  % twoside,
  logo = {example-image},
  % logo height = 1cm,  % logo width = 2cm,
  title in boldface,
  % title in sffamily,
  theorem in new line,
  % remove qed,
  colored solution,

%% For highlighting the code in this document

%% Below is the main document

\title{The Subject, Week 1}
\author{Author NAME}
% \date{\today, Location}
% \date{\today[only-year-month], Location}
\date{\TheDate{2024-01-01}, Location}


\textcolor{gray!55}{(If you wish to write the answer directly...)}

    Here lies the solution / proof.

\bigskip\textcolor{gray!55}{(If you wish to state the problem and then write your answer...)}

\begin{problem}[Brief description]
    You may also state the problem here...

    ... and write the solution here...

\bigskip\textcolor{gray!55}{(If you prefer \textquote{Proof} instead of \textquote{Solution}...)}

    ... or a proof like this one...
    \begin{lemma}[You may write some description here]\label{lem}
        Some auxiliary result.
        The proof of \cref{lem}, where we use the following formula (note the use of \cverb|\qedhere|):
            \infty = \infty + 1.
            \qedhere % To place the Q.E.D. symbol in the right place.
    \begin{fact}[This statement requires no proof]
        Use \cverb|\proofless| to change the hollow box marking the end of a theorem-type environment into a solid one.
    ... and the rest steps...

\bigskip\textcolor{gray!55}{(You may also write \texttt{answer} instead of \texttt{solution} if you wish...)}

    The usage of the \verb|answer| environment is exactly the same as \verb|solution|.

\bigskip\textcolor{gray!55}{(If you prefer the classical proof style...)}

    The usual \verb|proof| environment also works.

\bigskip\textcolor{gray!55}{(If you wish to answer each sub-question of a problem separately...)}

\begin{problem}[A problem with many sub-questions]
        \item First question.

            The solution of the first question.

        \item Second question.

            \item First sub-question.

                The solution of the first sub-question.

            \item Second sub-question.

                The solution of the second sub-question.


        \item Third question.

            The solution of the third question.

    Use \cverb|\noqed| (or \cverb|\noQED|) at the end to suppress the Q.E.D. symbol that marks the end of the current problem.

\bigskip\textcolor{gray!55}{(If you wish to number the exercise manually...)}

\begin{exercise}[An exercise with custom numbering]
    Use \cverb|\ManualNumbering| to manually set the numbering. This number will only be applied to the next specified environment.

    Back to normal numbering.

\bigskip\textcolor{gray!55}{(If there is a question that you can't figure out how to solve at the moment...)}

\DNF<some description>
