\documentclass[a4paper]{ltxdoc} \usepackage{globalvals} \usepackage{siunitx} \begin{document} \title{\textsf{globalvals} -- Resuable variables \\ for use in large projects} \author{Charles Baynham} \date{2019/02/06 (v\,1.1)} \MaintainedBy{% This file is maintained by Charles Baynham.\\% Bug reports can be opened at\\% \url{https://github.com/charlesbaynham/globalvals}. } \maketitle \noindent The \textsf{globalvals} package allow the user to declare a variable which can then be used anywhere else in a document, including before it was declared. This can be useful in large projects, where value can be entered once and automatically updated throughout the document, without having to maintain a seperate file full of definitions. This is done by putting the definitions into the .aux files, therefore requiring two runs to get it right. It implements two commands: |\defVal{|\meta{key}|}{|\meta{value}|}| and |\useVal{<key>}|. |\defVal| sets up a global variable and |\useVal| recalls it. Using |\defVal| twice with the same \meta{key} will result in an error. Using |\useVal| for an undefined value will output the text ``\textsc{??}''. \section{Defining a value} \label{sec:defining} \DescribeMacro{\defVal} % Defining a macro can be done using the command \begin{quote} |\defVal{|\meta{key}|}{|\meta{value}|}| \end{quote} For example, you might call \begin{quote} |\defVal{software_version}{v1.65}| \end{quote} \defVal{software_version}{v1.65} \meta{value}s will be expanded, so you can also embed macros within your variables, e.g.: \begin{quote} |\defVal{fractional_stability}{\SI{10E-16}{\per\sqrt\second}}| \end{quote} \defVal{fractional_stability}{\SI{10E-16}{\per\sqrt\second}} \section{Using a variable} \DescribeMacro{\useVal} To use a defined variable, use the command \begin{quote} |\useVar{|\meta{key}|}| \end{quote} For instance, the values saved in section \ref{sec:defining} could be recalled using \begin{quote} |\useVal{software_version}| \end{quote} and \begin{quote} |\useVal{fractional_stability}| \end{quote} % to give ``\useVal{software_version}'' and ``\useVal{fractional_stability}''. Importantly, values may be used \textbf{before they are defined}. This is handy if you e.g.\ would like to refer to a quantity in your abstract but it's most sensible defined in a later chapter. Like so: \begin{quote} |The clock's fractional accuracy is estimated as| \\ |\useVal{an_important_quantity}.| \\ ... \\ |\defVal{an_important_quantity}{\num{1E-18}}| \end{quote} to give \begin{quote} The clock's fractional accuracy is estimated as \useVal{an_important_quantity}. \defVal{an_important_quantity}{\num{1E-18}} \end{quote} \end{document}