% gitexinfo.sty
% Copyright 2015 Brent Longborough
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 2005/12/01 or later.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
% The Current Maintainer of this work is Brent Longborough.
% This work consists of these files:
%     gitinfo2.sty, gitexinfo.sty, gitinfo2.tex, gitinfo2.pdf,
%     gitinfo2test.tex, post-xxx-sample.txt,
%     and gitHeadLocal.gin
% -----------------------------------------------------
\ProvidesPackage{gitexinfo}[2015/11/22 v2.0.7 Auxiliary package for gitinfo2]
        \StrCut{##1}{tag: }\lcut\rcut%
            \IfDecimal{\lcut}{% case where we have decimal e.g. 1.0
            \IfDecimal\rcut{% case where we have string: decimal e.g. tag: 1.0
    \IfSubStr{\bcut}{->}{%              git version 2+?
        \StrBetween{\bcut,}{HEAD -> }{,}[\bcut]%  yes - no problem
        \StrCount{\bcut}{, }[\xcut]%
        \IfEq{\xcut}{0}{%               detached head?
        }{%                             no
            \StrCut[\xcut]{\bcut}{, }{\lcut}{\bcut}%  git vv < 2 - take last token
        }%                                            (not always accurate)
        \IfEq{\bcut}{HEAD}{%            detached head?
        }{%                             no - we have the branch name
        \StrCut{##1}{tag: }\llcut\rrcut%
            \IfDecimal{\llcut}{% case where we have decimal e.g. 1.0
        \StrGobbleRight{\gitInf@describe}{9}[\gitInf@describe]%   Remove -g<hash>
        \StrCount{\gitInf@describe}{-}[\gitInf@mcount]%           Find last -
       \renewcommand{\git@tagmark}{\\Head tags: \gitTags}
    \renewcommand{\git@tagmark}{\\Head tags: \gitTags}
    Branch: \gitBranch\,@\,\gitAbbrevHash{} 