%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
%% ftc-notebook --- format for an FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) engineering
%%                  notebook with daily entries, team story, bio,
%%                  and list of fig/table/tasks
%% Version:         Released 2019/02/16, Version 1.1
%% Authors:         FTC 9773, Team Robocracy
%% E-mail:          ftcrobocracy@gmail.com
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
\ProvidesPackage{ftc9773}[2019/02/16 FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) %
  package for engineering notebook by Robocracy]

%% Package Options

\DeclareStringOption [FTC 000]             {Num}      [FTC 000]
\DeclareStringOption [Outstanding Team]    {Name}     [Outstanding Team]
\DeclareStringOption [logo.jpg]            {Logo}     [logo.jpg]
\DeclareStringOption [Engineering Notebook]{Notebook} [Engineering Notebook]
\DeclareStringOption [Strategy]            {KindOne}  [Strategy]
\DeclareStringOption [Design]              {KindTwo}  [Design]
\DeclareStringOption [Build]               {KindThree}[Build]
\DeclareStringOption [Math/Physics]        {KindFour} [Math/Physics]
\DeclareStringOption [Software]            {KindFive} [Software]
\DeclareStringOption [Team]                {KindSix}  [Team]
\DeclareBoolOption                         {Grid}
\DeclareBoolOption                         {Green}
\DeclareBoolOption                         {Orange}
\DeclareBoolOption                         {Blue}


%% includes

%% general support
\newdateformat{monthyeardate}{ \monthname[\THEMONTH] \THEYEAR }
\RequirePackage[labelfont=bf, textfont=bf]{caption}
\RequirePackage[absolute, overlay]{textpos}

%% support for tables

%% capitalization \capitalisewords{Will Get First Letters in Cap}

%% page
\RequirePackage[letterpaper, portrait, margin=2cm]{geometry}

%% image

%% support for color

%% support for callout (inlined below)

%% for arrays of variables

%% conditional

%% to use apostroph as \textquotesingle

%% for code listing ( \begin{lstlisting} \end{lstlisting}

 %% custom list

%% start of inlined callout (because package is not aways present)
%% modified only to "un-package it." It was hardwired for the desired
%% color scheme, and the arrow was made wider. The original can be found
%% at CTAN.org



%% ==================================================================

{ \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=#2]
  % Annotate
  \node (pic) at (0,0) {#1};%
{ \end{tikzpicture} }

%% ==================================================================

  \draw[help lines, color=#1] (pic.south west) grid (pic.north east);%
    \fill[#1] (0,0) circle (3pt);%
  \foreach \i in {-\xtic,...,\xtic} {%
    \node at (\i+0.2,0.2) {\color{#1} \tiny \i};}
  \foreach \i in {-\ytic,...,\ytic} {%
    \node at (0.2,\i+0.2) {\color{#1} \tiny \i};}

  \node [fill=\bgcol] (text) at (#1) {\scriptsize\color{\focol} #2};
  \draw [line width=0.9mm,\arcol,->] (text) -- (#3);

  \node [fill=\bgcol] at (#1) {\scriptsize\color{\focol} #2};

  \draw [\arcol,thick,->] (#1) -- (#2);

%% === EOF ================================================
%% end of inlined callout


%% customizations arrays


%% counters (private)
\newcounter{TaskCounter} \setcounter{TaskCounter}{0}
\newcounter{TaskSection} \setcounter{TaskSection}{0}
\newcounter{TaskSubSection}[TaskSection] \setcounter{TaskSubSection}{0}
\newcounter{TaskSubSubSection}[TaskSubSection] \setcounter{TaskSubSubSection}{0}



%% new month
\NewDocumentCommand{\Month}{m m}
%% 1: month
%% 2: picture
       & \textbf{\Large \color{TitleColor} \capitalisewords{#1}} \\
       & \\ \cline{2-2} \\
  \vspace{10mm}  \\
  {\centering \includegraphics[width=0.85\textwidth]{#2} \\}

\NewDocumentEnvironment{Meeting}{O{Meeting} m m m m m}
%% 1: Type Meeting/Pre-Season
%% 5 2: Title of Meeting
%% 2 3: Date
%% 3 4: Time
%% 4 5: Who participated
%% 6: Items
  %% arrays init

  %% print first table with logo, meeting type, date, Title
  \@TaskDate(1)={#3, Task \theTaskSection, }
           & \textbf{\Large \color{TitleColor} \capitalisewords{#1 -  #3.}} \\
           & {\Large \capitalisewords{#2.}} \\
           & \\ \cline{2-2} \\
   \vspace{5mm}  \\
   %% print time and participant
   {\color{TitleColor} \textbf{Time:}} {\capitalisewords{#4.}} \\
   {\color{TitleColor} \textbf{Meeting Participants:}} {#5.} \\
   %% print task box
      \arrayrulecolor{TitleColor} \hline
      \cellcolor{MainTableHeaderColor} &
      \cellcolor{MainTableHeaderColor} \textbf{Task:} &
      \cellcolor{MainTableHeaderColor} \textbf{Goals and Reflections:} \\  \hline
      \arrayrulecolor{TitleColor} \hline
      \cellcolor{MainTableHeaderColor} \textbf{Signed by: } \ListSignee &%
        \cellcolor{MainTableHeaderColor} \textbf{Date:} \\  \hline
      &  \\
      & #3   \\ \hline
  %% delete array
  \ifnum\value{TaskCounter}=\value{TaskSection} \else
    \PackageError{Robocracy text}{More Task defined than described}{add text}

%% People signing the entry are given in a \Signee{name} command
%% 1: name of person signing

{ %
  \ifnum\theSigneeCounter=0 \else %
    \multido{\i=1+1}{\theSigneeCounter}{ \SigneeName(\i)}. %
  \fi %
%% Task Info
\newcommand{\TaskInfo}[3] %
%% 1: title
%% 2: reference
%% 2: reflection
  \cellcolor{MainTableHeaderColor} \textbf{\arabic{TaskCounter}.} & \textbf{#1} & #3. \\ \hline

%% private

%% private
  {#2} %% true
  {\tl_if_empty:nTF {#1} {#2} {#3}} %% false

%% task section
\NewDocumentCommand{\Task}{o m O{-1}}
%% 1: optional label (dependent on tha task)
%% 2: kind number: 1 to 6
%% 3: optional second kind number
  \checkTaskLabel(\theTaskSection) %% was not able to use \TaskLabel(\theTaskSection)
                                   %% in label directly, works with \check & \cache
    \arrayrulecolor{TitleColor} \hline
    \multicolumn{6}{|l|}{\cellcolor{NormalTableHeaderColor} %
        \capitalisewords{\textbf{\large Task \theTaskSection: \TaskTitle(\theTaskSection).}}} \\
    \IfNoValueOrEmptyTF{#1}{}{\multicolumn{6}{|l|}{\cellcolor{NormalTableHeaderColor} %
       \small Continuing from:#1} \\} \hline
    \@TypeColor{1}{#2}{#3}{\FTC@KindOne} &
    \@TypeColor{2}{#2}{#3}{\FTC@KindTwo} &
    \@TypeColor{3}{#2}{#3}{\FTC@KindThree} &
    \@TypeColor{4}{#2}{#3}{\FTC@KindFour} &
    \@TypeColor{5}{#2}{#3}{\FTC@KindFive} &
    \@TypeColor{6}{#2}{#3}{\FTC@KindSix} \\ \hline
  \checkTaskTitle(\theTaskSection) %% was not able to use \TaskLabel(\theTaskSection)
  \mycustomtask{\cachedata} %% for gen task entry

%% Task Section
       {\color{TitleColor} \large \textbf{#1}} \\

    {%% with star
    } {%% without star
      \@Section{\theTaskSubSection: #2}

%% Meeting Summary
  { \Section*{Meeting Summary} }

%% Task Subsection
  \needspace{3cm} %
  \begin{flushleft} %
    { \color{TitleColor} \large  \textbf{#1}}
  \end{flushleft} %

    {%% with star
    } {%% without star
        \arabic{TaskSubSection}.\arabic{TaskSubSubSection}: #2}

%% Task Subsection
  %\needspace{3cm} %
  \begin{flushleft} %
    { \color{TitleColor} \textbf{#1}}
  \end{flushleft} %

%% Enumerate with Title
\NewDocumentEnvironment{EnumerateWithTitle}{m} %

\NewDocumentEnvironment{ItemizeWithTitle}{m} %

%% pictures

%% private
\newcommand{\Callout}[3]{\callout{#1}{\large #2}{#3}}

%%  Picture (annotated)
%% 1: image
%% 2: size in fraction of page width
%% 3: annotations
{  %
    \centering %
    \begin{annotate}{\includegraphics[width=#2\textwidth]{#1}}{#2} %
      %%  \callout{x , y of text}{Text}{x, y of arrow}

%% Figure with one Pict
\NewDocumentCommand{\PictFigure}{O{htb} m O{0.9} m  m o}%
%% 1 location (optional, everywhere)
%% 2 file
%% 3 size (optional, 90%)
%% 3 caption
%% 5 label
%% 6 annotation (optional)
{ %


%% Figure with one picture and explanations
%% private internal command
\NewDocumentCommand{\RawExplainedPict}{m O{0.6} m o}%
%% 1 file
%% 2 size pict (optional, default 0.6, must be < 0.95)
%% 3 explanation
%% 4 annotation (annotation)
  \setlength{\@ExplainedPictFigureTextLength}{0.95\textwidth -  #2\textwidth}

%% Figure with one picture and explanations
\NewDocumentCommand{\ExplainedPictFigure}{O{htb} m O{0.6} m m m o}%
%% 1 location (optional, everywhere)
%% 2 file
%% 3 size pict (optional, default 0.6, must be < 0.95)
%% 4 caption
%% 5 label
%% 6 explanation
%% 7 annotation (optional)

%% Figure with one picture and explanations
\NewDocumentCommand{\PictSubfigure}{m O{0.4} m m o}%
%% 1 file
%% 2 size pict (optional, default 0.4, must be smaller than 0.95)
%% 3 caption
%% 4 label
%% 5 annotation (optional)

%% Figure with one picture and explanations
\NewDocumentCommand{\ExplainedPictSubfigure}{m O{0.6} m m m o}%
%% 1 file
%% 2 size pict (optional, default 0.6, must be < 0.95)
%% 3 caption
%% 4 label
%% 5 explanation
%% 6 annotation (optional)

%% Figure with Multiple Figures
\NewDocumentEnvironment{GroupedFigures}{O{htb} m m}%
%% 1 location (optional, everywhere)
%% 2 caption
%% 3 label



%% internal command
\NewDocumentEnvironment{MyTable}{m m m m m} %
%% 1: color
%% 2: table column definition
%% 3: legend
%% 4: caption
%% 5: label
      \caption{#4.} \label{#5} \\
      \rowcolor{NormalTableHeaderColor} #3 \\ \hline
      \rowcolor{NormalTableHeaderColor} #3 \\ \hline
    \\ \hline

%% decision
\NewDocumentEnvironment{RawDecisionTable}{m m m m} %
%% 1: column format
%% 2: column titles
%% 3: caption
%% 4: label
{ \begin{MyTable}{NormalTableCellColor}{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4} }
{ \end{MyTable} }

\NewDocumentEnvironment{DecisionTable}{O{Option} O{Pro} O{Cons} m m} %
%% 1,2,3: column names (optional: all or none please)
%% 4: caption
%% 5: label
{ \begin{RawDecisionTable}{|p{4cm}|p{6.5cm}|p{6.5cm}|}%
    {\textbf{#1:} & \textbf{#2:} & \textbf{#3:}}{#4}{#5}
{ \end{RawDecisionTable} }

%% description Table
\NewDocumentEnvironment{RawDescriptionTable}{m m m m} %
%% 1: column format
%% 2: column titeles 
%% 3: caption
%% 4: label
{ \begin{MyTable}{White}{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4} }
{ \end{MyTable} }

%%    no star: small + large sized columns
%%    with star: 2 medium sized columns
\NewDocumentEnvironment{DescriptionTable}{m m m m} %
%% 1: first col title
%% 2: second col title
%% 3: caption
%% 4: label
    {\textbf{#1} & \textbf{#2}}{#3}{#4}
{ \end{RawDescriptionTable} }

\NewDocumentEnvironment{DescriptionTable*}{m m m m} %
%% 1: first col title
%% 2: second col title
%% 3: caption
%% 4: label
    {\textbf{#1} & \textbf{#2}}{#3}{#4}
{ \end{RawDescriptionTable} }

%% table entries
\NewDocumentCommand{\TableEntryTextTextText}{m m m}
%% 1,2,3: text, text, text entries (use in decision table)

\NewDocumentCommand{\TableEntryTextItemItem}{m m m}
%% 1,2,3: text, items, items entries (use in decision table)
    {\begin{compactitem} #2 \end{compactitem}}
    {\begin{compactitem} #3 \end{compactitem}}

\NewDocumentCommand{\TableEntryTextText}{m m}
%% 1, 2: text, text entries (use in description table)

\NewDocumentCommand{\TableEntryTextItem}{m m}
%% 1,2: items, items entries (use in description table)
    {\begin{compactitem} #2 \end{compactitem}}

\NewDocumentCommand{\TableEntryItemItem}{m m}
%% 1,2: items, items entries (use in description table)
    {\begin{compactitem} #1 \end{compactitem}}
    {\begin{compactitem} #2 \end{compactitem}}

\NewDocumentCommand{\MyTableKey}{m} {\cellcolor{NormalTableHeaderColor} #1}

%% bio

 \NewDocumentEnvironment{Bio}{} %

  \addcontentsline{mcf}{mycustomtask}{Meet the Team}
      \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\cellcolor{NormalTableHeaderColor} %
        \textbf{\Large Meet the team}}
      \\ \hline
    \\ \hline

\NewDocumentCommand{\BioEntry}{m m O{Role} m O{Outreach} m m O{0.5} m}
%% 1, 2  Name, blurb below name
%% 3, 4  Role (optional), role description
%% 5, 6  Outreach role (optional), outreach description
%% 7, 8  pic, (optional) fractional size
%% 9     full bio
      \RawPict{#7}{#8}{} \\
      \textbf{#1} \\
      #2 \vspace{3mm}\\
    \textbf{#3:} #4\vspace{3mm} \\
    \textbf{#5:} #6
  } {

%% team story

\NewDocumentEnvironment{TeamStory}{O{Our Team Story} m}
%% 1: Title (default Our Team Story)
%% 2: Team one-liner description

       & \textbf{ \color{TitleColor} \textit{\fontsize{40}{50}\selectfont #1}} \\
       & \textbf{\LARGE ``#2''} \\ \cline{2-2} \\
  \vspace{10mm}  \\

\NewDocumentCommand{\CoverPage}{m m O{14}}
%% 1: year
%% 2: picture
%% 3: vertical size of picture in cm
%% text block that overlay info
\begin{textblock}{10}(2.5, 3.5)%
    \multicolumn{1}{c}{{\Huge \FTC@Num ~}} \\
    {\fontsize{60}{70}\selectfont \textbf{\textsc{\FTC@Name}}} \\
    \includegraphics[height=#3cm]{#2} \\
    \multicolumn{1}{c}{\cellcolor{MainTableCellColor} %
      \fontsize{30}{40}\selectfont \textbf{\textsc{\FTC@Notebook}}} \\
%%background table
  \multirow{3}{*}{\includegraphics[height=4cm]{\FTC@Logo}} & \\
   & \multicolumn{1}{r}{\cellcolor{MainTableHeaderColor} \textbf{ \Huge #1~}} \\
   & \\
   & \\
   & \\
   & \\
   & \\
   & \\
   & \\
   & \\
   & \\
   & \\
   & \\
   & \\
   & \\
   & \\
   & \\
   & \\
   & \\
   & \\
   & \\
   & \\
   & \\
   & \\
   & \\
   & \\
   & \\
   & \\
   & \\
   & \\
   & \\
   & \\
   & \\

\begin{textblock}{12}(2, 14)%
  Document typeset in LaTeX with the \texttt{ftc-notebook} package created %
  by FTC 9773, Team Robocracy.



%% Misc

%% refs
\NewDocumentCommand{\TaskRef}{m}    {Task~\ref{#1} on page~\pageref{#1}}
\NewDocumentCommand{\FigureRef}{m}  {Figure~\ref{#1} on page~\pageref{#1}}
\NewDocumentCommand{\TableRef}{m}   {Table~\ref{#1} on page~\pageref{#1}}

%% list of tasks
\newcommand{\listexamplename}{Table of Contents}



%% start of doc
  \lfoot{\FTC@Num, \FTC@Name, \FTC@Notebook.}
  \rfoot{\@TaskDate(1) Page \thepage.}




%% defaults

  %% title and array rules
  \definecolor{TitleColor}{rgb}{0.04, 0.32, 0.74}
  %% main table backgrounds
  \definecolor{MainTableHeaderColor}{rgb}{0.56, 0.69, 0.99}
  \definecolor{MainTableCellColor}{rgb}{0.26, 0.47, 0.79}
  %% normal table backgrounds
  \definecolor{NormalTableHeaderColor}{rgb}{0.38, 0.60, 0.79}
  \definecolor{NormalTableCellColor}{rgb}{0.68, 0.87, 0.99}
  \definecolor{NormalTableCellWhite}{rgb}{1.0, 1.0, 1.0}
  %% title and array rules
  \definecolor{TitleColor}{rgb}{0.71, 0.45, 0.01}
  %% main table backgrounds
  \definecolor{MainTableHeaderColor}{rgb}{0.96, 0.80, 0.51}
  \definecolor{MainTableCellColor}{rgb}{0.99, 0.69, 0.20}
  %% normal table backgrounds
  \definecolor{NormalTableHeaderColor}{rgb}{0.98, 0.69, 0.18}
  \definecolor{NormalTableCellColor}{rgb}{0.99, 0.89, 0.68}
  \definecolor{NormalTableCellWhite}{rgb}{1.0, 1.0, 1.0}
  % default: green
  %% title and array rules
  \definecolor{TitleColor}{rgb}{0.65, 0.73, 0.29}
  %% main table backgrounds
  \definecolor{MainTableHeaderColor}{rgb}{0.84, 0.96, 0.29}
  \definecolor{MainTableCellColor}{rgb}{0.70, 0.82, 0.32}
  %% normal table backgrounds
  \definecolor{NormalTableHeaderColor}{rgb}{0.84, 0.96, 0.29}
  \definecolor{NormalTableCellColor}{rgb}{0.94, 0.99, 0.78}
  \definecolor{NormalTableCellWhite}{rgb}{1.0, 1.0, 1.0}

%% Copyright (c) 2019 FTC 9773, Team Robocracy
%% All rights reserved.
%% Developed by FTC 9773 Robocracy team members
%% Westchester County, NY
%% 2019
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
%% The Current Maintainer of this work is FTC 9773 Team Robocracy.
%% This work consists of the files ftc-notebook.dtx, ftc-notebook.ins,
%% ftc-notebook.pdf, ftc-notebook.sty, and newmeeting.sh and the derived files
%% This package includes the callout.sty package, which was lightly
%% adapted for our needs.  The original copyright of that package is
%% listed before the callout code. Original version of the callout.sty
%% is found on ctan.org
%% End of file `ftc-notebook.sty'.