% This file is embedded in glossaries-extra-manual.pdf 
% Example 113 Cross-references (bib2gls and selection=recorded and deps and see, prune-xr)
% Label: "ex:recordedanddepsandseeprune"
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: bib2gls: { group: on }
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@index{pumpkin, name = {pumpkin}}
@index{cucumber, name = {cucumber}}
@index{melon, name = {melon}}
@index{gourd, see = {pumpkin,cucumber,melon}, name = {gourd}}
@index{cucurbit, see = {gourd}, name = {cucurbit}}
@index{courgette, name = {courgette}}
@index{marrow, name = {marrow}, seealso = {courgette}}
@index{zucchini, name = {zucchini}, alias = {courgette}}
@index{broccoli, name = {broccoli}}
@index{cauliflower, name = {cauliflower}, seealso = {broccoli} }
\GlsXtrLoadResources[src=\jobname,selection={recorded and deps and see},prune-xr] 
 This document is only discussing \glspl{courgette} (baby \glspl{marrow}, also called a \gls{zucchini}), \glspl{pumpkin} and \glspl{melon}.