% \iffalse meta comment % File: kerntest.dtx Copyright (C) 2004 Harald Harders % \fi % % \iffalse % %<*driver> \listfiles \documentclass[ngerman,english,a4paper]{ltxdoc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \IfFileExists{fix-cm.sty}{\usepackage{fix-cm}}{} \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage{graphicx} \let\origverbatim\verbatim \let\endorigverbatim\endverbatim \usepackage{verbatim} \usepackage{babel} \usepackage{calc} \usepackage{url} \IfFileExists{booktabs.sty}{\usepackage{booktabs}}{% \GenericWarning{kerntest.dtx}{Package file booktabs.sty not found. Documentation formatting will be poor}% \def\toprule\hline \def\midrule\hline \def\bottomrule\hline } \IfFileExists{krntst-v.tex}{% \input{krntst-v.tex} \GetFileInfo{krntst-v.tex} }{% \ClassError{kerntest}{File krntst-v.tex not found, please run `latex kerntest.ins' first.}{No additional help}% \def\fileversion{\textbf{??}}% \def\filedate{\textbf{??}}% } \title{The \texttt{kerntest} package} \author{Harald Harders\\\texttt{h.harders@tu-bs.de}} \date{Version \fileversion\ (\filedate), printed \today} \makeatletter \newlength\tempdima \newlength\tempdimb \renewenvironment{table}[1][]{% \@float{table}[#1]% \centering% \setlength{\tempdima}{\abovecaptionskip}% \setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{\belowcaptionskip}% \setlength{\belowcaptionskip}{\tempdima}% }{% \end@float } \def\meta@font@select{\normalfont\itshape} %% \def\DescribeOpt{\leavevmode\@bsphack\begingroup\MakePrivateLetters \Describe@Opt} \def\Describe@Opt#1{\endgroup \marginpar{\raggedleft\PrintDescribeOpt{#1}}% \SpecialOptIndex{#1}\@esphack\ignorespaces} \def\SpecialOptIndex#1{\@bsphack \index{#1\actualchar{\protect\ttfamily#1} (class option)\encapchar usage}% \index{class options:\levelchar{\protect\ttfamily#1}\encapchar usage}\@esphack} \@ifundefined{PrintDescribeOpt} {\def\PrintDescribeOpt#1{\strut \MacroFont #1\ }}{} \@ifundefined{PrintOptName} {\def\PrintOptName#1{\strut \MacroFont #1\ }}{} %% \makeatother %% \newenvironment{fontbox}{% \begin{quote} \usefont{T1}{ptm}{m}{n}\fontsize{25}{12}\selectfont \fboxsep-0.5\fboxrule }{% \end{quote} \ignorespacesafterend } \newcommand\timesfont[1]{{\usefont{T1}{ptm}{m}{n}#1}} %% \newcommand\getkern[2]{% \settowidth\tempdima{#1#2}% \settowidth\tempdimb{#1\kern0pt#2}% \setlength\tempdima{\tempdima-\tempdimb-\fboxrule}% } %% \EnableCrossrefs \CodelineIndex \DoNotIndex{\def,\edef,\let,\newcommand,\newenvironment,\newcounter} \DoNotIndex{\setcounter,\space,\if,\else,\fi,\empty,\@empty,\ifx,\fi} \DoNotIndex{\ifnum,\fi,\expandafter,\csname,\endcsname,\the} \DoNotIndex{\MessageBreak,\message,\newlength,\newif,\xdef,\newcount} \DoNotIndex{\begingroup,\endgroup,\,,\@tempcnta,\@tempdima,\advance} \DoNotIndex{\ensuremath,\filedate,\fileversion,\docdate} \DoNotIndex{\mathit,\mathrm,\mathsf,\nprt@tmp,\nprt@tmpnum,\relax} \DoNotIndex{\protect,\renewcommand,\setlength,\settowidth,\stepcounter} \DoNotIndex{\string} \CodelineNumbered \RecordChanges \CheckSum{6031} \begin{document} \DocInput{kerntest.dtx} \end{document} %</driver> % \fi % % \changes{1.00}{2004/04/01}{Total new implementation}% % \changes{1.10}{2004/04/06}{Add option `writeall'}% % \changes{1.11}{2004/04/06}{Added more literature to bibliography}% % \changes{1.20}{2004/04/11}{Allow to give glyphs by number (decimal, % hex, octal) or by PostScript name}% % \changes{1.20}{2004/04/11}{Write glyph name to table}% % \changes{1.20}{2004/04/11}{Find and complain inconsistent kerning % data}% % \changes{1.20}{2004/04/11}{Introduce glyph classes to set the % kerning for similar glyph shapes by once}% % \changes{1.20}{2004/04/11}{Reduce left margin}% % \changes{1.30}{2004/04/12}{Add encodings OT1, T2A, T2B, and LY1}% % \changes{1.30}{2004/04/12}{Template for OT1 encoding}% % \changes{1.30}{2004/04/12}{Parameter-dependent encodings (for % example with or without ligatures)}% % \changes{1.30}{2004/04/12}{New option |designsize| for giving the % design size of the font explicitely}% % \changes{1.31}{2004/04/13}{Use \cs{setleftkerning} and % \cs{setrightkerning} instead of writing every kerning pair}% % \changes{1.32}{2004/04/14}{Allow to set relative kerning widths in % glyph classes}% % % \maketitle % \begin{abstract} % \noindent % This class makes it easy to generate tables that show many different % kerning pairs of an arbitrary font, usable by \LaTeX. % It shows the kerning values that are used by the the font by default. % % In addition, this class enables the user to alternate the kernings % and to observe the results. % Kerning pairs can be defined for groups of similar glyphs at once. % Automatically, an |mtx| file is generated that can be loaded by % |fontinst| to introduce the user-made kernings into the virtual font % for \LaTeX. % \end{abstract} % % \tableofcontents % % \section*{Copyright} % Copyright 2004 Harald Harders. % % This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms % of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN % archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either % version 1.3 of the License, or any later version. % % \section{Introduction} % % Every glyph of a font is surrounded by a bouding box. % Have a look at these glyphs: % \begin{fontbox} % ^^A \fbox{\raisebox{0pt}[\fontdimen12\font][\fontdimen11\font]{A}} % \fbox{A} \fbox{m} \fbox{f} % \itshape\fbox{A} \fbox{m} \fbox{f} % \end{fontbox} % As can be seen in this example, the glyphs may extend the bounding % box. % % Normally, one character is placed after the other by simply putting % the bounding boxes directly after each other: % \begin{fontbox} % \fbox{A}\kern-\fboxrule % \fbox{H}\kern-\fboxrule\fbox{V}\kern-\fboxrule % \fbox{A}\kern-\fboxrule\fbox{m}\kern-\fboxrule % \fbox{f}\kern-\fboxrule\fbox{T} % % \itshape % \fbox{A}\kern-\fboxrule % \fbox{H}\kern-\fboxrule\fbox{V}\kern-\fboxrule % \fbox{A}\kern-\fboxrule\fbox{m}\kern-\fboxrule % \fbox{f}\kern-\fboxrule\fbox{T} % \end{fontbox} % In most cases, this works great, but sometimes the distance between % two glyphs is ugly then. % Here, for instance, have a look at % ``\timesfont{V\kern0pt A}'', ``\timesfont{f\kern0pt T}'', % ``\timesfont{\itshape V\kern0pt A}'', and % ``\timesfont{\itshape f\kern0pt T}''. % To improve these cases, the bounding boxes are moved together or % away from another, as shown in the next example. % This is called kerning. % To be able to do the kerning, the font contains a table of pairs of % glyphs and the distance to move the second one. % \begin{fontbox} % \fbox{A}\getkern{A}{H}\kern\tempdima % \fbox{H}\getkern{H}{V}\kern\tempdima % \fbox{V}\getkern{V}{A}\kern\tempdima % \fbox{A}\getkern{A}{m}\kern\tempdima % \fbox{m}\getkern{m}{f}\kern\tempdima % \fbox{f}\getkern{f}{T}\kern\tempdima % \fbox{T} % % \itshape % \fbox{A}\getkern{A}{H}\kern\tempdima % \fbox{H}\getkern{H}{V}\kern\tempdima % \fbox{V}\getkern{V}{A}\kern\tempdima % \fbox{A}\getkern{A}{m}\kern\tempdima % \fbox{m}\getkern{m}{f}\kern\tempdima % \fbox{f}\getkern{f}{T}\kern\tempdima % \fbox{T} % \end{fontbox} % What you see here is the original kerning of the Times Roman % installed in your \TeX\ system. % The V--A pairs are improved; but the f still touches the T which is % not wanted. % The Times Roman font misses this kerning pair. % Better were this: % \begin{fontbox} % \fbox{A}\getkern{A}{H}\kern\tempdima % \fbox{H}\getkern{H}{V}\kern\tempdima % \fbox{V}\getkern{V}{A}\kern\tempdima % \fbox{A}\getkern{A}{m}\kern\tempdima % \fbox{m}\getkern{m}{f}\kern\tempdima % \fbox{f}\kern0.06em % \fbox{T} % % \itshape % \fbox{A}\getkern{A}{H}\kern\tempdima % \fbox{H}\getkern{H}{V}\kern\tempdima % \fbox{V}\getkern{V}{A}\kern\tempdima % \fbox{A}\getkern{A}{m}\kern\tempdima % \fbox{m}\getkern{m}{f}\kern\tempdima % \fbox{f}\kern0.07em % \fbox{T} % \end{fontbox} % % Most fonts are missing many of these kerning pairs that are % necessary for a good typography. % Especially if you are writing in a language other than English, many % kernig pairs are missing. % Have a look at this example with quotation marks used in German, % with the original kerning of the Times: % \begin{fontbox} % \fbox{,,}\getkern{,,}{T}\kern\tempdima % \fbox{T}\getkern{T}{A}\kern\tempdima % \fbox{A}\getkern{A}{``}\kern\tempdima % \fbox{``} % \fbox{>>}\getkern{>>}{V}\kern\tempdima % \fbox{V}\getkern{V}{a}\kern\tempdima % \fbox{a}\getkern{a}{V}\kern\tempdima % \fbox{V}\getkern{V}{<<}\kern\tempdima % \fbox{<<} % \end{fontbox} % As you can see, there is no kerning at all. % % And here comes, what this class is intended to do: % It is difficult to calculate the necessary kerning automatically. % Thus, it can be helpful to generate some kerning pairs and to try % different amounts of kernings. % Compare the different kernings in this example (this time without % the bounding boxes): % \begin{fontbox} % A`` % A\kern-0.04em`` % A\kern-0.08em`` % A\kern-0.12em`` % A\kern-0.16em`` % A\kern-0.20em`` % A\kern-0.24em`` % A\kern-0.28em`` % A\kern-0.32em`` % A\kern-0.36em`` % \end{fontbox} % The first one is without kerning. % The kerning in the last one ($-0.35\,\mathrm{em}$) is surely too % much since both glyphs touch each other. % It really isn't easy to find the ``perfect'' kerning. % One remark here: It is worse to have a too tight kerning than too % less kerning. Thus please do as little kerning as you think can work % well. % % With the |kerntest| class, it is easy to try out different values. % How this can be done is described in the next section. % % % \section{Usage of the class} % % \subsection{Introduction} % % In the simplest case, you can use the package like this: % \verbatiminput{t1-ptm-m-n-shortexample.tex} % You have to define the font family to be tested in the optional % argument of the \cs{documentclass} command. % The syntax is |family=|\meta{font family}, while \meta{font % family} is the typical abbreviation according to Karl Berry's name % scheme~\cite{berry1999a}, e.g., |cmr| for Computer Modern Roman, % |ptm| for Times Roman, |phv| for Helvetica, |pmnj| for Adobe Minion % with old-style numbers, |pmnx| for Adobe Minion with expert % characters. % % The options |extraname=shortexample| and |footer=false| are not so % important and described later. % % \DescribeEnv{kerntable}% % The kerning table is generated by the |kerntable| environment which % is represented by a |longtable| environment internally. % \DescribeMacro{\testkern}% % Each line of this environment has to contain one \cs{testkern} % command with five arguments: % \begin{enumerate} % \item The first one contains the name or character number of the % left character in the table (see Fig.~\ref{fig:shortexample}). % Which glyph corresponds to a given value depends on the used % encoding, default is the cork encoding |T1|. % The glyph can be specified by giving a decimal number (|0| to % |255|), a hexadecimal number (|"0| to |"FF|), an octal % number (|'0| to |'377|), or by giving the PostScript glyph % name, e.g., |grave|, |guillemotright|, |A|, |Aring|. % It does not work to give \LaTeX\ sequences as |<<|, % |\guillemotright|, etc. % \item The second argument gives the kerning of the characters % defined in the first and in the third argument. % The used unit are Postscript Type\,1 font units which have the % length of 0.001\,em. % It is not allowed to specify another unit. % % If the second argument is ``|-|'' the original kerning of the % font is shown (first line of the example). % % If a value is given (second line) the original kerning is % overwritten by the given value. % Negative values reduce the distance of the glyphs, positive values % increase it. % \item The third argument specifies the second glyph. % \item The fourth argument is the kerning between the second and the % third glyph and works exactly as the second argument. % \item The fifth argument specifies the third glyph. % \end{enumerate} % After the \cs{testkern} command, an arbitrary (but short) comment % may be added. % Often, it is good to write the name of the glyph here. % With |t1-XXX-m-n.tex| and |ts1-XXX-m-n.tex|, two templates are given % that contains all glyph names for the |T1| and |TS1| encodings. % % Each line in the |kerntable| environment (even the last one) has to % end with a |\\| or \cs{tabularnewline}. % % The output of this file is shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:shortexample}. % \begin{figure} % \centering % \fboxsep=1mm % \makebox[\textwidth][c]{% % \fbox{\includegraphics[scale=0.8]{t1-ptm-m-n-shortexample}}} % \caption{Example for a part of a kerning table (explanations in the % text)} % \label{fig:shortexample} % \end{figure} % In the first column, the number of the middle character (argument % |#3| of the \cs{testkern} command is listed, followed by the % PostScript glyph name. % In the third column, the combination of characters is printed with % original kerning for both pairs, while the forth column shows the % newly suggested kerning. % In the fifth column, both variants are printed over each other (the % old one grey, the new one black). % The next two columns show the values of the two kerning pairs in % Postscript font units (normally, 0.001\,em). % If the user has not given a new kerning the original value is % printed in grey. % If the user has defined a new kerning, this new value is printed in % black. % If, in this case, the old kerning is unequal zero, it is printed in % parentheses before the new value (second line of the example). % The rest of each line are examples and comments. % % % \subsection{Most features by example} % % The next example shows some more switches that can be defined by the % user:\label{page:example} % \verbatiminput{t1-ptm-bx-n-example.tex} % Have a look at the results in Fig~\ref{fig:example} before the % switches are explained. % \begin{figure} % \centering % \fboxsep=1mm % \makebox[\textwidth][c]{% % \fbox{\includegraphics[scale=0.8]{t1-ptm-bx-n-example}}} % \caption{Example for a part of a kerning table (explanations in the % text). % The labels marked with a star are described in % Section~\ref{sec:advanced}.}% % \label{fig:example} % \end{figure} % % \DescribeMacro{\kernsetup}% % All class options except |family| can either be given as class % option in the optional argument of the \cs{documentclass} command or % as argument of the \cs{kernsetup} command. % The |family| class option has to be given in the \cs{documentclass} % command. % Here comes a list of all class options: % \begin{description} % \item [|encoding=|\meta{font encoding}:] % \DescribeOpt{encoding}% % Font encoding (default: |T1|). % Currently, |OT1|, |T1|, |TS1|, |T2A|, |T2B|, and % |LY1|\footnote{While the other encodings are generated starting % from |.etx| files, the LY1 encoding has been extracted from % |texnansi.enc|. Some glyphs may have incorrect names.} are % supported. % \item [|family=|\meta{font family}:] % \DescribeOpt{family}% % Abbreviation of the font-family name according to Karl Berry's % scheme~\cite{berry1999a}. % This option is mandatory in the optional argument of the % \cs{documentclass} command. % \item [|series=|\meta{font series}:] % \DescribeOpt{series}% % Abbreviation for the series of the font (default: |m|), e.g., |m| % for medium, |sb| for semibold, |b| for bold, |bx| for bold % extended. % \item [|shape=|\meta{font shape}:] % \DescribeOpt{shape}% % Abbreviation for the font shape (default: |n|), e.g., |n| for % upright, |it| for italic, |sl| for slanted, |sc| for small caps, % |scit| for italic small caps. % \item [|size=|\meta{font size}:] % \DescribeOpt{size}% % Size of the tested font (default: |17.28pt|) in arbitrary units. % This sets the \cs{baselineskip} to 1.2 times the given value. % The |size| option does not change the size of the legend text % which is fixed to 10\,pt. % \item [|baselineskip=|\meta{baselineskip}:] % \DescribeOpt{baselineskip}% % Sets the \cs{baselineskip} explicitly. % To take effect, it has to be given after the option |size| % (default: |1.2*17.28pt|). % \item [|designsize=|\meta{design size}:] % \DescribeOpt{designsize}% % For calculating the kerning data, a PostScript font unit is used % which is 1/1000 of the font's design size. % Unfortunately, it is not possible to get this size reliably in % \LaTeX. % For most fonts, 1\,em corresponds to the design size. % But in some cases, it is not true: % \begin{enumerate} % \item Some fonts have a different em length, for example, the % Computer Modern fonts. % Then, the size given by the option |size| corresponds to the % design size, but 1\,em does not. % \item If the font is scaled by the |.fd| file, 1\,em is also % scaled and may correspond to the design size while the size % given with |size| does not. % \end{enumerate} % Since in most cases, 1\,em is the correct design size, this is the % default. % If it is not, you can give the correct design size by using the % option |designsize|, for example, |designsize=0.9em|, % |designsize=17pt|. % \item [|example=|\meta{text}:] % \DescribeOpt{example}% % Alters the example text for columns 5 and 6 (default: |example|). % \item [|papersize=|\meta{papersize}] % \DescribeOpt{papersize}% % Tells the |geometry| package which pagesize to use. % Supported are all pagesizes handled by |geometry|, e.g., % |a4paper|, |letter|, |legal| (no default). % \item [|extraname=|\meta{fontname extension}:] % \DescribeOpt{extraname}% % Normally, the heading of each page of output as well as the % filename of the |mtx| file are generated automatically by appending % encoding, font family, font series, and font shape, e.g., % |t1-cmr-m-n.mtx|. % If you use this option, |-|\meta{fontname extension} is added both % to the headings and to the filename. % For example, |extraname=test1| leads to |t1-cmr-m-n-test1.mtx|. % This is useful if you want to generate different |mtx| files that % normally got the same name.\footnote{This is why the first example % used this option.} % \item [|color=|{\ensuremath\langle}|true|/|false|{\ensuremath\rangle}:] % \DescribeOpt{color}% % Switches on color output (default: |false|). % New values are printed in red, while the old ones are printed % black instead of black/grey. % \item [|copyquotation=|{\ensuremath %\langle}|true|/|false|{\ensuremath\rangle}:] % \DescribeOpt{copyquotation}% % If a kerning pair containing a double quotation mark, including % guillemots, is set, write also the corresponding single one to the % |mtx| file. % \item [|writeall=|{\ensuremath %\langle}|true|/|false|{\ensuremath\rangle}:] % \DescribeOpt{writeall}% % Write also the original kerning data to the |mtx| file. % \item [|footer=|{\ensuremath %\langle}|true|/|false|{\ensuremath\rangle}:] % \DescribeOpt{footer}% % Switch on or off the footline.\footnote{This option seems only to % work in the \cs{documentclass} options. Don't ask me why.} % \end{description} % % It has been mentioned some times that an |mtx| file is generated % automatically. % |mtx| files contain the font metrics during the fontinst process. % Amongst other things, they contain the kerning data. % For example, the |mtx| file generated by the last example looks like this: % \verbatiminput{t1-ptm-bx-n-example.mtx} % Only new or changed kerning values are inserted (e.g., % |quotedblleft|--|A| is not included). % % \DescribeMacro{\mtxcomment} % Using the \cs{mtxcomment}\marg{comment} command, you can write the % given argument as comment into the |mtx| file. % % % \subsection{Encoding-dependent parameters}% % % Some encodings may have slight differences depending on the used % shape. % For example, typewriter fonts may have ligatures but they are % normally not used. % Thus, the encodings do not have some glyphs when used with % typewriter fonts (e.g., |ff|, |fi|, |ffi|, |fl|, |ffl| are % missing). % % \DescribeMacro{\encodingsetup}% % The class provides an interface to give the necessary parameters to % these encodings. % Use the command \cs{encodingsetup} that takes a comma-separated list % of options as argument (as \cs{kernsetup}). % % Here are the encoding-specific options: % \begin{description} % \item [T1 encoding:]\strut % \begin{description} % \item [|ligaturing=|\meta{number}:] % \DescribeOpt{ligaturing}% % Level of how many ligatures are used (|-2|, |-1|, |0|, or |1|, % default |1|). % Here is the description from |t1.etx| (version 1.923, 2002/10/29): % \begin{enumerate} % \item[$1$] % All the standard ligature glyphs (\texttt{fi}, \texttt{fl}, % \texttt{ff}, \texttt{ffi}, \texttt{ffl}, \texttt{IJ}, and % \texttt{ij}) are included and the normal ligaturing instructions % (those for the \texttt{f}-ligatures) are included. % \item[$0$] % All the standard ligature glyphs are included, but none of their % ligaturing instructions. % \item[$-1$] % The seven slots normally used for ligatures are left empty. % \item[$-2$] % The seven slots normally used for ligatures are left empty, as % are the slots normally used for \texttt{c}, \texttt{f}, % \texttt{s}, \texttt{i}, and \texttt{I}. % \end{enumerate} % \end{description} % \item [OT1 encoding:]\strut % \begin{description} % \item [|ligaturing=|\meta{number}:] % \DescribeOpt{ligaturing}% % Level of how many ligatures are used (|0|, |1|, or |2|, % default |2|). % Please refer to |ot1.etx| for more details. % \item [|italicizing=|{\ensuremath %\langle}|true|/|false|{\ensuremath\rangle}:] % \DescribeOpt{italicizing}% % Use |dollar| when |false| and |sterling| when |true| (default: % |false|). % \end{description} % \end{description} % % % \subsection{Advanced features}% % \label{sec:advanced}% % % In most fonts, different glyphs need the same kerning because their % left or right edges are very similar, for example, the kerning on % the left sides of % \symbol{66}, \symbol{68}, \symbol{132}, \symbol{208}, \symbol{69}, % \symbol{133}, \symbol{134}, \symbol{200}, \symbol{201}, \symbol{202}, % \symbol{203}, \symbol{070}, \symbol{072}, \symbol{073}, % \symbol{157}, \symbol{204}, \symbol{205}, \symbol{206}, % \symbol{207}, \symbol{156}, \symbol{074}, \symbol{075}, % \symbol{076}, \symbol{136}, \symbol{137}, \symbol{138}, % \symbol{078}, \symbol{139}, \symbol{140}, \symbol{209}, % \symbol{080}, \symbol{082}, \symbol{143}, \symbol{144}, % \symbol{141}, and \symbol{222} % should be equal. % % \DescribeMacro{\defglyphclass}% % \DescribeMacro{\newglyphclass}% % \DescribeMacro{\renewglyphclass}% % \DescribeMacro{\provideglyphclass}% % This can be reached by using so called ``glyph classes''. % A new glyph class can be defined using one of the commands % \cs{defglyphclass}, \cs{newglyphclass}, \cs{renewglyphclass}, and % \cs{provideglyphclass}. % The differences are similar to these of the commands % \cs{newcommand}, \cs{renewcommand}, etc. % They all have the syntax % \cs{defglyphclass}\marg{side}\marg{name}\marg{glyphlist}. % \meta{side} specifies the side of the glyphs on which the kerning % shall be equal (|left| or |right|). % The parameter \meta{name} specifies the name of the glyph list, the % list above could be named ``|H|'' because they all have a similar % shape as the H. % The third argument, \meta{glyphlist}, contains a comma-separated % list of all glyphs (PostScript names or numbers---as usual). % For example, the above list is build by this command:\footnote{Due % to a problem between the |ltxdoc| and |verbatim| packages, the % \texttt{\%} signs appear at the beginning of each line. Just % delete them in mind.} %\begin{verbatim} %\newglyphclass{left}{H}{B,D,Dcaron,Eth,E,Ecaron,Eogonek,Egrave,% % Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,F,H,I,Idotaccent,Igrave,Iacute,% % Icircumflex,Idieresis,IJ,J,K,L,Lacute,Lcaron,Lslash,N,Nacute,% % Ncaron,Ntilde,P,R,Racute,Rcaron,Ng,Thorn}\end{verbatim} % % You can specify arbitrary glyph classes. % If you, for example, use the |copyquotation| option glyph classes % are made containing one double and one single quotation mark each. % % When you write a kerning table using the |kerntable| environment and % it happens that you change the kerning for a glyph that is member of % a glyph class, the kernings for all other glyphs of the same glyph % class are automatically changed on the specific side. % This can be seen in the example on Page~\pageref{page:example} and % in Figure~\ref{fig:example}: % % |period| and |comma| build a glyph pair on both sides. % In the first line of the table, left and right kerning between the % period and the quotation marks are changed by the user. % The kerning between the comma and quotation marks is then set % automatically; the user does not have to specify them again (the % kerning data contain a simple |-| in the second line). % If you specify the same value explicitly, a warning is generated. % If you specify conflicting values, the programme generates an error % message (not shown). % % Automatically generated kerning pairs are marked by $\ast$ behind % the value (as can be seen in the second and 12th line of the % example). % Repeated values are marked by $^\dagger$. % % There is one shortcoming: % If you don't specify the kerning for a glyph class at the first % occurance of this glyph, the correct kerning data are not shown for % the occurances before the position you have specified the kerning. % In the example, the kerning between the members of the glyph class % ``A'' (A, \"A, and \AA) and the right German quotation mark % (\textquotedblleft), is not specified for the first char of the % glyph class, \"A, but for the second one, A. % Thus, the kerning of $-150$ is shown for ``A'' and for ``\AA'', but % not for ``\"A''. % But nevertheless, the kerning data written to the |mtx| files are % correct. % % All glyphs, given by \cs{defglyphclass} get the same kerning by % default. % You can specify different scale factors by appending % |[|\meta{scale}|]| to each glyph name; while a factor of |1000| is % the default and means ``the same kerningn width''. % % For example, %\begin{verbatim} %\defglyphclass{right}{A}{A,Aring[800],Adieresis[1200],Abreve}\end{verbatim} % defines a glyph class containing ``A'', ``\AA'', ``\"A'', and ``\u A''. % All kernings on the right side of ``\AA'' have a width of 80\,%\ of % these ``A'' has. % ``\"A'' is kerned 120\,\% of ``A''. % ``\u A'' is again kerned as ``A''. % % You can also specify a different scaling for the first glyph in the % glyph class. % But then, all values are scaled in order to reach a factor of |1000| % for the first entry. % For example, %\begin{verbatim} %\defglyphclass{right}{A}{A[500],Aring[400],Adieresis[600],Abreve[500]}\end{verbatim} % is identical to the example above. % % The effect of scaled kernings can be seen in the example on % Page~\pageref{page:example} and in Figure~\ref{fig:example} where % ``\u A'' has half the scaling of ``A'' and ``\AA''. % % If two glyphs with scalings different from |1000| meet each other % both scaling factors are multiplicated. % % There are some interesting commands to handle these glyph classes. % Please have a look in Section~\ref{sec:glyphclasses} for their % description. % % % \section{Configuration file} % % If you are too lazy to put the same options into every source file % you may write all options except |family| into the configuration % file |kerntest.cfg| and put it into the \LaTeX\ path. % If it is present, it is loaded automatically. % % % % \section{Kerning pairs that are often missing} % % This section shows some kerning pairs that are often missing, even % in expensive fonts. % This problem arises since most fonts are merely designed for the % English language. % % \subsection{Character combinations} % % Some glyphs need a kerning to many other glyphs, including ``A'', % ``T'', ``V'', ``W'', and ``Y''. % For the ordinary lowercase letters, these kernings are included in % most fonts (if the lowercase letter is on the right of the capital). % But often, glyphs of other Languages than English are forgotten, % e.g., ``T\c c'', ``V\'e'', etc. % But you may not simply copy all kernings of, for instance, ``Ta'' to % ``T\"a'', ``T\'a'', ``T\aa'', ``T\c a'' etc. % Often, these glyphs have parts that force the kerning to be reduced % or even deleted. % % Most character pairs with the uppercase letters (``A'', ``T'', % ``V'', ``W'', ``Y'') after a lowercase letters are not kerned in the % fonts. % In most cases, this should not be a problem because these % combinations are never printed. (Nowadays, its getting more and more % important to have these kernings since it is a fashion to use % uppercase letters within words, e.g., ``ServicePoint''.\footnote{The % German railway company really uses this term!}) % But some combinations really should be kerned: ``eV'' % (electronvolt), ``mV'' (millivolt). % % \subsection{Quotation marks} % % Most fonts don't provide kerning for quotation marks other than the % English ones. % In English, ``Hello'' is used (``66--99''). % French uses << and >>: <<Bonjour>>. % In German, the three possibilities ,,Hallo`` (``99--66''), % >>Hallo<<, and >>Hallo<< are used. % In Italian, <<Ciao>> or ``Ciao,, are possible. % Swedish uses >>Hi>> or ''Hi''~\cite{forssman2002a}. % For all non-English possibilities, most fonts have no kerning % information. % Thus, you should generate five tables for every font, hopefully % containing all possibilities (\char019H\char020, % \char020H\char019, \char016H\char017, \char018H\char016, % \char017H\char018): % |\testkern{019}{-}{|\meta{glyph}|}{-}{020}|, % |\testkern{020}{-}{|\meta{glyph}|}{-}{019}|, % |\testkern{016}{-}{|\meta{glyph}|}{-}{017}|, % |\testkern{018}{-}{|\meta{glyph}|}{-}{016}|, % |\testkern{017}{-}{|\meta{glyph}|}{-}{018}|, % where \meta{glyph} stands for all 256 glyphs contained in a T1 % encoded font. % % All problems mentioned for the double quotation marks apply also for % their single variants (\glq, \grq, ', \flq, and \frq). % In most cases, they need the same kerning as their double % counterparts. % % There are two templates enclosed to build these kerning tables: % |t1-XXX-m-n.tex| and |ts1-XXX-m-n.tex|. % Hopefully, the names tell you which one to use. % They contain some comments that should help to use them. % % One (repeated) remark: % Please don't overdo the kerning if you adjust it. % In most cases, good is less than you think on first sight. % You can also orientate on predefined kernings. % For example, the kerning for A`` should be similar to A''. % % But you are still not save to get the correct kerning when your font % knows them. % This is due to the fact that there are multiple possibilities to % access the quotation marks. % For example, << can be produced by |<<|, \cs{guillemotleft}, and % even by \cs{symbol\{19\}} (if you are using T1 encoding). % If you use |inputenc.sty| you may use the characters directly, % e.g.,~|�|. % And after loading |babel.sty|, you can use \cs{flqq} and when writing % German |"<|. % % These possibilities are not equivalent. % % \begin{sloppypar} % The direct commands \cs{textquotedblleft}, \cs{textquotedblright}, % \cs{quotedblbase}, \cs{guillemotleft}, \cs{guillemotright}, % \cs{textquoteleft}, \cs{textquoteright}, \cs{quotesinglbase}, % \cs{guilsinglleft}, and \cs{guilsinglright} work properly; they kern % on their left and their right side. % \end{sloppypar} % The directly written quotation marks (|�|, |�|, etc.) also work % correctly because the corresponding encoding file (e.g., % |latin1.def|) translates them to the direct commands. % % The ligatures |``| and |''| seem also to work correctly. % But the ligature |,,| kerns correctly on its right side, but on its % left side, it kerns as a comma. % This may also be correct but it needn't be always the case. % |<<| and |>>| do not kern at all on their left side.\footnote{I % believe they kern as |<| reps.\ |>|. But these characters don't % have any kerning information in most cases.} % % Looking at the |babel| commands, only \cs{grqq} and \cs{grq} surely % work correct. % The others (\cs{glqq}, \cs{glq}, \cs{flqq}, \cs{flq}, \cs{frqq}, % \cs{frq}) are defined differently and thus do not guarantee to kern % correctly. % On 2003/04/01, I have posted a bug report. % Let's see what happens. % % The |babel| shortcuts |"`|, |"'|, |"<|, and |">| work as good as the % corresponding commands. % % If you want a correct behaviour of all |babel| quotation marks, just % copy the definition of \cs{grqq} (it contains of three command % definitions!) from |babel.def| into your code and change it % according to produce the other quotation marks. % % % \section{An example of how to optimize a font} % % In this section, a very simple example is shown how to install a % single font shape with fontinst~\cite{fontinst1998a} and how to % change kernings for it. % If you really want to understand what happens read the fontinst % manual~\cite{fontinst1998a}, ``\TeX\ Unbound'' by Alan % Hoenig~\cite{hoenig1998a}, or ``The Font Installation Guide'' by % Philipp Lehman~\cite{lehman2003a}. % % Ghostscript contains the font ``Century Schoolbook~L Roman'' which % is shipped as files |c059013l.afm| and |c059013l.pfb|. % Please copy these files into a temporary directory. % % According to Karl Berry's scheme, the fontname is |uncr8a|. % But this font is already prepared on most \TeX\ systems. % Thus we take the fontname |9ncr8a| here. % This will be the name for the result file. % % Then, run \TeX\ (not \LaTeX) on the script |schoolb1.tex| which does % most work to install a new font: % \verbatiminput{schoolb1.tex} % This run creates some files with the extensions |.pl| and |.vpl|. % They have to be converted to |tfm| and |vf| files as follows: % \verbatiminput{convert.sh} % Now, you can delete the temporary files with the extensions |.mtx|, % |.pl|, and |.vpl|. % % The new font is ready for use with \LaTeX, now (only for T1 and TS1 % encoding, OT1 encoding has been left out). % Just run \LaTeX\ on the test file |testschoolb.tex|. % But you are not yet able to use dvips or \textsc{pdf}\LaTeX\ % because they need a |map| file. % The corresponding one, |schoolb.map| looks like this: % \verbatiminput{schoolb.map} % With help of this map file, the |dvi| file can be converted to % Postscript using dvips: % |dvips -u +./schoolb.map -o testeschoolb-1.ps testschoolb| % Unfortunately, you cannot use \textsc{pdf}\LaTeX\ without adding the % contents of |schoolb.map| to the global |map| file. % % When viewing the result in |testschoolb-1.ps| % (Fig.~\ref{fig:centuryschool1}), you see that this specific font % already has most kernings that are missing in other fonts. % \begin{figure} % \centering % \fboxsep=1mm % \makebox[\textwidth][c]{% % \fbox{\includegraphics[scale=1.0]{testschoolb-1}}} % \caption{Font example for Century Schoolbook L with original kerning} % \label{fig:centuryschool1} % \end{figure} % The only really forgotten kernings are A``, A`, \u A``, and % \quotesinglbase V. % % Emagine that many kernings were unsatisfactory. % Then, we generate a kerning table containing the glyph combinations % we do not like: % \verbatiminput{t1-9nc-m-n-1.tex} % \begin{figure} % \centering % \fboxsep=1mm % \makebox[\textwidth][c]{% % \fbox{\includegraphics[scale=0.8]{t1-9nc-m-n-1}}} % \caption{Kerning table for Century Schoolbook L} % \label{fig:centuryschool1-table} % \end{figure} % This leads to the output shown in % Fig.~\ref{fig:centuryschool1-table} and to the |mtx| file % |t1-9nc-m-n-1.mtx|: % \verbatiminput{t1-9nc-m-n-1.mtx} % Using this file, you can repeat the |fontinst| run with a slightly % changed script |schoolb2.tex|: % \verbatiminput{schoolb2.tex} % The only change amongst |schoolb1.tex| is the added entry % |t1-9nc-m-n-1,| at the beginning of the second argument of the % \cs{installfont\{9ncr8t\}} command. % This includes the new kernings into the generated font. % After repeating also the |pltotf| and |vptovf| calls, you can use % the font with the new kernings. % Running \LaTeX\ and dvips again on |testschoolb.tex| gives the % output of Fig.~\ref{fig:centuryschool2}. % \begin{figure} % \centering % \fboxsep=1mm % \makebox[\textwidth][c]{% % \fbox{\includegraphics[scale=1.0]{testschoolb-1}}}\\[\medskipamount] % \makebox[\textwidth][c]{% % \fbox{\includegraphics[scale=1.0]{testschoolb-2}}} % \caption{Font example for Century Schoolbook L with original (top) % and modified (bottom) kerning. % The kerning is much too strong. % Here, it only shows the effect of altering the kerning.} % \label{fig:centuryschool2} % \end{figure} % Here, the kerning values are much too strong. % The only aim of this was to show a clear difference between original % and modified kerning. % Have a look at the \u A kernings. % They have been set to be half as large as the A kernings on both % sides. % % The last thing to do is to install the font files into the % corresponding paths of your \TeX\ distribution and to append the map % information to the global map files (normally by using |updmap|). % % % \begin{thebibliography}{9} % % \newcommand\ctanurl[1]{\url{ftp://ftp.dante.de/tex-archive/#1}}% % % \bibitem{berry1999a} % Karl Berry. % \newblock Fontname, May 2003. % \newblock \ctanurl{info/fontname/}. % % \bibitem{forssman2002a} % Friedrich Forssman, Ralf de Jong. % \newblock Detailtypografie, Verlag Hermann Schmidt, Mainz, Germany, % 2002. % % \bibitem{hoenig1998a} % Alan Hoenig. % \newblock \TeX\ Unbound---\LaTeX\ \&\ \TeX\ Strategies for Fonts, % Graphics, \&\ More, Oxford University Press, 1998. % % \bibitem{fontinst1998a} % Alan Jeffry, Rowland McDonnell. % \newblock fontinst---Font installation software for \TeX, June 1998. % \newblock \ctanurl{fonts/utilities/fontinst/}. % % \bibitem{lehman2003a} % Philipp Lehman. % \newblock The Font Installation Guide, August 2003. % \newblock \ctanurl{info/Type1fonts/fontinstallationguide.pdf}. % %\end{thebibliography} % % \StopEventually{\PrintChanges \PrintIndex} % % \section{The implementation} % % Heading of all files. % \begin{macrocode} %<class>\ProvidesClass{kerntest} %<mtx&t1>\ProvidesFile{t1mtx.clo} %<mtx&ts1>\ProvidesFile{ts1mtx.clo} %<mtx&ot1>\ProvidesFile{ot1mtx.clo} %<mtx&t2a>\ProvidesFile{t2amtx.clo} %<mtx&t2b>\ProvidesFile{t2bmtx.clo} %<mtx&ly1>\ProvidesFile{ly1mtx.clo} %<version>\ProvidesFile{krntst-v.tex} %<class|mtx|version> [2004/04/14 v1.32 Generate kerning tables] % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Class file} % % Use a standard class as base. % \begin{macrocode} %<*class> \LoadClass[10pt]{article} % \end{macrocode} % Use most of the space on the paper. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage[top=18mm,left=15mm,right=15mm,bottom=20mm]{geometry} % \end{macrocode} % \changes{1.32}{2004/04/14}{Do not scale Helvetica by default because % this breaks testing Helvetica}% % Font for the legends. % \begin{macrocode} \renewcommand*\familydefault{\sfdefault} \RequirePackage{helvet} % \end{macrocode} % More required packages. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{calc} \RequirePackage{longtable} \RequirePackage{array} \RequirePackage{color} \RequirePackage{ifthen} \RequirePackage{keyval} % \end{macrocode} % Layout settings. % \begin{macrocode} \pagestyle{myheadings} \def\@oddfoot{Kerning data, marked with $\ast$, are automatically reused from values given before. Repeated values are marked by $\dagger$.\hfill} \def\@evenfoot{\@oddfoot} \setlength{\parindent}{0mm} % \end{macrocode} % Declare lengths for the font size and the baselineskip. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength\krntst@size \newlength\krntst@baselineskip % \end{macrocode} % Set the default values for the class options. % \begin{macrocode} \def\krntst@encoding{T1} \def\krntst@series{m} \def\krntst@shape{n} \setlength\krntst@size{17.28pt} \setlength\krntst@baselineskip{1.2\krntst@size} \def\krntst@example{example} \def\krntst@extraname{} \definecolor{oldcolor}{gray}{0.5} \definecolor{newcolor}{gray}{0} \newboolean{krntst@writeall} % \end{macrocode} % The design size is given as command rather than as length because it % shall not be calculated to a real length (in pt), but it shall scale % with the chosen font. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\krntst@designsize{1em} % \end{macrocode} % Process the class options using the |keyval| package. % \begin{macrocode} \def\ProcessOptionsWithKV#1{% \let\@tempc\relax \let\KVo@tempa\@empty \edef\KVo@tempa{% \noexpand\setkeys{#1}{% \@ptionlist{\@currname.\@currext}% }% }% \KVo@tempa \let\CurrentOption\@empty } % \end{macrocode} % Define the keys for the class options and the \cs{kernsetup} % command. % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{krntst}{encoding}{\def\krntst@encoding{#1}} \define@key{krntst}{family}{\def\krntst@family{#1}} \define@key{krntst}{series}{\def\krntst@series{#1}} \define@key{krntst}{shape}{\def\krntst@shape{#1}} \define@key{krntst}{size}{% \setlength\krntst@size{#1}% \setlength\krntst@baselineskip{1.2\krntst@size}% } \define@key{krntst}{baselineskip}{\setlength\krntst@baselineskip{#1}} \define@key{krntst}{designsize}{\def\krntst@designsize{#1}}% \define@key{krntst}{example}{\def\krntst@example{#1}} \define@key{krntst}{papersize}{\geometry{#1}} \define@key{krntst}{extraname}{\def\krntst@extraname{-#1}} \define@key{krntst}{color}[true]{% \csname if#1\endcsname \definecolor{oldcolor}{gray}{0}% \definecolor{newcolor}{rgb}{1,0,0}% \else \definecolor{oldcolor}{gray}{0.5}% \definecolor{newcolor}{gray}{0}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % Do the copying of quotation marks by introducing glyph classes. % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{krntst}{copyquotation}[true]{% \csname if#1\endcsname \newglyphclass{left}{leftguillemots}{guillemotleft,guilsinglleft}% \newglyphclass{right}{leftguillemots}{guillemotleft,guilsinglleft}% \newglyphclass{left}{rightguillemots}{guillemotright,guilsinglright}% \newglyphclass{right}{rightguillemots}{guillemotright,guilsinglright}% \newglyphclass{left}{leftquotes}{quotedblleft,quoteleft}% \newglyphclass{right}{leftquotes}{quotedblleft,quoteleft}% \newglyphclass{left}{rightquotes}{quotedblright,quoteright}% \newglyphclass{right}{rightquotes}{quotedblright,quoteright}% \newglyphclass{left}{basequotes}{quotedblbase,quotesinglbase}% \newglyphclass{right}{basequotes}{quotedblbase,quotesinglbase}% \fi } \define@key{krntst}{writeall}[true]{% \setboolean{krntst@writeall}{#1}% \ClassWarningNoLine{kerntest}{You are writing the new and the original kerning data\MessageBreak to the mtx file (option `writeall'). Normally, it is\MessageBreak not necessary to write original data}% } \define@key{krntst}{footer}[true]{% \csname if#1\endcsname \else \def\@oddfoot{}% \def\@evenfoot{\@oddfoot}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\kernsetup} % Define the macro \cs{kernsetup} and make it available only in the % preamble. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\kernsetup{\setkeys{krntst}} \@onlypreamble\kernsetup % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \changes{1.10}{2004/04/06}{Load configuration file if available}% % Read in the configuration file if available. % Do it before processing the options to allow the options to % overwrite the configuration file entries. % \begin{macrocode} \AtEndOfClass{% \InputIfFileExists{kerntest.cfg}{% \message{Configuration file `kerntest.cfg' loaded.}% }{% \message{No configuration file `kerntest.cfg' found.}% } % \end{macrocode} % Now, process the class options. % \begin{macrocode} \ProcessOptionsWithKV{krntst} % \end{macrocode} % This has to do something with a problem in |keyval.sty|. % I do not really know what it does exactly. % \begin{macrocode} \let\@unprocessedoptions\relax } % \end{macrocode} % Generate an error message if the class option |family| has not been % given in the \cs{documentclass} command. % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\krntst@family\relax \ClassError{kerntest}{Class option family not or incorrect given\@gobble}{% You have to specify the font family by using the class\MessageBreak option family=<fontfamily>}% \stop \fi % \end{macrocode} % Redefine the |family| option to be unusable in the \cs{kernsetup} % command. % \begin{macrocode} \AtEndOfClass{% \define@key{krntst}{family}{% \ClassError{kerntest}{Option `family' used outside \string\documentclass\space command}{% The option `family=<fontfamily>' has to be specified in the optional argument\MessageBreak of the \string\documentclass\space command.}% } } % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\mtxcomment} % Define a command that writes a comment to the |mtx| file. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\mtxcomment[1]{% \protected@write\mtxfile{}{\@percentchar\space #1}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % Define a command that is used to access the font for the legends. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\krntst@helpfont{\normalfont\normalsize} % \end{macrocode} % An internal counter that stores the slot of a glyph. % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{@glyphslot}% % \end{macrocode} % The following commands have to be done at \cs{begin\{document\}} to % ensure that all \cs{kernsetup} calls have been made before. % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument{% % \end{macrocode} % Load all used encodings and |T1| for the legends. % If |T1| is used, it is loaded twice; it does not seem to be bad. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage[\krntst@encoding,T1]{fontenc} % \end{macrocode} % Load the file that provides the Postscript glyph names. % The trick to make it lowercase ist stolen from the |fontenc| % package. % \begin{macrocode} \edef\reserved@f{% \lowercase{\def\noexpand\reserved@f{\krntst@encoding mtx.clo}}}% \reserved@f \InputIfFileExists\reserved@f{}{% \ClassWarningNoLine{kerntest}{Postscript name file `\reserved@f' not found.\MessageBreak The kerning table will be okay, but the generated mtx file will not be usable}% \newcommand\getpsname[1]{unknown character `##1'}% }% % \end{macrocode} % \changes{1.32}{2004/04/14}{Direct access on glyph names instead of % parsing \cs{getpsname}}% % Generate macros of the form \cs{slotnumber@glyph@\meta{glyphname}} % that return the slot number for each glyph. % This is faster than parsing \cs{getpsname} for the searched glyph % (on the cost of memory). % \begin{macrocode} \setcounter{@glyphslot}{0}% \whiledo{\the\c@@glyphslot<256}{% \expandafter\edef \csname slotnumber@glyph@\getpsname{\the\c@@glyphslot}\endcsname{% \the\c@@glyphslot}% \stepcounter{@glyphslot}% }% % \end{macrocode} % Initialise some font-specific things. % This is done in a group to save the normal legend font outside the % kerning table. % \begin{macrocode} \begingroup % \end{macrocode} % Switch to the font that shall be tested to see if the desired font % size is possible etc. % \begin{macrocode} \usefont{\krntst@encoding}{\krntst@family}{\krntst@series}{\krntst@shape}% \fontsize{\krntst@size}{\krntst@baselineskip}\selectfont% % \end{macrocode} % Set the Postscript font unit to 0.001 of the design size which is % 1\,em, normally. % \begin{macrocode} \psunit=\krntst@designsize\relax \global\psunit=0.001\psunit % \end{macrocode} % Give some feedback. % \begin{macrocode} \typeout{Requested: \krntst@encoding-\krntst@family-% \krntst@series-\krntst@shape, size \the\krntst@size}% \typeout{Using:\space\space\space\space\space \f@encoding-\f@family-% \f@series-\f@shape, size \f@size pt}% \expandafter\ifdim\the\krntst@size=\f@size pt\relax \else \ClassWarningNoLine{kerntest}{Using different font size than requested}% \fi \setlength{\@tempdima}{\krntst@designsize}% \typeout{Postscript font unit for design size \the\@tempdima: \the\psunit}% \expandafter\ifdim\the\@tempdima=\f@size pt\relax \else \ClassWarningNoLine{kerntest}{The design size (\the\@tempdima, 1em by default,\MessageBreak or given value from option `designsize') of the font\MessageBreak is not equal to the LaTeX font size (\f@size pt).\MessageBreak This can have two reasons:\MessageBreak 1. The font does not define 1em to be the design size\MessageBreak \space\space\space (for example, Computer Modern).\MessageBreak 2. The font is implicitely scaled by the fd-file\MessageBreak \space\space\space (for example, when using helvet.sty).\MessageBreak This can cause the PostScript font unit length to be\MessageBreak incorrect. You may set the design size for calculation\MessageBreak of the font unit explicitely by using the class\MessageBreak option `designsize'}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % Define the name for the headings and the |mtx| file (lowercase trick % again taken from |fontenc.sty|). % \begin{macrocode} \edef\mtxfilename{% \lowercase{\gdef\noexpand\mtxfilename{% \f@encoding-\f@family-\f@series-\f@shape\krntst@extraname}}}% \mtxfilename % \end{macrocode} % Set the page headings. % \begin{macrocode} \markboth{\upshape Font \mtxfilename}{\upshape Font \mtxfilename}% % \end{macrocode} % Don't change the page headings by \cs{section} etc. % \begin{macrocode} % \global\def\markboth#1#2{}% % \global\def\markright#1{}% % \end{macrocode} % Open the |mtx| file. % \begin{macrocode} \typeout{^^JWriting mtx file `\mtxfilename.mtx'^^J}% \immediate\openout\mtxfile\mtxfilename.mtx % \end{macrocode} % Write a nice header to the |mtx| file. % \begin{macrocode} \protected@write\mtxfile{}{\@percentchar\@percentchar}% \protected@write\mtxfile{}{\@percentchar\@percentchar\space This is file `\mtxfilename.mtx',}% \protected@write\mtxfile{}{\@percentchar\@percentchar\space generated on \number\year/\number\month/\number\day\space by kerntest.cls, (c) 2004 Harald Harders.}% \protected@write\mtxfile{}{\@percentchar\@percentchar}% \protected@write\mtxfile{}{\@percentchar\@percentchar\space The original source file was:}% \protected@write\mtxfile{}{\@percentchar\@percentchar}% \protected@write\mtxfile{}{\@percentchar\@percentchar\space \jobname\space (.tex?) with these font options:}% \protected@write\mtxfile{}{\@percentchar\@percentchar\space Encoding: \f@encoding}% \protected@write\mtxfile{}{\@percentchar\@percentchar\space Family: \space\space\f@family}% \protected@write\mtxfile{}{\@percentchar\@percentchar\space Series: \space\space\f@series}% \protected@write\mtxfile{}{\@percentchar\@percentchar\space Shape: \space\space\space\f@shape}% \protected@write\mtxfile{}{\@percentchar\@percentchar\space User-defined name: \krntst@extraname}% \protected@write\mtxfile{}{\@percentchar\@percentchar}% \protected@write\mtxfile{}{\string\relax}% \protected@write\mtxfile{}{\string\metrics}% \protected@write\mtxfile{}{\string\needsfontinstversion{1.926}}% \protected@write\mtxfile{}{\@percentchar\@percentchar}% \protected@write\mtxfile{}{\@percentchar\@percentchar\space Kerning data for single characters and}% \protected@write\mtxfile{}{\@percentchar\@percentchar\space the first members of the glyph classes.}% \protected@write\mtxfile{}{\@percentchar\@percentchar}% \protected@write\mtxfile{}{\@percentchar\@percentchar\space After each \string\setkern\space entry, the glyph classes}% \protected@write\mtxfile{}{\@percentchar\@percentchar\space for both glyphs are given (./. means no class).}% \protected@write\mtxfile{}{\@percentchar\@percentchar}% \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % Declare the output handle for the |mtx| file. % \begin{macrocode} \newwrite\mtxfile % \end{macrocode} % Round a length to an integer value. % I am sure this can be done easier, but it works. % \begin{macrocode} \def\krntst@round#1.#2#3#4\@empty{% \setlength\@tempdimc{#1pt}% \if#2.% \else \ifnum#2>4 \ifnum#1#2<0 \addtolength\@tempdimc{-1.1pt}% \else \addtolength\@tempdimc{1.1pt}% \fi \fi \fi \edef\rnd@tempa{\strip@pt\@tempdimc}% \expandafter\krntst@@round\rnd@tempa.000\@empty } % \end{macrocode} % Calculate the rounded length. % \begin{macrocode} \def\krntst@@round#1.#2#3\@empty{\def\kernlen{#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\round} % The user routine for rounding lengths. % The rounded length is \emph{not} returned but saved in the macro % \cs{kernlen}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\round[1]{% \setlength\@tempdimc{#1}% \edef\rnd@tempa{\strip@pt\@tempdimc}% \expandafter\krntst@round\rnd@tempa.000\@empty } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % Define the Postscript font length. % \begin{macrocode} \newlength\psunit % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\getpsunit} % Saves the rounded length of arbitrary unit in Postscript font units % in the dimension \cs{@tempdima}. % It has to be used with \cs{strip@pt} to get rid of the unit ``pt'' % which is wrong of course. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\getpsunit[1]{% \setlength\@tempdima{1pt*\ratio{#1}{\psunit}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\getkern} % Get the kerning between the arguments |#1| and |#2|. % This is done by typesetting |#1#2| with the natural kerning and with % supressed kerning (|#1\kern 0pt#2|). % The difference of the box widths is the kerning. % Return an integer value in Postscript font units. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\getkern[2]{% \settowidth\@tempdima{#1#2}% \settowidth\@tempdimb{#1\kern0pt#2}% % \end{macrocode} % The next line works better than deviding |\@tempdima-\@tempdimb| by % |0.001em| because rounding errors are avoided. % \begin{macrocode} \setlength\@tempdima{1pt*\ratio{(\@tempdima-\@tempdimb)*1000}{1em}}% \round{\@tempdima}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % The internal routine for \cs{saveslotnumber}. % Finds out if a slot number or the Postscript name is given and saves % the slot number in the counter |@glyphslot|. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@saveslotnumber#1#2\@empty{% \if#1"\relax \setcounter{@glyphslot}{#1#2}% \else \if#1'\relax \setcounter{@glyphslot}{#1#2}% \else \ifnum9<1#1\relax \setcounter{@glyphslot}{#1#2}% \else \begingroup\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\endgroup \expandafter\ifx\csname slotnumber@glyph@#1#2\endcsname\relax \setcounter{@glyphslot}{-1}% \else \setcounter{@glyphslot}{\csname slotnumber@glyph@#1#2\endcsname}% \fi \fi \fi \fi \ifnum\the\c@@glyphslot>255\relax \setcounter{@glyphslot}{-1}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\saveslotnumber} % Saves the slot number of a glyph given as second argument (by % PostScript name or its slot number in decimals, octal, or % hexadecimals) in the counter specified in the first argument. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareRobustCommand*\saveslotnumber[2]{% \expandafter\@saveslotnumber#2\@empty \setcounter{#1}{\the\c@@glyphslot}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\getslotnumber} % Returns the slot number of a given glyph (by PostScript name or its % slot number in decimals, octal, or hexadecimals) in a decimal number. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\getslotnumber[1]{% \expandafter\@saveslotnumber#1\@empty \ifnum\the\c@@glyphslot<0\relax \textbf{???}% \else \ifnum\c@@glyphslot<100\relax0\fi \ifnum\c@@glyphslot<10\relax0\fi \the\c@@glyphslot \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\printglyph} % Print the glyph with the given PostScript name or slot number (in % decimals, octal, or hexadecimals; as usual in \LaTeX). % Unfortunately, no kerning appears on the left side of the printed % glyph. % For example, |\printglyph{A}V| is kerned, but |A\printglyph{V}| % isn't. % You can solve this by saving the slot number first and by using it % later, for example: %\begin{verbatim} %\newcounter{slotV}% %\saveslotnumber{slotV}{V}% %A\char\arabic{slotV} %\end{verbatim} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\printglyph[1]{% \expandafter\@saveslotnumber#1\@empty \char\the\c@@glyphslot } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % A help macro for comparing arguments with ``|-|''. % \begin{macrocode} \edef\@minussign{-}% % \end{macrocode} % Counters storing the slot numbers for the three glyphs used within % one line of the |kerntable| environment. % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{@slota} \newcounter{@slotb} \newcounter{@slotc} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\testkern} % The main macro of the class. % It takes 5 arguments:\\ % \marg{glyph 1}\marg{kerning 1--2}\marg{glyph 2}\marg{kerning % 2--3}\marg{glyph 3}.\\ % The glyphs are given by their number, not the glyphs itself. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\testkern[5]{% % \end{macrocode} % Save the kerning arguments globally because otherwise they got lost % from tabular cell to tabular cell. % \begin{macrocode} \xdef\@kernlena{#2}% \xdef\@kernlenb{#4}% % \end{macrocode} % Get the slot numbers for the three characters and save them in the % counters |@slota|, |@slotb|, and |@slotc|. % \begin{macrocode} \saveslotnumber{@slota}{#1}% \ifnum\the\c@@slota<0% \ClassError{kerntest}{Used unknown glyph `#1'}{% You may have misspelled the glyph or you have taken an invalid number.}% \setcounter{@slota}{0}% \fi \saveslotnumber{@slotb}{#3}% \ifnum\the\c@@slotb<0% \ClassError{kerntest}{Used unknown glyph `#3'}{% You may have misspelled the glyph or you have taken an invalid number.}% \setcounter{@slotb}{0}% \fi \saveslotnumber{@slotc}{#5}% \ifnum\the\c@@slotc<0% \ClassError{kerntest}{Used unknown glyph `#5'}{% You may have misspelled the glyph or you have taken an invalid number.}% \setcounter{@slotc}{0}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % Find out if there are old kerning data for one of the two glyph % pairs. % % First pair. % % The better form of \cs{@ifundefined} that does not define its % argument as side-effect. % \begin{macrocode} \begingroup\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\endgroup \expandafter\ifx\csname kt@kerning@\getpsname{\the\c@@slota}@% \getpsname{\the\c@@slotb}\endcsname\relax % \end{macrocode} % No old kerning. % Thus don't do any kerning later. % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\oldkerna{}% \else % \end{macrocode} % Old kerning exists. % Save the old kerning to apply it later. % \begin{macrocode} \gdef\oldkerna{% \kern \csname kt@kerning@\getpsname{\the\c@@slota}@% \getpsname{\the\c@@slotb}\endcsname \psunit }% % \end{macrocode} % If no new kerning ist given just tell the user that he reuses a % kerning. % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\@kernlena\@minussign \typeout{Kerning pair for \getpsname{\the\c@@slota}-% \getpsname{\the\c@@slotb} reused (value \csname kt@kerning@\getpsname{\the\c@@slota}@% \getpsname{\the\c@@slotb}\endcsname).}% \else % \end{macrocode} % Old kerning exists and new kerning, too. % Test if the old and new kernings are identical. % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\@kernlena=\csname kt@kerning@\getpsname{\the\c@@slota}@% \getpsname{\the\c@@slotb}\endcsname\relax % \end{macrocode} % Yes. % Nevertheless, generate a warning. % \begin{macrocode} \ClassWarning{kerntest}{Kerning for \getpsname{\the\c@@slota}-\getpsname{\the\c@@slotb}\MessageBreak repeated (value #2)}% \else % \end{macrocode} % No. % Produce an erroe message. % \begin{macrocode} \ClassError{kerntest}{Conflicting kerning for \getpsname{\the\c@@slota}-\getpsname{\the\c@@slotb}\MessageBreak (new value #2 != old value \csname kt@kerning@\getpsname{\the\c@@slota}@% \getpsname{\the\c@@slotb}\endcsname)% }{% You have given the kerning for the specified glyph pair twice with different\MessageBreak values. This may also appear when using glyph classes. You have to give the\MessageBreak kerning only once per glyph class.\MessageBreak You may leave out the second kerning pair, or you may give\MessageBreak the kerning `-'. Then, the old value is reused. }% \fi \fi \fi % \end{macrocode} % Second pair. % \begin{macrocode} \begingroup\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\endgroup \expandafter\ifx\csname kt@kerning@\getpsname{\the\c@@slotb}@% \getpsname{\the\c@@slotc}\endcsname\relax \gdef\oldkernb{}% \else \gdef\oldkernb{% \kern \csname kt@kerning@\getpsname{\the\c@@slotb}@% \getpsname{\the\c@@slotc}\endcsname \psunit }% % \ifx\@kernlenb\@minussign \typeout{Kerning pair for \getpsname{\the\c@@slotb}-% \getpsname{\the\c@@slotc} reused (value \csname kt@kerning@\getpsname{\the\c@@slotb}@% \getpsname{\the\c@@slotc}\endcsname).}% \else \ifnum\@kernlenb=\csname kt@kerning@\getpsname{\the\c@@slotb}@% \getpsname{\the\c@@slotc}\endcsname\relax \ClassWarning{kerntest}{Kerning for \getpsname{\the\c@@slotb}-\getpsname{\the\c@@slotc}\MessageBreak repeated (value #4)}% \else \ClassError{kerntest}{Conflicting kerning for \getpsname{\the\c@@slotb}-\getpsname{\the\c@@slotc}\MessageBreak (new value #4 != old value \csname kt@kerning@\getpsname{\the\c@@slotb}@% \getpsname{\the\c@@slotc}\endcsname)% }{% You have given the kerning for the specified glyph pair twice with different\MessageBreak values. This may also appear when using glyph classes. You have to give the\MessageBreak kerning only once per glyph class.\MessageBreak You may leave out the second kerning pair, or you may give\MessageBreak the kerning `-'. Then, the old value is reused. }% \fi \fi \fi % \end{macrocode} % First, type the slot number of glyph~2. % \begin{macrocode} \krntst@helpfont\getslotnumber{#3}% & % \end{macrocode} % Type the postscript name of glyph~2. % \begin{macrocode} \krntst@helpfont\getpsname{\the\c@@slotb}% & % \end{macrocode} % Print the three glyphs with original kerning. % \begin{macrocode} \char\the\c@@slota\char\c@@slotb\char\c@@slotc% & % \end{macrocode} % Print glyph~1. % \begin{macrocode} \char\the\c@@slota% % \end{macrocode} % If a kerning is given, apply it; otherwise do nothing. % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\@kernlena\@minussign \oldkerna \else \kern#2\psunit \fi % \end{macrocode} % Print glyph~2. % \begin{macrocode} \char\the\c@@slotb% % \end{macrocode} % If a kerning is given, apply it; otherwise do nothing. % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\@kernlenb\@minussign \oldkernb \else \kern#4\psunit \fi % \end{macrocode} % Print glyph~3. % \begin{macrocode} \char\the\c@@slotc% & % \end{macrocode} % Do the same as in columns 2 and 3, but twice at the same place. % First, natural kerning. % \begin{macrocode} \color{oldcolor}% \makebox[0pt][l]{\char\the\c@@slota\char\the\c@@slotb\char\the\c@@slotc}% % \end{macrocode} % Second, newly given kerning. % Switch the color depending if a kerning has been given. % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\@kernlena\@minussign \ifthenelse{\equal{\oldkerna}{}}{}{\color{newcolor}}% \else \color{newcolor}% \fi \ifx\@kernlenb\@minussign \ifthenelse{\equal{\oldkernb}{}}{}{\color{newcolor}}% \else \color{newcolor}% \fi \char\the\c@@slota% \ifx\@kernlena\@minussign \oldkerna \else \kern#2\psunit \fi \char\the\c@@slotb% \ifx\@kernlenb\@minussign \oldkernb \else \kern#4\psunit \fi \char\the\c@@slotc% & % \end{macrocode} % Get the value of the natural kerning. % This has to be done with the tested font switched on to get the % right values. % This value is saved in \cs{kernlen} for later use. % \begin{macrocode} \getkern{\char\the\c@@slota}{\char\the\c@@slotb}% % \end{macrocode} % Switch to the legend font. % \begin{macrocode} \krntst@helpfont % \end{macrocode} % If no kerning is given (\marg{kerning 1--2}|=-|) print out the % original kerning. % The part \cs{ifdim}\ldots\cs{fi} adds a |-| if the kerning is % negative. % Together with the negative kerning, this gives a ``--'' instead of a % ``-''. % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\@kernlena\@minussign \ifthenelse{\equal{\oldkerna}{}}{% \textcolor{oldcolor}{\small \ifdim\kernlen pt<0pt-\fi \ifdim\kernlen pt>0pt+\fi \kernlen}% }{% \ifnum\kernlen=0\relax \else \textcolor{oldcolor}{\small(% \ifdim\kernlen pt<0pt-\fi \ifdim\kernlen pt>0pt+\fi \kernlen)}% \fi ~\textcolor{newcolor}{\large \ifnum \csname kt@kerning@\getpsname{\the\c@@slota}@% \getpsname{\the\c@@slotb}\endcsname<0-\fi \csname kt@kerning@\getpsname{\the\c@@slota}@% \getpsname{\the\c@@slotb}\endcsname \makebox[0pt][l]{$^\ast$}% }% }% % \end{macrocode} % Write old kerning to |mtx| file. % \begin{macrocode} \ifthenelse{\boolean{krntst@writeall}\and\not\equal{\kernlen}{0}}{% \writemtxkern[original kerning]{\the\c@@slota}{% \ifdim\kernlen pt>0pt+\fi\kernlen}{\the\c@@slotb}% }{}% % \end{macrocode} % If a kerning is given print the new kerning (same trick with % negative numbers). % \begin{macrocode} \else % \end{macrocode} % If there were original kerning data, print the in parenthesis first. % \begin{macrocode} \ifdim\kernlen pt=0pt \else \textcolor{oldcolor}{\small(% \ifdim\kernlen pt<0pt-\fi \ifdim\kernlen pt>0pt+\fi \kernlen)} \fi \textcolor{newcolor}{\large \ifnum#2<0-\fi#2% \ifthenelse{\equal{\oldkerna}{}}{% }{\makebox[0mm][l]{$^\dagger$}}% }% % \end{macrocode} % Write the new kerning information into the |mtx| file. % \begin{macrocode} \ifthenelse{\equal{\oldkerna}{}}{% \writemtxkern{\the\c@@slota}{#2}{\the\c@@slotb}% }{}% \fi & % \end{macrocode} % Do the same for the second kerning pair. % \begin{macrocode} \getkern{\char\the\c@@slotb}{\char\the\c@@slotc}% \krntst@helpfont \ifx\@kernlenb\@minussign \ifthenelse{\equal{\oldkernb}{}}{% \textcolor{oldcolor}{\small \ifdim\kernlen pt<0pt-\fi \ifdim\kernlen pt>0pt+\fi \kernlen}% }{% \ifnum\kernlen=0\relax \else \textcolor{oldcolor}{\small(% \ifdim\kernlen pt<0pt-\fi \ifdim\kernlen pt>0pt+\fi \kernlen)}% \fi ~\textcolor{newcolor}{\large \ifnum \csname kt@kerning@\getpsname{\the\c@@slotb}@% \getpsname{\the\c@@slotc}\endcsname<0-\fi \csname kt@kerning@\getpsname{\the\c@@slotb}@% \getpsname{\the\c@@slotc}\endcsname \makebox[0pt][l]{$^\ast$}% }% }% \ifthenelse{\boolean{krntst@writeall}\and\not\equal{\kernlen}{0}}{% \writemtxkern[original kerning]{\the\c@@slotb}{% \ifdim\kernlen pt>0pt+\fi\kernlen}{\the\c@@slotc}% }{}% \else \ifdim\kernlen pt=0pt \else \textcolor{oldcolor}{\small(% \ifdim\kernlen pt<0pt-\fi \ifdim\kernlen pt>0pt+\fi \kernlen)} \fi \textcolor{newcolor}{\large \ifnum#4<0-\fi#4% \ifthenelse{\equal{\oldkernb}{}}{% }{\makebox[0mm][l]{$^\dagger$}}% }% \ifthenelse{\equal{\oldkernb}{}}{% \writemtxkern{\the\c@@slotb}{#4}{\the\c@@slotc}% }{}% \fi & % \end{macrocode} % Print the example with natural kerning. % \begin{macrocode} \char\the\c@@slota\char\the\c@@slotb \krntst@example \char\the\c@@slotb\char\the\c@@slotc & % \end{macrocode} % Print the example with new kerning. % \begin{macrocode} \char\the\c@@slota% \ifx\@kernlena\@minussign \else \kern#2\psunit \fi \char\the\c@@slotb\krntst@example\char\the\c@@slotb \ifx\@kernlenb\@minussign \else \kern#4\psunit \fi \char\the\c@@slotc% & % \end{macrocode} % Switch to legend font for the comments that may appear. % \begin{macrocode} \krntst@helpfont\ignorespaces } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{environment}{kerntable} % The kerning table environment. % \begin{macrocode} \newenvironment{kerntable}{% % \end{macrocode} % Switch to the tested font. % \begin{macrocode} \usefont{\krntst@encoding}{\krntst@family}{\krntst@series}{\krntst@shape}% \fontsize{\krntst@size}{\krntst@baselineskip}\selectfont% % \end{macrocode} % Start a |longtable| environment for the kerning samples. % \begin{macrocode} \begin{longtable}[l]{@{}lll@{~}l@{~}l@{~}rrlll@{}} % \end{macrocode} % Type the header of the table. % \begin{macrocode} \krntst@helpfont slot& \krntst@helpfont name& \krntst@helpfont orig& \krntst@helpfont new& \krntst@helpfont both& \krntst@helpfont k.\,1& \krntst@helpfont k.\,2& \krntst@helpfont orig.& \krntst@helpfont new& \krntst@helpfont comment\\ \endhead % \end{macrocode} % Repeat it as footer. % \begin{macrocode} \krntst@helpfont slot& \krntst@helpfont name& \krntst@helpfont orig& \krntst@helpfont new& \krntst@helpfont both& \krntst@helpfont k.\,1& \krntst@helpfont k.\,2& \krntst@helpfont orig.& \krntst@helpfont new& \krntst@helpfont comment\\ \endfoot }{% % \end{macrocode} % And now the end of the table. % \begin{macrocode} \end{longtable}% \ignorespacesafterend } % \end{macrocode} % \end{environment} % \begin{macro}{\writemtxkern} % \changes{1.32}{2004/04/14}{Speed up \cs{writemtxkern}}% % \changes{1.10}{2004/04/06}{Handle optional comment}% % Write an entry into the |mtx| file. % This command copies double quotes to single quotes if requested % (only if no optional argument is given). % \begin{macrocode} \newif\if@tempswb \newcommand\writemtxkern[4][\@empty]{% % \end{macrocode} % Store the glyph names of both glyphs in \cs{@firstglyphname} and % \cs{@secondglyphname}. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\@saveslotnumber#2\@empty \edef\@firstglyphname{\getpsname{\c@@glyphslot}}% \expandafter\@saveslotnumber#4\@empty \edef\@secondglyphname{\getpsname{\c@@glyphslot}}% % \end{macrocode} % Test if a comment has been given. % \begin{macrocode} \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{\@empty}}{% % \end{macrocode} % Get the corresponding glyph class for the first character and save % it in \cs{rightkern}. % If none, \cs{rightkern} is set to \cs{@empty}. % \begin{macrocode} \edef\rightkern{\getclassofglyph{right}{\@firstglyphname}}% % \end{macrocode} % If the glyph is in no glyph class, make a temporary glyph class % \cs{rightkern} which contains only this glyph. % Define the comment \cs{textright} for the |mtx| file. % \begin{macrocode} \ifthenelse{\equal{\rightkern}{\@empty}}{% \edef\textright{./.}% \def\rightkern{@firstglyphname}% }{% \edef\textright{\expandafter\@getclassname\rightkern\@empty}% }% % \end{macrocode} % Get the corresponding glyph class for the second character and save % it in \cs{leftkern}. % If none, \cs{leftkern} is set to \cs{@empty}. % \begin{macrocode} \edef\leftkern{\getclassofglyph{left}{\@secondglyphname}}% % \end{macrocode} % If the glyph is in no glyph class, make a temporary glyph class % \cs{leftkern} which contains only this glyph. % Define the comment \cs{leftright} for the |mtx| file. % \begin{macrocode} \ifthenelse{\equal{\leftkern}{\@empty}}{% \edef\textleft{./.}% \def\leftkern{@secondglyphname}% }{% \edef\textleft{\expandafter\@getclassname\leftkern\@empty}% }% % \end{macrocode} % Set the kernig data for all kerning pairs that can be found in both % glyph classes \cs{rightkern} and \cs{leftkern}. % \begin{macrocode} \@tempswbtrue \@forallinclass{\rightkern}{first}{% \@forallinclass{\leftkern}{second}{% % \end{macrocode} % Write the kerning data to the |mtx| file, but only for the first % members of the glyph classes. % The others are set in the |mtx| file by \cs{setrightkerning} and % \cs{setleftkerning}. % \begin{macrocode} \if@tempswb \protected@write\mtxfile{}{% \string\setkern {\first}{\second}{#3}% \@percentchar\space\space\textright\space-- \textleft }% protected@write \@tempswbfalse \fi % \end{macrocode} % Define a command \cs{kt@kerning@\meta{first glyph}@\meta{second % glyph}} that contains the kerning for later testing on conflicting % values. % Scale the kerning data according to the given values in % \cs{defglyphclass}. % \begin{macrocode} \setcounter{@tmpscale}{#3*\first@scaling*\second@scaling/1000000}% \typeout{\first-\second: \the@tmpscale}% \expandafter\xdef\csname kt@kerning@\first @\second\endcsname{% \the@tmpscale}% % \expandafter\xdef\csname kt@kerning@\first @\second\endcsname{#3}% }% forallinclass second }% forallinclass first }{% % \end{macrocode} % If an optional argument has been given, just write this kerning pair % without any tests. % \begin{macrocode} \protected@write\mtxfile{}{% \string\setkern {\@firstglyphname}{\@secondglyphname}{#3}% \@percentchar\space\space #1% }% % \end{macrocode} % Nevertheless, generate the command for testing on conflicting values. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\xdef \csname kt@kerning@\@firstglyphname@\@secondglyphname\endcsname{#3}% }% }% % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Glyph classes}% % \label{sec:glyphclasses}% % % \begin{macro}{\defglyphclass} % The macro % \cs{defglyphclass}\marg{side}\marg{name}\marg{glyphlist} % defines a class of glyphs that have the same kerning on the same % \meta{side} which has to be ``|left|'' or ``|right|''. % \meta{name} is the name of the glyph class while \meta{glyphlist} is % a comma-separated list of all glyphs that have the same kerning on % their \meta{side} side. % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{@tmpscale} \newcounter{@firstscale} \newcommand\defglyphclass[3]{% % \end{macrocode} % Do it at \cs{begin\{document\}} because otherwise it is not clear % which encoding is used and thus the glyphs are not yet known. % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument{% % \end{macrocode} % Test if a list of glyph classes exists for the chosen \meta{side}. % \begin{macrocode} \@ifundefined{glyphclasslist@#1}{% % \end{macrocode} % No glyph class of the current \meta{side} has been defined, yet. % Install a new one. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\def\csname glyphclasslist@#1\endcsname{% glyphclass@#1@#2}% }{% % \end{macrocode} % The needed glyph-class list exists. % Test if there is an old glyph class with the same name (\meta{side} % and \meta{name}). % \begin{macrocode} \begingroup \@tempswatrue \forallclasses{#1}{@tmpcls}{% \ifthenelse{\equal{\@tmpcls}{glyphclass@#1@#2}}{% \@tempswafalse }{}% }% % \end{macrocode} % If this is not the case, append the new glyph class to the glyph % class list. % \begin{macrocode} \if@tempswa \expandafter\xdef\csname glyphclasslist@#1\endcsname{% \csname glyphclasslist@#1\endcsname,glyphclass@#1@#2}% \fi \endgroup }% % \end{macrocode} % Define the macro \cs{glyphclass@\meta{side}@\meta{name}} that stores % the \meta{glyphlist} for this glyph class. % At this stage it is defined empty in order to avoid that error % messages are generated for ``already used glyphs''. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\def\csname glyphclass@#1@#2\endcsname{}% % \end{macrocode} % Store the new \meta{glyphlist} in a temporary variable % \cs{tmpglyphclass}. % To do this, all glyphs of the list are converted to Postscript glyph % names and tested if they are valid. % Also, it is tested if a glyph is contained double. % \changes{1.32}{2004/04/14}{Speed up \cs{defglyphclass}}% % \begin{macrocode} \edef\@tempa{#3}% \@tempswbtrue \@forallinclass{@tempa}{@tmpglyph}{% \saveslotnumber{@glyphslot}{\@tmpglyph}% \ifnum\the\c@@glyphslot<0% \ClassError{kerntest}{Used unknown glyph `\@tmpglyph'}{% You may have misspelled the glyph or you have taken an invalid number. This incorrect glyph is ignored.}% \edef\thisglyphname{???}% \else \edef\thisglyphname{\getpsname{\the\c@@glyphslot}}% \if@tempswb \global\@tempswbfalse \setcounter{@firstscale}{\@tmpglyph@scaling}% \fi \setcounter{@tmpscale}{1000*\@tmpglyph@scaling/\the@firstscale}% % \end{macrocode} % Now, it has to be tested if none of the glyphs of the new glyph list % are in this or another list already. % If so, generate an error message. % Save the error state in \cs{@tempswa} to be able to add the glyph % only if it is in no other glyph class. % \begin{macrocode} \@tempswatrue \forallclasses{#1}{@tmpcls}{% \@ifglyphinclass{\@tmpcls}{\@tmpglyph}{% \@tempswafalse \ClassError{kerntest}{Glyph `\@tmpglyph' (`\thisglyphname',\MessageBreak glyph class #1/#2) already\MessageBreak in glyph class (\expandafter\@getclassname\@tmpcls\@empty)% }{% Each glyph may only be once in one glyph class for each side. }% }{}% }% % \end{macrocode} % Append this glyph to the current glyph list. % \begin{macrocode} \if@tempswa \ifthenelse{\equal{\csname glyphclass@#1@#2\endcsname}{}}{% \expandafter\edef\csname glyphclass@#1@#2\endcsname{% \thisglyphname[\the@tmpscale]}% \edef\firstglyphinclass{\thisglyphname}% }{% \expandafter\edef\csname glyphclass@#1@#2\endcsname{% \csname glyphclass@#1@#2\endcsname,% \thisglyphname[\the@tmpscale]}% }% % \end{macrocode} % Generate a macro \cs{glyphclass@glyph@}\meta{glyphname} which saves % the corresponding glyph class for each glyph for faster access. % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\edef \csname glyphclass@glyph@#1@\thisglyphname\endcsname{% glyphclass@#1@#2}% \fi \fi }% % \end{macrocode} % Some feedback. % \begin{macrocode} \typeout{Glyph class `#1/#2' (\csname glyphclass@#1@#2\endcsname) defined.}% }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\newglyphclass} % The macro % \cs{newglyphclass} works as \cs{defglyphclass} but defines a new % glyph class. % It produces an error if the class already exists. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\newglyphclass[3]{% % \end{macrocode} % Test if this glyph class already exists and generate an error % message if so. % If not, call \cs{defglyphclass} to save the new glyph class. % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument{% \@tempswatrue \forallclasses{#1}{@tmpcls}{% \ifthenelse{\equal{\@tmpcls}{glyphclass@#1@#2}}{% \ClassError{kerntest}{Class `#1/#2' already exists}{% The command is ignored.}% \@tempswafalse }{}% }% \if@tempswa \defglyphclass{#1}{#2}{#3}% \fi }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\renewglyphclass} % The macro % \cs{renewglyphclass} works as \cs{newglyphclass} but redefines an % existing one. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\renewglyphclass[3]{% % \end{macrocode} % Test if this glyph class does not exist and generate an error % message if so. % If it exists, call \cs{defglyphclass} to redefine the glyph class. % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument{% \@tempswafalse \forallclasses{#1}{@tmpcls}{% \ifthenelse{\equal{\@tmpcls}{glyphclass@#1@#2}}{% \@tempswatrue }{}% }% \if@tempswa \defglyphclass{#1}{#2}{#3}% \else \ClassError{kerntest}{Class `#1/#2' does not exists}{% The command is ignored.}% \fi }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\provideglyphclass} % The macro % \cs{provideglyphclass} works as \cs{newglyphclass} but does only do % its job if the glyph class does not exist right now. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\provideglyphclass[3]{% % \end{macrocode} % Test if this glyph class already exists. % If not, call \cs{defglyphclass} to save the new glyph class. % \begin{macrocode} \AtBeginDocument{% \@tempswatrue \forallclasses{#1}{@tmpcls}{% \ifthenelse{\equal{\@tmpcls}{glyphclass@#1@#2}}{% \@tempswafalse }{}% }% \if@tempswa \defglyphclass{#1}{#2}{#3}% \fi }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % Type out the human readable name \meta{side}/\meta{name} for a glyph % class, giving the name of the corresponding macro. % No test on a correct name is made. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@getclassname#1@#2@#3\@empty{#2/#3} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\getclassofglyph} % Syntax: \cs{getclassofglyph}\marg{side}\marg{glyph name}. % % Return the name of the glyph class, that contains the argument. % If it is not contained in any class, \cs{@empty} is returned. % The glyph name has to be given as argument. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*\getclassofglyph[2]{% \expandafter\ifx\csname glyphclass@glyph@#1@#2\endcsname\relax \@empty \else \csname glyphclass@glyph@#1@#2\endcsname \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % An internal boolean for searching glyph classes. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\if@glyphfound % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\ifglyphinclass} % \changes{1.32}{2004/04/14}{Speed up \cs{ifglyphinclass}}% % Syntax: % \cs{ifglyphinclass\marg{side}\marg{name}\marg{glyph}\marg{yes}\marg{no}}. % Tests if the glyph \meta{glyph} is contained in the glyph class % \meta{side}/\meta{name}. % Depending on that, \meta{yes} or \meta{no} are executed. % The work is done by \cs{@ifglyphinclass} described later. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\ifglyphinclass[5]{% \@ifundefined{glyphclass@#1@#2}{% \ClassError{kerntest}{Glyph class #1/#2 not available}{}% }{% \edef\@tempa{#3}% \saveslotnumber{@tempcnta}{\@tempa}% \ifnum\the\c@@tempcnta<0% \ClassError{kerntest}{Used unknown glyph `#2'}{% You may have misspelled the glyph or you have taken an invalid number.}% \else \ifthenelse{\equal{glyphclass@#1@#2}{% \getclassofglyph{#1}{\getpsname{\the\c@@tempcnta}}}}{% #4% }{% #5% }% \fi % \@ifglyphinclass{glyphclass@#1@#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}% }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\@ifglyphinclass} % \changes{1.32}{2004/04/14}{Speed up \cs{@ifglyphinclass}}% % Syntax: % \cs{@ifglyphinclass\marg{macro}\marg{glyph}\marg{yes}\marg{no}}. % Tests if the glyph \meta{glyph} is contained in the glyph class % with the macro name \cs{\meta{macro}}. % Depending on that, \meta{yes} or \meta{no} are executed. % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{@tempcnta} \newcommand\@ifglyphinclass[4]{% \@ifundefined{#1}{% \ClassError{kerntest}{Glyph class #1 not available}{}% }{% % \end{macrocode} % Extract the name of the side from the class macro name. % \begin{macrocode} \def\krntst@side##1@##2@##3\@empty{\edef\krntst@side{##2}}% \expandafter\krntst@side#1\@empty % \end{macrocode} % Extract the name of the side from the class macro name. % \begin{macrocode} \edef\@tempa{#2}% % \end{macrocode} % Find out if the glyph is valid. % \begin{macrocode} \saveslotnumber{@tempcnta}{\@tempa}% \ifnum\the\c@@tempcnta<0\relax \ClassError{kerntest}{Used unknown glyph `#2'}{% You may have misspelled the glyph or you have taken an invalid number.}% \else % \end{macrocode} % Test if the corrosponding class to the glyph is the requested one. % \begin{macrocode} \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{% \getclassofglyph{\krntst@side}{\getpsname{\the\c@@tempcnta}}}}{% #3% }{% #4% }% \fi }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\forallinclasses} % Syntax: % \cs{forallinclass\marg{side}\marg{name}\marg{glyph}\marg{action}} % % The commands in \meta{action} are executed once for every glyph of % the glyph class \meta{side}/\meta{name}. % In each run, the specific glyph is stored in the macro % \cs{\meta{glyph}} which has to be given without leading backslash. % This routine can be nested if \meta{glyph} is different for both % layers, e.g., %\begin{verbatim} %\forallinclass{left}{H}{outer}{% % \forallinclass{left}{H}{inner}{% % glyph pair: ``\outer''--``\inner''\\ % }% %} %\end{verbatim} % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\forallinclass[4]{% \@forallinclass{glyphclass@#1@#2}{#3}{#4}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\@forallinclasses} % Syntax: % \cs{@forallinclass\marg{macro}\marg{glyph}\marg{action}} % % The internal command for \cs{forallinclasses}. % Takes the macro name for the glyph class instead of the side and the % name. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\@forallinclass[3]{% % \end{macrocode} % Redefine \cs{stoploop} to use the current glyph variable as default. % \begin{macrocode} \renewcommand\stoploop[1][#2]{% \expandafter\edef\csname ##1\endcsname{}% }% % \end{macrocode} % Get the first glyph of the glyph list. % It is stored in \cs{\meta{glyph}}. % \begin{macrocode} \begingroup\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\endgroup \expandafter\ifx\csname #1\endcsname\relax \edef\kt@tempa{}% \else \edef\kt@tempa{\csname #1\endcsname}% \fi \expandafter\@nextglyphinclass\kt@tempa,\@empty{#2}% % \end{macrocode} % If this glyph is not empty, the end of the glyph class has not been % reached. % Then, enter the loop. % \begin{macrocode} \whiledo{\not\equal{\csname #2\endcsname}{}}{% % \end{macrocode} % Execute the loop commands. % \begin{macrocode} #3% % \end{macrocode} % Get the next glyph of the glyph list. % It is stored in \cs{\meta{glyph}}. % The if clause is necessary to handle \cs{stoploop}. % \begin{macrocode} \ifthenelse{\equal{\csname #2\endcsname}{}}{% }{% \edef\kt@tempa{\csname #2@rest\endcsname}% \expandafter\@nextglyphinclass\kt@tempa,\@empty{#2}% }% }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\@nextglyphinclass} % Everything before the first comma in the list is the next glyph in % the glyph class. % Store it in the macro given at the end of the argument list % (\cs{\meta{\#3}}. % Store the rest of the glyph class in \cs{\meta{\#3}@rest} for later % work on it. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@@parseglyphname#1[#2]#3\@empty#4{% \expandafter\edef\csname#4\endcsname{#1}% \expandafter\xdef\csname#4@scaling\endcsname{#2}% % \typeout{--> `#1' mit [\csname #4@scaling\endcsname], ignoriert: `#3', Name: `#4'}% } \def\@nextglyphinclass#1,#2\@empty#3{% \expandafter\edef\csname#3@rest\endcsname{#2}% \expandafter\@@parseglyphname#1[1000]\@empty{#3}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\forallclasses} % Syntax: % \cs{forallclasses\marg{side}\marg{glyph class}\marg{action}} % % The commands in \meta{action} are executed once for every glyph % class of the glyph-class list \meta{side}. % In each run, the specific glyph class is stored in the macro % \cs{\meta{glyph class}} which has to be given without leading % backslash. % This routine can be nested if \meta{glyph class} is different for both % layers. % (Same as \cs{forallinclass}). % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\forallclasses[3]{% \renewcommand\stoploop[1][#2]{% \expandafter\edef\csname ##1\endcsname{}% }% \begingroup\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\endgroup \expandafter\ifx\csname glyphclasslist@#1\endcsname\relax \edef\kt@tempa{}% \else \edef\kt@tempa{\csname glyphclasslist@#1\endcsname}% \fi \expandafter\@nextclass\kt@tempa,\@empty{#2}% \whiledo{\not\equal{\csname #2\endcsname}{}}{% #3% \ifthenelse{\equal{\csname #2\endcsname}{}}{% }{% \edef\kt@tempa{\csname #2@rest\endcsname}% \expandafter\@nextclass\kt@tempa,\@empty{#2}% }% }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\stoploop} % Stops the execution of \cs{forallclasses} or \cs{forallinclass}. % The optional argument gives the stop variable. % By this, also the outer loop can be stopped from the inner one. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\stoploop[1][]{% \expandafter\edef\csname #1\endcsname{}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\@nextglyphinclass} % Everything before the first comma in the list is the next glyph % class in the glyph-class list. % Store it in the macro given at the end of the argument list % (\cs{\meta{\#3}}. % Store the rest of the glyph-class list in \cs{\meta{\#3}@rest} for % later work on it. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@nextclass#1,#2\@empty#3{% \expandafter\edef\csname #3@rest\endcsname{#2}% \expandafter\edef\csname #3\endcsname{#1}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsubsection{Extra commands for special encodings} % % Setup command for the different encodings. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\encodingsetup[1]{% \AtBeginDocument{% \typeout{Setup for font encoding. This differs from encoding to encoding.}% \setkeys{krnenc}{#1}% }% } \@onlypreamble\encodingsetup % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Footer of \texttt{mtx} file} % % % Write a footer to the |mtx| file. % This is done as last action of the class in order to ensure that all % other things have been done before. % \begin{macrocode} \AtEndDocument{% % \end{macrocode} % First, write the kerning data for the glyph classes. % \begin{macrocode} \typeout{Writing kerning factors for glyph classes to mtx file}% \protected@write\mtxfile{}{\@percentchar\@percentchar}% \protected@write\mtxfile{}{\@percentchar\@percentchar\space Kerning factors for the different glyph classes.}% \protected@write\mtxfile{}{\@percentchar\@percentchar}% % \end{macrocode} % Define a command that does the output for the different sides. % \begin{macrocode} \def\@writeclass#1{% \forallclasses{#1}{@tmpcls}{% \typeout{\space\space for class \expandafter\@getclassname\@tmpcls\@empty}% % \end{macrocode} % The first glyph is the referent glyph of the class. % If the inner loop is executed the first time, set % \cs{firstglyphinclass} to this value. % \begin{macrocode} \@tempswatrue \@forallinclass{\@tmpcls}{@tmpglyph}{% \if@tempswa \edef\firstglyphinclass{\@tmpglyph}% \@tempswafalse \else % \end{macrocode} % For the other members of this class, write the % \cs{set\meta{side}kerning} commands to the |mtx| file. % \begin{macrocode} \protected@write\mtxfile{}{% \string\set#1kerning% {\@tmpglyph}{\firstglyphinclass}{\@tmpglyph@scaling}% \@percentchar\space\space \expandafter\@getclassname\@tmpcls\@empty }% \fi }% }% }% % \end{macrocode} % The sides |left| and |right| are defined. % \begin{macrocode} \@writeclass{left}% \protected@write\mtxfile{}{\@percentchar\@percentchar}% \@writeclass{right}% % \end{macrocode} % Write a real footer. % \begin{macrocode} \protected@write\mtxfile{}{\@percentchar\@percentchar}% \protected@write\mtxfile{}{\string\endmetrics}% \protected@write\mtxfile{}{\@percentchar\@percentchar}% \protected@write\mtxfile{}{\@percentchar\@percentchar\space End of file `\mtxfilename.mtx'.}% \closeout\mtxfile \typeout{^^JWritten mtx file `\mtxfilename.mtx'^^J}% } %</class> % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsection{Class option files} % % To be able to write correct |mtx| files, the class has to know which % glyph number has which Postscript name. % This is done by the \cs{getpsname} macro which depends on the used % encoding. % This is done by loading different class option files. % % \subsubsection{T1 encoding} % % The |T1| encoding. % The data are taken from |t1.etx|. % \begin{macrocode} %<*mtx&t1> \makeatletter % \end{macrocode} % Set options to switch to other font shapes. % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{krnenc}{ligaturing}[1]{% \typeout{T1 encoding: ligaturing = #1}% \ifnum#1<0\relax \expandafter\def\csname krntst@T1@027\endcsname{.notdef.027}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@T1@028\endcsname{.notdef.028}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@T1@029\endcsname{.notdef.029}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@T1@030\endcsname{.notdef.030}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@T1@031\endcsname{.notdef.031}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@T1@156\endcsname{.notdef.156}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@T1@188\endcsname{.notdef.188}% \else \expandafter\def\csname krntst@T1@027\endcsname{ff}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@T1@028\endcsname{fi}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@T1@029\endcsname{fl}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@T1@030\endcsname{ffi}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@T1@031\endcsname{ffl}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@T1@156\endcsname{IJ}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@T1@188\endcsname{ij}% \fi \ifnum#1<-1\relax \expandafter\def\csname krntst@T1@073\endcsname{.notdef.073}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@T1@099\endcsname{.notdef.099}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@T1@102\endcsname{.notdef.102}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@T1@105\endcsname{.notdef.105}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@T1@115\endcsname{.notdef.115}% \else \expandafter\def\csname krntst@T1@073\endcsname{I}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@T1@099\endcsname{c}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@T1@102\endcsname{f}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@T1@105\endcsname{i}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@T1@115\endcsname{s}% \fi } \typeout{^^JValid values for T1 encoding:}% \typeout{ligaturing: -2, -1, 0, 1}% \typeout{Defaults for T1 encoding:}% \setkeys{krnenc}{ligaturing=1}% \typeout{}% \makeatother % \end{macrocode} % Now, set \cs{getpsname}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\getpsname[1]{% \ifcase#1% grave\or% 000 acute\or% 001 circumflex\or% 002 tilde\or% 003 dieresis\or% 004 hungarumlaut\or% 005 ring\or% 006 caron\or% 007 breve\or% 008 macron\or% 009 dotaccent\or% 010 cedilla\or% 011 ogonek\or% 012 quotesinglbase\or% 013 guilsinglleft\or% 014 guilsinglright\or% 015 quotedblleft\or% 016 quotedblright\or% 017 quotedblbase\or% 018 guillemotleft\or% 019 guillemotright\or% 020 rangedash\or% 021 punctdash\or% 022 compwordmark\or% 023 perthousandzero\or% 024 dotlessi\or% 025 dotlessj\or% 026 \csname krntst@T1@027\endcsname\or % 027 \csname krntst@T1@028\endcsname\or % 028 \csname krntst@T1@029\endcsname\or % 029 \csname krntst@T1@030\endcsname\or % 030 \csname krntst@T1@031\endcsname\or % 031 visiblespace\or% 032 exclam\or% 033 quotedbl\or% 034 numbersign\or% 035 dollar\or% 036 percent\or% 037 ampersand\or% 038 quoteright\or% 039 parenleft\or% 040 parenright\or% 041 asterisk\or% 042 plus\or% 043 comma\or% 044 hyphen\or% 045 period\or% 046 slash\or% 047 zero\or% 048 one\or% 049 two\or% 050 three\or% 051 four\or% 052 five\or% 053 six\or% 054 seven\or% 055 eight\or% 056 nine\or% 057 colon\or% 058 semicolon\or% 059 less\or% 060 equal\or% 061 greater\or% 062 question\or% 063 at\or% 064 A\or% 065 B\or% 066 C\or% 067 D\or% 068 E\or% 069 F\or% 070 G\or% 071 H\or% 072 \csname krntst@T1@073\endcsname\or % 073 J\or% 074 K\or% 075 L\or% 076 M\or% 077 N\or% 078 O\or% 079 P\or% 080 Q\or% 081 R\or% 082 S\or% 083 T\or% 084 U\or% 085 V\or% 086 W\or% 087 X\or% 088 Y\or% 089 Z\or% 090 bracketleft\or% 091 backslash\or% 092 bracketright\or% 093 asciicircum\or% 094 underscore\or% 095 quoteleft\or% 096 a\or% 097 b\or% 098 \csname krntst@T1@099\endcsname\or % 099 d\or% 100 e\or% 101 \csname krntst@T1@102\endcsname\or % 102 g\or% 103 h\or% 104 \csname krntst@T1@105\endcsname\or % 105 j\or% 106 k\or% 107 l\or% 108 m\or% 109 n\or% 110 o\or% 111 p\or% 112 q\or% 113 r\or% 114 \csname krntst@T1@115\endcsname\or % 115 t\or% 116 u\or% 117 v\or% 118 w\or% 119 x\or% 120 y\or% 121 z\or% 122 braceleft\or% 123 bar\or% 124 braceright\or% 125 asciitilde\or% 126 hyphenchar\or% 127 Abreve\or% 128 Aogonek\or% 129 Cacute\or% 130 Ccaron\or% 131 Dcaron\or% 132 Ecaron\or% 133 Eogonek\or% 134 Gbreve\or% 135 Lacute\or% 136 Lcaron\or% 137 Lslash\or% 138 Nacute\or% 139 Ncaron\or% 140 Ng\or% 141 Ohungarumlaut\or% 142 Racute\or% 143 Rcaron\or% 144 Sacute\or% 145 Scaron\or% 146 Scedilla\or% 147 Tcaron\or% 148 Tcedilla\or% 149 Uhungarumlaut\or% 150 Uring\or% 151 Ydieresis\or% 152 Zacute\or% 153 Zcaron\or% 154 Zdotaccent\or% 155 \csname krntst@T1@156\endcsname\or % 156 Idotaccent\or% 157 dbar\or% 158 section\or% 159 abreve\or% 160 aogonek\or% 161 cacute\or% 162 ccaron\or% 163 dcaron\or% 164 ecaron\or% 165 eogonek\or% 166 gbreve\or% 167 lacute\or% 168 lcaron\or% 169 lslash\or% 170 nacute\or% 171 ncaron\or% 172 ng\or% 173 ohungarumlaut\or% 174 racute\or% 175 rcaron\or% 176 sacute\or% 177 scaron\or% 178 scedilla\or% 179 tcaron\or% 180 tcedilla\or% 181 uhungarumlaut\or% 182 uring\or% 183 ydieresis\or% 184 zacute\or% 185 zcaron\or% 186 zdotaccent\or% 187 \csname krntst@T1@188\endcsname\or % 188 exclamdown\or% 189 questiondown\or% 190 sterling\or% 191 Agrave\or% 192 Aacute\or% 193 Acircumflex\or% 194 Atilde\or% 195 Adieresis\or% 196 Aring\or% 197 AE\or% 198 Ccedilla\or% 199 Egrave\or% 200 Eacute\or% 201 Ecircumflex\or% 202 Edieresis\or% 203 Igrave\or% 204 Iacute\or% 205 Icircumflex\or% 206 Idieresis\or% 207 Eth\or% 208 Ntilde\or% 209 Ograve\or% 210 Oacute\or% 211 Ocircumflex\or% 212 Otilde\or% 213 Odieresis\or% 214 OE\or% 215 Oslash\or% 216 Ugrave\or% 217 Uacute\or% 218 Ucircumflex\or% 219 Udieresis\or% 220 Yacute\or% 221 Thorn\or% 222 SS\or% 223 agrave\or% 224 aacute\or% 225 acircumflex\or% 226 atilde\or% 227 adieresis\or% 228 aring\or% 229 ae\or% 230 ccedilla\or% 231 egrave\or% 232 eacute\or% 233 ecircumflex\or% 234 edieresis\or% 235 igrave\or% 236 iacute\or% 237 icircumflex\or% 238 idieresis\or% 239 eth\or% 240 ntilde\or% 241 ograve\or% 242 oacute\or% 243 ocircumflex\or% 244 otilde\or% 245 odieresis\or% 246 oe\or% 247 oslash\or% 248 ugrave\or% 249 uacute\or% 250 ucircumflex\or% 251 udieresis\or% 252 yacute\or% 253 thorn\or% 254 germandbls\fi% 255 } %</mtx&t1> % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{TS1 encoding} % % The |TS1| encoding. % The data are taken from |ts1.etx|. % % For unknown slots, a strange Postscript name is returned, but no % warning is generated. % \begin{macrocode} %<*mtx&ts1> \newcommand\getpsname[1]{% \ifcase#1% capitalgrave\or% 000 capitalacute\or% 001 capitalcircumflex\or% 002 capitaltilde\or% 003 capitaldieresis\or% 004 capitalhungarumlaut\or% 005 capitalring\or% 006 capitalcaron\or% 007 capitalbreve\or% 008 capitalmacron\or% 009 capitaldotaccent\or% 010 cedilla\or% 011 ogonek\or% 012 quotesinglbase\or% 013 .notdef.014\or% 014 .notdef.015\or% 015 .notdef.016\or% 016 .notdef.017\or% 017 quotedblbase\or% 018 .notdef.019\or% 019 .notdef.020\or% 020 twelveudash\or% 021 threequartersemdash\or% 022 capitalcompwordmark\or% 023 arrowleft\or% 024 arrowright\or% 025 tieaccentlowercase\or% 026 tieaccentcapital\or% 027 newtieaccentlowercase\or% 028 newtieaccentcapital\or% 029 ascendercompwordmark\or% 030 blank\or% 031 .notdef.032\or% 032 .notdef.033\or% 033 .notdef.034\or% 034 .notdef.035\or% 035 dollar\or% 036 .notdef.037\or% 037 .notdef.038\or% 038 quotesingle\or% 039 .notdef.040\or% 040 .notdef.041\or% 041 asteriskcentered\or% 042 .notdef.043\or% 043 comma\or% 044 hyphendbl\or% 045 period\or% 046 fraction\or% 047 zerooldstyle\or% 048 oneoldstyle\or% 049 twooldstyle\or% 050 threeoldstyle\or% 051 fouroldstyle\or% 052 fiveoldstyle\or% 053 sixoldstyle\or% 054 sevenoldstyle\or% 055 eightoldstyle\or% 056 nineoldstyle\or% 057 .notdef.058\or% 058 .notdef.059\or% 059 angbracketleft\or% 060 minus\or% 061 angbracketright\or% 062 .notdef.063\or% 063 .notdef.064\or% 064 .notdef.065\or% 065 .notdef.066\or% 066 .notdef.067\or% 067 .notdef.068\or% 068 .notdef.069\or% 069 .notdef.070\or% 070 .notdef.071\or% 071 .notdef.072\or% 072 .notdef.073\or% 073 .notdef.074\or% 074 .notdef.075\or% 075 .notdef.076\or% 076 Omegainv\or% 077 .notdef.078\or% 078 bigcircle\or% 079 .notdef.080\or% 080 .notdef.081\or% 081 .notdef.082\or% 082 .notdef.083\or% 083 .notdef.084\or% 084 .notdef.085\or% 085 .notdef.086\or% 086 Omega\or% 087 .notdef.088\or% 088 .notdef.089\or% 089 .notdef.090\or% 090 openbracketleft\or% 091 .notdef.092\or% 092 openbracketright\or% 093 arrowup\or% 094 arrowdown\or% 095 asciigrave\or% 096 .notdef.097\or% 097 born\or% 098 divorced\or% 099 died\or% 100 .notdef.101\or% 101 .notdef.102\or% 102 .notdef.103\or% 103 .notdef.104\or% 104 .notdef.105\or% 105 .notdef.106\or% 106 .notdef.107\or% 107 leaf\or% 108 married\or% 109 musicalnote\or% 110 .notdef.111\or% 111 .notdef.112\or% 112 .notdef.113\or% 113 .notdef.114\or% 114 .notdef.115\or% 115 .notdef.116\or% 116 .notdef.117\or% 117 .notdef.118\or% 118 .notdef.119\or% 119 .notdef.120\or% 120 .notdef.121\or% 121 .notdef.122\or% 122 .notdef.123\or% 123 .notdef.124\or% 124 .notdef.125\or% 125 tildelow\or% 126 hyphendblchar\or% 127 asciibreve\or% 128 asciicaron\or% 129 asciiacutedbl\or% 130 asciigravedbl\or% 131 dagger\or% 132 daggerdbl\or% 133 bardbl\or% 134 perthousand\or% 135 bullet\or% 136 centigrade\or% 137 dollaroldstyle\or% 138 centoldstyle\or% 139 florin\or% 140 colonmonetary\or% 141 won\or% 142 naira\or% 143 guarani\or% 144 peso\or% 145 lira\or% 146 recipe\or% 147 interrobang\or% 148 interrobangdown\or% 149 dong\or% 150 trademark\or% 151 pertenthousand\or% 152 pilcrow\or% 153 baht\or% 154 numero\or% 155 discount\or% 156 estimated\or% 157 openbullet\or% 158 servicemark\or% 159 quillbracketleft\or% 160 quillbracketright\or% 161 cent\or% 162 sterling\or% 163 currency\or% 164 yen\or% 165 brokenbar\or% 166 section\or% 167 asciidieresis\or% 168 copyright\or% 169 ordfeminine\or% 170 copyleft\or% 171 logicalnot\or% 172 circledP\or% 173 registered\or% 174 asciimacron\or% 175 degree\or% 176 plusminus\or% 177 twosuperior\or% 178 threesuperior\or% 179 asciiacute\or% 180 mu\or% 181 paragraph\or% 182 periodcentered\or% 183 referencemark\or% 184 onesuperior\or% 185 ordmasculine\or% 186 radical\or% 187 onequarter\or% 188 onehalf\or% 189 threequarters\or% 190 euro\or% 191 .notdef.192\or% 192 .notdef.193\or% 193 .notdef.194\or% 194 .notdef.195\or% 195 .notdef.196\or% 196 .notdef.197\or% 197 .notdef.198\or% 198 .notdef.199\or% 199 .notdef.200\or% 200 .notdef.201\or% 201 .notdef.202\or% 202 .notdef.203\or% 203 .notdef.204\or% 204 .notdef.205\or% 205 .notdef.206\or% 206 .notdef.207\or% 207 .notdef.208\or% 208 .notdef.209\or% 209 .notdef.210\or% 210 .notdef.211\or% 211 .notdef.212\or% 212 .notdef.213\or% 213 multiply\or% 214 .notdef.215\or% 215 .notdef.216\or% 216 .notdef.217\or% 217 .notdef.218\or% 218 .notdef.219\or% 219 .notdef.220\or% 220 .notdef.221\or% 221 .notdef.222\or% 222 .notdef.223\or% 223 .notdef.224\or% 224 .notdef.225\or% 225 .notdef.226\or% 226 .notdef.227\or% 227 .notdef.228\or% 228 .notdef.229\or% 229 .notdef.230\or% 230 .notdef.231\or% 231 .notdef.232\or% 232 .notdef.233\or% 233 .notdef.234\or% 234 .notdef.235\or% 235 .notdef.236\or% 236 .notdef.237\or% 237 .notdef.238\or% 238 .notdef.239\or% 239 .notdef.240\or% 240 .notdef.241\or% 241 .notdef.242\or% 242 .notdef.243\or% 243 .notdef.244\or% 244 .notdef.245\or% 245 divide\or% 246 .notdef.247\or% 247 .notdef.248\or% 248 .notdef.249\or% 249 .notdef.250\or% 250 .notdef.251\or% 251 .notdef.252\or% 252 .notdef.253\or% 253 .notdef.254\or% 254 .notdef.255\fi% 255 } %</mtx&ts1> % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{OT1 encoding} % % The |OT1| encoding. % The data are taken from |ot1.etx|. % % For unknown slots, a strange Postscript name is returned, but no % warning is generated. % % The OT1 encoding uses different font names depending on % upright/italic and ligatures. % This is handled using the \cs{OT1@}\meta{slot} commands that are set % for an upright roman font by default. % % Set the default glyph names. % \begin{macrocode} %<*mtx&ot1> \makeatletter % \end{macrocode} % Set options to switch to other font shapes. % \begin{macrocode} \define@key{krnenc}{ligaturing}[2]{% \typeout{OT1 encoding: ligaturing = #1}% \ifnum#1=2\relax \expandafter\def\csname krntst@OT1@011\endcsname{ff}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@OT1@012\endcsname{fi}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@OT1@013\endcsname{fl}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@OT1@014\endcsname{ffi}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@OT1@015\endcsname{ffl}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@OT1@060\endcsname{exclamdown}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@OT1@062\endcsname{questiondown}% \else \expandafter\def\csname krntst@OT1@011\endcsname{arrowup}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@OT1@012\endcsname{arrowdown}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@OT1@013\endcsname{quotesingle}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@OT1@014\endcsname{exclamdown}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@OT1@015\endcsname{questiondown}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@OT1@060\endcsname{less}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@OT1@062\endcsname{greater}% \fi \ifnum#1=0\relax \expandafter\def\csname krntst@OT1@032\endcsname{visiblespace}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@OT1@034\endcsname{quotedbl}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@OT1@092\endcsname{backslash}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@OT1@095\endcsname{underscore}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@OT1@123\endcsname{braceleft}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@OT1@124\endcsname{bar}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@OT1@125\endcsname{braceright}% \else \expandafter\def\csname krntst@OT1@032\endcsname{lslashslash}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@OT1@034\endcsname{quotedblright}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@OT1@092\endcsname{quotedblleft}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@OT1@095\endcsname{dotaccent}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@OT1@123\endcsname{rangedash}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@OT1@124\endcsname{punctdash}% \expandafter\def\csname krntst@OT1@125\endcsname{hungarumlaut}% \fi } \define@key{krnenc}{italicizing}[true]{% \typeout{OT1 encoding: italicizing = #1}% \csname if#1\endcsname \expandafter\def\csname krntst@OT1@036\endcsname{sterling}% \else \expandafter\def\csname krntst@OT1@036\endcsname{dollar} \fi } \typeout{^^JValid values for OT1 encoding:}% \typeout{ligaturing: 0, 1, 2}% \typeout{italicizing: false, true}% \typeout{Defaults for OT1 encoding:}% \setkeys{krnenc}{ligaturing=2,italicizing=false}% \typeout{}% \makeatother % \end{macrocode} % Now, set \cs{getpsname}. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\getpsname[1]{% \ifcase#1% Gamma\or % 000 Delta\or % 001 Theta\or % 002 Lambda\or % 003 Xi\or % 004 Pi\or % 005 Sigma\or % 006 Upsilon\or % 007 Phi\or % 008 Psi\or % 009 Omega\or % 010 \csname krntst@OT1@011\endcsname\or % 011 \csname krntst@OT1@012\endcsname\or % 012 \csname krntst@OT1@013\endcsname\or % 013 \csname krntst@OT1@014\endcsname\or % 014 \csname krntst@OT1@015\endcsname\or % 015 dotlessi\or % 016 dotlessj\or % 017 grave\or % 018 acute\or % 019 caron\or % 020 breve\or % 021 macron\or % 022 ringfitted\or % 023 cedilla\or % 024 germandbls\or % 025 ae\or % 026 oe\or % 027 oslash\or % 028 AE\or % 029 OE\or % 030 Oslash\or % 031 \csname krntst@OT1@032\endcsname\or % 032 exclam\or % 033 \csname krntst@OT1@034\endcsname\or % 034 numbersign\or % 035 \csname krntst@OT1@036\endcsname\or % 036 percent\or % 037 ampersand\or % 038 quoteright\or % 039 parenleft\or % 040 parenright\or % 041 asterisk\or % 042 plus\or % 043 comma\or % 044 hyphen\or % 045 period\or % 046 slash\or % 047 zero\or % 048 one\or % 049 two\or % 050 three\or % 051 four\or % 052 five\or % 053 six\or % 054 seven\or % 055 eight\or % 056 nine\or % 057 colon\or % 058 semicolon\or % 059 \csname krntst@OT1@060\endcsname\or % 060 equal\or % 061 \csname krntst@OT1@062\endcsname\or % 062 question\or % 063 at\or % 064 A\or % 065 B\or % 066 C\or % 067 D\or % 068 E\or % 069 F\or % 070 G\or % 071 H\or % 072 I\or % 073 J\or % 074 K\or % 075 L\or % 076 M\or % 077 N\or % 078 O\or % 079 P\or % 080 Q\or % 081 R\or % 082 S\or % 083 T\or % 084 U\or % 085 V\or % 086 W\or % 087 X\or % 088 Y\or % 089 Z\or % 090 bracketleft\or % 091 \csname krntst@OT1@092\endcsname\or % 092 bracketright\or % 093 circumflex\or % 094 \csname krntst@OT1@095\endcsname\or % 095 quoteleft\or % 096 a\or % 097 b\or % 098 c\or % 099 d\or % 100 e\or % 101 f\or % 102 g\or % 103 h\or % 104 i\or % 105 j\or % 106 k\or % 107 l\or % 108 m\or % 109 n\or % 110 o\or % 111 p\or % 112 q\or % 113 r\or % 114 s\or % 115 t\or % 116 u\or % 117 v\or % 118 w\or % 119 x\or % 120 y\or % 121 z\or % 122 \csname krntst@OT1@123\endcsname\or % 123 \csname krntst@OT1@124\endcsname\or % 124 \csname krntst@OT1@125\endcsname\or % 125 tilde\or % 126 dieresis\or % 127 .notdef.128\or % 128 .notdef.129\or % 129 .notdef.130\or % 130 .notdef.131\or % 131 .notdef.132\or % 132 .notdef.133\or % 133 .notdef.134\or % 134 .notdef.135\or % 135 .notdef.136\or % 136 .notdef.137\or % 137 Lslash\or % 138 .notdef.139\or % 139 .notdef.140\or % 140 .notdef.141\or % 141 .notdef.142\or % 142 .notdef.143\or % 143 .notdef.144\or % 144 .notdef.145\or % 145 .notdef.146\or % 146 .notdef.147\or % 147 .notdef.148\or % 148 .notdef.149\or % 149 .notdef.150\or % 150 .notdef.151\or % 151 .notdef.152\or % 152 .notdef.153\or % 153 .notdef.154\or % 154 .notdef.155\or % 155 .notdef.156\or % 156 .notdef.157\or % 157 .notdef.158\or % 158 .notdef.159\or % 159 .notdef.160\or % 160 .notdef.161\or % 161 .notdef.162\or % 162 .notdef.163\or % 163 .notdef.164\or % 164 .notdef.165\or % 165 .notdef.166\or % 166 .notdef.167\or % 167 .notdef.168\or % 168 .notdef.169\or % 169 lslash\or % 170 .notdef.171\or % 171 .notdef.172\or % 172 .notdef.173\or % 173 .notdef.174\or % 174 .notdef.175\or % 175 .notdef.176\or % 176 .notdef.177\or % 177 .notdef.178\or % 178 .notdef.179\or % 179 .notdef.180\or % 180 .notdef.181\or % 181 .notdef.182\or % 182 .notdef.183\or % 183 .notdef.184\or % 184 .notdef.185\or % 185 .notdef.186\or % 186 .notdef.187\or % 187 .notdef.188\or % 188 .notdef.189\or % 189 .notdef.190\or % 190 .notdef.191\or % 191 .notdef.192\or % 192 .notdef.193\or % 193 .notdef.194\or % 194 .notdef.195\or % 195 .notdef.196\or % 196 .notdef.197\or % 197 .notdef.198\or % 198 .notdef.199\or % 199 .notdef.200\or % 200 .notdef.201\or % 201 .notdef.202\or % 202 .notdef.203\or % 203 .notdef.204\or % 204 .notdef.205\or % 205 .notdef.206\or % 206 .notdef.207\or % 207 .notdef.208\or % 208 .notdef.209\or % 209 .notdef.210\or % 210 .notdef.211\or % 211 .notdef.212\or % 212 .notdef.213\or % 213 .notdef.214\or % 214 .notdef.215\or % 215 .notdef.216\or % 216 .notdef.217\or % 217 .notdef.218\or % 218 .notdef.219\or % 219 .notdef.220\or % 220 .notdef.221\or % 221 .notdef.222\or % 222 .notdef.223\or % 223 .notdef.224\or % 224 .notdef.225\or % 225 .notdef.226\or % 226 .notdef.227\or % 227 .notdef.228\or % 228 .notdef.229\or % 229 .notdef.230\or % 230 .notdef.231\or % 231 .notdef.232\or % 232 .notdef.233\or % 233 .notdef.234\or % 234 .notdef.235\or % 235 .notdef.236\or % 236 .notdef.237\or % 237 .notdef.238\or % 238 .notdef.239\or % 239 .notdef.240\or % 240 .notdef.241\or % 241 .notdef.242\or % 242 .notdef.243\or % 243 .notdef.244\or % 244 .notdef.245\or % 245 .notdef.246\or % 246 .notdef.247\or % 247 .notdef.248\or % 248 .notdef.249\or % 249 .notdef.250\or % 250 .notdef.251\or % 251 .notdef.252\or % 252 .notdef.253\or % 253 .notdef.254\or % 254 .notdef.255\fi % 255 } %</mtx&ot1> % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{T2A encoding} % % The |T2A| encoding. % The data are taken from |t2a.etx|. % % For unknown slots, a strange Postscript name is returned, but no % warning is generated. % \begin{macrocode} %<*mtx&t2a> \newcommand\getpsname[1]{% \ifcase#1% grave\or% 000 acute\or% 001 circumflex\or% 002 tilde\or% 003 dieresis\or% 004 hungarumlaut\or% 005 ring\or% 006 caron\or% 007 breve\or% 008 macron\or% 009 dotaccent\or% 010 cedilla\or% 011 ogonek\or% 012 CYRpalochka\or% 013 angleleft\or% 014 angleright\or% 015 quotedblleft\or% 016 quotedblright\or% 017 cyrflex\or% 018 dblgrave\or% 019 cyrbreve\or% 020 rangedash\or% 021 cyrdash\or% 022 compwordmark\or% 023 perthousandzero\or% 024 dotlessi\or% 025 dotlessj\or% 026 ff\or% 027 fi\or% 028 fl\or% 029 ffi\or% 030 ffl\or% 031 visiblespace\or% 032 exclam\or% 033 quotedbl\or% 034 numbersign\or% 035 dollar\or% 036 percent\or% 037 ampersand\or% 038 quoteright\or% 039 parenleft\or% 040 parenright\or% 041 asterisk\or% 042 plus\or% 043 comma\or% 044 hyphen\or% 045 period\or% 046 slash\or% 047 zero\or% 048 one\or% 049 two\or% 050 three\or% 051 four\or% 052 five\or% 053 six\or% 054 seven\or% 055 eight\or% 056 nine\or% 057 colon\or% 058 semicolon\or% 059 less\or% 060 equal\or% 061 greater\or% 062 question\or% 063 at\or% 064 A\or% 065 B\or% 066 C\or% 067 D\or% 068 E\or% 069 F\or% 070 G\or% 071 H\or% 072 I\or% 073 J\or% 074 K\or% 075 L\or% 076 M\or% 077 N\or% 078 O\or% 079 P\or% 080 Q\or% 081 R\or% 082 S\or% 083 T\or% 084 U\or% 085 V\or% 086 W\or% 087 X\or% 088 Y\or% 089 Z\or% 090 bracketleft\or% 091 backslash\or% 092 bracketright\or% 093 asciicircum\or% 094 underscore\or% 095 quoteleft\or% 096 a\or% 097 b\or% 098 c\or% 099 d\or% 100 e\or% 101 f\or% 102 g\or% 103 h\or% 104 i\or% 105 j\or% 106 k\or% 107 l\or% 108 m\or% 109 n\or% 110 o\or% 111 p\or% 112 q\or% 113 r\or% 114 s\or% 115 t\or% 116 u\or% 117 v\or% 118 w\or% 119 x\or% 120 y\or% 121 z\or% 122 braceleft\or% 123 bar\or% 124 braceright\or% 125 asciitilde\or% 126 hyphenchar\or% 127 CYRGUP\or% 128 CYRGHCRS\or% 129 CYRDJE\or% 130 CYRTSHE\or% 131 CYRSHHA\or% 132 CYRZHDSC\or% 133 CYRZDSC\or% 134 CYRLJE\or% 135 CYRYI\or% 136 CYRKDSC\or% 137 CYRKBEAK\or% 138 CYRKVCRS\or% 139 CYRAE\or% 140 CYRNDSC\or% 141 CYRNG\or% 142 CYRDZE\or% 143 CYROTLD\or% 144 CYRSDSC\or% 145 CYRUSHRT\or% 146 CYRY\or% 147 CYRYHCRS\or% 148 CYRHDSC\or% 149 CYRDZHE\or% 150 CYRCHVCRS\or% 151 CYRCHRDSC\or% 152 CYRIE\or% 153 CYRSCHWA\or% 154 CYRNJE\or% 155 CYRYO\or% 156 numero\or% 157 currency\or% 158 section\or% 159 cyrgup\or% 160 cyrghcrs\or% 161 cyrdje\or% 162 cyrtshe\or% 163 cyrshha\or% 164 cyrzhdsc\or% 165 cyrzdsc\or% 166 cyrlje\or% 167 cyryi\or% 168 cyrkdsc\or% 169 cyrkbeak\or% 170 cyrkvcrs\or% 171 cyrae\or% 172 cyrndsc\or% 173 cyrng\or% 174 cyrdze\or% 175 cyrotld\or% 176 cyrsdsc\or% 177 cyrushrt\or% 178 cyry\or% 179 cyryhcrs\or% 180 cyrhdsc\or% 181 cyrdzhe\or% 182 cyrchvcrs\or% 183 cyrchrdsc\or% 184 cyrie\or% 185 cyrschwa\or% 186 cyrnje\or% 187 cyryo\or% 188 quotedblbase\or% 189 guillemotleft\or% 190 guillemotright\or% 191 CYRA\or% 192 CYRB\or% 193 CYRV\or% 194 CYRG\or% 195 CYRD\or% 196 CYRE\or% 197 CYRZH\or% 198 CYRZ\or% 199 CYRI\or% 200 CYRISHRT\or% 201 CYRK\or% 202 CYRL\or% 203 CYRM\or% 204 CYRN\or% 205 CYRO\or% 206 CYRP\or% 207 CYRR\or% 208 CYRS\or% 209 CYRT\or% 210 CYRU\or% 211 CYRF\or% 212 CYRH\or% 213 CYRC\or% 214 CYRCH\or% 215 CYRSH\or% 216 CYRSHCH\or% 217 CYRHRDSN\or% 218 CYRERY\or% 219 CYRSFTSN\or% 220 CYREREV\or% 221 CYRYU\or% 222 CYRYA\or% 223 cyra\or% 224 cyrb\or% 225 cyrv\or% 226 cyrg\or% 227 cyrd\or% 228 cyre\or% 229 cyrzh\or% 230 cyrz\or% 231 cyri\or% 232 cyrishrt\or% 233 cyrk\or% 234 cyrl\or% 235 cyrm\or% 236 cyrn\or% 237 cyro\or% 238 cyrp\or% 239 cyrr\or% 240 cyrs\or% 241 cyrt\or% 242 cyru\or% 243 cyrf\or% 244 cyrh\or% 245 cyrc\or% 246 cyrch\or% 247 cyrsh\or% 248 cyrshch\or% 249 cyrhrdsn\or% 250 cyrery\or% 251 cyrsftsn\or% 252 cyrerev\or% 253 cyryu\or% 254 cyrya\fi% 255 } %</mtx&t2a> % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{T2A encoding} % % The |T2B| encoding. % The data are taken from |t2b.etx|. % % For unknown slots, a strange Postscript name is returned, but no % warning is generated. % \begin{macrocode} %<*mtx&t2b> \newcommand\getpsname[1]{% \ifcase#1% grave\or% 000 acute\or% 001 circumflex\or% 002 tilde\or% 003 dieresis\or% 004 hungarumlaut\or% 005 ring\or% 006 caron\or% 007 breve\or% 008 macron\or% 009 dotaccent\or% 010 cedilla\or% 011 ogonek\or% 012 CYRpalochka\or% 013 angleleft\or% 014 angleright\or% 015 quotedblleft\or% 016 quotedblright\or% 017 cyrflex\or% 018 dblgrave\or% 019 cyrbreve\or% 020 rangedash\or% 021 cyrdash\or% 022 compwordmark\or% 023 perthousandzero\or% 024 dotlessi\or% 025 dotlessj\or% 026 ff\or% 027 fi\or% 028 fl\or% 029 ffi\or% 030 ffl\or% 031 visiblespace\or% 032 exclam\or% 033 quotedbl\or% 034 numbersign\or% 035 dollar\or% 036 percent\or% 037 ampersand\or% 038 quoteright\or% 039 parenleft\or% 040 parenright\or% 041 asterisk\or% 042 plus\or% 043 comma\or% 044 hyphen\or% 045 period\or% 046 slash\or% 047 zero\or% 048 one\or% 049 two\or% 050 three\or% 051 four\or% 052 five\or% 053 six\or% 054 seven\or% 055 eight\or% 056 nine\or% 057 colon\or% 058 semicolon\or% 059 less\or% 060 equal\or% 061 greater\or% 062 question\or% 063 at\or% 064 A\or% 065 B\or% 066 C\or% 067 D\or% 068 E\or% 069 F\or% 070 G\or% 071 H\or% 072 I\or% 073 J\or% 074 K\or% 075 L\or% 076 M\or% 077 N\or% 078 O\or% 079 P\or% 080 Q\or% 081 R\or% 082 S\or% 083 T\or% 084 U\or% 085 V\or% 086 W\or% 087 X\or% 088 Y\or% 089 Z\or% 090 bracketleft\or% 091 backslash\or% 092 bracketright\or% 093 asciicircum\or% 094 underscore\or% 095 quoteleft\or% 096 a\or% 097 b\or% 098 c\or% 099 d\or% 100 e\or% 101 f\or% 102 g\or% 103 h\or% 104 i\or% 105 j\or% 106 k\or% 107 l\or% 108 m\or% 109 n\or% 110 o\or% 111 p\or% 112 q\or% 113 r\or% 114 s\or% 115 t\or% 116 u\or% 117 v\or% 118 w\or% 119 x\or% 120 y\or% 121 z\or% 122 braceleft\or% 123 bar\or% 124 braceright\or% 125 asciitilde\or% 126 hyphenchar\or% 127 CYRGDSCHCRS\or% 128 CYRGHCRS\or% 129 CYRGDSC\or% 130 CYRGHK\or% 131 CYRSHHA\or% 132 CYRZHDSC\or% 133 CYRDELTA\or% 134 CYRABHDZE\or% 135 CYRLJE\or% 136 CYRKDSC\or% 137 CYRLDSC\or% 138 CYRKHK\or% 139 CYRLHK\or% 140 CYRNDSC\or% 141 CYRNG\or% 142 CYRNHK\or% 143 CYROTLD\or% 144 CYRSACRS\or% 145 CYRUSHRT\or% 146 CYRY\or% 147 CYRHHCRS\or% 148 CYRHDSC\or% 149 CYRHHK\or% 150 CYRCHLDSC\or% 151 CYRCHRDSC\or% 152 CYRNJE\or% 153 CYRSCHWA\or% 154 CYREPS\or% 155 CYRYO\or% 156 numero\or% 157 currency\or% 158 section\or% 159 cyrgdschcrs\or% 160 cyrghcrs\or% 161 cyrgdsc\or% 162 cyrghk\or% 163 cyrshha\or% 164 cyrzhdsc\or% 165 cyrdelta\or% 166 cyrabhdze\or% 167 cyrlje\or% 168 cyrkdsc\or% 169 cyrldsc\or% 170 cyrkhk\or% 171 cyrlhk\or% 172 cyrndsc\or% 173 cyrng\or% 174 cyrnhk\or% 175 cyrotld\or% 176 cyrsacrs\or% 177 cyrushrt\or% 178 cyry\or% 179 cyrhhcrs\or% 180 cyrhdsc\or% 181 cyrhhk\or% 182 cyrchldsc\or% 183 cyrchrdsc\or% 184 cyrnje\or% 185 cyrschwa\or% 186 cyreps\or% 187 cyryo\or% 188 quotedblbase\or% 189 guillemotleft\or% 190 guillemotright\or% 191 CYRA\or% 192 CYRB\or% 193 CYRV\or% 194 CYRG\or% 195 CYRD\or% 196 CYRE\or% 197 CYRZH\or% 198 CYRZ\or% 199 CYRI\or% 200 CYRISHRT\or% 201 CYRK\or% 202 CYRL\or% 203 CYRM\or% 204 CYRN\or% 205 CYRO\or% 206 CYRP\or% 207 CYRR\or% 208 CYRS\or% 209 CYRT\or% 210 CYRU\or% 211 CYRF\or% 212 CYRH\or% 213 CYRC\or% 214 CYRCH\or% 215 CYRSH\or% 216 CYRSHCH\or% 217 CYRHRDSN\or% 218 CYRERY\or% 219 CYRSFTSN\or% 220 CYREREV\or% 221 CYRYU\or% 222 CYRYA\or% 223 cyra\or% 224 cyrb\or% 225 cyrv\or% 226 cyrg\or% 227 cyrd\or% 228 cyre\or% 229 cyrzh\or% 230 cyrz\or% 231 cyri\or% 232 cyrishrt\or% 233 cyrk\or% 234 cyrl\or% 235 cyrm\or% 236 cyrn\or% 237 cyro\or% 238 cyrp\or% 239 cyrr\or% 240 cyrs\or% 241 cyrt\or% 242 cyru\or% 243 cyrf\or% 244 cyrh\or% 245 cyrc\or% 246 cyrch\or% 247 cyrsh\or% 248 cyrshch\or% 249 cyrhrdsn\or% 250 cyrery\or% 251 cyrsftsn\or% 252 cyrerev\or% 253 cyryu\or% 254 cyrya\fi% 255 } %</mtx&t2b> % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{LY1 encoding} % % The |LY1| encoding. % The data are taken from |texnansi.enc|. % % For unknown slots, a strange Postscript name is returned, but no % warning is generated. % \begin{macrocode} %<*mtx&ly1> \newcommand\getpsname[1]{% \ifcase#1% .notdef.000\or % 000 Euro\or % 001 .notdef.002\or % 002 .notdef.003\or % 003 fraction\or % 004 dotaccent\or % 005 hungarumlaut\or % 006 ogonek\or % 007 fl\or % 008 .notdef.009\or % 009 cwm\or % 010 ff\or % 011 fi\or % 012 .notdef.013\or % 013 ffi\or % 014 ffl\or % 015 dotlessi\or % 016 dotlessj\or % 017 grave\or % 018 acute\or % 019 caron\or % 020 breve\or % 021 macron\or % 022 ring\or % 023 cedilla\or % 024 germandbls\or % 025 ae\or % 026 oe\or % 027 oslash\or % 028 AE\or % 029 OE\or % 030 Oslash\or % 031 space\or % 032 exclam\or % 033 quotedbl\or % 034 numbersign\or % 035 dollar\or % 036 percent\or % 037 ampersand\or % 038 quoteright\or % 039 parenleft\or % 040 parenright\or % 041 asterisk\or % 042 plus\or % 043 comma\or % 044 hyphen\or % 045 period\or % 046 slash\or % 047 zero\or % 048 one\or % 049 two\or % 050 three\or % 051 four\or % 052 five\or % 053 six\or % 054 seven\or % 055 eight\or % 056 nine\or % 057 colon\or % 058 semicolon\or % 059 less\or % 060 equal\or % 061 greater\or % 062 question\or % 063 at\or % 064 A\or % 065 B\or % 066 C\or % 067 D\or % 068 E\or % 069 F\or % 070 G\or % 071 H\or % 072 I\or % 073 J\or % 074 K\or % 075 L\or % 076 M\or % 077 N\or % 078 O\or % 079 P\or % 080 Q\or % 081 R\or % 082 S\or % 083 T\or % 084 U\or % 085 V\or % 086 W\or % 087 X\or % 088 Y\or % 089 Z\or % 090 bracketleft\or % 091 backslash\or % 092 bracketright\or % 093 circumflex\or % 094 underscore\or % 095 quoteleft\or % 096 a\or % 097 b\or % 098 c\or % 099 d\or % 100 e\or % 101 f\or % 102 g\or % 103 h\or % 104 i\or % 105 j\or % 106 k\or % 107 l\or % 108 m\or % 109 n\or % 110 o\or % 111 p\or % 112 q\or % 113 r\or % 114 s\or % 115 t\or % 116 u\or % 117 v\or % 118 w\or % 119 x\or % 120 y\or % 121 z\or % 122 braceleft\or % 123 bar\or % 124 braceright\or % 125 tilde\or % 126 dieresis\or % 127 Lslash\or % 128 quotesingle\or % 129 quotesinglbase\or % 130 florin\or % 131 quotedblbase\or % 132 ellipsis\or % 133 dagger\or % 134 daggerdbl\or % 135 circumflex\or % 136 perthousand\or % 137 Scaron\or % 138 guilsinglleft\or % 139 OE\or % 140 Zcaron\or % 141 asciicircum\or % 142 minus\or % 143 lslash\or % 144 quoteleft\or % 145 quoteright\or % 146 quotedblleft\or % 147 quotedblright\or % 148 bullet\or % 149 endash\or % 150 emdash\or % 151 tilde\or % 152 trademark\or % 153 scaron\or % 154 guilsinglright\or % 155 oe\or % 156 zcaron\or % 157 asciitilde\or % 158 Ydieresis\or % 159 nbspace\or % 160 exclamdown\or % 161 cent\or % 162 sterling\or % 163 currency\or % 164 yen\or % 165 brokenbar\or % 166 section\or % 167 dieresis\or % 168 copyright\or % 169 ordfeminine\or % 170 guillemotleft\or % 171 logicalnot\or % 172 sfthyphen\or % 173 registered\or % 174 macron\or % 175 degree\or % 176 plusminus\or % 177 twosuperior\or % 178 threesuperior\or % 179 acute\or % 180 mu\or % 181 paragraph\or % 182 periodcentered\or % 183 cedilla\or % 184 onesuperior\or % 185 ordmasculine\or % 186 guillemotright\or % 187 onequarter\or % 188 onehalf\or % 189 threequarters\or % 190 questiondown\or % 191 Agrave\or % 192 Aacute\or % 193 Acircumflex\or % 194 Atilde\or % 195 Adieresis\or % 196 Aring\or % 197 AE\or % 198 Ccedilla\or % 199 Egrave\or % 200 Eacute\or % 201 Ecircumflex\or % 202 Edieresis\or % 203 Igrave\or % 204 Iacute\or % 205 Icircumflex\or % 206 Idieresis\or % 207 Eth\or % 208 Ntilde\or % 209 Ograve\or % 210 Oacute\or % 211 Ocircumflex\or % 212 Otilde\or % 213 Odieresis\or % 214 multiply\or % 215 Oslash\or % 216 Ugrave\or % 217 Uacute\or % 218 Ucircumflex\or % 219 Udieresis\or % 220 Yacute\or % 221 Thorn\or % 222 germandbls\or % 223 agrave\or % 224 aacute\or % 225 acircumflex\or % 226 atilde\or % 227 adieresis\or % 228 aring\or % 229 ae\or % 230 ccedilla\or % 231 egrave\or % 232 eacute\or % 233 ecircumflex\or % 234 edieresis\or % 235 igrave\or % 236 iacute\or % 237 icircumflex\or % 238 idieresis\or % 239 eth\or % 240 ntilde\or % 241 ograve\or % 242 oacute\or % 243 ocircumflex\or % 244 otilde\or % 245 odieresis\or % 246 divide\or % 247 oslash\or % 248 ugrave\or % 249 uacute\or % 250 ucircumflex\or % 251 udieresis\or % 252 yacute\or % 253 thorn\or % 254 ydieresis\fi % 255 } %</mtx&ly1> % \end{macrocode} % % % \subsection{Templates} % % Generate template files for T1 and TS1 encoding. % They should be self-describing. % % \subsubsection{T1 encoding} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*template&t1> \listfiles %% Replace the `XXX' in the next line by the 3- or 4-character long %% abbreviation for your font. \documentclass[family=XXX]{kerntest} %% Replace the settings by these you want to test. \kernsetup{encoding=T1,series=m,shape=n,example=hello} \kernsetup{size=14.40pt,baselineskip=16.5pt,papersize=a4paper} %% The next line can be used to add a name suffix to the output |mtx| file. %% \kernsetup{extraname=normal} %% Set encoding parameters. %% Set ligaturing: 1=all, 0=all, -1=some, -2=none %% \encodingsetup{ligaturing=1} %% If you are using a font with different design sizes and if you want %% to test one design size scaled to another one, you may input a %% modified fd file for your font. To generate this new fd file, just %% copy the original one, rename it, and modify the entries for the %% font shapes to use the design size you want to test. %% \input{t1XXX-1200.fd} %% The following lines show some possible glyph classes. You should %% add all classes you need. \newglyphclass{right}{A}{A,Aogonek} \newglyphclass{right}{Abreve}{Abreve,Aacute,Acircumflex,% Atilde,Adieresis} \newglyphclass{right}{Aring}{Agrave,Aring} \newglyphclass{left}{A}{A,Aogonek} \newglyphclass{left}{Abreve}{Abreve,Agrave,Acircumflex,% Atilde,Adieresis} \newglyphclass{left}{Aring}{Aacute,Aring} \newglyphclass{right}{C}{C,Cacute,Ccaron,Ccedilla} \newglyphclass{left}{C}{C,Cacute,Ccaron,Ccedilla} \newglyphclass{right}{D}{D,Dcaron,Eth} \newglyphclass{right}{E}{E,Ecaron,Eogonek,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,% Edieresis,AE,OE} \newglyphclass{right}{G}{G,Gbreve} \newglyphclass{left}{G}{G,Gbreve} \newglyphclass{left}{H}{B,D,Dcaron,Eth,E,Ecaron,Eogonek,Egrave,% Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,F,H,I,Idotaccent,Igrave,Iacute,% Icircumflex,Idieresis,IJ,J,K,L,Lacute,Lcaron,N,Nacute,Ncaron,% Ntilde,P,R,Racute,Rcaron,Ng,Thorn} \newglyphclass{right}{H}{H,I,Idotaccent,Igrave,Iacute,% Icircumflex,Idieresis,IJ,J,N,Nacute,Ncaron,Ntilde} \newglyphclass{right}{O}{O,Ohungarumlaut,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,% Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash} \newglyphclass{left}{O}{O,Ohungarumlaut,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,% Otilde,Odieresis,OE,Oslash} \newglyphclass{right}{R}{R,Racute,Rcaron} \newglyphclass{right}{S}{S,Sacute,Scaron,Scedilla,SS,dollar} \newglyphclass{left}{S}{S,Sacute,Scaron,Scedilla,SS,dollar} \newglyphclass{right}{T}{T,Tcaron,Tcedilla} \newglyphclass{left}{T}{T,Tcaron,Tcedilla} \newglyphclass{right}{U}{U,Uhungarumlaut,Uring,Ugrave,Uacute,% Ucircumflex,Udieresis} \newglyphclass{left}{U}{U,Uhungarumlaut,Uring,Ugrave,Uacute,% Ucircumflex,Udieresis} \newglyphclass{right}{Y}{Y,Yacute,Ydieresis}% \newglyphclass{left}{Y}{Y,Yacute,Ydieresis}% \newglyphclass{left}{Z}{Z,Zacute,Zcaron,Zdotaccent} \newglyphclass{right}{Z}{Z,Zacute,Zcaron,Zdotaccent} \newglyphclass{left}{a}{a,aogonek,ae} \newglyphclass{left}{abreve}{abreve,agrave,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring} \newglyphclass{right}{a}{a,aogonek} \newglyphclass{right}{abreve}{abreve,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring} \newglyphclass{left}{c}{c,ccedilla} \newglyphclass{right}{c}{c,ccedilla} \newglyphclass{left}{d}{d,dbar,dcaron} \newglyphclass{left}{e}{e,eogonek} \newglyphclass{left}{egrave}{ecaron,ecircumflex} \newglyphclass{right}{e}{e,eogonek,ae,oe} \newglyphclass{right}{egrave}{ecaron,ecircumflex} \newglyphclass{left}{f}{f,ff,fi,fl,ffi,ffl} \newglyphclass{right}{f}{f,ff} \newglyphclass{right}{i}{i,fi,ffi,dotlessi} \newglyphclass{left}{i}{i,ij,dotlessi} \newglyphclass{right}{l}{fl,ffl,l,lacute} \newglyphclass{left}{l}{l,lacute,lcaron} \newglyphclass{right}{m}{m,n} \newglyphclass{left}{m}{m,n} \newglyphclass{right}{nacute}{nacute,ncaron} \newglyphclass{left}{nacute}{nacute,ncaron} \newglyphclass{right}{ograve}{ograve,ocircumflex} \newglyphclass{right}{ohungarumlaut}{ohungarumlaut,oacute,otilde,% odieresis} \newglyphclass{left}{oacute}{oacute,ocircumflex,oe} \newglyphclass{left}{ohungarumlaut}{ohungarumlaut,ograve,otilde,% odieresis} \newglyphclass{left}{t}{t,tcaron,tcedilla} \begin{document} %% This table of characters is sorted by similar glyphs, not by the %% encoding. %% Replace `{LLL}' and `{RRR}' in columns 1 resp. 5 by these glyphs %% that shall be tested. %% Good pairs to use for LLL and RRR test are 016, 017 (English %% quotation marks `` and ''); 018, 016 (German quotation marks ,, and %% ``); 019, 020 (French Guillemets << and >>); 020, 019 (French %% Guillemets in German notation >> and <<). %% You may also take the Postscript names for all glyphs. \begin{kerntable} \testkern{LLL}{-}{000}{-}{RRR} \\ % grave \testkern{LLL}{-}{001}{-}{RRR} \\ % acute \testkern{LLL}{-}{002}{-}{RRR} \\ % circumflex \testkern{LLL}{-}{003}{-}{RRR} \\ % tilde \testkern{LLL}{-}{004}{-}{RRR} \\ % dieresis \testkern{LLL}{-}{005}{-}{RRR} \\ % hungarumlaut \testkern{LLL}{-}{006}{-}{RRR} \\ % ring \testkern{LLL}{-}{007}{-}{RRR} \\ % caron \testkern{LLL}{-}{008}{-}{RRR} \\ % breve \testkern{LLL}{-}{009}{-}{RRR} \\ % macron \testkern{LLL}{-}{010}{-}{RRR} \\ % dotaccent \testkern{LLL}{-}{011}{-}{RRR} \\ % cedilla \testkern{LLL}{-}{012}{-}{RRR} \\ % ogonek \testkern{LLL}{-}{126}{-}{RRR} \\ % asciitilde \testkern{LLL}{-}{094}{-}{RRR} \\ % asciicircum \testkern{LLL}{-}{042}{-}{RRR} \\ % asterisk \testkern{LLL}{-}{023}{-}{RRR} \\ % compwordmark \testkern{LLL}{-}{032}{-}{RRR} \\ % visiblespace \testkern{LLL}{-}{014}{-}{RRR} \\ % guilsinglleft \testkern{LLL}{-}{015}{-}{RRR} \\ % guilsinglright \testkern{LLL}{-}{019}{-}{RRR} \\ % guillemotleft \testkern{LLL}{-}{020}{-}{RRR} \\ % guillemotright \testkern{LLL}{-}{096}{-}{RRR} \\ % quoteleft \testkern{LLL}{-}{039}{-}{RRR} \\ % quoteright \testkern{LLL}{-}{013}{-}{RRR} \\ % quotesinglbase \testkern{LLL}{-}{016}{-}{RRR} \\ % quotedblleft \testkern{LLL}{-}{017}{-}{RRR} \\ % quotedblright \testkern{LLL}{-}{018}{-}{RRR} \\ % quotedblbase \testkern{LLL}{-}{034}{-}{RRR} \\ % quotedbl \testkern{LLL}{-}{046}{-}{RRR} \\ % period \testkern{LLL}{-}{044}{-}{RRR} \\ % comma \testkern{LLL}{-}{058}{-}{RRR} \\ % colon \testkern{LLL}{-}{059}{-}{RRR} \\ % semicolon \testkern{LLL}{-}{033}{-}{RRR} \\ % exclam \testkern{LLL}{-}{063}{-}{RRR} \\ % question \testkern{LLL}{-}{189}{-}{RRR} \\ % exclamdown \testkern{LLL}{-}{190}{-}{RRR} \\ % questiondown \testkern{LLL}{-}{045}{-}{RRR} \\ % hyphen \testkern{LLL}{-}{127}{-}{RRR} \\ % hyphenchar \testkern{LLL}{-}{021}{-}{RRR} \\ % rangedash \testkern{LLL}{-}{022}{-}{RRR} \\ % punctdash \testkern{LLL}{-}{095}{-}{RRR} \\ % underscore \testkern{LLL}{-}{043}{-}{RRR} \\ % plus \testkern{LLL}{-}{061}{-}{RRR} \\ % equal \testkern{LLL}{-}{060}{-}{RRR} \\ % less \testkern{LLL}{-}{062}{-}{RRR} \\ % greater \testkern{LLL}{-}{047}{-}{RRR} \\ % slash \testkern{LLL}{-}{092}{-}{RRR} \\ % backslash \testkern{LLL}{-}{040}{-}{RRR} \\ % parenleft \testkern{LLL}{-}{041}{-}{RRR} \\ % parenright \testkern{LLL}{-}{091}{-}{RRR} \\ % bracketleft \testkern{LLL}{-}{093}{-}{RRR} \\ % bracketright \testkern{LLL}{-}{123}{-}{RRR} \\ % braceleft \testkern{LLL}{-}{125}{-}{RRR} \\ % braceright \testkern{LLL}{-}{124}{-}{RRR} \\ % bar \testkern{LLL}{-}{035}{-}{RRR} \\ % numbersign \testkern{LLL}{-}{037}{-}{RRR} \\ % percent \testkern{LLL}{-}{024}{-}{RRR} \\ % perthousandzero \testkern{LLL}{-}{038}{-}{RRR} \\ % ampersand \testkern{LLL}{-}{159}{-}{RRR} \\ % section \testkern{LLL}{-}{064}{-}{RRR} \\ % at \testkern{LLL}{-}{191}{-}{RRR} \\ % sterling \testkern{LLL}{-}{048}{-}{RRR} \\ % zero \testkern{LLL}{-}{049}{-}{RRR} \\ % one \testkern{LLL}{-}{050}{-}{RRR} \\ % two \testkern{LLL}{-}{051}{-}{RRR} \\ % three \testkern{LLL}{-}{052}{-}{RRR} \\ % four \testkern{LLL}{-}{053}{-}{RRR} \\ % five \testkern{LLL}{-}{054}{-}{RRR} \\ % six \testkern{LLL}{-}{055}{-}{RRR} \\ % seven \testkern{LLL}{-}{056}{-}{RRR} \\ % eight \testkern{LLL}{-}{057}{-}{RRR} \\ % nine \testkern{LLL}{-}{065}{-}{RRR} \\ % A \testkern{LLL}{-}{128}{-}{RRR} \\ % Abreve \testkern{LLL}{-}{129}{-}{RRR} \\ % Aogonek \testkern{LLL}{-}{192}{-}{RRR} \\ % Agrave \testkern{LLL}{-}{193}{-}{RRR} \\ % Aacute \testkern{LLL}{-}{194}{-}{RRR} \\ % Acircumflex \testkern{LLL}{-}{195}{-}{RRR} \\ % Atilde \testkern{LLL}{-}{196}{-}{RRR} \\ % Adieresis \testkern{LLL}{-}{197}{-}{RRR} \\ % Aring \testkern{LLL}{-}{198}{-}{RRR} \\ % AE \testkern{LLL}{-}{066}{-}{RRR} \\ % B \testkern{LLL}{-}{067}{-}{RRR} \\ % C \testkern{LLL}{-}{130}{-}{RRR} \\ % Cacute \testkern{LLL}{-}{131}{-}{RRR} \\ % Ccaron \testkern{LLL}{-}{199}{-}{RRR} \\ % Ccedilla \testkern{LLL}{-}{068}{-}{RRR} \\ % D \testkern{LLL}{-}{132}{-}{RRR} \\ % Dcaron \testkern{LLL}{-}{208}{-}{RRR} \\ % Eth \testkern{LLL}{-}{069}{-}{RRR} \\ % E \testkern{LLL}{-}{133}{-}{RRR} \\ % Ecaron \testkern{LLL}{-}{134}{-}{RRR} \\ % Eogonek \testkern{LLL}{-}{200}{-}{RRR} \\ % Egrave \testkern{LLL}{-}{201}{-}{RRR} \\ % Eacute \testkern{LLL}{-}{202}{-}{RRR} \\ % Ecircumflex \testkern{LLL}{-}{203}{-}{RRR} \\ % Edieresis \testkern{LLL}{-}{070}{-}{RRR} \\ % F \testkern{LLL}{-}{071}{-}{RRR} \\ % G \testkern{LLL}{-}{135}{-}{RRR} \\ % Gbreve \testkern{LLL}{-}{072}{-}{RRR} \\ % H \testkern{LLL}{-}{073}{-}{RRR} \\ % I \testkern{LLL}{-}{157}{-}{RRR} \\ % Idotaccent \testkern{LLL}{-}{204}{-}{RRR} \\ % Igrave \testkern{LLL}{-}{205}{-}{RRR} \\ % Iacute \testkern{LLL}{-}{206}{-}{RRR} \\ % Icircumflex \testkern{LLL}{-}{207}{-}{RRR} \\ % Idieresis \testkern{LLL}{-}{156}{-}{RRR} \\ % IJ \testkern{LLL}{-}{074}{-}{RRR} \\ % J \testkern{LLL}{-}{075}{-}{RRR} \\ % K \testkern{LLL}{-}{076}{-}{RRR} \\ % L \testkern{LLL}{-}{136}{-}{RRR} \\ % Lacute \testkern{LLL}{-}{137}{-}{RRR} \\ % Lcaron \testkern{LLL}{-}{138}{-}{RRR} \\ % Lslash \testkern{LLL}{-}{077}{-}{RRR} \\ % M \testkern{LLL}{-}{078}{-}{RRR} \\ % N \testkern{LLL}{-}{139}{-}{RRR} \\ % Nacute \testkern{LLL}{-}{140}{-}{RRR} \\ % Ncaron \testkern{LLL}{-}{209}{-}{RRR} \\ % Ntilde \testkern{LLL}{-}{079}{-}{RRR} \\ % O \testkern{LLL}{-}{142}{-}{RRR} \\ % Ohungarumlaut \testkern{LLL}{-}{210}{-}{RRR} \\ % Ograve \testkern{LLL}{-}{211}{-}{RRR} \\ % Oacute \testkern{LLL}{-}{212}{-}{RRR} \\ % Ocircumflex \testkern{LLL}{-}{213}{-}{RRR} \\ % Otilde \testkern{LLL}{-}{214}{-}{RRR} \\ % Odieresis \testkern{LLL}{-}{215}{-}{RRR} \\ % OE \testkern{LLL}{-}{216}{-}{RRR} \\ % Oslash \testkern{LLL}{-}{080}{-}{RRR} \\ % P \testkern{LLL}{-}{081}{-}{RRR} \\ % Q \testkern{LLL}{-}{082}{-}{RRR} \\ % R \testkern{LLL}{-}{143}{-}{RRR} \\ % Racute \testkern{LLL}{-}{144}{-}{RRR} \\ % Rcaron \testkern{LLL}{-}{083}{-}{RRR} \\ % S \testkern{LLL}{-}{145}{-}{RRR} \\ % Sacute \testkern{LLL}{-}{146}{-}{RRR} \\ % Scaron \testkern{LLL}{-}{147}{-}{RRR} \\ % Scedilla \testkern{LLL}{-}{223}{-}{RRR} \\ % SS \testkern{LLL}{-}{036}{-}{RRR} \\ % dollar \testkern{LLL}{-}{084}{-}{RRR} \\ % T \testkern{LLL}{-}{148}{-}{RRR} \\ % Tcaron \testkern{LLL}{-}{149}{-}{RRR} \\ % Tcedilla \testkern{LLL}{-}{085}{-}{RRR} \\ % U \testkern{LLL}{-}{150}{-}{RRR} \\ % Uhungarumlaut \testkern{LLL}{-}{151}{-}{RRR} \\ % Uring \testkern{LLL}{-}{217}{-}{RRR} \\ % Ugrave \testkern{LLL}{-}{218}{-}{RRR} \\ % Uacute \testkern{LLL}{-}{219}{-}{RRR} \\ % Ucircumflex \testkern{LLL}{-}{220}{-}{RRR} \\ % Udieresis \testkern{LLL}{-}{086}{-}{RRR} \\ % V \testkern{LLL}{-}{087}{-}{RRR} \\ % W \testkern{LLL}{-}{088}{-}{RRR} \\ % X \testkern{LLL}{-}{089}{-}{RRR} \\ % Y \testkern{LLL}{-}{152}{-}{RRR} \\ % Ydieresis \testkern{LLL}{-}{221}{-}{RRR} \\ % Yacute \testkern{LLL}{-}{090}{-}{RRR} \\ % Z \testkern{LLL}{-}{153}{-}{RRR} \\ % Zacute \testkern{LLL}{-}{154}{-}{RRR} \\ % Zcaron \testkern{LLL}{-}{155}{-}{RRR} \\ % Zdotaccent \testkern{LLL}{-}{141}{-}{RRR} \\ % Ng \testkern{LLL}{-}{222}{-}{RRR} \\ % Thorn \testkern{LLL}{-}{097}{-}{RRR} \\ % a \testkern{LLL}{-}{160}{-}{RRR} \\ % abreve \testkern{LLL}{-}{161}{-}{RRR} \\ % aogonek \testkern{LLL}{-}{224}{-}{RRR} \\ % agrave \testkern{LLL}{-}{225}{-}{RRR} \\ % aacute \testkern{LLL}{-}{226}{-}{RRR} \\ % acircumflex \testkern{LLL}{-}{227}{-}{RRR} \\ % atilde \testkern{LLL}{-}{228}{-}{RRR} \\ % adieresis \testkern{LLL}{-}{229}{-}{RRR} \\ % aring \testkern{LLL}{-}{230}{-}{RRR} \\ % ae \testkern{LLL}{-}{098}{-}{RRR} \\ % b \testkern{LLL}{-}{099}{-}{RRR} \\ % c \testkern{LLL}{-}{162}{-}{RRR} \\ % cacute \testkern{LLL}{-}{163}{-}{RRR} \\ % ccaron \testkern{LLL}{-}{231}{-}{RRR} \\ % ccedilla \testkern{LLL}{-}{100}{-}{RRR} \\ % d \testkern{LLL}{-}{158}{-}{RRR} \\ % dbar \testkern{LLL}{-}{164}{-}{RRR} \\ % dcaron \testkern{LLL}{-}{101}{-}{RRR} \\ % e \testkern{LLL}{-}{165}{-}{RRR} \\ % ecaron \testkern{LLL}{-}{166}{-}{RRR} \\ % eogonek \testkern{LLL}{-}{232}{-}{RRR} \\ % egrave \testkern{LLL}{-}{233}{-}{RRR} \\ % eacute \testkern{LLL}{-}{234}{-}{RRR} \\ % ecircumflex \testkern{LLL}{-}{235}{-}{RRR} \\ % edieresis \testkern{LLL}{-}{102}{-}{RRR} \\ % f \testkern{LLL}{-}{027}{-}{RRR} \\ % ff \testkern{LLL}{-}{028}{-}{RRR} \\ % fi \testkern{LLL}{-}{029}{-}{RRR} \\ % fl \testkern{LLL}{-}{030}{-}{RRR} \\ % ffi \testkern{LLL}{-}{031}{-}{RRR} \\ % ffl \testkern{LLL}{-}{103}{-}{RRR} \\ % g \testkern{LLL}{-}{167}{-}{RRR} \\ % gbreve \testkern{LLL}{-}{104}{-}{RRR} \\ % h \testkern{LLL}{-}{105}{-}{RRR} \\ % i \testkern{LLL}{-}{025}{-}{RRR} \\ % dotlessi \testkern{LLL}{-}{236}{-}{RRR} \\ % igrave \testkern{LLL}{-}{237}{-}{RRR} \\ % iacute \testkern{LLL}{-}{238}{-}{RRR} \\ % icircumflex \testkern{LLL}{-}{239}{-}{RRR} \\ % idieresis \testkern{LLL}{-}{188}{-}{RRR} \\ % ij \testkern{LLL}{-}{106}{-}{RRR} \\ % j \testkern{LLL}{-}{026}{-}{RRR} \\ % dotlessj \testkern{LLL}{-}{107}{-}{RRR} \\ % k \testkern{LLL}{-}{108}{-}{RRR} \\ % l \testkern{LLL}{-}{168}{-}{RRR} \\ % lacute \testkern{LLL}{-}{169}{-}{RRR} \\ % lcaron \testkern{LLL}{-}{170}{-}{RRR} \\ % lslash \testkern{LLL}{-}{109}{-}{RRR} \\ % m \testkern{LLL}{-}{110}{-}{RRR} \\ % n \testkern{LLL}{-}{171}{-}{RRR} \\ % nacute \testkern{LLL}{-}{172}{-}{RRR} \\ % ncaron \testkern{LLL}{-}{241}{-}{RRR} \\ % ntilde \testkern{LLL}{-}{111}{-}{RRR} \\ % o \testkern{LLL}{-}{174}{-}{RRR} \\ % ohungarumlaut \testkern{LLL}{-}{242}{-}{RRR} \\ % ograve \testkern{LLL}{-}{243}{-}{RRR} \\ % oacute \testkern{LLL}{-}{244}{-}{RRR} \\ % ocircumflex \testkern{LLL}{-}{245}{-}{RRR} \\ % otilde \testkern{LLL}{-}{246}{-}{RRR} \\ % odieresis \testkern{LLL}{-}{247}{-}{RRR} \\ % oe \testkern{LLL}{-}{248}{-}{RRR} \\ % oslash \testkern{LLL}{-}{112}{-}{RRR} \\ % p \testkern{LLL}{-}{113}{-}{RRR} \\ % q \testkern{LLL}{-}{114}{-}{RRR} \\ % r \testkern{LLL}{-}{175}{-}{RRR} \\ % racute \testkern{LLL}{-}{176}{-}{RRR} \\ % rcaron \testkern{LLL}{-}{115}{-}{RRR} \\ % s \testkern{LLL}{-}{177}{-}{RRR} \\ % sacute \testkern{LLL}{-}{178}{-}{RRR} \\ % scaron \testkern{LLL}{-}{179}{-}{RRR} \\ % scedilla \testkern{LLL}{-}{116}{-}{RRR} \\ % t \testkern{LLL}{-}{180}{-}{RRR} \\ % tcaron \testkern{LLL}{-}{181}{-}{RRR} \\ % tcedilla \testkern{LLL}{-}{117}{-}{RRR} \\ % u \testkern{LLL}{-}{182}{-}{RRR} \\ % uhungarumlaut \testkern{LLL}{-}{183}{-}{RRR} \\ % uring \testkern{LLL}{-}{249}{-}{RRR} \\ % ugrave \testkern{LLL}{-}{250}{-}{RRR} \\ % uacute \testkern{LLL}{-}{251}{-}{RRR} \\ % ucircumflex \testkern{LLL}{-}{252}{-}{RRR} \\ % udieresis \testkern{LLL}{-}{118}{-}{RRR} \\ % v \testkern{LLL}{-}{119}{-}{RRR} \\ % w \testkern{LLL}{-}{120}{-}{RRR} \\ % x \testkern{LLL}{-}{121}{-}{RRR} \\ % y \testkern{LLL}{-}{184}{-}{RRR} \\ % ydieresis \testkern{LLL}{-}{253}{-}{RRR} \\ % yacute \testkern{LLL}{-}{122}{-}{RRR} \\ % z \testkern{LLL}{-}{185}{-}{RRR} \\ % zacute \testkern{LLL}{-}{186}{-}{RRR} \\ % zcaron \testkern{LLL}{-}{187}{-}{RRR} \\ % zdotaccent \testkern{LLL}{-}{240}{-}{RRR} \\ % eth \testkern{LLL}{-}{173}{-}{RRR} \\ % ng \testkern{LLL}{-}{254}{-}{RRR} \\ % thorn \testkern{LLL}{-}{255}{-}{RRR} \\ % germandbls \end{kerntable} \end{document} %</template&t1> % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{TS1 encoding} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*template&ts1> \listfiles %% Replace the `XXX' in the next line by the 3- or 4-character long %% abbreviation for your font. \documentclass[family=XXX]{kerntest} %% Replace the settings by these you want to test. \kernsetup{encoding=TS1,series=m,shape=n,example=hello} \kernsetup{size=14.40pt,baselineskip=16.5pt,papersize=a4paper} %% The next line can be used to add a name suffix to the output |mtx| file. %% \kernsetup{extraname=normal} %% If you are using a font with different design sizes and if you want %% to test one design size scaled to another one, you may input a %% modified fd file for your font. To generate this new fd file, just %% copy the original one, rename it, and modify the entries for the %% font shapes to use the design size you want to test. %% \input{t1XXX-1200.fd} \begin{document} %% This table of characters is sorted by similar glyphs, not by the %% encoding. %% Replace `{LLL}' and `{RRR}' in columns 1 resp. 5 by these glyphs %% that shall be tested. \begin{kerntable} \testkern{LLL}{-}{000}{-}{RRR} \\ % capitalgrave \testkern{LLL}{-}{001}{-}{RRR} \\ % capitalacute \testkern{LLL}{-}{002}{-}{RRR} \\ % capitalcircumflex \testkern{LLL}{-}{003}{-}{RRR} \\ % capitaltilde \testkern{LLL}{-}{004}{-}{RRR} \\ % capitaldieresis \testkern{LLL}{-}{005}{-}{RRR} \\ % capitalhungarumlaut \testkern{LLL}{-}{006}{-}{RRR} \\ % capitalring \testkern{LLL}{-}{007}{-}{RRR} \\ % capitalcaron \testkern{LLL}{-}{008}{-}{RRR} \\ % capitalbreve \testkern{LLL}{-}{009}{-}{RRR} \\ % capitalmacron \testkern{LLL}{-}{010}{-}{RRR} \\ % capitaldotaccent \testkern{LLL}{-}{011}{-}{RRR} \\ % cedilla \testkern{LLL}{-}{012}{-}{RRR} \\ % ogonek \testkern{LLL}{-}{013}{-}{RRR} \\ % quotesinglbase \testkern{LLL}{-}{014}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{015}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{016}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{017}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{018}{-}{RRR} \\ % quotedblbase \testkern{LLL}{-}{019}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{020}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{021}{-}{RRR} \\ % twelveudash \testkern{LLL}{-}{022}{-}{RRR} \\ % threequartersemdash \testkern{LLL}{-}{023}{-}{RRR} \\ % capitalcompwordmark \testkern{LLL}{-}{024}{-}{RRR} \\ % arrowleft \testkern{LLL}{-}{025}{-}{RRR} \\ % arrowright \testkern{LLL}{-}{026}{-}{RRR} \\ % tieaccentlowercase \testkern{LLL}{-}{027}{-}{RRR} \\ % tieaccentcapital \testkern{LLL}{-}{028}{-}{RRR} \\ % newtieaccentlowercase \testkern{LLL}{-}{029}{-}{RRR} \\ % newtieaccentcapital \testkern{LLL}{-}{030}{-}{RRR} \\ % ascendercompwordmark \testkern{LLL}{-}{031}{-}{RRR} \\ % blank \testkern{LLL}{-}{032}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{033}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{034}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{035}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{036}{-}{RRR} \\ % dollar \testkern{LLL}{-}{037}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{038}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{039}{-}{RRR} \\ % quotesingle \testkern{LLL}{-}{040}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{041}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{042}{-}{RRR} \\ % asteriskcentered \testkern{LLL}{-}{043}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{044}{-}{RRR} \\ % comma \testkern{LLL}{-}{045}{-}{RRR} \\ % hyphendbl \testkern{LLL}{-}{046}{-}{RRR} \\ % period \testkern{LLL}{-}{047}{-}{RRR} \\ % fraction \testkern{LLL}{-}{048}{-}{RRR} \\ % zerooldstyle \testkern{LLL}{-}{049}{-}{RRR} \\ % oneoldstyle \testkern{LLL}{-}{050}{-}{RRR} \\ % twooldstyle \testkern{LLL}{-}{051}{-}{RRR} \\ % threeoldstyle \testkern{LLL}{-}{052}{-}{RRR} \\ % fouroldstyle \testkern{LLL}{-}{053}{-}{RRR} \\ % fiveoldstyle \testkern{LLL}{-}{054}{-}{RRR} \\ % sixoldstyle \testkern{LLL}{-}{055}{-}{RRR} \\ % sevenoldstyle \testkern{LLL}{-}{056}{-}{RRR} \\ % eightoldstyle \testkern{LLL}{-}{057}{-}{RRR} \\ % nineoldstyle \testkern{LLL}{-}{058}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{059}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{060}{-}{RRR} \\ % angbracketleft \testkern{LLL}{-}{061}{-}{RRR} \\ % minus \testkern{LLL}{-}{062}{-}{RRR} \\ % angbracketright \testkern{LLL}{-}{063}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{064}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{065}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{066}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{067}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{068}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{069}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{070}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{071}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{072}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{073}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{074}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{075}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{076}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{077}{-}{RRR} \\ % Omegainv \testkern{LLL}{-}{078}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{079}{-}{RRR} \\ % bigcircle \testkern{LLL}{-}{080}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{081}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{082}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{083}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{084}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{085}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{086}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{087}{-}{RRR} \\ % Omega \testkern{LLL}{-}{088}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{089}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{090}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{091}{-}{RRR} \\ % openbracketleft \testkern{LLL}{-}{092}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{093}{-}{RRR} \\ % openbracketright \testkern{LLL}{-}{094}{-}{RRR} \\ % arrowup \testkern{LLL}{-}{095}{-}{RRR} \\ % arrowdown \testkern{LLL}{-}{096}{-}{RRR} \\ % asciigrave \testkern{LLL}{-}{097}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{098}{-}{RRR} \\ % born \testkern{LLL}{-}{099}{-}{RRR} \\ % divorced \testkern{LLL}{-}{100}{-}{RRR} \\ % died \testkern{LLL}{-}{101}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{102}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{103}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{104}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{105}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{106}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{107}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{108}{-}{RRR} \\ % leaf \testkern{LLL}{-}{109}{-}{RRR} \\ % married \testkern{LLL}{-}{110}{-}{RRR} \\ % musicalnote \testkern{LLL}{-}{111}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{112}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{113}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{114}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{115}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{116}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{117}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{118}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{119}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{120}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{121}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{122}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{123}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{124}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{125}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{126}{-}{RRR} \\ % tildelow \testkern{LLL}{-}{127}{-}{RRR} \\ % hyphendblchar \testkern{LLL}{-}{128}{-}{RRR} \\ % asciibreve \testkern{LLL}{-}{129}{-}{RRR} \\ % asciicaron \testkern{LLL}{-}{130}{-}{RRR} \\ % asciiacutedbl \testkern{LLL}{-}{131}{-}{RRR} \\ % asciigravedbl \testkern{LLL}{-}{132}{-}{RRR} \\ % dagger \testkern{LLL}{-}{133}{-}{RRR} \\ % daggerdbl \testkern{LLL}{-}{134}{-}{RRR} \\ % bardbl \testkern{LLL}{-}{135}{-}{RRR} \\ % perthousand \testkern{LLL}{-}{136}{-}{RRR} \\ % bullet \testkern{LLL}{-}{137}{-}{RRR} \\ % centigrade \testkern{LLL}{-}{138}{-}{RRR} \\ % dollaroldstyle \testkern{LLL}{-}{139}{-}{RRR} \\ % centoldstyle \testkern{LLL}{-}{140}{-}{RRR} \\ % florin \testkern{LLL}{-}{141}{-}{RRR} \\ % colonmonetary \testkern{LLL}{-}{142}{-}{RRR} \\ % won \testkern{LLL}{-}{143}{-}{RRR} \\ % naira \testkern{LLL}{-}{144}{-}{RRR} \\ % guarani \testkern{LLL}{-}{145}{-}{RRR} \\ % peso \testkern{LLL}{-}{146}{-}{RRR} \\ % lira \testkern{LLL}{-}{147}{-}{RRR} \\ % recipe \testkern{LLL}{-}{148}{-}{RRR} \\ % interrobang \testkern{LLL}{-}{149}{-}{RRR} \\ % interrobangdown \testkern{LLL}{-}{150}{-}{RRR} \\ % dong \testkern{LLL}{-}{151}{-}{RRR} \\ % trademark \testkern{LLL}{-}{152}{-}{RRR} \\ % pertenthousand \testkern{LLL}{-}{153}{-}{RRR} \\ % pilcrow \testkern{LLL}{-}{154}{-}{RRR} \\ % baht \testkern{LLL}{-}{155}{-}{RRR} \\ % numero \testkern{LLL}{-}{156}{-}{RRR} \\ % discount \testkern{LLL}{-}{157}{-}{RRR} \\ % estimated \testkern{LLL}{-}{158}{-}{RRR} \\ % openbullet \testkern{LLL}{-}{159}{-}{RRR} \\ % servicemark \testkern{LLL}{-}{160}{-}{RRR} \\ % quillbracketleft \testkern{LLL}{-}{161}{-}{RRR} \\ % quillbracketright \testkern{LLL}{-}{162}{-}{RRR} \\ % cent \testkern{LLL}{-}{163}{-}{RRR} \\ % sterling \testkern{LLL}{-}{164}{-}{RRR} \\ % currency \testkern{LLL}{-}{165}{-}{RRR} \\ % yen \testkern{LLL}{-}{166}{-}{RRR} \\ % brokenbar \testkern{LLL}{-}{167}{-}{RRR} \\ % section \testkern{LLL}{-}{168}{-}{RRR} \\ % asciidieresis \testkern{LLL}{-}{169}{-}{RRR} \\ % copyright \testkern{LLL}{-}{170}{-}{RRR} \\ % ordfeminine \testkern{LLL}{-}{171}{-}{RRR} \\ % copyleft \testkern{LLL}{-}{172}{-}{RRR} \\ % logicalnot \testkern{LLL}{-}{173}{-}{RRR} \\ % circledP \testkern{LLL}{-}{174}{-}{RRR} \\ % registered \testkern{LLL}{-}{175}{-}{RRR} \\ % asciimacron \testkern{LLL}{-}{176}{-}{RRR} \\ % degree \testkern{LLL}{-}{177}{-}{RRR} \\ % plusminus \testkern{LLL}{-}{178}{-}{RRR} \\ % twosuperior \testkern{LLL}{-}{179}{-}{RRR} \\ % threesuperior \testkern{LLL}{-}{180}{-}{RRR} \\ % asciiacute \testkern{LLL}{-}{181}{-}{RRR} \\ % mu \testkern{LLL}{-}{182}{-}{RRR} \\ % paragraph \testkern{LLL}{-}{183}{-}{RRR} \\ % periodcentered \testkern{LLL}{-}{184}{-}{RRR} \\ % referencemark \testkern{LLL}{-}{185}{-}{RRR} \\ % onesuperior \testkern{LLL}{-}{186}{-}{RRR} \\ % ordmasculine \testkern{LLL}{-}{187}{-}{RRR} \\ % radical \testkern{LLL}{-}{188}{-}{RRR} \\ % onequarter \testkern{LLL}{-}{189}{-}{RRR} \\ % onehalf \testkern{LLL}{-}{190}{-}{RRR} \\ % threequarters \testkern{LLL}{-}{191}{-}{RRR} \\ % euro \testkern{LLL}{-}{192}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{193}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{194}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{195}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{196}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{197}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{198}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{199}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{200}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{201}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{202}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{203}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{204}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{205}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{206}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{207}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{208}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{209}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{210}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{211}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{212}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{213}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{214}{-}{RRR} \\ % multiply \testkern{LLL}{-}{215}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{216}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{217}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{218}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{219}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{220}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{221}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{222}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{223}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{224}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{225}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{226}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{227}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{228}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{229}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{230}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{231}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{232}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{233}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{234}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{235}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{236}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{237}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{238}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{239}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{240}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{241}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{242}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{243}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{244}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{245}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{246}{-}{RRR} \\ % divide \testkern{LLL}{-}{247}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{248}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{249}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{250}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{251}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{252}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{253}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{254}{-}{RRR} \\ \testkern{LLL}{-}{255}{-}{RRR} \\ \end{kerntable} \end{document} %</template&ts1> % \end{macrocode} % % \subsubsection{OT1 encoding} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*template&ot1> \listfiles %% Replace the `XXX' in the next line by the 3- or 4-character long %% abbreviation for your font. \documentclass[family=XXX]{kerntest} %% Replace the settings by these you want to test. \kernsetup{encoding=OT1,series=m,shape=n,example=hello} \kernsetup{size=14.40pt,baselineskip=16.5pt,papersize=a4paper} %% The next line can be used to add a name suffix to the output mtx file. %% \kernsetup{extraname=normal} %% Set encoding parameters. %% Set ligaturing: 2=all, 1=some, 0=none %% \encodingsetup{ligaturing=2} %% Normal: dollar, Italic: sterling %% \encodingsetup{italicizing=false} %% If you are using a font with different design sizes and if you want %% to test one design size scaled to another one, you may input a %% modified fd file for your font. To generate this new fd file, just %% copy the original one, rename it, and modify the entries for the %% font shapes to use the design size you want to test. %% \input{ot1XXX-1200.fd} %% The following lines show some possible glyph classes. You should %% add all classes you need. \newglyphclass{right}{E}{E,AE,OE} \newglyphclass{left}{H}{B,D,F,H,I,J,K,L,N,P,R} \newglyphclass{right}{H}{H,I,J,N} \newglyphclass{right}{S}{S,dollar} \newglyphclass{left}{S}{S,dollar} \newglyphclass{left}{a}{a,ae} \newglyphclass{right}{e}{e,ae,oe} \newglyphclass{left}{f}{f,ff,fi,fl,ffi,ffl} \newglyphclass{right}{f}{f,ff} \newglyphclass{right}{i}{i,fi,ffi,dotlessi} \newglyphclass{left}{i}{i,dotlessi} \newglyphclass{right}{l}{fl,ffl,l} \newglyphclass{right}{m}{m,n} \newglyphclass{left}{m}{m,n} \newglyphclass{left}{o}{o,oe} \begin{document} %% This table of characters is sorted by similar glyphs, not by the %% encoding. %% Replace `{LLL}' and `{RRR}' in columns 1 resp. 5 by these glyphs %% that shall be tested. \begin{kerntable} \testkern{LLL}{-}{018}{-}{RRR} \\ % grave \testkern{LLL}{-}{019}{-}{RRR} \\ % acute \testkern{LLL}{-}{094}{-}{RRR} \\ % circumflex \testkern{LLL}{-}{126}{-}{RRR} \\ % tilde \testkern{LLL}{-}{127}{-}{RRR} \\ % dieresis \testkern{LLL}{-}{125}{-}{RRR} \\ % hungarumlaut/braceright \testkern{LLL}{-}{023}{-}{RRR} \\ % ringfitted \testkern{LLL}{-}{020}{-}{RRR} \\ % caron \testkern{LLL}{-}{021}{-}{RRR} \\ % breve \testkern{LLL}{-}{022}{-}{RRR} \\ % macron \testkern{LLL}{-}{095}{-}{RRR} \\ % dotaccent/underscore \testkern{LLL}{-}{024}{-}{RRR} \\ % cedilla \testkern{LLL}{-}{042}{-}{RRR} \\ % asterisk \testkern{LLL}{-}{032}{-}{RRR} \\ % lslashslash/visiblespace \testkern{LLL}{-}{096}{-}{RRR} \\ % quoteleft \testkern{LLL}{-}{039}{-}{RRR} \\ % quoteright \testkern{LLL}{-}{092}{-}{RRR} \\ % quotedblleft \testkern{LLL}{-}{034}{-}{RRR} \\ % quotedblright/quotedbl \testkern{LLL}{-}{046}{-}{RRR} \\ % period \testkern{LLL}{-}{044}{-}{RRR} \\ % comma \testkern{LLL}{-}{058}{-}{RRR} \\ % colon \testkern{LLL}{-}{059}{-}{RRR} \\ % semicolon \testkern{LLL}{-}{033}{-}{RRR} \\ % exclam \testkern{LLL}{-}{063}{-}{RRR} \\ % question \testkern{LLL}{-}{060}{-}{RRR} \\ % exclamdown/less \testkern{LLL}{-}{062}{-}{RRR} \\ % questiondown/greater \testkern{LLL}{-}{045}{-}{RRR} \\ % hyphen \testkern{LLL}{-}{123}{-}{RRR} \\ % rangedash/braceleft \testkern{LLL}{-}{124}{-}{RRR} \\ % punctdash/bar \testkern{LLL}{-}{043}{-}{RRR} \\ % plus \testkern{LLL}{-}{061}{-}{RRR} \\ % equal \testkern{LLL}{-}{047}{-}{RRR} \\ % slash \testkern{LLL}{-}{040}{-}{RRR} \\ % parenleft \testkern{LLL}{-}{041}{-}{RRR} \\ % parenright \testkern{LLL}{-}{091}{-}{RRR} \\ % bracketleft \testkern{LLL}{-}{093}{-}{RRR} \\ % bracketright \testkern{LLL}{-}{035}{-}{RRR} \\ % numbersign \testkern{LLL}{-}{037}{-}{RRR} \\ % percent \testkern{LLL}{-}{038}{-}{RRR} \\ % ampersand \testkern{LLL}{-}{064}{-}{RRR} \\ % at \testkern{LLL}{-}{048}{-}{RRR} \\ % zero \testkern{LLL}{-}{049}{-}{RRR} \\ % one \testkern{LLL}{-}{050}{-}{RRR} \\ % two \testkern{LLL}{-}{051}{-}{RRR} \\ % three \testkern{LLL}{-}{052}{-}{RRR} \\ % four \testkern{LLL}{-}{053}{-}{RRR} \\ % five \testkern{LLL}{-}{054}{-}{RRR} \\ % six \testkern{LLL}{-}{055}{-}{RRR} \\ % seven \testkern{LLL}{-}{056}{-}{RRR} \\ % eight \testkern{LLL}{-}{057}{-}{RRR} \\ % nine \testkern{LLL}{-}{065}{-}{RRR} \\ % A \testkern{LLL}{-}{029}{-}{RRR} \\ % AE \testkern{LLL}{-}{066}{-}{RRR} \\ % B \testkern{LLL}{-}{067}{-}{RRR} \\ % C \testkern{LLL}{-}{068}{-}{RRR} \\ % D \testkern{LLL}{-}{069}{-}{RRR} \\ % E \testkern{LLL}{-}{070}{-}{RRR} \\ % F \testkern{LLL}{-}{071}{-}{RRR} \\ % G \testkern{LLL}{-}{072}{-}{RRR} \\ % H \testkern{LLL}{-}{073}{-}{RRR} \\ % I \testkern{LLL}{-}{074}{-}{RRR} \\ % J \testkern{LLL}{-}{075}{-}{RRR} \\ % K \testkern{LLL}{-}{076}{-}{RRR} \\ % L \testkern{LLL}{-}{138}{-}{RRR} \\ % Lslash \testkern{LLL}{-}{077}{-}{RRR} \\ % M \testkern{LLL}{-}{078}{-}{RRR} \\ % N \testkern{LLL}{-}{079}{-}{RRR} \\ % O \testkern{LLL}{-}{030}{-}{RRR} \\ % OE \testkern{LLL}{-}{031}{-}{RRR} \\ % Oslash \testkern{LLL}{-}{080}{-}{RRR} \\ % P \testkern{LLL}{-}{081}{-}{RRR} \\ % Q \testkern{LLL}{-}{082}{-}{RRR} \\ % R \testkern{LLL}{-}{083}{-}{RRR} \\ % S \testkern{LLL}{-}{036}{-}{RRR} \\ % dollar/sterling \testkern{LLL}{-}{084}{-}{RRR} \\ % T \testkern{LLL}{-}{085}{-}{RRR} \\ % U \testkern{LLL}{-}{086}{-}{RRR} \\ % V \testkern{LLL}{-}{087}{-}{RRR} \\ % W \testkern{LLL}{-}{088}{-}{RRR} \\ % X \testkern{LLL}{-}{089}{-}{RRR} \\ % Y \testkern{LLL}{-}{090}{-}{RRR} \\ % Z \testkern{LLL}{-}{097}{-}{RRR} \\ % a \testkern{LLL}{-}{026}{-}{RRR} \\ % ae \testkern{LLL}{-}{098}{-}{RRR} \\ % b \testkern{LLL}{-}{099}{-}{RRR} \\ % c \testkern{LLL}{-}{100}{-}{RRR} \\ % d \testkern{LLL}{-}{101}{-}{RRR} \\ % e \testkern{LLL}{-}{102}{-}{RRR} \\ % f \testkern{LLL}{-}{011}{-}{RRR} \\ % ff/arrowup \testkern{LLL}{-}{012}{-}{RRR} \\ % fi/arrowdown \testkern{LLL}{-}{013}{-}{RRR} \\ % fl/quotesingle \testkern{LLL}{-}{014}{-}{RRR} \\ % ffi/exclamdown \testkern{LLL}{-}{015}{-}{RRR} \\ % ffl/questiondown \testkern{LLL}{-}{103}{-}{RRR} \\ % g \testkern{LLL}{-}{104}{-}{RRR} \\ % h \testkern{LLL}{-}{105}{-}{RRR} \\ % i \testkern{LLL}{-}{016}{-}{RRR} \\ % dotlessi \testkern{LLL}{-}{025}{-}{RRR} \\ % germandbls \testkern{LLL}{-}{106}{-}{RRR} \\ % j \testkern{LLL}{-}{017}{-}{RRR} \\ % dotlessj \testkern{LLL}{-}{107}{-}{RRR} \\ % k \testkern{LLL}{-}{108}{-}{RRR} \\ % l \testkern{LLL}{-}{170}{-}{RRR} \\ % lslash \testkern{LLL}{-}{109}{-}{RRR} \\ % m \testkern{LLL}{-}{110}{-}{RRR} \\ % n \testkern{LLL}{-}{111}{-}{RRR} \\ % o \testkern{LLL}{-}{027}{-}{RRR} \\ % oe \testkern{LLL}{-}{028}{-}{RRR} \\ % oslash \testkern{LLL}{-}{112}{-}{RRR} \\ % p \testkern{LLL}{-}{113}{-}{RRR} \\ % q \testkern{LLL}{-}{114}{-}{RRR} \\ % r \testkern{LLL}{-}{115}{-}{RRR} \\ % s \testkern{LLL}{-}{116}{-}{RRR} \\ % t \testkern{LLL}{-}{117}{-}{RRR} \\ % u \testkern{LLL}{-}{118}{-}{RRR} \\ % v \testkern{LLL}{-}{119}{-}{RRR} \\ % w \testkern{LLL}{-}{120}{-}{RRR} \\ % x \testkern{LLL}{-}{121}{-}{RRR} \\ % y \testkern{LLL}{-}{122}{-}{RRR} \\ % z \testkern{LLL}{-}{000}{-}{RRR} \\ % Gamma \testkern{LLL}{-}{001}{-}{RRR} \\ % Delta \testkern{LLL}{-}{002}{-}{RRR} \\ % Theta \testkern{LLL}{-}{003}{-}{RRR} \\ % Lambda \testkern{LLL}{-}{004}{-}{RRR} \\ % Xi \testkern{LLL}{-}{005}{-}{RRR} \\ % Pi \testkern{LLL}{-}{006}{-}{RRR} \\ % Sigma \testkern{LLL}{-}{007}{-}{RRR} \\ % Upsilon \testkern{LLL}{-}{008}{-}{RRR} \\ % Phi \testkern{LLL}{-}{009}{-}{RRR} \\ % Psi \testkern{LLL}{-}{010}{-}{RRR} \\ % Omega \iffalse \testkern{LLL}{-}{128}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{129}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{130}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{131}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{132}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{133}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{134}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{135}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{136}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{137}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{139}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{140}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{141}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{142}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{143}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{144}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{145}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{146}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{147}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{148}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{149}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{150}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{151}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{152}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{153}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{154}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{155}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{156}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{157}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{158}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{159}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{160}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{161}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{162}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{163}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{164}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{165}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{166}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{167}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{168}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{169}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{171}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{172}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{173}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{174}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{175}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{176}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{177}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{178}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{179}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{180}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{181}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{182}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{183}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{184}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{185}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{186}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{187}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{188}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{189}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{190}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{191}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{192}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{193}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{194}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{195}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{196}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{197}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{198}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{199}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{200}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{201}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{202}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{203}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{204}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{205}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{206}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{207}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{208}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{209}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{210}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{211}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{212}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{213}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{214}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{215}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{216}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{217}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{218}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{219}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{220}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{221}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{222}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{223}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{224}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{225}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{226}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{227}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{228}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{229}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{230}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{231}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{232}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{233}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{234}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{235}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{236}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{237}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{238}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{239}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{240}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{241}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{242}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{243}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{244}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{245}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{246}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{247}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{248}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{249}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{250}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{251}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{252}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{253}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{254}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \testkern{LLL}{-}{255}{-}{RRR} \\ % .notdef. \fi \end{kerntable} \end{document} %</template&ot1> % \end{macrocode} % % That's it. % % \Finale