%!TEX options = --shell-escape
% This command causes LatexTools for SublimeText to compile in shell escape mode. 
% If you're not using LatexTools to compile, you will need to enable shell
% escape on your editor some other way





\title{\textsf{gitver} -- Git version tags \\ 
for \LaTeX{} projects}
\author{Charles Baynham}
\date{2022/07/16 (v\,1.4)}
	This file is maintained by Charles Baynham.\\%
	Bug reports can be opened at\\%



The \textsf{gitver} package gets a description of the current git version of this
document and stores it in a command |\gitVer|. If memoir or fancyhdr are in use, it
will also add this to the document footers unless the option |noheader| is

It also defines a command |\versionBox| which outputs a box containing the
version and date of compilation. 

For this to work, you must have git installed and available on the command
line, this document must be part of a git repository, and latex must be
running in ``shell escape'' mode. This can be enabled by passing \textsf{--shell-escape}
on the command line when compiling your document, or will be available in the
options of whatever GUI you're using (try Googling).

Note that online Latex editors like Overleaf.com often do not have git installed.
Gitver will detect these by the precense of the environmental variable "CLSI" 
and will display the version as "CLSI" instead. 

Note that it's a good idea to tell git to ignore all the latex auxilary files,
otherwise your version will always be ``dirty''. Try the \textsf{.gitignore} file from
\url{https://www.gitignore.io/api/latex} if you don't already have

The package is released ``as is'' with no warranty under the LaTeX Project Public
License, version 1.3.


\subsection{Macros} % (fold)

% subsection macros (end)

The main point of this package, the command |\gitVer| prints a string of text
describing the current revision of this git repository. Use like so:
	The current version of this repository is ``|\gitVer{}|''.
which compiles to
	The current version of this repository is ``\gitVer{}''.

Alternatively, you can use a |\versionBox|, most commonly in the footer:
gives the output:


\subsection{Footers} % (fold)

By default, \textsf{gitver} will try to place a |\versionBox| into the footer of
your document. If you're using the |memoir| class or the |fancyhdr| package,
this will happen automatically. This document has these footers enabled: have a
look at the bottom of this page for an example. 

You can disable the headers by adding the option |noheader| to the package call. 

If you include |gitver| without either of |memoir| or |fancyhdr| loaded, it will
complain. To suppress this complaint, pass the |noheader| option. 

To customise the header / footer behavior, pass |noheader| and then use a
combination of |\versionBox| and |\gitVer| to make your own headers/footers. 

% subsection footers (end)

\subsection{Metadata} % (fold)

\DescribeMacro{nopdfinfo} By default, this package also adds the git tag to the
pdf document's metadata under the subject field. To disable this behaviour, pass
the option |nopdfinfo|. 

% subsection metadata (end)


	\item v1.0 - First release
	\item v1.1 - Remove extra space from output
	\item v1.2 - Use datetime2 instead of datetime to reduce dependancy burden
   				 and display dates in ISO format
   	\item v1.3 - Support LuaLatex
	\item v1.4 - Detect running in online builders via "CLSI" environmental variable
