% -*- coding: utf-8; -*- % % Copyright (C) 2016, 2017 by Paul Gaborit % % Tis file may be distributed and/or modified % % 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or % 2. under the GNU Public License. % \documentclass[]{iscram} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{fancyvrb} \usepackage{listings} \usepackage{enumitem} \usepackage{tcolorbox} \usepackage{multicol} \usepackage{siunitx} \lstdefinestyle{common}{ xleftmargin=.5em, xrightmargin=.5em, frame=single,framesep=.5em,framerule=0pt, fancyvrb=true, basicstyle=\ttfamily, keywordstyle=\color{cyan!50!blue!75!black}\bfseries, commentstyle=\color{red!50!black}\itshape, stringstyle=\ttfamily\color{green!50!black}, numbers=none, showspaces=false, showstringspaces=false, fontadjust=true, keepspaces=true, flexiblecolumns=true, emphstyle=\color{red}, } \lstdefinestyle{TeX}{ style=common, backgroundcolor=\color{blue!5}, aboveskip=5pt, belowskip=5pt, language=[LaTeX]TeX, moretexcs={ % abstract, addbibresource, iscramset, keywords, mainmatter, maketitle, printbibliography, subsection, subsubsection, url, urldef, href, includegraphics, ldots, parencite, citeauthor, citeyear, citetitle, midrule, toprule, bottomrule % }, fancyvrb=true, } \lstdefinestyle{console}{ style=common, backgroundcolor=\color{gray!10}, aboveskip=5pt, belowskip=5pt, } \newlist{options}{description}{1} \setlist[options]{% beginpenalty=10000,% itemsep=.5\parskip plus .3\parskip minus .2\parskip, parsep=.5\parskip plus .3\parskip minus .2\parskip, topsep=.5\parskip plus .3\parskip minus .2\parskip, partopsep=.5\parskip plus .3\parskip minus .2\parskip, style=nextline,labelindent=1em,% font=\normalfont\ttfamily} \colorlet{macro color}{cyan!50!blue!75!black} \colorlet{option color}{red!50!black} \colorlet{generic color}{green!40!black} \newcommand\macro[1]{{\textcolor{macro color}{\ttfamily\bfseries\string#1}}} \newcommand\option[1]{\textcolor{option color}{\ttfamily#1}} \newcommand\generic[1]{\textcolor{generic color}{\ttfamily\itshape\makebox{<#1>}}} \newtcolorbox{pseudoTeX}{colback=blue!5,colframe=blue!5,before=\nobreak} \let\LaTeXorig\LaTeX \renewcommand\LaTeX{\bgroup\fontfamily{lmr}\selectfont\upshape\LaTeXorig\egroup} \addbibresource{iscram-class-doc.bib} \urldef{\sitewebgind}\url{http://gind.mines-albi.fr} \urldef{\sitewebminesalbi}\url{http://www.mines-albi.fr} \urldef{\gmailpaulgaborit}\url{paul.gaborit@gmail.com} \urldef{\jdmail}\url{j.doe@example.com} \urldef{\sitex}\url{www.example.com} \iscramset{ %CoRe Paper 2017={Documentation pseudo-Track}, title={ International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management\\ \LaTeX{} Class %Publications Format }, short title={ISCRAM \LaTeX{} Class}, author={ short name={Paul Gaborit}, full name=Paul Gaborit\thanks{corresponding author}, affiliation={ Centre Génie Industriel -- Mines Albi% \thanks{\href{http://gind.mines-albi.fr}{\sitewebgind} and \href{http://www.mines-albi.fr}{\sitewebminesalbi}}\\ \href{mailto:paul.gaborit@gmail.com}{\gmailpaulgaborit} }, }, author={ full name=Sébastien Truptil, affiliation={ Centre Génie Industriel -- Mines Albi }, }, } \usepackage{tikzpagenodes} \usetikzlibrary{fit} \newcommand\iscramshowframe{% \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay] \node[fit=(current page text area),inner sep=0,node contents=,name=cpta]; \node[fit=(current page header area),inner sep=0,node contents=,name=cpha]; \node[fit=(current page footer area),inner sep=0,node contents=,name=cpfa]; \node[fit=(current page),inner sep=0,node contents=,name=cp]; \path (cpta.north) -- (cpta.center) coordinate[pos=.5] (mid); \draw[red] (cpta.north west) rectangle (cpta.south east); \draw[red] (cpha.north west) rectangle (cpha.south east); \draw[red] (cpfa.south west) -- (cpfa.south east); \draw[red,dashed] (cpta.north west) -- (cpta.north west -| cp.west) coordinate[pos=.5] (mid); \draw[<->,red] (mid) -- (mid |- cp.north) node[pos=.5,above,sloped]{\SI{1}{in}}; \draw[red,dashed] (cpta.south west) -- (cpta.south west -| cp.west) coordinate[pos=.5] (mid); \draw[<->,red] (mid) -- (mid |- cp.south) node[pos=.5,above,sloped]{\SI{1}{in}}; \draw[<->,red] (cpta.west) -- (cpta.west -| cp.west) node[pos=.5,above,sloped]{\SI{1}{in}}; \draw[<->,red] (cpta.east) -- (cpta.east -| cp.east) node[pos=.5,above,sloped]{\SI{1}{in}}; \draw[red,dashed] (cpha.north east) -- (cpha.north east -| cp.east) coordinate[pos=.5] (mid); \draw[<->,red] (mid) -- (mid |- cp.north) node[pos=.5,above,sloped]{\SI{1/2}{in}}; \draw[red,dashed] (cpfa.south east) -- (cpfa.south east -| cp.east) coordinate[pos=.5] (mid); \draw[<->,red] (mid) -- (mid |- cp.south) node[pos=.5,above,sloped]{\SI{1}{cm}}; \end{tikzpicture}% } \begin{document} \maketitle \makeatletter {\centering\large\iscram@version{}\\\iscram@date\par} \makeatother \abstract{ In this document we describe the formatting requirements for the Proceedings of ISCRAM papers. \emph{Please review this document carefully: submissions must follow the format presented here} and be sure to adhere to the formatting requirements as this will ultimately be your camera-ready version, delivered as pdf. \emph{Please note several limitations on length:} (1) your abstract should be no more than 150 words, (2) your entire paper should be between \pgfmathprintnumber{4000} and \pgfmathprintnumber{8000} words in length for \textbf{CoRe Papers} (presenting completed work including a complete description of methods, results and validation), including all materials and references. Or (2) your entire paper should be between \pgfmathprintnumber{3000} to \pgfmathprintnumber{6000} words in length for \textbf{WiPe Papers} (presenting work in earlier stages, outlining and discussing concepts and methods and presenting first results), including all materials and references. \emph{Please make sure that your initial submission does not include any author identifying information: use the \option{anonymous} class option.} Avoid identifying self-citations as your own work (e.g. ``In our previous research (Author Year) we found \ldots{}''). Instead simply say ``Previous research (Author Year) found \ldots{}'' Keep the self-citations in the bibliography so that reviewers may refer to them if necessary. This will ensure a proper double-blind-review process. If your paper is accepted please remove the \option{anonymous} option before the final upload. } \keywords{Guides, Instructions, Conference Publications, ISCRAM \LaTeX{} Class.} \section{Documentation} The figure~\ref{fig:exampledoc} (at the end of this document) shows an example of use of the ISCRAM document class. \subsection{How to load the \texttt{iscram} document class} The \lstinline[style=TeX]{iscram} document class accepts some \generic{options}. You may use: \begin{pseudoTeX} \ttfamily\macro\documentclass[\generic{options}]\{iscram\} \end{pseudoTeX} or: \begin{pseudoTeX} \ttfamily\macro\documentclass\{iscram\}\\ \macro\iscramset\{\generic{options}\} \end{pseudoTeX} \subsection{\texorpdfstring{All the available \generic{options}}{The <options>}} \begin{options} \item[\option{draft}] if this boolean option is set, the class shows any overfull boxes. \emph{Note:} don't use this option in your final submission. \item[\option{anonymous}] if this boolean option is set, the \texttt{iscram} class produces an anonymous version of the paper (no author, no affiliation, no e-mail). \textbf{Use this option to submit the first version of your paper (an anonymous version)}. \item[\option{first alone}] if this boolean option is set, the first author has its own line in the list of authors. \item[\option{title}=\generic{title}] defines \generic{title} as the main title of your paper. This title is inserted in your document by \macro\maketitle. \item[\option{short title}=\generic{short title}] defines \generic{short title} (up to 8 words) as the short title of your paper, used in the header. \item[\option{author}=\{\option{short name}=\generic{short name}, \option{full name}=\generic{full name}, \option{affiliation}=\generic{affiliation}\}] appends an author (with its affiliation) at the end of the list of authors (inserted in your paper by \macro\maketitle). The \emph{\generic{affiliation}} may contain several lines (separated by \macro{\\}). To add several authors, this option can be use several times. The \emph{\generic{short name}} (default value: \emph{\generic{full name}}) of the first author is used in the header of your paper. \item[\option{footer/line 1}=\generic{text}, \option{footer/line 2}=\generic{text}, \option{footer/line 3}=\generic{text}] define respectively \generic{text} as content of the first line, second line and third line of the footer. \end{options} \subsubsection{Prefefined styles for 2017 edition} \begin{options} \item[\option{iscram 2017 footer}] a predefined style that sets the two last lines of the footer for a paper published in ISCRAM 2017. \item[\option{WiPe Paper 2017}=\generic{track name}] a predefined style that sets the three lines of the footer for a \textbf{WiPe Paper} published in the track \emph{\generic{track name}} in ISCRAM 2017 (choose the appropriate track or use ``Open Track'' if you do not have a specific track in mind). \item[\option{CoRe Paper 2017}=\generic{track name}] a predefined style that sets the three lines of the footer for a \textbf{CoRe Paper} published in the track \emph{\generic{track name}} in ISCRAM 2017 (choose the appropriate track or use ``Open Track'' if you do not have a specific track in mind). \end{options} \subsubsection{Prefefined styles for 2018 edition} \begin{options} \item[\option{iscram 2018 footer}] a predefined style that sets the two last lines of the footer for a paper published in ISCRAM 2018. \item[\option{WiPe Paper 2018}=\generic{track name}] a predefined style that sets the three lines of the footer for a \textbf{WiPe Paper} published in the track \emph{\generic{track name}} in ISCRAM 2018 (choose the appropriate track or use ``Open Track'' if you do not have a specific track in mind). \item[\option{CoRe Paper 2018}=\generic{track name}] a predefined style that sets the three lines of the footer for a \textbf{CoRe Paper} published in the track \emph{\generic{track name}} in ISCRAM 2018 (choose the appropriate track or use ``Open Track'' if you do not have a specific track in mind). \end{options} \subsection{Using packages} In your preamble, you may use your prefered packages with, for example (choose the appropriate \generic{inputcoding}): \begin{pseudoTeX} \ttfamily\macro\usepackage[\generic{inputcoding}]\{inputenc\} \end{pseudoTeX} \subsubsection{Packages loaded by the \texttt{iscram} class} The \texttt{iscram} class requires (and loads) some packages: \begin{multicols}{6} \texttt{biblatex}\\ \texttt{booktabs}\\ \texttt{caption}\\ \texttt{etex}\\ \texttt{etoolbox}\\ \texttt{float}\\ \texttt{fontenc}\\ \texttt{geometry}\\ \texttt{hyperref}\\ \texttt{microtype}\\ \texttt{newtxmath}\\ \texttt{nowidow}\\ \texttt{newtxtext}\\ \texttt{pgfopts}\\ \texttt{titlesec}\\ \texttt{url}\\ \texttt{xcolor} \end{multicols} To pass additional \generic{options} to one of these \generic{package}, you may call \macro\PassOptionsToPackage{} \emph{before} the call to \macro\documentclass{}: \begin{pseudoTeX} \ttfamily\macro\PassOptionsToPackage\{\generic{options}\}\{\generic{package}\}\\ \macro\documentclass\{iscram\} \end{pseudoTeX} \subsection{Useful commands} Here are described some useful commands in order of usage: \begin{options} \item[\macro\addbibresource\{<bibfile>\}] call this command in your preamble to add a \emph{\texttt{bibfile}} as a resource to find your bibliographic references. \item[\macro\maketitle] to create a new page with the title and the list of authors or your paper (to specifiy \emph{title} and \emph{authors}, use class options or use \macro\iscramset{}). \item[\macro\abstract\{\generic{abstract}\}] to insert an \generic{abstract} as a section of your paper. \item[\macro\keywords\{\generic{keywords}\}] to insert the list of \generic{keywords} as a subsection of your paper. \item[\macro\section\{\generic{section title}\}] to insert a new section (sans-serif font, uppercase, bold, 10bp). \item[\macro\subsection\{\generic{subsection title}\}] to insert a new subsection (sans-serif font, bold, 10bp). \item[\macro\subsubsection\{\generic{subsubsection title}\}] to insert a new subsubsection (sans-serif font, italice, 10bp). \item[\macro\cite\{\generic{key}\} or \macro\cite\{\generic{key1},\generic{key2}\}] to insert one or more bibliographic references, referenced by \generic{key}, \generic{key1}, \generic{key2} \ldots{} \item[\macro\citeauthor\{\generic{key}\}] to insert the authors from the \generic{key} bibliographic reference. \item[\macro\citeyear\{\generic{key}\}] to insert the year of publication of the \generic{key} bibliographic reference. \item[\macro\citetitle\{\generic{key}\}] to insert the title of the \generic{key} bibliographic reference. \item[\macro\printbibliography] to insert the list of the cited references. Compile your document with \texttt{latexmk} or use \texttt{biber} (not \texttt{bibtex}) after a first compilation to produce the correct bibliographic file (\texttt{.bbl}) from your bibliographic sources (\texttt{.bib}). \end{options} \subsection{Compilation} The better way to compile your document is to use the \texttt{latexmk} tool: \begin{lstlisting}[style=console] latexmk -pdf my-paper.tex \end{lstlisting} You may use the traditional method: \begin{lstlisting}[style=console] pdflatex my-paper.tex biber my-paper pdflatex my-paper.tex pdflatex my-paper.tex \end{lstlisting} \section{Tips and Tricks} \subsection{Compatibility} The \texttt{iscram} class requires recent \TeX{} distributions (MikTeX or TeXLive 2016). For any questions, problems, suggestions concerning the iscram class, contact the authors by mail (\href{mailto:paul.gaborit@gmail.com}{\gmailpaulgaborit}). \subsection{Title and Authors} \subsubsection{Add footnotes in title or authors descriptions} Use \macro{\thanks} to add footnotes attached to your \option{title} or to the \option{name} of an author or to its \option{affiliation} (\emph{note:} don't use \macro{\thanks} into the \option{short title} or \option{short name} options). \subsubsection{Links to web sites and to e-mail address} You may use \macro{\href}, \macro{\urldef} and \macro{\url} to add links to web pages or to e-mail address. \begin{minipage}{.32\linewidth} e-mail: \href{mailto:j.doe@example.com}{\jdmail}\\ web site: \href{http://www.example.com/}{\sitex} \end{minipage} \hfill \begin{minipage}{.65\linewidth} In your peamble: \begin{lstlisting}[style=TeX] \urldef{\jdmail}\url{j.doe@example.com} \urldef{\sitex}\url{www.example.com} \end{lstlisting} Then in your document: \begin{lstlisting}[style=TeX] e-mail: \href{mailto:j.doe@example.com}{\jdmail}\\ web site: \href{http://www.example.com/}{\sitex} \end{lstlisting} \end{minipage} \subsubsection{First author is important} Use the \option{first alone} option to emphasize the first author: with this option, the first author (and its affiliation) is alone on its line just below the title. The others authors are grouped two by two. \subsection{Abstract and Keywords} Every submission should begin with an \macro{\abstract} of no more than \textbf{150 words}, followed by a set of \textbf{up to five keywords} (coma separated values). The abstract should be a concise statement of the problem, approach, and conclusions of the work described. It should clearly state the paper's contribution to the field. \subsection{Figures and Tables} Figures and tables should be centered. The caption of a figure should be \emph{below} the figure. The caption of a table should be \emph{above} the table. Read the documentation of the \texttt{booktabs} package to find useful advices about composition of tables. The \texttt{iscram} class uses TeX Gyre Termes (similar to Times) as serif font and TeX Gyre Heros (similar to Helvetica) as sans-serif font. You should use the same fonts in your figures and tables. \subsubsection{Examples of figures} Here is the code of the figure~\ref{fig:HMI} (a simple figure). \begin{lstlisting}[style=TeX] \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=4cm]{HMI} \caption{Human Computer Interaction} \label{fig:HMI} \end{figure} \end{lstlisting} \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=4cm]{HMI} \caption{Human Computer Interaction} \label{fig:HMI} \end{figure} Here is the code of the figure~\ref{fig:HMI2} (a figure with a description). \begin{lstlisting}[style=TeX] \begin{figure} \centering \begin{minipage}[c]{.6\linewidth} Here, some text to describe the illustration on the right. This figure combines two minipages. \end{minipage} \hfill \begin{minipage}[c]{.35\linewidth} \centering \includegraphics[width=4cm]{HMI}\par \end{minipage} \caption{Human Computer Interaction (with description)} \label{fig:HMI2} \end{figure} \end{lstlisting} \begin{figure} \centering \begin{minipage}[c]{.6\linewidth} Here, some text to describe the illustration on the right. This figure combines two minipages. \end{minipage} \hfill \begin{minipage}[c]{.35\linewidth} \centering \includegraphics[width=4cm]{HMI}\par \end{minipage} \caption{Human Computer Interaction (with description)} \label{fig:HMI2} \end{figure} Here is the code of the figure~\ref{fig:HMI3} (an HERE figure: note the \option{[H]} option). \begin{lstlisting}[style=TeX] \begin{figure}[H] \centering \includegraphics[width=4cm]{HMI} \includegraphics[width=4cm,angle=90]{HMI} \caption{Human Computer Interaction (example of HERE figure)} \label{fig:HMI3} \end{figure} \end{lstlisting} \begin{figure}[H] \centering \includegraphics[width=4cm]{HMI} \includegraphics[width=4cm,angle=90]{HMI} \caption{Human Computer Interaction (example of HERE figure)} \label{fig:HMI3} \end{figure} \subsubsection{Example of table} Here is the code of the table~\ref{tab:treatments}: \begin{table} \caption{A very nice table} \label{tab:treatments} \centering \begin{tabular}{rrr} \toprule & \textit{Treatment 1} & \textit{Treatment 2} \\\midrule \textit{Setting A} & 125 & 95 \\ \textit{Setting B} & 85 & 102 \\ \textit{Setting C} & 98 & 85 \\\bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{table} \begin{lstlisting}[style=Tex] \begin{table} \caption{A very nice table} \label{tab:treatments} \centering \begin{tabular}{rrr} \toprule & \textit{Treatment 1} & \textit{Treatment 2} \\\midrule \textit{Setting A} & 125 & 95 \\ \textit{Setting B} & 85 & 102 \\ \textit{Setting C} & 98 & 85 \\\bottomrule \end{tabular} \end{table} \end{lstlisting} \subsection{Bibliography: References and Citations} \emph{Your references should comprise only published material accessible to the public. Proprietary information (such as internal reports) may not be cited.} The \macro{\parencite} macro called with one or more bibliographic keys is the standard way to insert citations. You may add one or more \texttt{.bib} files as bibliographic sources via the \macro{\addbibresource} macro (in your preamble). The \texttt{biblatex} package provides many other macros to cite references. Here is an example:\par \nobreak \begin{minipage}{.5\linewidth} \begin{lstlisting}[style=TeX,basicstyle=\small\ttfamily] In \citeyear{Agarwal2000}, \citeauthor{Agarwal2000} wrote an article titled \citetitle{Agarwal2000} \parencite{Agarwal2000} \ldots{} \end{lstlisting} \end{minipage} \hfill \begin{minipage}{.475\linewidth} In \citeyear{Agarwal2000}, \citeauthor{Agarwal2000} wrote an article titled \citetitle{Agarwal2000} \parencite{Agarwal2000} \ldots{} \end{minipage} All our references: \parencite{pittir13924, Tractinsky:1997:AAU:258549.258626, Shneiderman:1997:DUI:523237, Ghani:1991:EFC:126686.150736, ajzen1988attitudes, AJZEN1991179,Agarwal2000}. At the end of your paper, you should call the \macro{\printbibliography} macro to insert all the cited references. \printbibliography[heading=bibliography] \iscramshowframe \section{Changes} \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{v1.1.0} 2018 edition update. \item \textbf{v1.0.2} PDF documentation included into CTAN package. \item \textbf{v1.0.1} Fix bibliography style for papers with same authors. First release to CTAN. \item \textbf{v1.0.0} First public release. \end{itemize} \begin{figure} \centering \begin{lstlisting}[style=TeX] \documentclass{iscram} \iscramset{ CoRe Paper 2018={Open Track}, title={Example of title}, short title={Example of short title}, author={ short name={J. Doe}, full name={John Doe}, affiliation={Affiliation\\j.doe@example.com}, }, } \addbibresource{example.bib} \begin{document} \maketitle \abstract{A short abstract \ldots{}} \keywords{Some keywords} \section{First section} \subsection{First subsection} \subsubsection{First subsubsection} Bla bla \parencite{key} \ldots{} \printbibliography \end{document} \end{lstlisting} \caption{Example of usage of ISCRAM document class} \label{fig:exampledoc} \end{figure} \end{document} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: t %%% End: