% Bundled source file for the IFMTARG package 
% Please see the accompanying README for author,
% license, documentation and installation information

\ProvidesPackage{ifmtarg}[2018/04/16 v1.2b check for an empty argument]

% Conditionally compile the documentation & generate the .ins file:
\if\documentationCompile N

\input ifmtarg.tex











\title{The \pkg{ifmtarg} package}
 Author: Donald Arseneau, and Peter Wilson, Herries Press\\
 Maintainer: Will Robertson\\
 \texttt{will dot robertson at latex-project dot org}%
\date{\fileversion \qquad \filedate}



The \pkg{ifmtarg} package provides an if--then--else programmer's command \verb|\@ifmtarg| for testing for an empty macro argument.
`Empty' here refers to an argument of zero or more spaces only.\footnote{If you need a command to test for emptiness that doesn't include spaces, use the \verb|\tl_if_empty:nTF| conditional from the \pkg{expl3} package. \verb|\@ifmtarg| is equivalent to \pkg{expl3}'s \verb|\tl_if_blank:nTF|.}
The command is fully expandable; its syntax is:
\cmd{\@ifmtarg}\marg{arg}\marg{Code for arg empty}
\marg{Code for arg not empty}

A variation is provided, \cmd{\@ifnotmtarg}, to be used when only the `false' branch is required.
It is slightly more efficient when code is only required for a non-empty argument.
\cmd{\@ifnotmtarg}\marg{arg}\marg{Code for not empty}


  \verb+\isempty{}+    & YES \\
  \verb+\isempty{   }+ & YES \\
  \verb+\isempty{E}+   & NO  \\
  \verb+\isempty{ E }+ & NO

  \verb+\isnotempty{}+    &     \\
  \verb+\isnotempty{   }+ &     \\
  \verb+\isnotempty{E}+   & YES \\
  \verb+\isnotempty{ E }+ & YES


(\emph{Peter's comments follow.}) In an Email to me on 13 March 2000, Donald Arseneau pointed out some
failings with my original definition of the \cmd{\@ifmtarg} command:
  \edef\@mtarg{\zap@space#1 \@empty}%  
  \ifx\@empty\@mtarg\relax #2\else #3\fi}
It works most of the time correctly but Donald showed that it can 
give unexpected results 
under conditions that I had not thought of. He suggested the coding 
that now appears in the package above for the \cmd{\@ifmtarg} and 
\cmd{\@ifnotmtarg} commands. For a discussion on detecting empty arguments 
see \href{http://www.ctan.org/pub/tex-archive/info/aro-bend/answer.002}{\texttt{CTAN/info/aro-bend/answer.002}}

\section*{Change History}

\item[v1.2a] New maintainer (Will Robertson)
\item[v1.2b] Typo in documentation example code

\section*{Licence and copyright}
This work may be modified and/or distributed under the terms and
conditions of the \LaTeX\ Project Public License\footnote{\url{http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt}}, version~1.3c or later (your choice).
The current maintainer of this work is Will Robertson.

  Copyright Peter Wilson, 1996 \\
  Copyright Peter Wilson and Donald Arseneau, 2000



