%\iffalse % !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode % !TEX TS-program = pdflatex %<*internal> \begingroup %^^A Load the docstrip package (DO NOT USE \input{...}) \input docstrip.tex \keepsilent %^^A\usedir{tex/latex/graphpaper} %^^A insert this text at the beginning of the generated file \preamble ________________________________________ The graphpaper class for generating several types of graph paper Copyright (C) 2020 - 2022 C. Beccari & F. Biccari All rights reserved License information appended \endpreamble %^^A insert this text at the end of the generated file \postamble Copyright (C) 2020 - 2022 Claudio Beccari & Francesco Biccari Distributable under the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c or higher (your choice). The latest version of this license is at: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt This work is "author-maintained". This work consists of this file graphpaper.dtx, and the derived files graphpaper.cls and graphpaper.pdf. \endpostamble %^^A %^^A DocStrip can silently overwrite an already existing cls file \askforoverwritefalse %^^A %^^A Generates the cls file from the dtx file, stripping out all %^^A the documentation. The option "class" tells to DocStrip to %^^A extract only the code marked with the "class" tag. \generate{\file{graphpaper.cls}{\from{graphpaper.dtx}{class}}} % \def\tmpa{plain} \ifx\tmpa\fmtname\endgroup\expandafter\bye\fi \endgroup %</internal> %\fi %^^A % %^^A ---------------------------------------------------------------------- %^^A Here starts the second part %^^A ProvidesFile must be (more or less) the first command for a class dtx. %^^A It populates the variables \filename, \filedate, and \fileversion %^^A % \iffalse %<*driver> \ProvidesFile{graphpaper.dtx} %</driver> %<class>\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[2021-10-10] %<class>\ProvidesClass{graphpaper}% %<*class> [2022-04-23 1.1 A LaTeX class to generate several types of graph papers] %</class> %<*driver> \documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{ltxdoc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage[a4paper,lines=50]{geometry} \usepackage{multicol} \hfuzz 10pt \let\originalmeta\meta \renewcommand\meta[1]{{\normalfont\originalmeta{#1}}} \renewcommand\marg[1]{\texttt{\{\meta{#1}\}}} \newcommand\Marg[1]{\texttt{\{#1\}}} \newcommand\opz[1]{\texttt{[\meta{#1}]}} \newcommand\Opz[1]{\texttt{[#1]}} \newcommand\amb[1]{\texttt{\slshape#1}}\let\env\amb \renewcommand\cs[1]{{\normalfont\ttfamily\char92#1}} \newcommand\Benv[1]{\texttt{\char92begin\{#1\}}} \newcommand\Eenv[1]{\texttt{\char92end\{#1\}}} \newcommand\eTeX{$\varepsilon$-\TeX} \providecommand\prog{} \renewcommand\prog[1]{\textsf{#1}} \newcommand\pack[1]{\texttt{\itshape#1}} \newcommand\class[1]{\texttt{#1}} % \newenvironment{ttsintassi}{\begin{lrbox}{0} \minipage{\dimexpr\linewidth-2\fboxrule-2\fboxsep}\ttfamily\obeylines}% {\endminipage\end{lrbox}\center\fbox{\box0}\endcenter} \let\ttsyntax\ttsintassi \let\endttsyntax\endttsintassi % \usepackage{color} \definecolor{sfondoblu}{rgb}{0.94,0.97,1} \usepackage{listings} \lstset{language=[LaTeX]TeX, basicstyle=\footnotesize\ttfamily, keywordstyle=\color{blue}\bfseries, commentstyle=\color{gray}, backgroundcolor=\color{sfondoblu}, frameround=tttt, frame=tlrb, escapechar=|, morekeywords={bilinear, semilogx, semilogy, loglog, polar, logpolar, smith, setgridcolor, setmajorlinethickness, setmediumlinethickness, setminorlinethickness, setminimumdistance, setxside, setyside, customcode}, columns=flexible } \begin{document} \GetFileInfo{graphpaper.dtx} \title{Documentation of the \class{graphpaper} \LaTeX\ class} \author{Claudio Beccari \and Francesco Biccari\thanks{Corresponding author: biccari@gmail.com}} \date{Version number \fileversion; last revised on \filedate.} \maketitle \setcounter{tocdepth}{2} \renewcommand{\columnseprule}{0.4pt} \setlength{\columnsep}{1.5cm} \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\begin{multicols}{2}} {\small \tableofcontents} \DocInput{graphpaper.dtx} \addtocontents{toc}{\protect\end{multicols}} \end{document} %</driver> % \fi %^^A \CheckSum{100} %\begin{abstract} % This document describes how to use the \LaTeX\ document class \class{graphpaper}. % It allows to print several types of graph papers: bilinear, % semilogarithmic, bilogarithmic, polar, Smith charts. %\end{abstract} % %\section{Legal terms} % This file is part of the |graphpaper| bundle. % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the \LaTeX\ Project Public License, either version 1.3c % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is at: % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status ``maintained''. % % This work consists of this file graphpaper.dtx, % and the derived files graphpaper.cls and graphpaper.pdf. % % The list of derived (unpacked) files belonging to the distribution % and covered by the LPPL is contained in the README file. % %\section{Installation} % The simplest way to install \class{graphpaper} is by the package manager of your \TeX\ % distribution (\TeX\ Live or MiK\TeX). For manual installation see the README file. % % % \newpage % \section{How to use graphpaper} % \label{sec:howto} % % \class{Graphpaper} is a \LaTeX\ class and it is loaded as usual: % % \iffalse %<*example> % \fi \begin{lstlisting} \documentclass|\opz{options}|{graphpaper} \end{lstlisting} % \iffalse %</example> % \fi % % It has three class options to specify the paper format: % \texttt{a4paper} (default), \texttt{a3paper}, \texttt{letterpaper}. % The paper orientation cannot be changed and it is always set % to landscape. % % \class{Graphpaper} provides the following commands (to be used % inside the body of the document) in order to compose graph papers. % At the end of the execution of these commands, a new page % is always started. % % \iffalse %<*example> % \fi \begin{lstlisting} \bilinear \semilogx|\marg{decades along x}| \semilogy|\marg{decades along y}| \loglog|\opz{0/1}||\marg{decades along x}||\marg{decades along y}| \polar \logpolar|\marg{decades along radius}| \smith \end{lstlisting} % \iffalse %</example> % \fi % The commands \cs{bilinear}, \cs{semilogx}, and \cs{semilogy} are self % explanatory. % The optional parameter in the \cs{loglog} command chooses wether the % decade length along the abscissa and ordinate axes must have the same % dimension. It can assume the value 0 (free dimensions) or 1 (same % dimensions), 0 being the default. % The commadns \cs{polar}, \cs{logpolar}, \cs{smith} are used to plot % polar, logpolar, and Smith chart graph papers. The mandatory argument % of \cs{logpolar} specifies the number of decades. % % There are several commands to change the appearance of the graph papers. % They must be inserted before the graph paper command which we want they % affect. % % The following ones are specific to bilinear, semilog and loglog papers % only: % \iffalse %<*example> % \fi \begin{lstlisting} \setxside|\marg{length}| \setyside|\marg{length}| \setminimumdistance|\marg{length}| \end{lstlisting} % \iffalse %</example> % \fi % \cs{setxside} and \cs{setyside} allow to specify the dimensions of the % rectangle of the grid. The default values are (260\,mm, 180\,mm) for % A4 paper, (250\,mm, 190\,mm) for letter paper, and (380\,mm, 280\,mm) % for A3 paper. % % \cs{setminimumdistance} specifies the minimal optical distance % between two lines. Default is 1\,mm. In this way, the number of % subdivision is automatically composed. % % The following commands are instead general settings for all graph % papers: % \iffalse %<*example> % \fi \begin{lstlisting} \setgridcolor|\marg{color}| \setmajorlinethickness|\marg{length}| \setmediumlinethickness|\marg{length}| \setminorlinethickness|\marg{length}| \customcode|\opz{0/1}\marg{picture environment commands}| \end{lstlisting} % \iffalse %</example> % \fi % % \cs{setgridcolor} sets the color of the grid. The argument must be a % color defined or predefined by the color or |xcolor| package. The % default color is the typical red-orange color used in many graph papers, % Pantone 2011 U corresponding to RGB (250,153,89). % % \cs{setmajorlinethickness}, \cs{setmediumlinethickness}, % \cs{setminorlinethickness} can be used to change the thickness of the % lines. The default values are 1\,pt, 0.6\,pt, 0.25\,pt, respectively. % % \cs{customcode} accepts all the commands accepted by the picture % environment. This snippet of code is inserted inside the picture % environment used to draw the subsequent graph paper. % The origin of the coordinate system in the case of rectangular graph % papers is the lower left vertex. The \cs{unitlength} is set to 1\,mm. % For circular plots (both polar and Smith) the origin is in the center % of the circle and the \cs{unitlength} is set to 1/140 of the paper height % currently in use. % % The \cs{customcode} command can be used, for example, to add a logo % or to draw on the graph paper. % Its optional argument is by default set to 0. If it is set to 1, the % content of the \cs{customcode} is erased after its usage in a % graphpaper. % % %\StopEventually{} % %\iffalse %<*class> %\fi %\clearpage %\section{The implementation} % This class file has been already identified by the commands extracted % by the |DocStrip| package, during the |.dtx| file compilation. % Therefore the commands \cs{NeedsTeXFormat} and \cs{ProvidesClass} are % already present in the |.cls| file. % % \subsection{Loaded packages, class options, and initial settings} % The |xkeyvalue| package is used in order to define the class options: % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{xkeyval} % \end{macrocode} % Three class options are implemented and they allows only to change the % paper format (A4, A3, letter). The orientation of the paper is fixed % to landscape. % % \begin{macrocode} \def\GP@paper{1} \define@key[GRP]{}{a4paper}[]{\PassOptionsToPackage{a4paper}{geometry}} \define@key[GRP]{}{letterpaper}[]{\PassOptionsToPackage{letterpaper}{geometry}% \def\GP@paper{2}} \define@key[GRP]{}{a3paper}[]{\PassOptionsToPackage{a3paper}{geometry}% \def\GP@paper{3}} \DeclareOptionX*{\ClassError{graphpaper}{Option '\CurrentOption'% \MessageBreak is not valid}{Remove '\CurrentOption' % from class options}} \ProcessOptionsX[GRP]<> % \end{macrocode} % % The class is based on the \class{article} class. The default paper % is A4. % \begin{macrocode} \LoadClass[a4paper,11pt]{article} % \end{macrocode} % % Some packages are loaded. \pack{euclideangeometry} loads \pack{curve2e} % which in turns loads \pack{pict2e}; all of them are \env{picture} % environment extensions. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage[landscape]{geometry} \RequirePackage{euclideangeometry,graphicx,xcolor} % \end{macrocode} % % Default line color (Pantone 2011~U). % \begin{macrocode} \definecolor{gridcolor}{RGB}{250,153,89} % \end{macrocode} % % Default thickness of the lines used for main divisions and subdivisions. % The ISO-UNI standards prescribe a geometric progression with $\sqrt{2}$ % ratio, but it is not respected here. % It must be keep in mind also that a safe minimum thickness for an offset % monochromatic printer is about 0.25\,pt, whereas a safe minimum % thickness for a laser printer is about 0.5\,pt. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength\lwa \setlength{\lwa}{1pt} \newlength\lwb \setlength{\lwb}{0.6pt} \newlength\lwc \setlength{\lwc}{0.25pt} % \end{macrocode} % % Minimum distance between two subdivision lines. A necessary parameter % for automatic choice of number of subdivisions. Default 1\,mm. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength\mindistanceunit \setlength{\mindistanceunit}{1mm} % \end{macrocode} % % Definition of the width and height of the main rectangle within which % the bilinear, semilog and loglog grid is composed. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength\xsideunit \newlength\ysideunit \if\GP@paper1 \setlength{\xsideunit}{260mm} \setlength{\ysideunit}{180mm} \fi \if\GP@paper2 \setlength{\xsideunit}{250mm} \setlength{\ysideunit}{190mm} \fi \if\GP@paper3 \setlength{\xsideunit}{380mm} \setlength{\ysideunit}{280mm} \fi % \end{macrocode} % %\subsection{Rectangular graph papers} % % As we will see below, the commands to compose the bilinear, semilog % and loglog graph papers are just proper calls of the low-level command % \cs{carta}. % %\subsubsection{Service macros for rectangular graph papers} % % First of all, four macros are defined. They are used by the % \cs{carta} service command only. % % Two of them are simply two identical classical |whiledo| commands: % the first cycles on the counter \cs{J} while the second one on the % counter \cs{K}. % They are two because in this way two nested |whiledo| commands can be % implemented. % These \cs{WhileDo} commands have four parameters: % 1. the incremental step of the counter between cycles (default 1); % 2. the initial value of the counter; % 3. the final value of the counter; % 4. the code to execute at each cycle. % \begin{macrocode} \newcount\J \newcount\K \newcommand\WhileDoOne[4][1]{% \J=#2 \fpdowhile{\J=<#3 }{#4\advance\J by #1\relax}} \newcommand\WhileDoTwo[4][1]{% \K=#2 \fpdowhile{\K=<#3 }{#4\advance\K by #1\relax}} % \end{macrocode} % % % The other two commands are used to draw a periodic set of equidistant % lines in log scale. % These two commands are practically identical, the only difference is % that they act on different axes. % These commands have six parameters: % 1. number of lines to draw (distance between these lines is the fifth % parameter); % 2. value at which the first line must be drawn (x-value for vertical % lines, y-value for horizontal lines); % 3. thickness; % 4. tick length; % 5. distance between two lines (typically the length of a decade: % y-decade for horizontal lines, x-decade for vertical lines); % 6. line length (typically the length of the graph paper sides: % x-side for horizontal lines and y-side for vertical lines). % % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\hlines[6]{% \multiput(-#4,\fpeval{ln(#2) * #5 / ln(10)})(0,#5){#1}% {\linethickness{#3}\line(1,0){\fpeval{#6 + 2*#4}}}% } \newcommand\vlines[6]{% \multiput(\fpeval{ln(#2) * #5 / ln(10)},-#4)(#5,0){#1}% {\linethickness{#3}\line(0,1){\fpeval{#6 + 2*#4}}}% } % \end{macrocode} % %\subsubsection{Command for rectangular graph papers} % % Here starts the definition of the \cs{carta} command. Its syntax is %\begin{ttsyntax} %\cs{carta}\opz{0 or1}\marg{no. x decades}\marg{no. of y decades} %\end{ttsyntax} % If an axis has zero decades, the scale is linear. % For example, \cs{carta}\Marg{0}\Marg{0} composes a bilinear graph % paper, \cs{carta}\Marg{2}\Marg{0} composes a semilog graph paper with % linear y-axis and two decades along x-axis, and so on. % Its optional argument can be 0 or 1. If it is set to 0, and both the % numbers of decades are greater than zero (which means the resulting % graph paper is loglog), then the length of x-axis and y-axis decades % are set to be equal. % % Declaration of the command and its arguments. % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand{\carta}{O{0} m m}{% % \end{macrocode} % % Typographical settings and definition of the main features of the % graphpaper. \cs{xlength} and \cs{ylength} represent the lengths, % expressed in mm, of the rectangle dimensions. \cs{minimumdistance} % is the minimum distance at which two subdivision lines can be drawn. % \begin{macrocode} \newpage \parindent=0pt \pagestyle{empty}% \color{gridcolor}% \setlength{\unitlength}{1mm}% \def\ticklength{2} \def\minorticklength{1.2} \def\minimumdistance{\fpeval{(\mindistanceunit/1mm)}} \def\xlength{\fpeval{round(round(\xsideunit/1cm) * 10)}} \def\ylength{\fpeval{round(round(\ysideunit/1cm) * 10)}} % \end{macrocode} % % \cs{xlinsq} and \cs{ylinsq} represent the number of big divisions % (cm) on horizontal and vertical axes for linear scales, respectively. % \begin{macrocode} \def\xlinsq{\inteval{\xlength/10}} \def\ylinsq{\inteval{\ylength/10}} % \end{macrocode} % % Implementation of the same decade length between x-axis and y-axis % for loglog graph paper. This is obtained properly changing the % values of \cs{xlength} and \cs{ylength}, making them equal. % \begin{macrocode} \edef\decx{#2}% decades along x \edef\decy{#3}% decades along y \unless\ifnum#2=0 \unless\ifnum#3=0 \ifnum#1=1% \fptest{\decx/\decy < \xlength/\ylength}% {\def\xlength{\fpeval{\ylength*\decx/\decy}}} {\def\ylength{\fpeval{\xlength*\decy/\decx}}} \fi\fi\fi % \end{macrocode} % % Using the values of the paper width and height together with the % length of the graph paper rectangle sides, the margins are calculated % and passed to the geometry package in order to center the grid with % respect to the page. % \begin{macrocode} \ifcsname ml\endcsname\relax\else\newlength\ml\fi \ifcsname mr\endcsname\relax\else\newlength\mr\fi \ifcsname mt\endcsname\relax\else\newlength\mt\fi \ifcsname mb\endcsname\relax\else\newlength\mb\fi \unless\ifcsname mr\endcsname\newlength\mr\fi \unless\ifcsname mt\endcsname\newlength\mt\fi \unless\ifcsname mb\endcsname\newlength\mb\fi \setlength{\ml}{\fpeval{(\paperwidth/1mm - \xlength)/2}mm} \setlength{\mr}{\fpeval{(\paperwidth/1mm - \xlength)/2}mm} \setlength{\mt}{\fpeval{(\paperheight/1mm - \ylength)/2}mm} \setlength{\mb}{\fpeval{(\paperheight/1mm - \ylength)/2}mm} \newgeometry{left=\ml,right=\mr,top=\mt,bottom=\mb} % \end{macrocode} % % Here starts the drawing of the graph paper by the |picture| environment. % \begin{macrocode} \begin{picture}(\xlength,\ylength) % \end{macrocode} % % If the horizontal axis is linear, vertical lines are drawn by % simple \cs{multiput} commands. Otherwise, if the scale is logarithmic, % the vertical lines are drawn by the \cs{vlines} command defined above. % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum#2=0\relax % vertical lines on linear abscissa. Main lines every 10 mm. % Second level lines every 5 mm, Third level lines every 1 mm, % according to the \minimumdistance value \multiput(0,0)(10,0){\inteval{\xlinsq + 1}}{% \linethickness{\lwa}\squarecap\line(0,1){\ylength}} \ifnum\fpeval{\minimumdistance <= 5}=1 \multiput(5,0)(10,0){\xlinsq}{% \linethickness{\lwb}\line(0,1){\ylength}}\fi \ifnum\fpeval{\minimumdistance <= 1}=1 \multiput(0,0)(1,0){\xlength}{% \linethickness{\lwc}\line(0,1){\ylength}}\fi \else % vertical lines on log abscissa \edef\decxx{\fpeval{\decx + 1}}% \edef\xstep{\fpeval{\xlength / \decx}} % main lines: one for each decade (10) plus one at the end \vlines{\decxx}{1}{\lwa}{\ticklength}{\xstep}{\ylength} % second-level lines: one every unit (1), for each decade \WhileDoOne{2}{9}{\vlines{\decx}{\J}{\lwb}{% \minorticklength}{\xstep}{\ylength}} % third-level lines: for each decade (10) and for each unit (1): % 20, 10, 5, 2 are progressively tested and adopted if the distance % between two subsequent nearest lines is less to \minimumdistance \WhileDoTwo{1}{9}{% \edef\xmindivfloat{% \fpeval{(\K+1)*(1-10^-(\minimumdistance/\xstep))}} % xmindiv corresponds to 1/20 of unit \def\xmindiv{20} % xmindivfloat corresponds to the distance of two % subdivision with respect to the unit \ifnum\fpeval{\xmindivfloat <= 0.5}=1 \def\xmindiv{10}\fi \ifnum\fpeval{\xmindivfloat <= 0.2}=1 \def\xmindiv{4}\fi \ifnum\fpeval{\xmindivfloat <= 0.1}=1 \def\xmindiv{2}\fi \ifnum\fpeval{\xmindivfloat <= 0.05}=1 \def\xmindiv{1}\fi \ifnum\fpeval{\xmindiv == 20}=1\relax \else\WhileDoOne[\xmindiv]{\xmindiv}{19}{% \vlines{\decx}{(\K+\J/20)}{\lwc}{0}{\xstep}{\ylength}}\fi} \fi % \end{macrocode} % % If the vertical axis is linear, horizontal lines are drawn by % simple \cs{multiput} commands. Otherwise, if the scale is logarithmic, % the horizontal lines are drawn by the \cs{hlines} command defined above. % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum#3=0\relax % horizontal lines on linear ordinates. Main lines every 10 mm. % Second level lines every 5 mm, Third level lines every 1 mm, % according to the \minimumdistance value \multiput(0,0)(0,10){\inteval{\ylinsq + 1}}{% \linethickness{\lwa}\squarecap\line(1,0){\xlength}} \ifnum\fpeval{\minimumdistance <= 5}=1 \multiput(0,5)(0,10){\ylinsq}{% \linethickness{\lwb}\line(1,0){\xlength}}\fi \ifnum\fpeval{\minimumdistance <= 1}=1 \multiput(0,0)(0,1){\ylength}{% \linethickness{\lwc}\line(1,0){\xlength}}\fi \else % horizontal lines on log ordinates \edef\decyy{\fpeval{\decy + 1}}% \edef\ystep{\fpeval{\ylength / \decy}} % main lines: one for each decade (10) plus one at the end \hlines{\decyy}{1}{\lwa}{\ticklength}{\ystep}{\xlength} % second-level lines: one every unit (1), for each decade \WhileDoOne{2}{9}{\hlines{\decy}{\J}{\lwb}{% \minorticklength}{\ystep}{\xlength}} % third-level lines: for each decade (10) and for each unit (1): % 20, 10, 5, 2 are progressively tested and adopted if the distance % between two subsequent nearest lines is less to \minimumdistance \WhileDoTwo{1}{9}{\edef\ymindivfloat{% \fpeval{(\K+1)*(1-10^-(\minimumdistance/\ystep))}} % ymindiv corresponds to 1/20 of unit \def\ymindiv{20} % ymindivfloat corresponds to the distance of two subdivisions % with respect to the unit \ifnum\fpeval{\ymindivfloat <= 0.5}=1 \def\ymindiv{10}\fi \ifnum\fpeval{\ymindivfloat <= 0.2}=1 \def\ymindiv{4}\fi \ifnum\fpeval{\ymindivfloat <= 0.1}=1 \def\ymindiv{2}\fi \ifnum\fpeval{\ymindivfloat <= 0.05}=1 \def\ymindiv{1}\fi \ifnum\fpeval{\ymindiv == 20}=1\relax \else\WhileDoOne[\ymindiv]{\ymindiv}{19}{% \hlines{\decy}{(\K+\J/20)}{\lwc}{0}{\ystep}{\xlength}}\fi} \fi % \end{macrocode} % % Custom code provided by the user. After executing the code to compose % the rectangular graph paper and the user custom code, the latter is % reset if the \cs{GP@customcodereset} is true. % \begin{macrocode} \GP@custom \end{picture} \ifGP@customcodereset\def\GP@custom{}\fi} % \end{macrocode} % % % %\subsection{Circular graph papers} % % The \class{Graphpaper} class provides commands to draw three different % circular graph papers: linear polar chart, log polar chart, Smith chart. % %\subsubsection{Service macros for Smith charts} % % Here follows a list of service macros used by circular graph papers. % % Definition of the counter \cs{I}, used both in polar paper and Smith chart. % \begin{macrocode} \newcount\I % \end{macrocode} % % |Rbox| composes a tick and a label in a rotated box. It is used to % compose the ticks and labels along the external circle of circular % graph papers. It accepts three arguments: The first one is % optional and represents % the angle of rotation (default 0); the second one is optional too, % it is inserted by round parentheses, and it represents the position of the % box which can be given in cartesian $(x,y)$ or polar coordinates $(\theta:\rho)$ % (default 0:0); the third one is mandatory and % contains the label. % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand\Rbox{O{0} D(){0:0} m}{% \fptest{#1>=0}{\edef\RotLab{\fpeval{#1-90}}}{\edef\RotLab{\fpeval{#1+90}}}% \put(#2){\color{black}\segment(0,0)(#1:1)\put(#1:1){% \rotatebox{\RotLab}{\makebox(0,0)[c]{% \fptest{#1>=0}{\Pbox[b]}{\Pbox[t]}{\scriptstyle#3}[0]}}% }% }\ignorespaces} % \end{macrocode} % % |\Xcircle| macro (used only for Smith charts) assumes that the scale % factor |\Scala| ($s$) has already been defined and it takes only one % mandatory parameter ($x$). It draws a circle with % center $(sx/(x+1),0)$ and radius $s/(x+1)$. ($x$ represents the real % part (resistance) of the normalised impedance.) % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand\Xcircle{m}{% \edef\Czero{0,0}\edef\Rzero{\Scala}% \edef\Rdue{\fpeval{1/(#1+1)*\Scala}}% \edef\Cdue{\fpeval{\Rzero-\Rdue},0}% \Circlewithcenter\Cdue radius\Rdue\ignorespaces} % \end{macrocode} % % |\Ycircle| macro (used only for Smith charts) assumes that the scale % factor |\Scala| ($s$) has already been defined. % It assumes that the circle diameter is 100|\unitlength|s long and it % takes only one % mandatory parameter ($y$). It draws an arc of a circle with % center $(s,s/y)$, starting point at $(s,0)$ (and therefore radius % $s/y$) and with an angle calculated in order to have the end point on % the external circle. ($y$ represents the imaginary part (reactance) % of the normalised impedance.) % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand\Ycircle{m s}{% \edef\Czero{0,0}\edef\Rzero{\Scala}% external circle center and radius \edef\Rdue{\fpeval{\Scala/abs(#1)}}% Small circle radius \edef\Cdue{\Rzero,\fpeval{\Scala/#1}}% Small circle center \edef\Cuno{\Rzero,0}% First intersection point \ModAndAngleOfVect\Cdue to\Mod and\Alfa % Small circle center polar coordinates \IntersectionOfLines(\Czero)(\Cdue)and(\Cuno)(\fpeval{\Alfa+90}:1)to\Inter \SymmetricalPointOf\Cuno respect\Inter to\Idue \ModAndAngleOfVect\Idue to\Mdue and\Adue \SubVect\Cdue from\Idue to\IIdue \ModAndAngleOfVect\IIdue to\Mod and\Alfa \fptest{#1>0}{\edef\Alfa{\fpeval{270-\Alfa}}\Arc(\Cdue)(\Idue){\Alfa}}% {\edef\Alfa{\fpeval{270+\Alfa}}\Arc(\Cdue)(\Cuno){\Alfa}}% \IfBooleanT{#2}{\Rbox[\Adue](\Idue){\color{black}#1}}\relax \ignorespaces} % \end{macrocode} % % The following two macros are used to compose the resistance axis % below the Smith chart. % % |CalcRxx| macro (used only for Smith charts) assumes that the scale % factor |Scala| ($s$) has already been defined. % First, it calculates the reflection coefficient % $\Gamma = s \frac{x-1}{x+1}$ from resistance $x$. % A tick and a label are inserted for this value of $x$. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\CalcRxx[1]{% \edef\Rxx{\fpeval{\Scala*(#1 - 1)/(#1 + 1)}}% \segment(\Rxx,\LowResZero)(\Rxx,\LowResUno)\relax \Pbox(\Rxx,\LowResUno)[t]{$\color{black}\scriptsize#1$}[0]\ignorespaces} % \end{macrocode} % % |GradResist| macro (used only for Smith charts) % draws the graduated axis for resistance and executes the |CalcRxx| % for several values of resistance in order to compose the ticks and % the labels. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\GradResist[1]{% \color{black} \edef\LowResZero{-#1}\edef\LowResUno{\fpeval{\LowResZero-1}}% \I=0\edef\Auxx{0}\relax \fpdowhile{\I<=10}{\CalcRxx{\Auxx}% \advance\I by1\edef\Auxx{\fpeval{\Auxx+0.1}}\ignorespaces} \CalcRxx{1.5}\I=2\edef\Auxx{2}\relax \fpdowhile{\I<=9}{\CalcRxx{\Auxx}% \advance\I by1\edef\Auxx{\fpeval{\Auxx+1}}\ignorespaces} \CalcRxx{15}\CalcRxx{30}% \edef\Rxx{\Scala}% {\segment(-\Rxx,\LowResZero)(\Rxx,\LowResZero)% \segment(\Rxx,\LowResZero)(\Rxx,\LowResUno)% \Pbox(\Rxx,\LowResUno)[t]{\infty}[0]}} % \end{macrocode} % % |GradPolar| macro (used only for polar charts) % draws the graduated axis for log polar charts. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\GradPolar}[1]{% \color{black} \edef\yline{\fpeval{-1.2 * \Scala}} \linethickness{\lwa} \segment(-\Scala,\yline)(\Scala,\yline) \edef\ytickstart{\yline} \edef\ytickstop{\fpeval{\yline-2}} \edef\yytickstop{\fpeval{\yline-1}} \segment(\Scala,\ytickstart)(\Scala,\ytickstop) \segment(-\Scala,\ytickstart)(-\Scala,\ytickstop) \fptest{#1=0}{% \segment(0,\ytickstart)(0,\ytickstop) \edef\plstep{\fpeval{\Scala/10}} \linethickness{\lwb} \multiput(\plstep,\yline)(\plstep,0){9}{\line(0,-1){1}} \multiput(-\plstep,\yline)(-\plstep,0){9}{\line(0,-1){1}}% }{% \I=0 \fpwhiledo{\I<#1}{% \linethickness{\lwa} \edef\xtick{\fpeval{\I*\Scala/#1}} \segment(\xtick,\ytickstart)(\xtick,\ytickstop) \segment(-\xtick,\ytickstart)(-\xtick,\ytickstop) \J=2 \fpwhiledo{\J<=9}{% \linethickness{\lwb} \edef\xtick{\fpeval{\Scala/#1 * (\I + ln(\J)/ln(10))}} \segment(\xtick,\ytickstart)(\xtick,\yytickstop) \segment(-\xtick,\ytickstart)(-\xtick,\yytickstop) \advance\J by1\relax} \advance\I by1\relax}} } % \end{macrocode} % % %\subsubsection{Polar graph papers} % % The polar graph papers are composed by the command \cs{PolarChart}. % The syntax is %\begin{ttsyntax} % \cs{PolarChart}\opz{diameter}\marg{decades} %\end{ttsyntax} % where \meta{diameter} is the dimension (plus some extra space for % labels and margins) of the polar chart. Its default value % corresponds to the \cs{paperheight} (the minimum dimension of the % paper). % The mandatory parameter \meta{decades} must be an integer number. % Its value corresponds to the number of decades of the radial % coordinate for the log polar graph paper. % If its value is zero, the chart is linear. % The maximum number of allowed decades is set by the macro \cs{NDecMax}: % its default value is~2. % % Declaration of the command and its arguments. % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand\PolarChart{O{\paperheight} m}{% % \end{macrocode} % % Typographical settings and definition of the main features of the graphpaper. % \cs{xlength} and \cs{ylength} represent the lengths of the rectangle % dimensions in which the polar graph is plot. % The origin of the coordinate system is in the center of the page. % \begin{macrocode} \newpage \parindent=0pt \pagestyle{empty}% \ifcsname pmargin\endcsname\relax\else\newlength\pmargin\fi \setlength{\pmargin}{20pt} \newgeometry{left=\pmargin,right=\pmargin,top=\pmargin,bottom=\pmargin} \def\factor{140} \unitlength=\fpeval{#1/\factor}pt \def\xlength{\fpeval{(\textwidth-0.01pt)/\unitlength}} \def\ylength{\fpeval{(\textheight-0.01pt)/\unitlength}} \begin{picture}(\xlength,\ylength)% (\fpeval{-\xlength/2},\fpeval{-\ylength/2})% \color{gridcolor}% \edef\Scala{50}% The scale factor % \end{macrocode} % % % Circle stroking. In linear scale 10 radial units are present, % therefore, 10 circles are drawn with tick lines, % medium lines circles every 0.5 unit and thin lines circles every % 0.1 unit. % \begin{macrocode} \fptest{#2=0}{% start circle linear radius sequence. \I=1 \fpdowhile{\I=<100}{\edef\R{\fpeval{0.01*\Scala*\I}}% {\fptest{\fpeval{\I-10(round(\I/10,0))}=0}{\linethickness{\lwa}% }% {\fptest{\fpeval{\I-5(round(\I/5,0))}=0}{\linethickness{\lwb}}% {\linethickness{\lwc}}% }\Circlewithcenter0,0radius\R }\advance\I by1\relax}% }% end circle linear radius sequence {% \edef\LnDieci{\fpeval{ln(10)}}% \edef\ScalaDecade{\fpeval{\Scala/#2}}% \fptest{#2<3}{% \newcount\Dec \Dec=1\relax \fpdowhile{\Dec=<#2}{% \linethickness{\lwa}% \edef\R{\fpeval{\Dec*\ScalaDecade}}% \Circlewithcenter0,0radius\R% Thick circles % First band from 1 to 4 (excluded) \edef\LPLA{1}% \fpdowhile{\LPLA<4}{ \edef\Logaritmo{\fpeval{\Dec-1+(ln(\LPLA))/\LnDieci}}% \edef\R{\fpeval{\ScalaDecade*\Logaritmo}}% \fptest{\R>0}{\fptest{\LPLA=round(\LPLA,0)}% {\linethickness{\lwb}}{\linethickness{\lwc}}% \Circlewithcenter0,0radius\R}{}% \edef\LPLA{\fpeval{\LPLA+0.2}}}% % Second band from 4 to 10 included \edef\LPLA{4}% \fpdowhile{\LPLA=<10}{% \edef\Logaritmo{\fpeval{\Dec-1+(ln(\LPLA))/\LnDieci}}% \edef\R{\fpeval{\ScalaDecade*\Logaritmo}}% \fptest{\R>0}{\fptest{\LPLA=round(\LPLA,0)}% {\linethickness{\lwb}}{\linethickness{\lwc}}% \Circlewithcenter0,0radius\R}{}% \edef\LPLA{\fpeval{\LPLA+0.5}}}% \advance\Dec by1\relax}% }{% \ClassWarning{GraphPaper}{Logarithmic polar graph paper:\MessageBreak too many decades: \number#2\space\MessageBreak Reduce their number}% }}% End logarithmic circle radius sequence \ignorespaces % % \end{macrocode} % % Radial lines. \cs{I} represents the angle in degrees and it runs % from 0 to 359. Tick lines every 10$^\circ$; medium lines every 5$^\circ$ % for units 2, 7, 8, 9, 10; thin lines every 2$^\circ$ for units 3, 4, 5, 6; % thin lines every 1$^\circ$ for units 7, 8, 9, 10. % \begin{macrocode} \I=0\edef\R{\Scala}% \fpdowhile{\I<360}{\edef\A{\fpeval{\I}}% \fptest{\fpeval{\I-10(round(\I/10,0))}=0}% {\linethickness{\lwa}\segment(0,0)(\A:\R) \Rbox[\A](\A:\R){\color{black}\A}}% multiple of 10 {\fptest{\fpeval{\I-5(round(\I/5,0))}=0}% {\linethickness{\lwb}% \segment(\A:5)(\A:10) \segment(\A:30)(\A:\R)}% multiple of 5 {\linethickness{\lwc}% \fptest{\fpeval{\I-2(round(\I/2,0))}=0}% {\segment(\A:10)(\A:\R)}% multiple of 2 {\segment(\A:30)(\A:\R)}% multiple of 1 }% }% \advance\I by 1\relax }\ignorespaces % \end{macrocode} % % Graduated axis. % \begin{macrocode} \GradPolar{#2} % \end{macrocode} % % Custom code provided by the user. After executing the code to compose % the rectangular graph paper and the user custom code, the latter is % reset if the \cs{GP@customcodereset} is true. % \begin{macrocode} \GP@custom \end{picture} \ifGP@customcodereset\def\GP@custom{}\fi} % \end{macrocode} % % %\subsubsection{Smith chart graph paper} % % The Smith chart graph paper is composed by the command \cs{SmithChart}: %\begin{ttsyntax} % \cs{SmithChart}\oarg{diameter} %\end{ttsyntax} % where % \meta{diameter} is the dimension (plus some extra space for labels and % margins) of the Smith chart. Its default value corresponds to the % \cs{paperheight} (the minimum dimension of the paper). % % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand\SmithChart{O{\paperheight}}{% \newpage \parindent=0pt \pagestyle{empty}% \ifcsname pmargin\endcsname\relax\else\newlength\pmargin\fi \setlength{\pmargin}{20pt} \newgeometry{left=\pmargin,right=\pmargin,top=\pmargin,bottom=\pmargin} \def\factor{140} \unitlength=\fpeval{#1/\factor}pt\relax \def\xlength{\fpeval{(\textwidth-0.01pt)/\unitlength}} \def\ylength{\fpeval{(\textheight-0.01pt)/\unitlength}} \begin{picture}(\xlength,\ylength)% (\fpeval{-\xlength/2},\fpeval{-\ylength/2})% \color{gridcolor}% \edef\Scala{50}% scale factor based on the main circle but valid % for everything inside the graph paper. {\color{black}\Pbox(0,0){}[4]}% Black dot in the origin % images of the vertical cartesian lines \I=0\relax \fpdowhile{\I=<6}{\edef\Aux{\fpeval{\I/20}}{% \fptest{\I=0}{\color{black}}{\color{gridcolor}}\thicklines\Xcircle{\Aux}}% \advance\I by1\edef\Aux{\fpeval{\I/20}}\Xcircle{\Aux}% \advance\I by1\ignorespaces}%fino a 0.4 \fpdowhile{\I=<16}{\edef\Aux{\fpeval{\I/20}}\relax {\thicklines\Xcircle{\Aux}}\advance\I by2\edef\Aux{\fpeval{\I/20}}\relax \Xcircle{\Aux}\advance\I by2\ignorespaces}% fino a 1 \fpdowhile{\I=<36}{\edef\Aux{\fpeval{\I/20}}\relax {\thicklines\Xcircle{\Aux}}\advance\I by4\edef\Aux{\fpeval{\I/20}}\relax \Xcircle{\Aux}\advance\I by4\ignorespaces}% fino a 2 \fpdowhile{\I=<96}{\edef\Aux{\fpeval{\I/20}}\relax {\thicklines\Xcircle{\Aux}}\advance\I by8\edef\Aux{\fpeval{\I/20}}\relax \Xcircle{\Aux}\advance\I by8\ignorespaces}%fino a 5 \fpdowhile{\I=<296}{\edef\Aux{\fpeval{\I/20}}\relax {\thicklines\Xcircle{\Aux}}\advance\I by16\edef\Aux{\fpeval{\I/20}}\relax \Xcircle{\Aux}\advance\I by16\ignorespaces}% up to 15 % Images of the horizontal cartesian semi-lines \Ycircle{1}% {\thicklines\segment(-\Rzero,0)(\Rzero,0)}% diameter \Rbox[180](-\Rzero,0){0}\Rbox[0](\Rzero,0){\infty} \Ycircle{0.05}\Ycircle{-0.05}\I=2% \I=2 is to avoid a division by 0 \fpdowhile{\I=<18}{\edef\Aux{\fpeval{\I/20}}\relax {\thicklines\Ycircle{\Aux}*\Ycircle{-\Aux}*}% \advance\I by1\edef\Aux{\fpeval{\I/20}}\relax \Ycircle{\Aux}\Ycircle{-\Aux}\advance\I by 1\ignorespaces}% restarts from 1 \fpdowhile{\I<40}{\edef\Aux{\fpeval{\I/20}}\relax {\thicklines\Ycircle{\Aux}*\Ycircle{-\Aux}*}% \advance\I by 2\edef\Aux{\fpeval{\I/20}}\relax \Ycircle{\Aux}\Ycircle{-\Aux}\advance\I by 2\ignorespaces}% restarts from 2 \fpdowhile{\I<80}{\edef\Aux{\fpeval{\I/20}}\relax {\thicklines\Ycircle{\Aux}*\Ycircle{-\Aux}*}% \advance\I by 4\edef\Aux{\fpeval{\I/20}}\relax \Ycircle{\Aux}\Ycircle{-\Aux}\advance\I by 4\ignorespaces}% restarts from 4 \fpdowhile{\I=<140}{\edef\Aux{\fpeval{\I/20}}\relax {\thicklines\Ycircle{\Aux}*\Ycircle{-\Aux}*}% \advance\I by 10\edef\Aux{\fpeval{\I/20}}\relax \Ycircle{\Aux}\Ycircle{-\Aux}\advance\I by 10\ignorespaces}% stops at 7.5 {\thicklines\Ycircle{8}*\Ycircle{-8}*}% % non linear graduation for the abscissas \GradResist{62}% % Polar graduation in normalised wave length percentages \edef\Rout{\fpeval{1.09*\Rzero}}% \edef\RoutCifre{\fpeval{\Rout+2}}% \edef\RoutTak{\fpeval{\Rout+1}}% {\color{black}% \Circlewithcenter 0,0radius\Rout \I=0\fpdowhile{\I<10}% {\edef\LAng{\fpeval{180-\I*36}}\edef\Cifre{\fpeval{\I*5}}% \put(\LAng:\RoutCifre){% \rotatebox{\fpeval{\LAng-90}}{\makebox(0,0)[b]{\scriptsize\Cifre}}}% \advance\I by 1\ignorespaces} \I=0\fpdowhile{\I<50}{% \edef\LAng{\fpeval{180-\I*7.2}}\segment(\LAng:\Rout)(\LAng:\RoutTak)% \advance\I by1\ignorespaces} % % Outside circle encloses everything except the abscissa graduation. % Everything lays inside a square \Circlewithcenter0,0radius{\fpeval{\Scala+9}}}% % Now the user supplied code is executed \GP@custom \end{picture} \ifGP@customcodereset\def\GP@custom{}\fi}% % \end{macrocode} % % %\subsection{User interface} % % Here follows the user commands to draw the graph papers, as described in % section~\ref{sec:howto}: % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand{\bilinear}{}{\carta{0}{0}} \NewDocumentCommand{\semilogx}{m}{\carta{#1}{0}} \NewDocumentCommand{\semilogy}{m}{\carta{0}{#1}} \NewDocumentCommand{\loglog}{O{0}mm}{\carta[#1]{#2}{#3}} \NewDocumentCommand{\polar}{}{\PolarChart{0}} \NewDocumentCommand{\logpolar}{m}{\PolarChart{#1}} \NewDocumentCommand{\smith}{}{\SmithChart} % \end{macrocode} % % The user commands to customise the appearance of the graph % papers is defined. Their syntax was previously described in % sectio~\ref{sec:howto}: % \begin{macrocode} \NewDocumentCommand{\setgridcolor}{m}{\colorlet{gridcolor}{#1}} \NewDocumentCommand{\setmajorlinethickness}{m}{\setlength{\lwa}{#1}} \NewDocumentCommand{\setmediumlinethickness}{m}{\setlength{\lwb}{#1}} \NewDocumentCommand{\setminorlinethickness}{m}{\setlength{\lwc}{#1}} \NewDocumentCommand{\setminimumdistance}{m}{\setlength{\mindistanceunit}{#1}} \NewDocumentCommand{\setxside}{m}{% \ifnum\fpeval{#1 > \paperwidth}=1 \ClassError{graphpaper}{X side too wide!} \fi \setlength{\xsideunit}{#1}} \NewDocumentCommand{\setyside}{m}{% \ifnum\fpeval{#1 > \paperheight}=1 \ClassError{graphpaper}{Y side too wide!} \fi \setlength{\ysideunit}{#1}} \def\GP@custom{} \newif\ifGP@customcodereset \GP@customcoderesettrue \NewDocumentCommand{\customcode}{O{1} m}{% \ifnum#1=\z@ \GP@customcoderesetfalse \fi% \def\GP@custom{#2}} % \end{macrocode} % % %\subsection{Class code end} % % \begin{macrocode} % \endinput % \end{macrocode} % %\iffalse %</class> %\fi % % \Finale %^^A