% Package:     gridslides
% Description: LaTeX package to create free form slides with blocks placed on a grid
% File:        example.tex
% Author:      Daniel Mendler <mail@daniel-mendler.de>
% Version:     0.1.1
% Date:        2017-11-28
% License:     GPL2 or LPPL1.3 at your option
% Homepage:    https://github.com/minad/gridslides



  \block(0,0,32){\tikz\fill[bordercolor] (0,0) rectangle (128mm,2mm);}
  \block(0,22,32){\tikz\fill[bordercolor] (0,0) rectangle (128mm,8mm);}

\title{Presentation Title}




    \item Topological phases
    \item 1D p-wave superconductor

\begin{slide}{Topological Phases}
  \txt(6,11){Conducting edge channels $\longleftrightarrow$ Non-trivial bandstructure}

  \txt<2->(1.5,12.5){QAHE bulk Hamiltonian $\HH(\vec{k}) = \vec{g}(\vec{k})\cdot\vec{\sigma}$}
  \eq<2->(13,14.2){\vec{g}(k_x,k_y) = \left(\sin k_x, \sin k_y, \cos k_x + \cos k_y - M \right)\trans}

    \block(4,15,5){\tikz \node[fill=white,text=red!90!black,inner sep=0.5mm]

    \block(20,17.5,2.2){\tikz \node[fill=white,inner sep=0.5mm,text=blue!90!black]

\begin{slide}{1D p-wave superconductor}
  \eq(6.5,10){\OpH = \sum_{i=1}^{n-1} \left [ t c_i\hc c_{i+1}\nohc + \Delta c\nohc_i c\nohc_{i+1} + \hcterm \right] - \mu \sum_{i=1}^n c_i\hc c_i\nohc}


    \tikz \node[draw=red,inner sep=1mm] {
      \scriptsize Majorana operators
        \gamma_j\nohc &= \frac{c_j\nohc + c_j\hc}{2}\\
        \gamma_j' &= \frac{c_j\nohc - c_j\hc}{2 \imath}



    \eq(9,20.3){\HH(k) = (2t \cos k - \mu)\tau_z - 2\Delta\sin k\, \tau_y\qquad\vec{c}_k\hc = \left( c_k\hc,\, c_{-k}\nohc\right)}
