% % \GetFileInfo{gmiflink.sty} % \title{The \pk{gmiflink} Package\thfileinfo} % \author{Grzegorz `Natror' Murzynowski} % \maketitle % % % \begin{copyrnote} % %% Written by Grzegorz `Natror' Murzynowski, %% natror at o2 dot pl %% %% \copyright\,2005, 2006 by Grzegorz `Natror' Murzynowski. %% %% This program is subject to the \LaTeX\ Project Public License. %% See ^^A %% \url{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/licenses.lppl.html} ^^A %% for the details of that license. %% %% LPPL status: "author-maintained".\par % %\end{copyrnote} % % \CheckSum{61} %% % \skiplines % This is a~driver. To learn how to use it, read the README % or the documentation in .pdf \ifnum\catcode`\@=12 \documentclass[codespacesgrey, noindex, nochanges, pagella]{gmdocc}% ^^A % the package is to small to make an index of its macros and it's too % old to have the |\changes| ^^A( % history ;-)\,. \begin{document} \DocInput{gmiflink.sty} \afterfi{\end{document}} \fi % \endskiplines \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{gmiflink} [2006/08/16 v0.97 Conditionally hyperlinking package (GM)] %% %% \division{Introduction, usage} %% %% This package protects you against an error when a link is %% dangling and typesets some plain text instead of a hyperlink then. It %% is intended for use with the \pk{hyperref} package. Needs %% \emph{two} \LaTeX\ runs. % % I used it for typesetting the names of the objects in % a~documentation of a~computer program. If the object had been % defined a \cs{hyperlink} to its definition was made, otherwise a % plain object's name was typeset. I also use this package in % authomatic making of hyperlinking indexes. % \dekmedskip % % The package provides the macros \cs{gmiflink}, \cs{gmifref} and % \cs{gmhypertarget} for conditional making of hyperlinks in your % document. % % \newcommand*\aName{\gmiflink[@name]{\hskip-1.5pt @name}} % \TextUsage\gmhypertarget\oarg{name}\marg{\gmiflink{text}} makes % a~\cs{hypertarget\marg{\aName}\marg{text}} and \possfil % a~\cs{label\marg{\aName}}. % % \TextUsage\gmiflink\oarg{name}\marg{text} makes % a~\cs{hyperlink\marg{\aName}\marg{text}} to a~proper hypertarget if % the corresponding \emph{label} exists, otherwise it typesets % \<text>. % % \TextUsage\gmifref\oarg{name}\marg{text} makes a~(hyper-) % \cs{ref\marg{\aName}} to the given label if the label exists, % otherwise it typesets \<text>. % % The \raisebox{1em}[0pt]{\gmhypertarget[@name]{}}\<\hskip-1.5pt @name> % ^^A~raisebox 'cause Acrobat sets the hypertarget at the baseline % argument is just \<name> if the \<name> % is given, otherwise it's \<text> in all three macros. % % For the example(s) of use, examine the \pk{gmiflink.sty} file, lines % 45--58. % % \begin{gmlonely} % \subdivision{Installation} % % Unpack the \file{gmiflink-tds.zip} (this is an archive conforming % the \acro{TDS} standard, see \file{CTAN/tds/tds.pdf}) in % a~\file{texmf} directory or put the \pk{gmiflink.sty} somewhere in % the \file{texmf/\:tex/\:latex} branch on your own. (Creating % a~\file{texmf/\:tex/\:latex/\:gm} directory may be advisable if % you consider using other packages written by me.) % % Then you should refresh your \TeX\ distribution's files' database % most probably. % \end{gmlonely} % % % \subdivision{Contents of the \pk{gmiflink.zip} archive} % % The distribution of the \pk{gmiflink} package consists of the % following three files and a~\acro{TDS}-compliant archive. % \begin{verse} % \pk{gmiflink.sty}\\ % \pk{README}\\ % \pk{gmiflink.pdf}\\ % \pk{gmiflink.tds.zip} % \end{verse} % % % \begin{gmlonely} % \subdivision{Compiling the Documentation} % % The last of the above files (the \pk{.pdf}, i.e., \emph{this % file}) is a~documentation compiled from the \pk{.sty} file by % running \LaTeX\ on the \pk{gmiflink.sty} file % (|xelatex gmiflink.sty| in the directory you wish the % documentation to be in, you don't have copy the \file{.sty} file % there, \TeX\ will find it). Compiling the documentation requires the % packages: \pk{gmdoc} (\pk{gmdoc.sty} and \pk{gmdocc.cls}), % \pk{gmverb.sty}, \pk{gmutils.sty}, \pk{gmiflink.sty} and also some % standard packages: \pk{hyperref.sty}, \pk{xcolor.sty}, % \pk{geometry.sty}, \pk{multicol.sty}, \pk{lmodern.sty}, % \pk{fontenc.sty} that should be installed on your computer by % default. % % If you had not installed the \pk{mwcls} classes (available on % CTAN and present in \TeX\ Live e.g.), the result of your % compilation might differ a~bit from the \pk{.pdf} provided in this % \pk{.zip} archive in formatting: If you had not installed % \pk{mwcls}, the standard \pk{article.cls} class would be used. % \end{gmlonely} % % \StopEventually{\NoEOF} % % % \division{The Code} \@ifpackageloaded{hyperref}{}{\message {^^J^^J gmiflink package: There's no use of me without hyperref package, I end my input.^^J}\endinput} \providecommand\empty{} % A~new counter, just in case \newcounter{GMhlabel} \setcounter{GMhlabel}{0} % The macro given below creates both hypertarget and hyperlabel, % so that you may reference both ways: via |\hyperlink| and via |\ref|. % It's pattern is the |\label| macro, see \LaTeX\ Source2e, file x, line 32. % % But we don't want to gobble spaces before and after. % First argument will be a~name of the hypertarget, % by default the same as typeset text, i.e., argument |#2|. % \Define\gmhypertarget \DeclareRobustCommand*\gmhypertarget{% \@ifnextchar{[}{\gm@hypertarget}{\@dblarg{\gm@hypertarget}}} %^^A] \def\gm@hypertarget[#1]#2{% ^^A % If argument |#1|\equals|\empty|, then we'll use |#2|, i.e., the same as % name of hypertarget. \refstepcounter{GMhlabel}% ^^A % we |\label{\gmht@firstpar}| \hypertarget{#1}{#2}% \protected@write\@auxout{}{% \string\newlabel{#1}{{#2}{\thepage}{\relax}{GMhlabel.\arabic{GMhlabel}}{}}}% }% end of |\gm@hypertartget|. % We define a~macro such that if the target exists, it makes % |\ref|, else it typesets ordinary text. % \Define\gmifref \DeclareRobustCommand*\gmifref{\@ifnextchar{[}{\gm@ifref}{%] \@dblarg{\gm@ifref}}} \def\gm@ifref[#1]#2{% \expandafter\ifx\csname r@#1\endcsname\relax\relax% #2\else\ref{#1}\fi% }% end of |\gm@ifref| % \Define\gmiflink \DeclareRobustCommand*\gmiflink{\@ifnextchar{[}{\gm@iflink}{%^^A] \@dblarg{\gm@iflink}}} \def\gm@iflink[#1]#2{% \expandafter\ifx\csname r@#1\endcsname\relax\relax% #2\else\hyperlink{#1}{#2}\fi% }% end of |\gm@iflink| % % It's robust because when just |\newcommand*|ed, use of |\gmiflink| in an % indexing macro resulted in errors: |\@ifnextchar| has to be % |\noexpand|ed in |\edef|s. \endinput % The old version --- all three were this way primarily. %\begin{verbatim} \newcommand*\gmiflink[2][\empty]{{% \def\gmht@test{\empty}\def\gmht@firstpar{#1}% \ifx\gmht@test\gmht@firstpar\def\gmht@firstpar{#2}\fi% \expandafter\ifx\csname r@\gmht@firstpar\endcsname\relax\relax% #2\else\hyperlink{\gmht@firstpar}{#2}\fi% }} % \end{verbatim} % \Finale % (For my GNU Emacs:) %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: doctex %%% End: