% This file is public domain
% If you want to use arara, you need the following directives:
% arara: pdflatex: { synctex: on }
% arara: makeglossaries
% arara: pdflatex: { synctex: on }
% Note that this document isn't fully accessible as it's not tagged.
% See the accessibility or tagpdf packages for examples of how to tag the document.

% use debug=showaccsupp to show replacement text in the margin



% These will use 'ActualText' rather than 'E' because the
% abbreviation is in the 'name' field.


% These will use 'E'
\newacronym{eg}{e.g.}{for example}

\newacronym[shortaccess={TiKZ ist kein Zeichenprogramm}]
{tikz}{Ti\emph{k}Z}{Ti\emph{k}Z ist \emph{kein} Zeichenprogramm}

% The symbol key needs to use 'ActualText' but the replacement text
% needs to be supplied as the hexadecimal character code.



% The user1 key needs to use 'Alt':

\newglossaryentry{sampleimage}{name={sample image},
 description={an example image},
% \protect is needed unless \glsnoexpandfields has been used
 user1access={a boilerplate image used in examples}


\section{General Terms}

Testing general terms that are really abbreviations.

\gls{Doctor} Smith lives at 2, Blueberry \gls{Drive}

\section{Symbols and Images}

Symbol: \glssymbol{int} (\gls{int}).

Image: \glsuseri{sampleimage} (\gls{sampleimage}).


First use: \gls{eg}, \gls{tikz}.

Next use: \gls{eg}, \gls{tikz}.

Short: \acrshort{eg}, \acrshort{tikz}.

Long: \acrlong{eg}, \acrlong{tikz}.

Full: \acrfull{eg}, \acrfull{tikz}.
