% jkmath 0.1
% Created by Jonas Kaerts
% Updated 25th of March 2018
% This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License.
% See http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/licenses.lppl.html for 
% the details of that license.
% Inspired by the physics package on CTAN, this package defines some simple macros for 
% mathematical notation which make the code more readable and/or allow flexibility in typesetting material.
% The package is currently being developed as I gather examples of special notation fit for new macro's.

\ProvidesPackage{jkmath}[2018/03/25 package jkmath]


% Options

    \newcommand{\N}{\mathbb{N}}%Natural numbers
    \newcommand{\Q}{\mathbb{Q}}%Rational Numbers
    \newcommand{\R}{\mathbb{R}}%Real Numbers
    \newcommand{\C}{\mathbb{C}}%Complex Numbers
    \newcommand{\Aff}{\mathbb{A}}%Affine Space
    \newcommand{\PP}{\mathbb{P}}%Projective Space
    \newcommand{\N}{\mathbf{N}}%Natural numbers
    \newcommand{\Q}{\mathbf{Q}}%Rational Numbers
    \newcommand{\R}{\mathbf{R}}%Real Numbers
    \newcommand{\C}{\mathbf{C}}%Complex Numbers
    \newcommand{\Aff}{\mathbf{A}}%Affine Space
    \newcommand{\PP}{\mathbf{P}}%Projective Space

% Macro's using the array package

\newenvironment{system}[1]% more control over systems of equations

\newenvironment{augmentedmatrix}[2]{% matrix with vertical bar


% Delimiters and intervals

\newcommand{\oointerval}[1]{\lparens #1 \rparens}
\newcommand{\ccinterval}[1]{\lbrack #1 \rbrack}
\newcommand{\ocinterval}[1]{\lparens #1 \rbrack}
\newcommand{\cointerval}[1]{\lbrack #1 \rparens}

% Sets


% Combinatorics

% Number Theory

\DeclareDocumentCommand{\legendre}{ m m }{\left(\frac{#1}{#2}\right)}
\DeclareDocumentCommand{\jacobi}{ m m }{\legendre{#1}{#2}}

% Mathematicians