%% This is file `ifmslide.cfg',
%% File: ifmslide.sty Copyright (c) 2000-2010, Thomas Emmel
%%       ifmslide.cfg Copyright (c) 2000-2010, Thomas Emmel
%% <thomas@family-emmel.de>
% This package may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2
% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
% The latest version of this license is in
%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX 
% version 1999/12/01 or later.
% This package consists of the files ifmslide.sty and ifmslide.cfg
% PLEASE READ NOTE in ifmslide.sty
% The configuration file may copied to a local place and changed
% for personal purposes without restriction.
% The global configuration file can be modified to set global
% values like the logo and baseurl etc.

% logo for the panel

% buttons for style "button"

% background. Switch it on or off with \showbackground and
%             \hidebackground
%  \background{athenep1}

% hyperref setup
%  \hypersetup{baseurl={http://www.mechanik.tu-darmstadt.de/}}
  \hypersetup{pdfcreator={PDFLaTeX with ifmslide}}

% colors
%  \definecolor{section1}{rgb}{.3019,.7216,.7019}
%  \definecolor{section2}{rgb}{0,.5,.7}
%  \definecolor{section3}{rgb}{0,.5,.4}

%% titlepagecolors

% OK, now we have the size.. be careful! 
% 187x270mm is the only realy tested -> for A4 paper. 

% margins inside the main frame l,r,t,b

% size of the panel: width for vertical panel, 
%                    height for horiz. panel

% and now ladies and gentlemen ... set them free 
% there is a switch for the logo and for the buttons to put them
% to every place on the slide!!! Try it ....
% \releasebutton
% \releaselogo

% here are the position and the sizes

% hshift and vshift are the distance between the buttons in mm

% xpos and ypos in mm, direction is h or v

% xpos and ypos in mm, width of the logo

% and last but not least the pagecounter - switch it off, it is so lonely
\pagecounter[on] % or [off]

% put a wallpaper behind the panel ...
% This feature is absolute alpha and only added to show the
% possiblities of ifmslide...
%%  Clip the last slide to lly,llx,urx,ury (see graphicx)
%           \paneltile[on](0,160,200,200){aqua_ravines}
\paneltile[off](,,,){}% to switch it off