sense). % \begin{macrocode} \afterassignment\setucc@de\count@#3\relax \uppercase{\def~}{\ifnum\mathcode`\0="8000 \m@thcodeswitch0 \fi \afterassignment\deactdecm@rk\count@#3\relax \global\FC@r=1}% % \end{macrocode} %The input grouping character effectively expands to ``nothing, i.e., %ignore'' in a complicated way: it ignores the character and resumes %scanning the number. The test prior to that action is needed if %the grouping character is the first character encountered in the %|F|-column. Which part to continue with depends on whether or not an %input decimal mark was encountered; that can be checked by looking %at its |\mathcode|. % %The input grouping character is the dot ``|.|'', except when that character %was already chosen as input decimal mark. In that case, the grouping %character will be the comma. This is easy to check because the |\uccode| %of |`\~| is still preserved. % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\uccode`\~=`. \uccode`\~=`,\relax\else \uccode`\~=`.\relax\fi \uppercase{\def~}{\ifnum\mathcode`\0="8000 \m@thcodeswitch0 \fi \afterassignment\d@cm\count@#3\relax % \end{macrocode} %The |\expandafter| below is necessary because the global assignment %should act after the |\fi|. % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\count@=\mathcode`- \expandafter\global\FC@l=\the\FC@l \else \expandafter\global\FC@r=\the\FC@r\fi}% % \end{macrocode} %The signs are relatively simple: record the sign, restore |\mathcode|s if %needed (it should be: a minus sign between digits screws up everything), %and start scanning the number. % \begin{macrocode} \uccode`\~=`+\relax \uppercase{\def~}{\ifnum\mathcode`\0="8000 \m@thcodeswitch0 \fi\global\FC@l=0} \uccode`\~=`-\relax \uppercase{\def~}{\ifnum\mathcode`\0="8000 \m@thcodeswitch0 \fi\global\let\FCs@gn\m@ne \global\FC@l=0}% % \end{macrocode} %Now actually activate all these codes. % \begin{macrocode} \mathcode`-="8000 \mathcode`+="8000 \mathcode`.="8000 % \end{macrocode} %These three remain active until the |$| in |\e@fi| is encountered. %The following ones will, except in the \<empty> case, have their activeness %turned off at some time. % \begin{macrocode} \m@thcodeswitch1 \afterassignment\actdecm@rk\count@#3\relax} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\sep@xt} %\begin{macro}{\actdecm@rk} %\begin{macro}{\deactdecm@rk} %\begin{macro}{\d@cm} %Again a few small macros to do important work. At first |\sep@xt| to extract %the first character of |#1|, which in most cases will be the only character. %Then |\actdecm@rk| and |\deactdecm@rk| to activate and deactive respectively the %decimal mark. Finally, |\d@cm| captures a |\mathcode| for further investigation. % \begin{macrocode} \def\sep@xt#1#2\sep@xt{\def\sep@rator{#1}} \def\actdecm@rk#1#2\relax{\ifx#1.\relax \mathcode`,="8000 \else \mathcode`#1="8000 \fi} \def\deactdecm@rk#1#2\relax{\mathcode`#1=0 }% \def\d@cm#1#2{\count@=\mathcode`#1 } % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\end{macro} %\end{macro} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\e@fi} %If the digits are still active then either nothing, or only %characters that did not deactivate the digits were entered. In %both cases the output should be \<empty>. To flag this situation outside %the group that started with the opening |$| of |\b@fi|, |\FC@r| is set %globally to a negative value. This doesn't harm, because it didn't %contain relevant information anyway. Outside the group, the sign %of |\FC@r| can then be tested. This is a slight misuse of this %|\count|, but now it's documented. In effect, |\FC@r| can only be~$-1$, %1, or at least~10, so the comparison |\ifnum\FC@r>0| does not miss~0. % \begin{macrocode} \def\e@fi{\ifnum\mathcode`\0="8000 \global\FC@r=\m@ne\fi$\egroup \ifnum\FC@r>0 % \end{macrocode} %If there was no decimal mark or if there was a decimal mark but no %decimal part, |\FC@r| will still be~1, which doesn't parse well with %|\secd@xt|, so a zero is appended, i.e., yielding~|10|. % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\FC@r=1 \FC@r=10 \fi % \end{macrocode} %Next is a loop for bringing the decimal part in the correct way to %the integer part. This loop is performed the number of decimal %digits to be printed (the~2 in |3,2| of the default setting). The higher %this number is, e.g., 6~when |3,6| is chosen as |#3|---but who does that?---, %the lower the maximum initial value for |\FC@l| can be, before a low-level %\TeX\ arithmetic overflow will occur, so don't overdo it. % \begin{macrocode} \afterassignment\i@ts\count@\sp@l \loop\ifnum\count0>0 \multiply\FC@l by 10 \expandafter\secd@xt \number\FC@r\secd@xt \advance\count0 by \m@ne \repeat % \end{macrocode} %This also means that if more decimal digits than this are provided, the excess %digit(s) will not be handled. This is truncation, not rounding! If all %truncated digits are zero, this truncation is exact and they are silently ignored, %see the example Table~\ref{tab:ex10}, %\begin{table}[htb] %\newcolumntype{d}{D{,}{,}{-1}} %\caption{Truncating excess digits.} %\label{tab:ex10} %\begin{tabular}{@{}ldfl@{}} %\toprule %composer & \multicolumn1c{raw entry} & \leeg{debt} & remark \\ %\midrule %Berg & 123,450 & 123,450 & silently ignoring digit ``0'' \\ %Eisler & 234,563 & 234,563 & warning: digit ``3'' ignored \\ %Sch\"onberg & 345,6704 & 345,6704 & warning: digits ``04'' ignored \\ %Webern & 2,3456 & 2,3456 & warning: digits ``56'' ignored, i.e.,\\ % & & & \quad without rounding this entry to 2,35 \\ %\sumline %\bottomrule %\end{tabular} %\end{table} %that was created with |@{}ldfl@{}| (|d| for centering on the decimal %mark~\cite{dcolumn}) as tabular key. If, however, at least one of them is %not zero, a |\PackageWarning| will be given, showing the discarded digit(s). %There is nothing magical about the constant~19 below: it is simply the %concatenation of~|1| and the largest decimal digit. The smallest next value %that |\FC@r| can have is~100, so all values from~19 up to and including~99 %would have worked here. % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\expandafter\@gobble\number\FC@r>0 \PackageWarning{fcolumn}{Excess digit\ifnum\FC@r>19 s\fi\space ``\expandafter\tw@l\number\FC@r\relax'' in decimal part \MessageBreak ignored near or} \fi % \end{macrocode} %Don't forget to correct for the sign (once this is done, |\FCs@gn| %is free again and can and will be used for other purposes). %Then output the result. % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\FCs@gn\m@ne\relax\FC@l=-\FC@l\fi\zetg@ld{\sp@l}{\FC@l}% \fi} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\i@ts} %\begin{macro}{\tw@l} %Macro |\e@fi| uses two very tiny macros, given here. In previous versions %these were defined inside |\e@fi|, so they also got undefined when |\e@fi| %ended. The current solution makes execution a bit faster. % \begin{macrocode} \def\i@ts#1#2{\count0=#2} \def\tw@l#1#2\relax{#2} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\secd@xt} %The second digit from the left is needed from a string of characters %representing a decimal number (that should be at least 10 and start with %a~|1|, but that is guaranteed by |\e@fi|). The macro |\secd@xt| extracts %that digit, which is then added to |\FC@l|. A new number is assigned to %|\FC@r|, that consists of the digits of |1#2|, unless |#2| was empty; in %that case~10 is assigned. In this way |\FC@r| is prepared for insertion %in the next invocation of |\secd@xt|. In iterating: 1234 yields~134, %yields~14, yields~10, stays~10, etc. % \begin{macrocode} \def\secd@xt1#1#2\secd@xt{\advance\FC@l by #1 \FC@r=1#2 \ifnum\FC@r=1 \FC@r=10 \fi} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\subsection{Adaptations to existing macros} %\begin{macro}{\@array} %The definition of |\@array| had to be extended slightly because it should %also include |\@mksumline| (acting on the same |#2| as |\@mkpream| gets). %This change is transparant: it only adds functionality and if you don't %use that, you won't notice the difference. It starts by just copying the %original definition from v2.4k (or later) of the |array| package~\cite{array}, %compacted. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@array[#1]#2{\@tempdima\ht\strutbox\advance\@tempdima by \extrarowheight\setbox\@arstrutbox\hbox{\vrule\@height\arraystretch \@tempdima\@depth\arraystretch\dp\strutbox\@width\z@}% % \end{macrocode} %Here comes the first change: after each |\\| (or |\cr| for that matter) %the \meta{count} |\FCsc@l| should be reset. This is easiest done with %|\everycr|, but |\everycr| is put to |{}| by |\ialign|, so that definition %should change. The resetting should be done globally. % \begin{macrocode} \def\ialign{\everycr{\noalign{\global\FCsc@l=0 }}\tabskip\z@skip\halign} % \end{macrocode} %Then the definition is picked up again. % \begin{macrocode} \begingroup\@mkpream{#2}\xdef\@preamble{\noexpand\ialign\@halignto \bgroup\@arstrut\@preamble\tabskip\z@\cr}% % \end{macrocode} %Before ending the |\begingroup|, the sumline is created. %As a side product of |\@mksumline| also the \meta{count}s for the totals %and \meta{dimen}s for the widths of the columns are created. All columns %should start fresh, i.e., totals are~0 and widths are 0\thinspace pt. % \begin{macrocode} \@mksumline{#2}\endgroup\res@tsumline % \end{macrocode} %From here on it is just the old definition of |array.sty|. % \begin{macrocode} \@arrayleft\if #1t\vtop\else\if#1b\vbox\else\vcenter\fi\fi\bgroup \let\@sharp ##\let\protect\relax\lineskip\z@\baselineskip\z@ \m@th \let\\\@arraycr \let\tabularnewline\\\let\par\@empty \@preamble} % \end{macrocode} %Because |\@array| was changed here and it is this version that should %be used, |\@@array| should be |\let| equal to |\@array| again. % \begin{macrocode} \let\@@array=\@array % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %Much of the techniques here are repeated in |\LT@array|, see Section~\ref{multipage}. %\subsection{The sumline, close to a postamble} %\begin{macro}{\@mksumline} %The construction of the sumline is much easier than that of the preamble %for several reasons. It may be safely assumed that the preamble specifier %is grammatically correct because it has already been screened by |\@mkpream|. %Furthermore, most entries will simply add nothing to |\s@ml@ne|, e.g., |@|, |!|, %and \verb+|+ can be fully ignored. Ampersands are only inserted by |c|, |l|, |r|, %|p|, |m|, and |b|. So, if |\a| is a macro that prints the desired result of the %column (see below), then a specifier like |@{}lflf@{}| will yield the sumline %|&\a&&\a\\|. Had the specifier been \verb+l|f||@{ }l|f+, then the same %sumline must be constructed: all difficulties are already picked up and %solved in the creation of the preamble. % %In reality the sumline must be constructed from the expanded form of the %specifier, so |@{}lf@{}| will expand as %|@{}l>{\b@fi.,{3,2}{}}r<{\e@fi}@{}|. The rules for constructing the %sumline are now very simple: %\begin{compactitem}[$\bullet$] %\item add an ampersand when |c|, |l|, |r|, |p|, |m|, or |b| is found, %unless it is the first one (this is the same as in the preamble); %\item add a |\a| when |<{\e@fi}| is found; %\item ignore everything else; %\item close with a |\\|. %\end{compactitem} %(For completeness' sake it should be mentioned that prior to the |\\| also the column %check is inserted, see |\aut@check|.) %To discriminate, a special version of |\@testpach|~\cite{array} %could be written, but that is not necessary: |\@testpach| can do all the work, %although much of it will be discarded. Here speed is sacrificed for space %and this can be afforded because the creation of the sumline is done only %once per |tabular| or |longtable|. % %The start is copied from |\@mkpream|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@mksumline#1{\gdef\s@ml@ne{}\@lastchclass 4 \@firstamptrue % \end{macrocode} %At first the column number is reset and the actual code for what was %called |\a| above is made inactive. % \begin{macrocode} \global\FCsc@l=0 \let\prr@sult=\relax % \end{macrocode} %Then |\@mkpream| is picked up again. % \begin{macrocode} \@temptokena{#1}\@tempswatrue\@whilesw\if@tempswa\fi{\@tempswafalse \the\NC@list}\count0\m@ne\let\the@toks\relax\prepnext@tok % \end{macrocode} %Next is the loop over all tokens in the expanded form of the specifier. The change %with respect to |\@mkpream| is that the body of the loop is now only dealing %with F-classes~0, 2, and 10. What to do in those cases is of course different from %what to do when constructing the preamble, so special definitions are created, see %below. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\@tfor\expandafter\@nextchar\expandafter:\expandafter=\the \@temptokena\do{\@testpach\ifcase\@chclass\@classfz\or\or\@classfii\or \or\or\or\or\or\or\or\@classfx\fi\@lastchclass\@chclass}% % \end{macrocode} %And the macro is finished by applying the |\aut@check| and appending the %|\\| to the sumline. Note that the |\aut@check| is performed {\itshape %in\/} the last column, but since it does not put anything in the %horizontal list---it only writes to screen and transcript file---, this %is harmless. % \begin{macrocode} \xdef\s@ml@ne{\s@ml@ne\noexpand\aut@check\noexpand\\}} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\@addtosumline} %Macro |\@addtosumline|, as its name already suggests, adds something to the %sumline, like its counterpart |\@addtopreamble| did to the preamble. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@addtosumline#1{\xdef\s@ml@ne{\s@ml@ne #1}} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\@classfx} %Class~f10 for the sumline creation is a stripped down version of |\@classx|: add an %ampersand unless it is the first. It deals with the specifiers |b|, |m|, |p|, |c|, %|l|, and |r|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@classfx{\if@firstamp \@firstampfalse \else \@addtosumline &\fi} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\@classfz} %Class~f0 is applicable for specifiers |c|, |l|, and |r|, and if the arguments %of |p|, |m|, or |b| are given. The latter three cases, with |\@chnum| is 0, %1, or~2 should be ignored and the first three cases are now similar to class~f10. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@classfz{\ifnum\@chnum<\thr@@ \@classfx\fi} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\@classfii} %Here comes the nice and nasty part. Class~f2 is applicable if a~|<| is %specified. This is tested by checking |\@lastchclass|, which should be %equal to~8. Then it is checked that the argument to |<| is indeed %|\e@fi|. This check is rather clumsy but this was the first way, after %many attempts, that worked. It is necessary because the usage of |<| %is not restricted to |\e@fi|: the user may have specified other %\LaTeX-code using~|<|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@classfii{\ifnum\@lastchclass=8 \edef\t@stm{\expandafter\string\@nextchar} \edef\t@stn{\string\e@fi} \ifx\t@stm\t@stn % \end{macrocode} %If both tests yield |true|, i.e., we encountered a |<{\e@fi}| where we expect %one to find, then add the macro to typeset everything. % \begin{macrocode} \@addtosumline{\prr@sult} % \end{macrocode} %But we're not done yet: in the following lines of code the appropriate %\meta{count}s and \meta{dimen}s are created, if necessary. Note that %|\FCsc@l| was set to~0 in the beginning of |\@mksumline|, so it is %well-defined when |\@classfii| is used. % \begin{macrocode} \global\advance\FCsc@l by \@ne \ifnum\FCsc@l>\FCtc@l % \end{macrocode} %Apparently the number of requested columns is larger than the currently %available number of relevant \meta{count}s and \meta{dimen}s, so new ones %should be created. What is checked here is merely the existence of %|\FCtot@<some romannumeral>|. If it already exists---although it may not %even be a \meta{count}; that cannot be checked---it is not created by %|fcolumn| and an error is given. In case it is a \meta{count} you're just %lucky, and you could ignore that error, although any change to this %\meta{count} is global anyway, so things will be overwritten. In the %case it is not a \meta{count}, things will go haywire and you'll soon %find out. The remedy then is to rename your \meta{count} prior to %|fcolumn| to avoid this name clash. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\ifx\csname FCtot@\romannumeral\FCsc@l\endcsname\relax \expandafter\newcount\csname FCtot@\romannumeral\FCsc@l\endcsname \else \PackageError{fcolumn}{Name clash for <count>}{\expandafter\csname FCtot@\romannumeral\FCsc@l\endcsname is already defined and it may not even be a <count>. If you're\MessageBreak sure it is a <count>, you can press <enter> now and I'll proceed, but things\MessageBreak will get overwritten.}% \fi % \end{macrocode} %And the same is applicable for the \meta{dimen}: in case of a name %clash you have to rename your \meta{dimen} prior to |fcolumn|. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\ifx\csname FCwd@\romannumeral\FCsc@l\endcsname\relax \expandafter\newdimen\csname FCwd@\romannumeral\FCsc@l\endcsname % \end{macrocode} %If the creation was successful, the \meta{count} |\FCtc@l| should be %increased. % \begin{macrocode} \global\FCtc@l=\FCsc@l \else \PackageError{fcolumn}{Name clash for <dimen>}{\expandafter\csname FCwd@\romannumeral\FCsc@l\endcsname is already defined and it may not even be a <dimen>. If you're\MessageBreak sure it is a <dimen>, you can press <enter> now and I'll proceed, but things\MessageBreak will get overwritten.}% \fi \fi \fi \fi} % \end{macrocode} %Once created, it is not necessary to initialise them here because that %is done later in one go. %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\sumline} %The command for the sumline has one optional argument: the separation %between the rule and the total. By default this is 2\thinspace pt, but %the user may specify |\sumline[10pt]| if that separation needs to be %10\thinspace pt. The assignment needs to be global, because it is done %in the first column of the tabular, but is valid for the whole line. % \begin{macrocode} \newdimen\s@mlinesep \def\sumline{\@ifnextchar[\s@mline{\s@mline[2pt]}} \def\s@mline[#1]{\global\s@mlinesep=#1 \s@ml@ne} % \end{macrocode} %In the introduction it was stated that |\sumline| has two options, but in %reality that second option is the option to |\\| that is issued by |\s@ml@ne|. %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\prr@sult} %The macro |\prr@sult| actually puts the information together. It starts %like |\leeg|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\prr@sult{$\egroup \let\e@fi=\relax \let\FCform@t=\FCform@tt % \end{macrocode} %Then the information for the last line is computed. It is not sufficient %to calculate the width of the result (in points) to use that as the width %of the rule separating the individual entries and the result. It may happen %that the sum is wider (in points) than any of the entries, e.g., when the %result of $6+6$ (using specifier~|3,2|) is typeset. The width of the rule %should be equal to the width of |\hbox{$12{,}00$}| then. On the other %hand the width of the rule when summing $24$ and $-24$ should be that of %|\hbox{$-24{,}00$}| (or |\hbox{$(24{,}00$}|, see above), not the width of %the result |\hbox{$0{,}00$}|. Therefore the maximum of all entry widths, %including the result, was calculated. This excludes the extension to the %right in case parentheses are used, again for aesthetic reasons. % \begin{macrocode} \setbox0=\hbox{$\geldm@cro{\sp@l}{\number\csname FCtot@\romannumeral\FCsc@l\endcsname}$}% \ifdim\wd0>\csname FCwd@\romannumeral\FCsc@l\endcsname \global\csname FCwd@\romannumeral\FCsc@l\endcsname=\wd0 \fi \vbox{\hrule width \csname FCwd@\romannumeral\FCsc@l\endcsname \vskip\s@mlinesep \hbox to \csname FCwd@\romannumeral\FCsc@l\endcsname{\hfil\unhbox0}}} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\subsection{Other checks} %\begin{macro}{\leeg} %This macro is used to overrule the default behaviour of the pair |\b@fi| %and |\e@fi|. It starts with ending the groups in the %same way that |\e@fi| would normally do. Then the effect of |\e@fi| %(that is still in the preamble) is annihilated by |\let|ting it to %be |\relax|. This |\let| is only local to the current column. Then %the argument to |\leeg| is processed in the normal way for a right %aligned column. % %Since the user may from time to time also need a column entry other than %a number in the table, e.g., |\leeg{p.m.}|, this definition is without %at-sign. By defining |\leeg| in this way, instead of |\multicolumn1r{}| %(which contains |\omit|), the default spacing in the column is retained. %It doesn't alter the width of the sumrule, but has its normal effect on %the column width, so be careful: don't insert the unabridged version of %Romeo and Juliet~\cite{RJ} here. It is not typeset in math mode, nor %does it use the extra (formatting) information of |#4| of the fcolumn, %so you're completely free here. % \begin{macrocode} \def\leeg#1{$\egroup \let\e@fi=\relax #1} % \end{macrocode} %Note that anything may be given as argument to |\leeg|, so in principle %it can also be used to cheat: |\leeg{0,03}| will insert the text~|0,03| %in the table but it doesn't increase the totals of that column by~3 %(assuming |3,2| coding for the separations). But you won't cheat, won't you? %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\res@tsumline} %Since all changes to the totals and widths of the columns are global, %they have to be reset actively at the start of a tabular or array. %That is an action by itself, but it may occur more often, on request %of the user, therefore a special macro is defined. A side effect of %this macro is that |\FCsc@l| is reset to~0. This is an advantage: %it should be zero at the beginning of a line in the table (for other %lines this is done by the |\\|). % \begin{macrocode} \def\res@tsumline{\FCsc@l=\FCtc@l\loop\ifnum\FCsc@l>0 \global\csname FCtot@\romannumeral\FCsc@l\endcsname=0 \global\csname FCwd@\romannumeral\FCsc@l\endcsname=\z@ \advance\FCsc@l by \m@ne\repeat} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\resetsumline} %To reset a sumline within a table, it should be done within a |\noalign|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\resetsumline{\noalign{\res@tsumline}} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\aut@check} %If the number of |F|-columns is even, it is assumed that they are part of %two sets of columns of which each column of the first set should balance %the appropriate column of the second set. If on the other hand the number %of columns is odd, then at least one column has nothing to balance against %and no checking occurs. It is correct to check for oddness of |\FCsc@l| %since this |\aut@check| is only performed in the last column of the %tabular: the value of |\FCsc@l| now equals the number of columns used %in the current tabular (and may be less than |\FCtc@l|). % %The output is only to screen and the transcript file; it doesn't change %the appearance of your document, so in case the assumption is wrong you %can safely ignore the result and go on. The \meta{count}s~0 and~1 are %used here and this can be done because any content of those \meta{count}s %from previous calculations has become irrelevant at this moment. % %If the list |\FC@chklist| is empty, the list for the automatic check is %generated (which will remain empty if |\FCsc@l| is odd). % \begin{macrocode} \def\FC@chklist{} \def\aut@check{\ifx\@empty\FC@chklist\relax \ifodd\FCsc@l\else \count0=\@ne \count1=\FCsc@l \divide\count1 by \tw@ \loop\ifnum\count1<\FCsc@l \advance\count1 by \@ne \xdef\FC@chklist{\FC@chklist\number\count0,\number\count1;}% \advance\count0 by\@ne \repeat \fi \fi % \end{macrocode} %Then this list is peeled off and processed. %The comparison is done between the internal representation of the totals, %so this only makes sense when the decimal part, i.e., the |2| of |3,2| in %the default value for |#3| of~|f| is the same for both columns. That is %almost always the case due to the nature of this type of tabulars. The %\meta{count} |\FC@l| is free to be used for the calculations needed here. % \begin{macrocode} \loop\ifx\FC@chklist\@empty\else \expandafter\fre@t\FC@chklist\fre@t \FC@l=\csname FCtot@\romannumeral\count0\endcsname \advance\FC@l by -\csname FCtot@\romannumeral\count1\endcsname \ifnum\FC@l=0 \else \ifnum\FC@l<0 \FC@l=-\FC@l \fi \PackageWarning{fcolumn}{Representations of F-columns \number\count0 \space and \number\count1 \space differ by\MessageBreak \number\FC@l\space due to \string\sumline\space near or}% \fi \repeat} % \end{macrocode} %When |\aut@check| is finished, |\FC@chklist| is empty again, i.e., well %prepared for the next time it is used. This also means that the default %behaviour kicks in again: if that's not what you want, you should %specify the appropriate |\checkfcolumns| lines again. %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\fre@t} %This function eats the first two numbers off |\FC@chklist|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\fre@t#1,#2;#3\fre@t{\count0=#1 \count1=#2 \xdef\FC@chklist{#3}} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\begin{macro}{\checkfcolumns} %But the assumptions for |\aut@check| may be wrong, therefore manual %control on this checking is also made possible here. The macro %|\checkfcolumns| provides a way to the user to check that the appropriate %columns are balanced (as it should in a balance). Arguments |#1| and %|#2| are the |F|-column numbers to compare. It is the responsibility of %the user to provide the correct numbers here, otherwise bogus output %is generated. If this manual check is inserted, the automatic check %will not be performed. % \begin{macrocode} \def\checkfcolumns#1#2{\noalign{\xdef\FC@chklist{\FC@chklist #1,#2;}}} % \end{macrocode} %\end{macro} %\subsection{Support for multipage tables}\label{multipage} %Packages |longtable|~\cite{longtable} and |supertabular|~\cite{supertabular} %can be used for tables that span multiple pages. Package |supertabular| works %with |fcolumn| out of the box (no changes needed), but may lead to different %column widths on individual pages. If you don't want that, use |longtable|. %The packages |fcolumn| and |longtable| also work together provided |longtable| %is loaded first, so that |fcolumn| can adapt one definition of |longtable|. %It's a long definition, so if |longtable| is not loaded, it's a waste of memory %having it; that's why it is only defined when necessary. For that reason the %user is politely warned (not loading |longtable| is obviously not an error if %you don't use it) if |fcolumn| is loaded without prior loading of |longtable|. % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\longtable\@undefined \PackageWarningNoLine{fcolumn}{fcolumn is loaded without package longtable.\MessageBreak That's perfectly OK, but if you want to load\MessageBreak longtable as well, make sure it is done before \MessageBreak loading fcolumn}\else % \end{macrocode} %\begin{macro}{\LT@array} %And here is the only definition of |longtable| that needs to be extended %to make |fcolumn| work with that package. The lines are compacted a bit %w.r.t.\ the original |longtable| code; if you want to study the %code, have a look at the documentation~\cite{longtable}. % \begin{macrocode} \def\LT@array[#1]#2{\refstepcounter{table}\stepcounter{LT@tables}\if l#1 \LTleft\z@\LTright\fill\else\if r#1 \LTleft\fill\LTright\z@\else \if c#1 \LTleft\fill\LTright\fill\fi\fi\fi\let\LT@mcol\multicolumn \let\LT@@tabarray\@tabarray\let\LT@@hl\hline\def\@tabarray{\let \hline\LT@@hl\LT@@tabarray}\let\\\LT@tabularcr\let\tabularnewline\\ \def\newpage{\noalign{\break}}\def\pagebreak{\noalign{\ifnum`}=0\fi \@testopt{\LT@no@pgbk-}4}\def\nopagebreak{\noalign{\ifnum`}=0\fi \@testopt\LT@no@pgbk4}\let\hline\LT@hline\let\kill\LT@kill\let\caption \LT@caption\@tempdima\ht\strutbox\let\@endpbox\LT@endpbox\ifx \extrarowheight\@undefined\let\@acol\@tabacol\let\@classz\@tabclassz \let\@classiv\@tabclassiv\def\@startpbox{\vtop\LT@startpbox}\let \@@startpbox\@startpbox\let\@@endpbox\@endpbox\let\LT@LL@FM@cr \@tabularcr\else\advance\@tempdima\extrarowheight\col@sep\tabcolsep \let\@startpbox\LT@startpbox\let\LT@LL@FM@cr\@arraycr\fi\setbox \@arstrutbox\hbox{\vrule\@height\arraystretch\@tempdima\@depth \arraystretch\dp\strutbox\@width\z@}\let\@sharp##\let\protect\relax \begingroup\@mkpream{#2}\xdef\LT@bchunk{\global\advance\c@LT@chunks \@ne\global\LT@rows\z@\setbox\z@\vbox\bgroup\LT@setprevdepth\tabskip \LTleft\noexpand\halign to\hsize\bgroup\tabskip\z@\@arstrut\@preamble \tabskip\LTright\cr} % \end{macrocode} %Until this line it was just the code for |\LT@array| from package~|longtable|. %The two lines of the next chunk are new to |\LT@array|. Their %purpose is the same as in |\@array| above. % \begin{macrocode} \@mksumline{#2}\endgroup\res@tsumline \everycr{\noalign{\global\FCsc@l=0 }}% % \end{macrocode} %From here on |\LT@array| is picked up again, ending with the |\fi| that belongs %to the |\ifx| that started this definition. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\LT@nofcols\LT@bchunk&\LT@nofcols\LT@make@row\m@th\let \par\@empty\lineskip\z@\baselineskip\z@\LT@bchunk} \fi % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} %That's it! % %\section*{Acknowledgement} %Thanks to Karl Berry for valuable comments regarding the consistency of the %installation procedure of this version. Frank Mittelbach gave various useful %suggestions for improving the input parsing as well as hints to make the package %more \LaTeX-like. He also challenged me to make |fcolumn| compatible with %|longtable|. Christian Hoff's request on column formatting triggered many %happy hours of coding. %\bibliographystyle{plain} %\begin{thebibliography}{10} %\itemsep0pt \parsep0pt \parskip0pt %\bibitem{array} Frank Mittelbach and David Carlisle. % A new implementation of \LaTeX's |tabular| and |array| environment. %\bibitem{booktabs} Simon Fear. The |booktabs| package. Publication quality tables in \LaTeX. %\bibitem{dcolumn} David Carlisle. The |dcolumn| package. %\bibitem{longtable} David Carlisle. The |longtable| package. %\bibitem{supertabular} Theo % Jurriens \iffalse I checked with Theo that `Jurriens' is correct; not `Jurri\"ens'. \fi % and Johannes Braams. The |supertabular| package. %\bibitem{color} David Carlisle. The |color| package. %\bibitem{CandTB} Donald Knuth, {\it Computers \& Typesetting/B, ``\TeX: the program,''\/} % Addison-Wesley, Reading (1991). %\bibitem{CandTA} Donald Knuth, {\it Computers \& Typesetting/A, ``The \TeX book,''\/} % Addison-Wesley, Reading (1991). %\bibitem{TAOCP1} Donald Knuth, {\it The Art of Computers Programming, volume~1, % ``Fundamental Algorithms,''\/} Addison-Wesley, Reading (1997). %\bibitem{RJ} William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, a tragedy (1597). %\end{thebibliography} %\Finale \endinput