% This file is public domain
% See also sampleAcrDesc.tex
% If you want to use arara, you need the following directives:
% arara: pdflatex: { synctex: on }
% arara: makeglossaries
% arara: pdflatex: { synctex: on }
% arara: pdflatex: { synctex: on }


\usepackage[style=altlist, % use altlist style
            toc % add the glossary to the table of contents


% This sample file demonstrates the use of the first and text keys
% but in general it's better to use \newacronym (as in
% sampleAcrDesc.tex) instead as it's more flexible. For even greater
% flexibility use \newabbreviation provided by glossaries-extra.sty

% how the entry name should appear in the glossary
name={Support vector machine (SVM)},
% how the description should appear in the glossary
description={Statistical pattern recognition
% how the entry should appear in the document text
% how the entry should appear the first time it is
% used in the document text
first={support vector machine (svm)}}

name={Kernel support vector machine (KSVM)},
description={Statistical pattern recognition technique
using the ``kernel trick'' (see also SVM)},
first={kernel support vector machine}}


\chapter{Support Vector Machines}

The \gls{svm} is used widely in the area of pattern recognition.
% plural form with initial letter in uppercase:
\Glspl{svm} are \ldots

This is the text produced without a link: \glsentrytext{svm}.
This is the text produced on first use without a link:
\glsentryfirst{svm}. This is the entry's description without
a link: \glsentrydesc{svm}.

This is the entry in uppercase: \GLS{svm}.

\chapter{Kernel Support Vector Machines}

The \gls{ksvm} is \ifglsused{svm}{an}{a} \gls{svm} that uses
the so called ``kernel trick''.

Possessive: \gls{ksvm}['s].
Make the glossary entry number bold for this 
one \gls[format=hyperbf]{svm}.

\bibitem{svm} \ldots

