%% \iffalse ^^A we skip the debug setting
\IfFileExists{\string~/bin/gen_and_xela}{\errorcontextlines=1000 }{}
%% \fi
%% ^^A $Id: TheUltimateMaster.gmd,v 0.352 2011/10/12 15:19:42 natror Exp natror $
%% This is file “gmmeta.sty” generated with the DocStrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% gmutils/gmutils.gmd  (with options: `meta')
%% Copyright ©  
%% by Grzegorz ‘Natror’ Murzynowski
%% natror (at) gmail (dot) com
%% This program is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License.
%% See http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/licenses.lppl.html
%% for the details of that license.
%% LPPL status: "author-maintained".
%% For documentation please refer to the file(s)
%% gmutils.{gmd,pdf}.
    [2011/10/12 v0.996 meta-symbols for typesetting macros and arguments (GM)]

%%     ^^A\typeout{\unexpanded{#4}}%%
  % \begin{quotation}
  %   Since the old implementation of |\meta| could be used in math we better ensure
  %   that this is possible with the new one as well. So we use |\ensuremath| around
  %   |\langle| and |\rangle|. However this is not enough: if |\meta@font@select| below
  %   expands to |\itshape| it will fail if used in math mode. For this reason we hide
  %   the whole thing inside an |\nfss@text| box in that case.
  % \end{quotation}
  {% this has to be a~begin-group because \incmd{\nfss@text} becomes
   % \incmd\hbox\ in math mode.
    % Need to keep track of what we changed just in case the user changes font inside
    % the argument so we store the font explicitly.
}% of |\meta|.

  \@xa\def\gmu@activespace{\space\ignorespaces}% note the
  % subtle perversity of this definition: if we meet more than one
  % subsequent active spaces, then the first of them will
  % typeset \incmd\space and its \incmd\ignorespaces\ will
  % gobble \incmd\space\ of the second and will stop at
  % \incs{ignorespaces} and this \incs{ignorespaces} will gobble
  % the next \incs{space} and so on.




\pdef\metachar#1{\begingroup\metacharfont #1\endgroup}


\def\printspaces#1{{\let~=\vs \let\ =\vs \gmu@pswords#1 \@nil}}
\def\gmu@pswords#1 #2\@nil{%
  \ifx\relax#2\relax\else\vs\penalty\hyphenpenalty\gmu@pswords#2\@nil\fi}% note


\def\gmu@discretionaryslash{\discre{/}{\hbox{}}{/}}% the second




  % \begin{enumargs}
  %   \dc O{\bslash}  the control sequence's prefix, by default it's
  %   \inverb|\| allowing hyphenation of subsequent word,
  %   \dc m the control sequence or anything to be typeset in
  %   typewriter font.
  % \end{enumargs}
  % \chgs{2008/12/12 v0.98 added \cs{verbatim@specials}}
  % \chgs{2008/12/12 v0.98 made \cmd\- switch to \cmd\normalfont\
  % because \IMHO\ this underlines the fact that a~\CS\ belongs to the
  % narrative. \cmd\hyphenchar\ set to 45 as in usual texts}
  \else "A6
}% of |\cs|



\def\narrativett{\ttfamily}% such name because I~introduce it to





  \relax % eaten by |\gmu@maxnum|
  \relax % eaten by |\numexpr|

\long\def\cmd#1{\@xa\cs\@xa{\@xa\cmd@to@cs\string#1}\spifletter}% it has to be








[% ^^A{
  \def\@verbmargm#1#2}[% for an argument in curly braces in a verbatim, where
    % the braces are not groupers and not necessary ‘other’. We'll know
    % by \incmd{\@ifnextif} that the future token is an opening
    % brace. Note this macro has 2nd parameter delimited with ‘other’
    % closing brace (so may not act correctly when braces are nested
    % (then hide them with special verbatim groupers)).
]% of |\foone|


  % \chgs{200/03/04 v0.991 added rcognising of verbatim braces and
  %   angles}
  s % (1)
  o % (2)
  c % (3)
  b % (4)
  a % (5)
  T{\arg} % (6) just gobbled (for backwards compatibility)
}{% This command iterates while it
  % has arguments and typesets them in brackets, parentheses or curly
  % braces. Note it gobbles subsequent |\arg|s and just iterates.
    \else % it's crucial that we look for verbatim braces \emph{after}
      % we checked there were no \inhash4, otherwise there would
      % be an error.
        {% not active or other lbrace
          \@ifnextif<{% then we look for angles
          {% and if not angles neither verbatim braces, then
            \endgroup  % if we have no more arguments to typeset, we
            % close the group opened in lines \ref{queer.group} and \ref{queer.group2}.
      \@xa \next
  }% of not egroup
}% of  |\arg@dc|

    \let\math@arg\arg %
    \pdef\arg{% This is |\arg| for meta-arguments.
      \ifmmode\math@arg %
      % \chgs{200/03/04 v0.991 added rcognising of verbatim braces and angles}
        \begingroup %
        % \label{queer.group}
          \def^^M{\unskip\space}% in the ‘queer’ \ac{EOL}s scope we
          % keep line end active in case we have
          % \incmd\arg\nlpercent\arg{arg.} ending a~line: the next
          % char peeper touches line end or, if the line end was $_5$,
          % gobbles the space it turns into so the comment layer would
          % ‘leak’ to the code layer.
        }{}\fi %
      \fi}% of |\arg|,
  }% of |\AtBeginDocument|,
  % \stanza
  % And this is arg-typesetting command for verbatim arguments.
    \begingroup %
    % \label{queer.group2}
        \def^^M{\unskip\space}% in the ‘queer’ \ac{EOL}s scope we
        % keep line end active… as above
    \fi % of |\ifdefined|
}% of |\foone|.


\pdef\CS{% \changes{v0.99n}{2008/08/30}{added}
  \@ifnextcat a{ }{}}% we put a~space if the next token is

\pdef\CSs{\CS{}es\@ifnextcat a{ }{}}% for pluralis.
\pdef\CSes{\CS{}es\@ifnextcat a{ }{}}% for pluralis.

%% End of file `gmmeta.sty'.