% fn2end.sty Convert footnotes into end notes. % LaTeXable documentation at end (after \endinput) % LaTeX 2.09 users, should comment out this line: \ProvidesPackage{fn2end}[1995/05/31 Convert footnotes into end notes.] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % This file may be freely copied, and distributed. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Author: % Kim C. Border, % Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences, % Caltech, Pasadena, CA 91125 USA % e-mail: kcb@hss.caltech.edu % I gratefully acknowledge the help of J. E. Burke % <jeburke@jhuvms.hcf.jhu.edu> at Johns Hopkins, who fixed % the handling of long footnotes. % The main idea is from Knuth's \answer macro in the TeXbook. % version 1.1, May 31, 1995 % Changed \endnoteshere to \theendnotes, since you % shouldn't use commands that begin with \end % Also added user renewable parameters % Based on my old endnotes.sty, version 3 % (Sep 4, 1990, rev. Jul 28, 1994), which was never posted. % It appears to work with both LaTeX2e and LaTeX2.09 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % User redefinable parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newlength{\noteskip} \setlength{\noteskip}{1em} \newcommand{\notenumberformat}[1]{$#1$} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Save the original definition of \@footnotetext %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \let\original@footnotetext\@footnotetext %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Define \makeendnotes to open a new file % for the endnotes and to redefine \@footnotetext % (\newlinechar courtesy of J E Burke) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newcommand{\makeendnotes}{\newwrite\n@tefile \immediate\openout\n@tefile=\jobname.end \immediate\write\n@tefile{\relax} \long\gdef\@footnotetext{\immediate\write\n@tefile{} \begingroup\newlinechar=`\^^M \catcode`\^^M=12\@setupcopy\@copynote}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % The verbatim copying definitions % based on the TeXbook's \answer macro %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newcommand{\@setupcopy}{\@sanitize} \newcommand{\@copynote}{} \long\gdef\@copynote#1{% \immediate\write\n@tefile{\notenumberformat{\@thefnmark}% \hskip\noteskip}% \immediate\write\n@tefile{#1}\endgroup} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Define \theendnotes to retrieve them %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newcommand{\theendnotes}{\immediate\closeout\n@tefile \input\jobname.end\relax} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Define \restorefootnotes %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newcommand{\restorefootnotes}{\long\gdef\@footnotetext{\original@footnotetext}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \endinput