% This file is embedded in glossaries-extra-manual.pdf 
% Example 98 Link text styles: outer, middle, inner, hyperlinks and post-link hooks (custom and abbreviation style)
% Label: "ex:linktextstylescustom"
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdfcrop
% outer formatting:
% middle formatting:
% inner formatting:
% post-link hook for 'general' category:
\glsdefpostlink{general}{\glsxtrifwasfirstuse{ (\glsentrydesc{\glslabel})}{}}
% this style sets the post-link hook for 'abbreviation' category:
% this style sets the post-link hook for 'acronym' category:
% define entries:
\newglossaryentry{sample}{name={sample},description={an example}}
\newabbreviation{html}{HTML}{hypertext markup language}
\newacronym{nasa}{NASA}{National Aeronautics and Space Administration} 
 First use: \gls{sample}, \gls{html}, \gls{nasa}. 

Next use: \gls{sample}, \gls{html}, \gls{nasa}. 
