% This file is embedded in glossaries-extra-manual.pdf 
% Example 130 Multi-entries: skipping elements
% Label: "ex:multientryskip"
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: makeglossaries
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdfcrop


\newabbreviation{ssi}{ssi}{server-side includes}
\newabbreviation{html}{html}{hypertext markup language} 

 description={\glsxtrshort{ssi} enabled \glsxtrshort{html}}]



Individual elements first use: \gls{ssi} and \gls{html}. 

Individual elements next use: \gls{ssi} and \gls{html}. 

Multi-entry first use: \mgls{shtml}. 

Multi-entry next use: \mgls{shtml}. 

Resetting all\glsresetall\mglsreset{shtml}: 

Multi-entry first use: \mgls{shtml}. 

Multi-entry next use: \mgls{shtml}. 

Individual elements: \gls{ssi} and \gls{html}. \printglossaries 